2024.5 最高考 高考英语词汇天天练 电子样书

发布时间:2022-9-13 | 杂志分类:其他

2024.5 最高考 高考英语词汇天天练 电子样书

1Unit 1(a—actor) / 1Unit 2(admit—although) / 5Unit 3(altogether—application) / 9Unit 4(apply—attention) / 13Unit 5(attitude—basis) / 17Unit 6(basket—billion) / 21Unit 7(biology—bowling) / 25Unit 8box—calculate) / 29Unit 9(call—celebrate) / 33Unit 10(celebrity—choose) / 37Unit 11(chopsticks—collapse) / 41Unit 12(collar—confidence) / 45Unit 13(confirm—costume) / 49Unit 14(cottage—cycle) / 53Unit 15(daily—depend) / 57Unit 16(depress—disappear) / 61Unit 17(disappointed—draw) / 65Unit 18(drawer—elder... [收起]
2024.5 最高考 高考英语词汇天天练 电子样书
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Unit 1(a—actor) / 1

Unit 2(admit—although) / 5

Unit 3(altogether—application) / 9

Unit 4(apply—attention) / 13

Unit 5(attitude—basis) / 17

Unit 6(basket—billion) / 21

Unit 7(biology—bowling) / 25

Unit 8box—calculate) / 29

Unit 9(call—celebrate) / 33

Unit 10(celebrity—choose) / 37

Unit 11(chopsticks—collapse) / 41

Unit 12(collar—confidence) / 45

Unit 13(confirm—costume) / 49

Unit 14(cottage—cycle) / 53

Unit 15(daily—depend) / 57

Unit 16(depress—disappear) / 61

Unit 17(disappointed—draw) / 65

Unit 18(drawer—elder) / 69

Unit 19(elderly—equator) / 73

Unit 20(equipment—experience) / 77

Unit 21(experience—feature) / 81

Unit 22(February—flow) / 85

Unit 23(flower—friend) / 89

Unit 24(friendly—glad) / 93

Unit 25(glass—guilty) / 97

Unit 26(guitar—here) / 101

Unit 27(hero—hurricane) / 105

Unit 28(hurry—initial) / 109

Unit 29(initiative—it) / 113

Unit 30(item—knife) / 117

Unit 31(knock—level) / 121

Unit 32(liberation—lunar) / 125

Unit 33(lunch—medal) / 129

Unit 34(medical—mode) / 133

Unit 35(model—national) / 137

Unit 36(nationality—nose) / 141




































































Unit 37(not—operation) / 145

Unit 38(operator—pancake) / 149

Unit 39(panda—persuade) / 153

Unit 40(pessimistic—point) / 157

Unit 41(poison—presentation) / 161

Unit 42(preserve—provide) / 165

Unit 43(province—ray) / 169

Unit 44(reach—relieve) / 173

Unit 45(rely—ride) / 177

Unit 46(right—sand) / 181

Unit 47(sandwich—sentence) / 185

Unit 48(separate—shout) / 189

Unit 49(show—smart) / 193

Unit 50(smell—speak) / 197

Unit 51(speaker—storm) / 201

Unit 52(story—summer) / 205

Unit 53(sun—taste) / 209

Unit 54(tax—thinking) / 213

Unit 55(third—touch) / 217

Unit 56(tough—two) / 221

Unit 57(type—victim) / 225

Unit 58(victory—wear) / 229

Unit 59(weather—winter) / 233

Unit 60(wire—zoo) / 237















































Unit 1(a—admire)

Unit 1(a—admire)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写(根据首字母或中文提示ꎬ完成下列句子)

1. We must be careful not to confuse busyness with progressꎬ as goals are always

a step by step.

2. The keys were given over to our neighbours during our a .

3. He was scared to death by an abrupt entrance when he was a in


4. Those who continuously (获得) new knowledge that they can apply to

their work are more likely to succeed.

5. Much to my shockꎬ my daughter is a to surfing the Internetꎬ which has

bad effect on her study.

6. In time of serious (事故)ꎬ if we know some basic things about first

aidꎬ we can save lives.

7. A sick person needs (绝对的) confidence and trust in a doctor.

8. It is ridiculous that John wants to make (学术的) progress but never

devotes any time to it.

9. Whitney Houston?s sudden death suggests that drug a is such a serious

problem that we should deal with it properly.

10. Students? (积极的) performances in class will be the new normal

once teachers give them more chances.

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空(用所给词汇的正确形式填空或根据语法搭配完成句子)

1. Tom is honest man and now he studies in university in


2. The church which is easily (access) from my home is being rebuilt.

3. She has the (able) to keep calm in an emergency.

4. The students can get easy access the school library when they want to

look for needed information at any time.



5. Yang Qian won the first prize in the 2020 Tokyo Olympicsꎬ which helped her gain the

(admire) of the world.

6. ( accompany) by a group of peopleꎬ the president walked into the


7. The decision to classify Internet ( addict) as a mental disorder has

caused much debate.

8. It?s also known for students who are very passionate and in a lot of

different . (act)

9. Much to my delightꎬ my suggestion by my boss. He encouraged me to

put forward more opinions on the development of the company.


10. The sales department makes an market forecast. Predicting is of vital

importance for the company. Only adequate valid data can ensure the .


11. Kimaji is from class today because he thinks in the classroom he is

likely to feel sleepy in the of oxygen. (absent)

12. He noted that being able 7 percent in economy during the first half

year was no small . But the goal of stable growth was

according to the prediction of economists. (achieve)

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. In 1975ꎬ grizzlies were listed under the Endangered Species Act.

2. Her years of hard work have finally been acknowledged after a customer nominated

her to be Cheshire?s Woman Of the Year.

3. It?s a brief account of a trip.

4. Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US.

5. It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start workingꎬ and that?s plenty of time for

your skin to absorb a day?s worth of vitamin D.

6. People?s attention wanders constantly. In factꎬ most people only absorb about 20

percent of a speaker?s message.

