TANG Shiyi_Portifio Update_compressed_compressed

发布时间:2024-8-24 | 杂志分类:其他

TANG Shiyi_Portifio Update_compressed_compressed

White-fin dolphins is known as \"Goddess of the Yangtze River\" and \"White Elf\" in China. However, since the second half of the 20th century, the number has been severely affected by the industry and fishery development in China. This \"living fossil\" that had lived in the Yangtze River for more than 20 million years has now disappeared. The purpose of this project is to commemorate the White-fin dolphins, people can listen to the White-fi...
TANG Shiyi_Portifio Update_compressed_compressed
粉丝: 0

Physical modle


White-fin dolphins is known as \"Goddess of the Yangtze River\" and \"White Elf\" in China. However, since

the second half of the 20th century, the number has been severely affected by the industry and fishery

development in China. This \"living fossil\" that had lived in the Yangtze River for more than 20 million years has

now disappeared. The purpose of this project is to commemorate the White-fin dolphins, people can listen to

the White-fin dolphins through the wave string, holographic projection, and mobile phone connection. People

who come to visit this place could be brought to a world with White-fin dolphins and learn about this lovely

species as well as reflect the problem of environmental pollution.

Project 6

Remembrance of White-fin



Originated from Tanggula

Mountain Glacier.

Yangtze River

Originated from Tanggula Mountain Glacier.

Upstream vegetation destruction

Upstream soil erosion

Midstream garbage floating

Fishermen overfishing

Downstream wastewater discharge


Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Upstream waters

Midstream waters

Sichuan Basin

SITE area

to live mainly in the

White-fin dolphin used

Yangtze River Delta

Downstream waters

Remembrance of White-fin Dolphin


Originated from Tanggula Mountain Glacier.

been destroyed.

and the baiji habitat has

has been over-exploited

bodies.The Yangtze River

eutrophication of water

in the biological chain, and

fish populations, problems

of fish, causing damage to

of fish catch a large number

middle and lower reaches

and lower reaches of the

Fishermen in the middle

water pollution.

Yangtze River, causing

s e w a g e i n t o t h e

w a s t e w a t e r a n d

factories discharged

a large number of

middle reaches,and

power plants in the

a large number of

The installation of

Soil erosion rate Upstream land erosion rate Midstream garbage floating rate Overfishing rate of fishermen Water flow purity rate Water eutrophication rate

Soil erosion area in 1940

Soil erosion area in 1980

Area of rubbish drifting in 1980

Area of rubbish drifting in 1940

Number of catches in 1980

Number of catches in 1940

Eutrophication area in 1980

Highest eroded area

Area eroded in 1940

Area eroded in 1980

Area of Pure Water Flow in 1940

Area of Pure Water Flow in 1980

Eutrophication area in 1940

Environmental tolerance level

Environmental tolerance level

Environmental tolerance level

Environmental tolerance level

Environmental tolerance level

Environmental tolerance level

to the Yangtze River ecosystem.

coastal cities have also caused serious damage

A large number of lake-filling cities in the lower

Frequent human

a c t i v i t i e s i n t h e

river area led to the

accidental death of

a small number of

baiji dolphins.Either

died of fish hooks,

or ship propellers,

o r b l a s t i n g

operations in the

river, or accidentally

entered the sluice.

in the river.

causing serious soil erosion,caused a lot of sediment

Vegetation in the upstream area was destroyed,







































1.1 1.3













1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6

sound signal has good diffractive conductivity and is suitable for the waters of the Yangtze River where there are more sediments.

sound with a frequency of 8-160 kHz, which plays a role in detecting the target; the other is a whistle sound with a frequency stable at 6 kHz, which is bWith a special underwater sounding instrument, dozens of different sounds such as \"tick\" and \"quack\" made by the Baiji dolphin can be heard. Daily soundFrequency K/Hz


White-fin dolphin call amplitude

Female White-fin Dolphin

Male White-fin Dolphin

stuns the fish.

resonate, which in turn

in the swim bladder to

school, causing the air

sound waves to the fish

ultra-high frequency

They also send out


dolphins more than

c a n h e a r t h e b a i j i

Hz.Therefore, children

audio of 3000-4000

children can hear the

2 0 - 2 0 0 0 H z , a n d

c a n h e a r i s a b o u t

The audio that humans


between the same kind. Communication signal. The

ds are classified into two categories: one is the \"tick\" 2.2




1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0



Plane road map

Plane zoning map

Plane view map

Plant zoning map


Main entrance and


Main entrance and

Quiet area

Central area

Rest area

Scooter station

Cruise ship pier

Best tour-sequence



Paving area

River beach area

Plant Distribution Density

Architecture Range

Center Landscape

central landscape

Observable range of


Lakeside landscape building


Observable range of lakeside

Observation perspective

Aquatic plants area


Lakeside landscape


Main road map


Secondary road

map (by boat)

