
发布时间:2021-10-29 | 杂志分类:其他


IMPORTANT NOTICES Property are not described in the catalogue, this does not mean that the Property has no weakness or defects. The auctions held by Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited (“Poly Auction (Hong Kong)”or“our company”) are conducted according to the Conditions of Business, Important Notices, Important Notices about Bidding Registration, Important Notice about ... [收起]
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1549 昭和時代 銀包銅壺一組 A PAIR OF SILVER-COATED BRONZE TEAPOTS, SHOWA PERIOD 高 11.3 厘米,高 18.5 厘米 HKD 20,000 – 30,000 USD 2,600 – 3,800 此組壼以銀為衣,銅為身,兩種金屬的融合整體呈現高雅的色肌,一大一小相 映成趣,為茶席增添趣味。 199


IMPORTANT NOTICES Property are not described in the catalogue, this does not mean that the Property has no weakness or defects. The auctions held by Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited (“Poly Auction (Hong Kong)”or“our company”) are conducted according to the Conditions of Business, Important Notices, Important Notices about Bidding Registration, Important Notice about Payment and Important Notice about Storage Collection Shipping and Export, and anyone participating in the auction should read the terms carefully. These Conditions and rules may be revised by announcement or verbal notification without prior notice. The following pages are designed to give you useful RESTRICTED MATERIALS 1 information on how to bid at auctions. Poly Auction (Hong Properties with a symbol have been identified 1.5 Kong)’s staff as listed at the front of this catalogue will to be made of or containing restricted materials at be happy to assist you. However, it is important that you the time of the compiling of the catalogue, and the 2 read the following information carefully and note that materials concerned may be subject to import and 2.5 Poly Auction (Hong Kong) acts for the seller. export restraints. Properties without this symbol it is not 3 guaranteed that Properties are not subject to import PROVENANCE and export restraints. For items made of botanic or In certain circumstances, Poly Auction (Hong Kong) may animal materials (coral, crocodile, ivory, whalebone, print in the catalogue the history of ownership of a work tortoise, rhinoceros horn and Brazilian Rosewood, etc.) of art if such information contributes to scholarship or or containing botanic or animal materials, regardless is otherwise well known and assists in distinguishing of their year or value, may require an application for the work of art. However, the identity of the seller or permits or certificates before exporting outside Hong previous owners may not be disclosed for a variety of Kong, and other application for permits or certificates reasons. For example, such information may be excluded may be required when importing into countries outside to accommodate a seller’s request for confidentiality or Hong Kong. Please pay attention that the ability to obtain because the identity of prior owners is unknown given export permits or certificates does not ensure that the age of the work of art. import permits or certificates can be obtained in another country and vice versa. For example, importing ivory for fewer than 100 years is illegal in the USA. Bidders should enquire about the import regulations on products made of or containing wild animals and plants materials of the governments concerned before participating in an auction. Buyers must be responsible for obtaining any export or import permits/or certificates and any other documents required. 20% ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AND MECHANICAL 1 MERCHANDISES 1.5 BUYER S PREMIUM All electrical appliances and mechanical merchandise 2 A buyer’s premium will be added to the Hammer Price are sold on an “as is” basis, and should not be assumed and is payable by the buyer as part of the total purchase that they operate. Before putting into any use, electrical 3 price. ﬔe buyer’s premium is 20% of the hammer price appliances must be inspected and approved by qualified of each Lot up. electric technicians. 4 CONDITIONS OF THE PROPERTIES 5 Bidder must review the Lot(s) in the preview before the auction, and bear all responsibilities (including but not JEWELRY, WATCHES AND HANDBAGS limited to legal liability and/or responsibility) of their Description of the conditions of Jewelry Lot(s) usually bidding acts. For more information on the Properties, contained in the catalogue, however, absence of a please consult our business staff. If the conditions of a description does not imply that the Lot(s) is free from


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If the Lot is not sold in the auction, the insurance period 11.If the Seller violates any of the above warranties and days from the issuance date of the Company s notice (fees shall terminate upon the expiry of thirty days after the Company undertakings, the Seller shall fully indemnify all losses, costs for packaging and transportation shall be at the Seller s issues the notice on the collection of the Lot. and expenses suffered by the Company and/or the Buyer. own expense). The consignment auction contract between the Seller and the Company will terminate on the date when ARTICLE 16 INSURANCE BY THE SELLER ARTICLE 8 RESERVE the Seller collects the Lot. If during the above-mentioned pe- In the event that the Seller notifies the Company in writing 1.Unless otherwise agreed upon by the Company and