
发布时间:2023-10-23 | 杂志分类:其他


6-80透過PLC命令寫入對變頻器下達運轉指令如下可以從以下開關經PLC對變頻器下指令A_ReqData[1] 變頻器操作信號(2501H) PLC 命令位置 機能 說明A_ReqData[1].0 操作狀態 1 : RUN 0 : STOP A_ReqData[1].1 方向狀態 1 : REV 0 : FWD A_ReqData[1].2 外部錯誤 1:EF0 A_ReqData[1].3 錯誤復歸 1 : RESET 透過Molex Ethernet/IP Tool寫入對變頻器下達運轉指令如下Service Code No. Service Name 0E(HEX) Get Attribute Single 10(HEX) Set Attribute Single Class(HEX) 2A 29 29 Instance(HEX) 1 1 1 Attribute(HEX) 8 3 3 Write data(HEX) 0~70 17 0~1 0~3 對應之命令 SPEED REFERENCE 1:RUN FORWARD0: STOP 1:REVERSE RUN 0: STOP 變頻... [收起]
粉丝: {{bookData.followerCount}}




A_ReqData[1] 變頻器操作信號(2501H)

PLC 命令位置 機能 說明

A_ReqData[1].0 操作狀態 1 : RUN 0 : STOP

A_ReqData[1].1 方向狀態 1 : REV 0 : FWD

A_ReqData[1].2 外部錯誤 1:EF0

A_ReqData[1].3 錯誤復歸 1 : RESET

透過Molex Ethernet/IP Tool寫入對變頻器下達運轉指令如下

Service Code No. Service Name

0E(HEX) Get Attribute Single

10(HEX) Set Attribute Single

Class(HEX) 2A 29 29

Instance(HEX) 1 1 1

Attribute(HEX) 8 3 3

Write data(HEX) 0~70 17 0~1 0~3

對應之命令 SPEED






變頻器動作 面板頻率 60Hz 正轉 反轉




6.18.1 使用前儀器準備

 適用 A510s 進階型 & F510 進階型系列變頻器

(C/B 需燒錄藍牙 LCD 操作器通訊協定)                *1

 藍牙通訊設備 (IOS 系統手機 或 Android 系統手機)          *1

 TECO “BT DriveLink” APP (可從 Apple APP Store 或 Google Play 下載

6.18.2 藍牙 APP 搭配變頻器藍牙 LCD 操作器連線

 變頻器設定


功能,請設定變頻器「09-11 = 1(開啟)」,後續斷送電後變頻器將可選擇藍牙

通訊模式當要執行藍牙連線前按下左上方 LOC/REM 按鍵,當出現以下藍牙畫

面時,即可使用藍牙 APP 連線。如下圖所示:

     若需取消藍牙通訊,再次按下左上方 LOC/REM 按鍵,則可切換到參數頁





 APP 設定

     從藍牙通訊設備(IOS 或 Android 系統手機) 開啟以下 APP ( BLE DriveLink )。

     執行 APP 後,會出現 APP 登入畫面(如下左圖),使用預設帳號密碼進行登


預設測試帳號 : demo@test.com    預設密碼 : 888888




 藍牙連線設定流程說明



於右圖畫面點選藍牙掃描後出現 TECO‐BLE XX(註) 確認裝置已上線。


(註)TECO‐BLE XX 末兩碼為依據參數 09‐00 通訊站別所顯示。





     按下確認後,將頁面下滑,可以觀測到參數 2520H 後方數值開始有相關的





 APP 之基本功能說明

 介面介紹

※ 設定圖標:

如需使用藍牙控制變頻器運轉,需將變頻器 主運轉控制指令 00‐02 參數

設定為 2 (通訊控制),透過按下「設定圖標」按鈕,將出現變頻器控制圖

標,包含 : 運轉 / 停止 / 正轉 / 反轉 / 復歸 五種變頻器運轉控制指

令。則此時透過按下 運轉 停止 則可進行變頻器運轉控制動作。




 參數設定功能

點選 APP 左上方 ≡ 符號,點選參數設定,即有一般參數設定、

IM 自動調校功能設定以及 PM 自動調校功能設定之功能可選取並且設




 一般參數設定






 IM 自動調校功能設定



完成後點選 APP 左上方 ≡ 符號,並點選即時監控即可回歸至監控畫面,



 PM 自動調校功能設定



完成後點選 APP 左上方 ≡ 符號,並點選即時監控即可回歸至監控畫面,



Taiwan National Communications Commission (NCC)











附錄 A

A. RS-485 通訊介面配線例

‧ A510s RS-485 通訊埠(RJ45)採用 MODBUS 通訊協定與外界通訊,若外加 PROFIBUS

模 組 (JN5-CM-PDP) / Devicenet 模 組 (JN5-CM-DNET) ,則可以 PROFIBUSDP/Devicenet 通訊協定與外界通訊。

‧ MODBUS 與 PROFIBUS-DP 通訊之系統應用配線,如下:

a. MODBUS 通訊協定之配線例

MODBUS 通訊協定之配線圖

註: 1. 若系統控制器(Host Controller)具有 RS-485 介面時,可直接與 A510s 之 RS485 通訊埠直接連線,但若系統控制器只有 RS-232 介面時(如 PC 連線),需

