KUPELWE FINE WORKS BORN IN FINESSE 宝 庄 | 因 精 品 ,而 精 致 在智利,宝庄葡萄庄园为了酿造出能够 代表每个产区代表的高品质精品酒,对 葡萄种植管理的品质有极高追求,酿酒 师在酿酒工艺上孜孜不倦地探索,在众 多酒庄中脱颖而出。众所周知,宝庄葡 萄庄园在追求葡萄酒品质和特色上深受 葡萄酒爱好者所追捧,并成为智利葡萄 酒行业产区品质的标杆。 In Chile, for making high quality wines that can represent each region, Kupelwe has put great pursuit after the grapes’ quality. With the efforts from the winemaker and dedication, it has stood out from among the wineries. As is known to all, Kupelwe vineyards are loved by the wine lovers for its pursuit of wine characters. It has become a benchmark for the Chilean wine quality. 1
因精品, Fine Works Bo
,而精致 orn in Finesse
KUPELWE’S WINEMAKER 宝庄酿酒师 希美娜.巴切柯 XIMENA PACHECO 智利著名四大女性酿酒师之一 世界橡木桶研究专家 品丽珠酿造专家 One of Chile's Well-known Four Women Winemakers World Expert in Oak Barrels Cabernet Franc Specialist 4
EXCLUSIVE CODE 宝庄专属产地代码 智利气候特点多样,产区风格区别明 显,为了更加精准标记每一片葡萄园的 气候特点,宝庄葡萄酒团队采用数字代 码作为纪录,宝庄酒品数字不但代表品 种,同时背后也隐藏着酿造团队对葡萄 园的精细化管理数据,这种表达方式在 智利葡萄酒界实为首创。 The climates in Chile are diverse and the differences among the regions are distince. In order to better identify each vineyard’s climate features, the Kupelwe team uses numbers as a way of marking. The numbers in the Kupelwe wines not only represent the varieties, but also the detailed management made by our team. This is indeed a breakthrough in the Chile wine circle. 5
211 宝庄211干红葡萄酒 6
GRAVITY VERTICAL PRESS SMOOTH AS SILK 自然重力压榨,如丝般的顺滑 宝庄211赤霞珠种植于日照较多的高海拔地 211 块,由于日照时间长,葡萄单宁极为丰富, 为了让211酒品单宁细腻,口感顺滑,酿酒 DRY RED WINE 师采用自然动力系统进行压榨,压榨过程出 汁缓慢均匀,既保留了葡萄的天然风味,也 7 让酒质更加优雅。 The 211 Cabernet Sauvignon is planted in where sunshine is more abundant, in the higher altitude. Due to the longer sun exposure, the tannins of the grapes are of high volume. In order to achieve smoother tannins and better mouth-feel, the winemaker employs natural gravity in the vertical press,and ensures a slow and wvwn flow of juice. In this way the grapes’ natural tastes are preserved and the wine is more elegant.
KUPELWE 211 DRY RED WINE 121宝庄211干红葡萄酒 ASTING NOTE基 种植产区:智利迈坡山谷品 诱人的深红色酒体,气息层次丰富,黑樱桃和黑莓 TECHNICAL SHEET本 葡萄年份:2017 鉴 等黑色浆果的风味明显。整体雅致柔和,并有甘 参 葡萄品种:赤霞珠 记 草、雪茄盒和香草气息。入口明显感受到其骨架完 数 橡木桶陈酿:12个月 录 整,单宁成熟圆润,极具储藏潜质。 酒精度:14.5%Vol. The wine shows fascinating deep red with rich notes. The flavors 净含量:750ml of black cherry and black berries are evident. The wine is elegant and soft, having notes of licorice, cigar box and vanilla. In the Region: Maipo Valley Chile palate, the completed structure, mature and round tannins can be Vintage: 2017 directly felt. Varietals: Cabernet Sauvignon Barrel Ageing: 12 Months Alcohol Content 14.5% VOL Volume: 750ml 9
212 宝庄212干红葡萄酒 10
WINE FROM THE PARADISE 天堂里的佳酿 宝庄212葡萄园邻近世界最干燥的阿塔卡马沙漠南沿, 212 位于智利北边高原葡萄种植区利马里山谷,属于干热 型产区,一年365天中大约有360天蓝天,阳光充足, DRY RED WINE 夜晚满天星空,因此该地区也成为世界各国天文中心 汇聚之地。利马里产区葡萄种植面积虽小,但葡萄的 11 品质在智利葡萄酒领域却产生了重大影响,在智利素 有“天堂里的葡萄”之称。 Kupelwe 212 is close to the world’s driest place – Atacama Desert. It’s in the north of Chile in the high-altitude area. Here during one year there are around 360 days of clear skies. The sunshine is never short-supplied and the night skies are always filled with stars: for this reason, many of the world’s observatories are established here. The plantation of grapes in Limari is a small one, but the quality of them is impacting quite strong. In Chile, the name “Grapes from the Paradise” is not uncommon to hear.
