
发布时间:2021-11-22 | 杂志分类:其他


Business Landscape 1973年,Martin Naughton先生在纽里 创立了格伦电器,并于1978年实现了 商业版图 对当时英国最大的电加热制造商⸺ ... [收起]
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TO BE A LEADER IN THE TRANSITION TO A SUSTAINABLE WORLD Glen Dimplex (China) Precision Cooling Machinery Co., Ltd. 格 伦 汀 普 莱 斯( 中 国 )精 密 制 冷 机 械 有 限 公 司


Business Landscape 1973年,Martin Naughton先生在纽里 创立了格伦电器,并于1978年实现了 商业版图 对当时英国最大的电加热制造商⸺ 汀普莱斯的收购,至此,格伦汀普莱斯 The company was founded in Newry in 1973 by Martin Naughton as Glen Electric and in June 1978 became 集团正式成立。时至今日,作为全球最 Glen Dimplex after a merger with Dimplex, a large electric heating appliance manufacturer in Britain. Today 大的电加热解决方案提供商,格伦汀 Glen Dimplex is the world’s largest electrical heating business and the company employs several thousand 普莱斯在全球拥有数千名员工。位于 people all around the world. The holding company’s revenues are made up of revenues from more than 25 爱尔兰、北爱尔兰、英格兰、德国、奥地 subsidiaries based in Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Germany, Austria, Canada, Holland, France, 利、加拿大、荷兰、法国、挪威、美国、新 Norway, the United States, New Zealand, Australia, China and India. 西兰、澳大利亚、中国和印度等地的 25家子公司共同构筑了格伦汀普莱 The Group is splitting the operations in four business units: Flame, Heating & Ventilation, House- 斯的业绩版图。 hold Appliances and Precision Cooling. 如今,在供暖、暖通、家电、精密制 To this day, Glen Dimplex is an incredible example of sustainability and adaption. Wherever you 冷四大运营板块的支撑下,格伦汀 look, be it at home, work or in public places, there is a good chance that Glen Dimplex has had a 普莱斯已成为可持续发展和产品 hand in some of the electrical appliances present. 普适化的行业典范。无论是在家、 公司或者其他任何公共场所,您都 01 可能看到格伦汀普莱斯的身影。 02


Social Responsibility 此外,在应对气候变化方面,我们围绕加热、制冷和通风等 核心技术 ,为大众提供了低碳和可再生的产品和服务解决 社会责任 方案,也正因我们在改善社会民生方面做出的卓越贡献, 集团创始人Martin Naughton先生在2018年5月荣获了奥斯 Extending from this, the company has also played 陆商业促和平奖。 a significant part in bettering society. In 2018 the 类似的奖项还包括2014年,Martin先生在商业颁奖庆典上 founder Martin Naughton was awarded an Oslo 获得杰出成就奖,以及2016年,格伦汀普莱斯在商业与融 Business for Peace Award in May for his contribu- 资颁奖礼上荣膺“爱尔兰百大企业”殊荣。 tion in establishing a corporate department on renewable and low-carbon solutions for heating, 04 cooling and ventilation in attempting to tackle climate change. Achievements such as these have seen Glen Dim- plex referenced at the Business & Finance Awards 2016 as part of 100 Great Irish Companies and Martin himself receiving the Outstanding Achieve- ment in Business Award at the 2014 awards cere- mony. 03


WE WE Think Customer Care about People 我们关注客户 我们以人为本 Without customers, our business doesn’t exist. Serving our People are everything to us; everything we do involves people. Making sure customers with the best products and service is essential. that we understand them, and their unique needs, is a key to our success. 客户是企业的立命之本,为客户提供可靠的产品和服务是我们的重中之重。 人才是企业的一切,企业运营离不开人才。懂人知人是企业成功的关键。 05 06


WE WE Value Innovation Keep it Simple 我们倡导创新 我们简捷高效 Innovation was what brought our company into existence ‒ we need to continue to Over the years, Glen Dimplex has become bigger, and more complex. As we innovate to make sure that we remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. continue to grow, it becomes even more important to keep things simple. 创新是企业的命脉,创新使我们能够久立于瞬息万变的世界。 过往数年,格伦汀普莱斯的规模不断壮大庞杂,简捷高效就变得日益重要。 07 08




