Hotel Product Knowledge

发布时间:2021-11-19 | 杂志分类:其他

Hotel Product Knowledge

SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 目录 CONTENTS 前厅部(FO) ...............................................................................................................................................................2 酒店知识 Hotel knowledge..................................................................................................................................2 前台 Front Desk.............................................................................................................. [收起]
Hotel Product Knowledge
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Hotel Product Knowledge 酒店产品知识        


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 目录 CONTENTS 前厅部(FO) ...............................................................................................................................................................2 酒店知识 Hotel knowledge..................................................................................................................................2 前台 Front Desk....................................................................................................................................................2 豪华阁 Horizon Club ............................................................................................................................................3 礼宾部 Concierge.................................................................................................................................................4 总机 Service Center..............................................................................................................................................5 香格里拉应用软件 Shangri-La APP.....................................................................................................................7 贵宾金环会会员知识 Golden Circle ...................................................................................................................9 餐饮部(F&B)...........................................................................................................................................................11 宴会 Banquet .....................................................................................................................................................11 大堂吧 Lobby Lounge.........................................................................................................................................12 夏宫 Summer Palace ..........................................................................................................................................16 客房部(HSKP).........................................................................................................................................................17 健身中心(HC) .........................................................................................................................................................21 市场销售部(S&M) .................................................................................................................................... 21 通用 General ......................................................................................................................................................21 销售部 Sales.......................................................................................................................................................22 宴会及会议统筹 Events ....................................................................................................................................23 预订部 Reservations ..........................................................................................................................................24 收益管理 Revenue .............................................................................................................................................26 平衡计分卡(Balanced Score Card) .............................................................................................................. 27 培训(Training)............................................................................................................................................ 28 人事(PERSONNEL)...................................................................................................................................... 35 员工宿舍(STAFF DORMITORY) .............................................................................................................................40 医务室(CLINIC) .......................................................................................................................................................41 员工餐厅(COLLEAGUE RESTAURANT) ......................................................................................................... 42 财务部(FIN) ............................................................................................................................................... 43 工程部(ENG) ..........................................................................................................................................................46 保安部(SEC) ............................................................................................................................................... 47 ....................................................................................................................................................................................   1


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 前厅部(FO) 酒店知识 Hotel Knowledge 1、请问酒店地址、邮编、传真号码、总机号码? 地址: 中国福州市鼓楼区新权南路 9 号。 What is the hotel address, postcode, fax, telephone 邮编: 350005 number? 传真: (86-591)87988222 电话: (86-591)87988888 Address:9 Xin Quan Nan Road, Gulou District, Fuzhou 350005,China Fax: (86-591) 87988222 Tel: (86-591) 87988888 2、酒店的正式开业时间 2005 年 4 月 19 日 What is Hotel Grand Opening date? April 19, 2005 3、酒店到长乐机场(Changle International airport) 距长乐机场约 50 公里,乘车需 1 小时。 有多远?车程是多少? About 50 kilometers and it needs 1 hour by bus. How far is the Hotel to Changle International airport? How long it takes to get to the airport. 4、酒店距厦门有多远?轿车车程是多少?动车车 距厦门 260 公里,轿车车程为 3 小时,动车车程为 程是多少? 2 小时。 260km, 3 hours by car,2hours by train. How far is the Hotel to Xiamen? How long it takes to get to the airport by car? How about by train? 5、酒店客房设施及服务(Special privileges and 卫星/有线电视,高速宽频上网, IDD 电话(附设 services)有哪些? 留言信箱),电子保险箱,独立淋浴及浴缸,24 What is the room facilities and special service? 小时客房服务,茶及咖啡冲饮设备,迷你酒吧和 冰箱,吹风筒,熨斗及熨衣板,当天湿干洗衣服 务,免费擦鞋服务,婴儿照料服务。 Satellite/cable TV, internet, IDD call (message), SDB, shower and bath room, 24 hours room service, tea set, mini bar, hair dryer, iron and iron board, laundry and valet service, free shoe shine service, baby sitter service. 前台 Front Desk 1、请问除客房的保险箱外哪里还提供保险箱服 在前台处的保险箱为所有入住客人提供。 务 (safety box service)? Front Desk Where the guest can get SDB service except guest room? 2、查阅客史资料的系统是? OPERA 系统 What system we use to look up guest history? OPERA system 3、前厅部的 DM 是什么职位? Duty Manager 前台值班经理 What’s the meaning of DM? 2


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 4、前台可提供哪些服务? 办理入住登记,离店结帐手续; What is the service of Front Desk? 分配房间,控制房间状态; 掌握住客动态及信息资料; 外币兑换; 协调对客服务工作; 保险箱服务。 Check in/out service Room assignment, room controlling Guest data controlling Foreign exchange SDB service. 5、现有与香格里拉有协议的国内四大航空分别 中国东方航空,中国南方航空,中国国际航空,海南航 是哪些? What the partner of Domestic airline 空 China Eastern airlines, China southern airlines, Air company with Shangri-La. China, Hainan airline 豪华阁 Horizon Club 1、豪华阁客房(Horizon Floor Check In)在哪一层 22 层 (前台也可以) 办理入住手续? 22nd floor or Front desk. Where can Horizon Club access check in procedure? 2、豪华阁餐厅(Horizon Lounge)可同时容纳多少 50 人 人用早餐? 50 people How many persons can be accommodated in Horizon lounge? 3、豪华阁客房有哪些优惠 1. 自助早餐, 每天早上 6 点 30 分至 10 点 30 分于 What’s the secial privileges in Horizon Club? 豪华阁酒廊为您提供专属西式自助早餐; 2. 鸡尾酒赠饮, 下午 5 点至 7 点, 届时您将会品尝 到各式鸡尾酒以及美味可口的西式点心,使您 尽享贵宾级的待遇; 3. 咖啡, 茶及软饮全天供应; 4. 电脑使用及上网服务; 5. 每天可使用豪华阁会议室两个小时(需遵循预 定优先) 6. 每次入住享受免费熨烫一套洗衣 7. 延迟退房至下午 6 点(视酒店出租率而定) 8. 免费在豪华阁使用按摩椅(无限时) 9. 赠送豪华阁贵宾专属的行李牌; 1. Buffet breakfast served daily from 6:30am to 10:30 am at Horizon Club Lounge only; 2. Cocktails and canapés in the evenings from 5:00pm to 7:00pm; 3. Coffee, tea and soft drinks are available throughout the day; 4. Computer and Internet service; 3


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 5. Usage of the Horizon meeting room for 2 hours per day (reservation recommended) 6. Free ironing a suit of garment allowance per stay 7. Late Check Out at 6:00pm (Subject to availability) 8. Free use of the massage chair in horizon club lounge.(no time limit) 9. Complimentary luggage tag for Horizon Club; 4、豪华阁酒廊每晚“欢乐时光”都提供什么食品 食品有西式开胃小菜及一些中式点心,如三文 及饮料? 治、寿司、迷你汉堡、春卷、煎饺、鸡肉串等, 酒 水有啤酒、葡萄酒、各种烈性酒和软饮料。 What will be offered during Horizon Happy Hour? The food is included appetizers and Chinese dim sum, such as sandwich, mini-Hamburger, Spring roll, the beverage have beer, red wind and variety alcohol drink and soft drink. 5、豪华阁的客人可以享受免费打印或者复印多 符合资格入住豪华阁的客人以及钻石会员可以享 少张? 受前十张打印或者复印免费。 Horizon Club guest can enjoy the first ten prints or copies for free. How many pages (print or copy) can be complimentary for Horizon Club Guest? 6、商务中心位于哪里? 22 楼豪华阁 Where’s the Business Center? Located in 22F Horizon Club 7、黑白打印和黑白复印的收费标准是多少? 黑白打印是一张 5 元;黑白复印一张 2 元。 How much Black and white print and copy per Black and white print RMB5/page; Black and white page? RMB 2/page. 8、商务中心有提供哪些服务? 打印、复印、传真、扫描、互联网服务、会议室 What functions in Business Center? 租用、多方通话仪租用、投影仪租用。 Print、Copy、Fax Scanning、Internet Service、 Meeting Room Rental、 Polycom LCD projector 礼宾部 Concierge 1、客人可以在哪里购买诸如香烟, 当地纪念品等 四楼礼品店,礼宾部也可以帮住店客人代购物 物品? 品。Gift Shop on the fourth floor, concierge staff also Where can guest buy cigarette or Local souvenir? can help the hotel guest to shop 2、客人可以去福州哪些景点游玩? 三坊七巷、上下杭、鼓山、鼓岭、西湖公园、西 What scenic spots can guest visit in Fuzhou? 禅寺、福州国家森林公园、马尾船政文化博物 馆、闽江夜游。 Three lanes and seven alleys, Shang Hang Road,Xia Hang Road. Mountain Gu, West Lake Park, Xichan Temple, Fuzhou National Forest Park, Ma Wei Shipyard Museum. Night Cruise on Min River. 3、福州当地特产和纪念品有哪些?客人在哪里 橄榄,茉莉花茶,肉松/牛角梳,油纸伞,脱胎漆 可以买到?What are the specialty products and 器。客人可以去三坊七巷买到福州当地特产和纪 念品。Olives, Jasmine tea, Meat pines/Horn combs, 4


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ Local souvenir in Fuzhou? Where can I get some Paper umbrellas, Abortive lacquer .You can purchase special products? special local product in three lanes and seven alleys 。 4、福州小吃有哪些?客人在哪里以吃到? 鱼丸,肉燕,锅边,芋.泥。除酒店外还可以在 What are the snacks in Fuzhou? Where do guests “老福州”和“安泰楼”可以吃到福州小吃。 eat? Fish Ball, Meat-Dumplings in chicken Broth, Braised Guobian with Seafood, Mashed Taro. You can eat Fuzhou Snacks in “Lao Fuzhou” and “An tai Lou” 5、礼宾部可提供哪些服务? 机场接送服务 Airport pick up/ send off service What is service of Concierge? 问讯服务 Information inquiry 行李运送寄存 Luggage service 客人物品转交 Guest item for pick up service. 处理客人邮件及留言 Guest mail and message handling 快递服务 Courier service 负责客人其他委托代办事项 Responsible for the guest's other entrustment agency matters 6、酒店的豪华轿车到机场的费用是多少? 奔驰 E300L (4 座) 1 辆 人民币 600 元 How much does the hotel limousine cost to the Benz E300L(4 pax) 1 Car RMB 600 元 airport? 7、酒店给客人配送的英文报名称是? China Daily 中国日报 What English Newspaper has our hotel provided for in-house guests? 8、酒客人配送的中文报名称是? 福州晚报 What Chinese Newspaper has our hotel provided for Fuzhou Evening News in-house guests? 9、哪里可以提供机票代订服务? 酒店礼宾部 Where can book air ticket? Concierge 总机 Service Center 1、 客人在房间怎样自行拨打外线或其它房间电 市话 :9 + 电话号码 话? 国内长途:9 + 0 + 电话号码 国际长途:9 + 00 + 国家代码 + 区号+电话号码 How to make a local call or room to room call in 房间互拨:8+房间号码 rooms? Local calls:9 + Local number DDD calls:9 + 0 + number IDD calls:9 + 00 + country code + area code + number Room to room:8 + room number 2、机接听电话的标准? 在铃响三声以内接起,声音清晰,语气彬彬有礼 5


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ What’s the standard of answering call for Service Answer the phone within 3 rings with clear and Center? courtesy voice External (外部): 您好, Shangri-La hotel,请问有什 么可以帮您? 3、酒店为住店客人提供哪些国际电视频道? 亚洲新闻台 Asia news What international TV channel has our hotel 日本 NHK NHK provided for in-house guests? 4、哪些客人享有免费拨打本地电话的待遇? 所有住店客人均享受免费拨打电话的优惠 What guests can enjoy the benefit of free local call? All in-house guests can enjoy free local call benefit. 5、酒店电话收费标准? 市话:免费 Hotel Telephone Charge Standard? 国内长途:0.82 元/分钟 国际长途:9.3 元/分钟 港澳台:2.3 元/分钟 Local call: free DDD calls: RMB 0.82/1 minute IDD calls: RMB 9.3/1 minute HK/MA/TW:RMB 2.3/1 minute 6、酒店为客人提供什么类型的充电设备? 苹果充电器、华为充电器、安卓充电器、充电 What type of charger does the hotel provide for 头、转换插头、排插 guests? IPhone charger 、Huawei charger、Android charger Charging head 、Plug adaptor、Patch board 7、请问何处为客人提供转换插头(Adapter)? 服务中心 Service Center Where can guest get the adapter? 8、总机/服务中心(Service center service)可提 为客人转接电话:Transfer telephone Service 供哪些服务? 问讯服务:Information inquiry What is the service of Service Center? 叫醒服务:Wake up call 接收传真:Fax receiving 房间预订: Room reservation 房间免打扰/保密入住设置:Room DND/Confidential Stay set up 留言服务:Message service 点餐服务:Room service order 借物服务:Borrowing services 9、如住店客人要 IT 服务,他应该拔打哪个分机号 拨 3 联系服务中心就可以享受此项服务。 码? Dial “3” to contact service center. If the in house guest request IT service, which number he can dial? 6


