
发布时间:2021-11-23 | 杂志分类:其他


Advertising 公司绍介 品牌至上 创意无限 Company introduction Brand first, creativity eternity 本公司是一家专业生产加工广告展示器材的制造厂商,公司成立 于2011年,经过了近10多年的逐步规划发展至今,厂房面积三干多平 方米,企业员工近百人。公司位于浙江省东北部、长江三角洲杭嘉湖平 原腹心地带与上海、杭州、苏州、宁波等城市相距均不到百公里,作为 沪杭、苏杭交通干线中枢,交通便利。公司生产各类广告展示产品,质 量可靠、价格优惠、交货及时、常备库存,可以满足不同客户的需求。 我们具备专业的研发设计团队和生产制造团队,依赖稳定成熟的生产加... [收起]
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嘉兴高瑞广告 展示器材有限公司 GAORUI 策划-制作-售后


Advertising 公司绍介 品牌至上 创意无限 Company introduction Brand first, creativity eternity 本公司是一家专业生产加工广告展示器材的制造厂商,公司成立 于2011年,经过了近10多年的逐步规划发展至今,厂房面积三干多平 方米,企业员工近百人。公司位于浙江省东北部、长江三角洲杭嘉湖平 原腹心地带与上海、杭州、苏州、宁波等城市相距均不到百公里,作为 沪杭、苏杭交通干线中枢,交通便利。公司生产各类广告展示产品,质 量可靠、价格优惠、交货及时、常备库存,可以满足不同客户的需求。 我们具备专业的研发设计团队和生产制造团队,依赖稳定成熟的生产加 工工艺,可以提供专业优质的服务。 The company is a manufacturer which specialized in professional production and processing advertising display equipment. The company was established in 2011. After nearly 10 years of gradual planning and development, the plant area is more than three thousand square meters, and the enterprise employees are nearly 100 people。The company is located in the northeast of Zhejiang Province, in the centerpiece of Hanja Lake Plain in the Yangtze River Delta, and is less than 100 kilometers away from cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Ningbo. As the center of the main transportation lines in Shanghai and Suhang, as well as convenient transportation。The company produces various breeds of advertising display products with reliable quality, preferential prices, timely delivery, and standing inventory, which can meet the needs of different customers。We have a professional R&D design team and production and manufacturing team, relying on stable and mature production and processing processes to provide professional quality services。


翻盖画框/25手提海报架 Flip the frame/25 Portable poster stand 32加厚精品海报架 32 Thicken the fine poster stand 丽屏展架/宣传栏/立牌展架 Li screen display/promotional column/set up display 简约式金属拉丝相框/钥匙画框/铝板画 Simple metal wire frames/key frames/aluminum board drawings 超薄箱/软膜灯箱 Ultra-thin box/soft film light box 磁吸单面灯箱 Magneto one-sided light box 地铁钢化玻璃灯箱 Subway steel glass light box


翻盖画框 20 翻盖画框 25 翻盖画框 32 翻盖画框 Flip the frame Flip the frame Flip the frame 翻盖画框 Flip the frame 翻盖画框由铝合金制成,铝合金框 凭借着自身环保,不易变形氧化褪色, 简约,时尚,大气的风格优势深受客户 的喜欢,真正达到了物美价廉的效果。 宽度型号有20-25-30-32-40-45根据使 用场景和大小选择 颜色多种可定制,本 画框画面更换方便,携带便捷,适用范 围广泛,直接明了的把想要的内容传达 到目标群体。主要应用与图书馆、咖啡 厅、医院、工厂等等。 Flip frame made of aluminum alloy, aluminum alloy frame with its environmental protection, is out of shape not easily oxidation fade, contracted, fashionable, atmospheric style advantage by customers like, really achieved the result of a bargain. Widthmodels have 20-25 to 30-32-40-45 according to colour and size selection of customizable using scene, this frame the picture easy to change, convenient to carry, broad scope, straightforward. wants to convey to the content of the target group. Main application and libraries, coffee shops, hospitals, factories and so on. 01


翻盖画框 20翻盖画框切面图 20Flip the frame cutting picture 40 翻盖画框 25翻盖画框切面图 25Flip the frame cutting picture Flip the frame 32翻盖画框切面图 32Flip the frame cutting picture 40翻盖画框切面图 40Flip the frame cutting picture 02


