
发布时间:2022-5-06 | 杂志分类:其他


微信公众号:深圳(南山)中加学校微信视频号:深圳(南山)中加学校 联系电话:0755 26568886、0755 26568889地址:深圳市南山区南光路 166 号 网址:http://zjxx.szns.edu.cn/个人简述 Personal Statement请面试前填写以下材料。Please fill in the information before the interview.1. 学生姓名 Student Name2. 学生性别 Student Gender3. 户籍 Household Registration【不定项选择】 □中国内地 TheMainland of China□中国香港 HK□中国香港回乡证 HK Home Visit Permit□其他 Other 4. 选择就读的班级类型 Select the Class【单选】 □香港高考班 The Class of HKDSE □国际班 The Class of International Courses 5. 目前所在学校或初中毕业学校 Current School or Junior High Schoo... [收起]
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微信公众号:深圳(南山)中加学校微信视频号:深圳(南山)中加学校 联系电话:0755 26568886、0755 26568889

地址:深圳市南山区南光路 166 号 网址:http://zjxx.szns.edu.cn/

个人简述 Personal Statement

请面试前填写以下材料。Please fill in the information before the interview.

1. 学生姓名 Student Name

2. 学生性别 Student Gender

3. 户籍 Household Registration【不定项选择】

□中国内地 TheMainland of China□中国香港 HK□中国香港回乡证 HK Home Visit Permit□其他 Other

4. 选择就读的班级类型 Select the Class【单选】

□香港高考班 The Class of HKDSE □国际班 The Class of International Courses

5. 目前所在学校或初中毕业学校 Current School or Junior High School

6. 目前所在年级 Current Grade【单选】

□高三 Grade 12□高二 Grade 11□高一 Grade 10□初三 Grade 9□初二 Grade 8□其他 Other

7. 爱好和兴趣 Hobbies and Interests

8. 社区服务等志愿活动 Community Service and other volunteer activities

9. 其他奖项及成绩 Other awards and achievements

10. 自我能力评估 Self-Evaluation:

(Excellent 优秀;Good 良好;Satisfactory 可以;Unsatisfactory 不好)

生活自理能力 Independent Living Skills【 】

数学等理科能力 Mathematics and other Science Skills【 】

组织管理能力 Organizational Management Ability【 】

运动艺术能力 Athletic Artistic Ability【 】

综合学习能力 Study Ability【 】

计算机水平 Computer Skills【 】

英语口语 Oral【 】

英语听力 Listening【 】

英语阅读 Reading【 】

英语写作 Writing【 】


微信公众号:深圳(南山)中加学校微信视频号:深圳(南山)中加学校 联系电话:0755 26568886、0755 26568889

地址:深圳市南山区南光路 166 号 网址:http://zjxx.szns.edu.cn/

特殊情况 Special Conditions

11. 申请人在生理或心理上是否有药物或者其它特殊要求?如有,请注明。Does the applicant have any

special needs either physical or emotional that requires medication or assistance? If yes, please explain.

12. 申请人是否曾在过去接受过身体或心理治疗?如是,请说明。Has the applicant received the services of

Physician or Psychologist at any time? If yes, please explain.

13. 申请人是否对任何物品/食品/液体/药物有过敏或不良反应?如是,请说明。Does the applicant allergic

to any substance?(Food /Liquid or Medicine)If yes, please explain.

14. 毕业后留学意向?Where do you want to study aboard after graduating from high school?


□加拿大 Canada□美国 United States□英国 United Kingdom□澳大利亚 Australia□中国香港 HK

□中国澳门 Macao□其他 Other

15. 最感兴趣研究的科目? Which subjects are you most interested in studying?


□科学 Science□数学 Mathematics□经济和金融 Economics and Finance□人文 Humanities

□艺术 Arts□其他 Other□不选 Undecided

请综合以上资料,用英文写一篇 100-150 字的自我介绍 Please synthesize the information given above and

write a 100-150 words' introduce yourself in English.

学生签名 Student’s signature:

日 期 Date:

我保证以上内容真实可信!I guarantee the information provided above is true and correct!


深圳(南山)中加学校招生考试 部分样题 — 英语

(本次测试共 60 分钟)


I: Listening

Task 1

You will hear 8 statements. The statements will be spoken twice. After each statement, there will

be a pause of 10 seconds. During the pause, you'll read the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D).

You should choose the one that is closest in meaning to the statement you hear.


You will hear:Only a third of the 30 students passed the exam.

You will read:

A) 20 students passed the exam. B) 20 students failed the exam.

C) 10 students took the exam. D) 10 students failed the exam.