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 香格里拉 APP 应用软件 Shangri-La APP A. Sign in/Enroll 登录/注册 B. Search; “Find Your Shangri-La” 搜索:“下一 1、在应用主页有 6 个功能,请列举 3 个 On the App main page there are 6 main features, 个目的地” please list 3. C. Hotel main page 酒店主 D. Reservations page 预定 2、贵宾金环的登录页面在主页的哪里? The E. Account page 我的账户 Golden Circle Sign in/Enroll feature is located F. More page 更多页面 where on the Main page? A. Top right hand corner 右上角 B. Bonus point: in the “Account” page 积分:在“账 户”页 3、在应用主页有 3 张背景图片, 请列出其中两 A. Sydney 悉尼 张的位置 On the App main page, there are 3 B. Shanghai 上海 background pictures, name 2 of the locations. C. Cebu 宿务 4、“更多”页面中包含了很多重要信息, 请列举 A. Language setting 语言设置 其中两项 B. Currency setting 货币设置 The More page contains a lot of important information, list 2 of them C. Allow notifications (Mobile check-in/out) 允许通 5、请列举出在最初推出的应用可用几种语言? 知(手机办理入住/退房) For the initial launch the App is available in how many languages? Please list them D. Contact Us & Feedback 联系我们&反馈 E. Terms & Conditions 条款与细则 A. English 英语 B. Simplified Chinese 简体中文 C. Japaness 日语 6、如果客人有旧版本的香格里拉应用,他们如 A. IOS: will appear as an update 何获取新版本应用?If the guest has the old IOS 系统: 在 App Store 作为更新出现 Shangri-La App, how will they get the new App? B. Android: delete previous version and download new App 安卓系统: 删除旧版本下载新应用 7、不是金环会员可以在应用上做预订么?Can Yes 可以 Non GC members make bookings on the App? Yes 可以 8、客人可以当天在应用上预订么?Can a guest make same day bookings on the App? A. Location (either by country or city) 地理位置(国家/城市) 9、搜索酒店时必须输入哪些信息?(只有 1 个 B. Date can be amended after the hotel has been 答案)What information is mandatory to enter to begin searching for Hotels? Only 1 answer selected 7


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 在酒店选定后可以修改日期 10、如果客人是通过手机应用程序入住的,到店 The specified location mobile check in counter. 后在哪个柜台可以快速拿到房卡?If guest request 指定的手机办理入住柜台 app check in, where he can get room key. 11、如果客人是通过手机应用程序入住的,到店 Yes 需要. 后还需要出示身份证或者护照吗?If guest request app check in and guest need offer his ID or passport? 12、如果客人是通过手机应用程序入住的,到店 No 不需要 后还需要交押金吗? If guest request app check in and guest give us deposit? 13、如果客人是通过手机应用退房的,客人可以 Yes 可以 换一张信用卡结算吗? If guest request app check out and guest can change the other one credit card settlement? 14、会员客人可以几点在手机用于上办理入 Gold member 40 黄金会员 14:00-tomorrow 06:00 住? What time could a Golden circle members Jade member 41 翡翠会员 11:00-tomorrow 06:00 check in via APP? Diamond member 42 钻石会员 08:00-tomorrow 06:00 15、 会员客人可以几点在手机用于上办理退 Gold member 40 黄金会员 14:00- 12:00 pm 房? What time could a Golden circle members Jade member 41 翡翠会员 11:00- 16:00 pm check out via APP? Diamond member 42 钻石会员 00:00- 18:00 pm 16、客人是否可以通过手机应用查看账单 Could Yes 可以 (only for window 1) 只能在窗口 1 查看 the App users review billing by using APP check out? 17、手机应用是否可以兑换积分?What could Yes 可以 golden circle members redeem via APP? Room upgrades 房间升级 F&B 餐饮兑换 Room 房间兑换 Hotel Non redeem 本酒店不能兑换– Spa 按摩 Laundry 洗衣 Limousine 酒店轿车 18、手机应用预定房间是否可以累积积分 ? Yes 可以 Could GC members accumulate points via APP? 19、手机应用是否可以取消预定?Can APP users Yes but within 24 hours for GTD booking. Otherwise, cancel room reservation via APP? 1 night room charges is chargeable. 8


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 是的. 但是担保预定要在预定前 24 小时内取消,否 则会收取一晚房费。 贵宾金环会会员知识 Golden Circle 1、贵宾金环会有哪 3 个等级? 黄金级、翡翠级、钻石级 What are the 3 levels of Golden Circle membership? Gold Member, Jade Member, Diamond Member 2、 请问成为贵宾金环会成员(Golden circle)各个 黄金级:金环会员的初级,可以通过网上申请, 等级所需要的资格/条件(每一个日历年)? 或于酒店的前台或各餐厅营业点申请。在酒店留 What’s the Golden Circle membership, and how can 有合资格住宿记录,或已累计超过 50 分贵宾金环 会奖励积分,将被视为活跃会员,并将收到一张 they upgrade to next level? 永久会员卡。 翡翠级:一个日历年内以符合资格房费入住酒店 10 次或 20 个房晚。 钻石级:一个日历年内以符合资格入住酒店 25 次 或 50 个房晚。 Gold level: the basic member level, guest can be enrolled via Front Desk,F&B outlet or apply on internet, you will receive a permanent membership card once you have become active by accrual a minimum of 50 GC Award Points or equivalent local currency on food & beverage or CHI, The Spa services or one qualifying stay at any Shangri-La hotel, resort, Traders hotel or Kerry hotel. 3、请列举出贵宾金环会迎客项目(Golden Circle 黄金级:鲜果,当地报刊 greeting items)? 翡翠级:鲜果,当地报刊,巧克力,饼点和牛 Pls list out welcome amenities of Golden circle. 奶,杯装方便面,啤酒,可口可乐,无糖可乐, 矿泉水(含气体或不含气体),当地时令食品。 钻石级:鲜果,当地报刊,巧克力,饼点和牛 奶,杯装方便面,啤酒,可口可乐,无糖可乐, 矿泉水(含气体或不含气体),当地时令食品,白葡 萄酒或红葡萄酒 Gold: fresh fruit, local newspaper Jade: Fresh fruit, local, chocolate, cookie and milk, cup noodle, beer, coca cola, diet coke, sparkling/non- sparkling mineral water, local/seasonal snack. Diamond: Fresh fruit, local, chocolate, cookie and milk, cup noodle, beer, coca cola, diet coke, sparkling/non-sparkling mineral water, local/seasonal snack. 9


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 4、每位贵宾金环会成员估计的终身价值是多少? 12 万美元. What the value of GC member? US$120000 5、How many GC Award Points are required for 积分兑换免费房晚 each Redemption Award? 每种奖励需要多少贵宾 豪华房需 2000 分/晚 金环会积分来兑换? 豪华阁豪华房需 3500 分/晚 行政套房需 5500 分/晚 升级 从豪华房升级至豪华阁豪华房需 1500 分/晚 从豪华房升级至行政套房需 2000 分/晚 兑换餐券 每 500 贵宾金环会积分兑换 50 美金的餐券。 每 1000 贵宾金环会积分兑换 100 美金的餐券 其他兑换 2000 贵宾金环会积分兑换单程奔驰接机/送机服务 餐饮部(F&B) Redeem for complimentary room nights Deluxe Room = 2000 GC award Pts/night 宴会 Banquet Horizon Deluxe Room = 3500 GC award Pts/night Executive Suite = 5500 GC award Pts/nights 1、宴会部在酒店的第几层? Upgrade Which floor is the ballroom and function room From Deluxe Room to Horizon Deluxe Room = 1500 located? GC award Pts/night From Deluxe Room to Executive Suite = 2000 GC 2、三楼共有多少个多功能厅? award Pts/night How many function rooms on 3rd floor? Redeem for F&B 500 GC Award Points = US$50 food and beverage voucher 1000 GC Award Points=US$100 food and beverage voucher Others 2000 GC Award Point=Benchi limo service(From/to airport) 宴会部在酒店的第三层 It’s on the 3rd floor 三楼共有 7 个不同大小的多功能厅 There are 7 different sizes of function rooms on 3rd floor. 10


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 3、多功能厅分别是什么名字? 分别叫做:鼓浪屿、漳州、南平、莆田、福州、 What’s the name of those function rooms? 厦门、泉州 They are Gulangyu , Zhangzhou , Nanping ,Putian 4、宴会厅最多能承办多少人的大型宴会 Fuzhou , Xiamen, Quanzhou How many capacity for Grand ballroom 1000 人 5、宴会最大的圆桌子尺寸多大?最多可容纳多 1000pax 人? 直径 16 米,可容纳 50 人 What size is the biggest round table of banquet, and 16M for diameter, 50 pax how many people can be seated? 6、宴会部的分机号码是多少? 分机号码是 6208。 What is the BQT extension NO? The number is 6208. 7、在宴会部的厅房里能上网吗?怎么上? 能上,只要笔记本电脑有无线网卡,如果没有, Shall we get internet in the function rooms or 只要找宴会部员工拿网线接好就可以。 ballroom? How can we get it? Yes , It’s available if your Lap-top has wireless web card, 8、宴会部都有那些宴会形式? If you don’t have, you can get the ask banquet staff for How many kinds of events styles in banquet. help. 很多,通常分为用餐宴会和会议。用餐宴会分 9、宴会布置有几种颜色?什么颜色? 为:中式、西式、鸡尾酒会,自助餐,西式套 How many colors do you use for set up? What color 餐。会议形式分为:课桌式,剧院式,董事会 are they? 式,U 型。 10、会议提供的袋装茶是什么品牌? There are two major events style, one is dinning What tea bag we offer for our guest service and meeting. Dinning service have 5 style: Chinese style, Western style, cocktail party style, 大堂吧 Lobby Lounge buffet style and Western set meal style. Meeting set up have 4 styles: Classroom style, theater style, board 1、大堂酒廊的位置在哪里? style, U pattern style. Where’s the Lobby lounge? 3 种颜色,红色,香槟色及黑色。 3 colors. Red, champagne and Black color. 2、大堂吧的客人座位有多少个? How many seats in Lobby Lounge? Zesta 大堂酒廊位于酒店大门入口处右边。 Lobby Lounge locates on the right hand side of the hotel entrance. 108 个 108 11


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 3、大堂吧的正常早餐价格是多少? 正常大堂吧的早餐价格是*126++元。 How much for breakfast buffet in Lobby Lounge? *需另外加收加 10%服务费及在上述价格与服务费 总额上计征的政府税及增值税(如适用) 4、大堂吧正常早餐营业时间? What is the business hours for breakfast? Normal price for breakfast is *RMB126++ per person. * All prices are in RMB and are subject to 10% 5、大堂吧正常午餐价格是多少? service charge and any government taxes and value- How much for lunch buffet in Lobby Lounge? added tax (Where applicable) payable on the prices 6、大堂吧正常午餐营业时间? together with the service charge. What is the business hours for lunch? 7、大堂吧正常晚餐营业时间是多少? 周一到周五都是从早上 6:30 到 10:00 为早餐自助时 What is the business hours for dinner? 间,周末营业时间从早上 6:30 到 10:30。 8、大堂吧正常晚餐价格是多少? Open from 6:30 to 10:00 am from Monday to Friday How much for dinner buffet in Lobby Lounge? and from 6:30 to 10:30 for weekend. 9、大堂吧的制服是如何区分的? What’s the difference of Lobby Lounge staff 星期一到星期日大堂吧正常午餐价格是 198 元净价 uniform? *RMB198 net per person for Monday to Sunday. 10、大堂吧的无烟区和吸烟区怎样划分? How to divide the smoking or non-smoking area? 11:30 到 14:00 11:30-14:00 17:30 到 21:30。 17:30-21:30 大堂吧周一到周日晚餐价格是 268 元净价。 * Monday to Sunday is RMB 268 net per person. 大堂吧身着红色上衣的是宾客服务员,身着棕色 制服的是餐厅宾客服务主管。 The red one for SA, the brown one for service leader. 大堂吧均为无烟区。 Lobby Lounge are all non-smoking area 11、大堂吧什么时候可以点单? 早上 6 点半到凌晨 01 点。 What time we can take order in Lobby Lounge? 6:30AM - 01:00AM 12、大堂吧有几种菜牌? What kinds of menu in Lobby Lounge? 大堂吧有早餐散点菜牌、午晚餐散点菜牌、素食 菜牌、儿童菜牌。 13、大堂吧自助餐早餐分别提供什么食品? Breakfast menu all-day menu What we offer in breakfast? Vegetarian menu children menu. 大堂吧自助餐早餐分别提供粥类、小菜、西式早 餐热菜、煎蛋、面条、蒸点、中式早餐热菜、沙 律、面包、扒蔬菜、酸奶、麦片。 Congee, condiment, fried eggs , noodle, steam dish, , Chinese and English hot dish, salad ,bread, grill vegetable ,yoghourt, cereal. 12


