/ D Series 116
Sit on D1 sofas and absorb knowledge with relaxed mind and gestures. The \"Island\" configuration
including one/two/three-seat sofas breaks the communication baffle so everyone can be seen and
heard. The mobility white board records every pop-up ideas. Small stools can be added or removed
to adapt to more or less participants. Flexible, cozy, and convenient.
Training \"Island\", Cozy Learning
培训岛 培训学习 如家一般轻松惬意
The short and round stool is inspired by
the delicious macarons, adding more fun
and taste to spaces. The open handle
makes it easy to lift and move around.
Artistic Round Stool for Higher Mobility
浑圆可爱 的脚 凳,平顶 微 凸,弧 腹 饱
艺术圆脚凳 移动办公位