
发布时间:2022-8-29 | 杂志分类:地产家居


NEW CONCEPT FASHION.OFFICE ART \& DESIGN 我们是一家集设计开发、生产、销售为一体的时尚精品型家具企业, 座落于全球最大家具制造基地 -- 佛山市顺德。工厂从国外引进有先进的机 械设备,并拥有高素质的专业技术人才,雄厚的技术力量和严格的管理不 断推出款式新颖的产品,多年来致力研发、生产办公家具系列。 ... [收起]
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NEW CONCEPT FASHION.OFFICE ART \& DESIGN 我们是一家集设计开发、生产、销售为一体的时尚精品型家具企业, 座落于全球最大家具制造基地 -- 佛山市顺德。工厂从国外引进有先进的机 械设备,并拥有高素质的专业技术人才,雄厚的技术力量和严格的管理不 断推出款式新颖的产品,多年来致力研发、生产办公家具系列。 我们锐意进取,凭着超前的设计思维,融合中华文化精髓及欧美家具 潮流风格,使产品“款式新颖,大气时尚,高贵典雅,朴实庄重”在同行 业中独树一帜。目前产品不仅热销国内各大中城市,而且远销欧美、中东、 东南亚等多个国家与地区,将稳步发展,不断扩大市场份额,“商誉至上, 诚信天下”,让产品遍及全球每个角落。 我 们 将 以 一 如 既 往 的 奋 斗 姿 态, 迎 接 全 球 一 体 化 的 机 遇 和 挑 战, 在 二十一世纪的市场经济浪潮中不断发展壮大;以求实创新,开拓进取的精 神加上优质产品和良好售后服务,展望未来,全体同仁,将与新老客户携 手奋进,共同发展,共享似锦繁华。 We are a fashion boutique furniture enterprise integrating design, development, production and sales. It is located in Shunde, Foshan City, the largest furniture manufacturing base in the world. The factory introduces advanced machinery and equipment from abroad, and has high-quality professional and technical personnel. With strong technical force and strict management, it constantly introduces fashionable products. It has been committed to research and development and production of office furniture series for many years. We are determined to make progress, with advanced design thinking, blending the essence of Chinese culture and the trend style of European and American furniture, making the products \"new style, atmospheric fashion, noble and elegant, simple and solemn\" unique in the same industry. At present, the products are not only sold well in major cities in China, but also exported to Europe, America, Middle East, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. Will develop steadily and expand market share. “Goodwill is the highest, integrity is the world”, and the products are spread all over the world. Every corner. We will continue to develop and expand in the 21st century market economy wave with the stance of continuing struggles as always. We will strive for innovation, pioneering spirit, quality products and good after-sales service, and look forward to the future. All colleagues will work together with new and old customers to develop together and share the prosperity.


FENG GUAN First class creative team Scientific concept of office chair design focused on the function and shape, function and comfort of human body, function and science and technology and the combination of materials to mention, to create a unique zhen good products. For a better chair “生活不只有苟且,还有诗和远方的田野”,这几年大热的一 \"Life is not only about life, but also poetry and distant fields\", a lyric that has 句歌词,唱出一个时代的心声。其实工作不也如此?从紧张忙 been popular in recent years has sung the heart of an era. Isn't it the same 碌的日常工作中解脱开来,摆脱一坐下就进入战斗状态,一款 with work? Free from the tense and busy daily work, get rid of the once sitting 设计得充满诗情画意和时尚美感的椅子,将心灵牵引至诗般的 down into the combat state. A chair designed with poetic and fashionable 远方和田野,让心情为激情注入能量,为高品位办公室注入全 aesthetic feeling will lead the soul to the poetic distance and field, so that the 新的印象。 mood can inject energy into the passion and inject a new impression into the high-grade office.


Open a visual feast 开启一场视觉盛宴




ART Natural materials and precise making, the product takes the \& lead and becomes beyond the century. 天然材料和精密制造,产品领先并超越世纪。 DESIGN 7


科学的办公椅设计理念注重功能与造 型、人体功能与舒适、功能与科技与 材料的结合,打造独特的珍好产品。 Scientific concept of office chair design focused on the function and shape, function and comfort of human body, function and science and technology and the combination of materials to mention, to create a unique zhen good products. FENGGUAN NEW OFFICE fashion life 8


CREATE A NEW OFFICE POSTURE 创新和现代办公家具在高度的合理性和功能性的同时,也在寻求文化的 根源,体现宾客空间中的人文情怀,创造与时代的紧密联系,形成新的 艺术布局和家具文化。 Innovation and modern office furniture in a high degree of rationality and functionality, but also to seek the root causes of culture, reflecting the guest space in the human touch and create a close relationship with the times, and the formation of a new art layout and furniture culture. 9




Taste comes from details 时代的要求,体现时尚、简洁、舒适、优雅, 适合人体,尺寸和形状,设计, 注意完全放松 Requirement of the times, reflection of fashion, concise, comfortable and elegant, fit to the human body, size and shape, design, attention is put to complete relaxation. 11


