
发布时间:2021-11-15 | 杂志分类:其他


183 元 铜净瓶 说明:此净瓶以铜铸成,为典型唐 代风格。圆口外撇,细颈长 束,溜肩顺滑,瓶腹犹如饱 满的苹果一般,由上至下渐 ... [收起]
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183 元 铜净瓶 说明:此净瓶以铜铸成,为典型唐 代风格。圆口外撇,细颈长 束,溜肩顺滑,瓶腹犹如饱 满的苹果一般,由上至下渐 收,底落高圈足,微微外 扩。整体造型别致,外壁光 素无纹,纤纤秀美,铜质滋 润纯净,包浆醇厚深沉。 净瓶,又称水瓶、军持,为 佛教法器之一,多为菩萨手 持,尤其常见于观音菩萨手 中,盛载滴滴甘露,本场 149号拍品之杨柳观音手中 即执有形制相类之净瓶,可 资参阅。 A BRONZE VASE Yuan Dynasty 21.7 cm Height RMB: 1,000-2,000 183


184 明 铜嵌银丝狻猊香薰 184 185 说明:狻猊,传说中龙生九子之一,其 形似狮,喜烟好坐,因此其形象 一般出现在香熏上,随之吞烟吐 雾。狻猊为文殊菩萨坐骑,后随 佛教传入中国。 拍品由精铜制成,色泽深沉,周 身包浆亮润。熏炉作狻猊呈趴伏 之姿,造型圆润饱满,背部为炉 盖,设计精妙新巧。神兽额头宽 平,鼓目凸鼻,神态憨厚温驯。 鬃毛、长尾均雕刻精细,背毛披 伏而下,丝缕可见,全身毛发均 以银丝镶嵌。整器铸造技艺精 湛,造型灵动祥瑞,工艺极富石 叟风格。置于案头燃点熏香,尽 显文人雅趣。 石叟,明晚期冶炼专家与艺术雕 塑大师,尤善制嵌银铜器,所制 文房几案用具多精雅端丽,拍品 颇具其神韵。 A COPPER SILVER-INLAID SUANNI-SHAPED CENSER Ming Dynasty 10 cm Length; 548.5 g Weight RMB: 160,000-250,000 185 清 铜万岁昌运纹爵杯 款识:“英青作”三字单行楷书款 说明:爵最早出现在夏代,商代极为兴 盛,周人禁酒,爵遂停铸。后宋 人摹古,开启再铸爵杯之风。 此件爵杯依商代爵为范本,三足 鼎立,双柱上扬,敞流尖尾,造 型别致,杯身饰万岁昌运纹,纹 饰饱满富有力度,工艺精湛。爵 因有加官进爵之意,深为人们所 喜爱。 AN INSCRIBED CUP, JUE Qing Dynasty 17.4 cm Height; 658 g Weight RMB: 30,000-50,000


186 (双面图) 186 清 铜错金银卧虎镇纸 记录:西泠印社,2019年7月6日,编号1127 说明:明清文人喜用各式铜镇,仿古人之风雅。其中卧虎造型尤其多见,取其锋芒内 敛,镇鬼辟邪之意象。 拍品以铜为材,质地精纯坠手,表面包浆光润。造型精致生动,作卧虎状,曲线 灵动,猛虎虽作卧姿,却不减威势,若将随时跃起,生动威严,栩栩如生。虎身 以错金银工艺装饰几何纹、如意纹,线条细腻流畅,以银、宝石镶嵌,炯炯有 神。整器做工精湛,精致讨喜,别具意趣。 A COPPER GOLD AND SILVER INLAID TIGER-SHAPED PAPERWEIGHT Qing Dynasty 8.2 cm Length; 438.6 g Weight PROVENANCE Xiling Auction, 6th July 2019, Lot 1127 RMB: 1,000-2,000


187 187 明 铜错银水禽形戈帽两件 188 说明:拍品为战国戈帽两件,通身错银,为仪仗用 A COPPER MOUSE-SHAPED PAPERWEIGHT 具,华丽异常。戈帽均作水禽之姿,一回首 伏翅,似安然而眠,一昂首翘望,似觅食守 Qing Dynasty 卫。雕琢简练,刻画传神,造型生动。纽约 苏富比曾于2002年拍出相类战国末期铜错银 9.2 cm Length; 300.3 g Weight 戈帽一件,可资参阅。 PROVENANCE 参阅:纽约苏富比,2002年3月19日,编号99 Collection of Gerard and Ellie Hawthorn A SET OF COPPER SILVER INLAID BIRD- Sotheby's Hong Kong, 3rd December 2015, Lot 103 SHAPED DECORATION Ming Dynasty RMB: 1,000-2,000 5.5 cm Length; 5.8 cm Length; 86.3 g Weight; 38.8 g Weight LITERATURE Sotheby's New York, 19th March 2002, Lot 99 RMB: 1,000-2,000 188 清 铜鼠形镇纸 来源:好善簃主人伉俪旧藏 记录:香港苏富比,2015年12月3日,编号103 说明:拍品以铜制成,造型圆润饱满,包浆浑厚自 然,线条流畅自然,铜鼠刻画细腻生动,憨 态乖巧。 英国古董商好善簃主人Gerard Hawthorn于 1963年加入伦敦首屈一指的古玩公司-悉 尼·L·莫斯公司,随后专责并协助国际收 藏家及世界各地博物馆征集、买卖中国古董 艺术精品,后于1997年成立自己古董公司。


189 189 元 铜鎏金熊 190 金浮雕、透雕瑞兽纹羽觞杯 说明:此件汉代鎏金熊,入手沉坠,通体鎏金,包浆浓厚润 说明:羽觞杯最早广泛使用于战国时代,其造型简练,灵活小 泽。熊呈坐蹲之姿,形象极为拟人,鼓腹圆脑,尖耳精 巧,成为广受欢迎的器具。 巧,双目圆凸,长嘴张口,露出颗颗獠牙。四肢粗壮, 此杯为纯金制,用金厚重,精纯坠手。器形椭圆,潜腹 背部平滑,器表以錾刻技法表现熊身之鬃毛,清晰可 平底。双耳镂雕瑞狮奔腾,祥云环绕,杯心高浮雕卧兕 见。一手作托举状,一手垂于腹前,神态盎然,古拙可 纹,瑞兽眼若橄榄,身躯健硕,四蹄有力,腹部绒毛刻 爱。通体结构圆润,各个视角的线条均体现出健硕质朴 划细腻。此杯工艺纯熟,精工细作,富丽堂皇,应属权 之美感,富具张力。 贵宴饮之用。 A GILT-BRONZE BEAR A GOLDEN DOUBLE-HANDLED CUP, YUSHANG 10.7 cm Length; 102.7 g Weight Yuan Dynasty RMB: 250,000-400,000 5.9 cm Height RMB: 1,000-2,000


190 (多面图)


191 唐代银制錾刻花鸟纹小盖盒,其形制与拍品相同,纹饰 相类,可资参阅。 191 清 铜鎏金划花鹦鹉穿花纹小盖盒 参阅:《埃斯肯纳齐唐代艺术品》,伦敦,1987年,页24-25, 图25 说明:拍品盒、盖相扣,造型秀巧。内壁光素,外壁满刻锦地 卷草纹,叶蔓舒卷,韵律别具。盖面居中加饰一只鹦 A GILT-BRONZE 'FLOWER AND BIRD' BOX AND 鹉,拢翅静立,圆头钩笔,造型灵动可爱。全器通以鎏 COVER 金为饰,更添华贵富丽之气。 Qing Dynasty 鹦鹉为能言之鸟,在古代被称为“神鸟”。由于唐朝宫 4.4 cm Diam. 廷对鹦鹉的宠爱,是时在达官贵人们专用的金银器上也 大量出现了各种鹦鹉的形象,并与鸳鸯居于同等重要的 LITERATURE 地位,象征着圆满与吉祥。 Eskenazi Tang, London, 1987, p.24-25, pl.25 埃斯肯纳齐曾于1987年出版唐代艺术品图录中刊出一只 RMB: 100,000-180,000 191 (盖面图) 191 (附图:埃斯肯纳齐 1987年 唐 银制錾刻花鸟纹小盖盒)


192 192 明 铜错金银龙头杖首 说明:拍品或为仪仗顶饰,底部中空,可套饰于杖端,于仪式活动中昭示权力与威严。 此件铜制杖首造型粗壮威武,怒目阔鼻,双角后伸,昂首张口,气势非凡,极具 动感。全器均以错金银绘饰龙头之毛发、长角、凸睛等,錾刻细腻,极富神采。 拍品整体线条流畅,装饰优美华贵,堪称雕塑精品。 A COPPER GOLD AND SILVER INLAID DRAGON-SHAPED FINIAL Ming Dynasty 12.3 cm Length RMB: 180,000-250,000


194 (印面图) 193 空号 194 近代 赵叔孺白芙蓉石太狮少狮钮印章 说明:印章为晚清民国著名书画金石学家赵叔 194 孺制自用印,以白芙蓉石制成。印文为 朱文篆书“赵叔孺”,边款刻“己巳夏 日叔孺”。 赵叔孺(1874-1945),浙江宁波人。原名 润祥,字献忱、叔孺,后易名时棢,号 纫苌,晚年自号二弩老人,以叔孺行 世。金石书画、花卉虫草、鞍马翎毛, 无不精擅,尤擅画马,可称“近世之赵 孟頫”。 A WHITE STONE LION-BUTTON SEAL Late Qing Dynasty 2.8×2.8×5 cm RMB: 80,000-120,000 195 民国 仿古铜饕餮纹双龙耳出戟方尊 说明:拍品仿周饕餮尊而铸,作四方形制,鼓 腹高足,两侧设衔环龙耳,四边、四面 均设出戟,体量雄浑硕大,古朴敦厚。 既保有高古礼器之端庄稳重,又创新增 添几许灵秀之感,慕古而非泥古。 腹部通以云雷纹为锦地,肩部加饰夔龙 纹,颈、腹、足均以饕餮兽面为为主 体,上古凶兽双目炯炯,兽鼻凸起,獠 牙毕露,线条狂放,神态威猛。所用铜 料精纯,包浆厚重深沉,气韵庄重静 穆。 A BRONZE 'TAOTIE' DOUBLE- HANDLED SQUARE VASE Early 20th century 78 cm Height (总) RMB: 20,000-30,000 195


196 (双面图) 196 清 碧玉暗刻描金诗文砚屏 说明:拍品为碧玉制成,色泽深沉,致密、温润。呈长方形,两面阴刻描金诗文: “心主于敬之功效也,自天子以至于庶人,皆以敬勤为立身之本,君勤则如 神,遇事洞烛见理,精详虽克勤,而不觉其劳,无所用其勉强,从容中道。” 书体镌刻工整俊雅,描金精细华丽,整器简约庄重。 AN INSCRIBED GREEN JADE SCREEN Qing Dynasty 21 cm Length; 12.2 cm Width RMB: 80,000-120,000


197 197 元 水晶圆雕童子抱羊笔架 说明:拍品以天然水晶制成,晶莹剔透,随形圆雕,纹理天成,层 次分明。以简意刀法雕琢三个童子,童子身着宽袖长衣,发 型、姿态各异,神态灵动欢欣,一小童怀中抱有羔羊,颇具 草原质朴之风。童子亦有多子多福之吉祥含义,寓意万象更 新,天下太平。拍品造型独特,线条舒朗大方,工艺娴熟, 为书案上不可缺少之物。 台北故宫博物院藏有同时期水晶雕童子摆件,其雕刻风格与 拍品相同,可资参阅。 参阅:台北故宫博物院藏,元水晶婴孩,故杂000540 A CRYSTAL KIDS-SHAPE BRUSH HOLDER Yuan Dynasty 14 cm Length; 8 cm Height LITERATURE Collection of Taipei Palace Museum,Yuan Dynasty, A CRYSTAL KID, No.故杂000540 RMB: 100,000-200,000 197 (附图:台北故宫博物院藏 元 水晶婴孩)


198 清乾隆 白玉雕宝珠钮寿字纹如意茗壶 记录:香港苏富比,1988年11月16日-17日,编号405 香港苏富比,2007年4月8日,编号830 说明:中国古代玉雕艺术于乾隆时期发展至历史高峰,此期涌现了大量精美绝伦的玉雕作品,其中器皿类玉器不 仅具有实用功能,更具备日常陈设作用。在这些玉质器皿中,玉壶又是工艺最为复杂,对玉料要求最高的 玉质器皿之一,传世较为少见。唐代诗人王昌龄所作“一片冰心在玉壶”之句,使玉壶更有清廉正直,品 行高洁之意,备受欣赏珍爱。拍品即为一件乾隆时期玉壶精雅之作。 拍品以上等白玉所制,玉质温滑细腻,色泽洁白莹润。鼓腹饱满,上承宝珠钮盖,与壶身以子母口相合, 严丝合缝,壶两侧对设曲流、如意柄,造型饱满秀美。器身、盖面均以减地浮雕刻绘如意云头纹,壶身居 中环饰一周寿字纹。纹饰寓意吉祥,刻划线条清晰,雕工娴熟精湛,器身一体成型,工艺繁复细雅,打磨 抛光十分到位,堪称乾隆玉壶精品佳作。 清玩雅集二十周年收藏展中曾展出一只清乾隆白玉执壶,其材质、造型、工艺均与拍品相类,可资参阅。 参阅:《清玩雅集二十周年庆收藏展-珍玩》,清玩雅集,2012年,页36-37 A WHITE JADE 'SHOU' INCISED TEAPOT Period of Qianlong, Qing Dynasty 13.9 cm Height; 19.5 cm Length PROVENANCE Sotheby's Hongkong, 16th-17th November 1988, Lot 405 Sotheby's Hongkong, 8th April 2007, Lot 830 LITERATURE Ching Wan Society Twentieth Anniversity Exhibition - Objects of Vertu, Taipei, 2012, pp.36-37 RMB: 800,000-1,200,000 198 (附图:清玩雅集二十周年收藏展中 清乾隆 白玉执壶)


