合肥不错 养人之城

发布时间:2024-9-05 | 杂志分类:其他

合肥不错 养人之城

102 银泰中心 庐阳区长江中路 98 号 地铁 2 号线四牌楼站<br>百大鼓楼 庐阳区宿州路 96 号 地铁 2 号线四牌楼站<br>百货大楼 庐阳区长江中路 150 号 地铁 2 号线四牌楼站 <br>万达广场(包河店) 包河区马鞍山路 130 号 地铁 1 号线包公园站<br>包河万象汇 包河区龙川路 200 号 地铁 4 号线望湖城南站<br>方圆荟(世纪金源购物中心) 包河区徽州大道 5558 号 地铁 1 号线紫庐站<br>悦方 IDmall 包河区紫云路与庐州大道交口 地铁 1 号线紫庐站<br>银泰百货(滨湖店) 包河区庐州大道与云谷路交口 地铁 1 号线云谷路站<br>融创茂 包河区庐州大道 800 号 地铁 1 号线万达城站<br>之心城 国购广场 蜀山区长江西路 189 号、199 号 地铁 2 号线三里庵站下<br>万象城 蜀山区潜山路 111 号 地铁 4 号线天鹅湖<br>万达广场(蜀山店) 蜀山区南二环路 3818 号 地铁... [收起]
合肥不错 养人之城
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102 银泰中心 庐阳区长江中路 98 号 地铁 2 号线四牌楼站<br>百大鼓楼 庐阳区宿州路 96 号 地铁 2 号线四牌楼站<br>百货大楼 庐阳区长江中路 150 号 地铁 2 号线四牌楼站 <br>万达广场(包河店) 包河区马鞍山路 130 号 地铁 1 号线包公园站<br>包河万象汇 包河区龙川路 200 号 地铁 4 号线望湖城南站<br>方圆荟(世纪金源购物中心) 包河区徽州大道 5558 号 地铁 1 号线紫庐站<br>悦方 IDmall 包河区紫云路与庐州大道交口 地铁 1 号线紫庐站<br>银泰百货(滨湖店) 包河区庐州大道与云谷路交口 地铁 1 号线云谷路站<br>融创茂 包河区庐州大道 800 号 地铁 1 号线万达城站<br>之心城 国购广场 蜀山区长江西路 189 号、199 号 地铁 2 号线三里庵站下<br>万象城 蜀山区潜山路 111 号 地铁 4 号线天鹅湖<br>万达广场(蜀山店) 蜀山区南二环路 3818 号 地铁 3 号线合肥大剧院站<br>银泰百货(政务店) 蜀山区潜山路 190 号 地铁 3 号线市政务中心站<br>砂之船奥莱 蜀山区长宁大道 1888 号 地铁 4 号线量子科学中心站<br>中环城 蜀山区繁华大道与翡翠路交口 地铁 3 号线繁华大道<br>万达广场(瑶海店) 瑶海区临泉东路 277 号 地铁 2 号线漕冲站<br>宝业东城广场 瑶海区长江东路 504 号 地铁 2 号线东七里站<br>龙湖合肥瑶海天街 瑶海区长江东路与王岗路交口 地铁 2 号线王岗站<br>合肥购物商场资讯<br>Hefei Shopping Malls and Stores<br>102 (not exhaustive)<br>(部分)


