
发布时间:2024-9-05 | 杂志分类:其他


51farmers. Driven by the prospect of increased profits, vegetable farmersare likely to invest more in technology, capital, and labor, therebyboosting production. After the project is implemented, the county’sadvanced vocational and technical school can provide targeted trainingfor technical workers in line with the project’s requirements, ensuringthey are well-prepared for employment. V. Supporting Elements of the Project(I) Traffic Conditions Around the ProjectThe project area is easily accessi... [收起]
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farmers. Driven by the prospect of increased profits, vegetable farmersare likely to invest more in technology, capital, and labor, therebyboosting production. After the project is implemented, the county’sadvanced vocational and technical school can provide targeted trainingfor technical workers in line with the project’s requirements, ensuringthey are well-prepared for employment. V. Supporting Elements of the Project

(I) Traffic Conditions Around the Project

The project area is easily accessible, with two major highways(Rongcheng-Wuhai Expressway and Datong-Yuncheng Expressway). TheNorth Datong-Puzhou Railway Line 4 Expansion runs through the countywith a station in the county, and the Taiyuan High-Speed Passenger

Railway has a station in Yingxian County. (II) Supporting Facilities and Reference Energy Prices for theProject

The supporting facilities of the project are basically complete. Non-residential water use: RMB 4.02/m3

Non-residential heating: RMB 7.5/m2


Large industrial electricity (above 220 kV): RMB 0.4482/kW⋅hVI. Project Progress

The project is under planning and preparation, and efforts are beingmade to attract investment.



VII. Investment Promotion Goals

Investment Targets: Upstream and downstream enterprises relatedtothe prepared meal industry. Planned Investment: RMB 250 million. Cooperation Mode: Sole proprietorship, joint venture, partnerships. VIII. Investment Promotion Service Measures

Quality Service: The comprehensive support and service mechanismfor major projects has been established. Major investment projects areoverseen by a district-level leader, with a specific department takingthelead. A one-stop service is provided, with streamlined procedures andimproved efficiency, ensuring that investors receive transparent, standardized, and efficient administrative approval services, and strivingto create the “six most” business environment. IX. Contact Information for Investment Promotion Project

Name: Liu Bo

Unit: Commercial and Trade Circulation Industry Development

Service Center of Yingxian County

Tel: 130 9660 2007




8. Quail Industry Chain IntegrationofAgriculture, Production, Study, andResearch Construction Project inXiaoyiCity, Lvliang City

I. Basic Information of the Investment Promotion Unit

(I) Name: People’s Government of Xixinzhuang Town

(II) Address: Xiquan Village, Xixinzhuang Town, Xiaoyi City(III) Introduction: Shanxi Wucai Huangming Agriculture and Animal

Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Xixinzhuang Village, Xixinzhuang Town, Xiaoyi City. The company was establishedonDecember 22, 2023, with a registered capital of RMB 6 million, anditslegal representative is Zhang Hua. To address the deep-rooted challengesand bottlenecks that constrain the development of modern animal

husbandry, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional

industries, and actively respond to the municipal Party Committeeand



government’s implementation of the “Two Leads and Four Highs”strategy, Shanxi Wucai Huangming Agriculture and Animal HusbandryTechnology Co., Ltd. was established. It is built on the foundationof a1.2 million egg-laying quail farm invested in by Xiaoyi HuangmingAgriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. In line withthe“One Zone, One Town, One Chain” strategy and the broader context of

rural revitalization, the company focuses on the research and processingof a series of quail-based snack foods. Additionally, it providesagricultural and animal husbandry skill training for “two types of

households” within Xixinzhuang Town, training over 50 individualsannually. This initiative offers strong support for reemployment andincome generation for these households, contributing torural

revitalization. II. Market Prospects of the Project

Quail is a small poultry species highly valued by consumers for itstender meat and rich nutritional content. Quail meat is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals and is often referred to as “ginseng among animals”due to its benefits such as combating fatigue, boosting immunity, andnourishing the body. With the increasing focus on healthy diet, thedemand for quail products is rising, presenting significant development

opportunities for the quail farming industry. According to researchbyGlobal Info Research (GIR), global quail egg revenue was approximately



1.834 billion US dollars in 2021 and is projected to reach 2.4 billionUSdollars by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.9%from 2022 to 2028. The growth potential is substantial. Currently, China’squail farming covers an area of about 50 million mu, producing around1million tons of quail meat and 2 million tons of quail eggs annually. Advances in technology have led to the introduction of sophisticatedfarming techniques and equipment in the quail industry, incorporatingsmart farming and disease prevention methods, which have enhancedproduction capacity and efficiency. Some quail farms are movingtowardlarger-scale, industrialized operations, forming industry clusters andadvancing quail farming to new heights. With the rise of e-commerceplatforms in China and changing consumer shopping habits, the sales of

quail products have seen explosive growth online, even surpassingtraditional products like braised meat and eggs to become a newconsumer trend. III. Project Overview

(I) Project Background: To address the deep-seated challenges andbottlenecks hindering the development of modern animal husbandry, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, andcontinuously enhance production and development levels, acomprehensive modern industrial development systemis beingestablished. In active response to the municipal Party Committeeand



government’s implementation of the “Two Leads and Four Highs”strategy, and within the broader context of rural revitalization, Shanxi

Wucai Huangming Agriculture and Animal Husbandry TechnologyCo., Ltd. was founded, based on the foundation of a 1.2 million egg-layingquail farm invested in by Xiaoyi Huangming Agriculture and Animal

Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. The company focuses on the researchand development of quail-based food products and provides skill trainingand reemployment opportunities for “two types of households”. Theproject aims to process 5,000 tons of quail eggs and 2,500 tons of variousquail meat snacks annually. (II) Location: Xixinzhuang Village, Xixinzhuang Town, Xiaoyi City. (III) Content and Scale: Construction of standardized trainingroom, quail product R&D center, pilot workshop, sterile processing workshop, (sub) inspection and packaging workshop, and product warehouse. Supporting infrastructure will include disinfection room, changingroom, central control center, laboratory, and related environmental protection, fire safety, and security facilities. The total construction area will be8,500 m2

. (IV) Total Investment of the Project: RMB 30 million . IV. Analysis on Advantages of the Project

(I) Location: Xixinzhuang Town is situated in the southwesternmountainous region of Xiaoyi City, adjacent to Jiaokou Countyand



