敬请留意:由于印刷原因,故此图册所列产品之纹理及颜色与实物稍有差异,一切以实物为准。 Note:Since the printing reasons,there is a little difference about the texture and color between the printings and real products,please be subject to the real ones. 如有尺寸及款式变更,恕不另行通知。 Should any change,correction and alteration on them be occurred.Please be noted that it should not be our obligation to inform you of it 佛山市鑫固业办公家具有限公司 FOSHAN XINGUYE OFFICE FURNITURE CO., LTD 佛山市胜辉办公家具 FOSHAN SHENGHUI OFFICE FURNITURE 地 址:佛 山 市 顺 德 区 乐 从 镇 新 隆 村 商 业 ... [收起]
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敬请留意:由于印刷原因,故此图册所列产品之纹理及颜色与实物稍有差异,一切以实物为准。 Note:Since the printing reasons,there is a little difference about the texture and color between the printings and real products,please be subject to the real ones. 如有尺寸及款式变更,恕不另行通知。 Should any change,correction and alteration on them be occurred.Please be noted that it should not be our obligation to inform you of it 佛山市鑫固业办公家具有限公司 FOSHAN XINGUYE OFFICE FURNITURE CO., LTD 佛山市胜辉办公家具 FOSHAN SHENGHUI OFFICE FURNITURE 地 址:佛 山 市 顺 德 区 乐 从 镇 新 隆 村 商 业 街 九 号 扫一扫,加好友! 业 务 加好友! 门市地址:佛山市顺德区乐从镇凯亮家具首层第11后仓 电话:13715509998 罗广军 18664239525 业务电话 13928294787 投拆电话