了其主要分析(n=499357)。肥胖分级标准为:按BMI分为肥胖(≥30.0 kg/m²)、超重(25.0-29.9 kg/m²)、
正常体重(18.5-24.9 kg/m²)和体重不足(<18.5 kg/m²)。肥胖进一步分为class1(BMI 30·0–34·9
kg/m²)、class2(35·0–39·9 kg/m²)和class3(≥40 kg/m² )。简单共病:同时存在两种肥胖相关性疾病;
诺和诺德医学资讯 / 学术前沿 / 2022年度荟萃
113 578 people in eligible population from
Finnish Public Sector Study
114 657 included in final study population for
primary analysis
1 388 672 person-years of follow-up
189 727 hospitalisations
4083 deaths
21 893 excluded due to no
response to survey
91 685 responded to survey in 2000–13
991 excluded due to
missing data on BMI
90 694 with no missing data on BMI
90 669 participants linked to electronic
records for follow-up
25 excluded due to
death or did not
provide consent
to record linkage
64 797 people in eligible population from
Health and Social Support Study
38 899 excluded due to no
response to survey
25 898 responded to survey in 1998–2003
89 excluded due to
missing data on BMI
25 809 with no missing data on BMI
23 988 participants linked to electronic
records for follow-up
1821 excluded due to
death or did not
provide consent
to record linkage
Approximately 9·1 million people in eligible
population from UK Biobank
Approximately 8·6 million
excluded due to no
response to survey
502 665 participated in clinical examination in
3105 excluded due to
missing data on BMI
499 560 with no missing data on BMI
499 357 included in study population for
replication analysis
5 902 948 person-years of follow-up
1 053 133 hospitalisations
20 340 deaths
203 excluded because
did not provide
consent to record
Primary analysis Replication analysis