
发布时间:2021-10-29 | 杂志分类:其他


HARRY WINSTON 2083 (As a Ring) 2083 A SPECTACULAR 102.91 CARAT SRI LANKA SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND BROOCH/RING, BY JACQUES TIMEY FOR HARRY WINSTON The brooch set with a cushion-shaped sapphire weighing 102.91 carats, within a frame of cushion-shaped and circular-cut diamonds, together with a ring mount set with two triangular- shaped diamonds, both with maker's mark for Jacques Timey; can also been worn as a bangle, designed and signed by David Webb, brooch 7.5(L) x 6.5(W) ... [收起]
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HARRY WINSTON 2083 (As a Ring) 2083 A SPECTACULAR 102.91 CARAT SRI LANKA SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND BROOCH/RING, BY JACQUES TIMEY FOR HARRY WINSTON The brooch set with a cushion-shaped sapphire weighing 102.91 carats, within a frame of cushion-shaped and circular-cut diamonds, together with a ring mount set with two triangular- shaped diamonds, both with maker's mark for Jacques Timey; can also been worn as a bangle, designed and signed by David Webb, brooch 7.5(L) x 6.5(W) cm, ring size 6 Gübelin, 2016, report no. 16112010, 102.91 carats, Sri Lanka, no indications of heating, also accompanied with information sheet titled ‘unheated sapphires' AGL, 2016, report no. 1080129, 102.91 carats, Ceylon(Sri Lanka), no gemological evidence of heat Also accompanied by a Harry Winston invoice Jacques Timey為海瑞·溫斯頓設計 102.91克拉斯里蘭卡藍寶石配鑽石胸針/戒 指,未經加熱 18K鑲嵌102.91克拉枕形藍寶石,圍鑲枕形及圓形切割鑽石,另附戒托,配鑲兩顆三角形鑽 石,印有Jacques Timey工匠蓋印;另可作手鐲佩戴,手鐲由DAVID WEBB設計,印有工 匠蓋印,胸針尺寸 7.5(L)x6.5(W)cm,戒指6號 附Gübelin證書及附加信,AGL證書及海瑞·溫斯頓購買收據 HKD 14,000,000-16,000,000 USD 1,794,900-2,051,300 137






A HIGHLY IMPORTANT SUITE OF TOTAL 124.87 CARAT 'ROYAL BLUE' SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND JEWELRY, BY CARTIER Cartier was founded in a jewellery workshop in Paris in 1874, the 卡地亞創立於1874年巴黎的一間珠寶工坊中,其獨特設計與卓 unique design and craftsmanship have made Cartier’s name world- 越工藝使卡地亞這個名字享譽全球,並獲得眾多喜愛。卡地亞 renowned. Cartier’s centuries-old development is like a history of 幾百年的發展就宛如一部珠寶史,紀錄著不同時期絢麗多彩的華 jewellery, recording the gorgeous jewels of different periods. Looking 麗珠寶。回顧卡地亞的經歷不難發現其與皇室貴族有著密切的關 back at Cartier’s experience, it is not difficult to find that it has a close 連,愛德華七世曾贈與卡地亞“國王的珠寶商,珠寶商的國王” relationship with the royal family. Edward VII gave Cartier the title of 這一稱號,並於1904年被委任為英國宮廷供應商。 “King’s Jeweler, King of Jewelers”, and in 1904 Cartier was appointed as a British court supplier. 我們很榮幸在此次拍賣中呈獻這套藍寶石珠寶套裝,其中項鏈、 手鏈及戒指均由卡地亞設計。套裝華麗地鑲嵌了共16顆總重約 We are honored to present this sapphire jewelry set in this auction. 124.87克拉的藍寶石,絕大部分都達到了“皇家藍”的級別,具 The necklace, bracelet and ring are all designed by Cartier. The suit is 有極強的色彩飽和度,通體透亮,濃鬱色澤分佈均勻。寶石由枕 gorgeously set with a total of 16 sapphires weighing altogether 124.87 形及橢圓形切割,配以簡約精緻的鑲嵌,大氣與貴氣渾然天成。 carats, most of which have been graded as “Royal Blue”, with a very 純厚、典雅、明淨,以經典純粹的王者氣派令人一見傾心,是不 strong color saturation, and the intense blue color is evenly distributed. 可多得的迷人瑰寶。 The stones have cushion and oval shapes, and the style of the inlay work is simple yet exquisite. The suite brings out elegance and classical extravagance in its purest form. All eyes that come across it will be amazed by its magnificence. 140