103<br>Intime Centre 98 Changjiang Zhonglu, Luyang <br>District Sipailou Station, Metro Line 2 <br>Gulou Department Store 96 Suzhou Lu, Luyang District Sipailou Station, Metro Line 2<br>Hefei Department Store 150 Changjiang Zhonglu, <br>Luyang District Sipailou Station, Metro Line 2<br>Wanda Plaza, Baohe Store 130 Ma'anshan Lu, Baohe District Baogongyuan Station, Metro Line 1<br>The Mixc, Baohe 200 Longchuan Lu, Baohe District Wanghu Chengnan Station, <br>Metro Line 4<br>Sky Square<br> (Empark Grand Shopping Center) 5558 Huizhou Dadao, Baohe District Zilu Station, Metro Line 1<br>Yuefang ID mall Intersection of Ziyun Lu and Luzhou <br>Dadao, Baohe District Zilu Station, Metro Line 1<br>Intime Department Store, <br>Binhu Outlet<br>Intersection of Luzhou Dadao and <br>Yungu Lu, Baohe District Yungulu Station, Metro Line 1<br>Sunac Mall 800 Luzhou Dadao, Baohe District Wandacheng Station, Metro Line 1<br>Zhixincheng, and Guogou Plaza 189 and 199 Changjiang Xilu, <br>Shushan District Sanli’an Station, Metro Line 2<br>The Mixc 111 Qianshan Lu, Shushan District Tian’ehu (Swan Lake) Station, Metro <br>Line 4<br>Wanda Plaza, Shushan Store 3818, Nan’er Huanglu (south stretch <br>of the 2nd Ring Road), Shushan District<br>Hefei Dajuyuan (Grand Theater) <br>Station, Metro Line 3<br>Intime Department Store, <br>Zhengwu Outlet 190 Qianshan Lu, Shushan District Zhengwu Zhongxin Station,<br> Metro Line 3<br>Sand Ship Outlets 1888 Changning Dadao, <br>Shushan District<br>Liangzi Kexue Zhongxin (Quantum <br>Science Center) Station, Metro Line 4<br>Zhonghuancheng Intersection of Fanhua Dadao and <br>Feicui Lu, Shushan District Fanhua Dadao Station, Metro Line 3<br>Wanda Plaza, Yaohai Store 277 Linquan Donglu, Yaohai District Caochong Station, Metro Line 2<br>Baoye Dongcheng Guangchang 504 Changjiang Donglu, Yaohai District Dongqili Station, Metro Line 2<br>Longhu Yaohai Tianjie Intersection of Changjiang Donglu and <br>Wanggang Lu, Yaohai District Wanggang Station, Metro Line 2<br>103<br>


104 05 Hefei provides convenient and comprehensive service information. The metro, <br>bus and other travel information is easily accessible, emergency hotlines such <br>as 120 for medical emergency, 110 for public security and 119 for fire alarm are <br>available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week providing you with safety protection at <br>any moment. Hefei advocates civility and safe tourism and will work to create a <br>beautiful and harmonious travel environment for you.<br>Service Information


105<br>服务<br>资<br>讯<br>  合肥服务资讯全面便捷。地铁、公交等交通资讯<br>全面,医疗急救 120、公安 110、火警 119 等应急电<br>话 24 小时为您服务,安全守护每一刻。<br>  合肥倡导文明、安全旅游,携手共创美好和谐的<br>旅行环境。<br>


106 交通资讯<br>Transport Information<br>合肥新桥国际机场共有 28 家境内外航司投入航<br>班运营,国内国际及地区定期客运航线 120 条,<br>覆盖国内外 70 余个城市和地区。<br>机场大巴各路线基本情况:合肥客运机场巴士目前<br>设有 4 条旅客班线覆盖主要城区,连接火车站、汽<br>车站、地铁站,30 分钟一班,白天客流高峰时段<br>20 分钟一班。<br>从市区前往机场的 4 条线路分别是:<br>  1 号线始发客运总站,途经明光路汽车站、栢<br>景假日酒店(北一环);<br>  2 号线始发寿春路航站楼,途经同程旅游(长<br>江中路与六安路交口)、汽车客运西站;<br>  3 号线空铁快线始发汽车客运南站,途经高铁<br>南站候机厅;<br>  4 号线始发天鹅湖大酒店,途经皇冠假日酒店、<br>十里庙盛世宾馆、汽车客运西站。<br>合肥新桥国际机场<br>Hefei Xinqiao International Airport has a total of 28 domestic and foreign <br>airlines operating 120 regular domestic and international passenger <br>routes to over 70 cities and regions at home and abroad.<br>Service Hotline: 0551-63777888 <br>Complaint Hotline: 0551-63777315<br>Passenger bus (airport shuttle bus), ticket price: 25 yuan\/ticket<br>Basic information about airport bus routes: Hefei Airport Bus currently <br>operates with 4 routes, covering major urban areas, connecting train <br>stations, bus terminals, and metro lines. The departure frequency is <br>usually every 30 minutes, but every 20 minutes during the daytime peak <br>hours. The four shuttle bus lines between the city and the airport are:<br>Line 1: departs the Master Bus Terminal and passes Mingguanglu Bus <br>Terminal and Parkview Hotel (along the north part of the first ring road);<br>Line 2: departs Shouchunlu Airport Terminal and passes Tongcheng <br>Tourism Agent (at the intersection of Changjiang Zhonglu and Lu'an Lu) <br>and the West Bus Terminal;<br>Line 3: an air-rail express line, which departs the South Bus Terminal and <br>passes the waiting hall of the high-speed railway Hefeinan Station;<br>Line 4: departs Swan Lake Hotel and passes Crowne Plaza Hotel, <br>Shilimiao Shengshi Hotel, and the West Bus Terminal.<br>Hefei Xinqiao International Airport<br>服务热线:0551-63777888<br>投诉电话:0551-63777315<br>旅客大巴(机场大巴)票价 25 元\/张<br>106


