
发布时间:2024-9-18 | 杂志分类:其他


1. AirbusIntroduction of the company (max 150 words): We pioneer sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world. Through constant innovation,Airbus delivers cutting-edge solutions in aerospace, defense, and connected services. Thecompany offers the most modern, fuel-efficient airliners, provides the most advanced civil andmilitary helicopters globally and is a European leader in defense and security.Airbus has been a proponent of global sustainability since signing the UN Global Compact in200... [收起]
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Sustainability and circularity award

1. Airbus

2. Andros

3. Centdegres

4. China overseas

5. Groupama

6. Havas

7. Nexson

8. Servier

9. Totalenergies



1. Airbus

Introduction of the company (max 150 words):

We pioneer sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world. Through constant innovation,

Airbus delivers cutting-edge solutions in aerospace, defense, and connected services. The

company offers the most modern, fuel-efficient airliners, provides the most advanced civil and

military helicopters globally and is a European leader in defense and security.

Airbus has been a proponent of global sustainability since signing the UN Global Compact in

2003 and adopting the UN SDGs in 2016. It was also the first aircraft manufacturer to achieve

ISO14001 certification for its sites, products, and services in 2007.

Over the past four decades, Airbus has been deeply engaged with China. Highlights include

opening its first final assembly line outside Europe in Tianjin in 2008, establishing the Aircraft

Lifecycle Services company in Chengdu and an R&D centre in Suzhou in 2023, as well as the

announcement of opening a second final assembly line in Tianjin in 2023.




Project presentation (max 150 words):

Airbus’ purpose is to pioneer sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world. We are committed to integrating sustainable

innovations and circularity across our operations and facilities.

● Tianjin operations: Airbus Tianjin campus has obtained the RSB sustainability certificate for its closed-loop SAF usage, from

raw material collection and production to transportation and refuelling. Airbus Tianjin site also achieved 100% renewable

electricity utilisation from 2024.

● R&D Centre: As part of our Airspace Cabin Vision 2035+ at our R&D centre in Suzhou, we are advancing sustainable cabin

designs by focusing on transparency, decarbonisation, and circularity (e.g. recycling cabin materials).

● The world’s first Aircraft Lifecycle Services Centre (ALSC) in Chengdu is dedicated to circularity by managing the entire

aircraft lifecycle—from storage and maintenance to dismantling up to 90% of aircraft weight so that these materials can be

resold or reused. ALSC’s office building is also LEED Silver certified.

Your project in one sentence (max 30 words in English):

Airbus’ sustainable innovation and circularity practices in China include renewable energy and SAF usage in

our own operations, a circular cabin design R&D centre, and aircraft lifecycle management services.




The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

● Pioneering Sustainable Innovations and Circular Solutions: Firstly, Airbus Airspace Cabin Vision 2035+ program at our R&D Centre in Suzhou includes

introducing new cabin interior solutions and materials with low CO2 impact, significantly reducing waste during production and at end-of-use. Secondly, Airbus R&D

Centre in Suzhou also focuses on the development of hydrogen infrastructure and an industrial ecosystem, leveraging the centre’s proximity to the region’s strong

aeronautical and hydrogen supply chain. Lastly, our newly established ALSC in Chengdu is the world’s first lifecycle services centre for aircrafts, managing the entire

aircraft lifecycle—from storage and maintenance to dismantling and recycling. It is capable of dismantling up to 90% of aircraft weight so that these materials can be

resold or reused. The first aircraft (A330-200) arrived on ALSC campus on August 29, 2024.

● Leading industry Decarbonisation transition: Aligning with global climate goals and the aviation net-zero targets, we lead the journey towards clean aviation. Our

Tianjin campus has exemplified the decarbonisation efforts with innovative practice. On the one hand, Airbus Tianjin has realised closed-loop sustainability certification

so as to deploy SAF in regular operations for its test and ferry flights, with up to 40% and 5% SAF blend, respectively, demonstrating our commitment to integrating

sustainable innovations directly into our operations. On the other hand, thanks to the partnership with SPIC, we have successfully used 100% renewable electricity

since January 2024, decarbonising our scope 1 & 2 emissions to another level.