9.10 ct No Heat Sri Lanka Royal Blue 10.11 ct No Heat Sri Lanka Royal Blue 6.16 ct 5.75 ct 3.24 ct No Heat Heated Heated Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Madegascar Royal Blue Royal Blue 4.61 ct 11.44 ct 8.16 ct Heated No Heat Heated Sri Lanka Burma Sri Lanka Royal Blue Intense Cornflower 11.22 ct 12.27 ct 7.43 ct Heated Heated No Heat Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Royal Blue Royal Blue 14.53 ct No Heat Burma Royal Blue 5.46 ct Heated Sri Lanka 6.57 ct 2.85 ct No Heat No Heat Burma Burma Royal Blue 5.97 ct No Heat Burma Royal Blue 141


2084 A HIGHLY IMPORTANT SUITE OF TOTAL 124.87 CARAT 'ROYAL BLUE' SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND JEWELRY, BY CARTIER Comprising: a necklace set with circular and pear-shaped diamonds, the front set with six oval and cushion- shaped sapphires weighing 69.53 carats in total, within a frame of circular-cut diamonds, diamonds weighing 46 carats in total; a bracelet set with five oval and cushion-shaped sapphires weighing 23.59 carats in total, decorated with marquise, pear and circular-cut diamonds, diamonds weighing 30.98 carats in total; a ring set with two oval-shaped sapphires weighing 6.57 and 5.97 carats respectively, framed with pear and circular-cut diamonds weighing 7.6 carats in total; and a pair of ear pendants set with two cushion-shaped sapphires weighing 9.10 and 10.11 carats respectively, decorated with circular and pear-shaped diamonds, diamonds weighing 12.5 carats in total, altogether diamonds weighing 97.08 carats; necklace approximately 38 cm long, bracelet 18 cm long, ring size 6½, earrings 5 cm long, necklace, bracelet and ring signed Cartier Accompanied by 7 GRS and 7 SSEF reports stating the sapphires are of Burmese and Sri Lanka origin, with no indications of heating; also accompanied by 7 GRS and 4 SSEF reports stating that the remaining sapphires are of Sri Lanka and Madagascar origin, with indications of heating 卡地亞設計 總重124.87克拉「皇家藍」藍寶石配鑽石首飾套裝 18K金鑲嵌藍寶石及鑽石項鏈,鑲嵌6顆橢圓形及枕形藍寶石共重69.53克拉,配鑲圓形及梨形鑽石,鑽石 共重約46克拉;手鏈鑲嵌5顆橢圓形及枕形藍寶石共重23.59克拉,配鑲欖尖形、梨形及圓形切割鑽石, 鑽石共重約30.98克拉;戒指鑲嵌兩顆橢圓形藍寶石,分別重約6.57及5.97克拉,配鑲梨形及圓形切割 鑽石共重約7.6克拉;耳環鑲嵌2顆枕形藍寶石分別重約9.10級10.11克拉,配鑲圓形及梨形鑽石,鑽石 共重約12.5克拉,整套鑽石共重97.08克拉,項鏈長約38cm,手鏈長約18cm,戒指6 1/2號,耳環長約 5cm,項鏈、手鏈及戒指印有卡地亞品牌印記及編號 附SSEF及GRS證書 HKD 12,000,000-14,000,000 USD 1,538,500-1,794,900 142


CARTIER 2084 143


2085 2086 2085 2086 A PAIR OF DIAMOND EARRINGS A PAIR OF DIAMOND EARRINGS Each set with baguette and marquise-cut diamonds, diamonds weighing Of stylized design, set with pear, marquise and circular-cut diamonds, diamonds approximately 6 carats in total, mounted in 18K gold, earrings 2cm long weighing 4.76 carats in total, mounted in 18K gold, earrings 7.2 cm long 鑽石耳環 18K金鑲嵌階梯形及欖尖形鑽石,鑽石共重約6克拉,耳環長約2cm 鑽石耳環 18K金打造耳環,配鑲梨形、欖尖形及圓形切割鑽石,鑽石共重約4.76克拉,耳環 HKD 38,000-58,000 長約7.2cm USD 4,900-7,400 HKD 28,000-48,000 144 紅色標題拍品無保留價 Lots with red titles are to be sold without reserve USD 3,600-6,200


2087 2087 A SET OF DIAMOND JEWELRY Comprising a bracelet, designed as a wide openwork band decorated with floral and foliate motifs, set with rose and circular-cut diamonds; and a ribbon bow brooch, set with marquise and circular-cut diamonds, all mounted in 18K gold, bracelet 17.5 cm long, brooch 5.6 (L) x 4 (W) cm 鑽石手鏈及胸針套裝 18K金鏤空鑲嵌花朵及葉子造型手鏈,配鑲玫瑰及圓形切割鑽石;蝴蝶結造型胸 針,配鑲欖尖及圓形切割鑽石,手鏈長約17.5cm,胸針 5.6 (長)x4 (寬)cm HKD 32,000-55,000 USD 4,100-7,100 145