經 RS-485 /RS-232 轉接器才可以與 A510S 之 RS-485 通訊埠連線。

2. 採用 MODBUS 通訊協定與外界通訊時,最多可並聯 31 台變頻器,當多台

連接時,最後一台之 RS-485 通訊埠兩端要並接 120電阻。

3. 請參考第 4-5 章「Modbus 通訊協定說明」。



B. SINK/SOURCE 端子界面接線例

‧ A510s 的端子 S1~S8 可設定成 SINK 或 SOURCE 界面。

a. SINK 界面接線例:SW3 插梢置於 SINK 位置。

‧ 使用電晶體(開集極式)作操作信號之標準接線:

1 ~ 8





‧ 使用 NPN 式(SINK)檢出器作操作信號之標準接線:

1 ~ 8







b. SOURCE 界面接線例:SW3 插梢置於 SOURCE 位置。

‧ 使用電晶體(開集極式)作操作信號之標準接線:

1 ~ 8





‧ 使用 PNP 式(SOURCE)檢出器作操作信號之標準接線:

1 ~ 8













Appendix B: UL Instructions


Electric Shock Hazard

Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power is on.

Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.


Electric Shock Hazard

Do not operate equipment with covers removed.

Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.

The diagrams in this section may show inverters without covers or safety shields to show details. Be sure to

reinstall covers or shields before operating the inverters and run the inverters according to the instructions

described in this manual.

Always ground the motor-side grounding terminal.

Improper equipment grounding could result in death or serious injury by contacting the motor case.

Do not touch any terminals before the capacitors have fully discharged.

Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.

Before wiring terminals, disconnect all power to the equipment. The internal capacitor remains charged even

after the power supply is turned off. After shutting off the power, wait for at least the amount of time specified

on the inverter before touching any components.

Do not allow unqualified personnel to perform work on the inverter.

Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.

Installation, maintenance, inspection, and servicing must be performed only by authorized personnel familiar

with installation, adjustment, and maintenance of inverters.

Do not perform work on the inverter while wearing loose clothing, jewelry, or lack of eye protection.

Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.

Remove all metal objects such as watches and rings, secure loose clothing, and wear eye protection before

beginning work on the inverter.

Do not remove covers or touch circuit boards while the power is on.

Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.




Fire Hazard

Tighten all terminal screws to the specified tightening torque.

Loose electrical connections could result in death or serious injury by fire due to overheating of electrical


Do not use an improper voltage source.

Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.

Verify that the rated voltage of the inverter matches the voltage of the incoming power supply before applying


Do not use improper combustible materials.

Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire. Attach the inverter to metal or other

noncombustible material.


Observe proper electrostatic discharge procedures (ESD) when handling the inverter and circuit


Failure to comply may result in ESD damage to the inverter circuitry.

Never connect or disconnect the motor from the inverter while the inverter is outputting voltage.

Improper equipment sequencing could result in damage to the inverter.

Do not use unshielded cable for control wiring.

Failure to comply may cause electrical interference resulting in poor system performance. Use shielded

twisted-pair wires and ground the shield to the ground terminal of the inverter.

Do not modify the inverter circuitry.

Failure to comply could result in damage to the inverter and will void warranty.Teco is not responsible for any

modification of the product made by the user. This product must not be modified.

Check all the wiring to ensure that all connections are correct after installing the inverter and

connecting any other devices.

Failure to comply could result in damage to the inverter.



 UL Standards

The UL/cUL mark applies to products in the United States and Canada and it means that UL has

performed product testing and evaluation and determined that their stringent standards for product safety

have been met. For a product to receive UL certification, all components inside that product must also

receive UL certification.

 UL Standards Compliance

This inverter is tested in accordance with UL standard UL508C and complies with UL requirements. To

ensure continued compliance when using this inverter in combination with other equipment, meet the

following conditions:

■ Installation Area

Do not install the inverter to an area greater than pollution severity 2 (UL standard).



 Main Circuit Terminal Wiring

UL approval requires crimp terminals when wiring the inverter’s main circuit terminals. Use crimping tools

as specified by the crimp terminal manufacturer. Teco recommends crimp terminals made by NICHIFU for

the insulation cap.

The table below matches inverter models with crimp terminals and insulation caps.

Closed-Loop Crimp Terminal Size

Drive Model


Wire Gauge

mm2 , (AWG / MCM) Terminal Crimp Terminal Tool Insulation Cap

R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 Screws Model No. Machine No. Model No.