199 清乾隆 汪洙制寿山石圆雕“渔樵耕读”“秋山行 绘《秋山行旅图》轴,其所绘山景画意与拍品意境相合, 旅图”大山子 可资参阅。 汪洙为清代顶级寿山石雕刻名家,《寿山石考》一书中 记录:北京保利,2011 年 6 月 5 日,编号 7205 载:“近有人于京师得寿山石刻,作山路崎岖,树木茂密, 说明:山子乃文人书案上陈设之文玩,因成形后极似一座微缩 有屋有亭。一茶博士,伫立待客,一人驱三马登山,二 人对立舟中作问讯状,朝日自山后出。原题‘如日之升’, 山水景观,故名“山子”。因其将中国传统山水审美、 下刻‘汪洙’二字,皴法高古,石质温润,厥工甚细。” 文人情怀意趣与精工巧琢之艺融于一体并发挥至极致, 其所作精品传世不多,无独有偶,现可见天津博物馆藏 而为世人青睐。清代宫廷中,山子不仅用于文房雅设, 汪洙制寿山石圆雕山水人物大山子,同落“汪洙”二字 大者也作为宫殿贡陈,如乾隆五十三年作大禹治水图玉 隶书款识,其取材、雕工均与拍品相同,而拍品于内容 山,按照乾隆皇帝谕旨,陈设于紫禁城宁寿宫区乐寿堂 的丰富性、场景的艺术性上更胜一筹。 至今,另可见台北故宫博物院藏有清乾隆三年封歧雕象 此座山子所雕景观之格局、章法,取意中国传统山水画, 牙山水人物图山子,均为清代宫廷雕刻中的精妙之品。 尤其山石展现颇似披麻皴之技法,而更富立体感。因形 制作山子的材料品种多样,备受清朝历代帝王喜爱的寿 取势,繁中求简,将远近景物之曲折有序、层次分明表 山石亦在其列,但因原石稀有、不可再生等缘故而更为 达得淋漓尽致。整座山子用料独特,造型别致,布局殊妙, 少见。乾隆时期寿山石雕在汲取同时代牙、木雕技法的 气势磅礴,雕工精细,琢制有序,施艺得当,刀法狂放不羁, 基础上更有创新,工艺水平精湛。其中如拍品以寿山石 亦不失于紊乱无章,线条峭拔爽劲,亦不流于粗滥之弊。 为材,双面圆雕画意图景,体量硕大、雕工精细者,更 于寸天厘地间,万象具焉,几臻入灵尘化境,所雕山水 殊为罕见,应为乾隆宫廷寿山石山子之稀世珍宝。 人物图景,即为斋阁主人憧憬之世外桃源,艺术造诣之高, 山子随形依石之自然纹理治琢,采用浮雕、透雕、线刻 匠心独运之妙,传世汪洙制寿山石雕均难出其右,足以 等工艺,掏腹雕作崖、亭、松、桥,谷间老松盘虬、祥 傲视同侪,堪称一代绝品。 云缭绕,渔樵耕读,各行其乐,殊有自然生趣,蔚为大观矣。 参阅:天津博物馆藏,清汪洙刻白寿山石山子 山石耸立之间,松树葱翠浓郁,山泉湍湍而流,曲径通 北京故宫博物院藏,清乾隆方琮作秋山行旅图轴,编号: 幽之处,楼阁桥梁俨然,高士行走其间,人物相悦而谈, 故 00004826 景物极为丰富,意蕴生动趣致。一侧设“渔樵耕读”之题, 侧书“黄山汪洙写”落款,并“汪洙”印,层叠雕刻楼 A SHOUSHAN 'LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES' 阁林立于山峦之间,其上多设题匾,或曰“蓬莱宫”、“紫 SHANZI BY WANG ZHU 府”、“兴木石居”、“神隐”等,山林之间可见雅客 Period of Qianlong, Qing Dynasty 凭窗读书、渔夫山泉汲水、农夫临崖耕作、樵夫山间休 22.6 cm Height; 29.3 cm Length 憩、牧童林中骑牛等人物,极富怡情妙思;另侧于山隅 一角书“秋山行旅”,落朱印“洙”款,高处岩崖相接, PROVENANCE 云峰幽壑,起伏交错,低处林木蔚然,溪流小桥,屋宇 Poly Beijing, 5th June 2011, Lot 7205 房舍,行旅商贾行进其间,更有老者拄杖下山,脚夫亭 LITERATURE 中闲聊,匾题“醉吟草堂”之门扉前,二童子似旅后归家, Collection of Tianjin Museum, Qing Dynasty, A SHOUSHAN 一人席地坐于行囊侧旁,一人正自叩门,颇具“应怜屐 'LANDSCAPE' SHANZI BY WANG ZHU 齿印苍苔,小扣柴扉久不开”之诗情画意,淡黄石质正 Collection of Palace Musuem, Period of Qianlong, Qing 表现深秋时节山林落叶、草木枯黄之景,以应“秋山行旅” Dynasty, Landscape in Autumn by Fang Zong, No. 故 之旨。北京故宫博物院藏有清乾隆时期宫廷画家方琮所 00004826 RMB: 6,000,000-9,000,000 199 ( 附图:天津博物馆藏 清 汪洙刻白寿山石山子 ) 199 ( 附图:北京故宫博物院藏 清乾隆 方琮作 秋山行旅图轴 )


200 200 清 红木透雕如意龙纹盒一对 说明:拍品取老红木以传统榫卯结构制成,器型方正规 矩。料色沉稳,纹理细腻,包浆润泽。四面镂空双 面雕夔龙纹,两侧提手处雕祥云蝙蝠如意纹,线条 饱满流畅,均采用双面对位雕刻,纹饰简洁,雕工 利落,寓意祥瑞,为文房案头收纳用器。 A PAIR OF WOOD 'RUYI AND DRAGON' CURVED BOX Qing Dynasty 16.4×16.4×8.5 cm×2 RMB: 5,000-8,000 201 清康熙 竹雕镂空松下高仕图香筒 说明:拍品以竹为材,竹纹细密光洁。在镂空雕基础上辅 以圆雕技法,表现奇石嶙峋,古松出枝,茂盛成 荫,松下雕高仕图案,人物形象生动传神,神情怡 意,极为舒展。整器色泽深沉光亮,包浆厚重,尺 寸精巧,方便随身把玩,为该时期竹雕佳作。 A CARVED BAMBOO 'FIGURES' INCENSE TUBE Period of Kangxi, Qing Dynasty 11.1 cm Length RMB: 10,000-20,000 201 (双面图)


202 清 王梅邻制竹雕“唐太宗《指意》” 卷轴形文字臂搁 款识:“研雨”(上款),“仲文”(下款) 记录:西泠印社,2013年12月17日,编号3023 说明:此件诗文臂搁呈卷轴状,包浆厚泽。正面以 小楷刻唐太宗作《指意》全文,落款“仲 文”,运刀如笔,气韵贯通。《指意》一文 为唐太宗评书法名篇之作,香港苏富比曾于 2011年拍出一只竹雕臂搁,其上亦刻有《指 意》全文,与拍品神韵相类,可资参阅。 王梅邻,清乾隆、嘉庆年间上海嘉定人,自 幼承家学,善刻花卉,尤善刻小楷。 铭文:唐太宗云:夫字以神为精魄,神若不 知,则字无态度也;以心为筋骨,心若不 坚,则字无劲健也;以副毛为皮肤,副若不 圆,则字无温润也。所资心副相参用,神气 冲和为妙,今比重明轻,用指腕不如锋铓, 用锋铓不如冲和之气,自然手腕轻虚,则锋 含沈静。夫心合于气,气合于心;神,心之 用也,心必静而已矣。虞安吉云:夫未解书 意者,一点一画皆求象本,乃转自取拙,岂 是书邪?纵放类本,体样夺真,可图其字 形,未可称解笔意,此乃类乎效颦未入西施 之奥室也。故其始学得其粗,未得其精,太 缓者滞而无筋,太急者病而无骨,横毫侧管 则钝慢而肉多,竖管直锋则干枯而露骨。及 其悟也,心动而手均,圆者中规,方者中 矩,粗而能锐,细而能壮,长者不为有余, 短者不为不足,思与神会,同乎自然,不知 所以然而然矣。“仲文”。 参阅:香港苏富比,2011年4月8日,编号3334 AN INSCRIBED BAMBOO SCROLL- SHAPED WRIST REST Qing Dynasty 28.2 cm Length PROVENANCE Xiling Auction, 17th December 2013, Lot 3023 LITERATURE Sotheby's Hong Kong, 8th Apirl 2011, Lot 3334 RMB: 210,000-350,000 202 (款识) 202


203 (附图:上海博物馆藏 清乾隆八年 周顥作 203 (盒盖面及盒盖背面墨书) 竹刻竹石图笔筒) 203 清乾隆 板桥道人款竹石图笔筒 记录:上海中汉,2013年10月17日,编号5 出版:《中汉拍卖十年精赏》,北京,2020年,页218,编号332 说明:拍品小巧秀雅,气度娴美,口沿砑磨圆滑,底设三矮足,包浆亮丽,品相 完美。外壁阴刻幽篁灵石,後落“板桥道人”款。整器刀法深竣爽利,以 画入刀,运刀如笔,竹叶简劲,竹节挺拔,竹旁拳石,数刀而就,嶙峋特 异,风格独具。 配日本旧桐木盒,盒盖墨书题记:“板桥道人自刻笔筒”,“曾观板桥道 人《兰竹画册》,今又观此笔筒,刀法笔法皆无异,以知其为真物。呜 呼!道人之腕力无後世可及者。梅屋生观并题”,后钤双印款。 “板桥道人”,或为清代著名画家郑板桥(1693-1765),名燮,字克柔,号 板桥、板桥道人等,江苏兴化人,乾隆元年进士,“扬州八怪”之一。一 生笔耕不辍,以诗、书、画“三绝”著称于世,尤以竹画为绝。板桥先生 画竹,以形写神,既得竹之自然清雅,更表文人高风亮节。 拍品与上海博物馆藏清乾隆八年周顥作竹刻竹石图笔筒形制、刻工相类, 可资参阅。 参阅:《竹镂文心-竹刻珍品特集》,上海书画出版社,2012年,页72-73,图25 A CARVED BAMBOO 'BAMBOO AND STONE' BRUSHPOT Period of Qianlong, Qing Dynasty 12 cm Height PROVENANCE Johan's Shanghai, 17th October 2013, Lot 5 PUBLICATION Johan's 10th Anniversary, Beijing, 2020, p.218, pl.332 LITERATURE Literati Spirit - Art of Chinese Bamboo Carving, Shanghai, 2012, p.72-73, pl.25 RMB: 150,000-300,000


203 (多面图)


204 清中期 黑漆描金山水纹红木座屏 说明:拍品呈长方形制,以红木为胎,通 体髹黑漆。正面绘山水人物图景, 通图以金彩勾边,内填红、绿、黄 各彩,远山层峦叠嶂,近处江流奔 腾,其间点缀亭台楼阁、曲径回 廊,树木葱茏,人物生动,极富文 人气息。画面恬淡,构图有致,金 彩华贵。 A LACQUER 'LANDSCAPE' WOODEN SCREEN Mid Qing Dynasty 71.5×48 cm RMB: 5,000-8,000 204 205 清乾隆 剔红高仕雅趣图海棠瓶 说明:拍品器身作海棠式,撇口束颈,鼓腹亦作海棠花瓣状,形制规整秀 巧,颇为别致。全器以传统回纹为锦地,颈、肩、足处加饰蕉叶纹 与莲瓣纹,腹部满雕缠枝花卉纹,繁缛华丽,花团锦簇,四面开光 内雕山水高仕图,高仕携二童子,或读书,或行旅,或对月独酌, 或携琴访友,颇具文人雅趣。整器髹漆肥厚,雕刻刀法精雅细密, 棱线深峻有力,纹饰清晰醒目,色泽艳丽,极尽繁复,工艺精湛, 乃乾隆时期剔红精品,陈设效果极佳。 钓鱼台国宾馆藏有清乾隆剔红高仕雅趣图海棠瓶,其年代、造型、 工艺、纹饰均与拍品相同,可资参阅。 参阅:《钓鱼台国宾馆美术集锦》,日本小学馆,1997年,页179,图208 A CINNABAR LACQUER 'FIGUERS' FLOWER-SHAPED VASE Period of Qianlong, Qing Dynasty 31.2 cm Height LITERATURE The Art of Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Japan, 1997, p.179, pl.208 RMB: 100,000-200,000 205 (附图:钓鱼台国宾馆藏 清乾隆 剔红高仕雅趣图海棠瓶)