KUPELWE 212 DRY RED WINE 122宝庄212干红葡萄酒 基 种植产区:智利利马里山谷 品 深沉的宝石红色,有着浓郁的蓝莓、草莓、和其他 本 葡萄年份:2016/2017 鉴 红色浆果味道,并且夹杂明显辛料气息,果香和橡 参 葡萄品种:西拉 记 木的香气非常平衡优雅,入口香料、成熟水果的味 数 橡木桶陈酿:16个月 录 道非常具有表现力,良好的酸度平衡了强劲有力的 ASTING NOTE TECHNICAL SHEET 酒精度:14.5%Vol./15.0%Vol. 单宁,口感协调,回味充满果香,持续度良好。 净含量:750ml Region: Limari Valley Chile Dark ruby red, intense blueberry, strawberry and red berries Vintage: 2016/2017 flavours. Obvious spices aroma. Fruity and oak aromas are well Grape Variety Syrah balanced. In the mouth, spicies, mature fruits. Acidity and tannins Barrel Aging: 16 months are well balanced. Alcohol Content: 14.5%VOL/15.0%VOL Volume: 750ml 13
301 宝庄301干红葡萄酒 14
49°SLOPE PLANTATION, HARDER FOR BETTER 49°斜坡种植,“刻意为难”结出品质 宝庄301葡萄园背靠安第斯山,顺着山势倾斜49°,陡峭的坡 301 度给每一颗葡萄提供了更多的日照,有利于葡萄的成熟和单宁 的积累;斜坡底下土壤由花岗岩碎石、砂土和黏土混合组成, DRY RED WINE 土壤贫瘠,矿物质丰富,为宝庄301提供结构突出、层次丰富 的优质赤霞珠打下良好的基础。这种“刻意为难”促进葡萄根系 15 往土壤深处寻找水分和营养,因此,宝庄301呈现出优美的色 泽、饱满的果香、丰富的酸度和持久的风味。 Kupelwe 301 vineyards are on the Andes slopes with a degree of 49°. The steep slopes mean that the grapes can each receive more sunlight – which is conducive to their maturation and the accumulation of tannins. Under the slope are the granite rocks, gravel and clay mixture that are quite infertile in nature, but rich in minerals. This soil means that Kupelwe 301 is a well-structured, layer-ful Cabernet Sauvignon. The harsher and harder conditions push the vines to go deeper in search of water and nutrition. Therefore, Kupelwe 301 is bright in color and filled up with fruit aromas, with great acidity and persistent taste.
