
发布时间:2023-9-21 | 杂志分类:其他


{{`发布时间:2023-9-21`}} | 云展网画册制作 宣传册 其他 高林色卡文件
01<br>家具用高林,无醛更安芯<br>The orderly texture and advanced and unique colors of technology <br>wood can just enrich the sense of spatial layering and ncrease the <br>recognition of the color, which makes this color have bothodern and <br>natural texture and high flexibility in design and collocation.<br>科技木有序的纹理与高级独特的色彩,可以恰到好处地丰<br>富空间层次感增添花色的辨识度,使得这款花色兼具了现<br>代与自然的质感,在设计搭配中灵活度较高。<br>GL1003 鱼尾灰 钢板:维格麻 钢板:梵音秋香木<br>GL1001 凯尔鸡翅木<br>钢板:银缕尤... [收起]
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01<br>家具用高林,无醛更安芯<br>The orderly texture and advanced and unique colors of technology <br>wood can just enrich the sense of spatial layering and ncrease the <br>recognition of the color, which makes this color have bothodern and <br>natural texture and high flexibility in design and collocation.<br>科技木有序的纹理与高级独特的色彩,可以恰到好处地丰<br>富空间层次感增添花色的辨识度,使得这款花色兼具了现<br>代与自然的质感,在设计搭配中灵活度较高。<br>GL1003 鱼尾灰 钢板:维格麻 钢板:梵音秋香木<br>GL1001 凯尔鸡翅木<br>钢板:银缕尤加利<br>GL1002 艾德科技木


02 GL1005 摩斯橡木 GL1004 深空灰 GL1006 麒麟石<br>The faint solid color and oak texture set off each otherbringing a <br>clear visual sense, and the hand can clearly feel the oak texture and <br>the looming color layering. The evenly-toned Whirlpool Oak is very <br>suitable for low-key and restrained design, and the urface texture and <br>interwoven line sense give the design more possibilities.<br>独特的烟熏色与橡木纹理相互映衬,带来清晰的视触觉和若隐若<br>现的色彩层次感,色调均匀的漩沐橡木非常适合用于低调内敛的<br>设计,表面纹理与交织的线条感,赋予设计更多的可能<br>钢板:梵音秋香木 钢板:海砂采石<br>钢板:维格麻


03<br>家具用高林,无醛更安芯<br>GL1008 钛金灰<br>GL1007 方舟科技木<br>\"Originated from nature and higher than nature\", slightly undulating <br>texture hides the highlights of technology wood, which is comfortable <br>and natural as a whole and brings a sense of extension to the space. It is <br>modern, simple, fashionable and versatile, in line with the aesthetics of <br>contemporary decoration style.<br>“源于自然而高于自然”,轻微起伏的纹理,将科技木的亮点<br>隐藏其中,整体的舒适自然,给空间带来延伸感,既现代简约,<br>又时尚百搭,符合当代装修风格的审美<br>钢板:维格麻<br>钢板:银缕尤加利<br>


04 GL1010 卡姆灰<br>GL1009 赤炫石<br>Such as red inflammation as fine texture, spread in the light yellow sand, both <br>full of modern art, and natural smooth stone muscle texture, brick surface has a <br>charming sense of layering and three-dimensional sense, low-key through the <br>charming noble gas.<br>如赤炎般细密纹理,蔓延在淡黄细沙之上,既充满现代艺术感,<br>又有自然流畅的石肌纹理,砖面具有迷人的层次感与立体感,<br>低调中透着迷人的贵气。<br>钢板:天梭纹<br>钢板:海砂采石<br>


05<br>家具用高林,无醛更安芯<br>GL1011 里沙胡桃<br>GL1012 素<br>Is also an ordinary walnut with a slightly rough touch and traces of natural <br>growth, but it can perfectly interpret the simple and pure characteristics of <br>walnut. When used in the silent style, whether it is the paving of the parapet <br>or the building of the cabinet, it can bring a rich sense of depth and artistic <br>conception to the space.<br>一款平凡而普通的胡桃木,略微粗糙的触感,自然生长的痕迹,<br>但能完美地诠释出胡桃木朴素纯粹的特征。运用在侘寂风格中,<br>不管是护墙铺贴还是柜身的打造,都能给空间带来富有层次的<br>纵深感和意境。<br>钢板:天梭纹<br>钢板:雨润胡桃