the riod the Seller fails to collect the Lot, the consignment auc- not to insure the Lot, it shall undertake all the risks and the Seller, all Lots are offered subject to a Reserve. ﬔe Reserve tion contract will automatically terminate upon the expiration following liabilities at any time (unless otherwise ruled by an shall be determined by the Seller and the Company in writing of such period. If within seven days after the termination of arbitration institution): through consultation, and no modification of the Reserve the consignment auction contract the Seller does not col- 1.To compensate for any claim or action brought by any other shall be made without the prior consent of the other party lect the Lot, the Company shall have the right to charge the parties against the Company with respect to the damage or after it is determined by both parties. Storage Fee, insurance fees and other reasonable expenses, destruction of the Lot; 2.Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Reserve for each and to dispose of the Lot in a way the Company deems prop- 2.To compensate the Company and/or any other parties for Lot will be equal to seventy five per cent (75%) of the low pre- er. ﬔe Seller is responsible for the collection of, if any, the all losses suffered and all expenses incurred because of the sale estimate notified to the Seller. amount obtained from the disposal after deducting all the damage or destruction of the Lot caused by any reason; and 3.No Reserve may exceed the Lot s final low pre-sale esti- fees and expenses incurred by the Company. 3.To notify the compensation related provisions herein to any mate announced or published by the Company. In the event insurer of the Lot. of a Reserve agreed in a currency other than Hong Kong ARTICLE 11 SUSPENSION OF AUCTION dollars without written agreement on the exchange rate, the ﬔe Company has the right to suspend the auction of any Lot ARTICLE 17 INSURANCE DISCLAIMER Reserve shall be an amount equal to the Hong Kong dollar at any time before the actual auction in any one of the follow- ﬔe damage or destruction of the Lot caused by natural wear, equivalent based on the average telegraphic transfer ex- ing situations: inherent flaws, internal or potential defects, change of sub- change rate offered by HSBC on the thirtieth calendar days 1.ﬔe Company has an objection to the ownership or authen- stance itself, self-combustion, self-heating, oxidation, corrosion, preceding the auction. ticity of the Lot; leakage, rat-bite, worm-bite, change in the atmosphere (climate 4.Following the bidding failure of the Lot authorized by the 2.Any third party has an objection to the ownership or or air temperature), change in humidity or temperature, or other Seller, the Auctioneer shall have the right to sell such Lot at authenticity of the Lot and can provide relevant evidence gradual changes or caused by force majeure such as earth- the Reserve after such auction and the Seller must pay the materials as to the basis of such objection, pays a security quake, tsunami, war, hostile action, armed conflict, terrorism, Commission to the Auctioneer. In no circumstance shall the pursuant to the Company s requirements and is willing to coup, strike and social riot, or nuclear radiation or radioactive Company bear any liability for failure to sell the Lot at the take the corresponding liabilities for the legal consequences pollution as well as the damage or destruction of book frames, Reserve at the auction held by the Company. and all losses caused by the suspension of auction; glass, drawers, bottom pads, trestles, mountings, insert pages, 3.The Company has an objection to the explanation of the scroll heads or other similar accessories caused by any reason ARTICLE 9 THE COMPANY S DISCRETION Seller or the accuracy of the Seller s warranty mentioned in is not within the scope of insurance coverage. The aforesaid ﬔe Company may decide the following matters at its abso- Article 7 hereof; risks should be borne by the Seller. lute discretion: 4.Any evidence proves the Seller has violated or will violate 1.Explanation and/or appraisal of any aspect of any Lot any provisions of these Conditions of Business; ARTICLE 18 INSURANCE INDEMNITY through the catalogue of the Lot and/or news media and/or 5.For any other reason, the Company believes that the auc- Any damage or destruction of the Lot caused by incidents or other carriers; tion of such Lot shall be suspended; or disasters covered by the insurance purchased by the Compa- 2.Whether to consult any expert or not; 6.If the Company is aware of any ownership or other dispute ny for the Lot shall be handled in accordance with the laws of