KUPELWE 301 DRY RED WINE 130宝庄301干红葡萄酒 基 种植产区:智利迈坡山谷 品 深宝石红色泽,极具诱惑。深邃酒体,果香满溢, 本 年份:2015/2017 鉴 香气入鼻,愉悦感油然而生,黑色浆果的果香味浓 参 葡萄品种:赤霞珠 记 郁充沛,间隙间夹杂着青草清香和烟熏的气息。入 数 橡木桶陈酿:18个月 录 口单宁圆润细腻与其浓郁的果香融合在葡萄酒柔滑 酒精度:14.5%Vol. 的质感之中,醇香绵柔,极富吸引力。 净含量:750ml ASTING NOTE TECHNICAL SHEET Bright garnet color, surely inviting and glamorous, the wine has Region:Maipo Valley Chile concentrated fruit aromas like black cassis, blackberry, with also Vintage: 2015/2017 a hint of black pepper and coffee. The fruit armoas blend very well Grape Variety Cabernet Sauvigono with the aromas of the oak, making a more balanced wine with Alcohol Content: 14.5%VOL more complex layers. Concentrated in mouthfeel, it has firm tannins Barrel Aging: 18 months and good structure and a long aftertaste. Volume: 750ml 17
303 宝庄303干红葡萄酒 18
“LOST PEARL FROM BORDEAUX” 贵族之爱“波尔多失落的珍珠” 宝庄303葡萄园主要以卡门妮雅葡萄品质为主的单一园,卡门妮雅原属于 303 法国波尔多古老的品种,以颜色深,单宁细腻,果香浓郁优雅为人们所喜 爱。但不幸的是,19世纪中期开始,这种被人们称为“贵族之爱”的品种受 DRY RED WINE 到欧洲葡萄根瘤蚜病害的摧毁,在法国几乎面临灭绝。所幸的是,那些对 卡门妮雅至爱的贵族们早在1850年之前就已经把卡门妮雅品种移植到了智 19 利,由于智利北面有干旱的阿塔卡马沙漠、南面有与之隔海相望的南极 洲、东面有连绵不断的安第斯山脉和西面有广阔无边的太平洋,这种独特 的地理位置保护了卡门妮雅免受葡萄根瘤蚜的侵害,就成了卡门妮雅品种 独特的表现,因此,世界葡萄酒界称之为“波尔多失落的珍珠”。 Kupelwe 303 vineyard is consisted of mainly Carmenere. Carmenere was once an old variety found in Bordeaux, France. Its deep color, smooth tannins and strong fruit aromas are all deeply loved by people. Unfortunately, during the mid-19th century, this variety, which was once called “love of the noble”, was destroyed almost totally in France by phylloxera. Lucky enough, those noblemen who love Carmenere so much, had replanted and introduced it to Chile as early as 1850. Due to the surrounding factors of Chile here – Atacama Desert in the north; South Pole in the south; Andes in the east; and pacific from the ,Carmenere is shielded well by these barriers and well kept since. The unique variety and its performance, are therefore, called the “Lost Pearl from Bordeaux” by the wine world.
KUPELWE 303 DRY RED WINE 033宝庄303干红葡萄酒 ASTING NOTE基 种植产区:智利拉佩尔山谷品 诱人的深红色酒体,充满浓郁的果香,散发着迷 TECHNICAL SHEET本 年份:2015 鉴 人诡奇的香气,埋头细闻,红色水果的清香、黑 参 葡萄品种:卡门妮雅 记 巧克力的香甜和黑胡椒的辛辣气息清晰可辨,富 数 橡木桶陈酿:18个月 录 有层次。单宁成熟圆润,骨架完整,口感顺滑, 酒精度:14.0%Vol. 余味悠长。 净含量:750ml Attractive deep ruby red and concentrated fruity aromas, the wine Region: Rapel Valley Chile emits fascinating aromas. In deep absorbing, the red fruits and Vintage: 2015 black chocolate sweetness plus the spice aspects are vividly felt; Grape Variety Carmenere it’s also full of layers. The tannins are round and mature, giving Barrel Aging: 18 months the wine a good structure and long aftertaste. Alcohol Content: 14.5%VOL Volume: 750ml 21
402 宝庄402干红葡萄酒 22