107<br>航空售票处<br>Air ticket office<br>1 民航合肥售票中心 庐阳区寿春路 212 号 0551-62676082<br>2 民航机场售票处 机场大厅内 0551-63777666<br>3 金环售票处 包河区屯溪路 528 号 0551-63665151<br>4 银杏苑售票处 包河区徽州大道 148 号 0551-63413226<br>5 政务中心售票处 包河区东流路 100 号政务中心三区 C 座 0551-63538978<br>6 芜湖路售票处 包河区徽州大道 287 号 0551-62880036<br>7 高新区售票处 蜀山区长江西路 669 号 0551-65322000<br>8 民航琥珀山庄售票处 蜀山区大西门赵岗 12 号 0551-62811900<br>9 开发区售票处 经济技术开发区芙蓉路与翡翠路交口 0551-63811383<br>1 Civil Aviation Hefei Ticket Center 212 Shouchun Lu, Luyang District 0551-62676082<br>2 Airport Ticket Office In the airport lobby 0551-63777666<br>3 Jinhuan Ticket Office 528 Tunxi Lu, Baohe District 0551-63665151<br>4 Yinxingyuan Ticket Office 148 Huizhou Dadao, Baohe District 0551-63413226<br>5 Zhengwu Zhongxin Ticket Office 100 Dongliu Lu, Section C, Zone 3, Zhengwu Zhongxin, <br>Baohe District 0551-63538978<br>6 Wuhulu Ticket Office 287 Huizhou Dadao, Baohe District 0551-62880036<br>7 Gaoxinqu Ticket Office 669 Changjiang Xilu, Shushan District 0551-65322000<br>8 Hupo Shanzhuang Ticket Office 12 Zhaogang Lu, Daximen, Shushan District 0551-62811900<br>9 Kaifaqu Ticket Office At the Intersection of Furong Lu and Feicui Lu, Hefei <br>Economic and Technological Development Area 0551-63811383<br>107


108 地址<br>合肥市瑶海区站前路 1 号<br>联系电话<br>0551-64243311<br>交通<br>1 路、10 路、11 路、21 路、152 路、147 路、<br>801 路、226 路、301 路公交均可到达;<br>轨道交通 1 号线、3 号线“合肥火车站”<br>站下<br>合肥站<br>Hefei Railway Station<br>1 Zhanqian Lu, Yaohai District<br>Contact number: 0551-64243311<br>Bus and metro lines leading to the station: bus <br>lines 1, 10, 11, 21, 152, 147, 801, 226, and 301; <br>metro lines 1 and 3<br>108


109<br>地址<br>合肥市包河区徽州大道和庐州大道交口<br>联系电话<br>0551-63516114<br>交通<br>4 路、9 路、31 路、65 路、99 路、108<br>路、131 路、509 路、11 路、156 路 公<br>交均可到达;轨道交通 1 号线、4 号线、<br>5 号线“合肥南站”站下<br>合肥南站<br>Hefeinan Railway Station<br>At the intersection of Huizhou Dadao <br>and Luzhou Dadao, Baohe District<br>Contact number: 0551-63516114<br>Bus and metro lines leading to the station: bus <br>lines 4, 9, 31, 65, 99, 108, 131, 509, 11, and <br>156; metro lines 1, 4, and 5<br>


