
发布时间:2023-12-11 | 杂志分类:其他


www.ceff-asia.com 049Exhibitor Profile展商信息世茂酒店集团世茂成都茂御酒店YULUXE HOTEL CHENGDU无锡拈花湾波罗蜜多酒店Wuxi Nianhua Bay Polomydo Hotel世茂成都茂御酒店位于成都市中心,紧临春熙路、太古里商圈,地处 3 号线红星桥出口旁,步行可至成都地标 339 电视塔 ,是世茂喜达酒店集团在西部首家茂御酒店品牌旗舰店。酒店拥有 294 间豪华温馨的客房和套房,房间皆位于 33-43 楼高空,开阔的视野让您置身城市上空饱览璀璨夜景。房间设有全套舒适寝具,带给您舒适的入住体验。荟聚全日餐厅提供早、中、晚三餐,高空的舒适用餐空间搭配环球精选美食,为您提供闲适自在的用餐体验。御珍轩中餐厅由资深主厨主理,每一份出品皆源于匠心,为您呈现原汁原味川粤味道。位于酒店 32 层空中大堂,133 米高空视野和全方位大落地窗览尽城市繁华。Shimao Yuluxe Hotel Chengdu, close to Chunxi Road and Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu business cir... [收起]
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Wuxi Nianhua Bay Polomydo Hotel

世茂成都茂御酒店位于成都市中心,紧临春熙路、太古里商圈,地处 3 号线红星桥出口旁,步行可至成都地标 339 电

视塔 ,是世茂喜达酒店集团在西部首家茂御酒店品牌旗舰店。

酒店拥有 294 间豪华温馨的客房和套房,房间皆位于 33-43 楼高空,开阔的视野让您置身城市上空饱览璀璨夜景。房



中餐厅由资深主厨主理,每一份出品皆源于匠心,为您呈现原汁原味川粤味道。位于酒店 32 层空中大堂,133 米高


Shimao Yuluxe Hotel Chengdu, close to Chunxi Road and Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu business circle, is the first

flagship hotel of Shimao Star Hotel Group in western China. Located next to the Hongxing Bridge Station of Chengdu

Metro Line 3, it only takes several minutes walk to the West Pearl Tower, which stands at a height of 339 meters.

Shimao Yuluxe Hotel Chengdu boasts deluxe and family-friendly guest rooms and suites, 294 in total. All the

rooms, located on the 33rd-43rd floor, are designed to provide the guests with a splendid night view of the city. The

room is equipped with a complete set of comfortable bedding, providing you with a comfortable stay experience.

Le Café, located on the 32nd floor of the hotel, offers breakfast, lunch and dinner with global exquisite cuisines,

in a bid to provide a relaxing dining experience.Yu Palace Each dish, handled by a veteran chef, takes pride in its

unique ingenuity to present the flavor of authentic Sichuanese and Cantonese delicacies and please the most

demanding of taste buds.The Sky Lobby is located on the 32nd floor of the hotel, with large floor-to-ceiling

window. The marvelous high-altitude view at 133 meters enables the guests to enjoy the whole landscape of city.



林花洒及浴缸。1500 平米的宴会厅及配备先进照明设备、音响设备的 8 个多功能会议室,让你的会议有了更多选择;


Wuxi Nianhua Bay Boromitto Hotel is located in Nianhuawan Town, Mashan International Tourism Island,

with a flat top of five fingers, backed by the Lingshan Giant Buddha, facing Taihu Lake, and the Universal

Animation Fun Valley. With the theme of Zen culture, Wuxi Nianhuawan Boromido Hotel is simple and

elegant, ethereal and delicate, making people feel relaxed, and the rooms are equipped with tropical

rainforest showers and bathtubs. The 1,500-square-meter banquet hall and 8 multi-functional meeting

rooms equipped with advanced lighting equipment and audio equipment give you more choices for your

meetings; Children's playground, fitness center, swimming pool and other facilities meet your needs from

ecological tourism to leisure and health.




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Dongwu New Century Grand Hotel Huzhou


Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort


莲花庄、铁佛寺、飞英塔等大小景点,近龙之梦酒店总建筑面积约 9 万平方米,楼高达 51 层,誉美太湖名城新地标。

酒店由中国民营企业 500 强浙江大东吴集团投资兴建,由开元酒店集团全权管理,是一家集完美温馨于一体的商务会

议酒店。酒店豪华舒适,凭栏而望、可将湖城美景尽收眼底。店内餐位达 2000 多个,环境优雅的清丽大堂吧、经典

时尚的滨河西餐厅、华贵典雅的四季轩中餐厅、幽雅静谧的国风堂包厢群、近 1500 平米的千人宴会厅。 18 个不同


Huzhou Dongwu New Century Grand Hotel stands at the forefront of Huzhou's development - Dongwu

International Plaza, east of the city's main road Jiangnan Industry and Trade Street, close to Huzhou

Municipal Government, Lotus Village, Iron Buddha Temple, Feiying Pagoda and other large and small

attractions, near the Dragon Dream Hotel has a total construction area of about 90,000 square meters,

with a building as high as 51 floors, and is a new landmark of Taihu Lake City. The hotel is invested and

built by Zhejiang Dadongwu Group, one of the top 500 private enterprises in China, and fully managed

by New Century Hotel Group. The hotel is luxurious and comfortable, with a panoramic view of the lake

city. There are more than 2,000 seats in the store, including the elegant Qingli lobby bar, the classic and

fashionable riverside Western restaurant, the luxurious and elegant Four Seasons Xuan Chinese restaurant,

the elegant and quiet Guofeng Hall box group, and the 1,500-square-meter banquet hall for 1,500 square

meters. 18 conference rooms of different specifications, advanced and perfect conference facilities bring you

unprecedented meeting experience.

湖州太湖喜来登温泉度假酒店位于风景优美的浙江省 , 欢迎莅临下榻 , 探索身心放松的美妙度假体验。酒店采用别具

匠心的环形设计 , 共 27 层 , 矗立在太湖之畔 , 附近有着古老的水乡、石桥、重建的历史街区以及从大运河引水的水道 ,

堪称一处理想的旅行目的地。探索完这片区域之后 , 可以惬享酒店的精选设施 , 包括酒店内日间水疗中心、无边泳池、

沙滩 , 以及延伸进太湖的定制婚礼小岛。一边品尝手工鸡尾酒一边欣赏美丽湖景 , 或是在酒店的水滨餐厅享用休闲美

食。优雅的客房内配备时尚大理石浴室和免费无线网络 , 助您尽情放松身心。酒店拥有宽敞的大宴会厅和先进的会议

设施 , 适宜举办各种活动。

Located in the beautiful Zhejiang province of Zhejiang Province, Sheraton Huzhou Taihu Hot Spring Resort

welcomes you to explore a wonderful vacation experience of relaxation and relaxation. The 27-storey

hotel is an ideal travel destination on the shores of Lake Tai, with its ancient water towns, stone bridges,

reconstructed historic districts and waterways diverted from the Grand Canal. Once you've explored the

area, you'll be able to enjoy a selection of the hotel's amenities, including an on-site day spa, infinity pool,

sandy beach, and a bespoke wedding island that extends into Lake Tai. Sip craft cocktails with beautiful lake

views, or enjoy a casual meal at the hotel's waterfront restaurant. Relax in elegant rooms with stylish marble

bathrooms and free Wi-Fi. With a spacious Grand Ballroom and state-of-the-art conference facilities, the

hotel is ideal for a variety of events.




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Xuancheng Golden Horse Junlan Manor





金马君澜庄园总投资约 2 亿人民币,总建筑面积约 200000 ㎡,共有各类格调高雅的豪华客房近 200 间套,酒店餐饮

可同时满足 1000 余人宴会、会议需要,8 个风格迥异的包厢,各种类型会议室 6 个。酒店健身房、泳池、足球场、


Located in the center of the business circle of Shuidong Town, Xuanzhou District, Xuancheng City, Jinma Junlan Manor

is strategically located and immersed in the rich cultural atmosphere of Huiyun, forming a unique taste of elegance

and high-end, luxury and restraint.

With a total investment of about 200 million yuan and a total construction area of about 200,000 square meters, there

are nearly 200 luxurious rooms with various elegant styles, and the hotel catering can meet the needs of more than

1,000 banquets and conferences at the same time, with 8 boxes with different styles and 6 conference rooms of various

types. The hotel's gym, swimming pool, football field, lawn banquet venue, park and more allow you to relax.

济南鲁能贵和洲际酒店位于济南市商业和旅游核心腹地,拥有得天独厚的地理位置,徒步可到“天 下第一泉”趵突泉、

济南三大名胜之一的大明湖、四大泉群之一的黑虎泉、历史文化特色老街曲水 亭街、特色小吃街芙蓉街、老济南特色

复古街宽厚里,乘坐画舫环游护城河,切身体验泉城济南 “四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”的特色风景。酒店 1-5

楼是奢侈品牌云集的贵和购物中心,紧邻恒隆广场、世贸广场和泉城路金街,出游购物极其方便。 酒店拥有 370 间客房,

并设有中西荟萃的自助餐厅、法餐厅、屋顶花园、大型无柱宴会厅和 11 间面积 不等的会议室。7 层中庭大堂可开启


InterContinental Jinan City Center is located in the city center of commercial and tourist area with luxury

branded Guihe Shopping Center on F1-F5 and next to Parc 66, Shimao Plaza and Quancheng Road. You could

experience the Spring City charming scenery “Lotuses and willows are all around the city, hills and lakes

are all in sight” by walking to the No. 1 Spring Under Heaven – Baotu Spring, one of the three most famous

scenic spots in Jinan – Daming Lake and one of the four largest spring groups – Heihu Spring, historical

culture old street – Qushuiting Street, special snack street – Furong Street, and street restoring ancient way –

Kuan Hou Li or taking a city moat tour by gaily-painted pleasure-boat.

Hotel does feature 370 well pointed rooms and suites, Café L6, Beef Connoisseur French Restaurant, and

Rooftop Garden, large pillar less Ballroom and 11 function rooms for different meeting requirements.

7th floor atrium lobby with roof glass skylight to let fresh air and natural light in, Rooftop Garden with a

panorama view overlooking the Spring City charming scenery.




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Beijing GUOCE International Convention & Exhibition Center


酒店紧邻丽泽天街购物中心与丽泽 SOHO,也是距离未来丽泽城市航站楼最近的酒店。酒店与地铁 14 号线丽泽站地

下贯通,距离北京南站、西站、丰台站均不超过 10 分钟车程,距离大兴机场不超过 40 分钟车程,交通出行四通八达。

酒店斥资 2.5 亿,打造了 265 间面积超 45 平方米新中式豪华客房、1200 余平米超高无柱宴会空间、各规格会议室、



Xiamenair Carnival Hotel located in the heart of Beijing's Lize Business District on the South Second Ring Road, is a

high-end business five-star luxury hotel built by Fujian Carnival Group and managed by Xiamen Airlines.

The hotel is adjacent to the Lize Tianjie Shopping Center and Lize SOHO, and also the closest hotel to the future Lize

City Terminal. The hotel is connected to the underground Lize Station of Metro Line 14 within 10 minutes' drive from

Beijing South Railway Station, West Railway Station and Fengtai Station, and within 40 minutes' drive from Beijing

DaXing International Airport, making it easily accessible.

The hotel has spent RMB 250 million to build 265 new Chinese luxury rooms with an area of over 45 square meters,

over 1,200 square meters of super high column-free banquet space, meeting rooms of various sizes, elegant Chinese

and Western restaurants and private rooms, as well as supporting recreation and entertainment sections: gymnasium,

swimming pool, KTV, wine room, tea room, etc., fully catering for various hotel business needs of enterprises in the Lize

Business District.

国测国际会议会展中心自 2019 年 4 月正式营业,位于北京市顺义区临空经济核心区,国家地理信息科技产业园南区,北京

中德产业园起步区;国测国际会议会展中心总建筑面积约 52 万㎡,集会议、会展、剧院、休闲娱乐设施、多元住宿、餐饮

等功能于一体,可容纳 8000 人同时与会的综合型酒店。会展中心地理位置优越,与首都国际机场直线距离 1.5 公里,交通便利;

与北京城市副中心直线距离约 13 公里,处于同一发展轨道,为未来的发展带来了巨大的辐射效应;同时,毗邻东郊湿地

森林公园,是通州、顺义、朝阳三区交界地带,规划面积 8.9 万亩,是北京城市总体规划确定的四大郊野公园之一。

GUOCE International Convention and Exhibition Center has been officially opened in April 2019. It is located in the

core area of the airport economy in Shunyi District, Beijing, the southern area of the National Geographic Information

Technology Industrial Park,and Starting area of Beijing Sino German Industrial Park; With a total construction area

of about 520,000 square meters, the International Convention and Exhibition Center is a comprehensive hotel that

integrates Conventions, exhibitions, theaters, leisure and entertainment facilities. It can accommodate 8,000 people

at the same time.The Convention and Exhibition Center has an advantageous geographical location, with a straightline distance of 1.5 kilometers from the Capital International Airport, and convenient transportation; a straight-line

distance of about 13 kilometers from the Beijing Sub-City Center. It is on the same development track and brings a

huge radiation effect for future development; at the same time, it is adjacent to the east The Suburb Wetland Forest

Park is the junction of Tongzhou, Shunyi, and Chaoyang Districts.