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 14、大堂吧自助餐晚餐分别提供什么食品? 大堂吧自助餐晚餐分别提供西式及中式汤类、烧 What we offer in dinner? 烤、西式热菜、西式风味现场烹饪、面条、蒸 点、炖罐、粤式烧烤、中式热菜、各式沙拉、日 15、大堂吧自助餐午晚餐提供什么免费饮料? 式美食、甜品。 What kinds of drink are offered in lunch and dinner Western soup and Chinese soup. Western hot dish, buffet? Western flavor cooking, soup, Cantonese style 16、大堂吧的红酒是怎样消费? BBQ, Chinese hot dish, noodles, steam dishes, How do we sell red wine? Japanese food, desserts. 17、大堂吧小孩是如何消费的? 可乐、雪碧、本地啤酒、混合饮料,鲜榨果汁 How do we charge for children in Lobby Lounge? Coke, sprite, local beer, mixed ,fresh juice 18、酒店餐饮贵宾卡在大堂吧是否可以使用,如 大堂吧向来餐厅用餐的客人提供零点用的红酒, 何优惠? 红酒可以按瓶卖也可以按杯卖,有一本红酒酒单 Is the VIP card applicable in Lobby Lounge? 可以帮忙客人选择。 19、客人来大堂吧用餐是否需要预订? We offer red wine for the guests who come to have Should the guest to make reservation with us? meal, we sell red wine by bottle or by glass, and we offer a wine list for guest’s choice. 凡是 1,2 米以下免费。1.2 米-1.4 米半价。1.4 米以 上按成人收费,太小的小孩我们建议客人点儿童 菜单上的菜,如果小朋友不用餐,我们算儿童免 费。 Children between 1.2meters to 1.4meters (not include 12 meters) will be charged half of the adult price; Children under 1.2meters is free of charge (not include 1.2meters). If the children is too young we will suggest him to order from the children menu, and if he does not eat, we will not charge him. 酒店餐饮白金卡在大堂吧可以使用,午餐和晚餐 都能打八折。 Yes! Platinum card member can be entitled 20% discount. 我们建议客人来用餐与我们做一个预订,我们可 以给客人安排适合他们的位置。另外,餐厅生意 比较好,如果没有预订可能出现没有位置的情 况。 We suggest the guest to make the reservation so that guest can get suitable seat. Lobby Lounge always have good business, if they do not make reservation, maybe the guest cannot get the seat! 13


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 20、餐厅是否有提供报纸给客人使用? 餐厅有配备报纸给我们的用餐客人,分别是本地 Do we offer newspapers in Lobby Lounge? 报纸,中国日报(英),我们还提供各种高档次杂 志给我们的客人。 21、大堂吧午晚餐菜单分别包括哪些内容? Yes, we offer newspapers for the guests, such as local What is included Lobby Lounge lunch and dinner newspaper, china daily. We also offer several kinds of menu? magazines. 22、餐厅散点所用的冰琪淋用的是哪种品牌? 包括冷盘、汤、三文治沙律、烧烤、厨师特荐、 What kind of ice cream in a la carte menu? 意粉、中式厨师特荐、西式厨师特荐、甜品、冰 23、餐厅迎宾使用的是什么系统? 酷了。 What kind of computer system hostess use? Including cold dish, soup, sandwich, salad, barbecue, chef recommendation, desserts etc. 24、餐厅所使用电脑系统名称是什么? What is computer system cashier use? 乐贝拉 25、餐厅早餐主要可以提供几种咖啡? Le Bella What kinds of coffee we offer in the breakfast? 餐厅迎宾使用的是 TMS 系统。 26、大堂酒廊有下午茶么? (TABLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Is there afternoon tea in Lobby Lounge? TMS system. INFRASYS 冲泡咖啡,低因咖啡,现磨咖啡,卡布基诺,意 式浓咖啡,拿铁咖啡等。 Decaffeinated coffee, fresh coffee, cappuccino ,espresso , cafélate etc. 大堂酒廊周一至周日下午茶: 工作日下午茶套餐价: *168++元/双人 *上述价格已经 16%服务费及在上述价格与服务费 总额上计征的政府税及增值税(如适用) 27、大堂酒廊给客人提供哪几种茶? There is High Tea in Lobby Lounge from Mon to Sun. What kinds of tea we offer at Lobby Lounge? Weekday Set Price: *168++/2pax *All prices are including 16% service charge and any 28、大堂酒廊的画的名称以及意义? government taxes and value-added tax (Where What is the Picture’s name at Lobby Lounge and applicable) payable on the prices together with the what does it mean? service charge. 中式茶和西式茶 Chinese tea and Western tea 名称是名都胜迹。作者是马占春,张云飞,张可 掬,周磊。内容:描绘古代福州的盛景。为了达 到富丽堂皇的效果,整幅画采用了贴金彩绘的方 式, 现代构成的手法,分别描绘了福州的几个著 名的景点。最北端为屏山镇海楼。往下为福州的 14


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 正南门,南门瓮城。中间为于山,突出了鳌顶峰 的巨岩,其西侧为护国禅院,观音阁等。于山往 下城墙南纬那校场。画中间的部分为中州炮台, 万寿桥。画右下部表现了大庙山,越王台,三捷 桥,苍霞洲。画左下部刻画了福州南门近景。 29、客房送餐、大堂吧的电话分别是多少? It depicts ancient sites of Fuzhou. In order to achieve What is the phone number of room service and the feeling of luxurious, the whole picture composes Lobby Lounge? color drawing Embossed gold and contemporary 30、客房送餐是否提供挂牌服务? technique. It consists of several famous sites of Does room service offer door knob menu? Fuzhou as below: The north part shows Pin Shan Sea Building, the lower part is Zheng Nan Men, also 33、客房送餐客人在点菜后一般多久送到客人的 called Weng Cheng which means the enceinte if a city 房间? gate. In the middle is Yu Shan Mountain, the How long should the guests wait for after ordering? projecting giant rocks, its west side is the Buddhist temple used it protect the state and Guanyin pavilion 34、客房送餐的营业时间: etc. Under Yushan Mountain, the south part of the city is South School Field(currently Wuyi Square) In the right of the middle part is a central fortification with built-in cannons, Wan Shou Bridge. The lower part of the right side consists of Da Miao Mountain, Emperor of the Warring State Stage, San Jie Briage and Chan Xia. On the left bottom is the close shot of Nan Men of the city. 客房送餐的电话是:4216 大堂吧电话是:22 Room service:4216, Lobby Lounge: 22 是的。客人于晚上睡觉前将早餐挂牌填写好,并 挂在门外把手上,我们的送餐员于凌晨 3 点去巡楼 收取挂牌,并根据客人的点菜及要求送到房间的 时间及时为客人服务。 Yes. Guests can choose what they want on the door knob menu and hang it on the door knob before they sleep. Our staff will collect the door knob menu after 3:00 am, we will deliver the food to the room on the requested time. 这要根据客人的所点的菜决定,一般早餐需 20 分 钟,午晚餐需 30 分钟。 It depends on what the guests order. It takes 20 minutes for breakfast and 30 minutes for lunch and dinner. 客房送餐的营业时间是 24 小时。 15


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ What are the business hours of Room-service? Room service operates 24 hours for guests. 夏宫 Summer Palace 夏宫。 Summer Palace 1、酒店中餐厅的名称是? What’s the name of hotel Chinese restaurant? 粤菜,闽菜,广式点心。 2、夏宫的主要菜色品是什么? Cantonese, Min dishes and canoness dim sum. What’s the main cuisine in Summer Palace? 3、夏宫提供何种菜单 散点菜牌,套餐,点心菜单及厨师特介菜牌。 What’s kind of Menu offered by Summer Palace? A la carte menu, set menu, dim sum menu and chef’s recommendation menu. 4、请问夏宫有多少个包厢(PDR)?名称各是什 么? 6 个,分别以花卉和木材命名:牡丹、樱花、茉 How many PDR( Private dining room) in Summer 莉、木兰、芙蓉,水仙。 Palace? What are their name? Six. All PDR named use flower and timber name: Peony, Cherry blossom, Jasmine, Magnolia, Hibiscus 5、请问夏宫大厅有多少餐位? and Narcissus. How many capacity of SP Main Dining? 6、夏宫有设吸烟区和非吸烟区吗? 大厅有 128 个餐位。 Dose SP set smoking and non-smoking area? 128 seats in Main Dining. 7、夏宫包厢有收包间费及最低消费吗? 没有,全部公共区域为非吸烟区,如果客人需要 If PDR have minimum consumption? 吸烟我们将特别为客人划定专门区域。 8、请问夏宫包间需要提前预订吗?预订处电话 No,all public area is non-smoking. If any guest need 是多少? smoke, we will separate a special area for smoking. If we need to make a reservation for use of PDR? The reservation number is? 没有。 No. 9、请问夏宫最大的包间可容纳多少人?是什么 厅? 是的,建议您提前预订。因为夏宫包房的使用率 What is the biggest PDR name? And how many 很高,不提前预订经常会订不到厅房。餐饮预订 people can hold? 处电话是直线 87988888,分机号码 6223。 10、请问夏宫的营业起止时间是? Yes, we strongly recommend you to make a What is the operation hour of Summer Palace? reservation if you would like to dine in PDR, for our PDR occupancy is very high. The F&B reservation center direct number is 87988888 and their extension number is 6223. 夏宫最大的包间最多可容纳 20-24 人。牡丹厅。 The biggest PDR is Peony which can seat 20-24 pax. 夏宫的营业时间是: 11:30-14:30,17:30-21:30 SP Operation hours is from 11:30-14:30, 17:30-21:30 16


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 11、请问在夏宫可以举办婚宴吗? 我们有专们的婚宴场所,夏宫大厅布局不适合举 办婚宴。 Can we hold wedding or other big party in Summer We offer special wedding location on hotel third floor. Palace? The layout of SP is not suit to hold big party. 12、请问夏宫最多可容纳的人数是? What’s SP’s Capacity? 夏宫最多可容纳:188 人 SP’s Capacity is 188 people. 客房部(HSKP) 414 间. 1、我们酒店有多少间客房? 414 rooms. How many guest rooms are in our hotel? 2、请问客房的朝向是怎样的? 双数房号的房间面向五一广场,单数房号的房间 What’s the room view? 面向新权南路。 Even rooms face to Wu Yi Square and single rooms to 3、豪华阁楼层的位置? Xi Quan South Road. Where is the horizon floors? 4、无烟楼层的位置? 豪华阁楼层有 5 个楼层,分别是 层. Where is the Non-smoking floor? There are five floors as horizon floor, 21st-25th floor. 5、客房部分为哪几个小部门? 无烟楼层共 14 个楼层,分别是 How many sections are there in housekeeping 层. department? Total 12 floors are non-smoking floors: 10th floor, 6、客房部办公室,洗衣房,备品中心在哪里? 11th floor, 12th floor, 15th floor, 17th floor, 18th Where is the housekeeping office, laundry and floor, 19th floor, 20th floor, 23rd floor, 24th floor and amenity center? 25th floor. 26th floor 7、洗衣服务时间是多长? How long is the laundry service per day? 公共区域,楼层,洗衣房,制服房,备品中心,办公室. Public area, floor, laundry, uniform, amenity center, office. 地下室办公区域. On B1 floor. 24 小时,加快服务只到晚上 9 点钟。 24 hours. Express service only to nine o 'clock at night 8、制服房的开窗时间? 08:00 – 17:00 When is the uniform room open? 9、普通大床房多少间? 136 间 How many deluxe king rooms are there in our hotel? 136 rooms. 10、普通小床房多少间? 127 间(其中 50 间可改成超大床房间) How many deluxe twin rooms are there in our hotel? 127 rooms.( 50 twin bed rooms could change to super king rooms) 17


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 11、有超大床吗? 在客人的要求下,可以将两张小床拼成超大床。 Are there superior king rooms? 现在我们有 50 间小床房可以拼成超大床. Under the guests’ requirement, we can change twin 12、有残疾人房间吗? bed rooms to super king bed rooms. At present, there Are there any disabled room? are 50 convertible rooms which can change to super 13、公共区域指的是什么? king rooms. What means of public area? 2 间.605 和 606. 14、客房有多少层? 2 rooms: room 605 and room 606. Where is the location of guest room? 15、我们的小床多大尺寸? 公共区域指大堂,电梯,扶梯,公共卫生间,后 What size of our twin bed is? 区办公室等等. 16、我们的大床多大尺寸? PA including lobby, lift, elevator, toilet room, back of What size of our king bed is? house and so on. 17、豪华阁大床房( HDK)多少间? How many horizon deluxe king rooms are there? 共 21 层,从 6 层到 26 层. 18、豪华阁小床房(HDT)多少间? Total 21 floors from 6th floor to 26th floor. How many horizon twin bed rooms are there? 19、豪华阁超豪华房(HRK)多少间? 122 厘米*203 厘米 How many horizon premier rooms are there? 122cm *203cm 20、行政套房(VEK) 多少间? 198 厘米*203 厘米 How many executive suites are there? 198cm* 203cm 21、有总统套房吗? What is the room number of Presidential Suite? 33 间. 22、特色套房多少间? 33 rooms How many specialty suites are there? 23、失物招领在哪里? 24 间 Where is the L&F center? 24 rooms 24、我们有提供借物服务吗? Do we service the guest request loan items? 豪华阁超豪华房 25 间. 从 6 层到 26 楼的 01 房及 25、酒店有多少种枕头? 2111,2211,2311,2411. How many kinds of pillow do we have? Horizon Premier room 25 rooms, The No.01 from 6th floor to 26th floor’s and 2111,2211,2311,2411. 26 间 26 rooms 有.2408. Room 2408. 2 间. 2310 和 2610. Two rooms.2310 and 2610. 在客房部办公室. In the housekeeping office. 有,如各类枕头、加湿器等. Yes, like pillow ,humidifier and so no. 我们有 7 种枕头.除了房间的羽绒枕,还有海绵枕,防 打鼾枕,长枕,荞麦枕,丝棉枕。 18