110 110 公路客运<br>Hefei Main Long-Distance Bus Terminal <br>Zhanqian Donglu, Yaohai District<br>Contact number: 0551-64241111<br>Hefei Tourist Bus Terminal<br>300 meters west of Hefei Railway Station along <br>Zhanqian Lu, Yaohai District<br>Contact number: 0551-64255878<br>Hefei’s Provincial Long-Distance Bus Terminal<br>35 Shengli Lu, Yaohai District<br>Contact number: 0551-64296413<br>合肥市汽车客运总站<br>  合肥市瑶海区站前东路<br>  0551-64241111<br>合肥市旅游汽车站<br>  合肥市瑶海区站前路 ( 火车站西 300 米 )<br>  0551-64255878<br>合肥市省客长途汽车站<br>  合肥市瑶海区胜利路 35 号<br>  0551-64296413<br>公交巴士<br>Urban Bus Service <br>The fare for a bus ride in the urban areas is 2 <br>yuan, and most buses offer self-ticketing service. <br>Passengers pay by dropping coins into a box (no <br>changes are given). There is a 30% discount using <br>the digital Hefei transport card.<br>城区公交 2 元 \/ 人次,多数公交车无人售票,<br>上车自动投币不找零钱,可手机扫码支付,<br>使用合肥交通卡可以享受七折优惠。<br>Highway passenger transport (inter-city bus service)


111<br>轨道交通<br>Metro<br>There are a total of 5 metro lines in operation, namely, <br>metro lines 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The network covers four <br>urban districts: Yaohai, Baohe, Shushan, and Luyang, <br>and two counties: Feixi and Feidong, with a total length of <br>about 210 kilometers and 161 stations along the lines.<br>合肥轨道交通运营线路共有 5 条,包括 1、2、<br>3、4、5 号线,线网覆盖合肥瑶海区、包河区、<br>蜀山区、庐阳区、肥西县、肥东县,运营线<br>路总长约 210 千米,全线共设 161 座站点。<br>111<br>111<br>


112 旅游咨询 Tourist Information Services 合肥旅游咨询中心 <br>  合肥市瑶海区胜利路大窑湾 5 号<br>  4008870551<br>合肥新桥机场旅游咨询中心 <br>  合肥市新桥机场国内抵达出口右侧<br>  4008870551<br>合肥高铁南站旅游咨询中心 <br>  合肥市高铁南站抵达层<br>  4008870551<br>合肥淮河路步行街旅游信息咨询中心 <br>  合肥市淮河路步行街东段明教寺旁<br>  4008870551<br>Hefei Tourist Information Center<br>5 Dayaowan, Shengli Lu, Yaohai District<br>Contact number: 4008870551<br>Hefei Xinqiao Airport <br>Tourist Information Center<br>On the right side of the exit of the domestic arrivals<br>Contact number: 4008870551<br>High-speed Railway Hefeinan Station <br>Tourist Information Center<br>At the arrival floor of the High-speed Railway <br>Hefeinan Station<br>Contact number: 4008870551<br>Huaihe Lu Pedestrian Street <br>Tourist Information Center<br>Next to the Mingjiao Temple, East Section of <br>Huaihe Lu Pedestrian Street<br>Contact number: 4008870551<br>112


113<br>安徽医科大学第一附属医院 <br>  合肥市蜀山区绩溪路 218 号<br>  0551-62922114<br>安徽中医药大学第一附属医院<br>  合肥市蜀山区梅山路 117 号<br>  0551-62838605<br>中国科学技术大学附属第一医院 ( 安徽省立医院 ) <br>  合肥市庐阳区庐江路 17 号<br>  0551-62283114<br>医疗指南<br>常用电话<br>Guide to Major Medical Facilities<br>Regular telephone<br>旅游投诉 Tourism complaint 12301<br>电话号码查询 Telephone number inquiry 114<br>物价投诉 Price Complaints 12358<br>出租车投诉 Taxi Complaints 96333<br>匪警 Police 110<br>First Affiliated Hospital of <br>Anhui Medical University<br>218 Jixi Lu, Shushan District<br>Contact number: 0551-62922114<br>First Affiliated Hospital of <br>Anhui University of Chinese Medicine<br>117 Meishan Lu, Shushan District<br>Contact number: 0551-62838605<br>First Affiliated Hospital of the University of<br>Science and Technology of China<br>(Anhui Provincial Hospital)<br>17 Lujiang Lu, Luyang District<br>Contact number: 0551-62283114<br>急救 Emergency 120<br>交通事故应急 Traffic Accident 122<br>市长热线 Mayor's Hotline 12345<br>火警 Fire Service 119<br>天气预报 Weather Forecast 121<br>113