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Hangzhou Senbo Nature Park & Resort


The Purple Palace Nanjing

杭州开元森泊度假乐园坐落于萧山湘湖旅游度假区内,占地 300 亩,总投资 11.7 亿人民币,以“大自然”为原点,



杭州开元森泊度假乐园遵循低密度开发原则,拥有 174 间森泊度假酒店客房和散落林中的 241 间特色度假屋。更有


Hangzhou Senbo Nature Park & Resort, located at Xianghu Lake Tourist Resort, covers an area of 300 mu with the

total investment of RMB 1.17 billion Yuan. With“Nature” as the original point , Senbo is innovatively divided into two core

sectors, “Boutique Resort” and “Fantastic Amusement”. Hangzhou Senbo Nature Park & Resort is an all-weather onestop leisure and holiday complex integrating accommodation, amusement, catering and business together one body.

Following the principle of low-density development, Hangzhou Senbo Nature Park & Resort owns 174 Senbo hotel

guest rooms and 241 featured holiday villas scattered in the forest. Moreover, Star Cube, Forest Castle, Tree Houses

and other Internet popular villas are located here.


快艇穿行紫金山水,沉浸式旅居体验为你构筑理想旅游目的地。山庄坐拥 1200 亩画卷般紫金山麓美景,是一座拥有

70% 以上森林覆盖的天然氧吧,空气清新。山庄人口密度较低,生态宜居,推窗即景,更兼拥沁心湖、映山湖、留云


Located in Zijin Mountain Scenic Area, Nanjing Purple Palace possesses negative oxygen ions far beyond the

city centers. Tourists can enjoy fantastic immersive activities such as carting, fishing, cruising on coaches,

sailing on boats, and appreciating Zijin Mountains on yachts, all of which make Nanjing Purple Palace an

ideal travel destination. From the Purple Palace, tourists can appreciate the charms of the Zijin Mountain

which covers a land area of about 80 hectares (about 1200 mu). As a natural “oxygen bar” with extremely

fresh air, 70% of the Palace is covered by forests. While relishing the low density of population and agreeable

environments, tourists only need to open the window to enjoy the splendid scenery. Moreover, all the fortune

and pleasures provided by mountains and waters are reflected in the three lakes: Qinxin Lake, Yingshan

Lake, and Liuyun Lake in the Palace, which make it a perfect combination of “mountains, waters, cities, and





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Jinling Nanlin Hotel


Narada Beijing Hotel



了山茶、红枫、杜鹃花、白玉兰等 10 多种名贵植物,共 280 多棵,绿地覆盖率为 53%。园中的假山驳岸、亭台楼榭,


The hotel is located in the famous entertainment bar street - Shiquan Street, in the center of the ancient city,

adjacent to the bustling business district, with superior location and convenient transportation.

The hotel is in a beautiful environment with beautiful scenery. There is a garden in the store, and there is a

store in the garden; The ancient trees in the whole garden are towering and lush, and the flowers and trees

of the four seasons compete for beauty. More than 280 of more than 10 kinds of precious plants such as

camellia, red maple, azalea, and magnolia are planted in the hotel, and the green space coverage rate is 53%.

The rockery revetments, pavilions and pavilions in the park constitute a beautiful picture of nature.


与西 6 环与地铁 16 号线相邻,隔绝都市的喧闹且车马通衢。

酒店建筑面积约 8.8 万平方米,以建筑搭配园林景致,勾勒出具有君澜特色的优雅空间。酒店拥有 396 间基础客房、


Narada Beijing Hotel is backed by the scenic area of the Daxi Mountains, the capital of the Taihang

Mountains, with pleasant scenery.It is adjacent to the Yongfeng Industrial Base, Zhongguancun Software

Park and other core industrial parks in Haidian, and adjacent to the West 6th Ring Road and Metro Line 16,

isolating the hustle and bustle of the city but facilitating transportation. The hotel has a construction area

of approximately 88000 square meters, and with the combination of architecture and garden scenery. It

outlines an elegant space with Junlan characteristics. The hotel has 396 basic rooms and suites, in addition

to which it is specially equipped with various themed rooms such as aviation and meditation, meeting

various personalized needs.




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V-Continent Beijing Parkview Wuzhou Hotel


Eurasia Convention International Hotel


毗邻北京国际会议中心、国家会议中心 , 与奥林匹克公园、鸟巢咫尺之遥。酒店位置优越,距首都国际机场仅 25 分

钟车程,3 个地铁站举步之遥,前往天安门广场、紫禁城、颐和园、秀水街等繁华商区和名胜景点十分便捷,是商务


V-Continent Beijing Parkview Wuzhou Hotel is the flagship hotel of Beijing North Star V-Continent Hotel Management

Company. A deluxe hotel conveniently located in core area of Asian Olympic business district of the north Fourth Ring

Road Beijing, adjacent to Beijing International Convention Center, China National Convention Center, and within

walking distance to the city’s Olympic Green and much celebrated Bird’s Nest Stadium. The hotel is just 25-minutes

from Beijing Capital International Airport. It's pretty convenient to go Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, the Summer

Palace, Silk Street and other high streets and scenic spots, an ideal place for business and leisure travelers.

位于金银湖路,毗邻地铁六号线金银湖站 C 出口,地理位置优越、交通便利。欧亚会展国际酒店是由广东欧亚企业管


湖畔,建筑面积超过 10 万平方米,内部装潢奢华典雅,尊贵内敛。

武汉欧亚会展国际酒店拥有 400 余间时尚而超大空间的客房,均可欣赏湖边美景或难得的城市绿地。房间内装饰低调




It is located in Jinyinhu Road, adjacent to Exit C of Jinyinhu Station of Metro Line 6, with superior

geographical location and convenient transportation. Eurasia Convention & Exhibition International Hotel is

a high-star multi-functional hotel invested by Guangdong Eurasia Enterprise Management Group Co., Ltd.,

focusing on conference and exhibition, and paying equal attention to business and leisure. Surrounded by

lakes on three sides, the hotel is located on the shore of the beautiful Jinyin Lake, with a construction area of

more than 100,000 square meters, and the interior decoration is luxurious and elegant.

Wuhan Eurasia Convention & Exhibition International Hotel has more than 400 stylish and spacious guest

rooms, all of which can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake or the rare urban green space. The room

is decorated with low-key luxury, exquisite and elegant style, warm and comfortable furnishing, specially

equipped with independent climate control system, central air conditioning, soft and comfortable bedding,

domestic and international direct dial telephone, satellite TV, various modern Internet ports, refrigerator,

mini bar, safe.




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Country Garden Phoenix Hotel

a 千岛湖明豪国际度假酒店 ;b 千岛湖明豪国际会议中心

Minghao International Conference Centre, Qiandao Lake


故居、五一广场等(约 30 分钟车程),湖南电视台、世界之窗、海底世界(约 15 分钟车程),岳麓书院(约 40 分

钟车程)。这里是历届中国金鹰电视艺术节主要接待酒店,曾荣膺“2013(2014) 年度会议酒店”、“中外酒店(九届)

白金奖 • 十大城市魅力酒店”等殊荣。

Changsha Country Garden Phoenix Hotel is located in Xingsha Avenue of Venice City, surrounded by Laodao

River; It is adjacent to Songya Lake National Wetland Park, and is far away from Hunan TV Station, Yang

Kaihui's former residence, Wuyi Square, etc. (about 30 minutes by car), Hunan TV Station, Window of the

World, Underwater World (about 15 minutes by car), Yuelu Academy (about 40 minutes by car). It is the main

reception hotel of the previous China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival, and has won the \"2013 (2014) Annual

Conference Hotel\", \"Sino-foreign Hotel (9th) Platinum Award • Top Ten City Charm Hotels\" and other


千岛湖明豪国际会议中心位于国家 5A 级风景名胜区,拥有 1600 平米的巨型宴会厅,可同时容纳 1100 余人会议或用餐,

并配备 7 个 32-300 人不等的中小型会议室。明豪国际度假酒店作为千岛湖最大国际会议中心,拥有豪华客房 345 间

/ 套,地处千岛湖中心湖区核心地段,三面环湖,97% 的客房均可领略千岛湖中心湖区湖景。酒店涵盖了五星级酒店

的全部配套设施:大型宴会厅、行政酒廊、书吧、咖啡吧、酒吧、足浴 SPA、中西餐厅、室内外泳池、健身房、儿童


Located in the national 5A level scenic spot, Minghao International Conference Centre of Qiandao Lake has

a huge 1600 square meters ballroom, which can accommodate more than 1100 people for meeting or dining

at the same time, and is equipped with 7 small and medium-sized meeting rooms for 32-300 people. As the

largest international conference centre in Qiandao Lake, Minghao International Resort & Spa has 345 deluxe

guest rooms, which are located in the core of Qiandao Lake, surrounded by the lake on three sides, and 97%

of the guest rooms can enjoy the lake view of Qiandao Lake. The hotel covers all the supporting facilities of

a five-star hotel: large banquet hall, executive lounge, book bar, coffee bar, bar, foot bath SPA, Chinese and

Western restaurants, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, gymnasium, children's game city, tennis court,

water park, luxury yacht.




www.ceff-asia.com 057

Exhibitor Profile



Suzhou International Conference Hotel




699 号,毗邻环秀湖与苏州高铁北站 . 拥有 1518 间客房和 88 个大中小型多功能厅及会议室,其中最大无柱宴会厅

4050 平米,配备了汽车专用电梯;3040 平米特色报告厅设有 1578 个固定席位,两个 1914 平米的中型宴会厅,全


Suzhou International Conference Hotel is a luxury five-star hotel managed by Jin Jiang International Hotel

Management Co., Ltd. for management. It is located at No. 699 Xiangrong Road, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou

City, Jiangsu Province, adjacent to Huanxiu Lake and Suzhou North Railway Station.The hotel has 1,518 guest

rooms and 88 large, small, and medium-sized multifunctional halls and conference rooms. The largest pillarfree banquet hall has a car elevator and is 4,050 square meters. The featured lecture hall is 3,040 square

meters, with 1,578 fixed seats. The two medium-sized banquet halls are 1,914 square meters each.

天目湖涵田度假村坐落在 5A 级景区天目湖畔,集会议、度假、旅游服务于一体 , 由 6 家酒店、9 间餐厅、聆湖湾商业


其中度假村配有 3000 多平米形式多样、组合灵巧的宴会及会议场所,配备完善的配套设备和专属会议管家,为会议


Hentique Resort Tianmu Lake is located beside Tianmu Lake, which is rated as a 5A scenic spot.It is a

comprehensive hotel that includes conference, vacation and tourism services,consisting of 6 hotels, 9

restaurants, Linghuwan Commercial Street and Banshan Hot Spring, etc.It has been approved by The State

Council as the permanent venue of the China-Eu Economic Forum.




058 www.ceff-asia.com

Exhibitor Profile



Evergrande Hotel Nanjing


Lianyungang Jinling Donghai Hotel

南京恒大酒店位于著名的旅游观光区——溧水区,可让您的旅程变得更加舒适和便捷。 酒店设施一应俱全,可让您的

住宿体验变得回味无穷。 酒店内设施繁多,24 小时送餐服务 , 24 小时安保 , 教堂 , 便利店 , 每日客房清洁服务等都已

配备。 客房舒适温馨,部分客房内设平板电视 , 空气净化器 , 浴室电话 , 地毯 , 儿童高椅等设施。 在享受客房内的舒

适之余,住客还可尽情使用酒店内的休闲设施,其中包括羽毛球场 , 小船 , 独木舟 , 飞镖靶 , 远足步道等。 南京恒大

酒店是在南京 旅行休闲时的完美住宿选择。

Nanjing Evergrande Hotel is located in the famous tourist area - Lishui District, which can make your journey

more comfortable and convenient. The hotel has everything you need to make your stay memorable. The

hotel offers 24-hour room service, 24-hour security, church, convenience store, daily housekeeping. Some

rooms are appointed with television LCD/plasma screen, air purifier, telephone in bathroom, carpet, high

chair. In addition to the comforts of the rooms, guests can make use of the on-site leisure facilities, which

include badminton court, boats, canoes, dartboards, hiking trails and more. Nanjing Evergrande Hotel is the

perfect choice for your leisure trip to Nanjing.