205 205 (局部特写图)


206 (双面图) 206 清 紫檀圆盘 说明:拍品以紫檀制成,敞口,圈足,器型规整,精巧典 雅。线条饱满流畅,整器光素无纹,包浆润泽,古雅 宁静。 A RED SANDALWOOD CIRCULAR DISH Qing Dynasty 14.3 cm Diam. RMB: 1,000-2,000 207 清 黄花梨旋纹香筒 说明:拍品由黄花梨制成,木纹精妙,包浆润泽。圆口直筒 型,外壁雕饰旋纹,雕工简约却不简单,纹饰均匀流 畅,更显其工艺高超。香筒造型端庄规整,简约雅 致,精工细作彰显黄花梨材质瑰丽气质,饱含文雅书 卷之气。 A HUANGHUALI SPIRAL PATTERN INCENSE TUBE Qing Dynasty 13.4 cm Height; 5.6 cm Diam. RMB: 1,000-2,000 207


208 (附图:台湾寒舍旧藏 清中期 紫檀束腰条桌) 208 (局部特写图) 208 清乾隆 紫檀高束腰雕卷草纹四足条桌 记录:纽约佳士得,2009年9月14日至15日,编号277 说明:清式家具为清代工艺美术中极为重要的一部分,其上承明式家 具之质朴文雅,下启精巧华美之先河,最大限度地将满汉民族 风格交融调和,别具一格。其特点主要为:品种丰富,样式多 变;选材考究,作工精细;装饰多样,中西结合,尤以乾隆时 期清式家具为代表。经过康、雍两朝之积淀创新,乾隆一朝在 政治稳定、经济繁荣的基础上,其家具风貌可称为清式家具的 巅峰,品种之多、式样变化之广,工艺水平之高均独步一时, 此件紫檀高束腰雕卷草纹四足条桌即为个中别致精品。 此桌采用优质紫檀制成,油润有泽,包浆古雅,用料考究。条 桌桌面攒框装面芯板,冰盘沿,高束腰凸雕绳结纹,雅致巧 妙,富有韵律。牙板以插肩榫与腿足结合,牙板下装铲地雕卷 草纹花牙,中部向下突出,形如如意云头,纹饰繁缛华丽,枝 叶蜷曲柔婉,姿态舒展柔美,雕饰生动流畅,制作工艺娴熟, 带有西洋巴洛克元素,为整张条桌点睛之笔。下承方回纹马蹄 足,变幻中又见端庄,带有乾隆时期宫廷家具特征。 台湾寒舍旧藏清中期紫檀束腰条桌,其形制、装饰手法与拍品 相类,可资参阅。 参阅:《紫檀》,寒舍出版社,1996年,页80-81 A FINELY CARVED ZITAN SIDE TABLE Period of Qianlong, Qing Dynasty 123.5 cm Length; 56.5 cm Width; 90 cm Height PROVENANCE Christie's New York, 14th-15th September 2009, Lot 277 LITERATURE Zitan, The Most Noble Hardwood, Taiwan, 1996, p.80-81 RMB: 2,000,000-3,000,000




209 209 清 端石雕如意池长方砚 说明:拍品以端石为材,色泽深紫,质地坚实致密,手感幼嫩细 腻。砚呈长方形,造型严整,简约大方,砚堂浅开,光素平 坦,砚池深凹呈蝠状如意形,曲线流畅,余处不施雕琢,古 雅简洁。砚背覆手,内铭:“混沌不凿,太璞独完,造化在 抱,元气弥漫。庚午孟阳许奉恩撰”。 原配天地红木盖,色泽沉郁古雅,包浆润泽,纹理古朴自 然,与砚石之质相映相衬,恍若天成。砚盒题款:“入大 乘、兰苕馆(章)”。 许奉恩(1816-1878),字叔平,号荻坪、韵屏、兰苔馆主人 等。安徽桐城人。道光二十三年秋闱报罢身历太平军之乱, 遂流离转徙间关数万里。 A DUAN 'RUYI' INK-SLAB Qing Dynasty 15.2×10.7×2.9 cm RMB: 40,000-60,000 209 (另面图)


210 210 清 端石雕螭虎蕉叶纹随形砚 说明:砚为端石雕就,用料厚实,大气沉稳。砚身蕉叶形,砚首雕 琢脉络,砚池饰一螭虎,灵动传神。砚背行草书“温润如 玉,不盈一掬,何以置之,石渠天禄,燕昌”。钤“芑堂” 印章款。 张燕昌(1738-1814),字文鱼,号芑堂,又号金粟山人,清浙 江海盐武原镇人。擅篆、隶、飞白、行、楷书,精金石篆 刻、勒石,工画兰竹,兼善山水、人物、花卉,亦精竹木雕 刻。大胆创新,试以飞白体入印,被誉为浙派篆刻的“负弩 前驱”。 A DUAN 'TIGER' INK-SLAB Qing Dynasty 15.1×9.6×1.8 cm RMB: 30,000-50,000 210 (另面图)


211 211 清 端石雕莲瓣池“大泉”写经砚 说明:砚为端石质地,呈长方形,用料厚重,色泽深沉,石 质细腻。砚堂打磨光滑平坦,适宜研墨,砚池呈莲瓣 形环绕砚堂,线条曲婉流畅,纹饰简洁底落“大泉” 款。整砚造型规整,素中见雅,庄重大方,文人气息 浓郁。 A DUAN 'LOTUS' INK-SLAB Qing Dynasty 23.6×13.9×3.6 cm RMB: 70,000-100,000 211 (另面图)


212 212 清 端石雕仿古铜纹钟形砚 说明:拍品老坑端石做就,色如紫肝,温滑如玉。器呈四方,起宽 棱,棱上饰海浪锦地纹,内做砚堂呈古钟形,锦地夔龙纹组成 钟钮,下带边缘处精刻锦地纹。砚背浅挖覆手,内刻行书铭文 诗:自知清净好,不要问时豪。就石安琴枕,穿松压酒糟。山 情因月甚,诗语入秋高。身处无余事,惟应笔研劳。王世琛 书。钤印:王世琛印。整体敦实厚重,纹饰古朴大方,雕刻工 艺细腻,打磨出众,勘为清代端砚精品。附黄花梨制天地盖。 王世琛(1680年-1729年),字宝传,号艮甫,江苏苏州人。康熙 五十一年“壬辰科”殿试第一名,被授予翰林院修撰。曾任山 东学政,累官至少詹事。 A DUAN CLOCK-SHAPE INK-SLAB Qing Dynasty 21×12.6×3.5 cm RMB: 30,000-50,000 212 (另面图)


213 明早期 绿端雕蓬莱仙境图砚 说明:拍品以绿端石为材,砚呈长方形,造型规整,古雅厚重,包浆自然,沉稳大气。砚堂 浅开,细腻平坦,环饰山石海浪纹延至砚池,砚侧及底部皆饰海水鱼化龙纹,线条流 畅生动,富于变化,砚池中央雕楼阁伫立于山石海浪之中,呈现波澜壮观之画面。另 附旧配红木天地盖,做工精细,更添古雅气韵。 蓬莱式砚起源于宋,宋人《端溪砚谱》中云:“蓬莱样,宣和初,御府降样……四环 刻海水鱼龙三神山,水池做昆仑状,左日右月,星斗罗列,以供太上皇书府之用。” 兴盛于明,为明代经典砚式,传世之砚以明代制作为最精。《古名砚》中,端溪卷与 洮溪绿石卷均载有相同形制砚台,可资参阅。此砚纹饰精美绝伦,细节处尤为精彩, 为明代同类题材砚作之精品。 参阅:《古名砚·端溪I》,株式会社二玄所,1929年,图119-120 《古名砚·洮河绿石》,株式会社二玄所,1929年,图77-78 A GREEN DUAN 'LANDSCAPE' INK-SLAB Early Ming Dynasty 19.3×11.1×5.8 cm LITERATURE Famous Ancient Inkslab Duan vol.I, Tokyo, 1929, pl.119-120 Famous Ancient Inkslab Taoxi Green, Tokyo, 1929, pl.77-78 RMB: 75,000-120,000 213 (附图:《古名砚·端溪I》著录,蓬莱砚) 213 (附图:《古名砚·洮溪绿石》著录,蓬莱砚)


213 (多面图)


214 清 白玉雕子母瑞兽摆件 来源:湖北省文物商店 说明:拍品以白玉制成,玉质油润细 腻,包浆润泽。子母瑞兽圆活 生动,身形圆润饱满,肌理突 出,脊背及四肢肌肉强健,形 态神情,憨实可掬。配有精雕 红木如意纹底座,相得益彰, 或赏或玩,别具意趣。 A WHITE JADE ANIMALS Qing Dynasty 6.2 cm Length PROVENANCE Hubei Provincial Cultural Relics Store RMB: 25,000-50,000 214 215 清 青白玉雕菱角莲蓬形把件 来源:安徽省文物公司(签) 说明:拍品以白玉圆雕菱角、莲蓬相 连,琢磨刻画写实,造型别 致,线条柔和,以简洁纹饰准 确刻画表现出菱角自然形态及 肌理。构思精巧,整体工艺细 腻娴熟,包浆莹润。 菱角题材在清代玉雕中较为流 行,有福至心灵、吉祥如意之 寓意。 A CELADON JADE LOTUS SEEDPOT Qing Dynasty 5.7 cm Length PROVENANCE Collection of Anhui Antique Store (Label) RMB: 8,000-12,000 215


216 清 白玉雕菊瓣纹盖盒 216 217 来源:南京文物商店 说明:拍品以白玉制成,玉质细腻温 润,上下子母口相合,形制规 整饱满。满雕菊瓣纹,纹饰流 畅,刀工犀利,琢制讲究,盒 内掏膛匀净,工艺细致。整器 精致文雅,端庄纤秀,为文房 案头佳器。 A WHITE JADE FLOWER- SHAPED BOX AND COVER Qing Dynasty 7.6 cm Diam. PROVENANCE Collection of Nanjing Antique Store RMB: 29,000-50,000 217 青白玉雕荷叶形小洗 说明:拍品以青白玉雕琢而成,玉质 温润。造型新颖别致,荷叶卷 曲为洗,侧设莲蓬饱满,生动 盎然,为文房案头实用佳器。 A SMALL CELADON JADE LOTUS LEAF-SHAPED WATER POT 8.8 cm Length RMB: 1,000-2,000


218 清 白玉雕双耳鼻烟壶 说明:拍品以白玉精雕制成,玉质白 润细腻,包浆莹润。造型精 巧,圆口丰肩,双耳外侧打 洼,渐收至方圆底,壶体双 面扁腹起线,琢磨工艺细腻。 内膛掏工干净利落,膛内、外 部线条轮廓统一,足见雕工精 湛,全器造型圆融,线条流畅 素雅。 A WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Qing Dynasty 6.5 cm Height RMB: 30,000-50,000 219 清 白玉手镯 说明:手镯以白玉为材,玉质温润, 洁白细腻,精光内蕴。外壁光 素简洁,雅致秀巧。玉镯虽光 素无纹却突出用料精良,作工 细致,打磨平滑,更显白玉柔 美温和之特性。 218 A WHITE JADE BRACELET Qing Dynasty 5.5 cm Diam. RMB: 5,000-8,000 220 清 翡翠雕螳螂竹节形臂搁 说明:臂搁自明代中晚期开始流行, 多以竹制,如拍品以翡翠雕就 者,不为多见。竹在传统文化 中被赋予虚怀竹节、坚贞不移 之品德,又具隐逸象征,自古 与文人士大夫有密切联系。 拍品以天然翡翠制成,选材优 良,仿竹形,有节节高升之吉 祥寓意。上雕韧竹,似随风 舞,摇曳生姿,竹叶饱满,上 方利用天然俏色巧雕螳螂,极 为生动,颇富文人情趣 A JADEITE BAMBOO-SHAPED WRIST REST Qing Dynasty 19.7 cm Length RMB: 50,000-80,000 219


220 220 (局部特写图)