114 文明旅游公约<br>Civility Travel Convention<br>  重安全、讲礼仪、不喧哗、杜陋习、守良俗、<br>明事理、爱环境、护古迹、文明行、最得体。<br>中国公民国内旅游文明行为公约<br>  营造文明、和谐的旅游环境,关系到每位游<br>客的切身利益。做文明游客是我们大家的义务,<br>请遵守以下公约:<br>1. 维护环境卫生<br>  不随地吐痰和口香糖,不乱扔废弃物,不在<br>禁烟场所吸烟。<br>2. 遵守公共秩序<br>  不喧哗吵闹,排队遵守秩序,不并行挡道,<br>不在公众场所高声交谈。<br>3. 保护生态环境<br>  不踩踏绿地,不摘折花木和果实,不追捉、<br>投打、乱喂动物。<br>4. 保护文物古迹<br>  不在文物古迹上涂刻,不攀爬触摸文物,拍<br>照摄像遵守规定。<br>5. 爱惜公共设施<br>  不污损客房用品,不损坏公用设施,不贪占<br>小便宜,节约用水用电,用餐不浪费。<br>Be aware of safety and follow the code of courtesy; avoid loud <br>conversation and respect fellow passengers; maintain good <br>moral standards; protect the environment and historical sites; <br>and behave appropriately on public transport or in public <br>places. <br>Convention of Chinese Citizens on Good Behavior in <br>Domestic Travelling<br>A civilized and harmonious tourism environment is good for <br>all tourists, and to be polite and courteous when touring is the <br>duty of everyone. You are expected to abide by the following <br>rules:<br>1.Keep the environment clean<br>Do not spit or discard chew gum casually; do not litter; and do <br>not smoke in non-smoking areas.<br>2.Maintain public order<br>Do not shout; queue when required or necessary; do not <br>walk side by side to block the way; and do not engage in loud <br>conversations in public places.<br>3.Protect ecological environment<br>Keep off the grass; do not pick flowers and fruits or break <br>twigs; do not chase, catch, throw objects at, or feed animals.<br>4.Respect cultural relics and historic sites<br>Do not scribble or engrave on cultural and historical remains; <br>do not climb on or touch cultural relics; and follow the rules <br>when taking photos and videos.<br>5. Take care of utilities<br>Do not smudge or damage guest room supplies or furniture; <br>do not damage public facilities; and do not try to make small <br>gains at other’s expense; conserve water and electricity; <br>114


115<br>安全旅游提示<br>Safe Travel Tips<br>① 要做好出行准备,合理规划路线<br>② 到正规旅行社报名旅游,自身权益有保障<br>③ 网络报名购买旅游产品,多了解、看仔细<br>④ 认真签订旅游合同<br>⑤ 文明出行,注意人身财产安全<br>① Make good preparations for your journey and plan <br>your itinerary properly;<br>② Register for a tour with a legitimate travel agency to <br>ensure the protection of your own rights and interests; <br>③ Check and read carefully when registering online or <br>purchasing products for your trip;<br>④ Make sure you understand details when signing a <br>travel contract; <br>⑤ Behave properly on your tour and be mindful of your <br>personal and property safety.<br>115<br>6. 尊重别人权利<br>  不强行和外宾合影,不对着别人打喷嚏,不<br>长期占用公共设施,尊重服务人员的劳动,尊重<br>各民族宗教习俗。<br>7. 讲究以礼待人<br>  衣着整洁得体,不在公共场所袒胸赤膊;礼<br>让老幼病残,礼让女士;不讲粗话。<br>8. 提倡健康娱乐<br>  抵制封建迷信活动,拒绝黄、赌、毒。<br>6.Respect others<br>Do not take photos with foreigners without their permission; <br>do not sneeze at others; and do not occupy convenience <br>facilities for a long time; respect people providing services, <br>and honor religious customs of all ethnic minorities.<br>7.Be courteous to others<br>Dress neatly and appropriately, and do not go bare-chested <br>or shirtless in public places; give way to the elderly, the sick, <br>the disabled, children and ladies out of courtesy; do not use <br>vulgar language.<br>8. Promote healthy entertainment<br>Say no to feudal superstitious activities, and stay away from <br>pornography, gambling, and drug abuse.


