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JINAN STATISTICAL YEARBOOK Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical IndicatorsDisposable Income of Residents refers to the income of
residents for purpose of final expenditure and savings. It includes income
both in cash and in kind.By sources of income, disposable income includes
four categories: income from wages and salaries, net business income,
net income from properties and net income from transfer.
Income from Wages and Salaries refers to remuneration and
benefits of all kinds of employed persons, including those employed
by other units or individuals, freelance workers, part-time jobs, and
sporadic workers.
Net Business Income refers to net income earned by
households and their members engaged in production and business
activities. It refers to the net income of operating revenue minus
operating costs, depreciation of productive fixed assets, and
production tax. The formula is:
Net business income = operating revenue-operating costs
-depreciation of productive fixed assets-production tax
Net Income from Properties refers to the net income received
as returns by households or members through lending of their
financial assets, non-financial assets such as housing, to other
institutions, households or individuals, minus relevant costs. Net
income from properties includes net income of interest, bonus
income, net income of saving insurance, net income from
transferring management right of contract land, income from lending
of housing, income from lending other assets, net converted rents of
self-owned housing. Net income from properties do not include
premium of transferring ownership of assets.
Net Income from Transfer The formula is:
Net income from transfer = income from transfer - expenditure
from transfer
Income from Transfer refers to the regular transfer received
from governments, institutions, social organizations to households
and between households. It includes old-age and retirement pension,
regular donation and compensation, reimbursement of medical fees,
supporting income between households, income from non-resident
members of households, etc. Income from transfer do not include
gifts in kinds between households.
Expenditure from Transfer refers to regular or obligatory
transfer paid to government, institutions, households or individuals.
It includes tax payment, expenditure on all kinds of social security,
supporting expenditure, regular donation, compensation payment
and other regular transfer expenditure.
According to Household Survey on Income and Expenditure
and Living Conditions, main changes of population coverage of per
capita disposable income of urban and rural residents includes:
migrant workers residing in urban areas are includedinthedenominator when calculating per capita disposable income of urbanresidents, and not included in denominator when calculatingpercapita disposable income of rural residents; students studyinginuniversities or colleges in other places who are supportedbythehouseholds are regarded as permanent residents of the households.
Consumption Expenditure of Residents refers to all expenditureof residents for living expenditure to satisfy family daily living. It
includes expenditure in cash and in kind. It includes eight categories:
food, tobacco and liquor; clothing and footwear; housing; householdequipments, furnishings and services; transport and communications;
education, culture and recreation; health care and medical services,
and miscellaneous goods and services.
Food, Tobacco and Liquor refers to expenditure for food,
tobacco and liquor of all kinds.
Clothing and Footwear refers to expenditure relatedtoclothing, including clothes, clothing materials, footwear, otherclothing and accessories, processing services related to clothing.
Housing refers to expenditure related to housing, includingrents, water, electricity, fuel, property management, as well asimputed rent on owner-occupied dwellings.
Household Equipments, Furnishings and Services referstoexpenditure of households and individuals on equipments,
furnishings and articles for living purpose and on household services.
It includes furniture and interior decoration, home appliances, hometextiles, household miscellaneous daily articles, personal articles,
and household services.
Transport and Communications refers to expenditureontransport and communication and related services, maintenanceandrepairs, and vehicle insurance.
Education, Culture and Recreation refers to expenditureoneducational, cultural and recreational activities.
Health Care and Medical Services refers to expenditureondrugs, supplies and services of medical and health care. It includesmedical appliances and drugs, and medical services.
Miscellaneous Goods and Services refers to expenditure onall
other articles and services that can not classified into the abovecategories.
Service Consumption refers to consumption expenditureofhouseholds for various living services, including catering services,
clothing and footwear processing services, housing services,
household services, transportation and communication services,
education, culture and entertainment services, medical services andother services.