FASHION.OFFICE Requirement of the times, reflection of fashion, concise, comfortable and elegant, fit to the human body, size and shape, design, attention is put to complete relaxation. 12


表达办公艺术世界,一切都基于传统精湛的技术技巧、天然材料和精确制作,产品领先,超越世纪。 Expressing the office art world, with everything basing on traditional exquisite technical skills, natural materials and precise making, the product takes the lead and becomes beyond the century. ART \& DESIGN Requirement of the times, reflection of fashion, concise, comfortable and elegant, fit to the human body, size and shape, design, attention is put to complete relaxation. 13


Creative Shape OFFICE ART 时尚而极强的表现力,完全营造 Fashionable and extremely strong 简约、灵动的空间,彰显人们对 expressive force, completely built 生活的追求。丰满、丰满、优雅、 simplicity, spirited space, demonstrates 简洁的视觉效果,加上省时省力、 people’s pursuit for life. Enriched, 方便有序的实用功能,产生余韵。 plump, graceful and simple visual effect, together with time and energy FENGGUAN NEW OFFICE saving, convenient and orderly practical functions, produces the lingering appeal. 14


Taste comes from details 时代的要求,体现时尚、简洁、舒适、优雅, 适合人体,尺寸和形状,设计, 注意完全放松 Requirement of the times, reflection of fashion, concise, comfortable and elegant, fit to the human body, size and shape, design, attention is put to complete relaxation. UNIQUE DESIGN,FASHION SPACE 15


ORIGINALITY COMFORTABLY 简约前卫的设计,繁杂重复的细节被一一略去,代之以科 学的力学支承,衬合纯美的空间结构,体态优雅的时尚家 具成为视觉的焦点。 Simple and avant-garde design, complex and repetitive details are omitted one by one, replaced by scientific mechanics support, lined with pure space structure, elegant body fashion furniture has become the focus of vision. 16


DESIGN Scientific concept of office chair design focused on the function and shape, function and comfort of human body, function and science and technology and the combination of materials to mention, to create a unique zhen good products. 17


FENGGUAN Efficent Fashion 简约主义旨在将设计简化到本质,并 强调其内在魅力。在这个现代与未来 Enjoyment of The doctrine of simplicity is 交织的冷色调环境中,简约将产生理 functionality and art. to simplify the design to the 性、秩序和专业感。 essence and emphasize its inside fascination. In this cold-tone environment interweaving the modern and the future, simplicity will produce rationality, order and professional sense. 18


表达办公艺术世界,一切都基于传统精湛的技术技巧、天然材料和精确制作,产品领先,超越世纪。 Expressing the office art world, with everything basing on traditional exquisite technical skills, natural materials and precise making, the product takes the lead and becomes beyond the century. 19




CREATIVE SHAPE FENG GUAN Enjoyment of functionality and art. 完美的产品在您的创意巧妙、易于调整的设计符合人体 工程学的设计原则的同时,也充分节省了有限的办公空 间,体现了现代办公和经营理念。 Perfect product in your creative clever, easy to adjust the design of ergonomic design principles, but also fully save the limited office space, reflecting the modern office and business philosophy. ORIGINALITY 21


创意无限 Efficent Fashion Creative Shape 时尚而极强的表现力,完全营造简约、 灵动的空间,彰显人们对生活的追求。 丰满、丰满、优雅、简洁的视觉效果, 加上省时省力、方便有序的实用功能, 产生余韵。 Fashionable and extremely strong expressive force, completely built simplicity, spirited space, demonstrates people’s pursuit for life. Enriched, plump, graceful and simple visual effect, together with time and energy saving, convenient and orderly practical functions, produces the lingering appeal. FENGGUAN NEW OFFICE 22




FENG GUAN 办公新姿态 Efficent Fashion 科学的办公椅设计理念注重功能与造型、人 体功能与舒适、功能与科技与材料的结合, 打造独特的珍好产品。 24


ORIGINALITY 时尚而极强的表现力,完全营造简约、灵动的空间,彰显人们对生活的追求。丰满、丰满、优雅、 简洁的视觉效果,加上省时省力、方便有序的实用功能,产生余韵。 25


LEATHER CHAIR COMFORTABLY 简约前卫的设计,繁杂重复的细节被一一略去,代之以科学的力学支承, 衬合纯美的空间结构,体态优雅的时尚家具成为视觉的焦点。 26


FASHION OFFICE 科学的办公椅设计理念注重功能与造型、人体 功能与舒适、功能与科技与材料的结合,打造 独特的珍好产品。 Scientific concept of office chair design focused on the function and shape, function and comfort of human body, function and science and technology and the combination of materials to mention, to create a unique zhen good products. ORIGINALITY 27




时尚而极强的表现力,完全营造简约、灵动的空间,彰显人们对生活的追求。丰满、丰满、优雅、 简洁的视觉效果,加上省时省力、方便有序的实用功能,产生余韵。 29


Efficent Fashion 时尚而极强的表现力,完全营造简约、 灵动的空间,彰显人们对生活的追求。 丰满、丰满、优雅、简洁的视觉效果, 加上省时省力、方便有序的实用功能, 产生余韵。 Fashionable and extremely strong expressive force, completely built simplicity, spirited space, demonstrates people’s pursuit for life. Enriched, plump, graceful and simple visual effect, together with time and energy saving, convenient and orderly practical functions, produces the lingering appeal. FENGGUAN NEW OFFICE 30


