武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2023 年第 6 期
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On the Mechanism of Dissemination and Acceptance
Of Chinese New Poetry
Fang Chang'an(Wuhan University)
Abstract The poet - new poetry text - initial reader is the original structure of the Chinese new poetry
dissemination and acceptance system. After entering modern media space, intermediaries have changed the in‐
dividual communication characteristics of the initial dissemination and acceptance structure. Mass media has
made the initial form of dissemination and acceptance evolved into a complex and diverse operational struc‐
ture, while the regenerative nature of poetic value is an important mechanism for its dissemination and accep‐
tance. The new poetry dissemination and acceptance operation can be divided into three major types, with
specific forms including original publishing in newspapers and journals, media advertising, reader comments,
square recitation, cross-lingual translation, collection publication, incorporating into literary history, and con‐
verting other genres, which constitute a centennial historical manifestation of new poetry's dissemination and
acceptance. The dissemination and acceptance of new poetry is closely related to China's social and historical
changes over the past century, cultural transformation, and human modernization construction in particular. It
has formed a Chinese-style operation mechanism and function. The identity transformation between dissemi‐
nators and acceptors, hierarchical dissemination and acceptance forms, accessibility and obstacles, cross-tem‐
poral and spatial language characteristics, as well as deconstruction and construction are all its prominent fea‐
tures. Exploring and interpreting the mechanism of dissemination and acceptance for Chinese new poetry
helps to deepen our understanding of the patterns of development history of new poetry creation and poetic
generation history.
Key words Chinese new poetry; dissemination and acceptance system; operational structure; opera‐
tional mode; mechanism and function
■ 收稿日期 2023-08-12
■ 作者简介 方长安,文学博士,武汉大学文学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。
■ 责任编辑 何坤翁