Advertising Brand first, creativity eternity 品牌至上 创意无限 手提海报架 03


手提海报架 手提海报架 Portable Poster Stand 一款经典的铝合金海报架,画框为25海报夹配以简洁折叠支架安装简易,方便携带而被广泛使用。 基于便携式的设计理念,整体采用铝合金结构,配可开启式边框,使得更换画面简易。本款海报架展示 地点灵活,展示起来也容易吸引到顾客的眼光,能瞬间吸引到顾客和抓住顾客的眼球。主要应用与展 厅、医院、学校、社区宣传等等。 A classic poster frame, aluminum alloy frame for 25 poster holder matchs with concise folding bracket installation simple, convenient and widely used. Based on the portable design concept, overall adopt aluminum alloy structure, which could be open borders, make simple change picture. This poster frame flexible display site, display is easy to attract customer's eye, can instantly drawn to the customers and seize the customer's attention. Main application and the exhibition hall, hospitals, schools, community publicity and so on. 04


3 2加 厚 精 品 海 报 架 精品海报架 Boutique Poster Stand 精品海报架采用32画框铝合金型 材边框和加厚扁管支架,面板为 PVC透明贴膜板,背板为雪弗板;此 款海报架特点是产品四面边框可翻 开,换画方便,安装简单,摆放自 如,展示无限灵活,可重复利用。在 价格方面采用铝合金型材,价格实 惠,线条流畅,外观大方有。适用与 售楼处,工程介绍、公益活动、企业 文化介绍等一些列室内室外场合。 32 frame aluminum alloy 细节展示 Details display profile is used for fine poster frame borders and thickening flat tube support, panel for PVC transparent sticker plate, back to snow, plate; This poster frame characteristics is the product all around the borders can be opened, in painting is convenient, simple installation, put freely, show infinite flexible and reusable. Aluminum profile is used in terms of price, the price is affordable, line is fluent, appearance and generous. Apply to sales department, engineering, public welfare activities, such as corporate culture to introduce a series of indoor and outdoor occasion. 05


3 2加 厚 精 品 海 报 架 整体展示 Overall display 06


丽屏展架 整体展示 Overall display 细节展示 Details display 07


丽屏展架 丽屏展架 Vertical screen display stand 丽屏展架底座加厚钢板材质,重心低增强展架的整体稳定 性。连接设计,优质铝合金架体简洁大方,底部连接的加固 设计,使产品更加牢固。底座贴有防滑海绵垫,防止产品与 地面接触有划痕影响产品美观度。切割面平整光滑不伤手, 看得见的品质,展览展示器材中的佳品。主要应用与房地 产、商场、电梯间等高档场所。 Beautiful screen thickening steel material exhibition stand base, low gravity enhanced the overall stability of exhibition stand. Connection design, concise and easy, high quality aluminum alloy frame body link at the bottom of the reinforcement design, make the product more solid. Base with antiskid rubber cushion, contact with the ground to prevent products have Nick influence aesthetic products. Cut surface level off is smooth does not hurt the hand, the quality of visible, exhibition display equipment in the market. Main application and real estate, shopping malls, elevator and other places of high-grade. 08


宣传栏 09


宣传栏 宣传栏 Propaganda Column 宣传栏是提高文化生活、宣传公益教育的一种公益设施,它不仅拥有大气的外观,还拥有丰富的内容,公益 活动、报刊资讯的实时更新,为人们的生活提供了便利,随着社会的不断进步,需求量很大,你可以发现很多社 区无论是户外还是室内都设置有不同风格,不同材质的宣传栏。常规银色和木纹色可根据用户要求喷涂颜色,我 们最大的优势就是可以根据客户需求设计、开发、量产。主要应用与文化走廊、学校、工厂等等。 Publicity column, publicity of public education is to improve the cultural life of a public welfare facilities, it not only has the appearance of the atmosphere, also has a rich content, public welfare activities, newspaper information updated in real time, provides the convenience for people's life, along with the advance of society, the demand is very big, you can find that many of the community both outdoor and indoor Settings have different style, different material publicity column. Conventional silver and wood grain color can be sprayed color according to user requirements, our greatest advantage is the ability to design, development, production according to customer's requirements. Main application and cultural corridor, schools, factories and so on . 10