特别提示 IMPORTANT GUIDES 为回馈广大买家一直以来对中汉拍卖的支持,本公 As a token of appreciation for your continued support, 司现针对本场拍卖买方酬金作以下调整,敬请各位竞买 we have specially prepared for you the exclusive offer of 人知悉: adjustment to the buyer's premium which you may like to learn more about in the following: 一 . 在本场拍卖中,全场拍品皆可登记首位应价,首位 1. At the time of the auction, if and when you register the FIRST 应价登记可线上或线下办理,以最先有效应价时间为 eligible bid (online or offline, the result is in accordance 准。并成功竞投到该拍品,且在本公司《拍卖规则》 with the earliest valid registration) and then you become the 规定或双方约定期限内付清拍品购买价款的买家,该 successful buyer, we will offer you a 10% discount on buyer's 件拍品买方酬金可享受 9 折优惠。相关细则请向本公 premium once you have made full and clear payment in 司工作人员咨询。 time pursuant to <Conditions of Business for Buyers> and/or within the date otherwise agreed by us in writing. For further 二 . 首位应价一经登记确认,不得撤销。 details, please contact our Client Services Department. 三 . 拍卖成交後,买受人自拍卖成交日 ( 含成交日 ) 起 7 2. Once the making of the FIRST bid is registered and 日内付清货款,该件拍品买方酬金可享受 9 折优惠。 confirmed, it is an irrevocable commitment. 四 . 上述 1、3 两项优惠规则可并列使用,即拍卖成交後, 3. After the sale, we will offer the buyer a 10% discount on 同时符合上述规则的拍品买方酬金可享受 8.1 折优 buyer's premium if the buyer has made full and clear 惠。 payment within 7 days (date of the sale finishes inclusive). 五 . 不符合上述规则规定情形的拍品,均应支付相当于 4. Buyer will concurrently enjoy the two abovementioned 拍品落槌价 15% 的买方酬金。 adjustments to the buyer's premium, a 19% discount on buyer's premium, if and when both conditions are satisfied. 六 . 以上日期计算均以相应款项实际到账为准。 5. Except for the above stated conditions, a buyer's premium 七 . 其他未尽事宜,按照本公司《拍卖规则》相关规定 is 15% of the hammer price and is payable by the buyer as 予以执行。 part of the total purchase price. 6. Only on the day when full and clear payment is received by us is considered a payment date. 7. All other issues left unstated will be dealt with in accordance with our <Conditions of Business for Buyers> 北京中汉拍卖有限公司,保留随时修改和更改条款和条 Johan's Beijing Auctions Co., Ltd. Reserves the right to amend 件的权利,并对所有事项和争议做出最终决定。 and change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice and has the final decision on all matters and disputes.


保税拍品竞买特别提示 SPECIAL NOTICE ON AUCTION OF BONDED LOTS 一. 本图录中注明为保税状态的拍品均来自海外或港澳台 Article 1 地区。买受人携带或运输保税拍品进入中华人民共和 国关境时,应当按照中华人民共和国法律规定缴纳进 The lots, which are marked under the bonded status in the 口关税等税项;买受人买受的保税拍品如果不进入中 catalogue, are from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan or regions 华人民共和国关境,则无需缴纳与进口有关的相关税 outside the Chinese mainland. When they are imported to the 项。保税拍品进口到中华人民共和国关境的所有许可 Customs territory of China, the Buyer will have to pay import 手续均由买受人自行向有关部门申请办理,保税拍品 tariffs and other related taxes according to the applicable 相关许可手续均以有关部门的要求为准;本公司及工 Chinese laws. If not imported to the Customs territory of China, 作人员对上述进口许可手续的解释、说明、服务均不 the Buyer will not have to pay related taxes. The buyer will be 应视为本公司对成功办妥上述许可手续承担保证责 responsible for applying for all permits of importing bonded 任,买受人无权以无法获得上述行政手续许可、未成 lots, which are subject to the requirements of the relevant 功进口保税拍品为由要求延迟付款、解除或撤销拍卖 national departments. Any explanation and instruction of above 交易。 permits provided by the Company and staff does not guarantee to get above permits successfully. The buyer cannot delay 二. 本次拍卖的保税拍品将照常参加预展,但均无法在拍 payment or cancel the deal because of failing to get permits or 卖现场、本公司营业场所提货。保税拍品提货地点在 import bonded lots. 香港,买受人在按照本公司《拍卖规则》相关规定 付清全部购买价款後,应前往香港中汉拍卖有限公 Article 2 司领取拍品,地址:香港中环皇后大道中168号20楼 2002室,电话:(852)31534188。香港提货的具体 Bonded Lots will participate the preview as usual, however, 时间敬请留意本公司的通知。 they are not available for collecting at auction site and the Company's business premises. The bonded lots will be 三. 除上述提示内容或本公司後续公布的相关事项外,与 collected in Hong Kong. After making full payments according 保税拍品有关的其他一切事项均依照本公司《拍卖规 to the Company's Conditions of Business, the buyers should 则》及竞买协议执行。 collect the lots at Johan's Auctions (HK) Ltd. Address: Suite 2002, 20th Floor, 168 Queen's Road Central, H.K.Tel: (852) 31534188. Please pay attention to the further notice of collecting bonded lots in Hong Kong. Article3 All other matters related to bonded lots are executed in accordance with the Company's Conditions of Business and Bidding Contract, in addition to the above content or further notice announced by the Company.


拍卖规则 第一章  总则 第四条:有限责任 拍卖品依法享有的著作权。中汉在制作、使用拍卖品 中汉对拍卖品的真伪及/或质量不承担瑕疵担保责任。 的照片、图示、图录或其它形式的影像制品时,将严 第一条:规则之制定 中汉对拍卖品的任何描述、说明、意见,仅供竞买人 格遵守法律和本规则的规定。但是,中汉并不就拍卖 本规则依据《中华人民共和国拍卖法》及其它有关法 及/或其代理人参考,在任何情况下均不构成对拍卖品 品是否受到任何著作权限制、买受人是否享有拍卖品 律、法规、国际惯例而制定。 真伪及/或质量的保证或担保。 的著作权发表意见或提供保证。 所有拍卖品均以拍卖时的状态出售。因此,竞买人及/ 第二条:规则名词之定义 或其代理人应当亲自或委托专家审看拍卖品原物,并 第三章  关于委托人 本规则各条款中,下列词语的定义为: 对自己所竞投某拍卖品的行为承担法律责任。 第七条:委托程序 (一)“中汉”系指北京中汉拍卖有限公司; 任何竞买人在中汉组织的拍卖活动中参与竞投的行 委托人委托中汉拍卖其物品时: (二)“竞买人”系指根据中国法律规定及本规则约定 为,应被视为该竞买人对其准备竞投的拍卖品的真 在中汉举办的拍卖活动中登记并办理了必要手续,参 伪、质量等情况已经进行全面的检验和评估,对该拍 (一)委托人若为自然人,必须持有效身份证明并与中 加竞买拍卖品的自然人、法人或其它组织。竞买人应 卖品的现状和价值感到满意。竞买人参与竞投的行为 汉签订委托拍卖合同; 当具备中国法律、法规规定的买受拍卖品的资格和条 表明其愿意承担因此可能遇到的各种风险,并已放弃 件。本规则中,除非另有说明或根据文义特殊需要, 对该拍卖品的真伪及/或质量提出异议的权利。 (二)委托人若为法人或其它组织的,应持有效注册登 竞买人均包括竞买人的代理人; 记证书、法定代表人身份证明、授权委托书和代理人 第五条:特别提示 身份证明文件,并与中汉签订委托拍卖合同; (三)“买受人”系指在中汉举办的拍卖活动中以最高 在中汉举办的拍卖活动中,竞买人的应价经拍卖师落 应价购得拍卖品的竞买人; 槌或者以其它公开表示买定的方式确认时,即表明关 (三)委托人与中汉签订委托拍卖合同时,即自动授权 于拍卖品的买卖合同关系已合法生效,该竞买人即成 中汉对拍卖品自行制作照片、图示、图录或其它形式 (四)“委托人”系指委托中汉拍卖拍卖品的自然人、 为该拍卖品的买受人。成交确认书的签署与否不影响 的影像制品。 法人或者其它组织。本规则中,除非另有说明或根据 拍卖品买卖合同已经合法成立并生效的事实。中汉、 文义特殊需要,委托人均包括委托人的代理人; 委托人及买受人均应承认拍卖品已出卖、成交的事 第八条:委托人之代理人 实,并享有法律规定及本规则约定的权利,承担法律 代理委托人委托中汉拍卖物品的,应向中汉出具相关 (五)“拍卖品”系指委托人合法交予中汉拍卖的物 规定和本规则约定的义务。任何一方不履行义务的, 委托证明文件。包括: 品; 均应承担相应的法律责任。 (一)若为自然人的,必须持有效身份证明; (六)“拍卖日”系指在某次拍卖活动中,中汉公布的 凡参加中汉拍卖活动的委托人、竞买人、买受人和其 (二)委托人的代理人若为法人或者其它组织的,须持 正式进行拍卖交易之日。若公布的拍卖日与实际拍卖 它相关各方务请仔细阅读并遵守本规则,对自己参加 有效注册登记证书、法定代表人身份证明、该法人或 日不一致,则以实际拍卖日为准; 中汉拍卖活动的行为负责。如因未仔细阅读本规则而 者其它组织向该法人或者其它组织的代理人(自然人) 引发的任何损失或责任均由行为人自行承担。 出具的授权委托书和该代理人(自然人)的身份证明文 (七)“拍卖成交日”系指在中汉举办的拍卖活动中, 件; 拍卖师以落槌或其它公开表示买定的方式确认拍卖品 中汉可以通过在拍卖会场张贴公告或者通过拍卖师在 成交的日期; 拍卖会上宣布的方式对本规则进行修改。通过上述方 (三)委托人经合法程序向其代理人作出的授权委托 式对本规则作出的修改,应当优先适用。 书。 (八)“落槌价”系指拍卖师落槌决定将拍卖品售予买 受人的价格; 第二章  中汉的诚信承诺 中汉有权对上述相关文件以合法的方式进行核查。 (九)“出售收益”系指支付给委托人的款项净额,该 第六条:中汉的诚信承诺 第九条:委托人之保证 净额为落槌价减去按比率计算的佣金、各项费用及委 中汉依据中华人民共和国法律合法成立,并以诚信经 委托人就其委托中汉拍卖的拍卖品不可撤销地向中汉 托人应支付中汉的其它款项後的余额; 营为公司的基本理念。中汉承诺在组织拍卖活动中和 及买受人保证如下: 公司经营的其它相关活动中,诚信对待委托人、竞买 (十)“购买价款”系指买受人因购买拍卖品而应支付 人、买受人和其它相关各方。 (一)其对该拍卖品拥有所有权或享有合法的处分权, 的包括落槌价、全部酬金、应由买受人支付的其它各 对该拍卖品的拍卖不会侵害任何第三方的合法权益(包 项费用以及因买受人不履行义务而应当支付的所有费 中汉对与拍卖活动有关的事项作出下列具体承诺: 括著作权权益),亦不违反相关法律、法规的规定; 用在内的总和; (二)其已尽其所知,就该拍卖品的来源和瑕疵向中汉 (一)中汉保证按本规则约定和本行业通行的标准妥善 进行了全面、详尽的披露和说明,不存在任何隐瞒或 (十一)“各项费用”系指中汉对拍卖品进行保险、制 保管委托人交付之拍卖品;保证按照本规则的约定将 虚构之处; 作拍卖品图录及其它形式的宣传品、包装、运输、保 未上拍或未成交拍卖品原物返还给委托人; 管等所收取的费用以及依据相关法律、法规或本规则 (三)如果其违反上述保证,造成拍卖品的实际所有权 约定而收取的其它费用; (二)中汉将以合理审慎的态度对拍卖品进行自己的审 人或声称拥有权利的任何第三人提出索赔或诉讼,致 查和判断,并在图录、相关说明资料中陈述自己对拍 使中汉及/或买受人蒙受损失时,委托人应负责赔偿中 (十二)“保留价”系指委托人提出并与中汉协商後书 卖品的意见。但中汉对拍卖品的任何陈述、意见并不 汉及/或买受人因此所遭受的一切损失,并承担因此而 面确定的拍卖品最低的售价; 在任何形式上构成对拍卖物的质量、真伪、年代、作 发生的一切费用和支出,包括但不限于中汉及/或买受 者及其它任何信息的任何保证、担保; 人支出的律师费、调查费用、诉讼费等。 (十三)“参考价”系指在拍卖品图录或其它介绍说明 文字中标明的拍卖品估计售价,并非实际售价。 (三)中汉承诺在拍卖活动结束後按本规则约定妥善保 第十条:保留价 管买受人竞买成功之拍卖品,在拍卖品毁损灭失的风 除中汉与委托人约定无保留价的拍卖品外,所有拍卖 第三条:规则适用范围 险依照本规则约定转移给买受人之前,拍卖品如有任 品均设有保留价。保留价由中汉与委托人通过协商书 中汉在中华人民共和国法律和政策允许的范围内,组 何损毁或损失,中汉将以买受人已经支付的买入价为 面确定。保留价数额一经双方确定,其更改须事先征 织和进行拍卖活动。凡参加中汉组织的拍卖活动的当 限对买受人承担赔偿责任。中汉保证交付给买受人的 得对方同意。 事人各方,包括中汉、委托人、竞买人、买受人和其 拍卖品是拍卖时展示的同一物; 它相关各方(包括但不限于委托人、竞买人、买受人 经委托人委托之拍卖品如未能在拍卖活动中成交,中 的代理人),均应视为完全接受本规则条款的约定,受 (四)即使按本规则约定拍卖品之毁损灭失风险已经转 汉有权以其保留价在该次拍卖活动後出售,委托人须 本规则约束,在中汉组织的拍卖活动中遵守本规则的 移给委托人或买受人,中汉仍会妥善保管委托人未按 向中汉支付佣金。 规定,享有本规则规定的权利,承担本规则规定的义 期取回或买受人未按期领取的拍卖品。但中汉的此项 务。 诚信行为并不表示中汉承认其对此种拍卖品负有任何 在任何情况下,中汉不对某一拍卖品在中汉举办的拍 保管义务,拍卖品之毁损灭失风险及中汉保管费用均 卖活动中未达保留价不成交而承担任何责任。 在中汉组织的拍卖活动中竞投的竞买人,无论是自己 应适用本规则下文的相关约定处理; 亲自出席或者由代理人出席竞投,无论是以在拍卖活 第十一条:中汉的决定权 动中举牌竞投,还是以书面、电话、网络或任何其它 (五)中汉承诺,尊重并且不会损害委托人、买受人对 中汉对下列事宜拥有完全的决定权: 方式竞投,均被视为完全接受本规则。 (一)通过拍卖品图录及/或新闻媒体及/或其它载体对任 参加中汉组织的拍卖活动的当事人各方之间发生的各 种争议,均应按照本规则的规定加以解决。