7. The chairman of the China Culture Promotion Society addressed the opening ceremony.

8. Adaptive signals can make sure that the traffic demand that is there is being


9. She asked for the woman?s name and address so that she could repay her.


Unit 1(a—admire)

10. We?d like to combine your culture with ours by adapting the classic novel The

Steamboat for a short English play.

11. People in Ethiopian highlands have adapted to living at high altitudes.

12. In factꎬ documentaries about our country are plentiful both at home and abroad.

Ⅳ. 选词填空(从方框中所给的词组中选择恰当的词组ꎬ并用其恰当的形式填空ꎬ


abandon oneself toꎻ accuse ... ofꎻ achieve one?s goalꎻ account forꎻ

be absorbed inꎻ adjust toꎻ have access toꎻ take ... into accountꎻ be able toꎻ

by accidentꎻ in the absence ofꎻ on no account

1. Those who despair cannot succeed.

2. As her private secretaryꎬ he all her correspondence.

3. When asked for your views about your current jobꎬ must you be


4. I have just been in Australia for a week and I am trying to the

new climate here.

5. Only through hard work can you .

6. They were determined to carry out the plan at firstꎬ but then we

persuade them to change their minds.

7. any further evidence the police were unable to solve the murder.

8. The most important thing you must remember is that success doesn?t come

and that it?s the result of years of hard work.

9. I hope my teacher will the fact that I was ill just before the exam

when she marks my paper.

10. She is just shy and doesn?t like to talkꎬ so it is rather unfair to

her coldness.

Ⅴ. 完成句子(根据句意使用恰当的词汇完成句子)

1. 在我不在期间ꎬ一位专业的会计将负责这项工作ꎮ

A will take charge of this work




2. 她今天早上感到头痛ꎬ于是就让丈夫陪她去医院ꎮ

She had a headache this morningꎬ so she asked her husband to

the hospital.

3. 根据最新的一项调查ꎬ80%的学生认为ꎬ学校应该开放图书馆、实验室和微机室ꎬ


a recent surveyꎬ 80% of the students think that the

school libraryꎬ labs and computer rooms should be openedꎬ so that the students can

the resources.

4. 他是如此专注于读小说ꎬ以至于没有注意到有人溜进来ꎮ

He reading the novel

that he didn?t notice someone sneak in.

5. 人们要求政府采取行动来降低房价ꎮ

People demanded that the government

bring down the housing price.

6. 如果你来到一个新的地方ꎬ你应该要快速地适应那儿的风俗ꎮ

If you come to a new placeꎬ you should

the customs there.

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. 他正要填写表格ꎬ这时ꎬ前门突然开了ꎮ (be about to)

2. 他被认为是公司里最有希望的员工ꎮ (be accepted as)

3. 在谈话中我们决不能忽视他人的尊严ꎮ (on no account)

4. 当地政府采取行动来确保每一位居民能获得更好的医治ꎮ (have access to)

5. 对电脑游戏上瘾的学生ꎬ几乎不可能在将来获得成功ꎮ (achieve)


Unit 2(admit—although)

Unit 2(admit—although)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写(根据首字母或中文提示ꎬ完成下列句子)

1. Tom could do nothing but a to his mother that he was wrong.

2. This is the Tiny Forest movementꎬ which a to prove that the best

things in life really do come in small packages.

3. It is important to pay your electricity bill on timeꎬ as late payments may

(影响) your credit.

4. A my father doesn?t say a lot in daily lifeꎬ he gives me much love and


5. Since you have accepted the jobꎬ you have no a but to do it wellꎬ

however difficult it is.

6. Our school doesn?t (提倡) students? staying in the classroom too long.

We think they should have time for sports.

7. We have to have a basic understanding of computers in order to use the

(先进的) technology.

8. Because I?m a university professorꎬ the staff here (允许) us to get in.

9. Every day read a proverb a several times until you have it memorized.

10. Videosꎬ recordings and other learning aids are usually used (与??

一起) textbooks in language learning.

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空(用所给词汇的正确形式填空或根据语法搭配完成句子)

1. The ( adopt) of this policy would relieve the unions of a tremendous


2. She failed to gain (admit) to the university of her choice.

3. The company has produced a new type of computer. You will probably see the product

(advertise) wherever you go.

4. The number of reported crimes is increasing at an (alarm) rate.



5. The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had

once been (afford) only to the rich.

6. The Chinese (agriculture) tax wasn?t completely abolished until 2006ꎬ

which reduced the farmers? burden greatly.

7. There are so many (adore) animals out thereꎬ but they all need a home.

8. (alcohol) drinks can have a bad effect on your body.

9. I believe many (Africa) are still focused on that promiseꎬ whereas we

may have lost sight of it.

10. For the more (adventure) touristsꎬ there are trips into the mountains

with a local guide.

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. Children under 12 years accompanied by an adult are admitted free.

2. Designer Jennifer Anderson admits it took her a while to come around to the opinion

that using nutria fur for her creations is morally acceptable.

3. Food waste goes against the moral grain.

4. A lack of trust can make people work against you rather than for you.

5. The tractor was resting against the crash barrier in the central reservationꎬ having

miraculously(奇迹般地) crossed the busy road with fast ̄flowing traffic.

6. Part one concludes by introducing my suggested method for adopting this philosophy:

the digital declutter.

7. Registration must be made at least two weeks in advance.

8. Howeverꎬ a strong smell is added so that we can raise the alarm when we detect the

smell associated with danger.

9. The Cloisters museum and gardens is a branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art

devoted to the art and architecture of Europe in the Middle Ages.

10. China?s image is improving steadilyꎬ with more countries recognizing its role in

international affairs.


Unit 2(admit—although)

Ⅳ. 选词填空(从方框中所给的词组中选择恰当的词组ꎬ并用其恰当的形式填空ꎬ


with the aid ofꎻ in advanceꎻ let aloneꎻ act againstꎻ allow forꎻ after allꎻ

aim atꎻ in the airꎻ agree onꎻ gain admission toꎻ have no alternative butꎻ

have an advantage over

1. Younger learners the old in learning a language.

2. I?d appreciate it if you could let me know whether or not you will


3. Most Senior 3 students in high schools are working hard day and night for the college

entrance examinationsꎬ hoping to their dream universities.