Lingshi County. National Highway 340 runs through the town fromeast

to southwest. The town borders Lingshi to the south and Jiaokoutothewest, earning it the nickname “the place where the crowing of a rooster

can be heard in three counties”. (II) Industries: Quail eggs and quail meat snacks, known for beinghealthy, delicious, and convenient, have a broad market potential. Theproject aims to enhance competitiveness and achieve high-qualitydevelopment by improving product quality through the researchanddevelopment of series products, expanding sales channels, and buildingbrand awareness. Once the project is put into production, the product

technology will ensure stable production, and locally sourcedrawmaterials for quail egg processing will reduce transportation costs. Theprocessed food products are easy to store and can increase economicbenefits. With growing consumer demand for healthy foods, the support

of new retail channels, and brands’ ongoing innovation in product flavorsand techniques, the quail egg market is expected to experience a periodof

flourishing growth. (III) Environment: Xiaoyi has consistently adhered to the principleof overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities, continuouslytransforming its resource, ecological, and infrastructural advantages intoeconomic development strengths. As a result, the city has earnednumerous national honors and solid brand credentials, includingbeing



recognized as a “National Civilized City”, a “National Sanitary City”, anda “National Garden City”. Additionally, Xiaoyi has been rankedamongthe top 100 counties (cities) in China for overall strength, development

potential, technological innovation, and the quality of newurbanization. V. Supporting Elements of the Project

(I) Traffic Conditions Around the Project

Xixinzhuang Town is situated in the southwestern mountainousregion of Xiaoyi City, adjacent to Jiaokou County and Lingshi County. National Highway 340 runs through the town from east to southwest. (II) Supporting Facilities and Reference Energy Prices for theProject

The project area is fully equipped with essential infrastructure, including water supply, electricity, heating, and telecommunications, all

capable of meeting the project’s demands. Non-residential water use: RMB 4/m3

Non-residential heating: RMB 5.0/m2


Large industrial electricity (above 220 kV): RMB 0.4942/kW⋅hVI. Project Progress

(I) Project Progress: The project construction has already started. (II) Preliminary Procedures: The overall project planning has beenlargely completed, and the necessary filing procedures are in place. VII. Investment Promotion Goals



Investment Targets: Upstream and downstreamenterprises intheagricultural products and agricultural deep processing industries. Planned Investment: RMB 30 million. Cooperation Mode: Sole proprietorship, joint venture, partnerships. VIII. Investment Promotion Service Measures

Quality Service: Standardized procedures for government serviceitems will be implemented. This includes scientifically detailingandquantifying approval service standards, regulating discretionary powers, refining applicable rules, and promoting uniformacceptance andprocessing of the same matters without distinction based on consistent

standards. Flowcharts (tables) for government service procedures will beestablished and enhanced, promoting the standardizationandnormalization of application requirements and service guidelines. Theproject will focus on key areas and matters with high transaction volumes, such as real estate registration, market access, corporate investment, construction projects, and people’s livelihood affairs. Procedures andservice guides will be compiled for each item in line with requirements toreduce steps, materials, time limits, and costs, promoting a “one-timenotification, one-form application” approach. IX. Contact Information for Investment Promotion Project

Name: Zhao Jianxin

Unit: People’s Government of Xixinzhuang Town



Tel: 153 4094 7776



9. Agricultural Product ProcessingParkProject in Yuci District, JinzhongCityI. Basic Information of the Investment Promotion Unit

(I) Name: Yuci District Investment Promotion Service Center

(II) Address: No. 133, West Yingbin Street, Yuci District

II. Market Prospects of the Project

With the development of society and advancements in technology, there is an increasing demand for diversified agricultural products andtheir deep-processed products. The agricultural processing industrydemonstrates tremendous growth potential. The global agricultural

products and processing industry has maintained steady growth, withthemarket size reaching approximately RMB 16.5 trillion in 2023. From2018 to 2023, the product and food processing market sawa compoundannual growth rate, accounting for about 20% of the global market, making it one of the world’s largest consumer markets with growthrates



higher than the global average. In 2023, the market size was aroundRMB3.3 trillion, with a compound annual growth rate of about 6.5%from2018 to 2023. In specific segments, the market size of China’sagricultural products processing industry reached approximatelyRMB23.8 trillion in 2022, representing a year-on-year growth of about 1.3%. Among them, the market size of the edible agricultural productsprocessing sector was about RMB 16.2 trillion, a year-on-year growthof

about 2%, while the non-edible agricultural products processingsector

reached around 7.6 trillion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of about

0.5%. In terms of structure, the edible agricultural products processingindustry accounts for 68% of the market, while the non-edibleagricultural products processing industry accounts for 32%. Yuci District

has a strong agricultural foundation, which can be fully leveragedtocapitalize on the advantages of agricultural resources and an abundant

labor force. By vigorously promoting the deep processingandcomprehensive utilization of agricultural products, the district canextendthe agricultural industry chain and enhance the added value of theseproducts. The deep processing industry chain connects the market ononeend and farmers on the other, driving the expansion and standardizationof upstream farming and breeding bases, promoting the productionof

high-quality agricultural products that meet market demands inthemidstream, and fostering the development of the downstreamcirculation



and service industries. In this way, the deep processing of agricultural

products facilitates the integration of primary, secondary, and tertiaryindustries in rural areas, striving to achieve comprehensive rural

revitalization through industrial revitalization. III. Project Overview

(I) Project Background: To thoroughly implement the municipal

Party Committee’s strategy for developing “enclave economy”, thisproject explores ways to break down administrative boundaries, optimizeresource allocation and industrial project layout, and thus drivehigh-quality economic development. Yuci District, in collaborationwiththe Shanxi Transformation Comprehensive Reform DemonstrationZone, Jinzhong Development Zone, is innovating approaches, deepeningcooperation, and achieving resource complementarity for mutual progressand shared success. The Yuci District Agricultural Specialty Product