2089 2088 2088 2089 A DIAMOND BROOCH A DIAMOND BROOCH Of openwork geometric design, centering a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing Of openwork design, centering a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.7 carat, accented with circular-cut diamonds, mounted in 18K gold, approximately 0.5 carat, accented with circular-cut diamonds, mounted in 18K gold, brooch 6.5(L) x 2.3(W) cm brooch 4.6 (L) x 2.2 (W) cm 鑽石胸針 鑽石胸針 18K金鑲嵌鏤空造型胸針,中間鑲嵌一顆約0.7克拉圓形明亮形切割鑽石,點綴圓形 18K金鑲嵌鏤空造型胸針,中間鑲嵌一顆約0.5克拉圓形明亮形切割鑽石,點綴圓形 鑽石,胸針6.5 (長)x2.3 (寬)cm 鑽石,胸針4.6 (長)x2.2 (寬)cm HKD 58,000-88,000 HKD 38,000-58,000 USD 7,400-11,300 USD 4,900-7,400 146 紅色標題拍品無保留價 Lots with red titles are to be sold without reserve


2090 2090 A 3.02 CARAT FANCY VIVID YELLOW DIAMOND AND DIAMOND RING Set with a cushion-shaped fancy vivid yellow diamond, decorated with pear and circular-cut diamonds weighing 2.32 carats in total, mounted in 18K gold, ring size 6 GIA, 2019, report no. 3325136270: 3.02 carats, fancy vivid yellow colour, VS2 clarity, excellent polish and symmetry 3.02克拉豔彩黃色鑽石配鑽石戒指 18K金鑲嵌枕形豔彩黃色鑽石,配鑲圓形及梨形切割鑽石總重2.32克拉,戒指6號 附GIA證書 HKD 350,000-480,000 USD 44,900-61,500 147




2091 2091 A PAIR OF 7.55 AND 7.51 CARAT FANCY DEEP YELLOW DIAMOND AND DIAMOND EARRINGS Each set with an emerald-cut fancy deep yellow diamonds weighing 7.55 and 7.51 carats respectively, surrounded with 18 pear-shaped diamonds, diamonds weighing approximately 12 carats, mounted in 18K gold, earrings 3.0 cm long GIA, 2016, report no. 2175558782: 7.55 carats, fancy deep yellow color, VS1 clarity, none fluorescence GIA, 2016, report no. 2175544268: 7.51 carats, fancy deep yellow color, VS1 clarity, none fluorescence Please note that the reports are over 5 years old and may require an update 7.55及7.51克拉深彩黃色鑽石配鑽石耳環 18K金鑲嵌7.55及7.51克拉祖母綠切割深彩黃色鑽石,圍鑲18顆梨形鑽石,鑽石共 重約12克拉,耳環長約3.0cm 附GIA證書 HKD 4,500,000-5,200,000 USD 576,900-666,700 149




2092 2092 A 10.15 CARAT FANCY VIVID YELLOW DIAMOND AND DIAMOND RING Set with a square-shaped fancy vivid yellow diamond of 10.15 carats, flanked by two tapered baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in 18K gold and platinum, ring size 6 GIA, 2016, report no. 5171815972, 10.15 carat, fancy vivid yellow color, VVS2 clarity, none fluorescence Please note that the reports are over 5 years old and may require an update 10.15克拉艷彩黃色鑽石配鑽石戒指 18K金及鉑金鑲嵌10.15克拉方形艷彩黃色鑽石,配鑲兩顆階梯形鑽石,戒指6號 附GIA證書 HKD 4,400,000-5,500,000 USD 564,100-705,100 151




CHAUMET PIAGET 2093 2094 2093 2094 A COLOR DIAMOND RING, BY CHAUMET A DIAMOND 'HEART' BROOCH, BY PIAGET Pave-set with circular-cut diamonds of orange hue, ring size 5¾, mounted in 18K Set with five multi-shaped heart, pave-set with circular-cut diamonds, mounted in gold, signed Chaumet 18K gold, signed Piaget, brooch 8 cm long 尚美設計 鑽石戒指 伯爵設計 「心形」鑽石胸針 18K金鑲嵌鑽石戒指,配鑲橙色調圓形切割鑽石,戒指5 3/4號,印有尚美品牌印記 18K金鑲嵌五顆不同大小心形,鋪鑲圓形切割鑽石,印有伯爵品牌印記,胸針長約8cm HKD 30,000-50,000 HKD 80,000-150,000 USD 3,800-6,400 USD 10,300-19,200 紅色標題拍品無保留價 Lots with red titles are to be sold without reserve 153