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ We have 7 kinds of pillow. Except feather pillow in the guest room, there are also have foam pillow, contour pillow, bolster pillow and buckwheat pillow, synthetic pillow 26、我们酒店有多少张加床? 20 张. How many rollaway beds are there in our hotel? Total is 20 sets. 27、客人如果亮着请勿打扰灯怎么办? 为了安全因素.每天下午两点将 DND 房号报告给办 公室,由文员打电话给客人,如果没有客人接电话,要 What should we do when the guest turn on the “do 由主管和员工一同进入房间查看. not disturb” light? Due to safety reason, we must check the DND room everyday. Room attendant report to office at 14:00pm, then order taker must call the guest. If there is no answer in the room the service leader and staff must enter into the room to check.. 28、是否提供缝补服务? 由制服房提供. What should we do if the guest needs sewing and The service is provided by uniform room. alteration service? 29、我们有提供擦鞋服务吗? 有,但是只针对住店客人. Do we provide the shoe shine service? 公共卫生间门口有擦鞋机。 Yes, but only service for our guest living in the room. PA toilet room provide shoe shine machine. 30、怎样领取 L&F? 客人到酒店前台,致电客房部失物招领中心领取, How to get back the L&F? 但是必须携带相关证明,如身份证,护照等. The guest comes to front desk to receive their L&F, but they must carry their identity such as passport ID card or military ID and so on. 31、豪华阁客人享受什么样的洗衣优惠? 每次入住免熨烫一套洗衣 What benefit do the horizon floor guests have? Free ironing a suit of garment allowance per stay 32、当日服务是什么意思? 中午 12 点前收取的洗衣,当日返回 What’s the meaning of same day service? Collecting the guest laundry before 12:00 noon and returned to guest room on same day. 33、洗衣加急服务是什么意思? 4 小时之内送回. What’s the meaning of Express Service? The laundry will be send back within 4 hours. 34、加快熨烫服务是什么意思? 1 小时之内送回. What’s the meaning of express pressing service? The laundry will be send back within 1 hours. 35、次日服务是什么意思? 中午 12 点后收取洗衣,次日晚上 7 点前送回. What’s the meaning of next day service? Collecting the guest laundry after 12:00 noon and delivered to guest before 7:00 pm next day. 36、加快服务是免费的吗? 不是免费的.要加收 50% 的服务费. If the guest need express service, is it free? No. Need additional 50% service charge. 19


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 37、豪华阁酒廊在几楼? 22 楼. On which floor is the horizon lounge? 22nd floor. 38、房间里有闹钟吗? 豪华阁房间和套房有两个闹钟,卧室一个,浴室 Is there clock in the guest room? 一个,其余房型卧室一个闹钟 Horizon guest room and Suite has two clocks,one is in the bedroom,another is in the bathroom. The rest room type only one clock in bathroom. 39、房间里有地秤吗? 豪华阁房间及套房有配。 Is there scale in the guest room? Set up in the Horizon Guestroom and Suite. 40、我们有婴儿床吗? 有,如果客人带婴儿入住,我们在房间里加婴儿床。 In our hotel do we have the baby cot? Yes, we have. If the guest checks in with a baby, we will set up a baby cot in the room. 41、我们可以随便给客人开门吗? 不可以, 可以请客人到前台说明情况和核实身份。 Can we open the door for guest optionally? NO. Politely ask guest go to Receiption Desk to state situation and do identification. 42、行政套房、特色套房以及总统套房配备的洗 行政套房配的洗浴用品是 Crisp Mint,特色套及总 浴用品是什么品牌? 统套配的洗浴用品是帕尔玛。 What’s toiletries’ brand for Special Suite& President Suite Crisp Mint set up in the Executive Suite and Acqua di Parma is set up in the Special Suite& President Suite 健身中心(HC) 1、健体中心在酒店的第几层? 第四层。 Which floor is Health Club department in? The fourth floor 2、健体中心有有多少个功能区? 有四个。 How many function areas there are? There are 4 function areas. 3、健体中心各功能区分别是什么名字? What are those function areas’ name? 分别叫做:健身房、游泳池、理疗区、更衣区 Those name are: Gym room, Swimming pool, 4、健体中心的营业时间? Treatment,guest changing room How about the Health Club business hours? 5、健体中心提供哪些服务项目? 从早上 6 点到晚上 11 点。 What about the service item provide to the guest? From 6am to 11pm. 6、健体中心的分机号码是多少? 分别是:健身、理疗、游泳 What is the Health Club phone NO? Those name are: Gym, Treatment, and Swimming 7、健体中心的游泳池有多大? pool. How about Swimming pool area? 分机号码是 6442/6443。 The phone number is 6442/6443. 25m*10m。 There is 25m*10m. 20


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 8、桑拿的设施设备位置? 在更衣区内。 Where is the sauna area location? Including in the guest changing room area. 市场销售部(S&M) 通用 General 1、市场销售部办公室所在位置? 洒店一楼行政办公室与餐饮部办公室相邻。 The location of the sales & Marketing office? The first floor of the hotel, executive office next to F&B Office. 2、市场销售部部门分机号? 市场销售部分机为 68(01-39),传媒部 686(0-3)。 Director of Sales & Marketing’s Name? Extension Mr. David Zhu is the Director of Sale & Marketing and the extension of Sales & Marketing is 68(01-39) No.? Communications 686(0-3). 3、市场销售部分内分为几个小部门? 市场销售部包括了销售部、宴会及会议统筹部、 How many sections is included in Sales & 预定部、市场收益部及市场传媒部。 Marketing? Sales & Marketing include Sales\\Events\\Reservations \\Revenue and Communications. 销售部 Sales 4、销售人员每天需要拜访几家客户? 每天五个。 How many sales call did salesman do per day? Five sales call per day. 5、销售人员只销售酒店的客房吗? 销售人员推销酒店所有的产品,包括客房与餐饮 Did salesman only sell hotel’s room? 等。 Sales-man sell all hotel’s product, including room and F&B, etc. 6、连续入住多少天算长住? 至少连续入住 14 天。 How many days consecutive stay is long stay? At least 14 nights consecutive stay. 7、一年住房有多少个房晚数,我们将为该公司 至少有 50 个房晚数以上住房产量的公司,我们才 提供公司协议价? 会与之签订协议。 How many room nights potential per year, we are 50 room nights and above we will sign with them. willing to offer contract rate. 8、如何保存客史资料。 Delphi 系统和 Opera 系统 How to keep the customer’s history. Delphi system and Opera system 9、由谁负责更新酒店整体的数据库? 由销售协调员负责。 Who is responsible for updating General Database? Sales Coordinator will be responsible for it. 10、客户可通过哪里申请到网络预订的公司代 销售部同事在香格里拉内网上提交申请资料,香 码? 港总部客户数据中心在 24 小时之内就可以提供公 司代码。 Where can the customer apply for On-Line Booking Code? Sales colleagues apply the code via Shang intranet, Hong Kong Customer Data Center will complete within 24 Hours. 21


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 12、在我们酒店多少间客房才能组成一个有效的 至少 5 间房以上(含 5 间)才能成为一个有效的旅 旅游团队? 行团队。 How many rooms can be a qualified tour group in At least 5 rooms and above can be a qualified tour our hotel? group. 13、旅行团队能享受什么优惠折扣? 15 个付费房间可另有免一个房间房费(即十六免 What benefits the tour group can be get from hotel? 一)。 Paying 15 rooms, get one room free. 14、在我们酒店第三人入住是否要收费? 是的,第三人入住一晚额外收取人民币 345 净价。 Shall the third person be charged to tour group in Yes, the third person shall be charged at RMB345net our hotel? per night. 15、 “HVCA”是指什么? 具有巨大消费潜力的公司客户。 What meaning about HVCA? High Value Corporate Account. 16、 “RSO”和“CCC”分别指什么? 区域销售办公室和全球预定中心。 What is the RSO and CCC? Regional Sales Office and Customer Contact Center. 17、什么是“Hit Account”? 在我们有一定消费潜力,但主要选择竞争酒店的 What is the Hit Account? 那些客户。 That is the potential in our hotel, but prefer competitor hotel. 18、什么是“National Account” ? “National Account”是指那些总部设在本地的大型国 What is the National Account? 有企业且在集团内其他姐妹酒店有消费潜力的公 司客户。 National Account is which based on local place, big- size state enterprise and have potential in other sister hotel. 宴会及会议统筹 Events 19、宴会销售部办会室所在位置?部门分机号? 洒店一楼行政办公室与餐饮部办公室相邻。 The location of the events office? Director of Events 宴会销售部分机为 682(0-9)。 Name? Extension No.? The first floor of the hotel, executive office next to F&B Office. The extension of Events is 682(0-9). 20、宴会部有几台投影仪?是什么品牌的?流明 共 4 台三洋牌(5000 流明), 度是多少? 4 in total. 4 SANYO: 5000lumen How many projectors we have in banquet? What is the brand? What is the lumen of them? 21、酒店共有多少个舞台板?每个尺寸是多少? 共 28 块板;尺寸为 2.44 米*1.83 米,高度可调节 What is the dimension of each stage board? 为 0.4 米或 0.6 米。 How many boards we have in total? 28 in total. 2.44m*1.83m for each; 2 height, one is 0.4m, the other is 0.6m. 22、立式讲台尺寸是多少?共有几个? 共 3 个讲台。3 台为新采购讲台。 22


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ What is the dimension of podium? How many 讲台尺寸:70cm 宽*120cm 高*50cm 厚, 7 种颜色 podium we have? 3 in total. Three for new podium and two for over- and-under type podium. Podium: 70cm(W) *120cm(H)*50cm(T) 23、婚宴保证多少人可以得到婚宴包价的优惠? 150 pax and above. How many people guaranteed can get the wedding 150 人以上(含 150 人)。 package benefits? 24、宴会厅能承办多少人的大型宴会。 1000 人。 1000 pax. How many people banquet can hold in Grand ball room。 25、宴会有多少套卡拉 OK, 客人使用时是免费的 没有 还是收费的? None. How many Karaoke we have in banquet,is it charge or free? 26、我们能否在大宴会厅内做车展? 能, 但车的重量不能超过 3 吨。 Can we do car exhibition in ballroom? Yes, we can. But, the car weight can’t over 3T. 27、背景架的尺寸是多少? 小厅的背景架是 2.5 米*4 米,大宴会厅背景架是 5 What’s the dimension for backdrop frame? 米*10 米。 The dimension for backdrop frame in function room is 2.5m* 4.0m, and for grand ballroom is 5.0m*10.0m. 28、宴会最大的圆桌子尺寸多大?最多可容纳多 直径 16 米,可容纳 50 人。 人? 16M (d), 50pax. How big is the biggest round table of banquet, and how many pax can fix it? 29、你知道 1/3 的大宴会厅半天场租的费用吗? 每半天即使用 4 个小时的场租是人民币二万九千元 Do you know how much about rental for 1/3Grand 净价,包括服务。 Ballroom in half day? RMB29,000.00 net 。 30、我们的大宴会厅有电动屏幕吗?有多少,分 没有. 别在哪? No. Do we have automatic screen in the wall of grand ballroom? How many? 31、大宴会厅的高度是多少?厅里有柱子吗? 7.5 米高, 整个大宴会厅没有一根柱子。 How tall is the grand ballroom ceiling? Is there any 7.5 meters. No any pillar in the grand ballroom. pillar in the grand ballroom? 预订部 Reservations 33、预定部办会室所在位置?部门分机号? 酒店一楼行政办公室与售销部办公室。预定部分 The location of the reservations office? Reservations 机为 6830,6836,6839 。 The basement of the Manager Name? Extension No.? 23


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ hotel, executive office next to Sales Office. The extension of Reservations is 6830,6836,6839. 34、预定部非周末和非节假日的工作时段? 早上 8:30-晚上 7:30 Reservations’ weekday except public holiday office 8:30a.m. – 19:30p.m. hour? 35、预定部在周末及公休假日的工作时段? 早上 8:30-下午 5:30。 Reservations’ weekend / Public Holiday office hour? 8:30a.m. – 17:30p.m. 36、预定部只负责房间的预定吗? 为提供一站式的服务,预定文员还可以帮助预定 Does Reservations take room bookings only? 客人车辆以及酒店其他的产品咨询。 To provide on shop service, Reservations Agents can also help guests to book Transportation service and other hotel outlet information inquires. 37、福州香格里拉的员工入住酒店需要通过预定 不需要,员工只需在香格里拉网站或 APP 上自行 部订房? 操作订房即可。 Do employees from Shangri-La Hotel Fuzhou have No, Employees to book through to book their rooms through Hotel Reservations? website or Shangri-La APP. 38、香格里拉集团预定部的工作使命是什以? 在为客人提供一致的高品质服务的同时,力争客 What’s Corporate Reservations’ Mission Statement? 房收入的最大化。 To provide consistent quality services to our customers and strive to maximize room revenue opportunities. 39、相对酒店来讲,预定部扮演怎样的角色? 控制及预测酒店房态,控制收益及各个经营渠 What’s Hotel Reservations’ Role in the hotel? 道。 Room inventory control, forecasting, Yield Management and Channel Management, etc. 40、我们的员工入住其他香格里拉酒店可以享受 可享受员工价以及餐饮洗衣八折(入住时员工需 那些优惠? 要出示员工卡)。 What kind of benefits for a Shangri-La employee to Enjoy staff rate and entitles 20% off on F&B and get if he/she stays in other Shangri-La Hotels? Laundry service (the employee will be request to present his/her ID upon check-in.) 41、当两个以上的客人入住同一间客房时,我们 按照香格里拉酒店及度假酒店的政策,无论客人 怎样收取房费? 是否需要加床我们都将向客人收取额外的费用, What’s rate if there are more than 2 people check-in 家庭计划及套房除外。 in one guest room? It is the policy of Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts to charge a third person sharing the room a supplementary rate regardless if an extra bed is required or not. Exceptions are for family plan and suite occupancy. 42、什么是我们的对客承诺? 当客人在我们酒店担保订房而由于各种原因无法 What’s Shangri-La Pledge? 提供空余房间时,我们会在相应的酒店为其安排 24