2001 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

2002 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

2003 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R3.5-4 / R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 3.5/ 5.5

2005 5.3 (10) M4 R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 5.5

2008 8.4 (8) M4 R8-4 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

2010 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

2015 13.3 (6) M6 R14-6 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 14

2020 21.2 (4) M6 R22-6 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 22

2025 21.2 (4) M6 R22-6 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 22

2030 33.6 (2) M8 R38-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 38

2040 67.4 (1/0) M8 R60-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 60

2060 107.2 (4/0) M10 R100-10 Nichifu NOP 150HA TIC 100

2075 152 (300MCM) M10 R150-10 Nichifu NOP 150HA TIC 150

2100 200 (400MCM) M10 R200-10 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 200

2125 300 (600MCM) M12 R325-12S Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 325

2150 250 (500MCM) * 2 M12 R250-12 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 250

4001 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

4002 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

4003 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

4005 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

4008 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R3.5-4 / R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 3.5/ 5.5

4010 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R3.5-4 / R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 3.5/ 5.5

4015 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

4020 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

4025 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

4030 13.3 (6) M6 R14-6 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 14

4040-B 21.2 (4) M6 R22-6 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 22

4040 21.2 (4) M8 R22-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 22

4050 21.2 (4) M8 R22-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 22

4060 33.6 (2) M8 R38-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 38

4075 67.4 (2/0) M8 R70-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 70

4100 85 (3/0) M10 R80-10 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 80

4125 152 (300MCM) M10 R100-10 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 100

4150 152 (300MCM) M10 R150-10 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 150

4175 200 (400MCM) M10 R200-10 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 200

4215 250 (500MCM) M10 R250-10 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 250

4270 300 (600MCM) M12 R325-12S Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 325

4300 250 (500MCM) * 2 M12 R250-12 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 250

4375 250 (500MCM) * 2 M12 R250-12 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 250

4425 250 (500MCM) * 2 M12 R250-12 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 250



Drive Model


Wire Gauge

mm2 , (AWG / MCM) Terminal Crimp Terminal Tool Insulation Cap

R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 Screws Model No. Machine No. Model No.

5001 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4 ~ R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

5002 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4 ~ R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

5003 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4 ~ R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

5005 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M6 R2-6 ~ R5.5-6 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

5008 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M6 R3.5-6 / R5.5-6 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 3.5/ 5.5

5010 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M6 R3.5-6 / R5.5-6 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 3.5/ 5.5

6015 5.3 (10) M6 R5.5-6 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 5.5

6020 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

6025 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

6030 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

6040 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

6050 13.3 (6) M8 R14-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 14

6060 13.3 (6) M8 R14-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 14

6075 21.2 (4) M8 R22-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 22

6100 33.6 (2) M10 R38-10 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 38

6125 67.4 (2/0) M10 R70-10 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 70

6150 67.4 (2/0) M10 R70-10 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 70

6175 85 (3/0) M10 R80-10 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 80

6215 152 (300MCM) M10 R150-10 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 150

6250 152 (300MCM) M10 R150-10 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 150

6270 152 (300MCM) M10 R150-10 Nichifu NOP 700 & NOH300K TIC 150

Drive Model

A510s (F)

Wire Gauge

mm2 , (AWG / MCM) Terminal Crimp Terminal Tool Insulation Cap

R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 Screws Model No. Machine No. Model No.

4001 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

4002 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

4003 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

4005 2 (14) / 3.5 (12) / 5.3 (10) M4 R2-4/R3.5-4/R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 2/ 3.5/ 5.5

4008 5.3 (10) M4 R5.5-4 Nichifu NH 1 / 9 TIC 5.5

4010 5.3 (10) M6 R5.5-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 5.5

4015 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

4020 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

4025 8.4 (8) M6 R8-6 Nichifu NOP 60 ; NH 1 / 9 TIC 8

4030 13.3 (6) M6 R14-6 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 14

4040-B 21.2 (4) M6 R22-6 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 22

4040 21.2 (4) M8 R22-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 22

4050 21.2 (4) M8 R22-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 22

4060 33.6 (2) M8 R38-8 Nichifu NOP 60 / 150HA TIC 38



 Type 1

During installation, all conduit hole plugs shall be removed, and all conduit holes shall be used.

 Motor Over temperature Protection

Motor over temperature protection is not provided.

Motor over temperature protection shall be provided in the end use application.

■ Field Wiring Terminals

All input and output field wiring terminals not located within the motor circuit shall be marked to indicate the

proper connections that are to be made to each terminal and indicate that copper conductors, rated 75°C

are to be used.

690V 80A



■ Inverter Short-Circuit Rating

This inverter has undergone the UL short-circuit test, which certifies that during a short circuit in the power

supply the current flow will not rise above value. Please see electrical ratings for maximum voltage and

table below for current.

• The MCCB and breaker protection and fuse ratings (refer to the preceding table) shall be equal to or

greater than the short-circuit tolerance of the power supply being used.

• Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than (A) RMS symmetrical amperes

for.DiJ2.lHp in 240 / 480 V class drives motor overload protection.

 Inverter Motor Overload Protection

Set parameter 02-0 I (motor rated current) to the appropriate value to enable motor overload protection.

The internal motor overload protection is UL listed and in accordance with the NEC and CEC.

■ 02-01 Motor Rated Current

Setting Range Model Dependent

Factory Default: Model Dependent

The motor rated current parameter (02-0) protects the motor and allows for proper vector control when

using open loop vector or flux vector control methods (00-00 = 2 or 3). The motor protection parameter

08-05 is set as factory default. Set 02-01 to the full load amps (FLA) stamped on the nameplate of the

motor. The operator must enter the rated current of the motor (17-02) in the menu during auto-tuning. If the

auto-tuning operation completes successfully (17-00 = 0), the value entered into 17-02 will automatically

write into 02-0 I.