BVLGARI CHOPARD 2095 2096 2095 2097 A PAIR OF DIAMOND EARRINGS, BY BVLGARI 2097 Set with circular-cut diamonds, the sides engraved 'BVLGARI BVLGARI', mounted A PAIR OF 'HEART' DIAMOND EARRINGS, BY CHOPARD in 18K gold, earrings 1.7 cm long Of heart-shaped openwork design, with a C in the certer and set with circular-cut 寶格麗設計 鑽石耳環 diamonds, mounted in 18K gold, earrings pendant 2 cm long, signed Chopard 18K金鑲嵌圓形切割鑽石耳環,側面刻有 'BVLGARI BVLGARI'字樣,耳環長約 蕭邦設計 「心形」鑽石耳環 1.7cm 18K金鑲嵌心形鏤空設計,中心子母C,配鑲圓形切割鑽石,耳環長約2cm,印有 蕭邦品牌印記 HKD 38,000-58,000 USD 4,900-7,400 HKD 50,000-100,000 USD 6,400-12,800 2096 A DIAMOND RING, BY CHOPARD Set with 13 circular-cut diamonds weighing 1 carat in total, mounted in 18K gold, ring size 6½, signed Chopard 蕭邦設計 鑽石戒指 18K金鑲嵌13顆共重1克拉圓形切割鑽石,戒指6 1/2號,印有蕭邦品牌印記 HKD 22,000-38,000 USD 2,800-4,900 154 紅色標題拍品無保留價 Lots with red titles are to be sold without reserve


MIKIMOTO 2098 2098 A SET OF CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND JEWELRY, BY MIKIMOTO Comprising a double strand necklace, composed of one hundred and ten cultured pearls measuring approximately 7.47-7.12 mm, to the 18K gold clasp set with a cultured pearl and circular-cut diamonds; and a bracelet of openwork design, composed of forty cultured pearls, measuring approximately 5.15-4.01 mm, mounted in 18K gold, necklace approximately 42 cm long, bracelet circumference 15 cm, signed M for Mikimoto Accompanied by fitted box and pouch MIKIMOTO設計 養殖珍珠配鑽石項鏈及手鐲套裝 項鏈由110顆直徑約7.47-7.12mm白色養殖珍珠串聯而成,18K金及鑽石打造鎖 扣;另配鏤空設計手鐲,鑲嵌40顆白色養殖珍珠,直徑約5.15-4.01mm,項鏈長約 42cm,手鐲周長約15cm,印有Mikimoto品牌印記 附原裝袋及原裝盒 HKD 38,000-88,000 USD 4,900-11,300 155




HARRY WINSTON 2099 2099 A 7.00 CARAT D COLOR, FLAWLESS, TYPE IIA DIAMOND RING, BY HARRY WINSTON Set with an emerald-cut diamond of 7.00 carats, flanked on each side with tapered baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum, ring size 6, Signed Winston for Harry Winston GIA, 2020, report no. 5201974535, 7.00 carats, D color, flawless clarity, excellent polish, none fluorescence Also accompanied by a GIA diamond type classification report stating that the 7.00 carat emerald- cut diamond is determined to be a Type IIa diamond. Type IIa diamonds are the most chemically pure type of diamond and often have exceptional optical transparency 海瑞溫斯頓設計 7.00克拉D色TYPE IIA全美鑽石戒指,淨度無瑕 鉑金鑲嵌7.00克拉祖母綠形切割D色TYPEIIA鑽石,配鑲階梯形鑽石,戒指6號,印有海瑞溫 斯頓品牌印記 附GIA證書及Type IIa 附加信 HKD 3,200,000-4,500,000 USD 410,300-576,900 157




2100 2100 A PAIR OF 6.43 AND 5.85 CARAT D COLOR, TYPE IIA AND TYPE IAB, INTERNALLY FLAWLESS DIAMOND EARRINGS Each suspending a pear-shaped diamond weighing 6.43 and 5.85 carats, from a pear-shaped diamond surmount weighing 1.00 and 1.00 carat respectively, connected by a circular-cut diamond, mounted in 18K gold, earrings 3.1 cm long GIA, 2021, report no. 2211602257: 5.85 carats, D colour, internally flawless clarity, with excellent polish and symmetry, none fluorescence, also accompanied by a GIA diamond type classification report stating that the 5.85 carat diamond is determined to be a Type IaB diamond GIA, 2021, report no. 2155635693: 6.43 carats, D colour, internally flawless clarity, with excellent polish and symmetry, none fluorescence, also accompanied by a GIA diamond type classification report stating that the 6.43 carat diamond is determined to be a Type IIa diamond GIA, 2017, report no. 6272245712: 1.00 carats, E colour, VS2 clarity, none fluorescence GIA, 2017, report no. 2254163157: 1.00 carats, E colour, VS1 clarity, with excellent polish and symmetry 6.43及5.85克拉D色TYPE IIA及TYPA IAB鑽石耳環,淨度内部無瑕 18K金鑲嵌6.43及5.85克拉梨形D色Type IIa及Type IaB鑽石,頂部配鑲兩顆梨形鑽石,分 別重約1克拉,配鑲圓形切割鑽石,耳環長約3.1cm 附GIA證書及Type IIa 附加信 HKD 5,000,000-5,800,000 USD 641,000-743,600 159