FENG GUAN 办公新姿态 Efficent Fashion 科学的办公椅设计理念注重功能与造型、人 体功能与舒适、功能与科技与材料的结合, 打造独特的珍好产品。 Taste comes from details 31




FASHION OFFICE 简约主义旨在将设计简化到本质,并强调其内在魅力。 在这个现代与未来交织的冷色调环境中,简约将产生理 性、秩序和专业感。 The doctrine of simplicity is to simplify the design to the essence and emphasize its inside fascination. In this cold-tone environment interweaving the modern and the future, simplicity will produce rationality, order and professional sense. 33


FENG GUAN 办公新姿态 Efficent Fashion 科学的办公椅设计理念注重功能与造型、人 体功能与舒适、功能与科技与材料的结合, 打造独特的珍好产品。 Fashionable and extremely strong expressive force, completely built simplicity, spirited space, demonstrates people’s pursuit for life. Enriched, plump, graceful and simple visual effect, together with time and energy saving, convenient and orderly practical functions, produces the lingering appeal. 时尚而极强的表现力,完全营造简约、灵动的空间,彰显人们对生活的追求。丰满、优雅、简 洁的视觉效果,加上省时省力、方便有序的实用功能,产生余韵。 34


DESIGN Scientific concept of office chair design focused on the function and shape, function and comfort of human body, function and science and technology and the combination of materials to mention, to create a unique zhen good products. 35




ART \& DESIGN Requirement of the times, reflection of fashion, concise, comfortable and elegant, fit to the human body, size and shape, design, attention is put to complete relaxation. 37




FENG GUAN Efficent Fashion 科学的办公椅设计理念注重功能与造型、人体 功能与舒适、功能与科技与材料的结合,打造 独特的珍好产品。 Scientific concept of office chair design focused on the function and shape, function and comfort of human body, function and science and technology and the combination of materials to mention, to create a unique zhen good products. ORIGINALITY 39


Taste comes from details Scientific concept of office chair design focused on the function and shape, function and comfort of human body, function and science and technology and the combination of materials to mention, to create a unique zhen good products. ART \& DESIGN Perfect product in your creative clever, easy to adjust the design of ergonomic design principles, but also fully save the limited office space, reflecting the modern office and business philosophy. DETAILS 40


CREATIVE SHAPE FENG GUAN Enjoyment of functionality and art. 完美的产品在您的创意巧妙、易于调整的设计符合人体 工程学的设计原则的同时,也充分节省了有限的办公空 间,体现了现代办公和经营理念。 Perfect product in your creative clever, easy to adjust the design of ergonomic design principles, but also fully save the limited office space, reflecting the modern office and business philosophy. ORIGINALITY 41




ART \& DESIGN Efficent Fashion 科学的办公椅设计理念注重功能与造型、人体 功能与舒适、功能与科技与材料的结合,打造 独特的珍好产品。 Scientific concept of office chair design focused on the function and shape, function and comfort of human body, function and science and technology and the combination of materials to mention, to create a unique zhen good products. ORIGINALITY 43


FASHION.OFFICE Requirement of the times, reflection of fashion, concise, comfortable and elegant, fit to the human body, size and shape, design, attention is put to complete relaxation. 44


CREATIVE SHAPE 完美的产品在您的创意巧妙、易于调整的设计符合人体 工程学的设计原则的同时,也充分节省了有限的办公空 间,体现了现代办公和经营理念。 Perfect product in your creative clever, easy to adjust the design of ergonomic design principles, but also fully save the limited office space, reflecting the modern office and business philosophy. ORIGINALITY 45




Enjoyment of functionality and art. 完美的产品在您的创意巧妙、易于调整的设计符合人体 工程学的设计原则的同时,也充分节省了有限的办公空 间,体现了现代办公和经营理念。 Perfect product in your creative clever, easy to adjust the design of ergonomic design principles, but also fully save the limited office space, reflecting the modern office and business philosophy. ORIGINALITY 47


Enjoyment of functionality and art. 完美的产品在您的创意巧妙、易于调整的设计符合人体 工程学的设计原则的同时,也充分节省了有限的办公空 间,体现了现代办公和经营理念。 Perfect product in your creative clever, easy to adjust the design of ergonomic design principles, but also fully save the limited office space, reflecting the modern office and business philosophy. ORIGINALITY 48


Efficent Fashion 时尚而极强的表现力,完全营造简约、 灵动的空间,彰显人们对生活的追求。 丰满、丰满、优雅、简洁的视觉效果, 加上省时省力、方便有序的实用功能, 产生余韵。 Fashionable and extremely strong expressive force, completely built simplicity, spirited space, demonstrates people’s pursuit for life. Enriched, plump, graceful and simple visual effect, together with time and energy saving, convenient and orderly practical functions, produces the lingering appeal. Taste comes from details 49