■ 08-05 Motor Overload Protection Selection

The inverter has an electronic overload protection function (OL1) based on time, output current, and output

frequency, which protects the motor from overheating. The electronic thermal overload function is

UL-recognized, so it does not require an external thermal overload relay for single motor operation.

This parameter selects the motor overload curve used according to the type of motor applied.

08-05 Selection for motor overload protection (OL1)


xxx0b: Motor overload is invalid

xxx1b: Motor overload is valid

xx0xb: Cold start of motor overload

xx1xb: Hot start of motor overload

x0xxb: Standard motor

x1xxb: Special motor

0xxxb: Reserved

1xxxb: Reserved

Sets the motor overload protection function in 08-05 according to the applicable motor.

08-05 = ---OB: Disables the motor overload protection function when two or more motors are connected to

a single inverter. Use an alternative method to provide separate overload protection for each motor such

as connecting a thermal overload relay to 1he power line of each motor.

08-05 = --1-B: The motor overload protection function should be set to hot start protection characteristic

curve when the power supply is turned on and off frequently, because the thermal values are reset each

time when the power is turned off.

08-05 = -0—B: For motors without a forced cooling fan (general purpose standard motor), the heat

dissipation capability is lower when in low speed operation.

08-05 = -1—B: For motors with a forced cooling fan (inverter duty or VIF motor), the heat dissipation

capability is not dependent upon the rotating speed.

To protect the motor from overload by using electronic overload protection, be sure to set parameter 02-01

according to the rated current value shown on the motor nameplate.

Refer to the following \"Motor Overload Protection Time\" for the standard motor overload protection curve

example: Setting 08-05 = -0--B.



■ 08-06 Motor Overload Operation Selection

08-06 Start-up mode of overload protection operation (OL1)

Range 0: Stop output after overload protection

1: Continuous operation after overload protection.

08-06=0: When the inverter detects a motor overload the inverter output is turned off and the OL1 fault

message will flash on the keypad. Press RESET button on the keypad or activate the reset function

through the multi-function inputs to reset the OL1 fault.

08-06=1: When the inverter detects a motor overload the inverter will continue running and the OL1 alarm

message will flash on the keypad until the motor current falls within the normal operating range.

UL- Additional Data

Recommended Input Fuse Selection




A510s series

Safety stop function instruction manual


1. Introduction ................................................................................................... 3

2. Safety-Related Standard ............................................................................ 3

3. Product Information .................................................................................... 4

4. Safety Stop / Safety Torque OFF ............................................................. 5

5. Electromechanical and Safety integrated interface Comparison .. 6

6. Terminal designation & interface ............................................................ 7

7. Safety Input logic & Status ........................................................................ 9

8. Installation and wiring .............................................................................. 10

9. Safety Input Status.................................................................................... 11

10. Safety design and specifications .......................................................... 13



Compliance with the EU Machinery Directive – Functional Safety


Safe Torque off function may not be an appropriate method for stopping your machine.

Activating this function will result in no output voltage to the Motor hence motor will

coast down to stop under the influence of the load inertia.


Any misuse of safety function could lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or

economic loss. To ensure that the system complies fully with requirement of safety, make a

system-level risk assessment. TECO Electric Co. cannot assume responsibility for any

system to comply with safety directive.


The information of this manual is merely a guide for proper installation.

TECO Electric Co. cannot assume responsibility for the compliance or the noncompliance

to any code, national, local or otherwise for the proper installation of this equipment. A

hazard of personal injury and/or equipment damage exists if codes are ignored during



To avoid an electric shock hazard, verify that the voltage on the bus capacitors has

discharged before performing any work on the drive. Measure the DC bus voltage at the

P(+) and N(-) terminals or test points (refer to your drive’s User Manual for locations and

discharging time). The voltage must be zero.


To avoid an electric shock hazard, disconnect/isolate power to the drive and verify to ensure

that the voltage is zero before performing any work on the motor (refer to your drive’s

User Manual for discharging time).


In order to maintain the pollution degree 2 the devices shall be mounted in a cabinet of

IP 54 type .or pollution controlled environment.


Ensure that the external safety relay unit and the A510s drive are mounted close

to each other all interconnection wiring is as short as possible and protected

against open and short circuit faults. Refer EN/ISO13849-1.


To avoid systematic faults, a test even for faulty demands of the safety function has

to be performed in order to check the correct function of the monitor signal. This

test shall be carried out at system installation, any software changes,

parameterization changes, and/or at least once per year. Refer to “Chapter 10

Troubleshooting and Fault Diagnostics”.



1. Introduction

This document describes the main design specification of the A510s Safe Torque Off (STO) and

the requirements for its installation and integration within safety related applications.

The correct Installation and integration of the A510s STO is the responsibility of the Installer

and it is expected that the installer follows the safety guide and is a trained technician and

experienced in the design of safety systems.

A510s STO (Safe Torque Off) The product circuit and function are designed with reference

to the relevant standards:

 Safety Integrated category SIL2 according to EN/IEC 62061, IEC 61508, EN61800-5-2

 Performance level. Category 3/ Pl(d). According to EN/ISO 13849-1 Stop category 0.