拍卖规则 何拍卖品做任何内容说明及/或评价; 第十七条:保险期间 第二十五条:延迟付款 (二)是否应征询任何专家意见; 如果拍卖品拍卖成交,保险期限至拍卖成交日(含成 如本规则第四十九条约定的付款期限届满,中汉仍未 (三)拍卖品在图录、展览或其它形式的宣传、推广活动 交日)起第三十日下午4点或买受人领取拍卖品之时终 收到买受人的全部购买价款导致中汉无法按期向委托 中的安排及所应支付费用的标准; 止(以先到者为准)。如果拍卖品未上拍或拍卖未能成 人支付收益价款的,不视为中汉违约,但中汉将在实 交,则保险期限至中汉向委托人发出领回拍卖品的通 际收到买受人支付的全部购买价款之日起七个工作日 (四)某一拍卖品是否适合中汉拍卖; 知之日(含通知日)起第十四日下午4点为止。 内将出售收益支付给委托人。 (五)拍卖日期、拍卖地点、拍卖条件及拍卖方式等事 宜。 第十八条:委托人安排保险 第二十六条:税项 如委托人以书面形式告知中汉不需投保其拍卖品,则 委托人通过拍卖所得出售收益的税务问题,按照法律 第十二条:未上拍拍卖品 其拍卖品毁损或灭失的风险由委托人自行承担。同 及政府规定办理。 委托人与中汉签订委托拍卖合同且将拍卖品交付中汉 时,委托人还应承担以下责任: 後,若因任何原因致使中汉认为某拍卖品不适合由中 (一)对其他任何权利人就拍卖品的毁损、灭失向中汉提 如有关法律规定本公司有代扣代缴义务的,本公司将 汉拍卖的,则委托人应自中汉向委托人发出领回通知 出的索赔或诉讼做出赔偿; 依照法律规定执行;委托人应协助办理所有手续并承 之日(含通知日)起十四日内于中汉指定地点取回该拍 (二)赔偿中汉及/或任何他方因任何原因造成拍卖品毁 担相应税费。 卖品(包装及搬运等费用由委托人自负),中汉与委托 损、灭失等所遭受的全部损失及所支出的全部费用; 人之间的委托拍卖合同自委托人领取该拍卖品之日解 (三)将本条所述的赔偿约定通知该拍卖品的任何承保 第二十七条:协助收取拖欠款项 除。若委托人未在上述期限内取走拍卖品,则中汉与 人。 委托人在委托中汉拍卖其物品的同时,被视为授权中 委托人之间的委托拍卖合同自有效期限届满之日即告 汉有权代委托人向买受人追索相应拖欠价款。中汉也 解除。若委托人在委托拍卖合同解除後七日内仍未取 第十九条:不可抗力免责 可以自身名义对买受人提起诉讼,要求其承担违约责 走拍卖品的,则中汉有权以中汉认为合理的方式处置 因自然磨损、固有瑕疵、内在或潜在缺陷、物质本身 任。如买受人在拍卖成交日(含成交日)起三十日内未 该拍卖品,处置所得在扣除中汉因此产生之全部费用 变化、自燃、自热、氧化、锈蚀、渗漏、鼠咬、虫 向中汉付清全部购买价款,中汉除有权按照本规则第 後,若有余款,由委托人自行取回。 蛀、大气(气候或气温)变化、湿度或温度转变或其它 五十五条及第五十六条之约定向买受人追索其应付的 渐变原因以及因地震、海啸、战争、敌对行为、武装 酬金及其它各项费用外,亦有权在中汉认为实际可行 第十三条:拍卖中止 冲突、恐怖活动、政变、罢工、社会骚乱等不可抗力 的情况下,采取适当措施(包括但不限于提起诉讼)为 如出现下列情况之一,中汉有权在实际拍卖前的任何 及核辐射、放射性污染对拍卖品造成的任何损毁、灭 委托人向买受人追索拖欠的款项。 时间中止任何拍卖品的拍卖活动: 失,以及由于任何原因造成框架或玻璃、囊匣、底 垫、支架、装裱、插册、轴头或类似附属物的毁损、 上述约定并不排除委托人享有亲自或委托任何第三方 (一)中汉对拍卖品的权属或真伪有疑义; 灭失,不在中汉的保险理赔范围之内,中汉亦无需承 向买受人追索相应拖欠款项的权利,亦不赋予中汉在 (二)第三人对拍卖品的权属或真伪持有异议且能够提 担任何赔偿责任。 任何情况下代委托人向买受人追索相应拖欠价款的义 供异议所依据的相关证据材料,并按照中汉规定交付 务。中汉在任何情况下不应因买受人未能支付购买价 担保金,同时愿意对中止拍卖活动所引起的法律後果 第二十条:保险赔偿 款而向委托人承担相应责任。 及全部损失承担相应责任; 凡属因中汉为拍卖品所购保险承保范围内的事件或灾 害所导致的拍卖品毁损、灭失,应根据中华人民共和 第二十八条:中汉有权决定 (三)中汉及/或第三人对委托人所作的说明或对本规则 国有关保险的法律和规定处理。中汉在向保险公司进 中汉有权接受委托人授权(由委托人支付费用)并视具 第九条所述委托人保证的准确性持有异议; 行理赔并获得保险赔偿後,将保险赔款扣除中汉费用 体情况决定下列事项: 的余款支付给委托人。 (四)有证据表明委托人已经违反或将要违反本规则的 (一)同意购买价款以特殊付款条件支付; 任何条款。 第二十一条:竞投禁止 (二)搬移、贮存及投保已出售的拍卖品; 委托人不得竞投自己委托中汉拍卖的物品,也不得委 (三)根据本规则有关条款,解决买受人提出的索赔或 第十四条:委托人撤回拍卖品 托他人代为竞投。若违反本条约定,委托人应自行承 委托人提出的索赔; 委托人在拍卖日前任何时间,均可向中汉发出书面通 担相应之法律责任,并赔偿因此给中汉造成的全部损 知,撤回其拍卖品。但撤回拍卖品时,若该拍卖品已 失。 (四)依法采取其它必要措施向买受人追索拖欠的任何 列入图录或其它宣传品且已开始印刷,则委托人应向 款项。 中汉支付相当于该拍卖品保险金额百分之二十的款项 第二十二条:佣金及费用 及其它各项费用。如图录或其它宣传品尚未印刷,也 除委托人与中汉另有约定外,委托人授权中汉按落槌 第二十九条:拍卖品未能成交 需支付相当于该拍卖品保险金额百分之十的款项及其 价之百分之十扣除佣金,同时另扣除其它各项费用、 如拍卖品未能成交,委托人应自中汉向委托人发出领 它各项费用。因委托人撤回拍卖品而引起的任何争议 税费及其它中汉因拍卖活动支出的成本费用。 回通知之日(含通知日)起十四日内于中汉指定地点取 或索赔均由委托人自行承担。如果因为委托人撤回拍 委托人同意中汉可根据本规则第四十八条的约定,向 回该拍卖品(包装及搬运费用由委托人自行承担),并 卖品而使中汉受到任何第三人索赔,中汉有权向委托 买受人收取酬金及其它各项费用。 按本规则约定向中汉支付未拍出手续费及其它各项费 人追索因此造成的全部损失及支出的一切费用。 用。超过上述期限,中汉有权以公开拍卖或其它方式 第二十三条:未成交手续费 按中汉认为合适的条件出售该拍卖品,并有权从出售 第十五条:自动受保 如果某拍卖品的竞投价低于保留价而未能成交,则委 收入中扣除第一次拍卖时委托人应支付的未拍出手续 除委托人与中汉另有约定外,在委托人与中汉签订委 托人同意向中汉支付未拍出手续费及其它各项费用。 费及其它各项费用及再次拍卖或以其它方式出售该拍 托拍卖合同并将拍卖品交付中汉後,所有拍卖品将自 未拍出手续费的标准为该拍卖品保留价的百分之三。 卖品的所有费用,将余款支付委托人。 动受保于中汉的保险,保险金额以中汉与委托人在委 无保留价的,为该拍卖品的保险金额的百分之三。 托拍卖合同中确定的保留价为准(无保留价的,以该拍 第三十条:风险承担 卖品的约定的保险金额为准;调整拍卖保留价的,以 第二十四条:出售收益支付 无论是未上拍或未能成交的拍卖品,委托人均应对其 该拍卖品原保留价为准)。此保险金额只适用于保险和 如买受人已按本规则第四十九条的约定向中汉付清全 超过本规则规定期限未能取回其拍卖品而在该期限後 索赔,并非中汉对该拍卖品价值的保证或担保,也不 部购买价款和应当支付的其它费用,则中汉应自拍卖 所发生之一切风险及费用自行承担责任。自中汉向委 意味着该拍卖品由中汉拍卖,即可售得相同于该保险 成交日起三十五天後,将出售收益以人民币方式支付 托人发出领回拍卖品的通知之日(含通知日)起第十四 金额之款项。 委托人。 日下午4点,或自委托人按本规则约定领取拍卖品之 时(以先到者为准),未上拍或未能成交拍卖品的一切 第十六条:保险费 风险及费用由委托人承担。如委托人在本规则规定期 拍卖成交後,除非委托人与中汉另有约定,委托人应 限内要求中汉协助其退回拍卖品并经中汉同意,拍卖 向中汉支付相当于落槌价百分之一的保险费。如拍卖 品自离开中汉指定地点後的一切风险及费用由委托人 品未成交,委托人也应向中汉支付相当于保留价百分 承担。除非委托人特别指明并预先支付保险费,中汉 之一的保险费。