● Increasing Transparency and reporting: With our decarbonisation targets validated by SBTi, Airbus transparently reports the scope 1 & 2 and scope 3 emissions on

a yearly basis in the form of the Non-Financial Statements. Further to this, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will be mandatory from 2025. With

three campuses consolidated or controlled in China, we are jointly developing a Minimum Viable Product in the frame of ESG reporting requirements under the CSRD.

These efforts demonstrate the commitment to enhanced transparency, rigorous environmental and social impact assessment (via Dual Materiality Assessments), and

a robust approach to achieving national and EU sustainability goals.

● Leveraging Local Ecosystem: We are actively forging local partnerships to shape the future of sustainable aviation. By leveraging local strengths in China’s

innovation hubs, including the Greater Bay Area and Yangtze River Delta, we strengthen community support and promote sustainability through local partnership.

● Seeking Internationally Recognised Sustainability Certification: To validate our environmental efforts and improve operational efficiency, we pursue internationally

recognised sustainability certifications. Our closed-loop sustainability for SAF use in Tianjin is certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB).

Additionally, our Lifecycle Service Centre in Chengdu has received certifications from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Civil Aviation

Administration of China (CAAC), and its main buildings hold Silver Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification from the U.S. Green Building

Council (USGBC).




Please use the following 3 slides to present your project, including a descriptions of first

results, observations, impact on company or next steps of the project and other additional

elements to help the jury in its analysis of your application.

Additionally, upload photos of your project


Tianjin Operations Realised Closed-Loop Sustainability

Certification and Achieve 100% Renewable Energy Utilization.

Project: Tianjin Operations

● Closed-Loop Sustainability Certification: Airbus Tianjin realised closedloop sustainability certification so as to deploy SAF in regular operations

for its test and ferry flights.

● 100% renewable electricity utilisation: 100% renewable electricity

usage since January 2024, decarbonising our scope 1 & 2 emissions.

First Results:

● Increasing SAF usage: Attained Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels

(RSB) certification and deployed SAF with up to 40% blend in test flights

and 5% in ferry flights, reduced 854.4 tons of CO2eq since SAF operation


● Contributing to Decarbonisation: Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas

emissions, reducing 4,693.13 tons CO2eq H1 of 2024 compared to H1 of


SAF usage in Delivery Flight from Airbus Tianjin

Next Steps:

● Increase the SAF use percentage and enable other CO2 reduction ways to

achieve our SBTi validated climate target of reducing 85% CO2 in scope 1 and 2

activities by 2030 vs our 2025 baseline.


Airbus Suzhou R&D Centre Drives Sustainable Cabin Design

and Hydrogen Infrastructure Development.

Project: R&D Center Suzhou

● Sustainable Cabin Design: “Airbus Airspace Cabin Vision 2035+ and

Cabin Material Recycling” focus on transparent, decarbonized, and

circular cabin designs with a strong emphasis on recycling cabin materials

and reducing environmental impact.

● Hydrogen Infrastructure Development: Facilitating hydrogen energy

infrastructure and industrial ecosystem development.

First Results:

● Reducing CO2 impact: Significant progress in developing low CO2

impact cabin materials with a focus on circularity—minimizing waste

during production and enhancing recyclability at end-of-use.

● Contributing to energy transformation: Contributing to overall energy

transformation goals by leveraging the centre’s proximity to the region’s

strong hydrogen supply chain.

Next Steps:

● Implementing CO2-reducing cabin options with circular materials, developing a

circular end-of-life management framework, and introducing solutions by 2025.


ALSC Chengdu Offers Innovative Aircraft Lifecycle Services in

State-of-the-Art Sustainable Facilities.

First Results:

● 90% Recovery Rate: Capable of dismantling up to 90% of aircraft

weight so that these materials can be resold or reused.

● Sustainability Impact: Enhanced circularity, reduced waste, and

pioneering a new standard for lifecycle services in aviation.

Next Steps:

● First aircraft (A330-200) arrived on August 29, 2024 and is

scheduled for dismantling.

Project: Airbus Lifecycle Services Center (ALSC) Chengdu

● Aircraft Lifecycle Services: World's first full lifecycle services center

dedicated to managing aircraft from storage and maintenance to

dismantling and recycling.

● Center Building Sustainability: Achieved EASA and CAAC certifications

as well as Silver LEED certification for its main buildings.