According to EN60204-1

2. Safety-Related Standard

2.1 Directives

IEC/EN 61800- 5-2 :


Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems.

Part 5-2: Safety Requirements – Functional

EN ISO 13849-1: 2008 Safety of Machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems.

Part 1: General Principles for Design

IEC 61508- 1~7 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic

Safety-related systems

IEC 62061: 2005 Safety of Machinery – Functional safety of safety-related electrical,

electronic and programmable electronic control systems

EN 60204-1 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. General


2.2 Installation Environment

A510s safety stop function should only be used under the following condition

and environment.

Item Condition



Operation -10°C~50°C inside distributor (without dust cover)

-10°C~40°C inside distributor (with dust cover)

Storage -20°C to +60°C

Ambient humidity 95%RH maximum (non-condensing)


1G. (9.8m/s²) for 20Hz and below.

0.6G (5.88m/s²) from 20Hz to 50Hz (Compliance with IEC 60068-


Altitude maximum 1000m above sea level

Atmosphere Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and

dirt etc.)



Over voltage category III or less

Pollution degree II or less

Mounting wall mounting / vertical orientation

3. Product Information

3.1 Product models & range

 230V three phase. IP20 0.75 ~ 110KW (1 ~ 150Hp) without built-in filter

 400V three phase. IP20 0.75 ~ 45KW (1 ~ 60Hp) with built-in filter

 400V three phase. IP20 0.75 ~ 315KW (1 ~ 425Hp) without built-in filter

 575V there IP20 0.75 ~ 7.5KW (1 ~ 10Hp) without built-in filter

 690V there IP20 11 ~ 200KW (15 ~ 270Hp) without built-in filter

* Please refer to Chapter 3 in the front of the installation manual for detail.

3.2 Product Identification



3.3 Model Identification

A B – CDE – F – G – HIJ – K - L

A:Product F:Standard voltage H-J:O/P Current

1:Inverter 1:100-120V 04P1:4.1 Amp (1HP)

2:SERVO 2:200-240V 12P1:12.1 Amp (5HP)

3:PLC 4:380-480V 0103:103 Amp (60HP)

B:UL Category G:Phase K:Firmware Ver.

0:UL Recognized 0:Single/Three phase A:A510s

1:UL Listed 1:Single phase F:F510

C-E:Serial number 3:Three phase L:EMC Filter

001-999 (202)    blank:Not built-in


4. Safety Stop / Safe Torque Off. (STO).

A510s STO is a functional safety feature that complies with the safety functions in adjustable

speed drives according to IEC 61800-5-2 ( type A safety component) and when put in use

within a safety control system according to the required safety standards will provide safe

Torque off (no output voltage) and Prevents an unintentional restart.


 The STO Function by itself is not an Emergency Stop and may be used as part of an

Emergency Stop control system but all relevant standards must be consulted.

 Decision to use STO in a control system must be based on risk assessment, refer to the

relevant standards EN/IEC 62061or EN/ISO 13849-1.

 In application of STO due to the coast to stop function take into consideration the

stopping time of the driven load.

 For further information on STO refer to EN61800-5-2 and For stop categories Refer to


STO Activated

IGBT outputs are shut down

Motor Speed Coasts to zero

Stop Category 0 to EN60204-1




Safe torque Off



5. Electromechanical and Safety integrated interface Comparison

Diagrams below show simple Inverter drive configurations for comparison between safe stop

interfaces using electromechanical and Safety integrated type solutions.

Emergency stop

Safety Interlocks

Electromechanical. Without STO function

SIL 2. Stop Category 0


SIL 2. Stop Category 0

Electromechanical. Without STO function

No SIL. Stop Category 0



6. Terminal designation & interface

6.1 Power & Control terminals.

Frame 1. Terminal layout is shown as a typical example.

6.2 Control terminals & wiring

Table 1: Safety related terminals


Symbol Description Rating


The function status of SF1-SG terminal.

Open: In safety stop mode.

Short: Non-safety stop mode. Input resistance:4.22kΩ

Input Current:5 to 6.5 mA

Input Voltage:21.6 to 26.4 V SF2

For function status of SF2-SG terminal.

Open: In safety stop mode.

Short: Non-safety stop mode.

SG Common terminal for SF1, SF2 terminals.

Ground Terminals


Control terminals.

Frame1 A510s




Safety Terminals. SF1 / SF2 & SG (Common).

Remove the jumper link for external interface



6.3 External 24Vdc supply (Connection option).

+24V OV

External power Supply



7. Safety Input logic & Status

TECO A510s safety stop function prevents a drive from supplying rotational energy to motors.

Dual safety channels “SF1” and “SF2” cut off the gate-drive power for IGBT to turn off.

Diagram below shows the basic block diagram design of the safety and interface for the safety


Figure 1: A510s safety stop function diagram


The safety stop function does not isolate electrically between drive and motor. To avoid

an electric shock hazard, disconnect/isolate power to the drive and verify to ensure that

the voltage is zero before performing any work on the motor (refer to your drive’s User

Manual for discharging time).