Hong Kong on insurance. ﬔe Company shall pay insurance 2.To remove, store and insure the sold Lot; and will not carry out comprehensive inspection of all Lots. indemnities after deducting the Company s expenses (other 3.To settle claims brought by the Buyer or the Seller in accor- Bidders are aware of this and bear the responsibilities of than the Commission) to the Seller after the Company ob- dance with the relevant articles hereof; and inspecting and testing the original Lots so that Bidders will tains such indemnities from the insurance company. 4.To take other necessary measures to collect the outstand- be satisfied with those Lots in which they may be interested. ing payment owed by the Buyer to the Seller. 2. All Lots for sale by the Company are available for viewing ARTICLE 19 BIDDING PROHIBITION by Bidders. By bidding, Bidders and/or their agents are ﬔe Seller shall not bid for the Lot consigned to the Company ARTICLE 27 UNSOLD OR UNCOLLECTED LOT deemed to have carried out thorough examination of the by himself/herself/itself for auction, or authorize any other 1.In the event that the Lot is not sold, the Company may Lots, and are deemed to be satisfied with the conditions of person to bid on his/her/its behalf. Only the Company has re-negotiate with the Seller on the revised Reserve and sell the Lots and the accuracy of their description. the right to bid on behalf of the Seller at a price not more the Lot in private sale, and pay the Seller the Proceeds of 3. Bidders acknowledge that various Lots are dated long time than the Reserve. ﬔe Seller shall bear all legal liabilities and Sales adjusted based on the revised Reserve. ago and of special categories, implying that the Lots are not compensate for all losses caused to the Company if the Sell- 2.ﬔe Company will send the Seller a notice if any Lot fails to perfect and not free from defects. All Lots are sold on an as er violates this Article. sell at auction or privately pursuant to 1 above. Subject to is basis at the time of the auction (whether or not Bidders 27.1 above, unsold Lots may either be consigned to the Com- attend the auction). Condition reports may be provided when ARTICLE 20 COMMISSION AND EXPENSES pany for re-sale according to the Commission and expenses during the viewing period. Under certain circumstances, Unless otherwise agreed upon by the Seller and the Compa- scale set out in the previous consignment auction contract catalogue descriptions and condition reports may be used ny, the Seller shall authorize the Company to deduct 10% or, alternatively, collected by the Seller. If the Seller decides for reference about certain defects of the Lots. Nevertheless, of the Hammer Price as Commission and at the same time to collect an unsold Lot, the Company may charge the Seller Bidders should pay attention that the Lots may have other deduct other expenses. Despite the fact that the Company is the commission and expenses applicable to unsold Lots in defects not clearly stated in the catalogue descriptions and the Seller s Agent, the Seller agrees that the Company may accordance with the consignment auction contract. condition reports. collect the Commission and other expenses from the Buyer 3.If the Seller fails either to reconsign or collect the Lot with- 4. Regarding the information about the Lot provided to in accordance with the provisions in Article 49 hereof. in thirty (30) days of the auction, the Company is released Bidders, including any forecast information (written or from any duty of bailment it may have for such Lot and shall, verbal), catalogues and other reports, commentaries or ARTICLE 21 SERVICE FEE FOR UNSOLD LOT in its sole discretion, be entitled to (i) store the Lot at an in- estimated values, such information are not statement of In case the Lot is not sold because the bidding price is lower dependent storage facility at the Seller s risk and expense facts, but rather are statements of the opinion that the than the Reserve, the Seller shall authorize the Company to including the Storage Fee, insurance fees and other reason- Company holds. Such information can be altered at the sole charge the Seller a service fee for unsuccessful auction and able expenses; or (ii) re-offer the Lot for sale at public auction discretion of the Company from time to time. other expenses. (at the Company or elsewhere) with a reserve no less than 5. ﬔe Company or the Seller has not made any declaration fifty per cent (50%) of the Reserve at which it was previously or warranty as to whether any Lot is subject to any copyright ARTICLE 22 PAYMENT OF PROCEEDS OF SALE offered. or whether the Buyer has bought the copyright of any Lot. Where the Buyer effects full payment of the Purchase Price 4.In the event of re-sale pursuant to 3(ii) above, the Company 6. In accordance with the matters contained in Article 29 (1) to to the Company in accordance with the provisions in Article shall be entitled to deduct the commissions and expenses 29 (5) of the Conditions of Business and the special exemption 49 hereof, the Company shall pay the Proceeds of Sale to for the unsuccessful auction in accordance with the con- contained in Article 30 of the Conditions of Business, the the Seller thirty-five days after the Sale Date in Hong Kong signment auction contract as well as the commissions and descriptions in the catalogue and in the condition reports are dollars. expenses for the re-sale from the Proceeds of Sale before written in a reasonably prudent manner (and such should paying the remaining amount to the Seller. be in line with those terms of the Conditions of Business ARTICLE 23 DEFERRED PAYMENT 5.In the event a Lot has been deposited with the Company regarding the Company serving as Auction Agent) based on Where the Company does not receive the full payment of the for more than one year and the owner has neither collected (1) the information provided by the Seller to the Company; (2) Purchase Price from the Buyer upon the expiry of the payment it nor consigned it for sale, the Company shall be entitled to academic and technical knowledge (if any); and (3) generally period under Article 51 hereof, the