Processing Industrial Park represents a proactive exploration. Thetwozones will seize opportunities, build interconnected platforms, deepencommunication and collaboration, and further instill the concepts of “onefamily” concept, “a board of chess” awareness, and “integrated” thinking. Together, they will work to overcome barriers related to land use, taxation, statistics, and investment promotion that hinder mutual development. Byfocusing on resource sharing and close cooperation, they aimtoattract

large and strong enterprises, establish communication and consultation



mechanisms, and create a synergistic working force. This will drivesubstantial progress in the “enclave economy” cooperation, contributingto Jinzhong City’s goal of becoming a pioneer in promoting high-qualitydevelopment across the province. Following the “1144” development strategy and requirements set bythe District Committee, the project aims to establish a modernurbanagriculture hub, with a focus on deepening supply-side structural reformsin agriculture. Through standardized cultivation and breeding, customizedresearch and development, advanced processing, branded marketing, market research, market-oriented operations, and policy support, the goal

is to create a series of agricultural specialty products that are highintechnology content, added value, and market share. Leveragingthesignificant potential of the Agricultural Product Processing Park, theproject aspires to build Shanxi Province’s first “trillion-yuan industrial

park” dedicated to the deep processing of agricultural specialty products. (II) Location: Intersection of Fengqi Avenue and Nonggu RoadinYuci District. (III) Content and Scale: The project covers a planned area of 940.71mu. Of this, Shanxi Haiyuyuan Food occupies 500.38 mu and has alreadybeen completed. The remaining 440.33 mu is designated for theconstruction of four areas and five centers: the Standardized ProductionArea, Enterprise Self-Built Area, Cold Chain Storage Area,



Comprehensive Service Area, Project Incubation Center, R&DandTesting Center, Exhibition and Display Center, Digital Trading Center, and Logistics Support Center, along with basic infrastructure andfacilities. (IV) Total Investment of the Project: RMB 1 billion. IV. Analysis on Advantages of the Project

(I) Location: The park is located at the intersection of Fengqi Avenueand Nonggu Road in Yuci District, covering a planned area of 940.71mu. The area is surrounded by 4 highways and is only 6.6 kilometers fromJinzhong High-Speed Railway Station and 20 kilometers fromTaiyuanWusu Airport. This prime location offers exceptional advantages andcomprehensive infrastructure, with a high concentration of agricultural

specialty products. (II) Industries: Yuci District is the core area of the national-level

Jinzhong Modern Agriculture Demonstration Zone. The district

consistently produces over 174,000 tons of grain annually, earningrecognition 7 times as a “Provincial Major Grain-Producing County”. It

also leads the province with an annual vegetable production of 561,000tons for over 20 consecutive years. The total production of meat, eggs, and milk remains stable at around 81,300 tons, with over 150 large-scale, standardized breeding parks. The district boasts 70 certified agricultural

products with “three certificates plus one registration”, including



nationally recognized geographical indication products like “Yuci

Apples”, “Dongzhao Pears”, and “Changning Garlic”. Over 10agricultural products such as Huairen Aged Vinegar, Haiyu Foods, andDongyang Vegetables are well-known throughout and beyond Shanxi

Province. (III) Environment: Yuci District plays a central role in promotingthehigh-quality development of the central Shanxi urban agglomerationandis at the forefront of accelerating the integration of Taiyuan and Jinzhongto establish a national regional center city. In the province’s strategicblueprint for comprehensive high-quality development, Yuci holds asignificant position. The Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Shanxi

Provincial Party Committee explicitly called for the rapid establishment

of the Taiyuan-Yuci-Taigu urban core, creating a central zone and growthpole for the integrated development of central Shanxi. The Fourth PlenarySession of the Fifth Jinzhong Municipal Party Committee emphasizedthat Yuci must take the lead, engage proactively, plan with a high level of

ambition, and work with a practical, results-oriented approach, accelerating the creation of a hub for technology and talent, a basefor

comprehensive reform and transformation, and an active regional

consumer market. The Yuci District Committee, aligning with the broader

provincial and municipal strategic development framework, hasarticulated the “1144” development strategy, which emphasizes “One



Core Coordination, One Valley Leadership, Four SimultaneousConstructions, and Four Breakthroughs”. This approach involvescomprehensive planning for the district’s development within the larger

context of the Taiyuan-Yuci-Taigu urban core. By utilizingtheconstruction of “Zhichuang Valley” as a driving force, Yuci aims toleadin promoting high-quality development across all sectors. The district isaccelerating the establishment of key areas such as a hub for innovationand entrepreneurship, a leading zone for modern urban agriculture, ahigh-end trade and logistics base, and an ideal area for leisure, wellness, and livability. Yuci is making significant strides in creating centers for

industry-education integration, agricultural tourism experiences, regional

consumption, and quality living. This concerted effort has ignited a strongmomentum focused on “building the urban core, serving ZhichuangValley, and taking the lead”, which will undoubtedly open newavenuesfor development and usher in new achievements as Yuci embarks onitsjourney of comprehensive high-quality growth. (IV) Talent: Yuci District is home to Shanxi University TownandVocational Education Hub, which includes 11 top universities intheprovince, such as Taiyuan University of Technology and Shanxi Medical

University. The area attracts 22 academicians, 365 postdoctoral

researchers, and over 5,700 professors. Among the 220,000 current

students, there are over 1,800 doctoral students and more than 16,000



master’s students, making Yuci the top district in the provincefor

high-end talent concentration. In recent years, Yuci District, focusedonthe goal of driving development through science and education, hasactively cultivated a favorable research environment and continuouslystimulated innovation momentum. The district now has 38 high-techenterprises, 5 doctoral research workstations, 30 technology researchanddevelopment centers (9 at the provincial level and 21 at the municipal

level), 4 maker spaces (1 national and 3 provincial), and 4 star creationspaces (1 national and 3 provincial), making it one of the most

innovation-driven county-level cities in the province. V. Supporting Elements of the Project

(I) Traffic Conditions Around the Project

The park is located at the intersection of Fengqi Avenue and NongguRoad in Yuci District, in close proximity to Jinzhong High-SpeedRailway Station, and just a 20-minute drive from Taiyuan South Stationand Wusu International Airport. The area is well-connected withanextensive road network. (II) Supporting Facilities and Reference Energy Prices for theProject

After completion, the project will achieve Seven Connections andOne Leveling. Non-residential water use: RMB 4.7/m3



Non-residential heating: RMB 7.5/m2


Large industrial electricity (above 220 kV): RMB 0.428/kW⋅hVI. Project Progress

Currently, Shanxi Haiyuyuan Food has completed constructionon500.38 mu of the park. The remaining 440.33 mu consists of twoparts:

one part, covering 321.27 mu, is in the process of document preparationand approval, with land use procedures expected to be completedbyMarch 2024; the other part, covering 119.06 mu, is about to beginlandacquisition and document preparation procedures. Efforts to attract

investment are being actively pursued in parallel. VII. Investment Promotion Goals