06 GL1013 克兰胡桃<br>GL1014 古董白<br>The relaxed grain is highly malleable. It is not overly luxurious through calm <br>and advanced color presentation, and it is a bit more elegant than simplicity. <br>It can be used in cream style to create a private domain where natural <br>atmosphere and moder.<br>张弛有度的纹路,可塑性强,通过沉稳高级的色彩呈现,既不<br>过份奢华,又比简约多了几分气质,惬意又彰显优雅,可用于<br>奶油风格中,打造自然气息与现代时尚交汇的私属领域。<br>钢板:天梭纹<br>钢板:雨润胡桃<br>


07<br>家具用高林,无醛更安芯<br>GL1015 赤焰石<br>GL1016 格兰毯纹<br>On the choice of lifestyle, we never stop exploring, is unswervingly <br>approaching the romanticism of space aesthetics, or, simply do <br>not do the choice, but follow the heart, and achieve the ideal life <br>in the name of freedom.<br>关于生活方式的选择,我们从未停止探寻,是坚定不<br>移地走近空间美学的浪漫主义,又或者,干脆不做选<br>择题,而是遵循内心,成就以自由为名的理想生活。<br>钢板:海砂采石<br>钢板:天梭纹


08 GL1017 迪克皮纹<br>GL1018 诺曼胡桃<br>An extremely classic walnut, with half-mountain lines and straight <br>lines staggered, clear and even, like a breeze blowing through the <br>layers of ripples on the Rhone River, chic and restrained, showing <br>the romance of exclusive European culture. Perfect for different <br>space areas, elegance is never out of date.<br>一款极其经典的胡桃木,半山纹和直纹交错排列,清<br>晰而均匀,像阵阵微风吹过罗纳河泛起的层层波纹,<br>潇洒又内敛,展现出专属欧洲文化的浪漫。完美适用<br>于不同的空间区域,优雅永不过时。<br>钢板:小荔枝纹<br>钢板:雨润胡桃


09<br>家具用高林,无醛更安芯<br>GL1019 德希榆木<br>GL1020 银灰<br>The moist wood grain reveals harmonious colors, and the wood <br>texture is moist without losing its charm. The texture is straight <br>and concise, but it is not dull; The mountain lines are clear and <br>tidy, but they are not chaotic. All these things flow naturally and <br>are made in heaven. <br>温润的木纹透露出和谐的色彩,木质质感温润而不失<br>韵味。纹理直线简洁,却不呆板乏味;山纹清晰而有致,<br>又不显杂乱无章,这一切自然流淌,天造地设。<br>GAOLINJINGBAN 钢板:弦途榆木<br>钢板:维格麻<br>


10 The wood grain of this technology wood is more delicate, the <br>overall comfortable and natural, simple and generous, combined <br>with low-key and concise light gray, giving the space an infinite <br>sense of extension, both modern and simple, and stylish, in line <br>with the aesthetic of contemporary decoration style<br>这款科技木的木纹较细腻,整体舒适自然,简洁大方,<br>结合低调简练的浅灰色,给予空间带来无限的延伸感,<br>既现代简约,又时尚百搭,符合当代装修风格的审美<br>GAOLINJINGBAN<br>GL1021 约克科技木<br>GL1022 海浪灰<br>钢板:银缕尤加利<br>钢板:维格麻<br>


11<br>家具用高林,无醛更安芯<br>GL1024 贝格白腊木 GL1023 克林胡桃<br>The relaxed grain is highly malleable. It is not overly luxurious through <br>calm and advanced color presentation, and it is a bit more elegant than <br>simplicity. It can be used in cream style to create a private domain where <br>natural atmosphere and moder.<br>张弛有度的纹路,可塑性强,通过沉稳高级的色彩呈现,既<br>不过份奢华,又比简约多了几分气质,惬意又彰显优雅,可<br>用于奶油风格中,打造自然气息与现代时尚交汇的私属领域。<br>钢板:弦途榆木 钢板:雨润胡桃


12<br>GL1025 格尔科技木 GL1026 魁北橡木<br>Add uniform squares to the wood grain, find a balance etween simplicity <br>and cleanliness, interpret nature with technology, and interpret warmth <br>and simplicity. Paving life is simple life, and large-scale use will make <br>people feel relaxed and cured from the inside out.<br>在木纹上添加整齐划一的方格,在简单与干净中寻找平衡,<br>用科技诠释自然,诠释温暖和简单,铺设生活即是简单生活,<br>大面积使用将空间装饰的让人由内而外的感到放松切治愈。<br>钢板:银缕尤加利 钢板:梵音秋香木