Company will pay the Pro- sell such property at auction (at the Company or elsewhere) accepted opinions of the relevant experts. ceeds of Sale to the Seller within seven working days after after sixty (60) days notice of such sale to the owner s receipt of full payment of the Purchase Price from the Buyer. address, with estimates and reserves at the Company s ARTICLE 30 THE COMPANY'S EXEMPTION AND discretion. RESTRICTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE BUYER ARTICLE 24 SELLER TAXES 6.Any re-sale of unsold Lots or sale of uncollected Lots shall 1. If the Company considers the Lot as forgery, it shall return ﬔe Seller shall pay taxes to the government for the Proceeds be conducted under these Conditions of Business applicable the Hammer Price and Buyer's Commission to the Buyer. of Sale obtained. If the Company has an obligation to with- to the relevant auction. The proceeds of such sale less all 2. Subject to the matters contained in Article 29 of the hold and pay taxes according to the provisions of the rele- costs incurred by the Company will be forfeited unless col- Conditions of Business and the rules in Article 30 (1) and 30 vant laws, the Company will follow the provisions of the laws. lected by the Seller within two years of the sale. (5) of the Conditions of Business, the Company shall not: ﬔe Seller shall assist in handling all the formalities and bear (1) be responsible for any errors or omissions in the the corresponding taxes and expenses. ARTICLE 28 RISK ASSUMPTION information provided by the Company to the Bidder verbally The Seller shall assume liability for all risks and expenses or in writing, no matter whether this is caused by negligence ARTICLE 25 ASSISTANCE IN THE COLLECTION OF that occur after the time limit prescribed herein if the Seller or other reasons, with the exception of provision contained OUTSTANDING PAYMENT fails to take back the Lot not auctioned or the unsold Lot in Article 29 (6) of the Conditions of Business; ﬔe Seller shall, at the time of its consignment of the Lot to within such the time limit. The Seller shall assume liability (2) make any guarantee or warranty to the Bidder, excluding the Company for auction, be deemed to have authorized for all risks and expenses of the Lot not auctioned or the un- any implied warranty and rules other than the expressed the Company to demand the corresponding outstanding sold Lot at the earlier of the thirtieth day after the Company warranty that the Seller has entrusted the Company to make payment from the Buyer on behalf of the Seller. Where the issues notice on collection of the Lot to the Seller (including to the Buyer (with the exception of those responsibilities that Buyer fails to fully pay the Purchase Price within seven days the notice date) and the time when the Seller collects the cannot be discharged according to the stipulations of laws); after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company Lot in accordance with these Conditions of Business. Where (3) be accountable to any Bidder for any actions or omissions shall have the right to demand the Commission and other the Seller requests Company to assist it in the return of the of the Company regarding the auction or the sale of any Lot (no Buyer s Expenses according to the provisions of Article Lot within the time limit provided herein and the Company matter whether this is caused by negligence or other reasons). 58 hereof. In addition, the Company shall as well have the so agrees, the Seller shall assume liability for all risks and 3. Unless the Company owns the Lot to be sold, it shall not right to take appropriate actions (including but not limited expenses that occur after the Lot leaves the place desig- be responsible for any breach of the Conditions of Business to resorting to legal proceedings) to assist the Seller in col- nated by the Company. Unless the Seller specifically gives by the Seller. lecting such outstanding payment from the Buyer where it is an indication and pays insurance premium in advance, the 4. Without affecting Article 30 (2) of these rules, any claim deemed by the Company to be practicable. ﬔe above provi- Company has no obligation to ensure the Lot for any period for compensation that the Bidder makes to the Company sion does not exclude the Seller s right to demand in per- after it departs from the place designated by the Company. or the Seller shall be limited to the Hammer Price and the son or authorize any third party to demand the outstanding Where the Seller requests the Company to assist it in re- Buyer's Commission of the Lot. Under no circumstances payment from the Buyer and does not obligate the Company turning the Lot by means of post, express delivery or other shall the Company and the Seller bear any consequential to demand the corresponding outstanding payment from the third-party transportation, the Company shall be deemed losses incurred by the Buyer. Buyer on behalf of the Seller under any circumstance. ﬔis to have returned the Lot, and the Seller shall be deemed to Company shall not bear the corresponding liability for the have collected the Lot upon the Company s delivery of the ARTICLE 31 CATALOGUE AND OTHER EXPLANATION Seller because of the Buyer s failure to pay the Purchase Lot to the post, express delivery and transportation entities, OF THE LOT Price under any circumstance. companies or their employees/branch offices. ﬔe