Investment Targets: Upstream and downstreamenterprises intheagricultural product processing industry. Planned Investment: RMB 1 billion. Cooperation Mode: Sole proprietorship, joint venture, partnerships. VIII. Preferential Policies and Service Measures for Investment


According to the Yuci District Investment Promotion Incentive

Policies (Trial) (No. YZBF26 [2023]), the following preferential policiesare available for projects at the site:

For projects with high investment intensity, high output efficiency, high technological content, and high industrial linkage, preferential



support of “special fast-track” may be provided based on a

comprehensive project evaluation. Quality Service: Yuci District is committed to providing investorswith comprehensive “one-stop” services, ensuring full support inall

aspects and offering full process tracking. The district strives to createthebest investment environment, where “you invest, we pave the way; youstart a business, we provide the service; you succeed, we growtogether”. IX. Contact Information for Investment Promotion Project

Name: Guo Huifang

Unit: Yuci District Investment Promotion Service Center

Tel: 151 1060 9966




10. Shanxi Dongfang WanmuIntegrated DemonstrationIndustryPark Development Project inQixianCounty, Jinzhong CityI. Basic Information of the Investment Promotion Unit

(I) Name: Shanxi Dongfang Wanmu Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. (II) Address: Xiaoyi Village, Dongguan Town, Qixian County, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province

(III) Introduction: Shanxi Dongfang Wanmu AgricultureDevelopment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Dongfang Wanmu”)

was established on November 1, 2021, with a registered capital of RMB50 million. The company’s main business activities include foragecultivation and production, grain processing, food production, biological

feed research and development, technical services, and technology



development. The company currently operates a livestock breedingscaleof 5,000 head, with over 1,000 head of imported Angus cattle instock. The business covers the entire industry chain, including cattle breeding, feed production, slaughtering and advanced processing (in cooperation), cold chain transportation (in cooperation), technology researchanddevelopment, and marketing. II. Market Prospects of the Project

As the standard of living in China continues to rise, dietaryhabitsare changing, leading to increased demand for both the quantityandquality of beef. Beef is rich in protein, with an amino acid compositioncloser to human needs compared to pork, which enhances the body’sability to resist disease. It is especially suitable for growthanddevelopment, as well as for individuals recovering fromsurgery or illness, as it aids in replenishing lost blood and repairing tissues. In 2021, thedemand for beef in China reached 9.3076 million tons, with an increaseof 464,900 tons compared to 2020, representing a year-on-year growthof

5.26%. In 2022, China’s beef demand reached 9.8693 million tons, withan increase of 561,700 tons compared to 2021, representingayear-on-year growth of 6.03%. In 2022, China’s beef productionwasapproximately 7.18 million tons, with a demand of 9.8697 milliontons. The average market price was around RMB 87.59 per kilogram. At the same time, China is a major consumer of beef, with imports



significantly exceeding exports. In recent years, China’s beef exportshave been minimal, while imports have been rapidly increasing. In2021, China’s beef imports reached 2.3325 million tons, with a growthof

10.11% compared to the previous year. In 2022, beef imports roseto2.6894 million tons, with a year-on-year increase of 15.30%. According to statistical data, with the rapid rise of the beef market, consumers are becoming increasingly demanding regarding product

quality. Currently, due to the limitations of cold chain logistics, China’sbeef market mainly consists of traditional frozen beef. Therefore, establishing a complete industry chain from breeding to table, whileproviding customers with high-quality and reasonably pricedbeef

products, will undoubtedly attract market consumers and secure a strongmarket position. III. Project Overview

(I) Project Background: In 2022, both the national andlocal

governments introduced policies to support the high-quality development

of the beef cattle industry. The State Council released the 14th Five-YearPlan for Promoting Agricultural and Rural Modernization, whichproposed actions such as expanding and improving the quality of basiclivestock herds, enhancing the quantity and quality of southern grass-fedlivestock production, and guiding a number of large-scale beef cattlefarms to undertake the standardization, intensification, andsmart



transformation of their livestock and poultry housing. The Ministryof

Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the Implementation Opinions ontheCentral Committee of the Communist Party of China and the StateCouncil’s Comprehensive Fulfillment of Key Work in Rural Revitalizationin 2022 which suggested actions like increasing beef cattle productionand quality, conducting pilot demonstrations for the transformationandupgrading of grassland animal husbandry, optimizing the regional layout

of slaughtering enterprises, promoting the standardization of slaughteringenterprises, and strengthening the prevention and control of major animal

diseases. Local governments, considering the development realities of thebeef and yak cattle industries, have introduced beef cattle breedingsubsidy and industry support policies, focusing on enhancingcowbreeding, strengthening financial support, and promoting green ecological

practices in beef cattle farming. Given the increasing market demandandstrong national policy support, now is the right time to develop a modern, integrated beef cattle industrial park that spans primary, secondary, andtertiary industries. Supported by the local government, Wanmu Beef Cattle Industrial

Park has already established a facility housing 12,000 head of cattle, complete with living and office spaces, forage storage, waste treatment, animal disease prevention, and research and training facilities. Additionally, a cultural tourism park centered around Angus beef cattle



has been completed. On the product processing and sales side, stablecooperative relationships have been established to jointly promoteindustrial development. To further enhance the industry scale andvaluechain and in response to the national call for beef cattle industrydevelopment, plans are in place to expand the breeding scale, developalivestock-solar complementary industry, and increase complementaryindustries such as forage cultivation, beef slaughtering and advancedprocessing, cold chain logistics, and beef trade and sales. The goal is toachieve an integrated ecological cycle of farming, breeding, andprocessing. Next, Wanmu Beef Cattle Industrial Park will clearlydefineits development goals and systematically expand the park’s scale tomeet

market demand, contributing to rural revitalization and drivinglocal

economic growth. (II) Project site: Within the Qixian County Economic andTechnological Development Zone. (III) Content and Scale: The project plans to build a 50,000-headAngus cattle fattening farm, a 10,000-head cow breeding farm, a feedprocessing workshop with an hourly capacity of 10 tons, 10,000muof

forage cultivation, a slaughterhouse with an annual capacity of 100,000head of cattle, and a premium beef culture exhibition andsalessupermarket. (IV) Total Investment of the Project: RMB 1.7 billion , withRMB



500 million self-raised. IV. Analysis on Advantages of the Project

(I) Location: The project is located in the Qixian County Economicand Technological Development Zone, Shanxi Province, on flat terrainalongside National Highway G208. It is 50 kilometers fromTaiyuanand40 kilometers from Jinzhong, offering convenient transportationandsignificant advantages. (II) Resource: The project site is in the leading cattle-raisingcountyof Shanxi, with a strong cultural foundation in cattle breeding. QixianCounty’s flat terrain and well-established agricultural base provideabundant forage resources locally, which significantly reduces feedprocurement costs while helping nearby farmers increase their income, thus supporting rural revitalization. Moreover, the project has alreadymade preliminary progress in establishing a full industry chain, includingplanting, breeding, slaughtering, sales, and agricultural tourism. It hasaccumulated substantial experience and expertise, which is highlyconducive to further promoting the rapid and healthy development of theproject. (III) Technology: The company has established an industry alliancewith experts from Shanxi Agricultural University, China Agricultural

University, and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The cattlefarm implements unified production management and scale development.



