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JINAN STATISTICAL YEARBOOK Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical IndicatorsTotal Retail Sales of Consumer Goods refer to the revenue
received by enterprises (units, self-employed individuals) through
direct sales of non-production and non-business physical
commodities to individuals and social institutions, and revenue from
providing catering services. Individuals include rural and urban
households, population from abroad, social institutions include
government agencies, social organizations, military units, schools,
institutions, neighbourhood (village) committees, etc.
Total Sales of Commodities refers to the amount of goods sold to
institutions and individuals outside the institution (including value-added
tax), as well as the amount of goods sold to the institution and with VAT
invoices provided by the institution. The total sales revenue of wholesale
and retail industriesis calculated based on the total goods amount of goods
sold domestically and abroad. The commodities include: (1) commodities
sold to individuals and social groups for their consumption; (2)
commodities sold to establishments in all industries for their
production and operation, including agriculture, industry,
construction, and catering services, including commodities sold to
wholesale and retail establishments for re-selling, with or without
further processing; (3) commodities for direct export to abroad.
Excluded are (1) extended commodities without trading, such as goods handed over to other enterprises and institutions because of
the change of organizations, lent goods, return of goods kept for
others, extended processing materials and samples donated to others,
(2) goods sold by coupon rebates that are not included in business
income, (3) goods of direct settlement between buyer and seller with
handling fees introduced by others, (4) prepaid cards for goods
without transfer of ownership, such as gas cards, (5) Service-oriented
economic activities such as automobile maintenance and telephone
card sales, (6) goods returned after purchase, (7) damaged and
spoiled goods, (8) waste and used goods of self-use, (9) futures
trading commodities, (10) water, electricity and gas supplied by
water supply enterprises, electric power enterprises and natural gas
supply enterprises.
Wholesale Trade refers to the activities of selling wholesale
commodities for daily use and capital goods to other enterprises of
wholesale and retail trades (including self-employed individuals) and
other enterprises, institutions and government agencies and
organizations, and the activities of engaging in import and export
and acting as a trade agent. The wholesaler may have the ownership
of the commodities for wholesale and trade in the name of its own (a
company), and the wholesaler can act as commission agent or commodity broker without the ownership of commodities. Also
included are the wholesale activities at the fixed stalls in wholesale
market and the acquisition for sales purpose.
Retail Trade refers to the activities of department stores,
supermarkets, franchised stores, brand stores, retail stalls andon-the-spot-making-selling stores selling commodities to thefinal consumers (residents) by any means, including internet, post,
telephone, sales machine. It also includes shops with sales and productionlocated in the same places (such as bakeries). Retail trade excludes theactivities of sales of capital goods such as grain, seed, feed, livestock,
mineral products, raw material for production, industrial chemicals,
chemical productsfor agricultural use, machine and equipment (excludingvehicles, computers and communication equipment). Most retailershave the ownership of commodities to sell, but some are actingasagents or brokers to make transactions for a commission.
Hotel Services refer to short-term accommodation servicesprovided to visitors. Some units may provide only accommodationwhile others provide a combination of accommodation, meals,
business services and recreational facilities. It excludes activitiesrelated to the provision of long-term primary residences, typicallyleased on a monthly or annual basis.
Catering Services refer to the activities of providingfoods,
serving locations and facilities to customers through instant
processing, commercial sales and service-type labor.
Hotels and Catering Services Business Revenue referstototal revenue (including VAT) of hotels and catering servicesreceived from providing services or selling commodities throughbusiness activities. Revenue comes mainly fromprovidinghotels,
catering services, selling of commodities and other services, suchascommodity services. It does not include revenue fromprovidingmeals or selling of commodities by establishments affiliatedtoothermulti-industrial corporate enterprises. Income fromhotel roomsrefers to income (including VAT) of hotels and catering servicesbyproviding lodging services through business activities. Incomefrommeals refers to income (including VAT) fromproviding cateringservices, including selling of cooked or prepared foods, suchasstaple food, cooked dishes, or cold dishes. It does not include incomefrom meals provided by establishments affiliated toothermulti-industrial corporate enterprises.
Large Commodity Markets with Transaction Valueover100 Million Yuan refers to the commodity markets with anannual
transaction at and above 100 million. The commodity markets referto markets approved and managed by related departments, wherethere are fixed sites, facilities, managers and administrative offices,
where there are a certain number of traders to operate for at least
three months or all the year, where the commodities, includingarticles for daily consumption and capital goods and services, aretraded in a centralized, independent and open way. Such marketsinclude markets for daily goods, markets of capital goods, etc.