Company shall prepare a catalogue of the Lot to briefly introduce the conditions of the Lot with words and/or ARTICLE 26 THE COMPANY S DISCRETION CHAPTER III THE BIDDER AND THE BUYER pictures to facilitate the Bidder and Seller to participate in The Company shall have the right to accept the Seller s the auction held by the Company. ﬔe words and Estimate authorization (at the Seller s expenses) and may determine ARTICLE 29 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BIDDER in the catalogue of the Lot, pictures, other images as well the following matters as the case may be: AND THE COMPANY IN RESPECT OF THE LOT as public materials are only references for the Bidder and 1.To agree on special conditions of the payment of the Pur- 1. ﬔe Company's perception of all Lots partly relies on the may be revised before auction. The Company provides chase Price; information provided by the Seller, the Company is unable no guarantee for the authenticity, value, tone, quality or


flawlessness of the Lot. already submitted a written report to the Company regarding ARTICLE 43 DISCLAIMER OF ABSENTEE BID the loss paddle. Since absentee bid is a free service of transmitting ARTICLE 32 UNCERTAINTY OF CATALOGUE bidding information that the Company provides to the Where the tone, color, graduation shape or any other ARTICLE 37 AUCTION DEPOSIT Bidder, the Company and its employees shall not bear any feature of the Lot shown in the catalogue and/or any other When a Bidder participates in an auction of the Company, responsibilities for unsuccessful bidding or any errors, illustrations, images and public materials differ from those he/she shall first pay the auction deposit before collecting omissions, negligence, fault or inability to bid on its behalf of the original Lot due to printing, photography or other the paddle. The amount of the auction deposit will be during the bidding process. technical reasons, the original Lot shall take precedence. Any announced by the Company before the Auction Date, and the introduction and appraisal of any Lot made by the Company Company has the right to waive the auction deposit. If the ARTICLE 44 FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVE PRINCIPLE and its employees or its agents in anyway (including the Bidder fails to buy the Lot and he does not owe the Company FOR ABSENTEE BID certificate, catalogue, slideshow and news media) are only any sum, then that auction deposit shall be returned to the If two or more Bidders appointing the Company to bid on their opinions for reference and do not constitute any guarantee Bidder in full without interest within 14 working days after behalf have bid the same price for the same Lot and eventually for the Lot. The Company and its employees or its agents the end of the auction. If the Bidder succeeds in buying a Lot, that Lot is sold at that Hammer Price, then the one who first shall undertake no liability for any inaccuracy or omission in the auction deposit shall automatically be converted to the submitted to the Company shall be the Buyer of that Lot. the aforesaid introduction or appraisal. payment of the Purchase Price of the Lot. ARTICLE 45 DISCRETION OF THE AUCTIONEER ARTICLE 33 RESERVE AND ESTIMATE ARTICLE 38 DISCRETION OF THE COMPANY The Auctioneer has the right at his absolute and sole Unless otherwise indicated, all Lots are offered subject to a The Company has the right to forbid anyone from discretion in the following matters: Reserve. Normally, the Reserve is not higher than the lowest participating in the auction organized by the Company or 1. Refusal or acceptance of any bid; Estimate announced before the auction or published before entering the auction site, or taking pictures or shooting 2. Carrying out the auction in such a manner as he may the auction by the Company. If a Reserve has not been set for videos at the auction site at its discretion. decide; a Lot, unless there has already been bidding, the Auctioneer, 3. Withdrawal of any Lot, dividing it for auction separately, in his or her discretion, may determine the starting price, but ARTICLE 39 HANDLING OF ABNORMAL EVENTS combining any two or more Lots for auction; this shall not be higher than the lowest Estimate of the Lot If any abnormal event occurs at the auction site, the 4. If there are errors or disputes, no matter if they occur before the auction. Company has the right to take emergency actions. If any during or after the auction, he shall have the right to decide Under no circumstances shall the Company bear any liability dispute arises at the auction site, the Company has right to the successful Bidder, whether or not to continue the when the bids for a Lot do not reach the Reserve. If the bids mediate and settle it. auction, to cancel the auction or place the Lot under dispute are lower than the Reserve, the Auctioneer, in his or her for auction again; discretion, may sell the Lot at a price lower than the Reserve. ARTICLE 40 CONFIRMATION OF BUYER'S IDENTITY 5. ﬔe Auctioneer may open and carry out the bidding at a However under such circumstances, the amount that the ﬔe Bidder must take good care of his/her/its paddle and be level with bidding increments that he considers suitable, and Company shall pay the Seller shall be the amount that the cautious not to lose it. ﬔe Bidder shall not lend his/her/its has the right to bid on behalf of the Seller up to the amount Seller would