Feed ratios and methods are tailored based on various stages: weaningat

3 months, 6 months, cows at 10-15 months, and bulls at 10-15 and18-20months. Through 8-12 months of high-end fattening, the cattle producehigh-quality marbled beef. The farm uses TMR feeding andatemperature-controlled water system, achieving a high degreeof

mechanization. Slaughtering and cutting are done in collaboration with BeijingXuelong Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., a domestic Japanese-styleslaughtering and cutting enterprise. The slaughtering and processingadheres strictly to national standards, with over 72 hours of agingandmeticulous portioning and packaging. Shanxi ZhonglichengFoodProcessing Co., Ltd., which holds food operation and production licensesalong with five major certification systems, is commissioned to producedeep-processed beef products under the “Shangniudao” brand, includingvarious products such as cherry meatballs and boiled beef. (IV) Scientific Research: The company has introduced top-tier talent

in beef cattle breeding and product research and development andhasformed a specialized Angus beef technical team through collaborationwith livestock associations, China Agricultural University, Capital

Agriculture, and other scientific research institutions. After ten years of

technical exploration, they have successfully pioneeredthe“Angus-Japanese Wagyu” dual-crossbreeding technique, highlighting



their significant research and technical advantages. V. Supporting Elements of the Project

(I) Traffic Conditions Around the Project

The project is located 40 kilometers north of Taiyuan, 35 kilometersfrom Taiyuan Wusu International Airport, 600 kilometers fromTianjinPort, 3 kilometers from Dongguan Railway Station on the Double-trackLine of the Southern Datong-Puzhou Railway, and 2 kilometers fromthefamous tourist attraction, Qiao Family Courtyard. It is adjacent toNational Highway 108, with National Highway 208 running throughthearea.(II) Supporting Facilities and Reference Energy Prices for theProject

Around 80% of the supporting facilities, including surroundingtransportation and the Seven Connections and One Leveling (roads, water

supply, electricity, drainage, heating, telecommunications, gas, andlandleveling), have been completed, meeting the conditions for project

implementation and operation. Non-residential water use: RMB 4.7/m3

Non-residential heating: RMB 7.5/m2


Large industrial electricity (above 220 kV): RMB 0.428/kW⋅hVI. Project Progress

(I) Project Progress: According to the project plan, the construction



cycle of the industrial park is set to span four years, divided intotwophases, each lasting two years. The strategy involves simultaneousdevelopment, construction, and revenue generation. The first twoyearswill focus on planning and initiating the transformation of existingfacilities, while the final two years will focus on concluding investment

and construction needs, with an emphasis on enhancing brand impact. (II) Preliminary Procedures: The overall project planning, siteselection, land acquisition, project approval, and construction permitshave been completed. VII. Investment Promotion Goals

Investment Targets: Upstream and downstreamenterprises inthehigh-end Angus beef industry. Planned Investment: RMB 1.2 billion. Cooperation Mode: Joint venture and partnerships. VIII. Investment Promotion Service Measures

Quality Service: Qixian County is committed to providing investorswith comprehensive “one-stop” services, ensuring full support inall

aspects and offering full process tracking. The district strives to createthebest investment environment, where “you invest, we pave the way; youstart a business, we provide the service; you succeed, we growtogether”. IX. Contact Information for Investment Promotion Project

Name: Guo Qi



Unit: Shanxi Dongfang Wanmu Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. Tel: 173 0351 0096

Email: qxtzcjj@163.com



11. National Agricultural High-tech IndustryDemonstration Zone Science and TechnologyInnovation Base Renovation Project in TaiguDistrict, Jinzhong City

I. Basic Information of the Investment Promotion Unit

(I) Name: Jinzhong Agricultural High-tech Industry DemonstrationZone Construction and Operation Group Co., Ltd. (II) Address: No. 1, Qiantong Road, Beiguo Village, ShuixiuTown, Taigu District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province

(III) Introduction: Established on June 16, 2022, JinzhongAgricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone ConstructionandOperation Group Co., Ltd. is engaged in a range of business activities, including general items: investment activities with self-ownedfunds;

asset management services for these investments; park management

services; conference and exhibition services; technology development,



consulting, exchange, transfer, and promotion; land remediation services;

property management; non-residential real estate leasing; andonlinesales.II. Market Prospects of the Project

With the rapid growth of the market economy, agricultural sci-techinnovation bases have emerged as a new direction for agricultural

development. These bases represent a specialized formof agriculture, achieving significantly higher yields compared to traditional farmingmethods. While traditional open-field cultivation typically yields only2-3harvests per year, agricultural sci-tech innovation base can produce upto10 harvests annually, with a multiple cropping index that is 3-5timeshigher than that of open-field cultivation. Generally speaking, theseinnovation bases can produce 40-60 tons per acre annually, whichisdozens or even hundreds of times more than traditional open-fieldfarming. This project is closely aligned with the development of the JinzhongNational Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone, withafocus on organic dryland farming, functional agriculture, and functional

foods. It emphasizes the integration of “agriculture”, “high-tech”, and“innovation”, guiding Shanxi Agricultural University (the Provincial

Academy of Agricultural Sciences) to break traditional boundaries andconsolidate resources. The project aims to advance the integrationof



“valley, city, and academy” and the fusion of “production, education, research, and application”, embodying international, technological, andinnovative characteristics. It will establish a hub for technological

innovation that integrates scientific research and development, innovationincubation, entrepreneurial services, testing and inspection, onlinemarketing, packaging design, and results showcasing, as well as a center

for investment and business development, a gathering place for high-techtalent, and a key site for technology transfer. The project will establishanational-level organic dryland agriculture laboratory, a national

agricultural product inspection and testing center, and multipleacademician and post-doctoral workstations. It will attract internationallyand domestically renowned agricultural high-tech research institutions, cultivate a series of branded specialty agricultural products fromShanxi