116 和悦游平台是合肥市官方综合服务数字化平台,是合<br>肥文旅资源总门户、线上宣推总窗口、景区购票总入口,<br>贯穿合肥全域旅游的游前、游中、游后全周期,提供“吃、<br>住、行、游、娱、购”全场景一站式服务。<br>Heyueyou (Happy Tour) Platform is Hefei’s official digital platform offering <br>comprehensive services. It is the main portal to access the city’s cultural <br>and tourism resources, the main window for online promotion, and the <br>main entrance to the ticket offices of scenic areas. Its scope of service <br>extends to the entire \"before, during and after\" tourism in the whole area <br>of Hefei, and its one-stop services cover all aspects, including food, <br>accommodation, travel, sightseeing, entertainment, and shopping.<br>116<br>文旅年票    景区场馆    酒店民宿    合肥有礼 <br>攻略游记    餐饮美食    景点导览    研学线路<br>Food & Drinks<br>Annual Pass Hotels & Souvenirs of Hefei<br>Homestay Facilities<br>Travelogues Guide to Scenic Spots Routes for Study Tours<br>Scenic Areas & <br>Attractive Venues


117<br>1. 智慧景区 场馆服务<br>景区在线购票<br>文化场馆、休闲场所预约<br>2. 智能推荐 发现美食<br>美食打卡推荐;优惠餐饮团购<br>3. 民宿酒店 优质体验<br>用户偏好智能推荐;升级旅行体验<br>4. 合肥有礼 线上商城<br>景区自有 IP 周边、城市 IP 周边、区域<br>好物等服务<br>一码在手 畅游庐州<br>With just one QR code,<br>you can tour the entire city<br>1. Smart Scenic Area and Venue Services<br>Scenic Area Online Ticketing<br>Reservation for Cultural and Leisure Venues<br>2. Intelligent Delicacy Recommendations<br>Recommended Foods and Discounted Group Prices<br>3. High Quality Experience in Homestays<br>Users’ Preference-based Intelligent Recommendations <br>for Upgrading Your Travel Experience<br>4. Souvenirs of Hefei at Online Mall<br>Scenic area's own IP peripheral products, city’s IP <br>peripheral products and local specialties services<br>


118 合肥文旅年票是由合肥文旅博览集团发行,合肥市文化<br>和旅游局、合肥市林业和园林局力荐的合肥市文化旅游<br>惠民产品。<br>年票联动合肥市及安徽省内文化和旅游,整合热门旅游<br>景区、酒店民宿、剧场演艺、科创科普研学等文旅核心<br>资源,集纳了 20 +优质旅游“目的地”,一票在手,玩<br>遍合肥及周边地市精华目的地。<br>Issued by Hefei Cultural Tourism and Exposition <br>Group and recommended by Hefei Municipal <br>Bureau of Culture and Tourism and Hefei Forestry <br>and Landscape Administration, Hefei Annual Pass <br>for cultural tourism is a product for the benefit of <br>people.<br>The annual pass can be used at cultural and tourist <br>attractions in Hefei and even in the whole province, <br>including resorts, hotels, rural guesthouses, <br>theaters, places of technological innovation, <br>research and dissemination. With the pass, one can <br>visit more than 20 most popular tourist destinations <br>in Hefei and its neighboring cities.<br>合肥文旅年票<br>Hefei’s Annual Pass for<br>Cultural Tourism




120<br>未来大科学城 <br>Future Big-Science City