福如东海温泉大酒店位于东海县城西北方向 17 公里处的连云港市温泉旅游度假区,东距连云港民航机场 24 公里、南

靠东(海)郯(城)公路,北临 310 国道,交通十分便捷。江苏省福如东海温泉大酒店是挂牌五星级的温泉旅游饭店。


度假酒店,占地面积 500 多亩。

Furu Donghai Hot Spring Hotel is located in Lianyungang Hot Spring Tourist Resort, 17 kilometers northwest

of Donghai County, 24 kilometers away from Lianyungang Civil Aviation Airport in the east, East (Sea) Tan

(City) Highway in the south, and 310 National Highway in the north, the traffic is very convenient. Jiangsu

Furu Donghai Hot Spring Hotel is a five-star hot spring tourist hotel. It is located in the oriental hot spring

town, which is known as \"the first hot spring in East China\". It is the first five-star hot spring resort hotel in

Jiangsu Province built by Jiangsu Zhongshan Hotel Group Co., Ltd., covering an area of more than 500 acrest.




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Flamingo Harbour Hotel





酒店拥有主题各异的客房 449 间套,同时容纳 846 张床位。火烈鸟观赏中庭、亲子俱乐部、欢乐餐厅构成触手可及


The hotel is located in Tuanbo wetland scenic area, a natural green lung in southwest Tianjin. It consists

of three main parts: Flamingo Harbor Hotel, Le Pet Hotel, and Conference Center. It is located in the

Photosynthetic Valley and is adjacent to the largest international youth practical education exchange base in

northern China.

The hotel has 449 rooms with different themes and can accommodate 846 beds. The flamingo viewing

atrium, parent-child club, and Happy Restaurant constitute an accessible flamingo ecological environment

and personalized companion services, creating an immersive leisure resort hotel with a distinctive theme in

North China.


面积 13 万平米,拥有各种类型的客房共计 400 余间套,舒适典雅。会议中心,包含三十余个大小不同、风格更异的



Standing on the east-west axis of Beijing and the middle section of the ten mile long street, the Beijing

International Hotel is within reach of the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square, which were once imperial

palaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is located in the central area and is well connected in all directions.

Being in a multifunctional business complex consisting of exhibition centers, office buildings, and boutique

business hotels will make you feel even more convenient.The hotel covers an area of 130000 square meters

and has over 400 rooms of various types. It is comfortable, elegant, and meets people's expectations. When

staying on the executive floor, you can enjoy higher privileges and enjoy the scenic views of the capital city

from afar along Chang'an Street, which is pleasing to the eye!The Beijing International Hotel Conference

Center, adjacent to the main building of the hotel, includes more than 30 multifunctional halls of different

sizes and styles. The nearly 2000 square meter Purple Gold Hall is also a remarkable high-end venue on

Chang'an Street. The conference venue located on the second floor of the main building of the hotel has a

concentrated layout and suitable size, making it the best place for wedding banquets and business activities.




060 www.ceff-asia.com

Exhibitor Profile



Qiandao Lake Sunshine Hotel


Lianyungang Huaguoshan Hotel

酒店由主楼和会议中心两部分组成。253 间客房、独立的宴会中心,各式多功能厅、餐厅、康乐区域。

2020 年获得金叶级绿色旅游饭店。

The hotel consists of two parts: the main building and the conference center. 253 guest rooms, independent

banquet center, various function rooms, restaurants, recreational areas.

In 2020, it was awarded the Gold Leaf Green Tourist Hotel.


AAAA 级风景名胜区“花果山“脚下,位置优越。连云港花果山酒店是由中国较大的酒店连锁集团之一——南京金陵

酒店管理有限公司全权管理的高端商务、会议型酒店。酒店环境优美,功能齐全,配套设施齐全。酒店有 2600 多餐位,

大、中、小型会议室可同时容纳 2200 多人参会,是宾客宴请、商务、休闲度假的上佳选择。

Lianyungang Huaguoshan Hotel is managed by Nanjing Jinling Hotel Management Company, the hotel is

located in the east of Huaguoshan Avenue in Xinhai New District, opposite the Municipal Sports Center, and

is located at the foot of the national AAAA-level scenic spot \"Huaguo Mountain\". Lianyungang Huaguoshan

Hotel is a high-end business and conference hotel fully managed by Nanjing Jinling Hotel Management

Co., Ltd., one of the largest hotel chain groups in China. The hotel has a beautiful environment, complete

functions and complete supporting facilities. The hotel has more than 2,600 seats, and large, medium and

small conference rooms can accommodate more than 2,200 people at the same time, which is the best

choice for guests to feast, business and leisure vacations.




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Center For International Academic Exchange


平台,创始团队来自于腾讯、微软、网易等知名互联网企业。目前已获深圳博汇源 、暴龙资本、原创资本 6000 万 B


上上签智能签证平台聚合 100+ 国家海量 SKU,自有前端支持 PC 端、小程序在线管理,且支持 API、SDK、H5 等样


VisaGenius provides market leading technological innovations for Visa processing. Our multi award-winning

technological solutions are designed to continuously provide more convenience, security, and reliability in

visa process solutions for both Visa applicants and business partners.

VisaGenius provides Visa services for businesses worldwide. For business partners like OTAs (online travel

agenciesi, TMCs/Travel management companies), and travel distributors, VisaGenius provides customized

visa application systems and online services.

国际学术交流中心 位于苏州市高新区太湖大道 1520 号,伫立于拥有百廿之年历史的南京大学(苏州校区)内。太湖

湖畔、庄里山下,在此您可徜徉于真山真水之间,浸润高等学府浓厚的学术气息。国际学术交流中心拥有 269 间(套)

客房;设有 1 个面积达 1500 ㎡的大型宴会厅——瑞清厅,一个专业学术报告厅——裕光厅,均配备了 P1.8 高清弧形

LED 屏幕、阵列音响、专业舞美灯光组合;以及 19 间大小各一的多功能会议室;同时设有全日制餐厅、中餐厅、餐


Center For International Academic Exchange (CIAE) is located at 1520 Taihu Ave, alongside is a famous

university of more than 120 years, Nanjing Universtiy. Surrounding by Taihu Lake, as well as Mount Zhuangli,

in here, a tremendous well-educated atmosphere combined with nature view of wonderful scenery make you

feel at home.

Fully abundant science and education atomsphere for inside in Nanjing University, Suzhou Campus Located

in Taihu Science City with nature view of Taihu Lakes and mounts also next to Laser High-tech Industy Park

1500 ㎡ for thousand-people capcacity Banquet Hall with nature-light eco-friendly design, pillar-free &

equipped a UHD curve LED screen about 100 ㎡ , contains a Professional Academic Report Hall. All place will

see nature view about Suzhou garden scence through French windows Combined with Suzhou Culture &

Modern Architecture philosophy, CIAE have total 269 rooms with New Chinese Style.




062 www.ceff-asia.com




hotel nikko suzhou

场馆总建筑面积为 16800 ㎡,会议使用面积约 10000 ㎡,包括 1 个 4000 ㎡无柱主会场,1 个 2100 ㎡展厅,1 个 1,080

㎡宴会厅以及各型多功能厅、接见厅共计 15 个,配备 2000 ㎡后厨场地,能够同时为 3000 人项目提供餐饮服务。


会议中心与酒店综合体 . 根据客人需求提供全方位的住宿、用餐及会议场地。

Suzhou Shishan International Convention Center covers an area of 16,800 ㎡ . With 18 conference rooms

of 9,000 m² and a conference hall of 4,000 ㎡ , a 1,080 ㎡ banquet hall,a 2100 ㎡ exhibition hall,15 halls

including various types of multi-functional halls, meeting rooms, reception halls, rest rooms, The conference

center will be equipped with a 2,000 ㎡ kitchen area, which can provide catering services for more than 3000

large-scale projects at the same time.

Suzhou Shishan International Convention Center & Hotel Nikko Suzhou are built into a high standard

International Conference Center and star hotel complex project. which can full range of accommodation,

dining and meeting spaces are available on request.

苏州日航酒店共 423 间豪华客房及精致套房,以简约、现代风格为主打,空间层次分明、视野开阔。所有房间均配以

智能化设施,为宾客展现更多惬意与从容。酒店为您提供了 4 个优雅独特的用餐场所:全日餐厅、桃李中餐厅、弁慶


心和行政酒廊;两间 1,300 平米和 970 平米的无柱式挑高宴会厅及 3 间多功能会议室。

Hotel Nikko Suzhou has totally 423 spacious and luxurious rooms and suites; four elegant modern dining

areas including La Brasserie – all-day-dining, Tao-Li Chinese restaurant, Benkay Japanese restaurant and The

Lounge; as well as the Fitness Center, Indoor Swimming Pool, Business Center and Executive Lounge; two

pillar-less ballrooms with 1,300 ㎡ and 970 ㎡ , eight function rooms, are the ideal choices for having events

or meetings.



Exhibitor Profile



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Qingshan Conference Center


On the way



房 270 间,温馨舒适,配有景观阳台,一览周边美景。酒店有 930 ㎡和 450 ㎡两个无柱式大型宴会厅,最多可承接

1200 人的大型高规格会议。

Suzhou Qingshan Conference Center is located in HITEC city,SND,Suzhou.The hotel makes the most of the

scenery resources.It reserves the beauty of the natural scenery,while in the meantime,it completes the

supporting services of the SSTT,creating new thoughts for the reconstruction of stone quarrying holes that

integrate mountain,water and architecture,and becomes a perfect paragon of regulating and utilizing stone

quarrying holes.The hotel has 270 deluxe rooms, warm and comfortable, equipped with a landscape balcony,

a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery. The hotel has two large banquet rooms with 930 ㎡ and 450 ㎡ ,

which can undertake large high standard meetings of up to 1200 people.

作为全球领先的大交通解决方案提供商,专注大交通出行 22 年,致力于为客户解决一系列出行问题包括 : 出境、入境、



通过布局海外公司,已整合全球超过 600 家航司资源。利用大数据赋能,协助客户控制成本,创造收益。以客户为中


As the world's leading transportation solution provider, we have focused on transportation for 22 years, and

are committed to solving a series of travel problems for customers, including: entry and exit, conference

awards, exhibition, business, study abroad, recuperation, labor and cruise services. After years of industry

precipitation, has trained hundreds of senior travel planners composed of professional operation team, for

customers to provide route planning, cost budgeting, emergency plans, etc., for tens of thousands of panbusiness travel customers to provide high-quality transportation solutions. Through the establishment of

overseas companies, it has integrated the resources of more than 600 airlines worldwide. Use big data to

enable customers to control costs and create revenue. Customer-centric, win-win with customers.



Exhibitor Profile



064 www.ceff-asia.com


Hampton by Hilton Fuxin




之道,实时为客人的需求提供温馨快乐的服务 。


在全球共开设 2700 余家酒店 ,将大堂变为集休闲区、商务区、餐厅、酒吧于一体的多功能开放式公共区域;同时考



Hampton by Hilton's service associates demonstrate their \"confidant\" service philosophy with a unique

culture that pursues a friendly and gracious approach to provide warm and happy service to guests' needs

in real time. Hampton by Hilton's guest rooms are equipped with international eco-certified bedding of

American standards, creating an ergonomic chair and sofa bed in the Sweet Dreams Experience room.

More than 2,700 hotels have been opened around the world, turning the lobby into a multi-functional

open public area integrating leisure area, business area, restaurant and bar; At the same time, considering

the needs of business travelers and families with children, a hot breakfast buffet with local specialties is

launched, and some hotels also serve Western-style lunches, afternoon tea and dinners. Each hotel is also

equipped with a gym and a meeting room to meet the needs of business trips and meetings.

摄影行业的众包服务平台,平台超 10 万 + 注册摄影师,为公关影像行业提供品质拍摄服务,北京、天津、深圳、上海、

郑州、苏州,分布承载运营中心、大客户中心、修图中心、技术研发中心的功能,在全国 40 多城为会展、公关、会务、


Uphoto is a crowdsourcing service platform in the photography industry, providing standardized shooting

solutions and on-the-ground shooting services nationwide, covering various industries such as exhibitions,

public relations, conferences, events, team building, and weddings. The platform has over 100,000 registered

photographers, who can meet the different needs of clients. UPHOTO has operation centers, key account

centers, retouching centers, and technology research and development centers in Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen,

Shanghai, Zhengzhou, and Suzhou, providing clients with comprehensive service support.