Thirdary road

Off-site road

Can be crossed







演讲 实地游船


of companions.

locate the location

capture prey and

e c h o l o c a t i o n t o

t o b e u s e d f o r

i s e s t i m a t e d

T h e c l i c k s o u n d


than humans currently

m o r e c o m p l i c a t e d

s y s t e m s a r e m u c h

t h e i r l a n g u a g e

analysis and research,

other individuals. After

to communicate with

impulse may be used

Whistle sounds and


Plane map

Local axonometric small map










Music string grove















Yangtze River





After people walk on

the corridor, they will

eventually return to the

starting point in a slow

revolving stroll. And after

look ing down on the

corridor, you will have

their own feelings and

enjoy the unfavorable


3 River side tower

Central corridor




White-fin dolphins



Exploded view













After entering the Music

s t r i n g g ro ve, p e o p l e

could touch the strings

that been placed in the

forest. This simulates the

sound data recorded by

the White-fin dolphins,

allowing visitors to listen

to their language

The White-fin dolphins

pagoda located along

the banks of the Yangtze

River is like a White-fin

dolphins emerging from

and spinning in the water.

And it can be projected

as a simulated Whitefin dolphins swimming

freely in the Yangtze River



4m 8m


Multimedia can restore the mimicry tower on the mobile phone, showing the baiji

wandering on the Yangtze River

the White-fin Dolphin wandering on the Yangtze River.





T h e r e a r e m a n y i n t e r a c t i v e

ways in the park to let people

learn more about the White-fin

dolphins, such as the way to listen

to the \"singing\" of the White-fin

dolphins by fluctuating strings.

The interaction of mobile phone

simulating video makes the Whitefin dolphins really return to the

human world. At the same time,

they make people could pay

attention to endangered species

as to make a harmony between

man and nature.

Photographers from all over the

world love to come to the park

to take photos. This unique, quiet

and solemn snow-white world

provides photographers with

many materials and scenes. They

spread these films to the outside

so that people who have never

been to this place can also learn

about the White-fin dolphins with

world wide.

Many children have never seen

these \"white elves\". Because as

early as 2007, UNEP announced

that the baiji dolphins in the

Yangtze R iver in China were

declared extinct in December last

year. No matter how hard it is to

find the baiji dolphins. In this park,

children can learn a little bit about

them through sound, simulated

influence, etc., and understand

the importance of protecting the

environment and caring for small


Look, that's the

legend \"Goddess

of the Yangtze

River\" in China

Baiji dolphin, turns

out they look so


Wow, the shape

of this monum

-ent is so unique!

Mom, I really want

to h ave a c l o s e

contact with the

White fin Dolphin.

The atmosphe

-re here is pea

-ceful,quiet an

-d solemn, I am

very like being

alone stay here

quietly inside.


This project focuses on the analysis and study of the ASLA 2019 Honorable Mention: Public Sediments of

Alameda Creek. The Public Sediment of Alameda Creek is an implementable project that connects Alameda

Creek to its historic bay. Redesigning the water bodies in the Alameda Creek area takes advantage of the tidal

action of the bay to create a sustainable sediment transport. The resulting sediments raised the seabed to

accommodate rising sea levels, providing some relief from extreme flooding. Ho Chi Minh City was also plagued

by flooding problems caused by the destruction and filling of the river in its early years. I believe that redesigning

and dredging the river and using the sediment from the water flow to increase the height of the riverbed can

also reduce the impact of flooding and activate the ecology of the area around the water body. Economic factors.

It provides a sustainable supply of sediment to the bay marsh to accommodate sea level rise, reconnects

migratory fish to their historic spawning grounds and introduces a network of community spaces that transforms

the creek into a place for people to live, creating an active atmosphere and awareness around our public

sediment resources.

Project 7

Case study:Public Sediments

of Alameda Creek


Using the big white rabbit as the design element and inspiration, looking for sweet memories about milk

candy. For this generation, the big white rabbit is a beautiful memory of childhood. We hope to We hope to

inject the soul into the architectural space through the element of milk candy, so that the space becomes

warm and sweet. Through the illusory and ethereal space, we express our thoughts about the sweet memories

of childhood.