ZIMMI MINE The formation of a diamond’s illuminating brightness takes pressure, fire, violence and the slightest pinch of chance. When carbon atoms are substituted by nitrogen atoms, the diamond absorbs blue and purple lights and appear yellow. The different tones of yellow can range widely. Yellow diamonds account for only 0.1% of all natural diamonds. For all those classified as a yellow diamond, only less than 5% will achieve the highest color grade of being fancy vivid yellow. Sierra Leone is recognized as the source of some of the most rare and strikingly beautiful yellow diamonds in the world. The diamonds from the region’s Zimmi mine have such a highly saturated yellow color, which is caused by isolated nitrogen impurities. They stand apart from all others and are known as Zimmi Yellow Diamonds. We are very proud to present this important ring in this auction. This stunning diamond is definitely the best of the best when it comes to exceptional yellow diamonds. The 8.38 carats, internally flawless Zimmi yellow diamond shows amazing brilliance and fire by reflecting and refracting the surrounding panorama of light to the viewer’s eye in a mosaic and artistic composition, full of vibrancy and vitality. 鑽石璀璨奪目光輝的形成過程充滿著重壓、烈火、暴力和妙到纖毫的時機。當鑽石中的某些碳原 子被氮原子取代時,瓊漿凝結形成的鑽石晶體便會吸收藍色和紫色的光線,展現清新與炙熱並 存的黃色。 真正的黃鑽僅占天然形成鑽石的0.1%,其中顏色飽和度達到豔彩級別(Fancy Vivid Yellow)的黃鑽更是只有不足5%。 塞拉利昂是世界上公認最罕見炫耀黃色鑽石的來源地,產自Zimmi礦區的黃色鑽石因存在一定氮 元素而擁有超常高飽和度的色澤,使得每一顆Zimmi黃鑽仿佛身披金色縷衣。本件拍品正是這樣 一顆8.38克拉的稀有Zimmi黃鑽戒指,且淨度達到了內部無瑕,明媚的金黃色光澤,充滿活力, 堪稱收藏級別的頂級黃鑽。 161




2101 2101 A 8.38 CARAT FANCY VIVID YELLOW DIAMOND AND DIAMOND RING, INTERNALLY FLAWLESS Set with a pear-shaped fancy vivid yellow diamond of 8.38 carats, flanked by two pear- shaped weighing 1.05 carats in total, mounted in 18K gold and platinum, ring size 6¼ GIA, 2018, report no. 16755439, fancy vivid yellow color, internally flawless clarity, none fluorescence GIA, 2020, report no. 7343995739: 0.55 carat, F colour, VS1 clarity, none fluorescence GIA, 2021, report no.6214752397: 0.50 carat, F colour, VVS2 clarity, none fluorescence 8.38克拉艷彩黃色鑽石配鑽石戒指 18K金及鉑金鑲嵌8.38克拉梨形艷彩黃色鑽石,配鑲兩顆梨形鑽石,共重1.05克拉, 戒指6 1/4號 附GIA證書 Estimate Upon Request 估價待詢 163




2102 2102 A 3.81 CARAT FANCY PURPLISH PINK DIAMOND AND FANCY BLUE DIAMOND RING Set with a pear-shaped fancy purplish pink diamond weighing 3.81 carats, flanked by two triangular-shaped fancy blue diamonds, weighing 0.60 carats in total, mounted in 18K gold and platinum, ring size 5¾ GIA, 2012, report no. 5141605707, 3.81 carats, fancy purplish pink GIA, 2017, report no. 2185883618, 0.31 carats, fancy blue, VVS1, none fluorescence GIA, 2017, report no. 5181841921, 0.29 carats, fancy blue, VVS2, none fluorescence Please note that the reports are over 5 years old and may require an update 3.81克拉彩紫粉色鑽石配彩藍色鑽石戒指 18K金及鉑金鑲嵌3.81克拉梨形彩紫粉色鑽石,兩旁配鑲三角形切割彩藍色鑽石, 總重0.60克拉,戒指5 3/4號 附3張GIA證書 HKD 4,600,000-5,500,000 USD 589,700-705,100 165




2103 2103 A 20.80 CARAT, D COLOR, TYPE IIA, FLAWLESS UNMOUNTED DIAMOND Round brilliant-cut diamonds of 20.80 carats GIA, 2021, report no. 5212506557: 20.80 carat, D colour, flawless clarity, excellent cut, polish and symmetry, none fluorescence Also accompanied by GIA diamond type classification reports stating that the 20.80 carats Round Brilliant diamond is determined to be Type IIa diamond. Type IIa diamonds are the most chemically pure type of diamond and often have exceptional optical transparency 20.80克拉D色TYPE IIA全美鑽石,淨度無瑕 20.80克拉圓形明亮切割D色TYPE IIA全美鑽石,淨度無瑕,極優評級對稱及打 磨,無熒光反應 附GIA證書及Type IIa 附加信 HKD 15,000,000-20,000,000 USD 1,935,500-2,580,600 167