receive as if the Lot was sold at the Reserve. paddle to others, or the Bidder shall assume all legal liability of the Reserve, either by placing consecutive bids or by The Estimate is estimated at an earlier time before the for others' act of bidding for the Lot using his/her/its paddle. placing bids in response to other Bidders; Auction Date, it is not a confirmed selling price, and is not 6. Adoption of other actions that he considers as appropriate. legally binding. Estimates cannot be used as a forecast of ARTICLE 41 ABSENTEE BIDS the Hammer Price of the Lot, and the Company has the right Bidders shall attend the auction in person. If a Bidder or its ARTICLE 46 NO RESERVE to revise from time to time the Estimate already made. agent cannot attend in person, it can appoint the Company For those Lots without a Reserve, unless there has already in writing for the Company to bid on its behalf. ﬔe Company been bidding, otherwise the Auctioneer, under his own ARTICLE 34 BIDDERS' INSPECTION has the discretion to accept or not accept the above discretion, may decide the starting price. If there is no RESPONSIBILITY appointment. Any Bidder who has appointed the Company bidding at such a price, the Auctioneer will, at his own The Bidder and/or his/her/its agents shall have the to bid shall handle the appointment formalities within the discretion, lower the price and continue the auction until a responsibility to learn about the actual conditions of the Lot period stipulated (no later than three business days), and Bidder starts to bid, then he will continue the auction at that and shall be legally liable for his/her/its bid for a certain produce a completed Absentee Bid Order to the Company, price and then continue up from that amount. Lot. ﬔe Company strongly advises the Bidders to personally and at the same time pay the auction deposit according to inspect the original Lot they intend to bid for before the the Conditions of Business. ARTICLE 47 IMAGE DISPLAY BOARD AND Auction Date by authentication or other means. Bidders If the Bidder who has appointed the Company to bid needs CURRENCY CONVERSION BOARD shall judge by themselves whether Lot complies with the to cancel the absentee bid, it shall notify the Company no To facilitate Bidders, the Company may use image projector descriptions in the Company's catalogue of the Lot and later than 24 hours before the Auction Date. or other forms of display boards in the auction. ﬔe contents other images and public materials, rather than relying on the shown are for reference only. It is possible that there are catalogue, images and public materials to make decisions. ARTICLE 42 AUCTION RESULTS OF ABSENTEE BID differences in the information such as the amount, reference If a Bidder who has appointed the Company to bid, the number of the Lot, images of the Lot or reference foreign ARTICLE 35 REGISTRATION OF BIDDERS auction results and the related legal responsibilities shall be currency etc. shown in the image projector or other forms If the Bidder is a natural person, before the Auction Date, he/ borne by the Bidder. of display boards and the Company shall not bear any she shall fill in and sign the registration documents with an If the Bidder indicates in the Absentee Bid Order that it bids responsibilities for any losses caused by such differences. identity document with photo issued by the government (such by instant communication methods such as telephone, it as resident identity card or passport), and provide proof of shall fill in the instant communication method accurately ARTICLE 48 SUCCESSFUL BID the current address (e.g. utility bill or bank statement); if the and keep the instant communication instrument properly, The fact that the Auctioneer confirms the highest bid of a Bidder is a company or other organization, before the Auction during the period in which the Company is appointed to bid, Bidder by striking his/her hammer or in any other manner of Date, it shall fill in and sign the registration documents and the Bidder shall use that instant communication instrument publicly confirming the sale shall indicate the conclusion of a collect a paddle with its valid certificate of incorporation itself. Where the instant communication instrument is lost or sales contract for the Lot between the Bidder and the Seller. and proof of shareholding and legitimate authorization it cannot be within control, the Bidder shall immediately use a document. ﬔe Company may request the Bidder to present written form recognized by the Company to change the instant ARTICLE 49 COMMISSION AND EXPENSES proof of bank details or other proof of financial conditions for communication method filled in the Absentee Bid Order. After the Bidder has succeeded in bidding, it will become payment purposes. During the period the Company is appointed to bid, it shall the Buyer of that Lot. A buyer s premium will be added to make appropriate efforts to contact the Bidder, the bidding the Hammer Price and is payable by the buyer as part of ARTICLE 36 PADDLE information transmitted by that instant communication the total purchase price. The buyer s premium is 20% of The Company can announce before the Auction Date the instrument (whether or not it is transmitted by the Bidder the hammer price of each lot and at the same time other conditions and procedures of arranging paddle for the personally or the Bidder's agent) shall be considered