al CH1091al CH1074 al CH1068 al CH1071al CH1092 al CH1067 al CH1070Hand drawn c raftsmanship, unique piece by piece, unique c harm blending w ithw ater, g entle and natural beauty⼿绘匠⼼,⽚⽚唯⼀,独韵融⽔,柔美天成 [收起]
粉丝: {{bookData.followerCount}}
Pearlescent metallic t exture, diverse and exciting performances, t he diversity o f
l ife f lows in t he l ight and s hadow, and each s ide is a unique s cenic l ine
ALl t 1013 ALl t 1065 ALl t 1064
Ho n ey c o mb
ALl t 1011 ALl t 1015 ALl t 1014
ALl t 1055 ALl t 1054 ALl t 1073
ALl t 1073
Product s pecificatifon
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
48X55.4 6 300X303 10/ 15 0.65/ 0.8 12/ 16
73x84 8 300X260 9/ 11 0.88/ 1.08 15/ 19
t et r is
Glass t exture is t ransparent and r ound, w eaving a c hapter o f l ife art
Product s pecificatifon
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
30x53 8 286x292 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
41x70 8 262x264 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
42x66 8 285x285 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
50x67 8 315x271 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
42x66 8 308x288 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
ALbz 101
ALbz 109
ALbz 107 ALbz 105 ALbz 106
ALbz 108 ALbz 112 ALbz 113
ALbz 111 ALbz 103 ALbz 102
al l t 1073 al l t 1076 al l t 1070
al l t 1020 al l t 1021 al l t 1065
Diamo n d
al l t 1050 al l t 1027 al l t 1028
al l t 1035 al l t 1060 al l t 1062
Product s pecificatifon
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
76x101 8 309X234 9/ 11 0.65/ 0.8 12/ 16
51x152 8 308X318 9/ 11 0.88/ 1.08 15/ 19
Sparkling pearl, metallic t exture, diamond c ut
s urface, s hining new home f ashion
c a s i
Glass f used w ith s tone c harm, natural material, harmonious c oexistence,
unique material, each piece is t he c rystallization o f nature and art
Product s pecificatifon
15x15 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
23x23 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
ALZH1002 ALZH1001 ALZH1027
ALbh016 ALbh013 ALbh020
ALbh042 ALbh158 ALbh170
in k a r t
Customize y our l ife s cene and experience extraordinary t hings! Crafted by
t echnology, s tay new f or a l ong t ime, l et t he w all t ell y our s tory!
ALdy 1074 ALdy 1075 ALdy 1082
ALdy 1083 ALdy 1136 ALdy 1138
ALdy 1019 ALdy 1080 ALdy 1115
ALdy 1116
Product s pecificatifon
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
48X48 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
73x73 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
98x98 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
Ag a t e
l uxurious t exture painting, f ashionable and f resh images l eap in f ront o f
t he eyes, t ransparent and v ibrant, beautiful moments dance g racefully
Product s pecificatifon
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
48X55.4 6 300X303 9/ 11 0.9/ 1.09
48X148 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.8/ 1
15X48/ 98/ 148
23X48/ 98/ 148
8 300X300 9/ 11 0.8/ 1
ALJC1041 ALJC1043 ALJC1042
ALJC1001 ALJC1008
Geo met r y
Metallic t exture g lass s urface, s pherical l uster s hining in t he s tudy, adding
elegance t o a c orner o f t he entrance, and highlighting t he s mart s pace
al z g 047
al z g 045
al z g 077 al z g 080 al z g 075
al z g 071 al z g 072 al z g 073
al z g 062 al z g 063
Product s pecificatifon
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
73x84 6 300X260 10 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
68x150 6 355X340 10 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
6 300X300 10 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
40X60 60X60
40X90 60X90
40X139 60X139
6 310X337 10 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
Ea s y t il e
Natural s tone c utting s urface is t he main f eature, integrating t he beauty o f
g lass and metal, s eamlessly c onnected, w ith built- in adhesive, c onvenient
c onstruction, and s eamless t exture and s pace
坚持品质到细节 al mp1030
ALmp1007 ALmp1006 ALmp1008
ALmp1004 ALmp1005 ALmp1009
Product s pecificatifon
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
20x45 4 300X300 15/ 22 0.8/ 1.5 11/ 16
16.5x25/ 50/ 75 4+(6- 8) 297x275 12 0.98 18
r a in bo w
Weaving a dreamy s pace w ith dazzling c olors,
t hree- dimensional c utting, and interplay o f
l ight and s hadow, making every w all l eap
w ith extraordinary v isual f east
ALhc 037
Product s pecificatifon
23x23 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 1.5/ 18.5
23x23 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 1.5/ 18.5
8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 1.5/ 18.5
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
ALhc 054 ALhc 049 ALhc 046
ALbl 024
ALhc 047 ALhc 048
Aq u abl u e
al c h1073
Product s pecificatifon
Chip Size Thickness Sheet Size PCS/Box Coverage/ Box k g
23x23 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
23xx48 8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
8 300X300 9/ 11 0.81/ 1 15/ 18.5
al CH1091
al CH1074 al CH1068 al CH1071
al CH1092 al CH1067 al CH1070
Hand drawn c raftsmanship, unique piece by piece, unique c harm blending w ith
w ater, g entle and natural beauty