立牌展架 11


立牌展架 立牌展架 Showcase Stand 立牌展示架搭配25翻盖画框,安装轻松方便快捷,再加以底座配重的人性设计,摆放稳固不倒。门口树 立立牌展示架让门店展示信息更加引人注目,曝光度十足,达到有效宣传门店形象效果,明显区分于其他门 店,还能触动顾客的消费欲望,进店购买商品。主要应用与高档会所门口、酒店楼梯间、售楼部、会所等 等。 stablish brand display 25 flip frame collocation, convenient installation easy, counterweight human nature design to base, put a solid. Set up at the gate of vertical brand display let stores display information more striking, visibility, achieve effective propaganda outlets image effect, obvious distinguish from other stores, can also touch the customers' consumption desire, into the store to buy goods. Main application and the door of the upscale office, hotel stairwells, sales department, the club and so on. 12


简约式金属拉丝相框 简约式金属拉丝相框 Simple Metal Wire Photo Frame 拉丝金属质感的相框,各种彩色 细节展示 Details display 氧化和多种木纹色可选,厚度20- 25-30-35可选注入高贵气质,充满 时尚典雅的艺术气息,不用花费太多 的心思,将其搁置在展厅、画廊、卧 室,或者组合成具有艺术感的照片 墙,轻而易举的就赋予整体场所灵动 的韵律。主要应用与展厅、咖啡厅、 画廊、艺术长廊、时装展厅等等 Brushed metallic frame, a variety of color oxide and a variety of wood grain color optional, thickness of 20 to 25 to 30-35 optional injection noble temperament, fashion and elegant full of artistic breath, don't have to spend too much mind, and set it aside in the exhibition halls, galleries, bedroom, or a combined into artificial photo wall, easy to whole place clever rhythm. Main application and the exhibition hall, coffee shops, galleries, art gallery, fashion exhibition hall and so on. 13


简约式金属拉丝相框 整体展示 Overall display 简约式金属拉丝相框切面图 Simple Metal Wire Photo Frame cutting picture 14


钥匙画框 钥匙画框 Key frame 钥匙画框除了自身环保,具有防水 防盗功能,简约,时尚,大气的风格优 势,展示起来也容易吸引到顾客的眼光, 能瞬间吸引到顾客和抓住顾客的眼球以 外,还能展示一些相对价值较高的实物产 品,有了安全锁厚度的保护,更能防止别 人的破坏及宣传品的丢失。主要应用企业 单位宣传与站台、车站、广场公告等等。 8Key frame in addition to its own environmental protection, have waterproof anti-theft function, contracted, fashionable, atmospheric style, display is easy to attract customer's eye, can instantly drawn to the customers and seize the customer's attention, also can show some relative value higher physical products, with the protection of the safety lock, can prevent the destruction of others and loss of materials. Main application platform enterprise unit propaganda and announcement, station, square, etc. 15


钥匙画框 钥匙画框切面图 Key frame cutting picture 16


铝板画 铝板画 整体展示 Overall display Aluminum Painting 细节展示 Details display 铝版画是一种新兴的版画, 其具有结构新颖、造型美观、高 雅,画面经久不变等优点,为人 们提供了一种全新的装饰艺术 品,可广泛用于家庭及办公场所 的装饰,并可作为高雅的礼品用 于馈赠。 Aluminum prints is a new type of prints, which has novel structure, beautiful shape, elegant, the picture of the same time and other advantages, for people to provide a new decorative art, can be widely used in home and office decoration, and can be used as elegant gifts for gifts. 17


铝板画 18


超薄灯箱 整体展示 Overall display 细节展示 Details display 19


超薄灯箱 超薄灯箱 Ultra-thin Lamp Box LED超薄灯箱外观精美、超薄超轻、节能环保、光照度更为均匀、更柔和、视觉更舒适寿命长 久。用自然光线拟真色彩设计,图像更加逼真悦目,视觉效果更加卓越。厚度边框宽度20-25-30- 35-40型号和颜色多种可选 解决了传统灯箱因过于笨重而使用受限的缺陷。主要应用于餐厅、奶茶 店、商场、影院等等室内外场合使用。 LED ultra-thin light box well-presented, ultra-thin lightweight, energy conservation, environmental protection, light is more uniform, more soft, visual more comfortable life for a long time. Using natural light color design, image is more vivid and pleasing to the eye, visual effect is more outstanding. The thickness of the border width 20-25 to 30-35- 40 type and a variety of color optional solves the traditional light box because of the limited use of too heavy and defects. Mainly used in restaurants, milk tea shop, shopping malls, cinemas, and so on indoor and outdoor use. 超薄灯箱切面图 Thin light box cutting picture 20