Agricultural Valley, and showcase modern agricultural machineryandagronomy achievements. The goal is to develop research outcomes that

are visible, replicable, and transferable, while also fostering innovativerural reform models and experiences. III. Project Overview

(I) Project Background: According to the Approval of the StateCouncil on the Establishment of the Jinzhong National Agricultural

High-Tech Industry Demonstration Zone in Shanxi Province (GH[2019]

No. 113), the Jinzhong National Agricultural High-Tech Industry



Demonstration Zone will focus on organic dryland agriculture, withtheagricultural and sideline food processing industry as its leadingsector. The zone aims to become a national comprehensive demonstrationareafor healthy food and functional agriculture, a technology industryincubation demonstration area, a special agricultural product advantagearea, and a logistics distribution center for agricultural product processing. In the northern dryland agricultural regions, the project will exploreanddemonstrate advancements in improving agricultural qualityandefficiency, expanding premium specialty agricultural products, enhancingfacility-based agriculture, and strengthening modern agricultural services. This project is part of the Jinzhong National Agricultural High-techIndustry Demonstration Zone Science and Technology InnovationBase. Upon completion, it will continually enhance the platform’s capacitywithin the zone, further attracting high-quality projects, fostering leadingenterprises, and consolidating the development of specialized industries, all in alignment with the development plan of the Jinzhong National

Agricultural High-Tech Zone. The factory site covers a total area of 352 mu, with the first phaseoccupying 205 mu. The construction was completed in September 2013and put into operation, with a total project investment of RMB408million. Currently, the operational buildings in the park include: a largeoffice building (9,835.2 m2), a small office building (2,835.8 m2), a



comprehensive building (3,266.9 m2), an exhibition center (2,704 m2), atrading center (1,638 m2), male and female dormitory buildings (9,815m2), an expert apartment building (1,387 m2), and 7 production

workshops totaling 45,988.3 m2

. Additionally, the site includes relatedinfrastructure such as roads, landscaping, pipelines, and power

distribution facilities, with a total construction area of 78,490.6 m2

. The infrastructure for electricity, water, and heating in the park: InSeptember 2013, a 4,630 kVA dedicated power line was connectedtothepark. Currently, the total power consumption of the enterprises withinthepark is approximately 2,000 kVA, leaving 2,630 kVA of transformer

capacity on standby. The park’s natural gas pipeline, water supply, fireprotection system, heating, and network connections not only meet theneeds of existing enterprises but have also been pre-installed for the

second phase of development, offering favorable conditions for futureexpansion of the park. At present, the Taigu Park boasts complete

infrastructure, including offices, production facilities, accommodation, conference rooms, and dining areas. With convenient transportationandapleasant environment, the park is well-equipped to accommodate 20to30small and medium-sized enterprises for development. (II) Location: Within the factory area of Shanxi Qiantong PlasticCo., Ltd., in Shuixiu Industrial Park, Taigu County, Jinzhong City, Shanxi




(III) Content and Scale: This project involves renovationanddecoration, focusing on the construction of a research center, a quinoaresearch institute, a millet research institute, an agricultural product

research and development display center, an agricultural product qualityinspection center, an intelligent agricultural machinery engineeringlaboratory, and a pilot test workshop for scientific research products. (IV) Total Investment of the Project: RMB 200 million. IV. Analysis on Advantages of the Project

(I) Location: The Jinzhong National Agricultural High-tech IndustryDemonstration Zone (Shanxi Agricultural Valley) is located inTaiguDistrict, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. With the opening of high-speedrail and highways connecting Taiyuan to Beijing-Tianjin and Shandong, Taigu has become part of the three-hour transportation circle aroundBeijing and Tianjin, significantly enhancing its strategic location. Thearea is intersected by several major transportation routes, includingtheDatong-Xi’an High-Speed Railway, the Southern Datong-PuzhouRailway, and the Taiyuan-Jiaozuo Railway. Additionally, key highwayssuch as the Taiyuan-Changzhi Expressway, Longcheng Expressway, National Highway 108, and provincial roads like the Taigu-Xingtai Line, Nantai Line, and Yuhuang Line create a dense network of north-southandeast-west connections. This network distribution facilitates theaggregation of talent and capital, as well as the dissemination of high-tech



innovations and premium products. The Jinzhong National Agricultural

High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone (Shanxi Agricultural Valley) islocated approximately 30 kilometers directly south of Taiyuan, theprovincial capital, making it the nearest suburban area to the city’ssouthern edge. Together with Yuci and Qingxu, it forms part of thesuburban district ring around Taiyuan. As the city of Taiyuan continues itssouthern expansion and Taigu transitions from a county to a district, theintegration between the Jinzhong National Agricultural High-techZone(Shanxi Agricultural Valley) and Taiyuan becomes increasinglypronounced. (II) Resource: Taigu is situated within the Taiyuan metropolitanareaand benefits from a warm temperate continental climate. The regioniswell-endowed with both surface and groundwater resources, featuringadiverse landscape of mountains, hills, and plains. The soil is fertile, withalong frost-free period and moderate rainfall, supporting a wide varietyof

plant and animal species. With a forest coverage rate of 19.2%, the area’snatural environment is highly favorable, making it well-suited for thedevelopment of water-efficient agriculture. The total land area of TaiguDistrict covers 1,046 square kilometers, equating to 1.569 millionmu, with an average of 5.24 mu of land per capita. Approximately two-thirdsof Taigu’s land consists of mountains and hills, while the remainingone-third is flat plains. This unique terrain and climate provide excellent



conditions for dryland farming. Taigu has a long-standing traditionasamajor agricultural county, with a rich history of agricultural production, favorable farming conditions, and advanced dryland farming techniques. (III) Environment: The project site is surrounded by anopenenvironment, free from tall buildings, and is conveniently locatednear

Tai Road and Nonggu Avenue. This ensures excellent natural lighting, ventilation, and fire safety conditions for the buildings. The surroundingair quality is also fresh and clean. There are no facilities nearbythat

produce or store flammable or explosive materials, and the site is well

distanced from high-voltage power lines and related facilities. The parkwhere the project is located has comprehensive infrastructure, includingwater supply, electricity, drainage, and roads, all of which have beenthoroughly planned. The urban supporting facilities for water supply, electricity, drainage, and roads have been fully completed. (IV) Market: This project is part of the Jinzhong National

Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone Science andTechnology Innovation Base and aims to enhance the region’sagricultural technological innovation capabilities. Agricultural technologyinnovation promotes the efficient allocation of resources, enablingthesubstitution of abundant resources for scarce ones, reducing productioncosts, increasing farmers’ incomes, and optimizing resource allocation. Moreover, agricultural technology innovation helps mitigate natural risks



in farming. Uncontrollable forces in nature, such as droughts, hail, andother natural disasters, can lead to reduced agricultural yields. However, through innovations in agricultural technology, drought-resistant cropvarieties can be developed to minimize damage. Additionally, weather

forecasting enables protective measures to be taken in advance, therebyreducing losses. The continuous application and development of

agricultural science and technology are driving qualitative advancementsin agricultural production, providing a powerful impetus for increasedagricultural productivity. Only by continuously advancing agricultural

technology and equipping agriculture with modern innovations canthedevelopment of modern agriculture proceed more swiftly and solidly, with greater, more enduring, and more effective momentum. (V) Talent: While advancing the work of attracting intelligent

resources, the Jinzhong National Agricultural High-tech IndustryDemonstration Zone (Shanxi Agricultural Valley) Sci-Tech InnovationBase project focuses on integrating talent acquisition with intelligent

development, creating a hub for talent, technology, and projects. Inthefirst half of the year, the park successfully attracted 21 talents acrossvarious fields. (VI) Scientific Research: the Jinzhong National Agricultural

High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone (Shanxi Agricultural Valley)

Sci-Tech Innovation Base is home to numerous scientific and



technological innovation projects. Six national pilot projects, includingthe National Modern Agricultural Industry Park and the National ModernAgricultural Science and Technology Innovation Center, have beensuccessfully approved and implemented within the Jinzhong National

Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone (Shanxi Agricultural

Valley). Leading enterprises such as Huawei and Dabeinong have set upbusinesses in the region, alongside major projects like the Shanxi

Agricultural Products International Trade Center and the Shanxi

Agricultural Valley Farmer Training Center, which are advancing rapidly. Additionally, the zone has established a Functional Food (Agriculture)

Research Institute and attracted a number of scientific researchinstitutions such as the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences andthe China National Research Institute of Food and FermentationIndustries, bolstering the zone’s ongoing technological innovationcapabilities. Ongoing projects include the National Apple SeedlingBreeding Base, the Fruit Tree Germplasm Resource Preservation Center, the Specialty Fruit Processing Innovation Center, the Virus-Free SeedlingBreeding Demonstration Base, the Fruit Tree Big Data Service Platform, the Wine Grape Cultivar Innovation Center, the Three-Level SeedlingCultivation System of Jiaohe Strawberry Research Institute, and the BGI

Shanxi Minor Cereals Functional Food Research Center, providinginnovative technological support for the development of the Jinzhong



National Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone (Shanxi

Agricultural Valley). In addition, the number of high-tech enterpriseswithin the Jinzhong National Agricultural High-tech IndustryDemonstration Zone (Shanxi Agricultural Valley) continues togrow, including 23 high-tech companies such as Huanghe Traditional ChineseMedicine, Guangyuyuan, Vanke Medical, Longker Biopharmaceutical, and Ningguli New Materials. The zone has also attracted leadingcompanies like Dabeinong Group, the globally renowned telecomtechnology company Huawei, and Zhejiang Heiwulei Co., Ltd. Theseenterprises are significantly enhancing the research and development

capabilities within the park. V. Supporting Elements of the Project

(I) Traffic Conditions Around the Project

The Jinzhong National Agricultural High-tech IndustryDemonstration Zone (Shanxi Agricultural Valley) is intersected byseveral

major transportation routes, including the Datong-Xi’an High-SpeedRailway, the Southern Datong-Puzhou Railway, and the Taiyuan-JiaozuoRailway. Additionally, key highways such as the Taiyuan-Changzhi

Expressway, Longcheng Expressway, National Highway 108, andprovincial roads like the Taigu-Xingtai Line, Nantai Line, and YuhuangLine create a dense network of north-south and east-west connections. (II) Supporting Facilities and Reference Energy Prices for the




The project is supported by the Qiantong Industrial Park, whereall

necessary infrastructure and facilities are fully developed. Essential

utilities such as electricity, heating, and gas are supplied by municipal

services. The park offers comprehensive amenities, including offices, factories, accommodation, conference rooms, and dining facilities. Withconvenient transportation and a pleasant environment, the parkiswell-equipped to accommodate 20 to 30 small and medium-sizedenterprises. Non-residential water use: RMB 4.7/m3

Non-residential heating: RMB 7.5/m2


Large industrial electricity (above 220 kV): RMB 0.428/kW⋅hVI. Project Progress

(I) Project Progress: Phases I and II have been fully completedandput into operation. (II) Preliminary Procedures: All project approval procedures havebeen completed. VII. Investment Promotion Goals

Investment Targets: The sci-tech innovation base for

industry-education-research collaboration will be established withthesupport of various innovative enterprises, universities, innovativeresearch institutes, and industry technology research institutes across



different regions. The base will house a group of scientific researchanddevelopment enterprises that possess independent intellectual propertyrights and are at the forefront of their fields in China, which are poisedfor engineering development and have strong market potential; thosehaving robust capabilities in tackling critical core technologies, developing common industrial technologies, advancing thesetechnologies through pilot production, and product development; thoseequipped to utilize market mechanisms to facilitate technology transfer

and dissemination, thereby promoting the commercialization of scientificand technological achievements and developing the abilityfor

self-sustaining growth through a virtuous cycle. Planned Investment: RMB 200 million. Cooperation Mode: Sole proprietorship, joint venture, partnerships. VIII. Investment Promotion Service Measures

Quality Service: Jinzhong City is committed to providing investorswith comprehensive “one-stop” services, ensuring full support inall

aspects and offering full process tracking. The district strives to createthebest investment environment, where “you invest, we pave the way; youstart a business, we provide the service; you succeed, we growtogether”. IX. Contact Information for Investment Promotion Project

Name: Yuan Zhenyan

Unit: Jinzhong Agricultural High-tech Industry DemonstrationZone



Construction and Operation Group Co., Ltd. Tel: 186 0340 0100

Email: 1123830611@qq.com



12. Qixian County Development ZoneFoodIndustry Park Project in JinzhongCityI. Basic Information of the Investment Promotion Unit