Exhibitor Profile



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Yulong State Guest house Chifeng


Nantong New Era Hotel Supplies Co., Ltd.


内设计由全球酒店室内设计业知名的 HBA 公司完成,宾馆房型丰富、宽敞舒适,可满足各类入住需求; 宾馆商务会

议拥有 800 ㎡无柱式玉龙大宴会厅,730 ㎡现代化国际会议中心,欧式宫廷风格 VIP 会见厅及灵活调配的中小会议室

2 间,满足各类婚宴、会议、大型活动的需求。

Yulong State Guest house Chifeng is a star-rated hotel brand invested and built by Inner Mongolia XingYe

sliver&Tin Group Co., LTD. The overall building was designed by PEI Architects team. The interior design was

completed by HBA, a well-known company in the global hotel interior design industry. The room type is rich,

spacious and comfortable that meet different customer requirement. Our hotel has 800 ㎡ conference hall

multifunctional meeting space and a lager pillar less ballroom with a capacity for 400 people banquet event,

we are ready and fully prepared to hold all kinds of weddings, conferences, large-scale events.

南通市新纪元宾馆用品有限公司创建于 1997 年,一直专心致力于对高星级西店棉织品的研发和生产 : “新纪元”牌

酒店布草是业内较早的知名品牌 1999 年加入“中国旅游饭店业协会”。经过十多年的稳步发展,已 M 初期的按市场




Nantong New Era Hotel Supplies Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997, has been dedicated to the research and

development and production of high-star Xidian cotton fabrics: \"New Era\" brand hotel linen is an early wellknown brand in the industry, joined the \"China Tourist Hotel Association\" in 1999. After more than 10 years

of steady development, has been the early stage of production and sales according to market demand,

the development of research and development, design, production and sales as one of the leading market

trends, to meet the multi-level needs of mature enterprises, through the field of linen focus and depth of

hard work, has become the industry to strictly implement the new national standard adhere to the backbone

of the industry ethics is to adhere to high quality, durable, integrity management and practical service of the

corporate culture of adherents.



Exhibitor Profile



066 www.ceff-asia.com


Greentown Asset Management Group Co., Ltd.


The Westin Zhujiajian Resort,Zhoushan

绿城资产管理集团有限公司成立于 2016 年,为绿城中国全资子公司,代表绿城中国对全部持有物业资产进行全生命

周期管理,致力于打造品质商业,实现绿城中国及合作方持有物业资产的保值增值。公司管理酒店、商业等资产 300



Greentown Asset Management Group Co., Ltd. was established in 2016 as Greentown China Holdings

Limited's Wholly-Owned Subsidiary. On behalf of Greentown China Holdings Limited, it manages all

properties throughout their lifecycle and is committed to creating quality commercial real estate, also

maintaining and increasing the value of properties. With Greentown quality-priority genes, the company

deeply cultivates core cities with high growth potential, penetrates and responds to customer needs,

continuously iterates and optimizes products and services, builds influential brands, creates value for

customers and partners, and takes the mission of becoming a leading commercial real estate management



定海和渔都沈家门,优越的地理位置适合商务、会议、购物、休闲观光。酒店拥有 398 间舒适精美的客房和套房,盛


办商务会议、婚礼及社交活动的不二之选,总面积达 4200 平方米的超大灵活会议空间可为 10 至 1000 人提供理想的

活动场地,1500 平方米的无柱式大宴会厅及 10 个面积不同的多功能厅,先进完备的会议设施及专业的会议、宴会、


The Sheraton Zhoushan Hotel is located in the new city centre Lincheng New District. Set next to the city

government, Xincheng Stadium, In time Shopping Mall, supermarket and new business building, it connects

Dinghai and Shenjiamen , being an ideal place for business, leisure and sight seeing. Sheraton Zhoushan

Hotel has 398 spacious and comfortable guest rooms, including 31 suites and one Presidential suite and

Feast, Celestial Court and Lobby Lounge provide you different dining experiences. SPA and Fitness Center

are the ideal places to relax,Meanwhile, it is the perfect choice for business meeting, conference, wedding

or social occasion, A total area of 4,200 square meters large & flexible meeting area, with the capacity of 10

to 1,000 persons, a total area of 1,500 square meters pillar free grand ballroom and 10 multi function rooms

of different sizes, advanced meeting facilities and professional meeting planning service, provind you with a

new standard of event experience.



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Banyan Tree Anji


Sheraton Zhoushan Hotel

安吉悦榕庄位于安吉县灵峰国家级旅游度假区内,被绿水青山所环绕,距离杭州市中心有 1 小时车程,距离上海市中

心有 2.5 小时车程。



湖州安吉悦榕庄提供一个季节性的室外游泳池、健身中心、屡获殊荣的招牌悦榕 Spa 以及 1,235 平方米的会议和活动


Banyan Tree Anji is located in Lingfeng National Tourist Resort in Anji. Surrounded by lucid waters and lush

mountains, Banyan Tree Anji is 1 hour's drive from Downtown Hangzhou and 2.5 hours' drive from Downtown


The architecture and interior design reflect the local cultural features while creating spaces of privacy.

All units have air conditioning, a comfortable soeating area, a TV and a private bathroom with a hot tub,

providing views of gardens or mountainous landscape.

Banyan Tree Anji in Huzhou has a seasonal outdoor swimming pool, a fitness centre and its signature awardwinning Banyan Tree Spa. Total 1,235 square-metre conference and event spaces are also provided.


定海和渔都沈家门,优越的地理位置适合商务、会议、购物、休闲观光。酒店拥有 398 间舒适精美的客房和套房,盛


办商务会议、婚礼及社交活动的不二之选,总面积达 4200 平方米的超大灵活会议空间可为 10 至 1000 人提供理想的

活动场地,1500 平方米的无柱式大宴会厅及 10 个面积不同的多功能厅,先进完备的会议设施及专业的会议、宴会、


The Sheraton Zhoushan Hotel is located in the new city centre Lincheng New District. Set next to the city

government, Xincheng Stadium, In time Shopping Mall, supermarket and new business building, it connects

Dinghai and Shenjiamen , being an ideal place for business, leisure and sight seeing. Sheraton Zhoushan

Hotel has 398 spacious and comfortable guest rooms, including 31 suites and one Presidential suite and

Feast, Celestial Court and Lobby Lounge provide you different dining experiences. SPA and Fitness Center

are the ideal places to relax,Meanwhile, it is the perfect choice for business meeting, conference, wedding

or social occasion, A total area of 4,200 square meters large & flexible meeting area, with the capacity of 10

to 1,000 persons, a total area of 1,500 square meters pillar free grand ballroom and 10 multi function rooms

of different sizes, advanced meeting facilities and professional meeting planning service, provind you with a

new standard of event experience.


Exhibitor Profile



068 www.ceff-asia.com


Gansu International Convention and Exhibition Center


Beijing International Conference Center

甘肃国际会展中心位于兰州市黄河外滩中心地段,是甘肃省 2007 年一号重点工程,项目自立项之初就得到省委省政府、





Gansu International Convention and Exhibition Center is located in the center of the Yellow River Bund in

Lanzhou City. It is the No. 1 key project in Gansu Province in 2007. At the beginning, the project was highly

valued by the provincial government and the municipal government and the public. The project includes

three parts: exhibition center, grand theater and conference center, and five-star hotel. The exhibition center

mainly meets the \"Lan Fair\", \"Xiang Fair\" and international and domestic comprehensive exhibitions of

the same scale, and takes into account other large, medium and small professional exhibitions. The main

function of the Grand Theatre is to meet the use of large-scale song and dance performances, music, drama

and other performances inside and outside the province. After the completion of the FIA International

Convention and Exhibition Center project, it will become a landmark building for the Yellow River Bund to

drive regional economic development.


内的首家会员单位。1990 年投入运营,总建筑面积 6 万平方米,拥有规格各异的会议厅室 50 余个,展览面积 6000


Beijing International Convention Center

Beijing International Convention Center is located in the Asian Games Village area, North 4th Ring West

Road. It is the earliest professional international conference venue in Beijing and the first member of the

International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) in China, which was put into operation in 1990.

It has a total construction area of 60,000 square meters, with more than 50 conference rooms of different

specifications and an exhibition area of 6,000 square meters. It is an ideal place for holding various

international and domestic conferences, exhibitions, cultural exchanges and business activities.



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Xiong'an Convention and Exhibition Center


Continental Bridge Convention Center

雄安会展中心总建筑面积 85000 平方米,设有一个 2800 ㎡的雄安厅,两个 940 ㎡多功能厅,两个 930 ㎡小型展厅,

两个科技展示区,均可承接高端会议及活动、精品展览展示,提供精致中西式餐饮服务 ;20 间中小型会议室,均配置

专业级视听设备,满足高级别会议需求,以及 9 间贵宾室,以国际品质礼遇八方宾客。雄安会展中心开拓“会议 +”

运营模式,可承办高标准的国内、国际各类型会议,中小型展览展示,高级别政务、高端商务活动,提供千人 宴会餐


Xiong'an Convention and Exhibition Center has a total construction area of 85,000 square meters, with a

2800m2 Xiong'an Hall, two 940m2 multi-functional halls, two 930m2 small exhibition halls, and two science

and technology exhibition areas, all of which can undertake high-end conferences and activities, boutique

exhibitions, and provide exquisite Chinese and Western catering services; 20 small and medium-sized The

conference rooms are equipped with professional audio-visual equipment to meet the needs of high-level

meetings, as well as 9 VIP rooms to treat guests from all directions with international quality. Xiong'an

Convention and Exhibition Center develops the \"conference +\" operation mode, which can host highstandard domestic and international conferences of various types, small and medium-sized exhibitions,

high-level government affairs, high-end business activities, and provides comprehensive conference and

exhibition catering services such as banquet catering for thousands of people.




The Continental Bridge Conference Center is professionally managed by Jiangsu Yunhu Modern Service

Industry Group Co. LTD. and Beijing Capital Group Exhibitions & Events, a leading exhibition enterprise of

China, which actively introduce advanced international service concepts and standards and at the same

time introduce \"Beijing service\" into Xuwei New Area, Lianyungang. We strengthen high quality service and

establish the life service guarantee system for the World-class Petrochemical Industry Base of Lianyungang.



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Luoyang International Convention and Exhibition Center


Shanghai New International Expo Centre(SNIEC)




Luoyang International Convention and Exhibition Center is the largest exhibition center in Luoyang, with

modern exhibition halls, conference halls and multi-functional halls. The convention and exhibition center

can accommodate multiple conference and exhibition activities at the same time, with advanced equipment

and thoughtful service. Whether it is a small annual meeting or a large-scale international conference, it can

be held here.The surrounding environment of Luoyang International Convention and Exhibition Center is

beautiful, with large green spaces and lakes, providing a pleasant leisure environment for participants.


SNIEC 有着丰富的经验、国际化专业背景,一直以关注客户的需求与愿望为使命,多元化的配套服务确保您的活动圆


也能方便地由此处前往上海各地进行商务拜访。SNIEC 在这里,链接世界,链接共享与无线可能!

Shanghai New International Expo Centre(SNIEC)is a joint venture between Lujiazui Exhibition Development

Co., Ltd., Deutsche Messe AG, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, and Messe München GmbH. SNIEC boasts a wealth

of experience, international and professional services, and commitment to its customers’ success over the

long term. The success of events is guaranteed by SNIEC’s wide range of exhibition supporting services. Our

location is situated in the area within Inner Ring Road. This location makes it easy for people from all over

the world to attend the exhibition, and it also facilities business trips to other parts of Shanghai. Access to

the world, Share endless possibilities!




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Shenyang International Exhibition Center


Qingdao International Expo Center

沈阳国际展览中心,一期总建筑面积 16.6 万平方米,其中室内展览面积 10.56 万平方米,综合服务区面积 4 万平方米,

室外展览面积 6 万平方米。展馆拥有八个展厅,每个展厅约 1.3 万平方米,展馆以举办国内外大型综合展会和专业博


Shenyang International Exhibition Center, the first phase of the total construction area of 166,000 ㎡ ,

including indoor exhibition area of 105,600 ㎡ , comprehensive service area of 40,000 ㎡ , outdoor exhibition

area of 60,000 ㎡ . The exhibition hall has eight exhibition halls, each exhibition hall about 13,000 ㎡ ,

the exhibition hall to hold domestic and foreign large-scale comprehensive exhibition and professional

expo, can provide business, office, transportation, storage, construction, advertising, tourism, conference,

accommodation services, the exhibition area ranked first in Northeast China.