2. Andros

Introduction of the company (max 150 words):

ANDROS Group is nestled in Biars, a picturesque town in South western France. In 1959, the

ANDROScompany was officially established and now has a rich brand portfolio, including Bonne

Maman (No.1 preserve brand in France), ANDROS and Pierrot Gourmand. ANDROS entered

China in 1998 and established the first Chinese factory in Beijing. Since then, with passion and

professionalism, we provide the most delicious, healthy and convenient fruit products to China

and future generations. Our Vision is to be the preferred and the most sustainable fruit products

maker in China. We are fully dedicated in serving premium fruit products to bakeries, coffees,

beverages, hotels, restaurants, industrials and retailers.

In 2019, ANDROSsigned a strategic agreement with Shounong Food Group at the Great Hall of

the People in Beijing for ANDROS Fruit Processing Project located in Shandong province for

agriculture development and industrial capacity extension.





Which category are you applying for :

- Sustainable Innovation& Circularity Award

Name of the project (if there is no name, put the company's name): From Orchard to Spoon

Date of implementation: Dec 2021 to Now (Aug 2024)



Project presentation (max 150 words):

The project “From Orchard to Spoon”answer the commitment of ANDROSGroup to the development of fruit cultivation in China.

Under this project ANDROS China has fostered its own strawberry plantation and raspberry test base to perfect the upstream supply and ensure

the stable high-quality provision of core fruit as raw materials for further processing.

By providing high-quality seedlings, full technical guidance, and scientific management plans, to achieve a sustainable and high-quality supply

system for fresh strawberry and Improve the traceability of the whole industrial chain of ANDROS. 30 acre of experimental plantation

demonstration base plants varies local and foreign types of raspberries, currants. Combining specific conditions of domestic planting areas with

advanced European planting techniques, fruit planting trials are conducted in terms of density, planting methods and other dimensions to test the

suitability of different raspberry varieties for the local area for further extension.

This project allow ANDROSto perfect the upstream supply and ensure the stable provision of core fruit as raw materials.

Also improving local agriculture structure and increase farmers’ income, also provide more opportunities of employment with industrial

processing in place.

Your project in one sentence (max 30 words in English):

From Orchard to Spoon Andros China is a project to achieve efficient, energy-saving, and sustainable fruit agriculture development and process

industrially in place to drives the high-quality development of local agricultural industrial structure.




The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

a) Long-term investment for a sustainable development

1. Talent investment: Comprising a professional base development team with 4 highly qualified technical experts in

agricultural sciences (one with a bachelor’s degree and three with master’s degrees), each bringing over a decade

of extensive experience in agricultural cultivation and management.

2. Farm investment: support seedlings and sign fixed price with growers before planting. Keep doing research of new

variety andregeneration.

3. Industrial investment: Processing with local fruit for delicious, healthy and convenient fruit product in same


a) Sino-French agricultural technology inheritance

1. ANDROSFrancegroup expert technical support on seedling, agroecology system.

2. ANDROS local technical expert provide regular agricultural planting technology training, weekly inspection and

technical guidance for contracted base, for technology migration to local farmers.

3. Experimental plantation demonstration base for variety, planting technology test

a) Scientific planting, water and fertilizer saving

1. Using drip irrigation for watering, compared to traditional flood irrigation, it saves 350T of water per acre per year,

with 2024 surface, save 162,750T water.

2. Incorporating scientific management techniques to minimize pesticide use, integrate water and fertilizer during

plantation to optimize resource efficiency, this method can reduce 40% of fertilizer utilization, then reduce carbon

emission about 6500kg, equal to around 11000 kWh electricity emission.

3. Emphasizing the application of organic fertilizers to improve soil crumb structure, enhance plant growth vitality,

increase stress tolerance, and ultimately elevate the quality of the produce. Label_C1_Internal



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

d) Processing in place, carbon reduction

Strategically establishing cultivation bases around the factory, comparing the historical strawberry purchasing area,

reducing transportation costs and ensuring greater efficiency and improved product quality. Based on 2024 season

volume, reduce around 20000 km of transportation, 12,500kg of carbon emission, equal to 21000 kWh electricity


e) Promote a sustainable development for local agriculture structure.

Introducing high-quality crop varieties to optimize the local agricultural structure, contributing to the economic

prosperity of local farmers. Offering stability and guaranteeing long-term, sustainable growth through Andros’ contract

farming model, which includes predetermined purchase prices, while generating additional employment opportunities

for the local community.