4. He succeeded a completely new method he discovered.

5. He has never travelled out of his hometownꎬ to a foreign country.

6. The education program combining brain work with manual labor

is being widely spread throughout the country.

7. —Have our travel plans been decided?

—Noꎬ still up .

8. Not knowing how to grow cropsꎬ the primitive people to gather

the fruit and hunt animals for food.

9. We were informed that the woods behind our apartment building would be removed to

a swimming pool for the residents.

10. Having discussed for a whole nightꎬ we still couldn?t when to

start and where to go for the holiday.

Ⅴ. 完成句子(根据句意使用恰当的词汇完成句子)

1. 尽管已经讨论了很长时间ꎬ他们仍然没有达成一致意见ꎮ

Though having discussed it for longꎬ they still haven?t


2. 他们目前买不起最新设备ꎬ因此他们不得不继续尝试新的办法来提高效率ꎮ

They can?t the latest equipment at

presentꎬ so they have to keep trying new ways to improve efficiency.



3. 利用他人的独创观点而不付费的行为是违法的ꎮ

It is illegal to others? original ideas

without paying for the right to do so.

4. 艺术节旨在丰富我们的课外生活ꎬ提供展示才艺和放松自己的机会ꎮ

The art festival making our after ̄class

life more colourful and providing opportunities of showing our talents and relaxing


5. 我已经完全同意你的安排ꎬ我会欣然接受的ꎮ

I have fully your arrangement and I will take it with


6. 我很有可能会被我梦想的大学录取ꎮ

I shall be very likely to my dream


Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. 有工作经验的人比他们的对手更加具有优势ꎮ (advantage)

2. 他别无选择ꎬ只能承认是他泄露了秘密ꎮ (alternativeꎻ give away)

3. 气候的急剧变化已经敲响了警钟ꎮ (alarm)

4. 他以让人吃惊的速度沿着河岸驾驶ꎮ (alongꎻ amazing)

5. 他每天有很多的日常事务要处理ꎮ (affair)


Unit 3(altogether—application)

Unit 3(altogether—application)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写(根据首字母或中文提示ꎬ完成下列句子)

1. (总之)ꎬ it was a delightful town gardenꎬ peaceful and secluded.

2. After he won the (业余的) championship he turned professional.

3. He saw a young child hanging from a sixth ̄floor (公寓) balcony.

4. He believed that these creatures are linked to a common (祖先)ꎬ one

that lived in Asia some 300ꎬ000 years ago.

5. We need someone who can (预料) and respond to changes in the

fashion industry.

6. The a arrived within minutes of the call being made.

7. The police made an a to the public to protect the environment.

8. In terms of restoration of ( 古 老 的) architectureꎬ the Chinese

government has invested a large sum of money in it.

9. He drove onꎬ (显然) unconcerned about the noise the engine was


10. Attracted by the beauty of the piano musicꎬ the audience almost forgot to

(鼓掌) when the pianist finally finished it.

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空(用所给词汇的正确形式填空或根据语法搭配完成句子)

1. Nowadays it?s acceptable for women to be ( ambition). But it wasn?t


2. Under this Actꎬ all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age and over must

(annual) purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp.

3. The expression on her face suggested she was when

she heard the news. (amaze)

4. The cruel mother abandoned her husband and sonꎬ ( announce) that

she would never live with a crippled child forever!

5. The audience were by his performance on the stage.


6. Dogs may indeed be able to distinguish between happy and ( anger)

human facesꎬ according to a new study.




7. In a world where the impact of climate change is becoming more obviousꎬ the

(announce) that US would withdraw from Paris Agreement is a shock

to all.

8. Seeing my anxious expressionꎬ my mother asked me what had caused

my . (anxious)

9. A large number of people have sent off for the job. Some of the

may be disappointed because only one third for it

have the chance to be employed. (apply)

10. A chess player must have an mindꎬ whose acute can

guarantee his success. (analyze)

11. He works hard day in and day outꎻ we are all anxious his safety.

12. But can uniforms help improve school standards? The answer this

question is not clear.

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. There are alternatives to constant written communicationꎬ such as leaving voice

messages or having a group chat.

2. With these statistics in mindꎬ art students need not worry about their career and have

an alternative plan.

3. Yet the problemꎬ by just about any measureꎬ appears to be getting worse.

4. The images of the reader appears throughout historyꎬ in art made long before books as

we now know them came into being.

5. And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier

people who order large portions(份)ꎬ it?s the beanpoles with big appetites you really

need to avoid.

6. Many people have the hobby of collecting thingsꎬ e.g. stampsꎬ postcards or antiques.

7. ... the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good ear and suggested that Gabriel go into

the music store ̄room to see if any of the instruments there appealed to him.

8. Iribarne?s goal of forming the foundation is to appeal to soccer players to help poor



Unit 3(altogether—application)


Ⅳ. 选词填空(从方框中所给的词组中选择恰当的词组ꎬ并用其恰当的形式填空ꎬ


amuse oneselfꎻ be anxious aboutꎻ amount toꎻ answer forꎻ appeal toꎻ apply forꎻ

get annoyed withꎻ make an apology toꎻ tell apartꎻ anything butꎻ apart fromꎻ

one after another

1. The wrong you?ve done to her is terribleꎬ for which you should

herꎬ I think.

2. He must be made to his terrible crimes.

3. The once powerful figures have also disappeared from the scene .

4. You?ve got it all wrong—it was your boss that she and not you!

5. The spokesman stressed that the measures did not an overall ban.

6. But even to the trained eyeꎬ two species of earthworms can be tough to


7. It?s natural for parents to their children?s future.

8. Having won a record ̄breaking seven Golden Globesꎬ the musical La La Land

surprisingly does not Chinese viewers.

9. some coinsꎬ I think there are only 10 dollars left in my pocket.