as Buyer s Expenses, and recognizes that the Company can Bidder according to different auction conditions and auction transmitted by the Bidder itself, and the Bidder shall bear legal charge the Seller the commission and other Seller expenses methods etc., including but not limited to the qualification responsibilities for the actions taken by it. Unless the Buyer according to provisions of the Consignment Agreement. and conditions for the Bidder to arrange a paddle. The itself has changed the instant communication method filled Company solemnly reminds that a paddle is the only proof in the Absentee Bid Order by a written method recognized by ARTICLE 50 TAXES for the Bidder to participate in the auction at the venue. ﬔe the Company. All telephone bids may be recorded and kept All the monies that the Buyer pays to the Company are net Bidder shall keep it properly and shall not lend it to others to at Poly Auction (Hong Kong) s sole discretion, by opting for amounts, which shall not include any tax on goods, tax use it. If it is lost, it shall immediately handle the loss report telephone bids, the Bidder agrees that its phone conversation on services or other value added tax (whether levied by formalities in a written form recognized by the Company. will be recorded. Hong Kong or other regions). If there is any tax applicable No matter if the person holding a paddle has been appointed Nevertheless, under no circumstances shall the Company to the Buyer, the Buyer shall bear it itself according to the by the Bidder or not, his or her bidding acts at auction are be responsible for any unsuccessful contact or errors provisions of the relevant laws currently in force. considered as having been made by the registered person or omissions in the bidding process using that instant himself, and the Bidder shall bear the legal responsibilities communication instrument. ARTICLE 51 PAYMENT TIME for the acts of the former, unless the Bidder himself has After the Lot is successfully sold in an auction, unless


otherwise agreed, regardless of any stipulations of the aspects related to the Lot. Failure or delay in obtaining Buyer in any other transactions; export, import or other permits of the Lot, the Buyer shall any permits required shall not be deemed as a reason for 10. ﬔe Company can decide to use any monies paid by the fully pay the Purchase Price within 7 days after the Sale Date cancelling the purchase or delaying in paying the Purchase Buyer to repay any sums that the Buyer owes the Company (including the Sale Date), and collect the Lot. If packing, Price. The Company shall not bear any responsibilities for in any other transactions; moving costs, and insurance expenses, expenses related to the failure to properly fill in or submit the required import or 11. To reject any bids made by the Buyer or its agent export are involved, the Buyer shall pay them altogether. export documents. at future auctions, or to obtain auction deposit before If the Buyer requests the Company to apply for the import accepting any bids; ARTICLE 52 PAYMENT CURRENCY and export licenses on its behalf, the Company has the 12. To disclose the information of the Buyer to the Seller, so All monies shall be paid in Hong Kong dollars. If the Buyer right to charge service fees for this service. However, the that the Seller can start a law suit to recover the outstanding pays in another currency other than Hong Kong dollars, it Company does not warrant that the import or export license amount, or claim damages and claim legal fees for breach of shall convert it at the exchange rate agreed between the will be issued. The Company and the Seller has not made contract by the Buyer. Buyer and the Company or at the exchange rate of Hong declaration or warranty in respect of whether or not any Lot Kong dollars and that currency type on the previous working is subject to import and export restrictions or any embargo. ARTICLE 59 REMEDIES FOR DELAY IN COLLECTING day announced by such bank as selected by the Company. THE LOT All bank handling fees, commission and charges incurred by ARTICLE 58 REMEDIES FOR NON-PAYMENT If the Buyer fails to collect the purchased Lot 7 days after the the Company for converting the foreign currency paid by the If the Buyer fails to make full payment according to the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company has the Buyer into Hong Kong dollars shall be borne by the Buyer. provisions of the Conditions of Business or any payment right to adopt one or more of the measures below: arrangements agreed with the Company, the Company has 1. All costs (including but not limited to the storage fee ARTICLE 53 TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP the right to adopt one or more of the following measures: calculated and charged according to the provisions of the Even if the Company has delivered the Lot to the Buyer, the 1. After the Lot is sold, if the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Bidder Registration Order starting from the 31st day from Buyer has not yet obtained the ownership of the Lot. This Price within 7 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) and/or risks for the shall pass onto the Buyer only when the Buyer has fully paid Date), the auction deposit paid at the time of bidding taking out of an insurance policy and/or storing the Lot in the the Purchase Price and all monies that the Buyer owes