Please use the following 3 slides to present your project, including a descriptions of first results,

observations, impact on company or next steps of the project and other additional elements to

help the jury in its analysis of your application.

Additionally, upload photos of your project


ANDROS China - From Orchard to Spoon

General presentation

The project “From Orchard to Spoon”

answerthe commitment of ANDROSGroup

to the development of fruit cultivation in

China. ANDROS combines fruit cultivation

with the practical local crop cultivation

structure, and introduces new commercial

crops, which further drives the high-quality

development of local agricultural

industrial structure.

As part of ANDROS strategic agreement

with Shounong singed at Great Hall of the

Peoplein Beijing,the project“From Orchard

to Spoon” was launched in 2021. Since then,

ANDROS succeed to have 2 full seasons of

strawberry plantation and an experimental

plantation base for variety and plantation


This project allow ANDROS to perfect the

upstream supply and ensure the stable

provision of core fruit as raw materials.

Also improving local agriculture structure

and increase farmers’ income, alsoprovide

more opportunities of employment with

industrial processing in place.



Secure core raw material for ANDROS

Boosting the local economy with agriculture and

industrial activities

Scientific planting technology for better economic and

cost performance

Sino-French agricultural technology inheritance

High-quality development of

local agricultural industrial

structure to build a healthier


Sustainability ANDROS China - From Orchard to Spoon

Degradable film

Organic fertilizers to improve soil crumb structure



Vs. 300t of 2023 Vs. 200+ of 2023 Vs. 15 of 2023


Vs. 44 of 2023

Quantity Surface Collaborators Collection Period

30 +




ton mu

ANDROS China - From Orchard to Spoon

Strawberry Harvest Season summary




3. Centdegres

Project presentation (max 150 words): « 60 Ingredients & Perspectives » is an innovative

perfume initiative by Centdegrés China, developed with French manufacturer MANE and Chinese

perfume experts to celebrate 60 years of Sino-French friendship. The perfume is crafted in an

eco-friendly, dual-colored bottle, symbolizing the blend of Chinese and French heritage. It

features 60 sustainable ingredients from both countries, aiming to enhance understanding of

olfactive culture while prioritizing sustainability at every stage of development.

Your project in one sentence (max 30 words in English): \"60 Ingredients & Perspectives\"

merges sustainability, cultural exchange, and innovation to create an olfactory experience

celebrating 60 years of Sino-French friendship.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

1. Social, Economic, Cultural, and Environmental Impact:

Promotes intercultural appreciation and sustainable business practices, using eco-friendly

materials and sustainable production methods.

2. Sustainability in Practice:

Uses natural ingredients and recyclable packaging, supporting a circular economy in the

luxury sector.

3. Franco-Chinese Collaboration:

A fully integrated Franco-Chinese team enhances cultural ties and shared sustainability


4. Cultural and Historical Significance:

Celebrates 60 years of China-France relations, with a design that symbolizes renewal and

harmony, emphasizing resource preservation.

5. Innovation and Disruption:

Sets a new standard in perfumery by combining storytelling, sustainability, and sensory

experiences, disrupting traditional industry practices.



Please use the following 3 slides to present your project, including a descriptions of first results,

observations, impact on company or next steps of the project and other additional elements to

help the jury in its analysis of your application.

Additionally, upload photos of your project




• Name : 60 Ingredients & Perspectives

• Objective : To create an innovative olfactory experience

celebrating the 60th anniversary of Sino-French friendship by

connecting French and Chinese cultures through the art of

perfumery. The project was developed in collaboration with

MANE and local Chinese experts and launched qt the Luxe Pack

event in 2024, aiming to connect the fragrance histories of both



Project overview and


• Our immersive installation told the story of 60 fragrance ingredients

from France and China, featuring a conceptual perfume designed for

exhibition visitors.

• Environmental Impact: Commitment to circularity and waste

reduction in the production chain.

• Cultural Innovation: Promoting deep intercultural understanding

through the olfactory experience.

• Sino-French Collaboration: Utilizing French expertise and Chinese

resources, reinforcing international partnerships.

• Tangible Results: Strong participation and engagement from the

perfume and cosmetics sectors in both China and France.


Results, impact and next


• Initial Results: Over 200 exhibitors and 5898 industry experts

participated in Luxe Pack event in 2024, with a 30% increase in

international exhibitors and a 12% increase in international visitors.