10. I spent the whole day repairing the motorbike. The work was


Ⅴ. 完成句子(根据句意使用恰当的词汇完成句子)

1. 当我宣布已经给每个人分配了剧中的一个角色时ꎬ学生们感到十分惊讶ꎮ

The students when I that I had

allocated a role in the play to each of them.

2. 分析表明ꎬ塑料ꎬ尤其是那些快速降解的ꎬ正在导致气候变化ꎮ

The plasticsꎬ particularly those that

break down fastꎬ are contributing to the climate change.

3. 火车晚点了ꎬ你必须再等十五分钟ꎮ

The train is behind schedule. You?ll have to wait


4. 在我看来ꎬ你应该为你在工作中犯的错误向经理道歉ꎮ

As far as I am concernedꎬ you should your manager

the mistakes you?ve made in the work.




5. 他很渴望得到同事的认可ꎮ

He get the recognition from his


6. 在今年的年度会议上ꎬ委员会将审议供采用的若干食品标准草案ꎮ

At this year?s ꎬ the Commission is considering several

draft food standards for adoption.

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. 他看起来很伤心ꎬ以至于我几乎要哭了ꎮ (appear)

2. 那个任务很难完成ꎬ不管怎样ꎬ我会坚持到底ꎮ (anyhow / anyway)

3. 我真诚地呼吁所有的学生学习书法ꎬ探索中国传统文化的遗产ꎮ (appeal)

4. 这位 中 年 女 士 在 农 村 出 生 长 大ꎬ 没 想 到 有 一 天 她 会 离 开 农 村 去 北 京ꎮ


5. 有时候ꎬ我们需要从不同的角度考虑问题ꎬ从而想出最佳的解决办法ꎮ (angles)


Unit 4(apply—attention)


Unit 4(apply—attention)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写(根据中文提示ꎬ完成下列句子)

1. The rare (物件) are sold to those who appreciate them.

2. He?s a talented ( 运 动 员 ) who competes nationally and


3. Today?s complex buildings require close teamwork between the (建筑

师) and the builders.

4. Carter was saying all the right thingsꎬ but his smile was (假的)ꎬ and

I knew I couldn?t trust him.

5. That fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from

one (方面).

6. What he said at the meeting (使吃惊) everyone present.

7. In factꎬ (亚洲人) had never won any international short distance

races before.

8. Now that the problem has been identifiedꎬ (适当的) action can be


9. They come to campꎬ wanting to know what it is like to be an (航天

员) or a pilot.

10. If people know you?re an (天文学家)ꎬ they will soon be asking you

all about the thing.

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空(用所给词汇的正确形式填空)

1. They will have you ( arrest) if you don?t pay taxesꎬ because it is

everyone?s duty to pay taxes.

2. Without the timely (arrive) of the rescuersꎬ twenty miners would have

been trapped underground yesterday.

3. Tom is really good at scienceꎬ while his brother is a natural (art).

4. A company cannot be sold without the (approve) of the shareholders.




5. Traditional economic analysis is based on the ( assume) that more is


6. This task is too hard for us and (assist) will be needed if it is to be

finished on time.

7. I don?t want to be involved in the (argue) about who is to blame.

8. In recent yearsꎬ Chinese arts have won the ( appreciate) of a lot of

people outside China.

9. Sorryꎬ I?ve got an important (appoint) at 9 o?clock and I can?t afford to

miss it.

10. The (assess) for the course involves written (assign)

and practical tests.

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. When a student attacks a professor on the social mediaꎬ the language used actually

says more about the student.

2. One dayꎬ I attended a presentation by wildlife conservationist Grant Brown at my high


3. By now paramedics ( 救援人员) had arrivedꎬ and were attending to the injured


4. High levels of knowledge can make people too attached to traditional ways of viewing

problems across fields—the artsꎬ sciencesꎬ and politics.

5. So would you please spare some time to review the draft script attached to this email

and make necessary changes?

6. We are so fond of our high intelligence that we assume that when it comes to brain

powerꎬ more must be better. Unfortunatelyꎬ that is not the case.

7. So to try to change a distinctly modern behaviorꎬ lawmakers and public health experts

are reaching back to an old approach: They want to treat distracted driving like drunk


8. I couldn?t see Donꎬ but as I approached the tractor he jumped out onto the roadꎬ

apparently unhurtꎬ and dashed back to me.

9. It?s affordableꎬ and it?s got a fun atmosphere without being too noisy.


Unit 4(apply—attention)


Ⅳ. 选词填空(从方框中所给的词组中选择恰当的词组ꎬ并用其恰当的形式填空ꎬ


arrive at a conclusionꎻ argue forꎻ approve ofꎻ be ashamed ofꎻ come to sb?s assistanceꎻ

aside fromꎻas well asꎻ in association withꎻ make arrangements forꎻ fall asleepꎻ

arise out ofꎻ as if

1. Similar results may very different artistic intentions.

2. I?ll someone to meet you at the station.

3. Some people easilyꎬ but then wake up time after time.

4. What he said at the meeting means those who had cut down the


5. Whatever he saidꎬ his parents wouldn?t him joining the golf

clubꎬ which annoyed him a great deal.

6. the potential health hazards(危害) it can cause to the peopleꎬ

nuclear energy can also cause thousands of deaths when its reactor explodes.

7. Canada is a country consisting of many different nationalities one

with foreign immigrants making up the majority of its population.

8. When he heard the little girl?s cryꎬ he immediately .

9. The program was made the city television company.

10. At last they that they should carry out their new production

plan as soon as possible.

Ⅴ. 完成句子(根据句意使用恰当的词汇完成句子)

1. 关于谁将负责这个项目ꎬ经理还没有下定决心ꎮ

The manager has not made up his mind yet who will

be in charge of the project.

2. 那个男孩因在考试中作弊被抓而感到很羞愧ꎮ

The boy have been caught cheating in

the exam.

3. 将你的尴尬放到一边ꎬ鼓起勇气当众发表演讲ꎮ

your embarrassment and gather the courage to deliver

your speech in public.