the registration shall not be refunded, and it shall at the same Company or other places shall be borne by the Buyer. Only Company. time bear the relevant responsibilities according the after the Buyer has paid the full amount of the Purchase Price, provisions of the Conditions of Business; if the Buyer has it can collect the Lot (packing and moving costs, insurance ARTICLE 54 TRANSFER OF RISKS bought a few Lots with the same paddle, after the Lots are expenses, expenses related to export shall be at the Buyer's After the bidding has succeeded, the risks ofthe Lot shall be sold, if the Buyer has not paid the Purchase Price of any of expense); borne by the Buyer itself after the occurrence of one of the the Lots within the time stipulated, then the entire auction 2. ﬔe Buyer shall bear all the risks and expenses incurred following events (whichever earlier): deposit shall not be refunded, and it shall at the same time after the deadline as stated in the Conditions of Business if it 1. ﬔe Buyer has collected the Lot; or bear the relevant responsibilities according the provisions of cannot collect the Lot concerned within that deadline. If the 2. ﬔe Buyer has fully paid the Purchase Price for the Lot to the Conditions of Business; Buyer has not yet collected the Lot within 30 days from the the Company; or 2. If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Prices in full to Sale Date (including the Sale Date), after notifying the Buyer, 3. ﬔe expiry of seven days after the Sale Date (including the the Company within 7 days from the Sale Date (including the Company has the right to sell that Lot in a public auction Sale Date). the Sale Date), the Company has the right to appoint a or by a method and with methods and conditions that it third party organization to collect the entire or part of the considers suitable. Any proceeds after the deduction of all ARTICLE 55 COLLECTION OF THE LOT Purchase Prices that the Buyer owes; the losses, expenses (packing & moving costs, insurance Risk and responsibility for the lot passes to the Buyer at the 3. If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price in full within costs, expenses related to export, Storage Fee, and notarial expiration of thirty calendar days from the Sale Date (including 7 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the expenses etc.) incurred by the Company from the disposal the Sale Date). or on collection by the Buyer, if earlier. After Company has the right to charge interest at 0.03% per day shall be taken back by the Buyer; such balance is non- thirty calendar days, all expenses incurred, including but not on the unpaid portion starting from the 8th day after the interest-bearing. If the Buyer fails to take the proceeds back limited to storage, moving, insurance will be for the account of Sale Date until the day on which the Buyer has fully paid the two years after the Sale Date, the balance shall be deposited the Buyer. Although the Company shall use reasonable efforts monies, with the exception that the Buyer has otherwise to a Hong Kong court by the Company after deducting the to take care of purchased Lot and suggest handlers, packers or agreed with the Company; relevant expenses (including legal fees). carriers, the company is not responsibleto any person to whom 4. The Buyer shall bear the risks and expenses of taking we have made are commendation for the acts or omissions of out an insurance policy, moving and storing the Lot in the ARTICLE 60 LIMITED WARRANTY the third party concerned. Company or other places; 1. ﬔe Company provides general warranty to the Buyer: 5. To sue the Buyer or apply to Arbitration Agency for If the Lot sold by the Company is later found to be a ARTICLE 56 PACKING, HANDLING AND MOVING mediation, demand for compensation for all the losses due counterfeit, the Company will cancel that deal according to If the employees of the Company pack and handle the Lot to the breach of contract by the Buyer including but not the terms of the Conditions of Business, and will return to bought on behalf of the Buyer according to the latter's limited to economic loss, legal expenses, default penalty and the Buyer in the currency of the original deal the Hammer requirements, this is considered as a service provided by the pass due interest caused by the delay in payment or refusal Price together with the Buyer's Commission that the Buyer Company to the Buyer and the Company has the discretion to make payments by the Buyer; has paid to the Company for the Lot. 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However, prior to the Company's disclosure the reference number of the Lot, date on which the Lot sophisticated mechanical manufacture that may require of such materials to the Seller or the Buyer, the Company is purchased and reasons for which it is considered as general warranty service, battery replacement or further shall take the reasonable steps to notify the party whose counterfeit; (2) return the Lot to the Company in the same repair works, and these will be all at the buyer's disposal. materials are to be disclosed. conditions as it was on the date of sale, and the proper Our Company does not guarantee that any auction of Buyers and sellers have to bear liabilities arisen from ownership of it is transferrable, plus there are no claims watches is in good working condition. 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