TECO A510s safety stop function refer to the following directives and categories:

 ISO13849-1:2008 Category 3/PLd

 IEC62061:2005

 IEC61800-5-2:2007

 IEC61508 SIL2

 IEC60204-1:2006 Stop category 0




Approved to

SIL2 / Pld







The misuse of safety function leads to personal injury or death, property damage, or

economic loss. To ensure that the system complies fully with requirement of safety, make a

system-level risk assessment. TECO Electric Co. cannot assume responsibility for any system

to comply with safety directive.

8. Installation and wiring


The following information is merely a guide for proper installation.

TECO Electric & Machinery Co. cannot assume responsibility for the compliance or the

noncompliance to any code, national, local or otherwise for the proper installation of this

equipment. A hazard of personal injury and/or equipment damage exists if codes are

ignored during installation.


Ensure the safety relay unit and the A510s unit is mounted closely in open type and all

interconnection wiring is short and protected against open and short circuit faults. Refer



TECO A510s safety stop function should be used under following condition and environment.


In order to meet safety stop, an approved safety relay unit to ISO13849-1 safety category 3.

In addition, all other components with in the safety stop loop shall be ‘safety approved’



To avoid an electric shock hazard, insert the magnetic contactor (MC) between power

source and drive. Open the contact of MC and keep away from drive for discharging time

(refer to your drive’s User Manual for information) before performing any work on the

drive. And verify that the voltage on the bus capacitors has discharged before Measure the

DC bus voltage at the P(+) and N(-) terminals or test points. (Refer to your drive’s User

Manual for locations). The voltage must be zero.


The safety related terminals are described in Table 1 & Figure 1.



9. Safety Input Status

Table below shows the logic level status for external safety interface, internal circuit and drive


Table 2 Truth table of Safety related signals

 The response time from safety stop signal input to drive shutoff is faster than 8ms.

 Hold the ON or OFF status for 1ms or longer to input signal to terminal SF1 or SF2.

 Signal input shorter than 1ms is not recognized.

 About the electric ratings of terminals, please refer to Chapter 3 in the front of the

installation manual for detail.


Safety stop function protection mechanisms:

Safety stop terminal (SF1-SF2-SG)contact short wire, Disable safety stop mode, Motor


1. When SF1-SG open and SF2-SG short, at this time, protection signal will cut off

driver unit enable pin, IGBT none PWM signal, motor free run;

2. Otherwise, When SF1-SG short and SF2-SG open, at this time, protection signal will

cut off driver unit input power, IGBT none PWM signal, motor free run;

3. Safety stop terminal (SF1-SF2-SG)contact short wire, the motor running ,When

photo-coupler secondary side of the power supply V1 & V2 occurs suddenly OV or

UV, CPU detected abnormal voltage state , sent “LO” signal to NAND logic gate

cutting off gate drive enable signals, motor free run.

Self-diagnostic test

A510s does the self-diagnostic test on the power-ON.

If A510s output alarm at power-ON, please take the action described in

“Diagnostic” at above.




External Safety

Input Status Internal safety circuit logic Safety



Drive Output


OFF = Safe State

ON= Enabled



SF1-SG SF2-SG S1’ S2’ S1’’ S2’’

OFF - - - - - - - OFF Stop


OFF OFF L L H H Detected OFF Stop

OFF ON L H H L Detected OFF Stop

ON OFF H L L H Detected OFF Stop

ON ON H H L L - ON Run



Test procedure for functionality

As depicted “ATTENTION” in above, the test for the

functionality is important. Please do the test following procedure.

(1) Please make each state of SF1-SG and SF2-SG depicted at Table 2.

(2) If there is any different state from Table 2, A510s has some malfunction.

(3) If there is no different state from Table 2, check the systematic performance,

such as, press the Emergency switch, press the start/restart button at the failure

detected (RUN-SE opened), and so on.

(4) Finally clear the error record of the A510s (see the user manual how to clear the

error record).



10. Safety design and specifications

STO design main requirements

Parameter Value

PFDAVG 2.58x10-4

PFHD 1.18x10-8

PL d

MTBF 8,096 years



SIL Safety Integrated Level

PFHD Probability of Dangerous failure Per hour

MTBF Mean Time Between Failures

MTTR Mean Time to Repair. ( hour)

Safety Function Requirement Specification SIL2

Initiating devices User connected sensor or other safety devices

Hazard Rotation of the motor (To be derived from hazard assessment)

Consequence Human harm or damage to machinery.

Safe State PWM removed, therefore No Voltage output from the drive.

Required Action Detect Safe input signals and remove PWM signal.