Project 1

Big White Rabbit Milk Candy

Nostalgic Space Design


This project uses Midjourney to draw a story that takes place in Ho Chi Minh City. The story is told from an actor

called Lila in Ho Chi Minh City. It takes place one evening when a sudden rainstorm and flooding shatters the

peace and quiet, flooding the streets. Lila's family had a small fruit stall, but it was also destroyed, adding to the

already poor family's woes. In addition, Lila's school was destroyed and the family could no longer afford to send

Lila to school, so she was forced to leave. Afterwards, Lila was forced to farm, work as a labourer and even marry

early. But Lila longed for safety, knowledge and freedom. After experiencing various disasters caused by flooding,

Lila participated in flood control projects and urban restoration projects. After repeated failed and successful

experiments, Lila and her teammates finally succeeded. Lila has dedicated her life to flooding governance. Lila

has dedicated her life to flooding governance, ecologically sustainable design of cities and the advancement of


Project 1

Backstory Of Ho Chi Minh City

Drawn In Ai



Huge flooding in Ho Chi Minh City, the school was washed away,the struture of school been broken,books are

washed everywhere,blackboard and desks are floating on water,nobody is here,,raining, many houses were

destroyed by flooding,details and compostition by George Mayer, high resolution, 32K Photorealistic highly

detailed hyperrealistic colorful Editorial Photography, Lensed by Tim Walker and painted by Hanna Yata, directed

by Alphonse Mucha, details and compostition by George Mayer, 3D, high resolution,YONIVERSE +Concept

art+alternative history by Takashi Murakami team + willywonka tech support, inside outside retro-futurism,

colorful Editorial Photography, Lensed by Tim Walker, painted by Hanna Yata, directed by Alphonse Mucha,

details, compostition by George Mayer, high resolution, 32K in yoni goddess fight by Allesandra Meskita brazil

+dream vision reality ritual YONI YONIVERSE GODDESS in location Oasis , intervention art director Tim Walker,

Ultra-realistic photo style, real lighting, real shadows

Ho Chi Minh City, flood, dark, rainy, night, many women are picking up garbage in the heavy rain, women are

setting up fruit stalls on the side of the road, women are sweeping the floor, women are running, women are

taking care of children, the road is dirty, houses are dilapidated,,details and compostition by George Mayer,

high resolution, 32K Photorealistic highly detailed hyperrealistic colorful Editorial Photography, Lensed by

Tim Walker and painted by Hanna Yata, directed by Alphonse Mucha, details and compostition by George

Mayer, 3D, high resolution,YONIVERSE +Concept art +Hi-art direction by hedonistic mahem +alternative

history by Takashi Murakami team + willywonka tech support, inside outside retro-futurism, colorful Editorial

Photography, Lensed by Tim Walker, painted by Hanna Yata, directed by Alphonse Mucha, details, compostition

by George Mayer, high resolution, 32K in yoni goddess fight by Allesandra Meskita brazil +dream vision reality

ritual YONI YONIVERSE GODDESS in location Oasis , intervention art director Tim Walker + helmut newton +

Robert Maplethorpe in the Steven Meisel quantum computing AI bot ultra fashion vogue style surreal visionary

epic subtle enigma enveloping consciousness synesthesia driven attractive base desire inertia dark expansion

Realistic, Find me where heaven meets the sky.

Midjourney keywords:

An old Asian women with white hair,she is smile very happy,she wear white shirt,details and compostition by

George Mayer, high resolution, 32K Photorealistic highly detailed hyperrealistic colorful Editorial Photography,

Lensed by Tim Walker and painted by Hanna Yata, directed by Alphonse Mucha, details and compostition by

George Mayer, 3D, high resolution,YONIVERSE +Concept art+alternative history by Takashi Murakami team +

willywonka tech support, inside outside retro-futurism, colorful Editorial Photography, Lensed by Tim Walker,

painted by Hanna Yata, directed by Alphonse Mucha, details, compostition by George Mayer, high resolution,

32K in yoni goddess fight by Allesandra Meskita brazil +dream vision reality ritual YONI YONIVERSE GODDESS

in location Oasis , intervention art director Tim Walker, Ultra-realistic photo style, real lighting, real shadows.



The work is mainly a light and strange way and a little black girl's point of view, to express some of the joys

and injustices she encountered in the process of growing up. Part of the work imitates the writing style and her

handwriting, showing the first-person perspective of the child's inner turmoil and confusion, as well as joy and

expectation, and dissatisfaction and anger in different growing up environments. The content of the acid paper

in the work is mainly a child's dream to show her understanding and impression of the adult world, she may

not understand a lot of thing in the adult world, but she shows us her understanding from a child's point of

view. The theme of the work is to criticize racial discrimination and the injustice that black people encounter in

society, and it is expressed in a subtle way from a child's point of view.

Project 2

Notebook Of



Project 3

Dinosaur Jr. UI Design

The main character of the UI design is a little green dinosaur, showing its interesting daily life in different forms

and states. The UI design incorporates the elements of homepage, loading page, advertisement page, guide

page and so on, which are needed in web design. And the design is extended to book design, Powe Point layout

design, poster design, etc., to bring users a unique visual experience.