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 房间,其间客人可拨打一个长途的电话,话费以 及到其它酒店的交通费用由我们酒店承担。如果 客人想在我们酒店房间空余的第一时间入住,我 们还可以提供免费的接送服务。 \"When you have a guaranteed reservation at a Shangri- La Hotel or Resort and we are unable to accommodate you for any reason, we will arrange for accommodations for you at an alternate hotel at our expense. Shangri-La will provide you with a complimentary long distance phone call, transfer you to the alternate hotel and provide transportation back to our hotel where we wanted you to be in the first place.\" 43、在预定文员繁忙时,客人还可通过哪些方式 客人可通过服务中心或是直接到前台和豪华阁订 订房? 房。 How does an outside guest to make a room Guest can either call Service Center or go directly to reservation when Hotel Reservations Agents aren’t Front Desk/Horizon to make a room reservation. available? 44、预定文员还负责其它功能的工作? 是的,像目前,预定文员和前厅员工都在力争让 Do Reservations Agents involve in other job 更多的客人入住到我们的更高等级的房间,如豪 functions? 华阁以及套房。所以从某一方面来讲,他们是我 们的销售人员。 Yes, like currently Reservations Agents and Front Desk Agents are competing to up-sell hotel guests to higher room category, so sometimes we call them as “Reservations Sales Agents”. 收益管理 Revenue 45、平均可用房收入的定义是什么? 平均可用房收入=收入 / 可用房=平均房价×住房 What is the definition of Revpar (Revenue Per 率,是衡量酒店客房收益情况以及价格和住房率 Available Room)? 策略是否能得到最大回报的重要依据。 Revpar (Revenue Per Available Room) = Revenue / available rooms = ADR * Occupancy. A key measure is ensuring our rooms revenue situation, as well as price and occupancy decisions give the best possible return. 46、什么是客房的市场划分? 一共有 7 种个人,4 种团队的客房市场划分。 7 种 What are the Market Segments of rooms? 个人划分包括公开门市价客人、 协议公司客人、 线下旅游代理商、线上旅游代理商、优惠包价、 长住客和个人其他。4 种团体划分包括公司会议、 社会组织会议、旅游团体和其他团队。 There are a total of 7 individual and 4 group market segments. Individual includes Public Rate、 25


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 47、市场份额的定义是什么? Negotiated、 Wholesale offline、Wholesale on- What is the definition of Market Share? line、 Package、Long Stay and Individual Others. Group includes Corporate/Meetings、Social 48、预测能给我们带来什么好处? Organizations、Group Tours and Group Others. What are the benefits of forecasting? 在某一时期内,某个酒店销售占总的酒店行业销 49、收益管理的定义是什么? 售的百分比, 是在给定的竞争对手下衡量一个酒 What is the definition of Revenue Management? 店业绩表现的重要依据。 The specific percentage of total industry sales of a particular product achieved by a single company in a given period of time. A measure of how well a hotel is performing versus their competitive set. 人员配置,计划安排, 采购安排, 预算对比, 生 意来源组合的优化,执行有效的收益策略, 和应 用恰当的价格等级。 Staffing, Scheduling, Purchasing, Comparison to Budget, To optimize the business mix, To implement an effective yield strategy, To apply the correct price tier. 运用恰当的价格策略,在恰当的时间,通过恰当 的渠道,分配恰当的房间量给恰当的客人。也可 以说,收入管理是要在不牺牲价格的情况下提高 住房率,使收益最大化。 The application of right pricing strategies to allocate the right capacity to the right customer for the right product at the right time through the right channel, revenue management also is the science of stimulating occupancy without sacrificing rate to maximize the hotel revenue. 平衡计分卡(Balanced Score Card) 1、平衡计分卡是从哪四个维度来衡量酒店的绩 我们的员工和客人;我们的社区;我们的业务;其 效情况? 他 What are four dimensions from which the Balanced Our People and Guests, Our Community, Our Scorecard enables us to assess the performance of Business, Others our hotel? 2、我们的业务主要关注哪些方面,每项比重各 酒店总营业收入 Hotel GOR (10%) 是多少? 酒店 EBITDA 盈利 Hotel EBITDA (30%) What are the main areas of Our Business and what’s the proportion of each area? 26


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 3、“我们的客户”主要关注哪些方面,每项比 客人满意度竞争力指数 CompIndex (3%) 重各是多少? 整体入住体验-满分好评占比 Over Stay Experience- What are the main focus areas of Our Guests and Top Box Performance (5%) what’s the proportion of each area? 处理问题满意度平均分 Problem Handling (5%) 安全审计 Security Audit (2%) 4、“我们的员工”主要关注哪些方面,每项比 食物安全审计 Food Safety Audit(2%) 重各是多少? 消防安全审计 Fire Life Safety Audit (2%) What are the main focus areas of Our People and 工程审计 Engineering Audit(2%) what’s the proportion of each area? Shangri-La Cares Assurance Program 香格里拉安心 5、“我们的社区”主要关注哪些方面,每项比重 守护计划(2%) 各是多少? What are the main focus areas of Our Community 核心学习课程 Core Learning Program (7%) and what’s the proportion of each area? 接班人计划 Succession Planning (5%) 可持续发展:节能与节水 Sustainability: Energy & Water Saving (2%) 志愿服与社区参与 Volunteerism and Community Engagement (3%) 培训(Training) 成为人们至爱的服务企业,开拓新视野,树立行业 战略计划 Strategic Plan 新标杆. To be the best-loved hospitality group, pioneering new 1、我们的愿景是什么? horizons and seeting new benchmark. What is our Vision? 以可持续的经营方式和待客之道,为人们创造丰富 2、我们的宗旨是什么? 多彩的美好生活。 What is our Purpose We host people to the color joys of life in a sustainable manner. 3、我们的业务是什么? What is our Business? 我们传承亚洲的优秀传统,通过创造良好的环境以 及难忘的体验,让人们尽享生活、工作、娱乐、美 4、我们的信念是什么? 食和休憩的愉悦时光。 What is our Beliefs? Inspired by our Asian heritage, we enable people to live, work, play, eat and rest well through the environments we created and the memorable experience we deliver. 造福社会,把顾客体验做到极致,勇作为、敢担 当,爱拼才会赢,永不言弃。 27


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 5、我们的本质是什么? Do good, Obsess over customer experience, Own our What is our Nature? success, Compete to win, Never give up. 香格里拉热情好客一 Shangri-La Care I 尊重备至、彬彬有礼、无微不至、真诚质朴、温良 谦恭,无私奉献。 Respect, courtesy, Thoughtfulness, sincerity and humility, Selflessness. 6、香格里拉热情好客 I 主要讲述什么内容? 热情好客香格里拉情。 What is Shangri-La Care I all about? It is about Shangri-La Hospitality from Caring People. 7、什么是“热情好客香格里拉情”? What do you mean by Shangri-La Hospitality? 就是使客人体验到所到国家特有的热情好客之 道。 8、请说出为客服务的禁忌。 The hospitality of the country that they are visiting. Please name the customer service sins. 我不知道./我做不了/您不得不....../对客人说“不”。 香格里拉热情好客二 Shangri-La Care II I don’t know; I can’t do; You have to; Saying ‘No’ to customers. 9、香格里拉热情好客 II 主要讲述什么内容? 通过认知客人、预见客人需求、提供 灵活的服 What is Shangri-La Care II all about? 务、补救工作中的失误,令客人喜出望外,与客 人交流互动,从而赢得客人的忠实感。 10、与客人交流互动的“3A” 行动是什么? What is the “3 A” actions for Engaging Guest Providing guest delight through recognition, 11、满意和喜出望外的区别是什么? anticipation, flexibility and recovery, engagement with What is the difference between satisfaction and guest to build guest loyalty. delight? - 微笑致意 (Acknowledge) 香格里拉热情好客三 Shangri-La Care III - 查明情况 (Ascertain) - 预见需求 (Anticipate) 仅仅使客人满意不能在客人心目中留下深刻的印 象。令客人喜出望外是通过个性化的认知、预 见、灵活和补救给客人意外的惊喜。 Satisfaction is the level of service that does not stand out in the mind of the customer. Delight is creating the ‘Wow’ effect through individualized, recognition, anticipation, flexibility and recovery. 12、什么是发扬主人翁精神的主要驱动力? 是 SELF 原则:展示责任感,积极主动,自我鞭 What is the driver of taking ownership? 策,热情洋溢。 Show Commitment, Eager to take initiatives, Lead 13、发扬主人翁精神对我们来说有什么益处 ? Yourself, Filled with passion. 有更好的工作环境 、自我发展、家庭中的楷模 28


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ What’s the benefit for taking ownership? Have a better environment , self-development ,and being role model in the family 14、发扬主人翁精神的具体内容? 关心客人,关心同事,关心公司 What is take ownership about? Care guest, Care colleague and Care company. 香格里拉热情好客四 Shangri-La Care IV 倾听,道歉,解决问题令客人喜出望外,跟进 Listen, Apologize, and Fix the problem to Delight, 15、积极补救,赢得客人忠实感的四个步骤是什 Follow up. 么? What are the 4 steps of recover to gain? 所有关于培训的材料,如热情好客香格里拉情 I, II,III,IV 学员教材,领导力课程课本等。 酒店培训相关内容 All the training materials; SLC I, II, III, IV participant Hotel Training Related Content workbook; Leaders Program workbook. 1933 年英国作家詹姆斯.希尔顿《失落的地平线》 16、员工若离职,需要把什么培训资料交还培训 一书。 部? 《Lost Horizon》 written by British writer James What training materials should be returned to Hilton in year of 1933. Training Dept. upon resignation? 1982 年 17、“香格里拉”一词来源于何处? 1982 Where does “Shangri-La” come from? 1、香格里拉英文名字的开头字母“S”的大写。 18、香格里拉国际饭店管理有限公司成立于哪一 2、亚洲式建筑的屋檐和曲线。3、上面是座山 年? 峰,中间是条地平线,下面是山峰在水中的倒 When did Shangri-La International Hotel 影。 Management Co. Ltd, establish? 1. The first letter “S” of Shangri-La; 2. Asian style 19、我们的“S”标志有什么含义? building; 3. The part above represents a mountain, What’s the meaning of our logo? middle line represents horizon; the part below represents the inverted reflection in the water. 20、集团首家酒店是哪一家? 新加坡香格里拉大酒店。 Which hotel is the first hotel in our group? Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore. 21、香格里拉集团总部在哪个城市? 香港 Where is head office of Shangri-La group? Hong Kong 22、集团在中国大陆的总部分别是在哪个城市? 北京及上海。 Where is the head office in mainland China? Beijing and Shanghai. 23、香格里拉官方网站是什么? Official Website: What’s the official website of Shangri-La? 官方网站 29


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 香格里拉的集团内部网站是什么? Intranet Website: What’s the intranet website of Shangri-La? 集团内部网 24、部门需要使用培训教室时有何手续? How to book Training Room for Training Purpose? 联系培训部同事,培训部会根据培训教室的使用 情况帮助使用部门进行预定 25、员工仪容仪表对头发的要求是怎样的? Contact with Training Department colleagues to make What’s standard for hair? training room reservation. 头发保持整洁干净、头发颜色不得夸张或奇异发 型、不涂抹味过浓的发胶或啫喱水 男同事:长度前不过眉,侧不过耳,后不过衣领, 长度不得短于 1cm。 女同事:留过肩长发者,工作时需用黑色发圈将 头发束起, 具体如下: - 客房部,管事部和厨房同事:使用发网将头发 盘于脑后。 - 宾客关系主任,夏宫迎宾员, 大堂吧,豪华阁 和精品店同事:使用酒店提供的发簪盘发。 - 其余同事:可盘发或扎马尾辫,视部门的运作 主题而定且征得部门总监批准。 26、仪容仪表对面部的要求是怎样的? Clean, neat. No dying, no strong smell of gel, no fancy What is the grooming standard for Face? hairstyle, no fancy decorations. Male Colleagues: The front must not cover forehead, the side must not reach ears, the back must not reach collar and no less than 1cm. Female Colleagues:When on duty, draped hair over shoulder should be coiled up with black hair clip as follows: - Housekeeping,Stewarding and Kitchen colleagues:Use hairnet to coil up hair. - GRO, Summer Palace hostesses ,Lobby Lounge, Horizon Club, Lobby Shop colleagues:Use hair pin provided by hotel to coil up hair. - The rest of colleagues: Either coil up hair or ponytail,depends on operational theme & approved by Div. Head. 保持清洁。男员工不可蓄须留鬓角。女员工应化 淡妆,用餐后及时补妆。 Clean, Male: No beard, should shave every day. 30