• Measurable Impact: Promoting cultural understanding through

olfactory innovation and supporting the transition to sustainable

practices in the perfume industry.

• Next Steps: Expanding the platform for intercultural dialogue,

strengthening Sino-French collaborations, and continuing the

integration of sustainable practices in the sector.


4. China Overseas

Introduction of the company (max 150 words): 公司介绍(最多 150 个英文字符)英语:

China Overseas Land and Investment

Established in Hong Kong in 1979, Chinese Overseas Land and Investment (COLE) is a member of China State

Construction Engi- neering (CSCE) which went public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1992 and was eventually

selected as a constituent stock in 2007. The company has a total of 41 years of experience in estate development and

fixed asset operations in over 80 cities cov- ering the regions of Hong Kong, Macau and China mainland as well as

America, the UK, Australia and more.



Which category are you applying for :

- Sino-French Partnership Award- 中法合作伙伴奖

- Empowering Future Leaders Award- 未来领袖赋能奖

- SME excellence Award- 中小企业卓越奖

- Sustainable Innovation & Circularity Award- 可持续创新与循环奖

Name of the project (if there is no name, put the company's name): Sustainable Innovation & Circularity

Award- 可持续创新与循环奖

Date of implementation: 项目执行日期(从xx年开始至)



Project presentation (max 150 words):项目介绍,最多150个字

As a super grade-A zero-carbon business complex in Beijing's core capital district, the China Overseas Finance Center is positioned as the city’s first

large-scale commercial office building that integrates zero-carbon construction technology. It serves as a model for carbon neutrality and peak carbon

goals in alignment with the national strategy. The project integrates 18 key technical measures across four categories, focusing on energy transition,

emission reduction, and low-carbon construction to minimize embodied carbon. The center is designed in accordance with the Three-Star Green

Building certification in China, LEED Gold (pre-certification), and WELL Gold (pre-certification) international standards. Building 1 will be Beijing's first

commercial office building to feature integrated zero-carbon construction and advanced energy solutions like photovoltaic storage, direct current, and

flexible systems, ensuring energy-saving and carbon-reduction throughout the building's life cycle.The project includes 10,000㎡ of urban public green

space, creating a rare private garden in the core district, with each building featuring a rooftop garden, allowing tenants to enjoy a green, ecological

business environment and fostering creativity and passion.

Your project in one sentence (max 30 words in English):用一句话概括您的项目(最多 30 个英文单词):China

Overseas Finance Center is positioned as the city’s first large-scale commercial office building that integrates zero-carbon construction

technology. The center is designed in accordance with the Three-Star Green Building certification in China, LEED Gold (pre-certification), and

WELL Gold (pre-certification) international standards.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words: 项目的优势(四或五个关键论点)--最

多 500 字

-A zero-carbon, Super Grade-A office tower, setting a new benchmark for commercial office facilities in Xicheng District.

-Located within the capital's core area with direct access to two subway lines.

-Empowered by the China Overseas Ecosystem, with expert business services provided by COOC China Overseas Business to

create a warm, professional environment.

-A comprehensive complex that integrates culture, commerce, offices, and leisure.



Please use the following 3 slides to present your project, including a descriptions of first results, observations, impact on

company or next steps of the project and other additional elements to help the jury in its analysis of your application.

Additionally, upload photos of your project 请使用以下 3 张幻灯片介绍您的项目,包括对初步成果的描述、观察结果、



5. Groupama

Introduction of the company (max 150 words):

Groupama SDIG Property Insurance Co., Ltd. is a nationwide property insurance company registered in Chengdu,

Sichuan, with a registered capital of 1.4 billion yuan. The company was formerly known as the French-funded Groupama

Insurance (China) Limited. and the China-foreign joint venture Groupama AVIC Property Insurance Co., Ltd.. On January

26, 2024, it got the approval to update its name as Groupama SDIG Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Currently, it is jointly

held by Shudao Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Groupama Assurances Mutuelles with 50% equity each. It is the only

joint venture insurance company in China that operates policy-based agricultural insurance business. Over the years, the

company has focused on agricultural insurance as a cut-in point and developed comprehensive property insurance

business. Through conceptual innovation, product innovation, model innovation, and service innovation, it provides

customers with services in areas such as agricultural insurance, motor insurance, property insurance, health insurance,

and accident insurance.