(I) Name: Administration Committee of Shanxi Qixian CountyEconomic Development Zone

(II) Address: No. 22, Jinshang Road, Qixian County EconomicDevelopment Zone, Shanxi

II. Market Prospects of the Project

As people’s living standards improve and their awareness of healthincreases, there is a growing demand for food safety and quality. Foodindustry parks, which integrate production, processing, trade, andlogistics, offer an effective solution to food safety issues while enhancingproduction efficiency. In recent years, global consumption has beencontinuously upgrading, and people's living standards have beenrising. The global healthy food industry has been experiencing stable growth,



with a compound annual growth rate of 2%. According to statistics, as of

2022, there were 1,079 food industry parks nationwide. Withthecontinued expansion of these parks and the increasing number of

enterprises settling within them, competition among parks is intensifying. The Qixian County Development Zone Food Industry Park aims toenhance enterprise quality and efficiency through various measures, fostering enterprise development in stages and categories, thereby drivinghigh-quality development and injecting new vitality into the park’seconomic growth. The food industry park holds vast development

prospects and is poised to become a crucial pillar of Qixian County’sfuture economic development. III. Project Overview

(I) Location: South of the Hongxing Liquor Industry ParkintheQixian County Development Zone. (II) Content and Scale: To establish the largest food industrycluster

and growth area in North China, a 5,000-mu food industry parkisplanned. Building on the existing presence of renowned enterprises likeInner Mongolia Yili, Beijing Red Star, Beijing Yanjing, Hebei Jinmailang, Taiwan Uni-President, Thailand Charoen Pokphand, Taiwan Anyou, Beijing Dabeinong, and Shandong Bangji, the project will continuetoattract leading food and beverage enterprises from China and abroad. (III) Total Investment of the Project: RMB 18 billion.



IV. Analysis on Advantages of the Project

(I) Location: The park is located 35 kilometers fromthe Shanxi

Transformation and Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone, 39kilometers from Taiyuan Wusu International Airport, 8 kilometers fromYaocheng Airport, and 6 kilometers from the Datong-Xi’an High-speedRailway Station. The Taiyuan Second Ring Expressway, with anexit at

the Qiao Family Courtyard within the district, along with the 108National Road, 208 National Road, and the Dongxia Provincial Highway, converge here. The road network follows a “Three Horizontal, ThreeVertical” layout, with comprehensive green landscaping and lightingthroughout the park. The park is fully equipped with rainwater andsewage pipelines, natural gas, tap water supply, and both high andlowvoltage power grids, ensuring seamless connectivity for every enterprise. It will be the first e-commerce and express delivery industrial parkinShanxi, allowing businesses to access comprehensive one-stop logisticsand warehousing services within the park. (II) Policy: First, the investment promotion mechanismhas beenfurther refined. In line with the actual industrial needs of the development

zone, the 2023 Annual Investment Promotion Work Plan was introduced. Additionally, 10 industry experts from Qi County, including HanXia, former director of the provincial government’s Shanghai office, andLi

Yousheng, secretary-general of the Shanxi Chamber of Commercein



Shanghai, were appointed as “Investment Ambassadors”. An expert

database for investment promotion has been established, along withamechanism for investment attraction based on local connections. Second, the investment promotion initiatives have been continuously enriched. Five specialized teams focusing on new energy and materials, foodandbeverages (feed), equipment manufacturing, logistics and warehousing, and cultural tourism were formed to enhance the introduction of upstreamand downstream enterprises in the industrial chain. Furthermore, cooperative agreements were signed with the Liangshan EconomicDevelopment Zone and Yanggu Economic Development ZoneinShandong to explore joint efforts in attracting industries relocatedfromthe Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Yangtze River Delta regions. Third, enterprise-led investment promotion has yielded significant results. Wehave actively engaged with the headquarters of companies like BeijingRed Star, Jinmailang, Uni-President, and Yanjing to support thetransformation, upgrading, and technological renovation of existingenterprises. This effort has propelled the second phase of the RedStar

Liquor Industrial Park and introduced the Red Star Brewing Base Project

(Zhongxin Liquor), revitalizing idle land owned by Uni-President andfacilitating Yanjing Beer’s resumption of production. In 2023, the district

successfully passed provincial and municipal reviews for 8 investment

promotion projects, with a total investment of RMB 2.412 billion.



Additionally, over 50 potential project negotiations were conducted, with7 projects currently under negotiation, amounting to a total investment of

RMB 12.18 billion. (III) Market: The domestic food health industry has undergonesignificant changes. On one hand, as consumer income levels andhealthawareness have risen, the selection of food is no longer merelyabout

satisfying basic cravings but is increasingly focused on nutritional safetyand balanced intake. On the other hand, businesses are intensifyingefforts to expand their presence across all channels and are employingdiverse operational strategies to tap into new sources of customer traffic, continuously providing consumers with faster, more innovative shoppingexperiences. These factors are driving the domestic food health industrytowards a future that is healthier, greener, and more engaging, bringingrenewed vitality to the market. V. Supporting Elements of the Project

(I) Traffic Conditions Around the Project

The project is situated right next to National Highway 208, just 5kilometers from National Highway 108, and only 1 kilometer fromQiaoFamily Compound exit of the Taiyuan Second Ring Expressway. (II) Supporting Facilities and Reference Energy Prices for theProject

The park’s infrastructure is fully developed, with “Seven



Connections and One Leveling” in place. It has a daily gas supplycapacity of 400,000 cubic meters and a water supply of 60,000tons, supported by three 110-kilovolt substations and a wastewater treatment

plant with a daily capacity of 30,000 tons. Non-residential water use: RMB 4.7/m3

Non-residential heating: RMB 7.5/m2


Large industrial electricity (above 220 kV): RMB 0.428/kW⋅hVI. Project Progress

Preliminary planning and land acquisition for the project site havebeen completed, and efforts to attract investment are actively underway. VII. Investment Promotion Goals

Investment Targets: Upstream and downstreamenterprises intheagricultural products and agricultural deep processing industries. Planned Investment: RMB 18 billion. Cooperation Mode: Sole proprietorship, joint venture, partnerships. VIII. Investment Promotion Service Measures

Quality Service: Qixian County is committed to providing investorswith comprehensive “one-stop” services, ensuring full support inall

aspects and offering full process tracking. The district strives to createthebest investment environment, where “you invest, we pave the way; youstart a business, we provide the service; you succeed, we growtogether”. IX. Contact Information for Investment Promotion Project