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 27、仪容仪表对饰物的要求是怎样的? Female: Light make-up and little touch up should be What is the grooming standard for Decoration? made after meal. 28、仪容仪表对指甲及个人卫生的要求是怎样 样式传统、简单的手表,不允许带潜水表,表面 的? 花哨的塑料表(厨房员工不得戴手表,戒指或手 What is the grooming standard for Nail & Personal 镯)。 Hygiene 女员工:请配戴贴式耳饰,且不大于 2cm,一耳只 配戴一只耳饰。不得戴鼻环、脚环、或繁琐的首 29、核心规范中所述,对所有来电,我们应在铃 饰。允许佩带一件样式简单的项链,但必须藏于 响多少声内应答? 制服下。 According to hotel Core Practice, we should answer Only one simple design watch with plain face can be the phone within how many rings? worn. Diving watches, colored plastic band watches 30、目前酒店可以开展的培训项目有哪些? are not acceptable. (No watch, ring and bracelet are What training programs are available in our hotel? allowed for kitchen staff.) Female: One pair of small studded earring is allowed, and no larger than 2 cm in diameter. Nose rings, anklets and chunky jewelry are not allowed. One simple necklace is allowed to be worn under the uniform. 指甲干净修理整齐,长度不可超过指尖。厨房和 餐饮部员工不得使用指甲油,其他同事如果使用 指甲油,则须保养得当并采用保守的颜色(不能 采用蓝色、银色、紫色、黑色或带有亮片)。 不吃异味食物,不嚼口香糖。避免使用过量的香 水。 Nails: no longer than the finger tips. Staffs from KIT&F&B are not allowed to polish nail. Take shower every day and wash hands often. If nail polish is applied, it has to be well maintained and conservative in color (No blue, silver, purple, black and glitter) No smelly food was eaten. No chewing gum and other food at work place. Not too much perfume. 3声 3 rings 基础培训和管理层培训包括: 基础培训: 新员工入职培训,热情好客香格里拉情 1,2,3,4 培训等; 管理层培训:培训员技巧培训; 香情天使认证;领 导力培训。 Generic & Management Training: 31


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ Generic Training: New Hire Orientation, Shangri-La Care 1, 2,3 & 4 Training. Management Training: Trainer Skills Training, Shang Care Program Angel Certification Training; Leadership Training. 31、培训合同的最长期限不能超过几年? 2年 The longest time limited for the training contact is? 2 years 32、ELP 和 SLP 的中文名称是? ELP:新型领导力课程 What is the Chinese Name of ELP & SLP? SLP:战略领导力课程 ELP:Emerging Leaders’ Program SLP:Strategic Leadership Program 33、ELP 和 SLP 课程主要针对哪些级别的员工? ELP:适用于所有 3 级经理 Which levels is ELP & SLP main focus on? SLP 适用于所有 2 级和 1 级经理 ELP:for L3 Managers SLP:for L2 & L1 Managers 34、员工什么时候需要参加热情好客香格里拉情 新员工应在入职第二天参加热情好客香格里拉情 1 1, 2 ,3 &4 的培训? 的培训; How many days is the New Hire Orientation? 在入职 2 个月内参加热情好客香格里拉情 2 培训; When the staffs need to attend the course of 在入职 3 个月内参加热情好客香格里拉情 3 培训; Shangri-La Care 1, 2, 3&4? 在入职 6 个月内,参加热情好客香格里拉情 4。 Newly hired staff should attend Shangri-La Care 1 on the second day of employment; attend Shangri-La Care 2 during 2nd month; attend Shangri-La Care 3 during 3rd month; attend Shangri-La Care 4 during 6rd month. 质量改进 Quality Improvement(QI) 35、QI, OSE, Compindex 这些缩写分别代表什 QI 代表质量改进 Quality Improvement, 么? OSE 代表客人的整体入住体验 Overall Stay What does QI, OSE, Compindex stand for respectively? Experience Compindex 代表酒店竞争力指数  2021 Compindex Goal: 1.04 above or performance score ≥ 98. 2021 酒店竞争力指标目标: 1.04 分以上或表现分 大等于 98 36、我们酒店有多少个核心项目小组?分别是哪 我们有 4 个核心项目小组: 几个? ◆ FL15(最初和最后的关键 15 分钟) How many Core Project Teams do we have? What Critical First & Last 15 minutes of Guest Experience are they? ◆ BITe(早餐改进小组) 32


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ Breakfast Improvement Team ◆ WAGS(工作任务单、客用品及客房用品小 组) Working Order, Amenities and Guestroom Supplies ◆ MEET(卓越会议及宴会活动团队) Meetings and Events Excellence Team 37、DR3 指的是什么? 它指的是缺陷问题的报告、记录和解决。 What does DR3 mean? It refers to Defect Reporting, Recording, and Resolution. 香格里拉体验 Shangri-La Experience 38、“香格里拉体验”是由谁编写的? 由来自世界各地香格里拉酒店的同事们组成的专 Who create the Shangri-La Experience? 门小组编写。 Created by a dedicated team of Shangri-La colleagues from hotels around the world. 39、在“香格里拉体验”中,有几种行为和行动适 82 种 用于整个酒店? 82 items. How many behaviors and actions in Shangri-La Experience across the entire hotel? 40、“香格里拉体验”的核心内容是什么? 发自内心的热情好客之道。 What’s the core content in Shangri-La Experience? Hospitality from the Heart 41、如果客人的房价中含早餐,我们就不要将账 正确 单交给客人签字,是否正确? Right. Is it correct that our guest no need to sign the bill if the breakfast including in the room charge? 42、机场代表的服装由两种色系的搭配,是哪两 红色和金色 种色系? Red & Golden What two collocation color for airport representative’s uniform? 43、进入客房时,我们要称呼客人的名字,与每 儿童 位客人打招呼,特别是________? Children When entering the guestroom, we will use the guest’s name and greet each guest especially_____? 44、晚间的夜床服务,我们会在床上放置什么? 书签 What we should place neatly on the bed when do the Bookmark. turn down service? 45、礼宾部同事是使用什么设备为客人介绍酒店 IPad 餐厅和本地其他餐厅的? What facility does concierge use to introduce our hotel restaurant and other local restaurant? 33


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 46、在香格里拉体验中,酒店的景观房的纱帘应 正确 是打开的,正确吗? Right Is it right that for our guestroom with good views, we should keep the sheer drapes open? 企业与社会责任 CSR 47、CSR 是什么的简称? 企业社会责任 What does CSR short for? Corporate Social Responsibility 48、酒店“香格里拉人文关怀”项目的合作伙伴 闽侯善恩园(MFH) 是? Mercy Field Home in Minhou Who is our “Embrace” project partner? 49、酒店从何时开始与善恩园建立关怀项目的合 2010 年 作? 2010 When does our hotel built the “Embrace” project with MFH 每年三月最后一个星期六 The last Saturday of every March 50、地球一小时活动是在每年的哪一天举办? When does the yearly “Earth Hour Activity” hold? 20:30-21:30 51、地球一小时的时段是什么时候? 欧欧,其原型是一只中华凤头燕鸥 What duration does Earth Hour? Mr.Ou,the prototype is a bird named Sterna bernsteini。 52、酒店的吉祥物的名称是什么,其原型是什 么? What is the name of our hotel mascot? What is the prototype? 53、酒店和善恩园具体合作项目有哪些? 校舍及宿舍改造 What cooperative projects between hotel & MFH? Schoolhouse & Dormitory Renovation 人事 (Personnel) 远足出游 Hiking 教育参观 Visiting School 360 度全方位发展计划-包括大学奖学金 360 education program – Including University Scholarship 暑期实习 Summer internship 英语课程 English Course 开心农场等等 Happy Farm. etc 1、酒店共有多少级别?各级别的名称是什么? 五个级别。 How many levels are there in our Hotel? What are Five Levels. 34


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ they? 一级:宾客服务行政管理级 二级:高级宾客服务经理级 2、新入职员工的试用期是多久? 三级:宾客服务经理级 How long is the probation period for new staff? 四级:主管级 3、新员工入职三个月后就可以自动通过试用期 五级:宾客服务员级 吗? Level 1: Service Executives Can new staff automatically pass probation after on Level 2: Senior Service Manager board 3 months? Level 3: Service Manager 4、每月几号发放工资? Level 4: Service Leader When do we get salary each month? Level 5: Service Associate 5、哪家银行是员工工资的代发行? 三个月。 Which bank do we get salary? Three months. 6、员工工资是否可以公开谈论? 不可以,需经评估合格并由部门总监及人力资源 Can we talk our salary openly? 部总监批准后才可以转正。 7、员工上班时是否要带名牌? No, evaluations need to be conducted and approved by Do we wear name tag during working time? Division Head and Director of Human Resources. 8、员工制服可以带出酒店吗? 每个月的最后一个工作日。 Can you take uniform out of Hotel? Last working day of each month. 9、员工手册及培训合同是合同的一部分吗? 中国工商银行。 Is the Employee Handbook and Training Bonding a Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. part of contract? 工资属个人隐私,不可以公开谈论。 10、员工希望调动到其它部门/其它酒店,可以 No, we should not talk about private issues openly. 直接与那个部门的经理/那个酒店联系吗? 是的,名牌是工服的一部分。 If the employee wants to internal / inter-hotel Yes, name tag is part of the uniform. transfer, does he/she can contact with the receiving department head/Hotel? 不可以,包括工鞋。 11、酒店内部调动的程序是怎样的? No. All uniform including shoes are not allowed to What are the internal transfer procedures? take out of hotel. 是的。 Yes. 不可以, 需要通过人力资源部进行协调。 No,should be coordinated by HR. 员工应先到人力资源部填写调动申请表。同时, 告知部门负责人。然后由人力资源部安排与调至 部门面试,通过后由部门总监在石基系统申请, 最后由总经理批准生效。 35


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 12、员工要申诉就直接找总经理对吗?程序是怎 Staff should apply the position by fill up the 样的? application form in Human Resources Department. At Can you complain to GM directly? What is the the same time, staff should inform the department Procedure? head. An interview will be arranged by HR department to receiving department. 13、每年共有几天法定假日?都是哪几天? Division Head needs to apply in Shiji System. How many Public Holidays are there in one year? The transfer will be effective after the final approval What are they? by GM. 14、酒店福利中各级别本地员工的年假分别是多 不对。根据申诉程序和尽快及时解决问题的原 少天? 则,先向部门主管、经理和总监申诉,得不到解 How many days of Annual Leave for local 决再向人力资源部申诉,如还得不到解决,再向 employees of each level in Hotel Benefit? 总经理申诉。 No. Staff should complain to their Supervisor/ Manager and Division Head, if the problem can not be solved, complain to Director of Human Resources, if still can not be solved, then complain to GM. 十一天;元旦一天;春节三天;清明节一天;劳 动节一天;端午节一天;中秋节一天;国庆节三 天。 Total 11 days, New Year 1 day, Spring Festival 3 days, Qingming Festival 1 day, Labor’s Day 3 days, Dragon Boat Festival 1 day, Middle- Autumn Day 1 day, National Day 3 days. 一级:16 个工作日 二级:第一至第五年 12 个工作日; 第六至第九年 14 个工作日; 第十年以后 16 个工作日。 三级:第一至第五年 10 个工作日; 第六至第九年 12 个工作日; 第十至第十四年 14 个工作日。 第十五年以后 16 个工作日 四级:第一至第五年 8 个工作日; 第六至第九年 10 个工作日; 第十至第十四年 12 个工作日。 第十五年以后 15 个工作日 五级:第一至第五年 6 个工作日; 第六至第九年 8 个工作日; 第十至第十四年 10 个工作日。 第十五年以后 15 个工作日 Level 1:16 working days Level 2:yr1-5: 12 working days yr 6-9: 14 working days 36


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 15、年假是工作日还是日历日? yr 10 and above: 16 working days Is Annual Leave working days or calendar days? Level 3:yr1-5: 10 working days 16、年假是否有有效期限? Is there the valid period for Annual Leave? yr 6-9: 12 working days yr 10-14: 14 working days 17、婚假可休多少天? yr 15 and above: 16 working days How many days of Marriage Leave can we take? Level 4:yr1-5: 8 working days 18、婚假的提取应在结婚证签发当日起几个月内 yr 6-9: 10 working days 有效? yr 10-14: 12 working days Marriage Leave should be taken within how many yr 15 and above: 15 working days months from the date of marriage registration? Level 5:yr1-5: 6 working days 19、女员工可享受多少天产假? yr 6-9: 8 working days How many days can we take for Maternity Leave? yr 10-14: 10 working days 20、哪些员工可以休陪产假?陪产假多少天? yr 15 and above: 15 working days What kind of staff can take Nursing Leave? 工作日。 21、丧假休息几天? Working days How many days can we take for Compassionate Leave? 有。截止至每年 12 月 31 日,如本年度内的年假仍 未休完,就会被取消。 22、有薪病假全年共有多少天? Yes. The AL will be cancelled if you have not taken How many days of paid sick leave are there in one till the date of December 31 per year. year? 婚假 15 天。 15 days. 12 个月内 Within 12 months from the date of marriage registration 158 天 。 158 days. 男员工在妻子生产时可以休 15 天陪产假。 15 days for Male staff whose wife is delivering a baby. 直系亲属(父母、子女、配偶): 3 天; 非直系亲属(公婆、岳父母、祖父母及亲兄弟姐妹): 1 天。 3 days for direct relatives, 1 day for indirect relatives. 每个月 1 天,一年 12 天,有薪病假不得累计到下 一年,不可提前使用。 One day per Month, twelve days per year. The paid sick leave is non-accumulative from year to year, and is forfeited if not taken and not allow to use in advance. 37