Choice B) \"20 students failed the exam.\" is closest in meaning to the statement \"Only a third of

the 30 students passed the exam.\" Therefore, B) is the correct answer. Now listen.


fall behind (落后)

get along with (相处) stand (容忍)

1 A) She likes English. B) English is difficult for her.

C) She doesn't study English. D) She doesn't like English.

2 A) Lesson One is more difficult. B) Both lessons are difficult.

C) Lesson Two is more difficult. D) Neither lesson is difficult.

3 A) John is good at French.

B) John doesn't study French any more.

C) John starts to study French.

D) John will study French.

4 A) I like Chinese best. . B) I don't like Chinese at all.

C) I like Chinese a little D) I like all the courses.

5 A) This book is the cheapest.

B) This book is the most expensive.

C) This book helped the most.

D) This book is not useful.

6 A) He has been teaching for 28 years.

B) He has been teaching for 26 years.

C) He has been teaching for 59 years.

D) He has been teaching for 33 years.

7 A) French is easier for Henry.

B) Henry doesn't want to study French.

C) Chinese is easier for Henry.


D) Henry doesn't want to study Chinese.

8 A) Susan falls behind her classmates.

B) Susan can't stand her classmates.

C) Susan likes to talk with others.

D) Susan can't get along well with others.

Task 2

Listen to Conversation 1, and then fill in the English programs they like. The conversation will be

spoken twice. 每题两个单词。

English Programs

Mike 1 English ………. and ………

Lily 2 News and ………. ………..

Listen to Conversation 2. What language do they speak? (每题不超过 3 个单词)

Language Language

Helen 3 …………………………………. Robert 4 ……………………………………..

II. Reading comprehension

Passage 1

Plants – A Human Lifeline

A. Plants grow in almost every part of the world. They grow on mountaintops, in oceans,

and in many desert and polar regions. You see plants, such as flowers, grass, and trees nearly

every day.

B. Since people could not live without air or food, there would be no life on the earth

without plants. Oxygen in the air we breathe comes from plants, as does much of the food we

eat. The seeds from plants, such as corn, rice, and wheat are the chief sources of food in most

parts of the world. We eat bread and many other products made from these three grains. We eat

the roots of plants when we eat beets, carrots, or sweet potatoes. We eat the leaves of cabbage,

lettuce, and spinach plants; the stems of asparagus and celery plants; and the flower buds of

broccoli and cauliflower plants. The fruits of many plants also provide us with food. They include

apples, bananas, berries, and oranges, as well as some nuts and vegetables. Coffee and tea also

come from plants.

C. Scientists believe there are over 260, 000 kinds of plants on the earth, but no one

knows for sure. Some tiny (微小的) plants that grow on the forest floor can barely (几乎不能) be

seen. Others tower over people and animals. Among the largest living plants on earth are the

sequoia trees of California. These giants (巨人,巨物) stand over 290 feet high and 30 feet wide.

D. Many of our most useful medicines are made from plants. Some of these plants have

been used for medicine for hundreds of years. More than 400 years ago, for example, some

Indian tribes of South America used the bark of the cinchona tree to reduce fever. The bark is still

used to make quinine, a drug used to treat malaria. Another drug, called digitalis, is used in

treating heart disease. It is made from the dried leaves of the purple foxglove plant. The roots of


the Mexican yam are used in producing cortisone, a drug useful in treating arthritis, a disease

that causes painful joints.

E. Plants supply people with many raw materials. Trees give us lumber for building

homes and making furniture. Wood chips are used in manufacturing paper and paper products.

Plants also provide an important source of fuel. In many parts of the world, people burn wood to

heat their homes or to cook their food.

F. Besides being a source of useful materials, plants add beauty and pleasure to our lives.

Most people enjoy the smell of flowers, the sight of a field of waving grain, and the quiet within a


1.The first paragraph tells mainly:

a)Why plants are important

b)Where plants are found

c)How plants provide oxygen

d)Which pants are used for food

2.Which of these foods comes from the root of a plant?





3.Which of these happened over 400 years ago?

a)Digitalis was used to treat heart disease

b)The bark of the cinchona tree was used to reduce fever.

c)The Mexican yam was used to treat arthritis.

d)A cure for malaria was first discovered.

4.What is one reason that the exact number of plants on earth is not known?

a)Some plants are too small to notice.

b)Some plants grow under the ground.

c)Some plants grow in polar regions.

d)Some plants are invisible.

5.In the article, sequoia trees are compared to

a)A tower


c)Large plants

d)A mountain

6.Predict what would happen if there were no plants on the earth.

a)People could no longer build homes of wood.

b)There would be no fuel to heat homes.

c)All forms of life would die.


d)There would be no food source for animals.