Project presentation (max 150 words):

The project responds to critical issues in China's freshwater fishery sector for fish farmers, notably the environmental

degradation and risk of fish mortality caused by eutrophication and chemical pollution in fishponds. Despite the significant

contribution of freshwater fish production, challenges persist, leading to excessive fish waste and declining water quality.

Introducing the Fish-Fungi Rotational Polyculture (FFRP) model, the project revolutionizes aquaculture practices by

combining fish pond farming with morel mushroom cultivation in Sichuan. The growth of fungi absorbs nutrients from fish

ponds and reduces eutrophication, resulting in healthier fish growth, and meanwhile generating great economic value.

This innovative approach enhances agricultural health, boosts crop yields, and promotes eco-friendly practices through

dual harvests, mitigating risks associated with fish pond mud and nutrient absorption.

Your project in one sentence (max 30 words in English): Our project stands out for its deep commitment to

green environmental efforts and our contributions to Sino-French cooperation, with a patent recognized by

the State Intellectual Property Administration of China.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

1. Problem Addressed: The project responds to critical issues in China's freshwater fishery sector for

fish farmers, notably the environmental degradation and risk of fish mortality caused by eutrophication and

chemical pollution in fishponds. Despite the significant contribution of freshwater fish production,

challenges persist, leading to excessive fish waste and declining water quality.

2. Proposed Solution: Introducing the Fish-Fungi Rotational Polyculture (FFRP) model, the project

revolutionizes aquaculture practices by combining fish pond farming with morel mushroom cultivation in

Sichuan. The growth of fungi absorbs nutrients from fish ponds and reduces eutrophication, resulting in

healthier fish growth, and meanwhile generating great economic value. This innovative approach

enhances agricultural health, boosts crop yields, and promotes eco-friendly practices through dual

harvests, mitigating risks associated with fish pond mud and nutrient absorption.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

3. Operational Mechanism: This pioneering project, led by Groupama SDIG Property Insurance Co., Ltd.,

introduces a fish and fungi rotation model that involves planting morel mushrooms in fish ponds during the

fishing moratorium. Through many comparisons and selections, we innovatively combine common local

fish species with morel mushrooms. Morel mushrooms were originally a fungus with extremely demanding

growing conditions but high economic value, but with such a way of growing, morel mushroom cultivation

has become easier. For example, In Xinjin District, approximately 400 hectares of ponds are suitable for

morel mushroom cultivation. By implementing this approach in 50% of the fish ponds, the cultivation area

could increase by 200 hectares, yielding around 750 tons. Using a production value of 5.5 yuan/㎡, the

estimated economic benefit is about 51 million yuan. In Chengdu city, with a total culture pond area of

8004 hectares, there is significant potential to expand the morel mushroom cultivation during the fish

culture rest period.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

4. Added Value and Innovation: The project stands at the forefront of innovation in the crop rotation

industry, introducing patented technology that not only enhances agricultural productivity but also fosters

environmental conservation and improves farmers’ income. By integrating the cultivation of morel

mushrooms, it not only addresses existing industry research gaps but also generates high-value derivative

products, thereby facilitating market diversification and stimulating economic growth. Moreover, its utility

model patent certification provides a solid foundation for legitimacy and ensures robust intellectual

property protection. Specifically, the project employs innovative trellising techniques, such as creating

circular ditches around the trellis, to optimize soil nutrient distribution, thereby enhancing agricultural

productivity while simultaneously minimizing environmental impact. Reducing risk in fishery production

with our core patented technology can provide our customers with core services that are innovative and

economically valuable.



Please use the following 3 slides to present your project, including a descriptions of first results, observations, impact on

company or next steps of the project and other additional elements to help the jury in its analysis of your application.

Additionally, upload photos of your project





Fill in the pool

Grow the fish

Zero income during these

periods. Ponds are empty

and set aside.