4. 我们不想任命他为会议的主席ꎬ他不适合这个职位ꎮ

We don?t want to him chairman of the meeting. He is

not fit for the position.




5. 他向几家公司求职ꎬ但没有得到任何工作ꎮ

He several companies a jobꎬ but

didn?t get any job offer.

6. 随着新年的到来ꎬ当地人正忙着装饰他们的房子ꎮ

ꎬ local

people are busy decorating their houses.

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. 如果你能考虑我的邀请ꎬ我将不胜感激ꎮ (appreciate)

2. 我写信是想问你是否方便为我们提供一个关于英语写作的在线讲座ꎮ (ask)

3. 很多年前ꎬ人们第一次真正尝试通过农业来控制他们生活的世界ꎮ (attempt)

4. 上周日举行了一场非同寻常的越野跑比赛ꎬ几乎吸引了全校师生的目光ꎮ


5. 人生重要的事是要有远大的目标和达到这个目标的决心ꎮ (attain)


Unit 5(attitude—basis)


Unit 5(attitude—basis)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写(根据首字母或中文提示ꎬ完成下列句子)

1. He who purposes to be an (作家)ꎬ should first be a student.

2. This is an (很好的) questionꎬ because it?s so true to life.

3. He (醒来) to find himself lying uncomfortably on a pile of firewood.

4. He was a the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1985.

5. He was disgusted to see such (糟糕的) living conditions.

6. The change to the road traffic law will permit fully (自动的) driving.

7. Many people of non ̄Chinese (背景) are enrolled in universities on

courses designed for foreigners to learn Chinese.

8. With the fall of one leaf we know that a has come to the world.

9. The twins were allowed to play (羽毛球运动) on the playground.

10. If you?re faced with an (尴尬的) silence at a dinner partyꎬ the only

thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment.

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空(用所给词汇的正确形式填空或根据语法搭配完成句子)

1. This incident has sharpened public (aware) of the economic crisis.

2. The deal seems so (attract) and it would be ridiculous to say no.

3. You?d better keep a (balance) diet for the benefit of your health.

4. The local government banned him leaving the city during the


5. John was dismissed last week because of his casual attitude his job.

6. She runs average about 15 miles every dayꎬ whatever the circumstancesꎬ

whatever the weather.

7. The European Parliament ( bad) needs a president who can improve

its image.

8. This policyꎬ they sayꎬ is at best confused and at (bad) non ̄existent.

9. Her income was (bare) enough to maintain one childꎬ let alone three.




10. We drew this conclusion on the of experimentsꎬ which is the

method in scientific research. (base)

11. To avoid ( miss) the last trainꎬ please check the last train times

posted in stations.

12. More than half of (Australia) homes are still choosing to stick with

their home phone.

13. (award) by the government for his saving the woman?s lifeꎬ the man

felt very proud.

14. ( base) on the scheduleꎬ this special match will take place on the

afternoon of May 8 on our school playground.

15. To free the students from their endless homeworkꎬ the ( authority)

concerned have resolved on taking a series of measures.

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. Several studies have backed this up and found that indoor plants can improve

creativityꎬ focusꎬ and memory.

2. They will be moving on the track ahead of the trainꎬ and programmed to run


3. Unfortunatelyꎬ between us stood the barrier of language.

4. Think of a rubber band. In the beginningꎬ it is flexibleꎬ but put it in a drawer for 20

years and it will become dry and easily broken.

5. The musician along with his band members has given ten performances in the last

three months.

6. When he asked the villagers on the banks of the river where he could find the

legendary(传奇的) artistꎬ they smiled and pointed down the river.

7. Ocean plays a key role in our world. Not only does ocean offer us sufficient foodꎬ but

also it maintains the balance of nature.

8. That is the very likely future of applying today?s “ eyes in the sky” technology to

making sure that the millions of kilometres of rail tracks and infrastructure worldwide

are safe for trains on a 24 / 7 basis.


Unit 5(attitude—basis)


Ⅳ. 选词填空(从方框中所给的词组中选择恰当的词组ꎬ并用其恰当的形式填空ꎬ


on the basis ofꎻ keep a balance betweenꎻ be aware ofꎻ be based onꎻ

have the authority toꎻ pay attention toꎻ above averageꎻ back and forthꎻ

is available toꎻ be away from

1. Teachers should make sure that the library every student.

2. They both smiledꎻ neither seemed likely to my absence for long.

3. I don?t want to home for too long.

4. A flock of sheep is walking on the grassland.

5. I am afraid we do not postpone the conference.

6. He feels standardized education does not benefit those children who are either below

or intelligence.

7. Both countries agreed that normal relations would non ̄

interference in each other?s internal affairs.

8. I hope the trade between us will be further developing equality

and mutual benefit.

Ⅴ. 完成句子(根据句意使用恰当的词汇完成句子)

1. 你不得不平衡一下生活在大城市的利弊ꎮ

You have to living in

a big city against the disadvantages.

2. 在艺术博物馆对公众开放之后ꎬ接待的游客数量达到平均每天 3 000 人ꎮ

After the art museum was open to the publicꎬ the number of tourists received every

day reached 3ꎬ000 .

3. 从某种程度上来说ꎬ尊重权威是文明的标志ꎮ

To some degreeꎬ it?s a symbol of civilization to


4. 为了吸引读者的注意力ꎬ这本小说设计了激动人心的情节ꎮ

To the readers?ꎬ the novel designed an exciting plot.

5. 他们迫切需要干净的饮用水和庇护所ꎮ

They are clean

drinking water and shelter.




