-341-Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical IndicatorsResearch and Experimental Development (R&D) refers to
creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of
knowledge (including knowledge of humankind, culture and society) and
to devise new applications of available knowledge. R&D includes 3
categories of activities: basic research, applied research and experimental
development. The scale and intensity of R&D are widely used
internationally to reflect the strength of S&T and the core
competitiveness of a country in the world.
Basic Research refers to experimental or theoretical work
undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge of the underlying
foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without any particular
application or use in view. Basic research usually formulates hypotheses,
theories or laws, and its results are mainly released or disseminated in the
form of scientific papers or monographs or research reports.
Applied Research refers to original investigation undertaken in
order to acquire new knowledge. It is directed primarily towards a
specific, practical aim or objective. Purpose of the applied research is to
identify the possible uses of results from basic research, or to explore new (fundamental) methods or new approaches. Results of applied
research are expressed in the form of scientific papers, monographs,
fundamental models or invention patents.
Experimental Development refers to systematic work, drawing on
knowledge gained from research and practical experience and producing
additional knowledge, which is directed to producing new products or processes or to improving existing products or processes. Results of
experimental development activities are embodied in patents, exclusive
technology, and monotype of new products or equipment.
R&D Personnel refer to persons of R&D activities units engaged
in basic research, applied research, and experimental development at the
reference period, including persons of directly participating in the three
activities above, as well as management and direct service staff related to
R&D activities, such as literature provision, material supply, equipment
maintenance staff, it excludes persons providing indirect support andancillary services,such as canteen and security staff.
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel refers to the ratioofworking hours actually spent on R&D during a specific reference period(usually a calendar year) divided by the total number of hoursconventionally worked in the same period by an individual or bya group.
The measurement unit of the ratio is “man-years”. This is aninternationally comparable indicator of S&T manpower input.
Expenditure on R&D refers to the real expenditure of surveyedunits on their own R&D activities in reporting period. It is dividedintocurrent expenditures and gross fixed capital expenditures for R&Daccording to the nature of expenditure. It doesn’t include thefeestransferred to cooperated or entrusted agencies on R&Dactivities.
Sales Income of New Products refers to the sales income of newproducts of the enterprises at the reference period. Newproducts refer toproducts developed and produced with new technologies and designsorimproved in structure, material, process or other aspects so that theirperformance are improved or their functions expanded. Newproductsinclude those affirmed by government authorities in their validityperiodand also those developed by enterprises without the affirmationofgovernment authorities within one year after they are put into production.
Patent is an abbreviation for the patent right and refers totheexclusive right of ownership by the inventors or designers for thecreation or inventions, given from the China National Intellectual
Property Administration after due process of assessment and approval inaccordance with the Patent Law. Patents are granted for inventions,
utility models and designs. This indicator reflects the achievementsofS&T and design with independent intellectual property.
Patented Inventions refer to new technical proposals totheproducts or methods or their modifications. This is universal coreindicator reflecting the technologies with independent intellectual