Response Time

8ms (from STO input signal detection to the final action of


Target SIL SIL = 2, PL d, category 3

Demand Rate High demand rate

Mode of



PFHD The PFHD of STO function shall be less than 0.5* 10-6

MTBF The MTBF of drive system shall be more than 100,000 hours

Trip Mode De-energize to trip

MTTR No more than 4 hours (No field repair, only change new board)


Manufacturer’s Statement for A510s Enhanced series

A510s Enhanced efficiency according to IEC/EN 61800‐9‐2

Drive models: A510s Enhanced series, please refer to the table below for the model list

Efficiency class: IE2

Nominal voltage: Please refer to the tabel below

Nominal frequency: 50Hz

Nominal power: Please refer to the tabel below

Motor control: V/f, V/f+PG, SLV, SLV2, SV, PMSV,


Nominal current: Please refer to the table below

Nominal apparent power: Please refer to the



table below Maximum operating temperature:

40℃ for IP20 50℃ for IP00 or top anti-dust cover removed Frame 5 is 50℃, which is IP20 level CDM losses and efficiency (calculated with

default settings) point: As the picture right

Manufacturer: TECO Electric & Machinery CO., LTD.-10F, No.3‐1, Park St., Nan‐Kang, Taipei, 115603, Taiwan

EU contact: MOTOVARIO S.p.A-Via Quattro Passi 1/3-41043-Formigine (MO)-ITALY. MOTOVARIO EORI number: IT02569681204


CDM losses and efficiency table

Frame Model Name

Nominal voltage (V) Nominal current (A) Nominal power (kW) Nominal apparent power (KVA) CDM STANDBY LOSS p Loss(W) p Loss(W) η(%) p Loss(W) η(%) p Loss(W) η(%) p Loss(W) η(%) p Loss(W) η(%) p Loss(W) η(%) p Loss(W) η(%) p Loss(W) η(%) p Loss(W) η(%)

1 A510-4001-S□3(F) 380 3.4 0.75 2.6 14 2 0.0 2 0.0 95 0.0 23 93.1 30 93.8 40 94.1 30 95.5 44 95.6 45 95.9

1 A510-4002-S□3(F) 380 4.2 1.5 3.2 14 2 0.0 2 0.0 95 0.0 28 93.2 35 93.9 46 94.1 35 95.7 53 95.8 55 96.0

1 A510-4003-S□3(F) 380 5.5 2.2 4.2 20 2 0.0 2 0.0 95 0.0 47 93.4 57 94.1 72 94.4 60 95.9 77 95.9 78 96.2

2 A510-4005-S□3(F) 380 9.2 3.7 7 23 2 0.0 2 0.0 96 0.0 77 94.1 92 94.8 160 95.1 117 96.1 170 96.2 190 96.4

2 A510-4008-S□3(F) 380 14.8 5.5 11.3 23 2 0.0 2 0.0 97 0.0 93 94.6 119 95.2 220 95.5 140 96.7 230 96.8 240 97.3

3 A510-4010-S□3(F) 380 18 7.5 13.7 33 2 0.0 2 0.0 97 0.0 109 94.9 137 95.6 240 95.8 147 97.2 260 97.3 260 97.5

3 A510-4015-S□3(F) 380 24 11 18.3 33 10 0.0 10 0.0 105 0.0 129 94.8 164 95.5 301 95.8 168 97.3 348 97.4 404 97.6

4 A510-4020-S□3(F) 380 31 15 23.6 35 10 0.0 10 0.0 105 0.0 174 95.0 216 95.7 370 96.1 220 97.4 420 97.5 430 97.7

4 A510-4025-S□3(F) 380 39 18.5 29.7 35 10 0.0 10 0.0 105 0.0 239 94.9 264 96.0 450 96.3 282 97.5 510 97.6 520 97.7

4 A510-4030-S□3(F) 380 45 22 34.3 35 10 0.0 10 0.0 105 0.0 279 94.8 313 96.0 555 96.3 338 97.5 605 97.5 605 97.8

5 A510-4040-S□3(F) 380 60 30 45.7 40 10 0.0 10 0.0 105 0.0 343 94.8 388 96.0 690 96.3 396 97.6 740 97.6 740 97.9

5 A510-4040-S□3(F)-B 380 60 30 45.7 40 10 0.0 10 0.0 105 0.0 343 94.8 388 96.0 690 96.3 396 97.6 740 97.6 740 97.9

5 A510-4050-S□3(F) 380 75 37 57.2 40 10 0.0 10 0.0 104 0.0 511 93.6 630 94.8 1190 95.1 622 97.0 1350 97.0 1350 97.4

5 A510-4060-S□3(F) 380 91 45 69.3 40 10 0.0 10 0.0 104 0.0 678 93.7 826 94.8 1380 95.1 786 97.1 1480 97.1 1480 97.5

5 A510-4075-S□3 380 118 55 89.9 40 10 0.0 10 0.0 105 0.0 725 94.6 954 95.3 1630 95.6 985 97.2 1650 97.3 1660 97.7

6 A510-4100-S□3 380 150 75 114 42 50 0.0 50 0.0 96 0.0 758 93.7 1060 95.3 1888 95.7 1139 97.1 2076 97.4 2130 97.6

6 A510-4125-S□3 380 180 90 137 42 50 0.0 50 0.0 144 0.0 900 93.7 1269 95.3 2293 95.7 1364 97.1 2526 97.3 2594 97.5

7 A510-4150-S□3 380 216 110 165 46 50 0.0 50 0.0 143 0.0 1160 93.3 1624 95.0 2894 95.5 1738 97.0 3165 97.2 3243 97.4


CDM (0,100) CDM (50,50) CDM (50,100) CDM (90,50)