No cleaning fees, fungi

absorbs the nutrient and

generates income



Rotational Model

1. Cyclic operating model of ecological agriculture

2. 5-time increase of trading income generated

3. Aquaculture wastewater discharge decrease

Accumulated Trading Income

Pure Aquaculture Fish-Fungi

Fishing off season

Next Year




 Franco-Chinese joint venture

 Actuarial analysis and emerging common solutions

 Local implementation and development in Sichuan

 Agricultural production and operation technology as value-added service

 Cultivation technique ranking No.1 in the industry & Patent

 Technology improvements, new types explored, 60% decrease of pond disease

 More premium income from planting fungi insurance

 “Insurance+credit” operating model 4 criteria

 Additional sources of income from fungi planting

 Reduction of pond cleaning labor cost

 Fungi planting revenue or renting benefits

 New fungi types explored, like stropharia rugoso-annulata

 Alleviation of potential pollution to the water and soil resources


6. Havas

Introduction of the company (max 150 words):

Havas is one of the world’s largest global communications groups. Founded in 1835 in

Paris, the Group employs 23,000 people in more than 100 countries and operates through

its three business units covering all communication activities. Havas Group’s mission is to

make a meaningful difference to brands, businesses and people. To better anticipate client

needs, Havas has adopted a fully integrated model through its 70+ Havas Villages around

the world. In these Villages, creative, media and healthcare & wellness teams work

together, ensuring agility and a seamless experience for clients. We are committed to

building a diverse culture where everybody feels they belong, can be themselves, thrive

and grow.




Which category are you applying for :

- Sino-French PartnershipAward

- Empowering Future Leaders Award

- SME excellence Award

- Sustainable Innovation & CircularityAward

Name of the project (if there is no name, put the company's name): Havas Impact+

Date of implementation: start in 2020 and has been ongoing ever since




Project presentation (max 150 words):

As the first communications group to sign a significant carbon footprint reduction

agreement with the United Nations, Havas is dedicated to creating a meaningful difference

for clients, brands, and society through innovative media communication.

‘Havas Impact+’ is a unique Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative launched in

2020, centering around three key pillars: Environment, Meaningful Communications, and

People. This initiative fulfills our duty to nature and humanity.

Your project in one sentence (max 30 words in English):

A unique Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative centered around three key pillars:

Environment, Meaningful Communications, and People.




The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

1. Reducing the environmental footprint of our operations and joining the fight against

climate change.

2. Motivating our agencies to use creativity and to help clients make a positive societal

impact, promoting harmony among business, people, and the planet.

3. Building a healthy and harmonious work environment.

4. Establishing social responsibility policies for our supply chain.

5. Encouraging business transparency and ethics.

6. Promoting responsible communication among our agencies and partners.




Please use the following 3 slides to present your project, including a descriptions of first results,

observations, impact on company or next steps of the project and other additional elements to

help the jury in its analysis of your application.

Additionally, upload photos of your project





A few days before the Olympic Games, Havas has received the EcoVadis Gold medal

with a score of 75/100, placing us in the top 5% of companies assessed by EcoVadis

over the last twelve months.

EcoVadis is a global provider of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) rating

services. It offers comprehensive assessment services to companies through a SaaS

cloud platform. These assessments cover a range of impacts including the

environment, labor and human rights, business ethics, and sustainable

procurement. The EcoVadis rating system evaluates companies based on significant

issues related to their size, country and region, and industry, with scores ranging

from 0 to 100, accompanied by medals such as bronze, silver, and gold.

We have significantly progressed from a score of 67/100 (Silver) in 2023 to 75/100

(Gold) in 2024 with a progression on each pillar (Environment, social & Human

rights, Ethics, Sustainable Procurement) and this despite a stricter rating system

year after year.This achievement reflects our commitment to integrating

sustainable and responsible practices into all ouractivities.



OCEAN Leading the overhaul ofCONSERVATION Palau‘s entry policy, we’ve enabled visitors to sign an ecological protection declaration on

their passports upon arrival, restoring the ocean‘s cleanliness.



SPECIES We innovate with Lacoste’s brand logo to raise public awareness for wildlife protection, leading the way in global

environmentally friendly consumptiontrends.




Y2024, we partner with a pharmaceutical client to launch their first CSR event in China with a 'Health Run'

at Shanghai's Xuhui Riverside, linking 11 cities all over China and promoting a nationwide smoke-free,

healthy lifestyle for a better future.




Regularly hosting internal sharing sessions on Caring for ‘Employee Health' and 'Mental Health', we leverage the

professional strengths of Havas Health & You to provide long-term health and wellness support for our employees and

their families.

Focusing on the societal issue of aging, we recently held an internal sharing session on ‘Medical Foods and Their Impact

on Human Health’. Pay attention to the knowledge dissemination of 'Nutrition and Medical Foods' for our employees'

elderly parents, aiming to boost their health quality and the happiness index of the whole family