NATURAL YEAST FERMENTATION 天然酵母发酵 天然酵母发酵是葡萄酒发酵技术中的“珠穆朗玛峰”,有别于商 402 业酵母,天然酵母的发酵过程一旦控制不好,整批酒液将可能 全部作废,令酒庄损失惨重。然而,也是这一发酵方式,最能 DRY RED WINE 在本质上反映出土地和葡萄的特性。由于天然酵母是随自然环 境因素时刻变动的,即使在采摘时刻,葡萄上所带的酵母成分 23 也是随机的,因此同一批葡萄也会同时携带有多种酵母,酿出 的葡萄酒也因而具备更复杂的香气和层次结构。因此,只有才 华出众、有极致追求的酒庄才会敢于使用天然酵母。 Natural yeast fermentation is the Mount Everest in the world of fermentation. Different from the commercial yeasts, once the natural yeast fermentation is poorly managed, the whole batch can go into waste and put the winery in bad loss. However, it's also this fermentation that can essentially reflect the soil and the grapes. Due to the complexity of the natural yeast itself, even during the harvest time, the yeasts that are found on the grapes are also random; therefore, the same batch of grapes could possess different kinds of yeasts and lead to more complex aromas and more layerful structure of the resultant wine. So, only when a winery is fully talented and with great pursuit of perfection will dare to use natural yeast in fermentation.
KUPELWE 402 DRY RED WINE 042宝庄402干红葡萄酒 基 种植产区:智利冷气候产区 品 深邃紫红色,浓郁度高,挂杯明显。酒体充满果 本 葡萄年份:2018 鉴 香、黑胡椒与淡淡的海盐气息,橡木桶带来的烟 参 葡萄品种:100%西拉 记 熏、香草和奶油味让香气更加浓郁、丰富和复杂。 数 橡木桶陈酿:12个月 录 口腔中感受到酒体的饱满度,单宁顺滑,矿物质气 酒精度:14.5%Vol. 息明显,酸度平衡而优雅,余味悠长。这是一款强 净含量:750ml 烈带有产区风土特点的佳酿,陈年潜力20年。 ASTING NOTE TECHNICAL SHEET It appears now with a deep purple red, the high concentration Region: Chile’s Cool Climate Regions brings evident tears on the glass.When sniffing from the glass, lots Vintage: 2018 of fruit aromas can be detected with black pepper, and slight notes Varietals: 100% Syrah of sea salt. The smoky, vanilla and creamy aspects from the French Barrel Ageing: 12 Months wood, enables a richer, more layerful and more complex display. Alcohol Content 14.5% VOL In the mouth the heaviness of the wine can be felt. The rich yet Volume: 750ml smooth tannins are velvet like. The abundant minerality and elegant acidity contribute to the balance and elegance of the wine. It has long and deep aftertaste.This is a fine wine with strong terroir characters and a potential to age up to 20 years. 25
412 宝庄412 佩露西拉干红葡萄酒 26
REDEFINING A CENTURY-OLD VARIETY 重新定义一个百年品种 19世纪晚期,法国南部的Durif博士,通过将Syrah(西拉)与Peloursin(佩露西) 412 进行杂交而得到的新品种,并将其命名为Durif(杜瑞夫),其他别名有Plant Durif,Petite Sirah,Petit Syrah等。但如今该品种在法国却几乎销声匿迹,而在美 DRY RED WINE 国却表现一般。 为了寻找该品种的真正“归宿”,宝庄酿酒团队通过对智利葡萄酒产区的风土研究, 最终选定智利迈坡山谷412葡萄园来率先种植该品种,采用更加精细化的种植管理, 力求通过最佳的风土和自己的酿造哲学,重新发掘该品种的潜能。酿造过程中,宝 庄酿酒师运用水泥蛋的天然微氧化进行发酵,让单宁更加细腻,最终,表现出完美 风范,单宁丰厚、颜色极深、骨架结实、香气浓郁,备受人们喜爱。 