COMPANY VISION To be a global leader in sustainable cooling & heating solutions for industrial processes 企业愿景 到2025年,在工业制程领域,成为稳定制冷和供暖解决方案的全球领导者 COMPANY PURPOSE We provide process cooling and heating solutions and services for our customers that provide superior reliability and efficien- 公司目标 cy for their most demanding applications 针对客户最关心的需求,我们为其提供稳定、高效的制冷和加热解决方案与服务 STRATEGIC INTENT 战略方针 To be the globial market leader in medical technology and industrial technology. To develop the basis for securing the long-term growth by transforming our business from product sales to system providers & expanded customer services 在医学领域和工业领域成为全球市场领导者。为了确保业务长期增长,我们力求从产品销售向系统方案供应商的转变,并延展客 户服务的广度与深度 11 12


Clemens Dereschkewitz “The framework conditions for our future - from coping with climate change to efficient energy use - are fundamentally changing to our advantage. We have to make the best possible use of these great opportunities.\" 无论是应对气候变化还是追求效能,未来世界的基本面正转向格伦汀普莱斯的优势领域,面对这一机遇我们势在必得。 Lara Kauchak Developing and manufacturing products that protect the climate and thus the future of our children is extremely meaningful work. 通过研发和制造产品来保护环境,继而守护孩子们的未来,此举意义非凡。 David Riemenschneider We want to be a leader in the transition to a sustainable world. 我们要成为世界向可持续发展转变这一进程中的领导者。 13 14


Clemens Dereschkewitz 16 In the area of cooling, we strive for international technology and quality leadership for sustainable customer solutions in the area of process cooling. That means we want to develop from a product provider to a solution provider. 在制冷领域,我们力争成为技术与质量的全球领袖,在过程制冷方面为客户提供稳定的解决方案。我们期待从产品制造商向解决 方案提供商的华丽转身。 Sascha Paulus Refrigeration technology already requires more than 15 percent of the total primary energy. It is responsible for over eight percent of global CO² emissions. At the same time, the market is growing by a further 4.5 percent every year. If we superim- pose these two tendencies, then it becomes clear what a great responsibility we will have for future generations. With our work we can make a really important contribution to a better future. That is my personal motivation. 制冷技术本身会消耗超过15%的一次能源,也贡献了全球8%的二氧化碳排放。同时,制冷相关市场以4.5%的年均增速不断扩张。 综合这两个因素考虑,我们清楚地意识到自身肩负的重任。我们的事业能够助力更好的未来,这使我动力满满。 15


David Riemenschneider 18 In the future we must be able to offer our customers in America the same product locally in Asia as in Europe and in America - just adapted to the local regulations in each region. In this context, it is of course a great advantage for Glen Dimplex to have plants in Kulmbach (Germany), Kalamazoo (USA) and Shenyang (China, with the same quality standards but local supply base. 未来,我们必将为在亚洲、欧洲和美洲的客户提供符合所在地标准的 本地化产品和服务。因此,在德国库尔姆巴赫、美国卡拉马祖和中国 沈阳建立工厂并贯彻统一的生产质量标准将成为格伦汀普莱斯强有 力的优势。 17


Clemens Dereschkewitz David Riemenschneider With this global platform strategy, Riedel Kool- At Riedel Kooling, we not only develop and ing is expanding the brand's previous strengths: produce catalog items, but rather perfect, flexible, customer-specific solutions for industri- individual cooling solutions for custom-fit use al applications, high quality and reliability as by the customer. well as a wide range of cooling capacities. 依托于全球业务,Riedel Kooling一贯的品牌效 在Riedel Kooling,我们不仅生产标准品,更为客户 应正逐步显现:灵活、关注工业客户实际需求, 打造完美的、契合其定制化需要的制冷解决方案。 高品质和可靠性以及广域的制冷量。 20 At our locations in Europe, American and China are having development teams with a high level of competence and a lot of experi- ence to provide customized product and service solutions. 在欧洲、美国和中国,我们均有强大的研发团队, 他们具备丰富且过硬的定制化产品和服务经验。 19


Customer feedbacks 22 Dimplex perceived as supportive peer in advising as an expert in cooling with highly trusted engineering capabilities 汀普莱斯是我们可靠的合作伙伴,在制冷方面为我们提出了非常专业的建议,值得信赖 Very reliable prototypes 原理样机非常可靠 Engineers reacted well to agile development creating a co-development (格伦汀普莱斯)工程师对于敏捷开发的回复很积极,这有助于我们双方的联合开发 Receptive and knowledgeable counterpart (格伦汀普莱斯的工程师)博学而又深入浅出 Open and transparent throughout production process 开放和透明的生产过程 Great service group 非常好的服务团队 Steady availability via phone is a big plus 电话时刻保持开机是(格伦汀普莱斯服务团队的)加分项 High quality production output 高品质产品的输出 Experts highly reliable 专业团队非常可靠 21