380V Class CDM (50,25)

❽ ❿

CDM (0,25) CDM (90,100) CDM (100,100)

❻ ❼ CDM (0,50) ❸ ❹ ❺ ❷


7 A510-4175-S□3 380 260 132 198 46 50 0.0 50 0.0 143 0.0 1388 93.3 1958 95.0 3531 95.4 3778 96.8 3858 97.2 3951 97.4

7 A510-4215-S□3 380 295 160 225 46 50 0.0 50 0.0 144 0.0 1321 94.3 1881 95.7 3457 96.0 2037 97.4 3827 97.5 3934 97.7

8 A510-4215-S□3H 380 330 160 251 56 50 0.0 50 0.0 144 0.0 1474 94.4 2085 95.8 3780 96.1 2259 97.4 4194 97.6 4313 97.7

8 A510-4270-S□3 380 380 200 290 56 100 0.0 100 0.0 194 0.0 1740 94.2 2458 95.7 4464 96.0 2658 97.4 4267 97.9 5078 97.7

8 A510-4300-S□3 380 450 220 343 56 100 0.0 100 0.0 194 0.0 2191 93.9 3089 95.4 5559 95.8 3326 97.2 4946 97.9 6285 97.6

8 A510-4375-S□3 380 523 280 400 56 100 0.0 100 0.0 194 0.0 2538 93.9 3600 95.4 6546 95.8 3875 97.2 5961 97.8 7391 97.6

8 A510-4425-S□3 380 585 315 461 56 100 0.0 100 0.0 195 0.0 2339 94.9 3355 96.2 6225 96.4 3663 97.6 6410 97.9 7170 97.9

1 A510-2001-S□ 220 5 0.75 1.9 13 2 0.0 2 0.0 96 0.0 23 93.8 26 94.9 42 95.2 36 95.5 46 95.5 47 95.7

1 A510-2002-S□ 220 8 1.5 3 19 2 0.0 2 0.0 95 0.0 40 93.4 49 94.1 54 94.3 53 95.8 58 95.8 60 96.0

2 A510-2003-S□ 220 11 2.2 4.2 19 2 0.0 2 0.0 96 0.0 61 94.0 72 94.6 88 94.9 82 96.0 89 96.0 90 96.2

2 A510-2005-S□3 220 17.5 3.7 6.7 20 2 0.0 2 0.0 96 0.0 95 94.1 112 94.8 115 95.1 133 96.3 120 96.4 122 96.5

2 A510-2008-S□3 220 25 5.5 9.5 30 2 0.0 2 0.0 96 0.0 135 94.1 159 94.8 162 95.1 180 96.5 169 96.6 185 96.6

3 A510-2010-S□3 220 33 7.5 12.6 30 2 0.0 2 0.0 96 0.0 144 93.9 186 94.6 285 94.9 189 96.7 291 96.8 310 97.0

4 A510-2015-S□3 220 47 11 17.9 30 10 0.0 10 0.0 104 0.0 170 93.9 223 94.6 385 94.8 259 96.6 425 96.6 435 96.9

4 A510-2020-S□3 220 60 15 22.9 31 10 0.0 10 0.0 104 0.0 215 94.1 281 94.7 465 95.0 313 96.7 495 96.8 525 97.0

4 A510-2025-S□3 220 73 18.5 27.8 32 10 0.0 10 0.0 104 0.0 284 94.1 408 94.3 692 94.4 465 96.2 758 96.3 758 96.7

5 A510-2030-S□3 220 85 22 32.4 35 10 0.0 10 0.0 104 0.0 335 94.4 478 94.6 855 94.7 504 96.6 865 96.7 875 97.1

5 A510-2040-S□3 220 115 30 43.8 35 10 0.0 10 0.0 105 0.0 422 94.9 598 95.1 1035 95.2 656 96.8 1095 96.9 1125 97.0

6 A510-2050-S□3 220 145 37 55.3 36 50 0.0 50 0.0 143 0.0 469 93.0 655 94.8 1167 95.3 732 96.7 1164 97.4 1401 97.1

6 A510-2060-S□3 220 180 45 68.6 36 50 0.0 50 0.0 143 0.0 571 93.2 809 94.9 1473 95.2 904 96.7 1453 97.4 1764 97.1

7 A510-2075-S□3 220 215 55 81.9 46 50 0.0 50 0.0 143 0.0 663 93.0 935 95.0 1695 95.4 1048 96.8 1567 97.6 2042 97.2

7 A510-2100-S□3 220 283 75 108 46 50 0.0 50 0.0 143 0.0 859 93.4 1234 95.0 2304 95.3 1383 96.8 2031 97.6 2761 97.1

8 A510-2125-S□3 220 346 90 132 56 100 0.0 100 0.0 193 0.0 1089 93.2 1532 94.9 2768 95.4 1714 96.8 3202 97.0 3326 97.2

8 A510-2150-S□3 220 415 110 158 56 100 0.0 100 0.0 193 0.0 1253 93.5 1776 95.1 3231 95.5 1995 96.9 3752 97.0 3901 97.2

220V Class