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 23、什么是无薪病假? 通过试用期的正式员工每个月可享受 1 天的带薪病 What is unpaid Sick Leave? 假,带薪病假使用完后的病假均为无薪病假。 All of the permanent staff who has passed the 24、员工请病假需要哪些人审批? probation period will be entitled 1 day sick leave per Who should you ask for approval if you ask for seak month. The unpaid sick leave will emerge if the sick leave? leave has been used out. 1 级人员需要经过人力资源部总监和总经理审批 25、请事假会影响工资吗? 2-5 级人员需要经过部门总监和人力资源部总监审 Does private leave affect employee’s salary? 批 26、申请假期可以口头申请吗?怎么申请? L1 staff should ask for HRD and GM’s approval Can we apply for Leave orally? How to apply? L2-L5 staff should ask fro division head and HRD’s approval. 27、酒店违纪处分共有几种? 是的,事假当天没有工资。 How many kind of misconduct in our hotel? Yes, no salary on the day of private leaves. 不可以。需提前在员工自助系统中申请并获得审 28、违纪处分的有效期分别是多长时间? 批. How long are the warnings? No. You should apply in HRC system and get the approval. 29、无薪病假、事假、旷工及违纪处分对年终花 四种。口头警告、书面警告、最终警告、解除劳 红有影响吗? 动合同。 Will No Paid Sick Leave, Private Leave, Absence Four types: Verbal warning、Written Warning、Final without justifiable reason and Misconduct influence Warning、Dismissal the Year-end Bonus? 30、如果劳动合同工辞职需要提前几天提出书面 口头警告:六个月;书面警告:九个月; 申请? 最后警告:十二个月。 How long does the notice period for resigning Oral Warning: 6 months; Written Warning: 9 months; contract employees? Last Warning: 12 months. 31、实习生辞职需要提前几天提出申请? 有影响。 How long does the notice period for resigning Yes. Trainee? 32、员工辞职如未按规定提前申请该如何处理? 提前 30 天; 如 在 试 用 期 内 需 提 前 三天。 How do we do if staff did not submit the 30 days in advance; 3 days during probation. 提前三天。 3 days in advance. 按合同约定的比例以工资代替。 Deduct salary according to contract. 38


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ Resignation Application in advance? 连续三天或全年累计三天。 33、员工旷工几天酒店即可与其解除劳动合同? Three days continuous or three days accumulated a How many days can we terminate the contract if year. staff Absent from work without approval? 34、离职手续应在什么时间办理? 最后工作日的第二天。 When should the staff conduct the check out The next day of Last Working Day. procedure if the resignation application is approved? 35、酒店为员工缴纳了几项保险?每项保险缴纳 养老保险:企业 16%,个人 8% 的比例是多少? 失业保险:企业 0.5%, 个人 0.5% What kind of the insurance do we provide to our 生育保险:企业 0.7% employees? What is the ratio? 工伤保险:企业 0.2% 住房公积金:企业 12%,个人 12% 36、应聘者须携带什么材料? 医疗保险:企业 8%,个人 2% What should the application take for interview? Retirement Insurance: Hotel 16%, Staff 8%. Unemployment Insurance: Hotel 0.5%, Staff 0.5%. 37、未经批准员工是否可以在客用区消费? Maternity Insurance: Hotel 0.7%. Can we consume in guest area without approval. Working Injury Insurance: Hotel 0.2%. 38、所有员工都可以在员工布告栏里发布信息 Housing Fund: Hotel 12%, Staff 12%. 吗? Medical Insurance: Hotel 8%, Staff 2% Can staff put all the information that they want to put in the Notice Board? 身份证、一张 1 寸照片、简历、学历证明等。 39、什么情况下使用员工证? ID Card, one photo of 1inch, resume, graduation When do we use Employee Card? certificate etc. 40、员工证及员工名牌丢失后怎么办?费用是多 不可以,需通过部门总监批准。 少? No, only with Dept heads’ approval. What should we do if we lost our Employee Card or Name Tag? How much should we pay? 不可以,须经人力资源部审核后才可以。 No, should be reviewed by HR in advance. 41、更衣柜锁可以自己更换吗? 出入酒店时;借用更衣柜钥匙;入住员工宿舍 时;入住倒班宿舍时;工资抽查,到财务部领取 工资及员工餐厅用餐时。 Go in/out hotel; borrow locker keys; stay in Staff Dormitory; stay in Shift Dormitory; get salary in General Cashier; be used for meals. 到人力资源部补办并去总出纳处交补办费用。员 工证 20 元,名牌 15 元。 Post-register in HR and the relevant fee must be submitted to General Cashier. Employee ID Card 20 Yuan, name tag 15 Yuan. 不可以。 39


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ Can you change your locker locks by yourself? No. 42、食品及贵重物品可以放在更衣柜里吗? 不可以。 Can you put food and valuable property in locker? No 43、酒店物品可以放在更衣柜内吗? 不可以。 Can you put hotel property in your locker? No. 44、更衣柜可以私自调换吗? 不可以。 Can staff exchange their lockers by themselves? No. 45、更衣柜密码锁丢了怎么办? 到人力资源部领取新锁,每把锁 75 元。 相关的费 What should we do when the locker keys are lost? 用交至总出纳室。 Received a new locker from HR, and the fee is 75 46、更衣室可以吸烟吗?在哪里可以吸烟? yuan . The relevant fee must be submitted to General Can employee smoke in lockers? Where is allowed? Cashier. 不可以。员工通道外的吸烟室可以吸烟。 47、员工什么情况下可以到员工休息室休息? No. Only can smoke in Smoking Room beside Staff When can staff go to Staff Room for break? Entrance. 上两头班的员工中间休息时可以到活动室休息。 48、令客人喜出望外计划共有几个级别?名称分 Staff can have rest in Staff Recreation Room between 别是什么? the Split Shift. How many levels are there for Customer Delight 三个。银星奖、金星奖、钻石奖。 Program? What are they? Three. Silver Star ,Gold Star,Diamond. 员工宿舍(Staff Dormitory) 整天。 Whole Day Long 49、员工宿舍的开放时间? 身份证住址非福州四城区(鼓楼、台江、仓山、 What is the operation time of Staff Dormitory? 晋安)地址;现居住地距离酒店 20 公里以外;申 50、什么情况下可以入住员工宿舍? 请人在本地无购置房产(含公租房) What kind of the employees can stay at Staff The address on ID card shows not within five districts Dormitory? of Fuzhou (Gulou, Taijiang, Cangshan, Jingan); The distance between current living address and hotel is 51、没有住宿申请表可以入住员工宿舍吗? more than 20km; Applicants didn’t purchase Can staff stay in Staff Dormitory without Dormitory property in local (including public rental apartment) Application Form? 不可以。 52、员工宿舍可以吸烟吗? No. Can staff smoke in Staff Dormitory? 不可以。 No. 40


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 53、非本酒店员工可以住员工宿舍吗? 不可以。 Can outside person stay in Staff Dormitory? No. 54、员工宿舍为员工提供了哪些服务? What service do we offer for staff in Staff 厨房,冰箱,洗衣机,探亲房,快易宝等。 Dormitory? Kitchen,Refrigeratoe, Washing Machine, Family Visitor Room,Express Package Receiving Box etc. 医务室(Clinic) 正常工作日 9:00am-18:00pm 55、员工医务室的开放时间? Working Day 9:00am-18:00pm What is the operation time of Hotel Clinic? 56、员工上班时生病了怎么办? 到医务室诊治; 除急诊外,所有病假须得到酒店护 How do we apply for sick leave? 士的确认。 Except emergency situations, all Sick Leaves must be 57、店外就诊的程序是怎样的? confirmed by hotel Nurse. What is the procedure of outpatient? 先到酒店医务室就诊,由医务室护士确认是否需 58、员工在家发生急诊怎么办? 要到店外就诊。 What do we do for emergency case at home? Go to the hotel Clinic first and the nurse will decide if you need go to hospital. 员工可自行到医院就医。 The employee should go to the hospital at his/her discretion. 1.如果员工生病严重不能来上班,必须在班次开始 前至少 1 小时内通知其主管或经理 If the employee is too sick to come to work, he/she must inform his/her service leader or manager at least 1 hour before the scheduled work time. 通常,该员工应在医院签发病假后 24 小时内向其 部门经理申请病假。若病情严重本人不能请假, 则应先电话通知其主管或经理。 Usually, the concerned employee should apply for sick leave from his/her department head within 24 hours after the sick leave is issued by the hospital. If he/she is too sick to complete the sick leave application, he/she should make telephone calls to his/her service leaders or managers first. 2. 申请病假,应在生病发生 3 日内向人力资源部提 交如下内容: To apply for sick leave, the following documents must be submitted to the Human Resources Division within three (3) days after the sickness occurrence: - 有正规医院签署的盖有急诊章的病假单; 41


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ Sick certificate of official hospitals with Emergency Stamp on it; - 医生的处方;Doctors’ prescription; - 医院病历(急诊应有急诊章); The hospital’s medical record (with emergency stamp for emergency cases); - 收据(如需要/急诊应有急诊章) Receipts (if applicable / with emergency stamp for emergency cases) 59、什么是工伤? 在工作中履行操作规程但发生意外或上下班途中 What is working injury? 发生非本人主要责任的交通事故而受伤。 Injured at work by following the working procedures or have an accident which the one does not take the main responsibility during the way to or leave work. 60、员工在上下班途中遇到非本人主要责任的交 报警,同时通知部门主管或经理。 通事故,应如何处理? Call police, and inform leader or manager at the same What do employee should do when have an accident time. during the way to or leave work? 61、发生工伤后需在多长时间内填写报告? 24 小时之内。 How long should we complete the report after the Within 24 hours. Working injury happened? 62、员工多长时间体检一次? 一年一次。 How long do we have the medical check? Once per year 63、医药垃圾是否可以直接扔到垃圾箱里? 不可以,要扔到专用的医用垃圾箱里,并由酒店 Can we throw the medical rubbish to normal rubbish 统一回收处理。 bin directly? No, should be throw in the Medical Rubbish Bin, re- collect and disposed by hotel together. 员工餐厅(Colleague Restaurant) 64、员工餐厅的开放时间? 早餐 Breakfast: 6:30am-8:45am What is the operation time of Staff Canteen? 午餐 Lunch: 10:30am-13:45pm 晚餐 Dinner: 4:00pm-19:00pm 65、不着工作服可以在员工餐厅用餐吗? 夜宵 Supper: 10:15pm-12:00pm Can we have meals at Staff Canteen if we are not wearing uniform? 不可以 66、员工餐食品可以带出员工餐厅吗? No Can we take the food out of Staff Canteen? 67、正常班次的员工在员工餐厅可免费享有几次 不可以。 工作餐? No. 2 顿(一正、一副) 2, one meal and one snack per shift per working day 42


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ How many meals does each colleague entitle to have per shift per working day? 68、两头班的员工在员工餐厅可免费享有几次工 根据班次享受 2 次正餐 作餐? Entitle two main meals per duty date. How many meals does split shift colleague entitle to have per duty date? 财务部 (FIN) 1、什么时候发放工资? 每个月最后一天。 When is payday? Last day every month. 2、 工资计算期间? 上月 21 日-本月 20 日 When is salary account period? From 21st last month to 20th this month 4、如何办理存折相对应的借记卡? 带身份证复印件往开户行储蓄柜台办理。 How to transact debit card relative to bankbook? Bring ID card to deposit counter of opening bank to transact. 5、 员工日薪是怎么计算的? 以月薪除以当月工作日天数。 How to calculate staff daily wages? Monthly pay divide working days. 6、 员工领取零用现金报销时间? 每天(工作日)下午 13:30 点至 15:30 点。 When is petty cash reimbursement time? From13:30 to 15:30 every Working day afternoon. 7、宴会临时工如何领取报酬? 现在以转账形式给到与酒店签订合同的临时工供 How do banquet casual labors get their payment? 应商,报酬由他们统一安排. Now the payment will pay for the casual labor supplier. 8、 每天的营业款是否当天存入银行? 是的。 Whether intraday revenue are deposited into bank ? Yes. 9、差旅费报销的期限? 出差返回后三个工作日内。 How long is deadline of traveling expense Three working day after coming back. reimbursement? 10、收银员兑换零钱的时间? 每天(工作日)的下午 13:30 点至 15:30 点。 What is the time cashier change dibs? From13:30 to 15:30 every Working day afternoon. 11、 什么样的信用卡单是有效的? (1)卡单显示预授权完成消费; (2)客人的签字。 What credit card slip is valid? (1)When slip shows sale; (2) Guest’s signature. 12、信用卡托收应注意什么? 金额正确、附件齐全、托收报告的批注。 What credit card late charge should pay attention to? Accurate sum、complete accessory and postil of late charge report. 13、多少钱的报销需要做付款申请表? 3000 元及 3000 元以上。 How much reimbursement need to fill in payment RMB 3000 and above. requisition? 43