青岛国际博览中心由南山集团投资开发建设,美国 NBBJ 公司设计,是一座国际现代化大型展览馆。

展馆总展览面积 26 万平米,其中室内展览面积 14 万平米,室外展场 12 万平米。包含十座 1.2 万平米的标准展厅和

一座 1.4 万平米的新建展厅 N 馆,可搭建 6000 余个国际标准展位,配套齐全。

展馆拥有 400 人会议室 1 间、200 人会议室 1 间、80 人会议室 10 间、20 人洽谈室 10 间、贵宾接待室 13 间,可满


Qingdao International Expo Center is invested, developed and built by Nanshan Group and designed by

NBBJ. It is a large international modern exhibition hall.

The total exhibition area of the exhibition hall is 260,000 square meters, of which the indoor exhibition area

is 140,000 square meters and the outdoor exhibition area is 120,000 square meters. Including ten 12,000

square meters of standard exhibition halls and a 14,000-square-meter new exhibition hall N, more than 6,000

international standard booths can be built with complete supporting facilities.




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Yantai International Expo Center


Yangzhou International Exhibition Center

烟台国际博览中心展馆总建筑面积 15.8 万平方米,有效展览面积为 6 万平方米。拥有 1500 人会议厅、400 人论坛厅、

99 人新闻发布厅各 1 间、150-200 人会议室 11 间、贵宾室 3 间;同时配套仿古中式千人宴会厅兼多功能厅 1 间,可

容纳 800 人的中餐宴会厅一个。


The total construction area of Yantai International Expo Center is 158,000 square meters, and the effective

exhibition area is 60,000 square meters. It has a conference hall for 1,500 people, a forum room for 400

people, a press conference room for 99 people, 11 conference rooms for 150-200 people, and 3 VIP rooms. At

the same time, it is equipped with an antique Chinese thousand-person banquet hall and a multi-functional

hall, and a Chinese banquet hall that can accommodate 800 people.

扬州国际展览中心地处西区核心商圈(国展路 98 号),交通便捷、配套齐全。扬州国际展览中心占地 250 亩,配套

停车位 600 个,共建有三个展馆:1 号馆室内面积 8100 平方米,室内层高均 22 米,地面单位平方承重 2000KG,可

搭建标准展位 450 个,能承接包括大型机床展在内的各类展会;2 号馆室内面积 7000 平方米,目前是大型宴会中心,

可为展会同时提供千人以上的餐饮服务,建有专门的地下停车场;3 号馆一层室内面积 6700 平方米,可搭建 350 个

国际标准展位。室外配套展馆外广场面积 11000 平方米,中心广场可搭建展台约 300 个,西侧湖滨广场可举办盛大庆


Yangzhou International Exhibition Center is situated in the heart of the West District's commercial area (No.98

Guozhan Road), with convenient transportation and comprehensive facilities. Covering a vast area of 250

mu, the center comprises 600 parking spacesand three exhibition halls. Hall 1 boasts an indoor area of 8,100

square meters, with a ceiling height of 22 meters and a ground load capacity of 2,000 kilograms per square

meter. It can accommodate 450 standard exhibition booths and various exhibitions, including large-scale

machine tool exhibitions. Hall 2 spans an indoor area of 7,000 square meters and currently operates as a

vast banquet center offering catering services for over one thousand people. Additionally, it has a dedicated

underground car park. Hall 3 has an indoor area of 6,700 square meters and can hold up to 350 international

standard exhibition booths. The outdoor exhibition hall covers an area of 11,000 square meters, allowing

for approximately 300 booths to be erected in the central square. Moreover, the lakeside square, located on

the western side, provides adequate space for grand celebrations. Yangzhou International Exhibition Center

takes exhibition as its leading function, is the sole significant venue for international, regional, and national

exhibitions and conferences in Yangzhou.




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Shaoxing Keqiao District China Textile City Exhibition Co., Ltd.


Shanghai Yi Niu Technology Co., Ltd.

绍兴国际会展中心是集展览、会议、活动(赛事、演艺等)、餐饮、商业等于一体的超大型会展综合体。共有 4 个

展馆及一个配套酒店,一个 26000 方无柱展厅、一个上下两层各 15000 方展馆、一个多功能展馆组成,总建筑面积

20.2 万平方米,可供展览面积达 65000 方,地下停车位 616 个。配套酒店有客房 236 间。


Shaoxing International Convention and Exhibition Center is a large-scale exhibition complex integrating

exhibitions, conferences, events, catering, and commerce. There are four exhibition halls and a supporting

hotel, including a 26,000 square meter columnless exhibition hall, a 15,000 square meter exhibition hall on

both upper and lower floors, and a multifunctional exhibition hall. The total construction area is 202,000

square meters, with a total exhibition area of 65,000 square meters and 616 underground parking spaces.

The supporting hotel has 236 guest rooms.

Convenient transportation includes airport terminals, direct subway access, proximity to commercial

districts and cultural and tourism destinations, making it an important supporting facility in the ShanghaiHangzhou metropolitan area and the airport economic demonstration zone.

译牛科技成立于 2019 年 3 月,是一家专注于远程人工同传的 AI 互联网科技公司。公司总部位于上海,研发中心位于

苏州,在北京,广州,成都,香港均设立有分公司。 译牛科技成立至今在语音,数据,交互等领域得到快速发展。

Founded in March 2019, Yiniu Technology is an AI Internet technology company focusing on remote manual

simultaneous transmission. The company is headquartered in Shanghai and its R&D center is located in

Suzhou. It has branches in Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Hong Kong. Since its establishment, Yiniu

Technology has developed rapidly in the fields of voice, data and interaction.




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Fuzhou Digital China Convention and Exhibition Center


Kunshan International Convention and Exhibition Center

福州数字中国会展中心由福州新区开发投资集团有限公司投资建设,于 2019 年建成并投入使用。场馆坐落于国家级



Fuzhou Digital China Convention and Exhibition Center was invested and built by Fuzhou New Area

Development and Investment Group Co., Ltd. and completed and put into use in 2019. The venue is located

on the beautiful East Lake Lake of Binhai New City, Fuzhou New Area. It was born under the historical

opportunity of the \"Digital China\" national strategy and the development strategy of Fuzhou New Area. It is

a modern comprehensive exhibition venue integrating tens of thousands of people, 20,000 square meters of

exhibition and high-end banquets.

昆山国际会展中心总建筑面积 16.5 万平方米,室内展览面积 5 万平方米,包括四个主展馆(每个展馆 12000 平方米 ),

一个接待大厅(2000 平方米 ),两个室外广场(每个 9000 平方米);12 间各项功能的会议室,是一个集展览、会议

等多功能为一体的会展综合体。距上海 30 公里,苏州 38 公里,两大城市之间,交通便捷,地铁 S1 号线可确保展商



Kunshan International Convention and Exhibition Center has a total construction area of 165,000 square

meters and an indoor exhibition area of 50,000 square meters, including four main exhibition halls (12,000

square meters each), a reception hall (2,000 square meters), two outdoor squares (9,000 square meters

each); 12 functional conferences The room is an exhibition complex integrating exhibitions, conferences and

other functions. 30 kilometers away from Shanghai and 38 kilometers away from Suzhou, the transportation

between the two major cities is convenient. Metro Line S1 can ensure that exhibitors and visitors can go

directly from the exhibition hall to Shanghai and Suzhou. There is a Kunshan terminal, which seamlessly

connects Shanghai's two major international airports (Hongqiao and Pudong Airport) to reach cities around

the world.




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Shanghai Automobile Convention and Exhibition Center


Nantong International Convention and Exhibition Center


和上海国际汽车城(集团)有限公司共同投资兴建的一座现代化集场馆和商务办公楼的综合性大厦,总面积 61834 平

方米,占地面积 39887 平方米,共 6 层,总高 30 米。

上海汽车会展中心一楼南厅分为南展厅、北展厅及中展厅,展厅总面积达 2 万 8 平方米,适合大型展览,以及其他各


Co-invested by Donghao Lansheng (Group) Co., Ltd and Shanghai International Autocity (Group) Co.,Ltd.

Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center(SAEC) is a comprehensive architecture combining modern exhibition

venues with office buildings.It is located in the Auto Park of Shanghai International Automobile City,west of

Shanghai (Anting).The total construction area is 61834 ㎡,covering 39887 ㎡ with 6 stories and a total height

of 30 meters.

There are South hall,North hall and lobby on the first floor of SAEC. The total area is 28000 ㎡ .It is an ideal

venue for large-scale professional auto and auto component products show and exhibitions of other kinds.

南通国际会展中心综合体位于城市核心地带,毗邻紫琅湖畔,总占地面积约 300 亩,总建筑面积约 18.5 万平方米。

是一座集会议、展览、宴会、酒店功能于一体的第六代智能会展综合体。拥有以 4480 平米国际厅为首的各类规格会

议室 30 余个,展览面积 23000 平米。便捷的城市交通、现代化的场馆设施是承接各类大中型会议、展览、宴会的首


Nantong International Convention and Exhibition Center Complex is located in the core area of the city,

adjacent to Zilang Lake, with a total area of about 300 acres and a total construction area of about 185,000

square meters. It is a sixth-generation intelligent exhibition complex integrating conference, exhibition,

banquet and hotel functions. It has more than 30 conference rooms of various specifications led by the

4,480-square-meter international hall, with an exhibition area of 23,000 square meters. Convenient urban

transportation and modern venue facilities are the preferred places to undertake all kinds of large and

medium-sized conferences, exhibitions and banquets.




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Changchun International Conference & Exhibition Center Co.,Ltd.


Zhan Xiaoying (Beijing) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

长春国际会展中心,拥有 9 大展馆,约 10 万平方米展览面积,5000 个国际标准展位,搭建国内顶尖展示平台 ; 国际

会议中心室内环境高雅,配套设施完备,打造商务会议品质之首选 : 会展中心大饭店是四星级商务会议酒店、世界金

钥匙酒店联盟成员,满足餐饮住宿高端需求 ; 体育中心集体育赛事、文艺演出、休闲娱乐于一体,26000 人观众容量,



Changchun International Convention and Exhibition Center has 9 exhibition halls, about 100,000 square

meters of exhibition area, 5,000 international standard booths, and builds a top domestic exhibition

platform; the indoor environment of the international conference center is elegant, complete supporting

facilities, the first choice for business conference quality: the Convention and Exhibition Center Hotel is a

four-star business conference hotel , a member of the World Golden Key Hotel Alliance, to meet the highend needs of catering and accommodation; the sports center integrates sports events, literary performances,

leisure and entertainment, with a capacity of 26,000 spectators, creating an excellent venue for large-scale

recreational events. The four-in-one business layout of Changchun International Convention and Exhibition

Center, Changchun International Conference Center, Sports Center and Changchun International Convention

and Exhibition Center Hotel has realized a diversified management system and created a first-class exhibition

center in China.


深耕会展行业,提供展位 + 解决方案、保姆级运营服务,和主办方一起打造数字展平台、会员增值服务体系。

- 帮展商实现拓客和交易提效;

- 帮主办创造新收入增长点;

- 坚实研发团队,10 年平台运营经验,数据安全保障体系。

ZhanXiaoying - Let the organizers Earn More! By penetrating the underlying logic of exhibition, we unleash

the enormous potential of exhibition booths. With a deep understanding of the exhibition industry, we

provide booth solutions and nanny-level operational services, working with hosts to build a digital exhibition

platform and a value-added membership service system. Our services help exhibitors expand their customer

base and improve transaction efficiency, while also creating new revenue growth points for hosts. With a

solid research and development team and 10 years of platform operation experience, we ensure a secure

data protection system.




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Wuhan International Exhibition Center


Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center


规划用地面积 1.58 平方公里,总建筑面积约 240 万平方米。从西向东依次分为会展、会议和酒店三大区域。

武汉国际博览中心项目总投资 78.3 亿元,于 2006 年 12 月 2 日开工建设。整个项目建设期为 4 年,其中会展主场

馆 2 年建成。一期 展馆工程总建筑面积约 47 万平米,总投资约 20 亿元,其主体结构于 2010 年 11 月 20 日封顶,

2011 年 10 月 15 日将迎来首场展览。

Wuhan International Expo Center is located in the Binjiang area of Sixin Group in Wuhan New District. It is

bordered by the Yangtze River Beach in the east, Liantonggang Road in the west, from Sixin North Road in

the north, and the Third Ring Road in the south. It has a planned land area of 1.58 square kilometers and a

total construction area of about 2.4 million square meters. From west to east, it is divided into three areas:

exhibition, conference and hotel.