In the late 19th century, in the south of France, Dr. Durif, used Syrah and Peloursin to breed a new variety and gave the name Durif to it. There were other names such as Plant Durif, Petite Sirah and Petit Syrah and so on. But now in France, this variety is almost gone while in the USA, the performance was nothing more than mediocre. In order to find its real origin, the Kupelwe winemaking team, through the study of Chile wine’s producing region terroirs, finaly made decision to plant in Maipo Alto #412 vineyard, this brand new variety. The aim was to combine the best terroir and their own winemaking philosophy, and to rediscover its potential. In the process of winemaking, the winemakers employed concrete eggs to allow micro-oxidation in fermentation, bringing more finesse tannins to the wine. As such, the resulted wine has such perfect balance – rich tannins, deep color, firm body, concentrated aromas and of course a love of the people. 27
KUPELWE 412DRY RED WINE 142宝庄412干红葡萄酒 ASTING NOTE基 种植产区:智利迈坡山谷品 深邃紫红色,浓郁度高,挂杯明显。酒体充满果 TECHNICAL SHEET本 葡萄年份:2017 鉴 香、黑胡椒与淡淡的海盐气息,橡木桶带来的烟 参 葡萄品种:佩露西拉100% 记 熏、香草和奶油味让香气更加浓郁、丰富和复杂。 数 橡木桶陈酿:6个月 录 口腔中感受到酒体的饱满度,单宁顺滑,矿物质气 酒精度:15.0%vol 息明显,酸度平衡而优雅,余味悠长。这是一款强 规格:750ml 烈带有产区风土特点的佳酿,陈年潜力20年。 Region: Maipo Valley Chile This wine is with a deep ruby red. In the nose, the ripe black Vintage: 2018 currant, strawberry and blackberry aromas are mixed with Grape Variety Pelu Syra 100% minerality, altogether with vanilla, coffee and licorice, the wine is Barrel Aging: 6 months fully expressive in aromas and full of layers. It’s almost exotic and Alcohol Content: 15%VOL with great balance. It’s layerful and the tannins are delicate as well Volume: 750ml as round and rich. The mouth-feel, therefore is soft and smooth as well as solid and strong. The nice structure and long after-taste combines well with lovely acidity. It’s a complex yet elegant wine. 29
751 宝庄751 永恒伯爵干红葡萄酒 30
TOP 5 REGIONS FOR CABERNET SAUVIGNON MAIPO ANDES 安第斯迈坡-全球五佳赤霞珠产区之一 迈坡产区作为智利最重要的红葡萄酒产区之一,以出品高品质的赤霞珠而闻名于 751 世,在国际葡萄酒行业中被誉为“南美波尔多”。宝庄751永恒伯爵葡萄园位于安第斯 山迈坡高地,海拔836米,充足的日照过后即可迎来非常凉爽的夜晚,使得葡萄浆果 DRY RED WINE 熟成缓慢,酸度和成熟度都足以达到完美的平衡。 宝庄751葡萄园的土壤源于安第斯山脉地质运动所带来的崩积土与迈坡河流冲击土、 沙砾和粘土混合在一起,形成贫瘠而富含多种矿物质的的土壤结构,葡萄产量极 低,品质极佳,酿造酒品回味悠长,酒体饱满,香气优雅。因此,宝庄751永恒伯爵 获得2018年葡萄酒大师盲品赛冠军,被评为“产区之王”。 Maipo is famous for the excellent Cabernet Sauvignon and is regarded as “Bordeaux of South America”. The grapes for Kupelwe 751 are from the vineyard in Maipo Andes with altitude of 836 meters. This condition allows the grapes to mature slower and reach a balance between acidity and maturity. The soils in the Kupelwe 715 vineyards are of colluvial nature. Rocks mixed with sands and clays make it infertile and rich in minerals. This provides a base for multi-layered wines. It is this infertile soils that breed grapes with low production and great quality. The wine made from such grapes is with long after-taste and full-bodied and elegant armoas. The Kupelwe 751, as a result, was awarded the champion in the 2018 master of wine blind tasting, and recognized as “King of the region”. 31