2104 2104 A 21.29 CARAT, D COLOR, TYPE IIA, FLAWLESS UNMOUNTED DIAMOND Asscher-cut diamond of 21.29 carats GIA, 2021, report no. 2215847627 , 21.29 carats, D color, flawless clarity, excellent polish and symmetry, none fluorescence Also accompanied by a GIA diamond type classification report stating that the 21.29 square emerald-cut diamond is determined to be a Type IIa diamond. Type IIa diamonds are the most chemically pure type of diamond and often have exceptional optical transparency 21.29克拉D色TYPE IIA全美鑽石,淨度無瑕 21.29克拉上丁方形D色TYPE IIA全美鑽石,淨度無瑕,極優評級對稱及打磨,無 熒光反應 附GIA證書及Type IIa 附加信 HKD 13,800,000-18,000,000 USD 1,780,600-2,322,600 169




2105 2106 2105 2106 A SET OF RUBY AND DIAMOND JEWELRY A RUBY AND DIAMOND BROOCH Comprising a brooch, designed as a flower with mystery-set calibré-cut ruby petals The flowerhead set centrally with a circular-cut diamonds, the petals mystery-set and circular-cut diamonds pistil, to the graduated baguette-cut diamond stem; and with calibré-cut rubies, mounted in 18K gold, brooch 5.8 cm a pair of ear clips and a ring en suite, all mounted in 18K gold, brooch 5.8 cm long, earrings 2.5 cm long, ring size 6 紅寶石及鑽石胸針 18K金鑲嵌花朵造型胸針,花蕊鑲嵌圓形切割鑽石,花瓣隱秘鑲嵌方形紅寶石,胸 紅寶石配鑽石戒指、耳環及胸針套裝 針長約5.8cm 18K金鑲嵌花朵造型胸針,花蕊鑲嵌圓形切割鑽石,花瓣隱秘鑲嵌方形紅寶石,階梯 形切割鑽石打造花莖;配同款耳環及戒指,胸針長約5.8cm,耳環2.5cm,戒指6號 HKD 68,000-98,000 USD 8,700-12,600 HKD 160,000-250,000 USD 20,500-32,100 171




ADLER 2107 (Reduced Size) 2107 A RUBY AND DIAMOND TASSEL NECKLACE, BY ADLER Suspending a ruby bead tassel pendant, to the rose-cut diamond and ruby cabochon cap, set at the top with a rose-cut diamond hoop, to rose-cut diamonds necklace spaced with ruby cabochons, mounted in 18K gold, necklace approximately 70 cm long, tassel pendant 14 cm long, signed Adler ADLER設計 紅寶石配鑽石項鏈 紅寶石珠打造流蘇掛墜,18K金鑲嵌玫瑰形切割鑽石及紅寶石蛋面,項鏈 長約70cm,流蘇掛墜長約14cm,印有Adler品牌印記 HKD 280,000-380,000 USD 35,900-48,700 173


2109 2108 2108 2109 A 4.2 CARAT VIETNAM RUBY AND DIAMOND RING A 5.10 CARAT COLOMBIAN EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING, NO OIL Set with an oval-shaped ruby weighing 4.2 carats, flanked by 2 triangular-shaped Set with a rectangular-shaped Colombian emerald, to the half circular-cut diamonds diamonds, mounted in 18K gold, ring size 6 1/4 hoop, weighing 0.38 carats in total, mounted in 900 platinum, ring size 7½ GIA, 2021, report no. 2376362488, Vietnam, no indications of heating GRS, 2017, report no.GRS2017-018253, 5.10 carats, Colombia, vivid green, no indications of clarity enhancement 4.2克拉紅寶石配鑽石戒指,未經加熱 18K金鑲嵌4.2克拉橢圓形紅寶石,兩旁配鑲兩顆三角形鑽石,戒指6 1/4號 5.10克拉哥倫比亞祖母綠配鑽石戒指,未經注油 附GIA證書 900鉑金鑲嵌長方形5.10克拉祖母綠,配鑲鑽石戒臂,鑽石總重0.38克拉,戒指7 1/2號 HKD 250,000-350,000 附GRS證書 USD 32,100-44,900 HKD 380,000-580,000 174 USD 48,700-74,400


2110 (Another View) 2110 A 15.10 CARAT MOZAMBIQUE PARAIBA AND DIAMOND RING/ PENDANT NECKLACE Set with a cushion-shaped paraiba, weighing 15.10 carat, within a vari-shaped diamond surround, weighing 4.97 carats in total, accompanied by a chain, can be worn as a pendant necklace, mounted in 18K gold, ring size 6½ GRS, 2021, report no. GRS2021-058535, 15.10 carats, natural tourmaline, greenish- blue Paraiba-type (neon) color, Mozambique 15.10克拉莫桑比克帕拉伊巴碧璽配鑽石戒指/項鏈 18K金鑲嵌15.10克拉枕形帕拉伊巴碧璽,圍鑲多種形狀切割鑽石,鑽石共重4.97 克拉,配一條18K金鑽石鏈,可做挂墜佩戴,戒指6 1/2號 附GRS證書 HKD 550,000-650,000 USD 70,500-83,300 175