6. 不可否定的是ꎬ我们的生活质量已每况愈下ꎮ

There is no denying the fact that the qualities of our living have gone


Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. 全场爆发出热烈的掌声ꎮ (audience)

2. 学生被禁止带手机到学校ꎮ (ban)

3. 保持房间凉爽而不是温暖ꎬ以避免感到困倦ꎮ (avoid)

4. 如果你这个星期天有空ꎬ我和全体员工都在等待你的到来ꎮ (available)

5. 这也让我意识到ꎬ我们的小小善举可以给他们带来巨大的改变ꎮ (aware)


- 1 -

最高考?高考英语词汇天天练 参考答案

Unit 1(a—actor)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. achieved 2. absence 3. absorbed 4. acquire 5. addicted

6. accidents 7. absolute 8. academic 9. abuse 10. active

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. accurate 2. achievement 3. accessible 4. absent

5. ability 6. admiration 7. adjustment 8. addiction

9. activeꎻ activities 10. was acceptedꎻacceptanceꎻ acceptable

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. n.描述 2. vi. 占(比例) 3. vt. 吸收 4. vt. 理解

5. vt. 致辞ꎻ演说 6. 解决 7. 地址 8. vt. 改编 9. 适应

10. 国内外

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. abandon themselves to 2. has access to 3. on no account

4. adjust to 5. achieve your goal 6. were able to

7. In the absence of 8. by accident 9. take into account

10. accuseꎻ of

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. professional accountantꎻ during my absence

2. accompany her to 3. According toꎻ have access to

4. was so absorbed in 5. take action to

6. adjust yourself quickly to

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. He was about to fill in the form when the front door opened.

2. He is accepted as the most promising employee in the company.

3. On no account should we ignore others? dignity in the conversation.

4. The local government took action to make sure that every citizen

has access to better medical treatment.

5. It is almost impossible for students who are addicted to

computer games to achieve success in the future.

Unit 2(admit—although)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. admit 2. aims 3. affect 4. Although 5. alternative

6. advocate 7. advanced 8. allow 9. aloud 10. alongside

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. adoption 2. admission 3. advertised 4. allowance(s)

5. affordable 6. agricultural 7. adorable 8. Alcoholic

9. Africans 10. adventurous

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. vt. 接收入学 2. v. 承认 3. 违反 4. prep. 反对

5. prep. 倚靠 6. vt. 采纳ꎬ采用 7. 预先 8. 发出警报

9. 中世纪 10. 国际事务

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. have an advantage over 2. in advance 3. gain admission to

4. with the aid of 5. let alone 6. aimed at 7. in the air

8. had no alternative but 9. allow for 10. agree on

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. reached an agreement 2. afford to buy 3. take advantage of

4. is aimed at 5. agreed to 6. getting accepted as

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. People with work experience have an advantage over their


2. He had no alternative but to admit he had given away the


3. The dramatic change of the climate has set the alarm bells


4. He drove along the bank of the river at an amazing speed.

5. He has a good many daily affairs to attend to every day.

Unit 3(altogether—application)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. Altogether 2. amateur 3. apartment 4. ancestor

5. anticipate 6. ambulance 7. appeal 8. ancient

9. apparently 10. applaud

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. ambitious 2. annually 3. amazedꎻ amazedꎻ amazing

4. announcing 5. amusedꎻ amusing 6. angry

7. announcement 8. anxiously anxiety

9. applicationsꎻ applicantsꎻ applying 10. analyticalꎻ analysis

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. n. 可供选择的事物 2. adj. 可替代的 3. 似乎

4. vi. 出现 5. n. 胃口 6. n. 文物ꎬ古董 7. 吸引 8. 呼吁

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. make an apology to 2. answer for 3. one after another

4. got annoyed with 5. amount to 6. tell apart

7. be anxious about 8. appeal to 9. Apart from

10. anything but

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. were amazedꎻ announced 2. analysis shows/ indicates that

3. another fifteen minutes 4. apologize toꎻ for 5. is anxious to

6. annual meeting

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. He appeared so sad that I almost felt close to tears.

2. The task is hard / tough to finish / complete. Anyhow/ Anywayꎬ I

will persist till the end.

3. I make a sincere appeal to all of the students to learn

calligraphy and explore the legacy of Chinese traditional


4. Born and raised in a rural areaꎬ the middle ̄aged lady didn?t

anticipate leaving the countryside and going to Beijing

some day.

5. Sometimesꎬ we need to consider a problem from different angles

in order to come up with a best solution for it.

Unit 4(apply—attention)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. articles 2. athlete 3.architects 4. artificial 5. aspect

6. astonished 7. Asians 8.appropriate 9. astronaut

10. astronomer


- 2 -

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. arrested 2. arrival 3. artist 4. approval 5. assumption

6. assistance 7. argument 8. appreciation 9. appointment

10. assessmentꎻ assignments

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. v. 抨击ꎬ攻击 2. vt. 出席ꎻ参加 3. vt. 照料 4. 依恋

5. 附在?? 6. v. 认为 7. n. 方法 8. v. 接近

9. 气氛ꎬ氛围

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. arise out of 2. make arrangements for 3. fall asleep

4. arguing for 5. approve of 6. Aside from 7. as well as

8. came to her assistance 9. in association with

10. arrive at a conclusion

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. as to 2. felt ashamed to 3. Put aside 4. appointꎻ as

5. applied toꎻ for 6. With the new year approaching

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. I?d appreciate it if you take my invitation into consideration.

2. I?m writing to ask if it is convenient for you to offer us an online

talk on English writing.

3. Many years agoꎬ people made the first real attempt to control

the world they lived in through agriculture.

4. Last Sunday witnessed an extraordinary cross ̄country running

raceꎬ which nearly drew the attention of every student and

teacher of our school.

5. The import thing in life is to have a great aimꎬ and the

determination to attain it.

Unit 5(attitude—basis)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. author 2. awesome 3. awoke 3. awarded 5. awful

6. automatic 7. background 8. autumn 9. badminton

10. awkward

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. awareness 2. attractive 3. balanced 4. from

5. towards/ toward / to 6. on 7. badly 8. worst

9. barely 10. basisꎻ basic

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. adj. 可获得的ꎬ可找到的 2. adv. 自动地 3. 障碍

4. 橡皮筋 5. 乐队 6. 河堤 7. 维持自然的平衡

8. 全天候

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. is available to 2. be aware of 3. be away from

4. back and forth 5. have the authority to 6. above average

7. be based on 8. on the basis of

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. balance the advantages of 2. on average

3. show respect for authority 4. attractꎻ attention

5. badly in need of 6. from bad to worse

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. The entire audience broke into loud applause.