KUPELWE 751 DRY RED WINE 175宝庄751干红葡萄酒 基 种植产区:智利迈坡山谷 品 此款混酿酒色呈深石榴红色,散发出成熟的黑樱 本 年份:2017 鉴 桃、李子、黑醋栗等香味,带有烤土司以及黑 胡椒 参 葡萄品种:赤霞珠 记 的风味,单宁成熟,酒体均衡,余味悠长雅致,丰 数 酒精度:14.5%Vol. 录 富的果香掺杂着矿物质气息在味蕾中缓慢绽放,释 ASTING NOTE TECHNICAL SHEET净含量:750ml 放出惊人的美味。 橡木桶陈酿时间:20个月 陈瓶时间:18个月 过滤:未过滤,可能会有沉淀现象 It appears now with a deep purple red, the high concentration brings evident tears on the glass.When sniffing from the glass, lots Region: Maipo valley,Chile of fruit aromas can be detected with black pepper, and slight notes Vintage: 2017 of sea salt. The smoky, vanilla and creamy aspects from the French Grape Varieties Cabernet Sauvignon wood, enables a richer, more layerful and more complex display. Alc .Vol.: 14.5 % In the mouth the heaviness of the wine can be felt. The rich yet Volume: 750ml smooth tannins are velvet like. The abundant minerality and elegant Barrel Aging: 20 Months acidity contribute to the balance and elegance of the wine. It has Bottle Aging: 18 Months long and deep aftertaste.This is a fine wine with strong terroir Filtration: Unfiltered. There might be characters and a potential to age up to 20 years. sediment with age 33
831 宝庄831 黑珍珠干红葡萄酒 34
BLACK PEARL FROM HEAVEN 天堂的黑珍珠 宝庄831葡萄园面积只有4.2公顷,位于安第斯迈坡小产区,聚集着本产区表现最突出 831 的品种赤霞珠、品丽珠、小西拉等,为了利用好这块难得的宝地,产出超高品质的 葡萄酒,酿酒师采用高密度、低产量的种植方式来提高葡萄的品质,种植密度达到 DRY RED WINE 每公顷9000株,每颗葡萄树只结6-8串果实的产量,每颗果粒极其珍贵,酿酒师称之 为“天堂里的黑珍珠”。 35 由于高密度种植,葡萄树平均分得土壤里的养分和水分减少,迫使葡萄只能通过往 下扎根来获得更多的养分和水分,从而导致葡萄根系更加发达,扎根更深,获得的 矿物质也更多。而在结果数量上,酿酒师采用低产量的方式让葡萄树所获得的能量 尽可能地供给少量的果实,让果实获得更多的营养和矿物质,使得果实风味更加浓 郁复杂,这样的种植方式大大提高了葡萄果实的品质,也给世界葡萄种植技术提供 了新的方向。 The Kupelwe 831 vineyard is only 4.2 ha. in superficie – in the Andes Maipo region. Here the best Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Petit Syrah can be found. In order to better make use of this precious land and make those of the super high quality wines, the winemakers decide to use high-density plantation with low yield to improve the quality of the grapes. Each hectare has up to 9,000 plants while each vine produces only 6-8 bunches of grapes. The grapes are so precious that they are called “black pearls of the heaven”. Due to the high density, the vines on average receive less nutrition and water from the soil – pushing the grapes to go deeper to absorb more nutrition and water. So the roots are more active and deeper than usual – so more minerals are collected in the process. In the results, the lower yield per plant means that the vine supply the limited quantity of energy to the fewer grapes and the concentration level is higher. This way of plantation hugely improves the quality of the grapes and leads the way in the world’s plantation.