The Wuhan International Expo Center project, with a total investment of 7.83 billion yuan, began construction

on December 2, 2006. The construction period of the whole project is 4 years, of which the main exhibition

hall will be completed in 2 years. The total construction area of the first phase of the exhibition hall project is

about 470,000 square meters, with a total investment of about 2 billion yuan. Its main structure was capped

on November 20, 2010, and the first exhibition will be held on October 15, 2011.

长沙国际会展中心总占地面积约 800 亩,规划包含 6 组 12 个单层无柱展馆,两个登录厅、会议区、内廊及室外展场,

室内外展示面积约 26 万㎡ , 是中国中部面积大、功能齐全的综合性会展中心。项目分两期建设。一期已于 2016 年

11 月建成运营,主要包括北面 4 组 8 个展馆、北登录厅、中心广场、西广场及内廊,其中单馆室内展览面积约 1.35

万㎡,室内总展览面积约 11.4 万㎡,可提供室内标准展位约 6000 个。硬件设施设备可承接国内外各类大型专业巡回

展。二期规划包括南面 2 组 4 个展馆、南登录厅及多功能厅等会议区。

Changsha lnternational Convention and Exhibition Center covers an total area of about 800 acres, it has 6

groups of 12 single floor colomn-free exhibition halls with two entrance halls, inner corridor and outdoor

exhibition area, with the indoor and outdoor exhibition area of about 260,000 square meters, which is one

of the largest and most fully functional comprehensive centers in central China. The overall construction

project are in two phases. The first phase project was completed and put into operation in November2016.

lt maily consists of four groups of eight exhibition halls, the north entrance hall, the central square, the west

square and the inner corridor, including single pavilion indoor exhibition area of about 13500 square meters,

indoor total exhibition area of about 114000 square meters. can provide about 6000 indoor standard booths

and undertake domestic and internationaarge-scale professional tour exhibitions with its adequate hardware

facilities. The second phase of the plan includes 2 groups of 4 exhibition halls in the south, which including

the south entrance hall, the multi-function hall and other conference areas.




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Shenzhen World Exhibition&Convention Center


Changsha International Conference Center

深圳国际会展中心位于深圳市宝安区福海街道展城路 1 号,是粤港澳大湾区的地标性建筑。

项目一期总建筑面积 160 万㎡,室内展览面积 40 万㎡,场馆会议设施总面积达 3.4 万㎡。作为集展览、会议、活动(赛


Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, located at No.1 Zhancheng Road, Fuhai Street, Bao'an

District, Shenzhen, landmark of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, covers a build-up

area of 1.6 million ㎡ , indoor exhibition area reaching 400,000 ㎡ and conference area reaching 34,000

㎡ . As a mega exhibition and convention complex integrating exhibitions, conferences, events(games and

performances, etc), catering and commerce, Shenzhen World will provide customers with a world-wide ideal

stage to explore unlimited business opportunities.


与长沙高铁南站隔河相望。项目总用地面积约为 21 万㎡,总建筑面积约为 17 万㎡。会议中心整体建筑分为地上三层

和地下一层,包括 7800m² 的无柱式大宴会厅、7290 ㎡的多功能展厅、1800m² 行政圆桌峰会厅,以及 50-3400 ㎡

面积不等的会议室共计 60 个厅室。同时,会议中心配备大型中央后厨系统,可自主提供中式、西式、自助等多种特


Changsha International Conference Center is located in the core area of Changsha, China (Hunan) Pilot Free

Trade Zone, adjacent to Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center in the south, star-rated

hotel cluster in the north, and across the river from Changsha high-speed Railway South Station. The total

land area of the project is about 210,000 square meters, and the total construction area is about 170,000

square meters. The overall building of the conference center is divided into three floors above the ground

and one floor below the ground, including 7800m² pillar-free grand ballroom, 7290m ² multi-functional

exhibition hall, 1800m² executive roundtable summit hall, and 50-3400 ㎡ area of meeting rooms, a total of

60 rooms. At the same time, the conference center is equipped with a large central kitchen system, which

can independently provide Chinese, Western, self-service and other special catering services, which can

meet the catering needs of more than 10,000 people at the same time, and is currently the most competitive

conference and exhibition business travel destination in Central China.




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Suzhou International Expo Centre Management Co., Ltd


Boao Conference Ecological Platform

苏州国际博览中心管理有限公司是苏州文化投资发展集团旗下全资子公司之一,场馆于 2004 年正式对外运营。

苏州国际博览中心地处苏州工业园区 CBD 核心区域,占地面积 15.4 万平方米,建筑面积 35 万平方米。场馆紧邻金鸡湖,


需求。室内展厅面积 7.8 万平方米,拥有展厅 9 个;会议室面积 2.3 万平方米,拥有 60 间会议室,包括 8000 平方米


Located in the core area of comprehensive business Centre (CBD) in SIP and bordering Jinji Lake, Suzhou

International Expo Centre (SuzhouExpo) covers an area of 154,000 ㎡ and a construction area of 350,000

㎡ with convenient transport system and high-standard facilities. As a large-scale complex integrating

exhibitions, conferences and catering facilities, it is capable of hosting large-scale comprehensive exhibitions

with different sizes and forms. The centre has exhibition space at 78,000 ㎡ , meeting space at 23,000 ㎡ and

60 meeting rooms of different styles including the Grand Ballroom at 8,000 ㎡ . SuzhouExpo leads in terms of

scale, facility and service in China.stage to explore unlimited business opportunities.





Relying on the brand and customer resources precipitated by Boao International Conference Center for 20

years, Boao Conference Ecological Platform links partners in the conference production and supply chain,

and builds a never-ending conference ecological platform of online + offline to provide customers with allaround, integrated quality services.

By creating five core functions of intelligent conference platform, investment platform, dissemination

platform, expert think tank platform and trading platform, the platform is committed to bringing customers

a mobile phone to run meetings and a mobile phone to participate meetings in the digital intelligence





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Shenzhen Three-body Technology Co., Ltd.


在各级政府、各个部门的大力支持下已成功举办六届,展览展示总面积达 960000 余平方米,国际标准展位 5000 余

个,共有 3500 余家中外企业参展,展会参观总人次 50 万,其中专业采购商 5 万人,展会的规模和效益突破预期效果,


China Xinjiang Eurasia Golden Bridge International Expo is a key cultivation exhibition project approved by

the Department of Commerce of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region and recommended to the Ministry

of Commerce for guidance and support. Over the years, with the strong support of governments at all levels

and various departments, it has successfully held six sessions, with a total exhibition area of more than

960000 square meters, more than 5000 international standard booths, a total of more than 3500 Chinese

and foreign enterprises participating in the exhibition, and a total of 500000 visitors. Among them, 50, 000

professional buyers, the scale and benefits of the exhibition break through the expected results, and the

level of marketization, specialization and internationalization has achieved a breakthrough, the exhibition

has entered a new stage of development.

三体科技有限公司 , 基于自主开发 APP 产品的大量用户群创建了广告平台 ONEMOB, 提出 DLS 广告平台概念 , 以大数


Santai Technology Co., Ltd. created the advertising platform ONEMOB based on a large number of users who

independently developed APP products, and put forward the concept of DLS advertising platform, with big

data, machine learning, and upstream and downstream data sharing as the core concepts.




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Qingdao International Conference Center


Dongfang Jinyun International Logistics (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

青岛旅游集团旗下青岛国际会议中心成立于 2018 年,是一座集会议、餐饮、展览、旅游参观及文创研发销售为一体

的综合性场馆。公司先后服务保障 2018 上海合作组织青岛峰会、中国人民解放军海军成立 70 周年多国海军活动等

重大活动。拥有 25 间规格不同,功能齐全的会议室总面积达 8000 余平米,其中面积最大的尚和厅 1650 平方米可容

纳 1400 人同时使用。

Qingdao International Conference Center was established in 2018,managed by Qingdao Tourism Group. It

is a comprehensive conference complex integrating conference, catering, exhibition,tourism and visit. It has

successively undertaken major events such as SCO Qingdao summit, and the 70thanniversary of the founding

of the Chinese PLA navy. It has 25 conference rooms with different specifications and multiple functions,

covering a total area of over 8,000 square meters; the largest among which is Shanghe Hall, which is 1,650

square meters, accommodating 1,400 people.






Oriental K-Trans is a company specializing in exhibition logistics, with a team of employees with professional

logistics qualities and strong sense of responsibility, and has established a complete agency network in

major countries and regions both domestically and internationally. Oriental K-Trans is an industry specialist

who can provide comprehensive logistics solutions and services for various types of exhibitions and


Oriental K-Trans is a member of China International Freight Forwarders Association, a member of China

Customs Brokers Association and a director of Beijing Customs Brokers Association, a director of Zhejiang

Convention and Exhibition Industry Association, a member of Shandong Convention and Exhibition Industry

Association, and a vice-chairman of Hangzhou Convention and Exhibition Industry Association. At present,

we undertake over hundreds of exhibitions and conferences annually across the country, and we provide on-site

logistics services in many cities such as Beijing, Hangzhou, Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Zhuhai, Weihai, and Guilin.




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Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center




场所。场馆分为 N 馆和 S 馆,总建筑面积 37 万平方米。地上地下停车场设有 4500 个机动车车位。


国内外企业搭建合作交流共赢的平台,梅江会展中心将与您携手并进,共铸辉煌 !

The Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center is located in Xiqing District, Tianjin, adjacent to the Meijiang

Scenic Area. With beautiful surroundings and convenient transportation, it is an ideal venue for hosting large

exhibitions and high-end conferences. The venue is divided into N Hall and S Hall, with a total construction

area of 370,000 square meters. The above-ground and underground parking lots provide 4,500 parking

spaces for motor vehicles.

The Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center aims to innovate its development model, focusing on the

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, radiating to Northeast Asia, and facing the world. With international top-level

exhibition halls, first-class exhibition facilities, and services, it strives to build a platform for cooperation,

exchange, and win-win situations for domestic and foreign enterprises. The Meijiang Convention and

Exhibition Center looks forward to advancing together with you, creating brilliance together!




The company is committed to developing a digital conference and exhibition platform to help the digital

construction and transformation of the exhibition industry. It is a member of the International Association

of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) and the deputy director of the Digital Exhibition Working Committee of

China Convention / Exhibition / Event Society. Partners include business departments in North America,

Europe, Asia-Pacific and other countries, embassies and consulates and business associations in China,

international organizations and institutions such as local business, foreign affairs and cultural tourism in

China, government departments, industry associations, universities, enterprises and exhibition companies.




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Fuzhou Strait International Conference and Exhibition Center


Mianyang International Exhibition Center

福州海峡国际会展中心位于福州东部新城的会展岛上,占地 67 万平方米,总建筑面积 44 万平方米,由会议中心连


1400 个停车位,以及商务办公楼,餐饮区、会展广场等设施。

Located on the Conference and Exhibition Island in Fuzhou East New City, covering an area of 670,000 m2,

with a total building area of 440,000 m2. It consists of the Conference Center connected to exhibition halls

on both sides, and its grand scale and unique design make it one of the largest conference and exhibition

centers in China. FSICEC is equipped with a complete set of supporting facilities, such as 1,400 parking

spaces, commercial office buildings,dining areas and exhibition squares.

绵阳国际会展中心是一座现代化展览场馆,设施齐全、设备先进,设有 A、B、C、D 四个展馆,是当地举办各种大型


Mianyang International Convention and Exhibition Center is a modern exhibition venue with complete

facilities and advanced equipment. It has four exhibition halls, A, B, C and D. It is a place for various largescale exhibitions to be held locally.




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Shiyan International Convention and Exhibition Center


Beijing Matrix Zhicheng Technology Co., Ltd.

十堰国际会展中心于 2016 年 10 月建成投入使用,是一座集展览、会议、商务、餐饮、娱乐等多功能于一体的现代



Shiyan International Convention and Exhibition Center was completed and put into use in October 2016. It is

a modern intelligent exhibition hall integrating exhibitions, conferences, business, catering, entertainment

and other functions. The exhibition hall is located in Lin'an International Trade Logistics City, with a beautiful

environment, perfect facilities and convenient transportation. It is located in the core business circle of

Shiyan auto parts sales. It is a landmark building for Shiyan to build a regional central city and the largest

international exhibition center in northwest Hubei.