2111 2111 A 7.11 CARAT BURMESE 'PIGEON'S BLOOD' RUBY AND DIAMOND RING Set with an oval-shaped ruby, weighing 7.11 carats, within a pear and round- shaped diamonds surround, diamonds weighing 5.39 carats in total, to a circular-cut diamonds gallery and half hoop, mounted in 18K gold, ring size 6 Gübelin, 2019, report no.19031169, 7.11 carats, Burma(Myanmar), no indications of heating GRS, 2020, report no.GRS2020-012787, 7.11 carats, no indications of thermal treatment, GRS type 'pigeon's blood red' 7.11克拉緬甸「鴿血紅」紅寶石配鑽石戒指,未經加熱 18K金鑲嵌7.11克拉橢圓形緬甸紅寶石,圍鑲梨形及圓形鑽石,鑽石共重5.39克 拉,配鑲圓形切割鑽石,戒指6號 附Gübelin及GRS證書 HKD 1,800,000-2,500,000 USD 230,800-320,500 177




2112 2112 A 21.80 CARAT COLOMBIAN EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING Set with a cushion-shaped emerald, weighing 21.80 carats, flanked by two shield-shaped diamonds, mounted in platinum, ring size 7 Gübelin, 2020, report no. 20082024, 21.80 carats, Colombia, indications of minor clarity enhancement 21.80克拉哥倫比亞祖母綠配鑽石戒指 鉑金鑲嵌21.80克拉枕形祖母綠,兩旁配鑲遁形鑽石,戒指7號 附Gübelin證書 HKD 4,800,000-5,500,000 USD 615,400-705,100 179


A 13.36 CARAT KASHMIR \"ROYAL BLUE\" SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING, BY BVLGARI 若論藍寶石中之騏驥,喀什米爾藍寶石當之無愧。她嬌豔絕倫,色澤濃 Kashmir, a remote region which has the finest specimens and defines the 純,獲認為稀世珍寶,吉光片羽,流傳於世之量寥寥無幾。克什米爾地區 northern most border between China, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The 位於中國、印度、阿富汗、巴基斯坦交界的最北面山區喜馬拉雅山脈。在 gems are formed by the intersecting movement of three prominent mountain 這裡,喜馬拉雅山脈、喀喇崑崙山脈及興都庫什山脈在移動中匯合,產生 ranges including The Himalayas. Above the earth’s surface, the panorama of 無窮衝擊與交融的力量。在可見的地球表面,形成蔚為壯觀的山石嶙峋以 jagged rocks, glaciers, lakes, and waterfalls is beyond magnificent. What is more, 及冰川、湖泊及瀑布等景觀。更值一提的是,高溫高壓的偉晶岩在板塊移 the tectonic movements underneath create complex conditions in Kashmir, 動下,直接接觸到石灰石,並在罕見的無矽環境中,克什米爾藍寶石便有 where limestone comes into contact with an intruding Pegmatite. The extremely 機會生成。 high temperature and pressure, and sometime a rare silicon-free environment was ideal for sapphire growth. 1881年,喜馬拉雅山脈中的紮斯卡山脈山泥傾瀉後,喀什米爾藍寶石礦 床嶄露頭角,卻一鳴驚人,聞名於世。但由於海拔極高、終年積雪、氣候 The legendarily exquisite sapphires from Kashmir have been disclosed after a 惡劣和政局動盪等種種不明朗因素,礦床只在1881至1887年間被間歇開 rockslide in the Himalaya mountains in 1881. Although Kashmir has produced 採,產量極少。直至上世紀初,礦源已開採消耗殆盡,從此再也沒有發現 only a limited number of gems since then, the soft, velvety blue of Kashmir 新的礦床。基於這個原因,喀什米爾藍寶石在今日以少之又少的數量流傳 sapphires remains the epitome of this gem variety and is highly regarded by 於世,其高品質不單單為所有藍寶石提供品質標準,并已幾乎成為神話。 connoisseurs and collectors alike. Gentle and demanding at the same moment, both gleaming and flattering, the typical hue of Kashmir sapphires is among 藍寶石以高度飽和度的深藍至純藍色的色調尤為著名,內部往往含有極其 the most sought after of colours. The velvety blue of this sapphire is due to very 細微的絲狀內含物,使堅硬剛強的金屬質感中展現出如絲綢般柔美的絲絨 fine and subtle inclusions and a combination of well-balanced trace elements 質感。市場上極少出現10克拉以上的喀什米爾藍寶石,每次的出現都叫人 in the gemstone, which are typical and characteristic for the finest sapphires of 趨之若騖。以上這13.36克拉喀什米爾藍寶石戒指正是一枚顏色、淨度、 Kashmir. 重量皆為絕色的佳品,完美展現著喀什米爾藍寶石中極其細微的絲絨特 徵,無出其右,獨一無二,極具收藏投資價值,每一顆都值得世代流傳。 A Kashmir sapphire over 10 carat is extremely rare to be found and every time record- breaking. Undoubtedly, this 13.36 carat Kashmir sapphire and diamond ring is one of the finest Kashmir sapphires among the century in honor of its saturated and homogeneous color, high degree of transparency, very fine purity, and a perfect proportioned cut, which could be considered very rare and exceptional. 180