KUPELWE 831 DRY RED WINE 183宝庄831干红葡萄酒 基 种植产区:智利迈坡山谷 品 酒液呈现出迷人的宝石红色泽。迈坡高地的三种不同 本 年份:2017 鉴 基因的赤霞珠混酿而成,赋予酒液浓郁复杂的香气。 参 品种:赤霞珠 记 成熟的葡萄颗粒带有强烈的黑色水果和红色水果香 数 酒精度:14.5%VOL 录 气,以及明显的矿物气息。橡木桶中的烤面包和香草 ASTING NOTE TECHNICAL SHEET净含量:750ML 气息与果味完美地融合在一起。细嗅之下,能发现皮 侍酒温度:18~20℃ 革香气。口感集中,酒体强劲,单宁丰富却不失优 酵母类型:天然酵母 雅,香气复杂,骨架平衡,余味悠长复杂。 过滤:未过滤,可能会有沉淀现象 Region: Maipo Valley Chile The wine presents in bright ruby red. From Andes Maipo, it’s a Vintage: 2017 blend among Cabernet Sauvignon from three different genes origins, Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon giving to the wine complex aromas. The ripe grapes brings Alcohol Volume: 14.5% concentrated black and red fruit aromas and evident minerality. Net Content: 750ML The toastiness and vanilla notes from the oak blend together Serving Temperature: 18-20°C perfectly with the fruitiness. With delicate detection, some leather Yeast: Natural Yeast smell can be found. The intensity and concentration of the wine Filtration: Unfiltered. There might be are combined with rich yet smooth tannins, giving an elegant but sediment with age complex edge to the wine. It’s overall well balanced and with persistent and complex finish.· 37
BEAUTY OF NATURE 宝庄自然之美干红葡萄酒 38
BIODYNAMIC PLANTATION MANAGEMENT 生物动力学栽植 宝庄自然之美葡萄园围绕生物动力法概念,使葡萄园与周围的动物植物融为一体。 BEAUTY 这不单体现在对其他动植物的不干预,更体现在完全遵循自然法则的有机可循环的 OF 种植管理技术、利用原有环境中的花草提取物来达到驱除虫害的效果。我们以最符 合自然规律的方式来做全年计划,利用当地季节环境特点,通过顺势疗法等方式唤 NATURE 醒土壤的免疫力和恢复力。这种方式也让我们杜绝了任何有害的添加剂、激素性药 物或基因改造的产品。这种模式下,我们的葡萄园可以达到更长的“使用寿命”,而 DRY RED WINE 整个自然环境也可以因此受益,进而发展更和谐、更多层次的生态。 The wildlife around the vineyards of KUPELWE is preciously treated, lest human activities were without restraint and damage the original land and environment that we human beings are endowed by the creator. In the vineyards, we often can see condors and birds flying above or around, which is a gift and treasure to us, a sign of our successful sustainable strategy. We understand also the insects and other small animals are also crucial to the long-term success of protecting our vineyards and upholding our values of a harmonious terroir between men and nature. 39
KUPELWE BEAUTY OF NATURE DRY RED WINE 宝庄自然之美干红葡萄酒 基 原产国:智利 品 初闻有着新鲜的果味,显示出果实良好的成熟度, 本 葡萄年份:2017 鉴 犹如黑樱桃和红色浆果的风味不断散发;再次细 参 葡萄品种:100%赤霞珠 记 闻,可以察觉到橡木气息融合在果味当中,恰到好 数 橡木桶陈酿:12个月 录 处。入口可以感受到结实饱满的骨架,单宁多而柔 酒精度:14.5%Vol. 和,酸度搭配完美。入喉后仍然在口中停留许久, 净含量:750ml 显示出极佳的储藏潜力。 ASTING NOTE TECHNICAL SHEET The first smell has a fresh fruity taste, showing good ripeness of Country of origin: Chile the fruit, like the flavors of black cherries and red berries, which are constantly exuding; when you smell it again, you can notice Vintage: 2017 that the oak aroma is blended with the fruity taste, just right. At the entrance, you can feel the strong and full frame, with rich and Grape Varieties Cabernet Sauvignon soft tannins, and the perfect acidity. After entering the throat, it still stays in the mouth for a long time, showing an excellent storage Barrel Aging: 12 Months potential. Alc .Vol.: 14.5 % Volume: 750ml 41