北京矩阵志诚科技有限公司成立于 2008 年,是场馆运营管理数字化、会展运营管理数字化服务商。经过多年产品研

发和市场推广,已累计为 20 多家场馆提供了场馆运营管理系统、为 100 多家主办提供了展商和观众数字化系统、为

200 多家主场提供了搭建商报馆系统。“慧展”、“HZVMS”和“展多多”为公司注册商标。

Beijing Matrix Zhicheng Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2008 and is a digital service provider for

venue operation management and exhibition operation management. After years of product research and

development and market promotion, we have provided a venue operation management system for more

than 20 venues, a digital system for exhibitors and visitors for more than 100 organizers, and a builder's

newspaper system for more than 200 home venues. EXSEEN, HZVMS, and ZHANDUODUO are registered

trademarks of the company.




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Beijing Yiyun Zhihui Information Technology Co., Ltd.

万商行孝暨 12.12 拥抱妈妈日组委会

Wan Shangxing Filial Piety and 12.12 Embrace Mother's Day Organizing Committee

逸云智会会议管理平台是由逸云智会公司专为会议主办方和组织者提供的一站式 SAAS 云平台解决方案,它汲取了国

内外先进的学术会务管理与精华,以数据库管理为基础,集中英文双语网站 / 微网站,短信邮件群发,微信分享推广,

参会注册,酒店预订,在线支付,论文投稿,稿件评审,会议日程,VIP 嘉宾管理,权限管理,实时统计等于一体,


Yiyun Zhihui Conference Management Platform is a one-stop SAAS cloud platform solution specially provided

by Yiyun Zhihui for conference organizers and organizers. It draws on the management and essence of

advanced academic conference affairs at home and abroad. Based on database management, it concentrates

English bilingual websites/micro websites, SMS mail mass sending, WeChat sharing and promotion,

participation registration, hotel reservation, online payment, paper submission, manuscript review, meeting

schedule, VIP guest management, authority management, real-time statistics and so as one-stop efficient

management, greatly improving the convenience and efficiency of conference management, and improving

user participation experience.

第三届奥马中国活动产业年会 / 万商行孝·拥抱爸爸 / 妈妈日演讲演唱会

奥马奖:活动界的奥运会,营销界的奥斯卡!奥马奖:源自中国,影响世界!拥抱爸爸妈妈,幸福到家! 百善孝为先!

老吾老以及人之老!爱人者人恒爱! 12.12(要爱要爱)孝爱节,12 座孝心城市大联动,12 位形象大使传承爱,百

位大咖为爱代言,百家主流媒体传播爱,线上线下 1000 万人传递爱!

The 3rd Olympic China Event Industry Annual Conference/Wan Shang Xing Filial Piety · Embrace Dad/Mom

Day Speech Concert. The Olympic Award: the Olympic Games in the Event Industry and the Oscars in the

Marketing Industry! The Oma Prize: Originating from China and Influencing the World! Embrace your parents

and bring happiness to your home! Filial piety comes first! Old me and the age of people! Those who love

will always love! 12.12 (Love and Love) Filial Piety Festival, 12 filial piety cities are linked together, 12 image

ambassadors inherit love, 100 celebrities endorse love, 100 mainstream media spread love, and 10 million

people online and offline spread love!




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公司成立于 2000 年,现辖崂山展馆、红岛展馆两座大型展馆,拥有室内外展览面积近 46 万平米,配套酒店 1500 间

客房,是青岛市乃至山东省内主要办展场所。成立 20 余年来,公司承接中国国际渔业博览会、中国高等教育博览会

等展会近 1800 余场,成为最早取得 UFI 认证的展馆企业,具有 33 名中国职业会展经理人,荣获”中国十佳品牌会

展中心、山东省服务名牌“等荣誉,现已构建成为具备“政府对接 + 展会承办 + 工程搭建 + 广告设计 + 配套酒店 + 商


Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center, affiliated to Qingdao Guoxin Exhibition Hotel

Development Co., Ltd., is the earliest and most experienced state-owned exhibition hall operation company

in Qingdao. Founded in 2000, the company now has jurisdiction over two large exhibition halls, Laoshan

Exhibition Hall and Hongdao Exhibition Hall, with an indoor and outdoor exhibition area of nearly 460,000

square meters and 1,500 rooms supporting hotels. It is the main exhibition venue in Qingdao and even

Shandong Province. In the more than 20 years since its establishment, the company has undertaken nearly

1,800 exhibitions such as China International Fisheries Expo and China Higher Education Expo, becoming

the earliest exhibition hall enterprise to obtain UFI certification, with 33 Chinese professional exhibition

managers, and winning \"China's Top Ten Brands Exhibition Center, Shandong Service Famous Brands\"

and other honors. It has been built into a one-stop exhibition solution service provider with \"government docking +

exhibition undertaking + engineering construction + advertising design + supporting hotel + business travel service\".

桂林国际会展中心由桂林新城投资开发集团有限公司斥巨资建成,并委托国内最具有影响力的会展品牌企业 --- 首都

会展集团运营管理。会展中心总建筑面积 31 万㎡,是桂林市集多功能展览中心、会议中心、星级酒店为一体的大型


Guilin International Convention and Exhibition Center was built by Guilin New City Investment and

Development Group Co., Ltd. and entrusted the operation and management of Capital Exhibition Group,

the most influential exhibition brand enterprise in China. With a total construction area of 310,000 square

meters, the Convention and Exhibition Center is a large-scale exhibition complex project integrating a multifunctional exhibition center, a conference center and a star hotel in Guilin. A domestic first-class digital

smart exhibition hall built according to the concept of \"global vision, international standards, Chinese

characteristics, Guilin charm\".




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Medigital Co.,Ltd


SHAANXI ZHIXINYINGKE Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

医数互动,自主研发的 AIGC 数字营销系统,帮助解决【参展商和专业观众线上说服和招募】难题。通过大数据全网


达精准目标展商和观众到展览会参展参观。此营销系统拥有 18 年的技术积累,服务超过 500 家以上的知名企业,并

与国内超 100+ 知名展览主办达成紧密合作。

Medigital Co.,Ltd, an independent developer, has created an AIGC digital marketing system that addresses

the challenges of online persuasion and recruitment for exhibitors and professional visitors. By leveraging

big data across the internet, it identifies exhibitors and visitors, boosting the online presence of exhibitions.

This system not only enhances the efficiency of online communication in the exhibition industry but also

reduces costs while effectively reaching targeted exhibitors and visitors for exhibition participation. With

18 years of technical expertise, this marketing system has served over 500 renowned enterprises and

established close collaborations with more than 100 prominent exhibition organizers in China.

陕西智信盈科会展服务有限公司是一家专业从事会展服务的公司,位于陕西省西安 市。公司致力于为客户提供全方位、

高品质的会议会展服务,包括展览、会议、活动 策划、执行与配套服务等多个领域。公司由一批经验丰富的会展专业

人士组成,拥有 丰富的行业经验和专业的团队。

Shaanxi Zhixin Yingke Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in exhibition services, located

in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. The company is committed to providing customers with a full range of highquality conference and exhibition services, including exhibitions, conferences, event planning, execution and

supporting services. The company is composed of a group of experienced exhibition professionals with rich

industry experience and professional team.




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Wuhu Shen Yifan Advertising Co., Ltd.


Wuhu Xunze Culture Media Co., Ltd.

芜湖沈奕凡广告有限公司成立于 2017 年,作为芜湖市广告界元老企业,我公司一直秉持着“诚信经营,顾客至上”


公司从事的业务 1、企业标识标牌、灯箱设计施工、宣传栏以及各类企业文化宣传制品;2、广告设计、制作。我公


Wuhu Shen Yifan Advertising Co., Ltd. was established in 2017. As a veteran enterprise in the advertising

industry in Wuhu City, our company has always adhered to the principle of \"integrity management, customer

first\" and won the recognition of the majority of customers!

The company is engaged in business 1. Enterprise logo signs, light box design and construction, publicity

boards and various corporate cultural publicity products; 2. Advertising design and production. Our company

has its own unique business mode and service strategy, and creates products that satisfy customers based

on high-quality service.

芜湖崧泽文化传媒有限公司成立于 2022 年 5 月,是芜湖本土的一家传媒公司。主要从事演出经纪 ; 戏曲演出、服装

模特服务、模特经纪人服务 ; 艺术、模特大赛策划、组织服务 ; 摄影摄像服务 ; 艺术摄影服务 ; 艺术摄像服务 ; 影视、

广播广告发布服务 ; 音像制品制作 ; 电映 ; 电影发行 ; 录音制作 ; 广告设计、发代 ; 告发布服务 ; 多媒体设计 ; 多媒体软

件开发 ; 大型庆典活动策划、组织服务 ; 节庆庆典用品制造 ; 公司庆典礼仪服务 ; 文化会展服务 : 会务服务 ; 文化艺术

交流活动组织策划 ; 大型活动组织服务 ; 文艺晚会策划、组织服务 ; 境内文艺活动组织与策划 ; 文化娱乐经纪人服务 :

艺术家、文化娱乐经纪人、影视策划 ; 影视后期制作 ; 影视领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务。

Founded in May 2022, Wuhuongze Culture Media Co., Ltd. is a local media company in Wuhu. Mainly engaged

in performance brokerage; opera performance, clothing modeling services, modeling services, model broker

services; art, model competition planning and organization services; photography and video services; art

photography services; art photography services; film and television, radio advertising publishing services;

audio and video products production; film distribution; recording production; advertising design Planning,

agency; release services; multimedia design; multimedia software development; large-scale celebration

event planning, organization services; festival celebration supplies manufacturing; company celebration

etiquette services; cultural exhibition services: conference services; cultural and artistic exchange activities

organization and planning; large-scale event organization services; cultural evening party planning and

organization Services; organization and planning of domestic literary and artistic activities; cultural and

entertainment broker services: artists, cultural and entertainment brokers, film and television planning; film

and television post-production; technical development, technical consultation and technical services in the

field of film and television.




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Wuhu Mulin Advertising Production Co., Ltd.


Wuhu Daotu Advertising Culture Media Co., Ltd.

芜湖慕林广告制作有限公司成立于 2021 年,是一家以广告设计、制作;标牌制作;喷绘、写真为主营的企业。公司


便捷、优质的服务。公司参与服务展会相关案例:2022 年华夏家博会、2022 年动漫展、2023 年红星美凯龙家博会。



Founded in 2021, Wuhu Mulin Advertising Production Co., Ltd. is an enterprise mainly engaged in advertising

design and production; signage production; inkjet painting and photography. The company has a production

and processing factory, and its current business covers Wuhu City and surrounding areas in Anhui Province.

The company aims to pursue \"perfect quality and customer satisfaction\" and provides customers with

convenient and high-quality services. Cases related to the company's participation in service exhibitions:

2022 China Home Expo, 2022 Animation Exhibition, 2023 Red Star Macalline Home Expo.

In the future, we will continue to research and test colors, processes and equipment, master rich technical

experience, produce the best and most beautiful inkjet photo products, and create a pioneering leading enterprise.

芜湖道涂广告文化传媒有限公司成立于 2020 年,公司主营:广告标识标牌、灯箱的设计制作安装、广告画面写真制作。



我司服务展会案例:2020 年久盛地板厂购会、2020 年西河古镇民俗文化节、2021 年华夏家博会、2023 年红星美凯



Wuhu Daotu Advertising Culture Media Co., Ltd. was established in 2020. The company's main business is:

design, production and installation of advertising logo signs, light boxes, and photo production. The factory

has complete construction equipment and materials. We have been working hard to think about what

customers think and provide customers with the best quality products, and have also won the recognition

and appreciation of our peers and customers.

Cases of our service exhibition: 2020 Jiusheng Flooring Factory Purchase Conference, 2020 Xihe Ancient

Town Folk Culture Festival, 2021 Huaxia Home Expo, 2023 Red Star Macalline Home Expo.

We will make unremitting efforts to become the leading pioneer of the industry and lead the local advertising

industry to subvert the traditional model!




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Yijiang District Zhongya Network Technology Service Department


Wuhu Tongdao Culture Media Co., Ltd.