BVLGARI 2113 2113 A 13.36 CARAT KASHMIR \"ROYAL BLUE\" SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING, BY BVLGARI Set with a cushion-shaped Kashmir sapphire weighing 13.36 carats, flanked by two tapered baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum, ring size 6, signed Bvlgari Accompanied by fitted box SSEF, 2021, report no. 118289, 13.362 carats, Kashmir, no indications of heating, 'Royal blue', also accompanied by SSEF appendix letter titled 'Exceptional Sapphire' AGL, 2021, report no.1116215, 13.36 carats, Kashmir, no heat enhancement, also accompanied by AGL appendix letter 寶格麗設計 13.36克拉克什米爾「皇家藍」藍寶石配鑽石戒指,未經加熱 鉑金鑲嵌13.36克拉枕形克什米爾藍寶石,兩旁配階梯形切割鑽石,戒指6號,印有 寶格麗品牌印記 附SSEF、AGL證書及附加信,及原裝盒 HKD 14,000,000-16,000,000 USD 1,794,900-2,051,300 183


2114 2115 (Reduced Size) 2114 2115 A PAIR OF CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND EAR PENDANTS A SET OF WHITE AND PINK CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND TASSEL NECKLACE Each suspending a south sea white/Tahitian cultured pearl measuring 11.16 and 11.71 mm, to a surmount set with a circular-cut diamond, mounted in 18K gold, Composed of 72 graduated white and pink South Sea cultured pearls measuring diamond can be worn separately as a stud, earrings 5.6 cm approximately 12.96-9.74 mm, suspending a diamond cap with cultured pearl fringe, mounted in 18K gold, necklace approximately 72 cm long, tassel drop 17 cm 養殖珍珠配鑽石耳環 18K金鑲嵌白色南洋及黑色大溪地養殖珍珠,直徑約11.16及11.71mm,配鑲圓形 養殖珍珠配鑽石流蘇項鏈 鑽石,鑽石可單獨做耳釘佩戴,耳環長約5.6cm 項鏈由72顆直徑約12.96-9.74mm粉色及白色南洋養殖珍珠串聯而成,垂墜珍珠 流蘇,18K金鑲嵌圓形切割鑽石,項鏈長約72cm,流蘇長約17cm HKD 28,000-58,000 USD 3,600-7,400 HKD 100,000-150,000 USD 12,800-19,200 184 紅色標題拍品無保留價 Lots with red titles are to be sold without reserve


2116 2117 2116 2118 AN AQUAMARINE AND COLOR DIAMOND RING Set with an oval-shaped aquamarine, decorated with circular-cut diamonds of yellow and brown hue, mounted in 18K gold, ring size 6 海藍寶石配彩色鑽石戒指 18K金鑲嵌橢圓形海藍寶石,配鑲圓形切割黃色及棕色調鑽石,戒指6號 HKD 58,000-88,000 USD 7,400-11,300 2117 2118 A PAIR OF RUBELLITE AND DIAMOND EAR CLIPS A PAIR OF TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND EAR PENDANTS Each set with an oval-shaped rubellite weighing a total of 16.04 carats, surrounded by Each set with five spheres, pavé-set with circular-cut diamonds, suspending a circular-cut diamonds, diamonds weighing 2.77 carats in total, mounted in 18K gold, detachable drop-shaped tourmaline pendant, weighing 19.5 carats in total, accented approximately 2.5 cm long with circular-cut diamonds, diamonds weighing 1.64 carats in total, mounted in 18K gold, approximately 6.8 cm long 紅色碧璽配鑽石耳環 18K金鑲嵌橢圓形紅色碧璽共重16.04克拉,配鑲圓形切割鑽石,鑽石共重約2.77 碧璽配鑽石耳環 克拉,耳環長約2.5cm 18K金鑲嵌五顆鑽石鋪鑲圓球,下方懸掛碧璽及鑽石打造水滴形墜飾,墜飾可拆 卸,碧璽共重約19.5克拉,鑽石共重約1.64克拉,耳環長約6.8cm HKD 78,000-120,000 USD 10,000-15,400 HKD 78,000-140,000 USD 10,000-17,900 紅色標題拍品無保留價 Lots with red titles are to be sold without reserve 185