拍卖规则 无义务对拍卖品在离开中汉指定地点後予以投保。 第三十六条:中汉之选择权 第四十七条:拍卖记录 中汉有权酌情拒绝某些人参加中汉举办的拍卖活动或 中汉进行拍卖时,制作拍卖笔录,拍卖笔录由拍卖 如委托人要求中汉协助,以邮寄、快递或其它通过第 进入拍卖现场,或在拍卖现场进行拍照、摄像等活 师、记录人共同签名。 三方的运输方式退回其拍卖品,第三方的运输费用由 动。 在中汉举办的拍卖活动中,最高应价经拍卖师落槌或 委托人自行承担,自中汉将拍卖品交付邮寄、快递、 者以其它公开表示买定的方式确认後,为便于结算等 运输部门、公司或其雇员/分支机构时起拍卖品毁损 第三十七条:异常情况处理 目的,买受人应当签署成交确认书。成交确认书的签 灭失风险及相关费用由委托人自行承担,且视为中汉 在拍卖现场出现异常的情况下,中汉有权做出紧急处 署系拍卖品买卖合同已经成立并生效的证据之一。 已退回该拍卖品,同时亦应视为委托人已领取该拍卖 理。如拍卖现场出现任何争议,中汉有权协调解决。 品。 第四十八条:买受人应支付的酬金及费用 第三十八条:竞买人的代理人 买受人应支付中汉相当于落槌价百分之十五的酬金, 第四章  关于竞买人和买受人 除非某竞买人在拍卖日前向中汉出具书面证明并经中 同时应支付根据本规则规定应当由买受人支付的其它 汉书面认可,表明其身份是某第三人的代理人,否则 各项费用。买受人承认中汉可根据本规则第二十二条 第三十一条:拍卖品图录 每位竞买人均被视为以该竞买人本人的名义参与相应 的约定向委托人收取佣金及其它各项费用。 为便于竞买人及委托人参加中汉举办的拍卖活动,中 拍卖活动,享有相应的权利,并承担相应的义务。 汉制作拍卖品图录,以文字及/或图片的形式,对拍 竞买人委托他人代理竞买的,应当出具授权委托书(原 第四十九条:付款时间 卖品进行简要陈述。拍卖品图录中的文字、参考价、 件)和竞买人、代理人的身份证明复印件(中汉验看身 拍卖成交後,买受人应自拍卖成交日(含成交日)起 图片或其它形式的影像制品和宣传品,仅供竞买人参 份证明原件)。 三十日内一次付清购买价款并领取拍卖品(包装及搬运 考,并可于拍卖前修订,不表明中汉对拍卖品的真实 授权委托书应载明代理人的姓名或者名称、代理事 费用有买受人自负),否则应承担违约责任。 性、价值、色调、质地、有无缺陷等所作的担保。 项、代理权限和期间。 第五十条:支付币种 第三十二条:图录之不确定性 第三十九条:委托中汉代为竞投 所有价款应以中汉指定的货币支付,如买受人以中汉 因印刷或摄影等技术原因造成拍卖品在图录及/或其 通常情况下,竞买人应亲自出席拍卖会。如不能亲自 指定的货币以外的其它货币支付,应按买受人与中汉 它任何形式的图标、影像制品和宣传品中的色调、颜 出席,可采用书面形式或者中汉认可的其它方式委托 约定的汇价折算或按照中国人民银行于买受人付款日 色、层次、形态等与原物存在误差者,以原物为准。 中汉代为竞投。中汉有权决定是否接受上述委托。 前一个工作日公布的人民币与该币种的汇价折算。为 将买受人所支付之币种兑换成人民币所产生的银行手 中汉及其工作人员或其代理人对任何拍卖品用任何方 第四十条:委托中汉代为竞投的手续 续费、佣金或其它所有费用,均由买受人承担。 式(包括证书、图录、幻灯投影、新闻载体等)所作的 委托中汉竞投之竞买人应在规定时间内(不迟于拍卖日 介绍及评价,均为参考性意见,不构成对拍卖品的任 前二十四小时)办理委托手续,向中汉出具书面的委托 第五十一条:所有权转移 何担保。中汉及其工作人员或其代理人对上述之介绍 竞投授权书,并应根据本规则第三十五条之约定同时 买受人如约全额支付购买价款後,即应领取拍卖品, 及评价中的不准确或遗漏之处不承担责任。 缴纳保证金。否则,中汉有权拒绝该委托。 以获得拍卖品的所有权。 第三十三条:竞买人之审看责任 第四十一条:取消委托 第五十二条:风险转移 中汉对拍卖品的真伪及/或质量不承担瑕疵担保责任。 委托中汉竞投之竞买人如需取消委托授权,应不迟于 竞投成功後,拍卖品的风险于下列任何一种情形发生 竞买人及/或其代理人有责任自行了解有关拍卖品的实 拍卖日前二十四小时书面通知中汉。 後(以先到者为准)即由买受人自行承担: 际状况并对自己竞投某拍卖品的行为承担法律责任。 (一)买受人领取所购拍卖品;或 第四十二条:委托竞投之免责 (二)买受人向中汉支付有关拍卖品的全部购买价款; 中汉郑重建议,竞买人应在拍卖日前,以亲自鉴定、 由于委托竞投是中汉为在特殊情况不能亲自到现场参 或 邀请专家共同查验或其它方式亲自审看拟竞投拍卖品 加竞投的竞买人提供的一项免费服务,因而中汉及其 (三)拍卖成交日(含成交日)起三十日届满(超过该日下 之原物,自行判断该拍卖品的真伪及或质量是否与拍 工作人员对竞投未成功或委托竞投过程中出现的疏 午4点)。 卖品图录以及其它形式的影像制品和宣传品所描述相 忽、过失或无法代为竞投等问题不承担任何责任。 符合,而不应依图录及影像制品和宣传品的描述做出 第五十三条:领取拍卖品 决定。 第四十三条:委托在先原则 买受人须在拍卖成交日(含成交日)起三十日内(至该日 若两个或两个以上之竞买人以相同委托价委托中汉竞 下午4点),在按照本规则的规定付款後,于中汉指定 第三十四条:竞买人登记 投同一拍卖品,且竞投成功,则最先将委托竞投授权 地点领取所购买的拍卖品。若买受人未能在此期限内 竞买人为自然人的,应在拍卖日前凭有效身份证件填 书交至中汉的竞买人为该拍卖品的买受人。 领取拍卖品,则因逾期造成对该拍卖品的搬运、储存 写并签署登记档;竞买人为法人或者其它组织的,应 及其它各项费用均由买受人承担,且买受人应承担其 在拍卖日前凭有效的注册登记证书、法定代表人身份 第四十四条:拍卖师的决定权 所购拍卖品毁损、灭失的风险。即使该拍卖品仍由中 证明或者合法的授权委托书填写并签署登记档,领取 拍卖师有权代表中汉提高或降低竞价阶梯,有权拒绝 汉或其它代理人代为保管,中汉及其工作人员或其代 竞投号牌;即视为正式竞买人。 任何应价。在出现争议时,拍卖师有权决定将拍卖品 理人对由于任何原因所致的该拍卖品毁损、灭失,不 重新拍卖。 负任何责任。 竞买人请妥善保管竞投号牌,非经双方事先达成书面 一致,拍卖活动现场持相应竞投号牌者中汉将视为竞 第四十五条:影像显示板及货币兑换显示板 第五十四条:包装及运输 买人本人。 为方便竞买人,中汉可能于拍卖中使用影像投射或其 中汉有权决定是否接受买受人要求,提供代为包装及 它形式的显示板,其所示内容仅供参考。中汉对显示 处理的服务。如果中汉工作人员应买受人要求代为包 第三十五条:保证金 板所示之数额、拍卖品编号、拍卖品图片或参考外汇 装及处理购买的拍卖品,上述包装及处理仅应视为 竞买人参加中汉拍卖活动,应在领取竞投号牌前交纳 金额可能出现的误差及因此而导致的任何损失,不承 中汉对买受人提供的非营利性服务,因此发生的任何 保证金。保证金的具体数额由中汉在拍卖日前公布。 担责任。 风险及损失均由买受人自负。在任何情况下,中汉对 若竞买人未能购得拍卖品,上述保证金在拍卖结束後 因任何原因造成的框架或玻璃、囊匣、底垫、支架、 五个工作日内,全额无息返还竞买人;若竞买人购得 第四十六条:拍卖成交 装裱、插册、轴头或类似附属物的损坏、灭失不负责 拍卖品,则抵作部分购买价款。若有余额,则于竞买 竞买人的最高应价经拍卖师落槌或者以其它公开表示 任。 人领取拍卖品时,一并返还。 买定的方式确认的同时,拍卖成交,拍卖品买卖合同 如买受人要求中汉协助,以邮寄、快递或运输方式领 即告成立并生效。该竞买人即成为拍卖品的买受人。 取其所购买的拍卖品(包装及邮递、运输费用由买受人 如果中汉对某些竞买人的资信状况和履行能力存有疑 问,中汉有权要求该竞买人提供其资信状况和履行能 力的相关数据,并有权自行委托第三方对有关信息进 行调查核实。中汉也有权要求该竞买人交纳高于通常 标准的保证金。如果该竞买人拒绝中汉的要求,中汉 有权拒绝其参加中汉的拍卖活动。


拍卖规则 负担),自中汉将拍卖品交付邮寄、快递、运输部门、 若买受人未能按照本规则第四十九条约定的时间领取 中汉商誉的行为。否则,中汉有权要求委托人公开道 公司或其雇员/分支机构之时,则视为中汉已向买受人 其购得的拍卖品,则中汉有权采取以下之一种或多种 歉,并赔偿商誉损失及因此产生的一切费用,商誉损 交付该拍卖品,同时亦应视为买受人已按正常程序领 措施: 失的赔偿金额应与该拍卖品的保留价相同。买受人在 取该拍卖品,此一过程中的风险由买受人承担。除非 无确切证据的情况下,不得就成交的拍卖品的真伪发 买受人特别指明并负担保险费外,在邮寄、快递、运 (一)将该拍卖品储存在中汉或其他地方,由此发生的 表没有根据或不负责任的意见,或者就中汉向其交付 输过程中一般不予投保。 一切费用及/或风险均由买受人承担。买受人应向中汉 的拍卖品的同一性等提起诉讼或作出其它损害中汉商 支付自拍卖成交日(含成交日)後第三十一日起至实际 誉的行为。否则,中汉有权要求委托人公开道歉,并 对于买受人指定或中汉向买受人推荐的包装公司及邮 领取之日止期间的保管费,保管费按照拍卖品落槌价 赔偿商誉损失及因此产生的一切费用,商誉损失的赔 寄、快递、运输部门或公司所造成的一切错误、遗 每日万分之三或以每件拍卖品人民币叁佰元/日(以两 偿金额应与该拍卖品的保留价相同。 漏、损坏或灭失,中汉不承担责任。 者中较高者确定)的标准计算,直至本公司对相关拍卖 其它人士(包括但不限于竞买人)在无确切证据的情况 品取消保管之日止;买受人亦应按照落槌价的百分之 下,亦不得就成交的拍卖品的真伪发表没有根据或不 第五十五条:拍卖品出境 一的标准向中汉支付上述期间的保险费。在买受人如 负责任的意见,或者作出其它损害中汉商誉的行为。 数支付全部购买价款和费用後,方可领取拍卖品(包装 否则,中汉有权要求其公开道歉,并赔偿商誉损失及 根据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》及其它法律、法 及搬运等费用自负); 因此产生的一切费用,商誉损失的赔偿金额应与该拍 规规定,限制带出中华人民共和国国境的拍卖品,中 (二)买受人应对其超过本规则规定期限未能领取相关 卖品的保留价相同。 汉将尽其所知在拍卖品图录中或在拍卖现场予以说 拍卖品而在该期限届满後所发生之一切风险及费用自 明;允许带出中华人民共和国国境的拍卖品,买受人 行承担责任。如买受人自拍卖成交日起的九十日内仍 第六十三条:通知 应根据国家有关规定自行办理出境手续。 未领取拍卖品的,则中汉有权以公开拍卖或其他中汉 竞买人及委托人均应将其固定有效的通讯联络方式告 认为合适的方式及条件出售该拍卖品,处置所得在扣 知中汉,若有改变,应立即书面告知中汉。本规则中 第五十六条:未付款之补救方法 除中汉因此产生之全部损失、费用(包装及搬运费用、 所提及之通知,谨指以信函或传真形式发出的书面通 运输保险费用、出境鉴定费、保管费、公证费等)後, 知。如以邮递方式发出,一旦中汉将通知交付邮递部 若买受人未能按照本规则第四十八条约定的时间足额 若有余款,则由买受人自行取回,该余款不计利息。 门,则视为中汉已发出该通知,同时应视为收件人已 付款,中汉有权采取以下之一种或多种措施: 按正常邮递程序收到该通知。如以传真、电子邮件、 (三)将拍卖品交付提存机构予以提存。提存费用由买 手机短信等电子方式发出,则发送当日为收件人收到 (一)对买受人提起诉讼、仲裁或其他争议解决程序, 受人承担。有关提存的事项,依照中华人民共和国的 该通知的日期。 要求继续履行付款义务; 法律、法规、规章办理。 第六十四条:可分割性 (二)解除拍卖品买卖合同,并按有关法律法规的规定 第五章  其他 参加中汉组织的拍卖活动的当事人各方之间的权利义 及本规则的约定,追究买受人相应的法律责任; 务,依照本规则的约定确定。 第五十八条:保密责任 如本规则之任何条款或部分因任何理由被认定为无 (三)买受人交纳的保证金不予退还,并按照本规则约 中汉有义务为委托人、竞买人及买受人保守秘密,并 效、不合法或不可强制执行,本规则其它条款或部分 定承担其它相应责任; 根据中华人民共和国法律和本规则维护委托人、竞买 仍然有效,相关各方必须遵守、执行。 人、买受人和中汉的正当权益不受侵害。 本规则与现行拍卖法及相关法律、法规的规定不一致 (四)在拍卖成交日(含成交日)起三十日内,如买受人仍 的,如果本规则的规定不违反有关法律和行政法规的 未足额支付购买价款,中汉有权自拍卖成交日(含成交 第五十九条:鉴定权 禁止性规定,应该优先适用本规则的规定。本规则没 日)後第三十一日起就买受人未付款部分按照日息万分 委托人与中汉签署委托拍卖合同後,如果中汉认为需 有规定的,如果现行法律、法规有规定,适用有关法 之五收取利息,并且有权选择按照拍卖品落槌价每日 要,可以对拍卖品进行鉴定。鉴定范围包括拍卖品的 律的规定;如果本规则和相关法律、法规均没有规定 万分之三或以每件拍卖品人民币叁佰元/日收取保管 作者、年代、名称、形式、质地、状况、瑕疵、尺寸 的,适用国际惯例或国内行业惯例。 费(以两者中较高者确定),直至买受人付清全部款项 等,鉴定结论与委托拍卖合同记载不符的,中汉有权 之日止和中汉对拍卖品取消保管之日止或买受人与中 要求变更或者解除委托拍卖合同。 第六十五条:争议解决 汉另有协议者除外; 因依照本规则参加中汉拍卖活动的当事人各方之间发 如果拍卖合同已履行完毕,委托人应当退还出售收 生的任何争议,如果通过协商不能解决,相关各方应 (五)对买受人提起诉讼、仲裁或其它争议解决程序, 益;如果委托人违反了本规则第九条之保证事项,委 向中汉住所地的具有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。 要求赔偿因其违约给中汉造成的一切损失,包括但不 托人还应当依据本规则第九条之规定承担相应的赔偿 解决该等争议的准据法应为中华人民共和国的法律。 限于:因买受人迟付或拒付款项造成的利息损失、中 责任。 汉为诉讼或者仲裁所支付的律师费; 第六十六条:使用文字 第六十条:著作权 本规则以中文写就,英文文本仅供参考。中文文本如 (六)留置由同一买受人购得的该件或任何其它拍卖 中汉有权自行对委托人委托中汉拍卖的任何物品制作 与英文文本有任何不一致之处,以中文文本为准。 品,以及因任何原因由中汉占有的该买受人的任何其 照片、图示、图录或其它形式的影像制品,并依法享 本图录中的拍品估价以人民币为准,外币估价仅供参 它财产或财产权利。留置期间发生的一切费用及/或 有上述照片、图示、图录或其它形式的影像制品的著 考。 风险均由买受人承担。若买受人未能在中汉指定时间 作权,有权对其依法加以使用(包括但不限于线上或线 内履行其全部相关义务,则中汉有权根据中华人民共 下任何方式或渠道宣传拍卖活动或其他与拍卖品、中 第六十七条:施行时间 和国相关法律、法规之规定处分留置物。处分留置物 汉有关的宣传推广)。 本规则于2020年6月1日起施行。 所得不足抵偿买受人应付中汉全部款项的,中汉有权 另行追索; 第六十一条:免除责任 第六十八条:解释权 中汉对委托人或买受人的任何违约行为不承担责任。 在法律允许的范围内、本规则的解释权属于北京中汉 (七)在拍卖成交日起六十日内,如买受人仍未向中汉 在委托人或买受人出现违约行为的情况下,中汉有权 拍卖有限公司。 付清全部购买价款的,中汉有权视具体情况撤销或同 根据自己的判断决定向委托人或买受人披露另一方的 本规则使用的各标题仅为方便阅读,不得将之并为本 意委托人撤销在同一或任何其他拍卖中向同一买受人 名称和地址,使受到损害的一方得以通过法律诉讼或 规则内容,亦不得作为解释本规则各条款的依据。 售出的该件或任何其它拍卖品的交易,并保留追索因 者其它合法方式获得损害赔偿。但是,中汉在向委托 撤销该笔或任何其它交易致使中汉所蒙受全部损失的 人或买受人披露该等资料之前,将采取合理步骤通知 权利; 将被披露资料的一方。 (八)经征得委托人同意,按照本规则的规定,再行拍 第六十二条:对中汉商誉损害的赔偿责任 卖或以其它方式出售该拍卖品。原买受人除应当支付 委托人在无确切证据的情况下,不得就中汉的诚信(包 第一次拍卖中买受人及委托人应当支付的酬金/佣金及 括但不限于:就中汉返还未上拍或未成交拍卖品的同 其它各项费用并承担再次拍卖或以其它方式出售该拍 一性、鉴定结论的公正性等)提起诉讼或作出其它损害 卖品的所有费用外,若再行拍卖或以其它方式出售该 拍卖品所得的价款低于原拍卖价款的,原买受人应当 补足差额。 (九)其它适当措施。 第五十七条:延期领取拍卖品之补救方法


CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS Chapter I General Provisions Seller, Bidder, Buyer and any other parties concerned prudential manner pursuant to these Conditions and (including but not limited to the agents of Seller, prevailing practices of the auction industry and return Article 1 Governing Law Bidder and Buyer) participating in an auction held by to the Seller the unauctionable or unsold Lot pursuant the Company. By bidding at an auction held by the to these Conditions; These Conditions of Business (hereinafter referred to Company, whether present in person or by agent, as \"these Conditions\") are made in accordance with by written bid, telephone or other means, Bidders the Company will examine the Lot in a reasonably the Auction Law of the People's Republic of China, shall be deemed to have accepted these Conditions. prudential manner and state its opinion in the catalogue other applicable laws and regulations and international All disputes between the parties participating in the or other relevant documents. However, in no way shall practices. Company's auction shall be solved in accordance with any representation or opinion of the Company on any the provisions of these Conditions. Lot constitute any warranty or guarantee of the quality, Article 2 Definitions and Interpretation authenticity, age, author or any other aspect of the Lot; Article 4 Warranty against Defect The terms used in these Conditions shall have the the Company undertakes that the Lot bought by the following meanings: The Company denies any warranty of the authenticity Buyer will be stored in a proper manner pursuant to and/or quality of any Lot. Any descriptions, statements these Conditions after the auction. The Company further \"Company\" means Beijing Johan's Auctions Co., Ltd. and comments in connection with the Lot provided undertakes to assume the liability of compensating the by the Company shall be for information only and Buyer for any losses and damages of the Lot, to the \"Bidder\" means a natural person, legal person or any in no way shall they constitute any warranty of the extent of the Purchase Price already paid by the Buyer, other organization registered for an auction held by authenticity and/or quality of the Lot. All Lots are sold before the aforementioned risks have been transferred the Company, having completed necessary formalities \"as is\". The Bidder and/or its agent shall bear the to the Buyer under these Conditions; and bidding for a Lot or Lots. The Bidder shall meet responsibility of inspecting the Lot in person or through qualifications and conditions set forth in applicable experts designated thereby and shall be legally liable notwithstanding the risks of losses or damages of laws and regulations of China in respect of buying a for its bid for any Lot. By bidding at an auction held by the Lot have been transferred to the Seller or Buyer Lot or Lots. For the purpose of these Conditions, unless the Company, the Bidder shall be deemed to have fully hereunder, the Lot not taken back by the Seller or otherwise provided herein or the context otherwise inspected the Lot in which they are interested in terms taken away by the Buyer within the specified time limit requires, “Bidder” shall include any of its agents. of authenticity and quality thereof and have satisfied will still be properly stored by the Company in good themselves as to condition and value of the Lot. By faith. However, the aforementioned good deed of the \"Buyer\" means the highest Bidder buying the Lot at an bidding at auction the Bidder acknowledges that he is Company does not constitute warranty or guarantee to auction held by the Company. willing to bear any possible risk in bidding and that he the Seller/Buyer that the Company will undertake any has waived the rights of challenging the authenticity obligation to preserve the Lot, and any loss or damage \"Seller\" means a natural person, legal person or and/or quality of the Lot. of the Lot and all storage costs paid by the Company any other organization that consigns the Lot to the shall be subject to pertinent provisions hereof set forth Company for auction in accordance with these Article 5 Special Notice below; and Conditions. For the purpose of these Conditions, unless otherwise provided herein or the context otherwise When the auctioneer confirms the highest bid by the Company will respect and under no circumstance requires, \"Seller\" shall include any of its agents. striking his hammer or in any other public manners at breach the copyright of the Lot owned by the Seller an auction held by the Company, the highest Bidder or Buyer, and will comply with applicable laws and \"Lot\" means any item(s) deposited with the Company shall be the Buyer of the Lot and the sale contract these Conditions when producing and using pictures, for sale at auction in accordance with law. concerning the Lot shall come into effect immediately. illustrations, catalogues, or other forms of images Whether the purchase confirmation has been signed of the Lot. However, the Company will under no \"Auction Date\" means, in respect of an auction, the or not shall have no effect on the fact that the sale circumstances give any opinion or warranty in relation date announced by the Company on which the auction contract has come into effect. At that moment, the to the ownership and/or restrictions of the copyright of will officially begin. In the case of any discrepancy fact that the Lot has been lawfully sold to the highest the Lot. between the actual date of auction and the date Bidder shall be accepted by the Company, all announced, the actual date of auction shall prevail. Bidders, Seller and Buyer, who shall be entitled to and Chapter III Conditions Mainly assume any rights and obligations arising therefrom Concern-ing the Seller \"Sale Date\" means, in respect of an auction held by the under laws and these Conditions. Any party failing Company, the date on which the auctioneer confirms to perform obligations thereof shall assume relevant Article 7 Consignment Procedures the sale of any lot by striking his hammer or in any legal liabilities. Any Seller, Bidder, Buyer and other other public manner. parties concerned participating in an auction held by When the Company acts as an agent of the Seller to the Company shall read these Conditions carefully auction its property: \"Hammer Price\" means the amount of the highest bid and conform to the provisions hereof. All parties shall accepted by the auctioneer in relation to a Lot. be liable for their own actions at auction and any loss The Seller as a natural person shall hold a valid identity caused by their failure to read the Conditions carefully. certificate and enter into a consignment contract with \"Proceeds of Sale\" means the net amount owed to the The Company reserves and will under appropriate the Company; Seller equal to Hammer Price less commission pro circumstances practice the right to alter these rata, all Expenses and any other amounts owed to the Conditions, particularly by the form of a bulletin and/ The Seller as a legal person or any other organization Company by the Seller. or a preannouncement of Auctioneer at auction. Any shall hold a valid certificate of registration, identity changes in these Conditions so made shall supersede certificate of legal representative, power of attorney \"Purchase Price\" means the total amount payable by all prior agreements. and identity certificate of agent and enter into a Buyer for its bid, including Hammer Price, commission consignment contract with the Company; and other Expenses payable by Buyer as well as the Chapter II Commitment charges caused by Buyer's defaults. When the Seller enters into a consignment contract Article 6 Commitment of the Company with the Company, the Company shall be automatically \"Expenses\" means costs and charges, including but authorized to produce pictures, illustrations, catalogue, not limited to those with respect to Lot insurance, The Company is established under the laws of the or other forms of images of the Lot. catalogue and other advertisements, packaging, People's Republic of China. Honesty and good faith are transportation, storage, and any other expenses basic principles underlying the Company's operations. Article 8 The Seller's Agent incurred pursuant to relevant laws, regulations and The Company undertakes that it will at any auction and provisions hereof. other related activities treat all Sellers, Bidders, Buyers When arranging for consignment on behalf of the and other relevant parties with honesty and good faith. Seller, the Seller's agent shall submit to the Company \"Reserve\" means the minimum (confidential) price at With respect to the following aspects of any auction, the following documents: which the Seller agrees to sell the Lot. the Company undertakes that: If the agent is a natural person, valid identity certificate; \"Estimate\" means the price of the Lot provided in the the Company will store the Lot in a reasonably catalogue or other descriptive materials and estimated If the agent is a legal person or any other organization, prior to the Auction. Subject to possible changes from valid certificates of registration, identity certificate of time to time, the Estimate can not be deemed as the legal representative, power of attorney issued by such fixed sale price. legal person or any other organization to the agent (natural person) thereof and the identity certificate of Article 3 Scope of Conditions the agent (natural person); and The Company organizes auctions pursuant to the laws, regulations and policies of China. These Conditions shall ensure the benefit of and be binding upon


CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS Power of attorney issued by the Seller to the Seller's made between the Seller and the Company shall cease the insurance premium payable by the Seller to the agent through lawful procedures. on the date the Seller collects the Lot. If the Seller Company shall be 1% of the Reserve. fails to collect the Lot during the above-mentioned The Seller has rights to check all the documents Period, the consignment contract will be automatically Article 17 Insurance Period mentioned above within the legal permission. terminated upon expiration of the term thereof. The Company reserves the right to dispose of the Lot in In the case that the auction of the Lot succeeds, the Article 9 The Seller's Warranties any way it deems reasonable if the Seller still fails to insurance Period shall terminate on the earlier of 4 p.m. collect the Lot within 7 days following the ceasing of of the 30th day of the Sale Date, counting from that The Seller hereby makes irrevocable warranties as the consignment contract, in which case the proceeds Date, and the date when the Buyer collects the Lot. follows to the Company and the Buyer with respect to from such disposal shall be collected by the Seller In the case that the auction fails, the insurance Period the consigned Lot: after deduction of all costs and Expenses incurred, if shall terminate at 4 p.m. of the 14th day counting from any remaining amount exists after such deductions. the day when the Seller has received the Company's The Seller has exclusive and absolute ownership and notice to take back the Lot. legal right to dispose of the Lot. Without prejudice to Article 13 Suspension of Auction any legal interest (including copyright) of any third Article 18 Insurance by Seller party, the auction of the Lot will not violate any relevant The Company may suspend any auction at any time law or regulation; under any one of the following circumstances: In the event that the Seller notifies the Company not to arrange insurance for the Lot in writing, he shall The Seller has, to the best of its knowledge, made The Company has objection to the ownership or undertake to bear all the risks of losses and damages full and complete disclosure and description to the authenticity of the Lot; of the Lot and the following liabilities: Company with respect to the origin and any flaw or defect of the Lot without any concealment and Any third party has objection to the ownership or To indemnify and hold the Company harmless from and fabrication; and authenticity of the Lot with undertakings to provide against any claims or actions incurred or brought by relevant evidence, make security as required by the any third party with respect to the losses or damages The Seller shall indemnify and hold the Company and/ Company and take liability for all legal repercussions of the Lot; or the Buyer harmless from and against any claims, and losses due to suspension of auction; losses and damages or actions incurred or brought by To indemnify and hold the Company and/or any other the actual owner or any third party who claims to be The Company and/or any third party has objection to parties harmless from and against any losses and the actual owner of the Lot and all Expenses and costs representations made by the Seller or the accuracy Expenses in relation to the losses or damages of the (including but not limited to attorney's fees, survey regarding the Seller's warranty provided in Article 9 Lot caused for any reason; and fees and court costs) incurred in connection therewith hereof; or The Company and/or any third party has any arising out of or in any way attributable to any breach evidence to prove the Seller has already violated or is To notify the terms of indemnity hereunder to any of above warranties. to violate any term of these Conditions. insurer of the Lot. Article 10 Reserve Article 14 Withdrawal of Lots by Seller Article 19 Uninsured All Lots are offered subject to a Reserve, unless The Seller may withdraw the Lot at any time prior to The Company will not be liable for any the damages otherwise agreed by the Seller and the Company. The the Auction Date subject to the Company's consent or losses of the Lot caused by natural wear, inherent Reserve shall be determined by the Seller and the and a written notice stating the reasons. In the case flaws, inherent or potential defects, inherent material Company in writing and no modification or amendment that the catalogue or any other advertisements of changes, self-combustion, self-warming, oxidation, rust, of the Reserve shall be binding upon the parties unless the Lot have begun to be printed upon the Seller's leakage, rat-bite, woodworm, changes in atmospheric prior consent of the other party is obtained. In the event withdrawal, the Seller shall pay an amount equal to (climate, temperature or humidity) conditions or other that the Lot is not sold in the auction, the Company 20% of the insured value of the Lot and other Expenses reasons of natural changes, or caused by earthquake, shall have right to sell such Lot at the Reserve after the in connection therewith. In the case that the catalogue tsunami, war, actions similar to war, hostile actions, auction and be entitled to commission therefor from or other advertisements have not been printed, the armed conflicts, terrorism, rebellion, coup, strike, riots, the Seller. Under no circumstances shall the Company Seller shall pay an amount equal to 10% of the insured traffic accident, aviation accident, or nuclear fission, accept any liability for failure in sale due to bidding value of the Lot and other related Expenses. The Seller nuclear fusion, nuclear weapon, nuclear radiation, or lower than the Reserve at the auction. shall be liable for any disputes and claims caused radioactive pollution. The Company will not take liability by withdrawal of a Lot. The Seller shall indemnify, for any damages to or any losses of frames, glass, Article 11 The Company's Discretion defend and hold the Company harmless from any drawer, bottom mat, trestle, mounting, insert pages, and all claims, liabilities and Expenses, including roller or other similar accessories caused by any The Company may decide on the followings at its without limitation attorney's fees and court costs, which reason. absolute discretion: may be imposed on the Company as a result of the aforementioned withdrawal. Article 20 Insurance Indemnity Explanation and/or appraisal of any Lot made by the catalogue of Lot and/or news media and/or in other Article 15 Insured Automatically Any damages or losses of the Lot caused by incidents ways; or disasters covered by insurance the Company Unless otherwise agreed by the Seller and the purchased for the Lot shall be handled in accordance Adoption of expert's opinion; Company, all the Lots will be automatically covered with applicable laws and regulations of the People's under the insurance of the Company as soon as the Republic of China regarding insurance. The Company The arrangement for illustrations in catalogue, Seller enters into the consignment contract with and shall pay insurance indemnities less all Expenses EXHIBITIONs and other advertising activities in delivers the Lot to the Company. The insured value incurred by the Company to the Seller after the connection with Seller's Lot and charge rates accrued shall be based on the Reserve agreed by the Seller Company obtains such indemnities from the insurance thereupon; and the Company in the consignment contract (if company. no Reserve is provided, the insured value is the one Whether the Lot is suitable for the Company to auction; agreed by both parties; if the Reserve is adjusted, Article 21 Non-Bidding and the insured value shall be the original Reserve). The insured value is only subject to insurance and claims The Seller shall not bid for any Lot consigned to the The place, date, conditions and way of auction. other than the Company's warranty or guarantee for the Company thereby, nor authorize any other person value of the Lot and the Hammer Price of the Lot. to bid on behalf thereof. The Seller shall be liable for Article 12 Unauctionable Lot and indemnify the Company against any losses and Article 16 Insurance Premium damages caused by violation of this provision. After the Seller has entered into the consignment contract with and delivered the Lot to the Company, Unless otherwise agreed by the Seller and the Article 22 Commission and Expenses if for any reason the Company believes that the Lot Company, the Seller shall pay the Company an is not suitable for auction, the Seller shall, at the site insurance premium equal to 1% of the Hammer Price Unless otherwise agreed by the Seller and the which the Company at its sole discretion considers of the Lot after sale. In the case that the Lot fails to sell, Company, the Seller shall authorize the Company to appropriate, collect the Lot within 14 days from the deduct 10% of the Hammer Price as commission and date of the Company's notice dispatched (the date other Expenses from the Hammer Price. Nevertheless when the notice is dispatched shall be counted and the fees for the packaging and handling shall be paid by the Seller), in which case the consignment contract


CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS the Company acts as the agent of the Seller, the To settle claims brought by the Buyer or the Seller in news media) of any Lot made by the Company and its Seller agrees that the Company may be entitled to the accordance with relevant terms and conditions hereof; employees or agents are only for reference and shall Buyer's remuneration and other Expenses payable by and not constitute any guarantee for the Lot. The Company the Buyer in accordance with provisions in Article 47 and its employees or agents shall undertake no liability hereof. Take other necessary steps to collect deferred for any inaccuracy and omission in the statements and payment from the Buyer. appraisal mentioned above. Article 23 Service Fee for Unsold Lot Article 29 Unsold Lot Article 33 Inspection by Bidders In the case that the auction of the Lot fails due to bidding lower than the Reserve, the Seller shall In the case that the Lot is not sold, the Seller shall, The Company shall undertake no guarantee for the authorize the Company to charge the Seller a service at the site which the Company at its own discretion authenticity and/or quality of the Lot. Any Bidder and/or fee of unsuccessful auction equal to 3% of the Reserve considers appropriate, take back the Lot within 14 its agent shall inspect and investigate the actual status (or the insured value if the Reserve is not available) days upon receipt of the Company's notice (counting regarding the Lot at his own cost and risk and take and other Expenses payable by the Seller. from that day and the packing and shipping at any legal liability for its bidding.The Company strongly the Seller's own Expenses) and, pursuant to these advises the Bidders to inspect the original Lot they Article 24 Payment of Proceeds of Sale Conditions, pay the Company fees for failed auction intend to bid for personally or with expert assistance or and all other Expenses. If the Seller fails to do so within using other methods before the Auction Date. Bidders In the case that the Buyer makes full payment to the said Period, the Company reserves the right to resell shall decide on the authenticity and quality of the Lot Company in accordance with provisions in Article 49 the Lot by public auction or in any other way under at their own cost and risk with reference to, instead hereof, the Company shall pay the Proceeds of Sale to these Conditions the Company considers appropriate of relying upon, the catalogue and other images and the Seller in RMB after 35 days of the Sale Date. and pay the Seller the Proceeds of Sale less unsold advertisements of the Lot. fees and other Expenses accrued from the first auction Article 25 Deferred Payment and all costs incurred in the resale of the Lot. Article 34 Registration of Bidders In case the Company does not receive the full payment Article 30 Risks and losses To qualify as a Bidder, a natural person shall complete from the Buyer upon the expiry of payment Period and sign the registration form and receive a bidding under Article 48 hereof, the Company will pay the The Seller shall take liability for any risk and/or loss number before the Auction Date by presenting a valid Proceeds of Sale to the Seller within 7 business days incurred beyond the aforementioned time limits in case identity document, and a legal person or any other upon receipt of such full payment from the Buyer. of failure to take back the unauctioned or unsold Lot organization shall complete and sign the registration within said time limits. All the risks and Expenses of the form and receive a bidding number before the Auction Article 26 Taxes unsold and/or unauctioned Lot shall be borne by the Date by presenting a valid certificate of registration, Seller upon the earlier of 4 p.m. of the 14th day after the identity certificate of legal representative or valid power The Seller shall be responsible for paying any tax Company has served the take-back notice (counting of attorney. The Bidder shall keep the bidding number imposed on its Proceeds of Sale in accordance with from that day) and the date when the Buyer collects the in a proper manner. Unless a prior written agreement applicable laws and regulations.The Company will Lot. In the case that the Seller requires the Company, is otherwise reached between the Company and the withhold any tax the Company is obligated to withhold and the Company agrees, to assist in returning the Lot Bidder, any person who holds the bidding number at under relevant laws and the Seller shall assist the within the term stipulated in these Conditions, the Seller auction shall be considered to be the relevant Bidder Company in completing all related formalities and bear shall be liable for all risks, Expenses and losses of the himself/herself. corresponding taxes. Lot when it departs form the site designated by the Company. Generally, the Company is not responsible Article 35 Deposit Article 27 Assistance in Collecting Deferred for arrangement of transportation insurance after Payments departure of the Lot from the site designated thereby The Company will charge a deposit before the Bidder unless the Seller specifically instructs the Company to receives bidding number. The amount of deposit will The Company shall be authorized by the Seller to do so and pays the insurance premium in advance.The be announced before Auction Date. The Company collect deferred payment from the Buyer and claim Company may assist in sending back the Lot to the will refund all the deposit mentioned above without against the Buyer for liabilities for breach of contract Seller upon his request by mailing, express delivery or interest to the Bidder within five business days after in the Company's name at the same time of being third-party transportation. Once the Company delivers auction in case the Bidder fails in auction. In the event arranged for consignment. In the event the Buyer the Lot to the mailing, express delivery or shipping that the Bidder succeeds at auction, the deposit will fails to make full payment to the Company within 30 office or firm or any of its employees or branches, the be taken as part of Purchase Price payable by the days after the Sale Date (counting from that day), the Lot shall be considered as having been returned by Buyer and the balance (if any) will be refunded at the Company is entitled to recover the commission and the Company and collected by the Seller. time of collection. If there is any doubt or uncertainty other Expenses payable by the Buyer in accordance concerning the credit standing or ability of any Bidder with provisions in Article 55 and Article 56 hereof and Chapter IV Conditions Concerning the to implement any specific performance, the Company to take necessary measures (including but not limited Bidder and the Buyer is entitled to ask for relevant proof from the Bidder or to entering into litigation, arbitration and any dispute commission any other third party to investigate the said resolution procedures held by the public authorities) as Article 31 Catalogue of Lot doubt or uncertainty and charge the said Bidder an it deems practical to assist and/or represent the Seller additional deposit. The Company may also charge the in collecting deferred payments. However, the Seller At the auction, the Company will prepare a catalogue Bidder an additional deposit if the Bidder defaulted or and Company hereby agree that the aforementioned to introduce in brief the status of the Lot with words showed a poor credit standing in any previous auction provisions shall under no circumstance exclude the and/or pictures for the convenience of Bidders and held by the Company or any other auction organization. right of the Seller to collect deferred payment from the Sellers. The words, Estimate and pictures contained in Failure to pay such additional deposit will entitle the Buyer in person or through any third party or involve the catalogue and other images and advertisements of Company to refuse participation by the said Bidder in any obligation of the Company to collect deferred the Lot are for information only and subject to revision any auction held by the Company. payment from the Buyer on behalf of the Seller. The before auction and shall not constitute any warranty of Company shall have no responsibilities and liabilities to the Company in respect of the authenticity, value, tone, Article 36 The Company's Option the Seller in the case of any deferred payment by the quality and flaw or defect of any Lot. Buyer. The Company may at its discretion forbid any one from Article 32 Uncertainty of Catalogue participating in any auction held thereby, admission Article 28 The Company's Discretion to the premises or taking a picture or making a video In case that the tone, color, graduation and shape recording during auction, as the case may be. The Company may determine the following matters, as shown in catalogue and/or any other illustrations, the case may be, upon authorization by the Seller (at images and advertisements differ from those of Article 37 Abnormal Events the Seller's Expenses): the original of the Lot due to print, photograph and other technical reasons, the original shall apply.Any In case of any abnormal events at auction, the To agree special terms on how to make the payment of statement and appraisal in any form (including but Company may take necessary actions as the case may Purchase Price; not limited to the certificate, catalogue, slide show, be. In the case that any dispute arises at auction, the To remove, store and arrange insurance for sold Lot;