本文共有 6 段,A-F, 判断下面的信息出现在哪一段(注:不是原文内容原封不动再现)。

比如: “Peaceful life in woods”与 F 段这句话意思一样 “and the quiet within a forest.”,所以答案

是 F.

7. A source of fuel to keep warm

8. The size of some plants

9. Special part of a tree was used to treat diseases.

10. names of some fruits.

III Writing (at least 100 words)

Schooling is no longer (不再) necessary, since (因为) more and more information is accessible (可

以获得的) on the internet, and students can study just as well at home.


第一段:背景句 + 你的立场

第二段:第一个理由 + 原因/例子等扩展句

第三段:第二个理由 + 原因/例子等扩展



- 1 -

深圳(南山)中加学校招生考试 样题 — 数学

(考试时间:60 分钟,总分:100 分,共 4 页)

一、选择题 Multiple choice questions.(每题 3 分,共 30 分)

1.The opposite number (相反数) of5is ( )

A. 5 B. C. D.

2.据有关部门统计,某年“五一小长假 ”期间,广东各大景点共接待游客约14420000人次,将数14420000

用科学记数法表示为( )

A. B. C. D.

3. The median(中位数)of numbers0, 1, 3, 6, 5, 8, 2 is ( )

A.3 B.6 C.2 D.5

4. 下列图形中,既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的有几个 ( )

(1) 平行四边形 (2) 等边三角形 (3) 圆 (4) 正方形 (5)等腰三角形

A.一个 B.两个 C.三个 D.四个

5. In the same coordinate system(坐标系),which of the following could be the graphs(图象)of y=ax-3 and


2+a ( )

A. B. C. D.

6. The solution (解) of equation ?

2 ―2? ― 8 = 0 is ( )

A. 2, -4 B. 2, 4 C. -2, 4 D. -2, -4

7. If equation has no root (方程无根),then ( )

A. B. C. D.

8. 今年高三某同学同时被A、B、C、D、E五所名校录取,因为她非常喜欢这五所学校,一时无法决定去

哪所。如果她通过抽签的方式来选,请问:抽中A或C的概率是多少?( )

A. B. C. D.

 5




1 

7 1.442 10

7 0.1442 10

8 1.442 10

8 0.1442 10


x  3x  m  0



m 



m 



m 













- 2 -

9. ( )

A.1 B.     C. D. 2

10.The graph of function is shown right,which one is false (错误) ( )

A.a>0 B.b>0 C.c<0 D.abc>0

二、填空题Fill in the blanks(每题3分,共15分)

11. If point (3, -5) is on the graph of ,then k =____.

12. 因式分解3?


-12 =      .

13. As shown in the figure right,if l1//l2,and ∠A=40°,∠1=60°,then ∠2=   .

14. 制作某种机器零件,小明做 200 个零件与小芳做 150 个零件所用的时间相同,已知小明每小时比小芳

多做 20 个零件.设小芳每小时做 x 个零件,则可列方程为      .

15. If ,then a+b =.

三、解答题 Free-response questions(共 55 分)

16.(5 分)Calculate (计算):

17.(8 分):Simplify and find the value of (先化简,再代数求值). [。

 

o o 2sin 30 tan 45



1 1 3


y  ax  bx  c



x  a+2  b 1  0

2022 0 o (1)  3  cos60








2 2 

 


a a





- 3 -

18.(14 分)某校组织了以“明德书香”为主题的电子小报制作比赛,评分结果只有 60,70,80,90,100




(2)已知该校收到参赛作品共 900 份,比赛成绩达到 90 分以上(含 90 分)的为优秀作品,据此估计该


19.(14 分)某公司购买了一批 A、B 型芯片,其中 A 型芯片的单价比 B 型芯片的单价少 9 元,已知该公

司用 3120 元购 买 A 型芯片的条数与用 4200 元购买 B 型芯片的条数相等。

(1)求该公司购买的 A、B 型芯片的单价各是多少元?

(2)若两种芯片共购买了 200 条,且购买的总费用为 6280 元,求购买了多少条 A 型芯片?


- 4 -

20.(14 分)如图 11,AB 为⊙O 的直径,AD 平分∠BAC 交⊙O 于点 D,DE⊥AC 交 AC 的延长线于点 E,FB 是⊙O

的切线交 AD 的延长线于点 F.

(1)求证:DE 是⊙O 的切线;

(2)若 DE=3,⊙O 的半径为 5,求 BF 的长.