2. Students are banned from taking mobile phones to school.

3. Keep the room cool rather than warm to avoid feeling sleepy.

4. If you are available on this Sundayꎬ I together with the whole

staff am waiting for your coming.

5. It also made me aware that our small act of kindness can make

a great difference to them.

Unit 6(basket—billion)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. beat 2. bicycle 3. behave 4. basket 5. Besides

6. beaches 7. Batteries 8. bedroom 9. basement 10. battle

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. of 2. behaviour 3. beauty 4. beginning 5. belief

6. bathe 7. beneficial 8. belongings 9. better 10. before

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. vt. 认为 2. vt. 相信 3. n. 益处 4. vt. 使受益

5. n. 法案 6. n. 账单 7. vt. 承受ꎬ忍受

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. on his behalf 2. begin with 3. came into being

4. At the beginning of 5. bear in mind 6. were bent on

7. fall behind 8. is beneficial to 9. benefited from

10. beyond my power

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. bear the responsibility 2. beyond my imagination

3. is definitely beneficial to 4. belong to

5. behave yourself in public 6. was bathed in sunshine

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. A road of a thousand miles begins with one step.

2. Many people hold the belief that attitude is more important than


3. It didn?t take long before he picked himself up again and

continued his mission.

4. Because of their lack of self ̄disciplineꎬ they?re more easily

addicted to chatting online or playing games.

5. Network learning has increasingly become an important means

for people to acquire knowledge and solve problems.

Unit 7(biology—bowling)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. border 2. bother 3. bouncing 4. bonus 5. blanket

6. boundaries 7. biology 8. boost 9. botanical 10. birthdays

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. bitten 2. to 3. blocked 4. boarding 5. bored

6. to be borrowed 7. at 8. boiling 9. blindly 10. blessing

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词或短语的中文意思

1. adj. 严寒的 2. adj. 痛苦的 3. 布告栏 4. 上船

5. vt. 预订 6. vt. 阻挡 7. n. 街区 8. 我们很高兴

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. blow up 2. are bound to 3. is to blame for 4. go blank

5. turn a blind eye to 6. Not a bit 7. strengthen the bonds

8. was bored with 9. are born with 10. are blessed with

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. bleeding to death 2. was blamed for 3. you should book a

table 4. is bored with 5. from the bottom of

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. We need a big win to boost our confidence.

2. We were ready to take the blame for what had happened.

3. With the efforts made by all sidesꎬ we began to understand each

other better.

4. My mother took me to the public library once a week to borrow

several books.

5. The increased spending and borrowing made many people?s

blood boil.


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Unit 8(box—calculate)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. breakthrough 2. bright 3. brief 4. button 5. calendar

6. Brilliant 7. brochure 8. branch 9. calculated 10. buried

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. bravery 2. broken 3. breath 4. Buried 5. up 6. British

7. but 8. burning 9. writing 10. about

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词的中文意思

1. vt.打破 2. 分解 3. 休息 4. vt. 消除ꎬ弥合 5. 恢复

6. 引入 7. 直播 8. 预算紧张

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. bring in 2. bring down 3. out of breath 4. in brief

5. broke out 6. brought about 7. breathed a sigh of relief

8. bring out 9. brought up 10. none of your business

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. break through 2. bringing up 3. brushedꎻ off 4. stand by

5. a bunch of 6. a brief introduction

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. If the war were to break outꎬ we would join the army to fight

against the invaders.

2. Scientists have already made a breakthrough in the research of


3. His quality was brought out in the process of solving the tough


4. You can?t be careful enough to calculate the prices of these


5. His experiences as an exchange student built up his confidence

in communication.

Unit 9(call—celebrate)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. campaign 2. candidate 3. capital 4. Calligraphy 5. cease

6. career 7. category 8. candle 9.captain 10. celebrate

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. calmly 2. camping 3. are capped 4. careful

5. celebration 6. capability 7. carelessly 8. having caught

9. of 10. atꎻ on / upon

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词的中文意思

1. 取消 2. n.叫喊 3. vt. 给??命名ꎬ称呼 4. 呼吁

5. 感冒 6. 追上 7. 陷入(困境) 8. vt. 引起ꎬ造成

9. n. 原因 10. n. 天花板

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. in case 2. have cancelled out 3. caught on 4. In no case

5. carry out 6. cast a shadow over 7. calm down

8. As is often the case 9. carry on 10. in celebration of

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. cancel the appointment 2. called onꎻ to sort 3. pay in cash

4. is capable of identifying 5. carved the stone into

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. The organization launched a campaign to raise people?s

awareness of environmental protection.

2. The plan to be carried out next month is being revised under the

guidance of the manager.

3. The company threatened to cease the contract to lower down the


4. Whoever is caught cheating in the exam will be severely


Unit 10(celebrity—choose)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. chest 2. cheek 3. certificate 4. celebrity 5. choking

6. champion 7. childhood 8. characters 9. characteristic

10. chapter

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. chemical 2. challenging 3. central 4. changeable

5. cheerful 6. with 7. choice 8.for 9. to happen 10. in

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词的中文意思

1. n.食物链 2. n. 慈善组织 3. vt. 记录 4. n. 角色

5. vt. 查看ꎬ核实 6. n. 途径ꎬ渠道 7. 主持会议 8. 冒险

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. by chance 2. in charge of 3. check out 4. cheer on

5. in chaos 6. is changed into 7. free of charge

8. was chosen as 9. took up the challenge 10. it is certain that

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. chewꎻ over 2. Chances are that 3. to have been chosen as

4. was charged with stealing money 5. cheated him into buying

6. had no choice but to

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. Whenever I encounter difficultiesꎬ you always cheer me up and

help me out.

2. The seller used some tricks to cheat the customers into buying

that expensive product.

3. He will catch every possible chance to polish up his spoken


4. At the critical momentꎬ he changed his mind and made the

right decision.