软膜灯箱 软膜灯箱 整体展示 Overall display Film Lamp Box 细节展示 Details display 软膜灯箱是一种以材料来命名的 广告灯箱。因为灯箱表面材料是用软 膜材料及喷绘来制作形成的,故称之 为软膜灯箱,软膜灯箱画质细腻有光 泽感是软膜灯箱的一大亮点,加之 LED的亮度可以把室内广告画表现得 淋漓尽致。主要适用于各种影院、餐 厅、酒店、会所、商场、品牌连锁 店、专卖店等室内外场景安装使用。 Soft film light box is a kind of advertising light box named after the material. Because the surface material of the light box is made of soft film material and spray painting, it is called soft film light box, soft film light box picture quality delicate gloss is a bright spot of soft film light box, coupled with the brightness of LED can be the indoor advertising painting to show the most vivid. Mainly applicable to a variety of cinemas, restaurants, hotels, clubs, shopping malls, brand chain stores, stores and so on. 21


软膜灯箱 22


磁吸单面灯箱 磁吸单面灯箱 Magneto One-sided Light Box 磁吸单面灯箱时尚漂亮,能 够给人带来眼前一亮的惊艳感 受,厚度只是传统灯箱的四分之 一,磁吸灯箱在安装以及检修方 面也是非常简便化,能够给人们 带来极大的便利性,磁吸灯箱不 易老化损坏;颜色持久,不褪 色,日久常新;抗污性强,易于 清洁保养。主要用于电梯咖啡 厅、高档餐厅、会所、影院、商 场等等。 Magnetic suction 细节展示 Details display single-sided light box fashionable and beautiful, can bring people a bright and stunning feeling, thickness is only a quarter of the traditional light box, magnetic suction light box in the installation and maintenance is also very simple, can bring people great convenience, magnetic suction light box is not easy to age and damage; Color lasting, not fading, kept new; Strong resistance to dirt, easy to clean and maintain. Mainly used in coffee shops, high-end restaurants, clubs, cinemas, shopping malls and so on. 23


磁吸单面灯箱 整体展示 Overall display 24


地铁钢化玻璃灯箱 地铁钢化玻璃灯箱 Subway Steel Glass Light Box 地铁站作为现代和特殊的交通载 细节展示 Details display 体,具有户外交通媒体和灯箱媒体的传 播特性,其优势非常明显,地铁广告有 着先天的优势,地铁钢化玻璃灯箱宣传 面积大且画面清晰,震撼清晰的画面传 达到人们的视野中。该款灯箱拥有多项 外观专利和实用型技术结构专利 具备 高亮度,高均光度,低能耗, 高安全 性和防水防盗功能,适合户外大型展馆 展示,机场,地铁,高铁,大型商业广 场等使用。 As a modern and special traffic carrier, the subway station has the communication characteristics of outdoor traffic media and light box media, its advantages are very obvious, subway advertising has innate advantages, subway tempered glass light box publicity area is large and clear picture, shocking clear picture to people's vision. 25


地铁钢化玻璃灯箱 整体展示 Overall display 26


嘉兴高瑞广告展示器材有限公司 Jiaxing Gaorui advertising display equipment Co., Ltd 税号 tax number:91330481MA2 JGBUJ1B 开户行 bank name:中国农业银行海宁市支行 账号 Account number:19350101040128557 地址 address:浙江省嘉兴市海宁市海吕街道海宁经济开发区硖仲路420号1号楼二层南 电话: telephone number:0573-87027118 客服小汤 浙江区域经理谈经理 上海 区域经理鹿经理 江苏区域经理孟经理 Customer service’s Zhejiang Regional Manager’ Shanghai Regional Manager’s Jiangsu Regional Manager’ Tel:180 0661 6799 Tel:133 3583 1399 Tel:153 5662 8111 Tel:13335835399