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 14、 酒店可以报销外币现金吗? 不可以。 Can hotel reimburse foreign cash? No. 15、供应商的付款方式? What payment manner of supplier? 本月送货次月付款。 Supplier deliver well this month and hotel will give 16、多少钱的报销可以不出采购申请单? payment next month. How much reimbursement does not need to raise PR? 500 元以下。 Less than RMB 500. 18、 酒店有几种发票? 3 种。增值税专用发票、增值税普通发票、停车场 How many kinds of invoice hotel have? 定额发票。 3. VAT special invoice、Value Added Tax invoice、 19、 客人付款方式有几种? parking quota invoice. How many kinds of guest payment? 现金、微信、支付宝、信用卡、房间挂帐、城市 20、什么是 DRR? 挂帐、转账。 What is DRR? Cash、Wechat、Alipay、credit card、guest ledger、 21、 内部员工结帐方式有几种? city ledger、Bank transfer. How many kinds of internal staff check-out? 酒店每日营业收入报告。 22、 怎样区分销售礼券和赠送礼券? Daily Revenue Report. How to differentiate sale voucher from complimentary voucher? 员工用餐、业务促销、业务关系、员工关系、员 23、 我们酒店提供有几种茅台酒? 分别是什么? 工挂帐。 How many kinds of \"Maotai\" liquor our hotel DM、BP、BR、ER、EL. supplies? 24、 PR 单必须经过几级审批? 是哪几级? 销售礼券“S”开头,赠送礼券“C”开头。 How many and what levels needed for PR approval? Sale voucher initiates with “S” and complimentary voucher initiates with “C”. 25、填写 PR 单,有哪些要求? What are the requirements when filling in PR? 两种,53 度 30 年和飞天茅台。 2 kinds. 53 degree for 30 years' and Feitian Moutai. 五级审批:采购员,部门总监,采购经理,财务总监,驻 店经理或总经理。 Five levels: buyer, user dept .head, purchasing manager, Financial controller, RM or GM. 必须中英文填写,备注采购理由,品名,规格,数量,具 体要求。如无具体要求,请在采购申请单上附 图。 In English and Chinese, Purchasing reason in remark, product description, size, quantity, detailed requirements. Please attach the pictures with the PR, if no specific requirements. 44


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 26、 什么是酒店合格的食品供应商? 食品供应商资格认证,须持有营业执照,卫生许可证, What is a qualified food supplier for our hotel? 银行开户许可证。税务登记证,组织机构代码证, 供应商现场检查报告。 Food supplier qualification certifications of operation, sanitary, bank opening, tax registration, organization code, and the inspection report for supplier. 27、 每日生鲜食品是如何定价的? 供应商三家报价,再结合每月 3 次市场调查,调查人 How does the price of market list product set? 有采购员,使用部门,成本部员工,最后定价。 Three supplier's quotation and three times market survey with the staff from cost control and user dept. each month. 28、 非协议客户来酒店消费可否用转帐支票或 不可以。 现金支票消费? No. Can no credit facility guest use virement cheque or cash cheque to consume? 29、非协议客户消费允诺过两天结帐,应由几级 不可以担保。 员工担保? No one can assure. Which level staff can guarantee for no credit facility guest who made a promise to check-out two days after he consumed? 30、非协议客户消费预交 30%定金后还需要签订 需要。 担保函吗? Yes. Do they need to sign the guarantee letter after they pay 30% deposit in advance? 31、客人在餐厅消费,要求开住宿发票,可以 不可以。 吗? No. Can give guest accommodation invoice they asked for when they consume in outlets? 32、客人要求多开发票可以吗? 不可以。 Can give guest more invoices when they asked for? No. 35、什么情况下做收货记录要有采购申请单? 当采购的物品金额超过人民币 500 元。 What status doing receiving record need PR? When the price of merchandise exceed RMB500. 36、什么叫 GOP? 营业利润。 What does GOP mean? Gross Operating Profit. 37、什么叫 GOR? 营业收入。 What does GOR mean? Gross Operating Revenue. 38、采购订单金额超过多少元需要经过总经理 1500 元 审批? Over RMB1500 All purchase requisition with a value of more than how much need to approval by GM? 45


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 39、一台机器若是超多少金额需要纳入固定资 超 400 美金 产? Over USD400 A machine exceed how many amount should consider as a CAPEX item 工程部(ENG) 1、锅炉房在哪里? B1 层 Where is boiler room? B1 2、酒店有儿童游泳池 有 Is there children swimming pools? Yes 3、 酒店有几处喷泉? 1处 How many fountains are there? one 4、酒店霓虹灯招牌目前是几点开? 根据季节调整 When does Logo light be turned on summer? Based on season changed 5、夏天外围场景照明灯基本是在几点开 19:00 左右 On summer, when does outside light be turned on? About 19:00 6、弱电音控室电话号码? 6521 What is AV room telephone number? 6521 7、酒店最大投影幕的尺寸? 250 尺*250 尺 How much dimension of the biggest projector is 250*250 there? 8、酒店消控中心的电话号码? 6798/6799 What is FCC telephone number? 9、工程部的几个主要专业分别是哪些? 精装、机修、锅炉、强电、弱电、空调 What are those profession ? Repairman, mechanic, boiler, HV, AV,AC 10、工程部紧急报修电话? 6510. 普通维修请下 FCS 单。 What is telephone number of emergency request 6510. Daily maintenance please key in FCS system. maintenance? 11、工程部的 DE 是什么职位? 值班工程师 What position of DE Duty Engineering 12、ISO14001 是针对哪一方面的认证? 环境管理体系 What’s the meaning of ISO14001 Environment Management System 13、酒店每年做几次全员消防疏散演习? 2次 How many Fire Evacuation Drills does our hotel Twice hold every year? 14、ISO45001 的中文全称是什么? 职业健康安全管理体系 What’s the Chinese full name of ISO45001 15、酒店是什么时候通过 ISO45001 认证的? 2021 年 2 月 15 日 46


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ When did our hotel get the ISO45001Certification 15 Feb, 2021 16、ISO45001 将风险划分为几个等级? 4 个,低/中/高/不可接受 How many risk level for ISO45001? 4, low risk/ medium risk/high risk/unacceptable 17、消防演习的集合地在哪? 五一广场。 Where is gather venue for fire drill? Wuyi Square. 保安部(SEC) 出闸纸。 Gate Pass 1、酒店物品带出是用什么控制的? What should be used when hotel properties should 每小时 25 元人民币。如果未满 1 小时,按 1 小时 be taken out of hotel? 收费。在 24 小时以内,按全天费用收取 300 元。 2、酒店停车场每小时的收费标准?如果未满 1 RMB 25 per hour. If less than 1 hour, will be charged 小时,如何收费? according to 1 hour. Continuous parking in within 24 What is the charge standard for hotel car park per hours will be charged at day rate RMB 300. hour? If less than 1 hour, how much should be 白色,绿色,红色,黄色,蓝色。 charged? White, green, red, yellow and blue. 3、酒店五种来访人员卡的颜色? What colors of five kinds of non-hotel personnel 白色卡表示来访人员,绿色卡表示花商及绿化人 cards? 员,红色卡表示施工人员,黄色卡表示布展人 4、来访卡白色,绿色,红色,黄色和蓝色分别 员,蓝色卡表示收垃圾、养鱼人员。 代表什么意思? White card means visitors, green card means people What do these non-hotel personnel cards mean? who send flowers to hotel or green-plant workers, red card means contractors, yellow card means people 5、宴会部都有哪些宴会形式? who set up event, blue card means people who receive How many style in banquet department? rubbish or feed fishes. 很多,通常分为用餐宴会和会议两大类。 6、发现火警时该拨 什么号码? SO Much, but in usual there are two styles are banquet When you find the fire alarm, which number is and meeting. called? 号码是 6798 或 6799 或 0 7、酒店脚挑开关共有几个? The number is 6798 or 6799 or 0. How many kick bars? 8、脚挑开关的位置分别在哪里? 共有 7 个。 Where are kick bars located? 7 in total 前台 1,前台 2,前台 3,前台 4,前台 5,前台 9、酒店的紧急按钮有几个? 6,前台办公室 How many emergency buttons in the hotel? FD1, FD2, FD3, FD4, FD5, FD6 and front office 共有 28 个 Total 28 in the hotel. 47


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 10、紧急按钮的位置分别在哪里? 大堂酒廊,一层女残疾卫生间,一层男残疾卫生 Where are the emergency buttons located? 间,二层残疾卫生间,三层残疾卫生间,四层男 干蒸桑拿室,四层女干蒸桑拿室,四层男湿蒸桑 11、酒店的紧急出口有几个? 拿室,四层女湿蒸桑拿室,四层男理疗室 3 个,四 How many Emergency Escape Exits in the hotel? 层女理疗室 3 个,605 号房卫生间及床头柜,606 12、上区机动巡逻发现房门没关应如何处理? 号房卫生间及床头柜,总统套房 3 个,22 层豪华 When you find the door is open during patrolling 阁 2 个, 健体中心前台,总出纳室,健身房,夏宫 inside, what can you do? 收银台 Lobby lounge, women disabled washroom on 1F, men 13、消控接到报警信号时怎样处理? disabled washroom on 1F, disabled washroom on 2F, When the FCC hear the alarm, what can you do? disabled washroom on 3F, male dry steam room, female dry steam room, male wet steam room, female 14、酒店共有几个消防栓? wet steam room, male physiotherapy room 3, female How many fire hydrants in the hotel? physiotherapy room 3, washroom and bedside table in 15、酒店的客用停车位共有几个? the Room 605, washroom and bedside table in the How many parking spaces for guests in the hotel? Room606, president suite 3, 22F Horizon Club 2,FD 16、酒店员工上、下班进出唯一通道在哪里? in Health-Club, general cashier office, gym,SP Where is the only route way for the staff on\\off Cashier counter. duty? 17、员工通道岗位的电话号码是多少? 共有 16 个 Which the telephone number of the post the staff There are 16 together in the hotel. route way? 18、酒店各部门日常工作的钥匙如何管理? 提醒客人“为了您的安全,请把门关好”(通知值班 How manage the key for the each department? 经理及当班经理) Remind the guest “please close the door for you safe” (inform the DM and the duty leader) 通知就近人员及巡逻人员到现场,通知主管及总 机 Inform the nearly person and patrolmen rush to the scene ,then inform the leader and the service center, 共有 238 个,从 B1 楼至 27 楼 There are 238 fire hydrants from floor B1 to floor 27 in the hotel 20 个。 20 parking spaces. 员工通道 Staff Entrance. 6517 The telephone number is 6517 上班时到员工通道岗位领取,下班时归还。 48


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 19、保安员岗位上联系及通讯的器材是什么? Draw the key from the guard at the staff route way What the guards use for they contacting message? post when on duty and then give back when off duty. 对讲机。 21、酒店员工可以将制服带离酒店吗? Walkie-talkies Can the staff take the uniform away from the hotel? 不可以。 No. 22、保安部是 24 小时运作的部门吗? 是 Do the security operate day after night? Yes, of course. 14759104766 23、当班保安主管的小手提电话号码? What is the number of duty leader’s dect phone? 保安部主管,客房部主管,值班经理,值班工程 师。 24、当酒店报火警时,应该到现场的有哪些人 Security leader, PA leader, DM and DE. 员? 有,有残疾人卫生间。 Who should come to the scene if there’s fire alarm? Yes, disabled washroom. 不可以,必须穿戴雨具照常工作。 25、客用卫生间内有紧急按钮报警器吗? No, should wear raincoat to work as usual. Is there emergency button in guest washroom? 除了消控当班员工外,其他人都不可以进出。 26、 当下雨时,外围保安是否可以将岗位撤 Except FCC duty staff, others are not allowed to enter. 掉? Could the post be removed if it’s rainy? 在 B1 楼,有设立保安员岗位,电话号码是 6705 At the B1.The guards post have set up. The telephone 27、 是否所有的酒店员工都可以进出消控中 No. is 6705. 心? Is all staff could go in/out FCC? 车场岗和宴会车道岗。 At the parking lots post and the banquet car park road 28、收货平台在几楼?有设立保安岗位吗?电话 post. 号码是多少? Where is Receiving area located? Have set up the 保安部(员工通道处) guards post? Which is the telephone No.? Security ( the staff route way post ) 出闸纸必须当天领取当天出闸,必须有部门一级 29、夜幕降临时,哪些岗位的保安员会配备荧光 人员(总监)签字,出闸纸一式两联,如果出闸 棒,穿反光衣? 物品需返回酒店,则必须在“返回日期”一栏填写返 What kind of guards will fit out the fluorescent stick 回日期,物品需在返回日期前返回,白联存放在 and wear the reflectible cloth? 保安部,红联存放在出闸部门,当物品返回时, 必须将物品拿到员工通道岗或收货平台经保安员 30、出闸纸在哪里领取? Where can the staff draw the gate pass? 31、出闸纸的操作程序? What is the process about the gate pass? 49