5. He charged me 100yuan for offering me the consultation.

Unit 11(chopsticks—collapse)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. chorus 2. cigarette 3. clerk 4. clicked 5. clue

6. climate 7. client 8. chopsticks 8.clinic 10. clapping

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. into 2. that 3. coastal 4. climbing 5. citizens 6. cloudy

7. cleaner 8. civilian 9. classic 10. at

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词的中文意思

1. n. 教练 2. v. 训练 3. 昏倒ꎬ晕倒 4. 圈起 5. 咔哒声

6. 阶级ꎬ阶层 7. 日夜不停ꎬ夜以继日 8. 让时光倒退

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. is clever at 2. Under no circumstances 3. around the clock

4. be close to 5. clean up 6. on cloud nine 7. is classified as

8. at church 9. feet of clay 10. clear up

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. to be classified 2. depends onꎻ clear up

3. birthplace of western civilization 4. claiming to be a journalist

5. it clear that 6. the cold shoulder

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. Obeying traffic rules is one of the symbols of civilization.

2. He has made it clear that he doesn?t approve of the plan.

3. The manager was required to keep a close eye on the employees?

psychological health.

4. Every coin has two sidesꎬ and artificial intelligence is no


5. I want to clarify the misunderstanding arising from lack of



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Unit 12(collar—confidence)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. components 2. comprise 3. composition 4. commercial

5. commitment 6. competence 7. concept 8. concrete

9. comprehensive 10. complex / complicated

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. colourful 2. communist 3. communication 4. collection

5. comfortable 6. comparison 7. complaint 8. competition

9. concentration 10. on / about 11. combination

12. is concerned

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词的中文意思

1. 致力完成申请 2. 完整的 3. 构图 4. 社区

5. 新闻发布会 6.陪伴 7. 委员会 8.(偶然)遇到ꎬ碰见

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. come out 2. in company with 3. are composed of

4. come across 5. compete against 6. complain about

7. came about 8. Compared with 9. concentrate on

10. come up with

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. when it comes to 2. come true 3. seized the thief by the

collar 4. is committed to 5. beyond my comprehension

6. have in common with 7. The research is concluded that

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. The comment he made at the conference set off a new round of


2. Parents often find it difficult to communicate with their


3. The employee complained to the manager about his low income.

4. It is important for parents to keep their children company.

5. We would remember a lot more if we had more confidence in

our memories and knew how to use them properly.

Unit 13(confirm—costume)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. contract 2. corporate 3. consequence 4. contemporary

5. conflict 6. confirm 7. copy 8. conventional

9. cooperation 10. continent

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. contradictory 2. consumption 3. conservative

4. considerable 5. construction 6. consistently 7. continuous

8. considering 9. correction 10. convinced

11. confusedꎻ confused 12.contributedꎻcontribution

13.congratulateꎻ congratulations 14. cookingꎻ cooker

15. convenienceꎻ convenient 16. consultationꎻ consulted

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词的中文意思

1. 含量 2.目录 3. 所含之物 4. 贡献 5. 能耗ꎻ促成作用

6. 满意ꎬ满足 7. 包含ꎬ含有 8. 克制

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. on the contrary 2. As a consequence of 3. consist of

4. is under control 5. by contrast 6. be consistent with

7. corresponds to 8. at the cost of 9. without compare

10. around the corner

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. cooperate with 2. taken into consideration

3. under construction 4. Consideringꎻ could have done

5. In contrast 6. it is convenient for you to

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. My instructor congratulated me on publishing an article in the

famous magazine.

2. He was awarded a prize for his contributions to world peace.

3. What he is doing at present is not consistent with what he

promised previously.

4. It is considerate of you to arrange for a car to meet me at the


5. The weather is a constant topic of conversation in Britain.

Unit 14(cottage—cycle)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. crash 2. criticize 3. council 4. cottage 5. cured

6. coverage 7. countryside 8. curtains 9. cuisine 10. current

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. it 2. creativity 3. courageous 4. crowded 5. curiosity

6. cruelty 7. cultural 8. critical 9. criticism 10. about

11. customꎻ customers 12. curiouslyꎻ curiosity

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词的中文意思

1. 封面 2. 足够支付 3. 行走 4. 几个 5. 重要

6. 覆盖ꎻ数数 7. 学分 8. 赛道 9. 信用卡 10. 赞扬ꎬ称赞

11. 连接ꎬ结合

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. count on 2. in the course of 3. is covered with

4. takeꎻ to court 5. being crazy about 6. committing a crime

7. cut off 8. is critical of 9. cut down 10. cut in

Ⅴ. 完成句子

1. criterion of success 2. courageousꎻ make it

3. out of curiosity 4. cultural differences

5. was crowded with customers 6. have the courage to

Ⅵ. 根据中文提示翻译句子

1. The island was completely cut off from the outside world and the

lifestyles there were very primitive.

2. A person?s attitude towards life is crucial to his future career


3. The school came up with many practical methods to cultivate

students? creative thinking.

4. The suspect insisted that he hadn?t committed the crime.

5. The financial crisis has a negative influence on the country?s

economic development.

Unit 15(daily—depend)

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. department 2.deadline 3. defeatedꎻ degree 4. data

5. decent 6. decreased 7. delicious 8. deleted 9. declined

10. delayed

Ⅱ. 单句语法填空

1. decision 2. decades 3. delivering 4. daily

5. deadlyꎻ demanding 6. dangerous 7. declaration 8. depth

9. decoration 10. denying 11. defendꎻ defence 12. by

13. darkꎻ darkness 14.deadꎻ deathꎻ dyingꎻ died

15. definitionꎻ definitely

Ⅲ. 写出下列句子中画线词的中文意思

1. 拒绝 2. 在减少 3. 演示ꎬ展示 4. 脆弱的 5. 废弃的

6. 在某种程度上 7. 启程 8. 被抑制住ꎬ被控制住

Ⅳ. 选词填空

1. causing damage to 2. dates back to 3. out of date

4. dare to 5. the other day 6. beyond debate 7. without delay