弋江区中雅网络科技成立于 2020 年 3 月。主要经营范围 : 图文设计制作 : 广告设计、代理 : 广告发布广告制作 : 咨询

策划服务 : 婚庆礼仪服务组织文化艺术交流活动 : 工艺美术品及礼仪用品销售,日用百货销售玩具销售,教育咨询服

务 ( 不含沙许可审批的教育培训活动 ) ; 体育赛事策划 : 电竞赛事策划 : 知识产权服务 ( 专利代理服务公区市场东除外 ),

市场营销策划 : 企业管理咨询翻译服务会议及展览服务 : 智能机器人的研发 : 进出口代理。成立以来,先后参与安徽(芜


Zhongya Network Technology in Yijiang District was established in March 2020. Main business scope: graphic

design and production: advertising design, agency: advertising production: consulting and planning services:

wedding etiquette services, organizing cultural and artistic exchange activities: arts and crafts and etiquette

supplies sales, daily necessities sales toy sales, education consulting services (excluding sand license

approval education and training activities ); sports event planning: e-sports event planning: intellectual

property service (except patent agency service public market east), marketing planning: enterprise

management consulting translation service conference and exhibition service: intelligent robot research

and development: import and export agent. Since its establishment, he has participated in Anhui (Wuhu)

Children's Industry Expo Science Expo, home appliance exhibition, children's programming and training.

芜湖同道文化传媒有限公司成立于 2019 年,业务涉及文化艺术、广告等多个领域。公司为各类文化活动提供策划、执行,

舞台搭建、灯光、音响设备租赁等服务。成立以来合作服务案例展示如下:2019 年桃花节、2019 年中国儿童博览会、

2019 年西河古镇民俗文化节、2021 年中国芜湖老年产业博览会、2022 年第六届中国国际动漫展、2023 年发明协会



Wuhu Tongdao Culture Media Co., Ltd. was established in 2019 and its business involves culture, art,

advertising and other fields. The company provides planning and execution, stage construction, lighting,

audio equipment rental and other services for various cultural activities. Since its establishment, the

cooperation service cases are as follows: 2019 Peach Blossom Festival, 2019 China Children's Expo, 2019 Xihe

Ancient Town Folk Culture Festival, 2021 China Wuhu Elderly Industry Expo, 2022 6th China International

Animation Exhibition, 2023 Invention Association General Conference.

With a sincere attitude and a spirit of truth-seeking, enterprising, diligent and efficient, we have won the

recognition and support of major customers.




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Wuhu Exploration Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.


Space Idea International Exhibition Group

芜湖探索展览服务有限公司成立于 2005 年 10 月,是安徽省会议展览行业协会副会长单位、芜湖市会议展览行业协





Founded in October 2005, Wuhu Exploration and Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. is the vice-chairman unit of

Anhui Convention and Exhibition Industry Association and vice-chairman of Wuhu Convention and Exhibition

Industry Association. The company's five major departments: design department, planning department,

conference department, engineering department, finance department and large-scale warehousing, with

complete activity materials. The company's main business is conference organization and implementation,

conference tourism, conference equipment rental, venue construction and layout, performance services,

conference gifts, on-site check-in, conference planning, etiquette services and many other service projects

exhibition planning, etc. It has strong organizational execution ability and has been unanimously recognized

by enterprises and municipal leaders. At the same time, it also won the honorary title of \"Outstanding

Exhibition Unit in Anhui Province\" and Excellent Furnishing Design and Construction Unit in Anhui Province.

點意空間国际展览集团成立于 1999 年,是从事国际国内博物馆、科技馆、规划馆、主题馆、主题公园及展览会特装展示、



Space Idea International Exhibition Group was founded in 1999 and is engaged in international and domestic

museums, science and technology museums, planning museums, theme pavilions, theme parks and

exhibitions, special exhibitions, home services, and other cultural and creative industries, one-stop service

enterprises, set planning, design, multimedia digital film, system integration, construction, operation in one.




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Shanghai Qishilu Brand Planning Co., Ltd.,


Heilongjiang Far East Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

上海启诗录品牌策划有限公司成立于 2010 年。服务全球展台设计搭建,活动策划运营,品牌形象设计。自有木工、

铁艺、铝料制作工厂 5000 平米。连续六年获得中国国际进口博览会指定服务商;拥有中国展览行业一级资质;具备

ISO14001,ISO9001 等展览展示设计服务证书,启诗录,以市场为导向、以创新为驱动、视质量为生命、以服务为根本;


Shanghai Qishilu Brand Planning Co., Ltd., aiming to help global exhibitors extend their brand and attend

exhibitions easier, was founded in 2010. In the past several years, our business has included booth design

and construction, campaign planning & operation, and corporate image design. We always adhere to marketoriented, innovation-driven, service-oriented and quality priorities. As one of the appointed service providers

for the China International Import Expo in the past 6 years, we have cooperated with various exhibitors at

home and abroad. We have also obtained many excellent certificates in the exhibition industry: The Firstclass Qualification of China Association For Exhibition Centers; ISO14001, ISO9001 Exhibition Design Service

Certificate; AAA Enterprise Credit Evaluation Certificate for small and medium-sized enterprises.

远东会展是集会展服务、装饰设计、展厅展馆规划设计施工、VR 解决方案、云展服务、品牌形象及活动策划为一体

的全线会展服务公司,在哈尔滨、长春、北京、上海、海口等地均有直属会展工程实施工厂。随着 5G、大数据、云

计算、人工智能、虚拟现实以及 3D 数字技术的发展与应用,公司推出“远东 E 展通”云展平台,打通线下线上场景,

实现线上线下可独立、可融合的 365 天永不落幕的展览会。“远东 E 展通平台”打破了地理限制、空间面积限制、展

示时间限制以及展示成本限制,将 3D+ 虚拟现实 + 即时通讯 + 直播等技术融为一体,实现“云上办展”、“云上参展”、


Far East Exhibition is a full-line exhibition service company integrating exhibition service, decoration design,

exhibition hall planning, design and construction, VR solutions, cloud exhibition service, brand image and

event planning. It has direct exhibition project implementation factories in Harbin, Changchun, Beijing,

Shanghai, Haikou and other places. With the development and application of 5G, big data, cloud computing,

artificial intelligence, virtual reality and 3D digital technology, the company has launched the \"Far East

E-Exhibition\" cloud exhibition platform to open up offline and online scenes, and realize the independent

online and offline exhibition for 365 days.\"Far East E Exhibition Platform\" breaks the geographical limit,

space area limit, display time limit and display cost limit, integrates 3D + virtual reality + instant messaging

+ live broadcasting and other technologies, and realizes a new exhibition mode of \"exhibition on cloud\",

\"exhibition on cloud\", \"online exhibition\" and \"online negotiation and docking\"




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Shanghai Wanbing Architectural Design Engineering Co., Ltd.


Shenzhen New Powen Exhibition Design Co., Ltd




Shanghai Wanbing Architectural Design Engineering Co., Ltd. is dedicated in brand planning and upgrading;

design and construction of international and domestic exhibitions; counters, corporate image exhibition hall,

large theme venue business. With professional skills, rich experience and a keen sense of the market and

understanding of customer needs, to provide a complete service system for exhibitors, and successfully used

in the construction of booth, exhibition hall, brand store and fashion experience hall.

成立于 2009 年 5 月 18 日, 现位于深圳市龙岗区中海信科创园 19A-701 室, 是一家致力于全球品牌创意营销展位设


施工服务团队,同时在全球 32 个国家及 118 座展览城市设有服务网点,为客户提供全球一站式综合展览展示解决方案。

公司成立 14 年来,作为创新的领先企业一直致力于商业展会特装、大型主题展会、企业展厅设计、会议活动及主场



Established on May 18, 2009, currently located in Room 19A-701, Zhonghaixin Science and Technology

Innovation Park, Longgang District, Shenzhen, we are a professional exhibition and display service company

dedicated to the design and construction of global brand creative marketing booths. Headquartered in

Shenzhen, we have a number of construction service teams located in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan, the

United States, Europe, Southeast Asia, and other places. We also have service outlets in 32 countries and 118

exhibition cities worldwide, providing customers with a one-stop comprehensive exhibition and display solution.

Since its establishment 14 years ago, as a leading innovative enterprise, the company has been committed to

the fields of commercial exhibition special decoration, large-scale themed exhibitions, enterprise exhibition

hall design, conference activities, and home venue construction. It is the largest creative exhibition project

and overseas green exhibition decoration application integrator in South China, and its business extends to

multimedia technology exhibition halls, enterprise museums, and other areas, providing one-stop services

for governments, enterprises, and real estate.




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YiGouXianSheng(Beijing)Exhibition Co.,Ltd.


hanbao exhibition service(shanghai)co;Ltd.


提供专业的绿色会展一站式解决方案,目前有北京仓 - 上海仓 - 欧洲仓。公司自成立之初秉承低碳、绿色、环保、创意、


Yi Gou Xian Sheng Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a green exhibition service company that focuses on the design,

development, manufacturing, and design and construction of display equipment. The company provides

professional one-stop solutions for green exhibitions. Currently, there are Beijing warehouse, Shanghai

warehouse, and European warehouse. Since its inception, the company has adhered to the concepts and

goals of low-carbon, green, environmental protection, creativity, and innovation. With the advantages of

systematic, standardized, modular exhibition display systems, it adds new impetus to the green exhibition industry.

上海工厂位于上海市金山区,面积 2000 平米,工厂自有长期木工 25 人,电工 3 人,美工 2 人,后勤人员 6 人,是

专注致力于商业展示搭建、制作及售后服务的的终端生产型企业 !

广东工厂位于东莞市,面积 1900 平米,工厂自有长期木工 20 人,电工 2 人,美工 1 人,后勤人员 2 人。


舞台、各种展台、T 台、木质背板、玻璃舞台、桁架背景搭建、展柜展架制作和专卖店施工,施工商场展柜、专卖店、



保健品展柜和汽车用品展柜等)。工厂对每个项目的制作、安装、及后期维护实现一体化服务 !

Shanghai factory is located in Jinshan District, Shanghai, with an area of 2000 square meters, the factory has

its own long-term carpentry 25 people, 3 electricians, 2 artists, logistics staff 6 people, is dedicated to the

commercial display construction, production and after-sales service of the terminal production enterprises!

Guangdong factory is located in Dongguan city, with an area of 1900 square meters. The factory has 20 longterm carpenters, 2 electricians, 1 artist and 2 logistics staff.

Shanghai, Guangzhou factory is good at various category industry exhibition booth, the main business scope

includes: special, auto show, tour, foundation ceremony, wooden stage, various booth, T, wooden back,

glass stage, truss background structures, showcase exhibition frame production and store construction,

construction shopping malls showcase, stores, stores zone, exhibition hall, shop and other kinds of image

showcase production and construction. Wooden lacquer display cabinets (cosmetics, gold, jewelry, clothing,

children's wear, shoes, bags, crafts, gifts, mobile phones, digital products, glasses counters, tobacco

and alcohol, medicine and health products and automotive products, etc.). The factory will integrate the

production, installation and later maintenance of each project!




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Beijing Century Culture & Communication Co., Ltd.


Beijing Century Language Spring Translation Co., Ltd.





Beijing Century Culture & Communication Co., Ltd. is a high-end comprehensive conference and exhibition

service supplier, providing professional conference equipment lease, translation and other conferencerelated services. It boasts 10-plus years of experiences in on-site execution.

With a full range of advanced LED, lighting and audio & video equipment and Bosch equipment for

simultaneous interpretation, as well as senior technicians for site lighting, acoustics, and video, etc., the

company provides related services for more than 1,000 events each year.

北京世纪语泉翻译有限公司成立于 2005 年,注册资金 1000 万元,是中国翻译协会的会员单位。



Established in 2005, Beijing Century Language Spring Translation Co., Ltd. (LST) has a registered capital of 10

million yuan, and is a member unit of the Translators Association of China.

LST is a professional multilingual translation company, providing translation, interpretation (especially

simultaneous interpretation), and subtitle translation, etc. Meanwhile, LST also provides the lease of Bosch

equipment for simultaneous interpretation and other conference equipment as well as other conferencerelated services.




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Shanghai Wanli Media (Group) Co., Ltd


Beijing Jiaye Sifan Exhibition Co., LTD





9 年的历程让我们积累了丰富的经验,更坚定了我们在文化传媒领域的领导地位。

As a company committed to culture and media, we have rich experience and deep strength in the industry.

Adhering to the love of cultural media, the company is committed to providing customers with a full range of

media solutions through creative and professional services.

The business scope covers advertising planning, cultural activities organization, media promotion and other

fields. Shanghai Wanli Culture and Media Co., Ltd. has become a practitioner in the field of cultural media

through years of efforts and development. Wanli Culture Media for its excellent team and service quality.

The course of 9 years has made us accumulate rich experience and strengthened our leading position in the

field of cultural media.

北京嘉业思凡展览展示有限公司成立于 2014 年 03 月 12 日,注册地位于北京市通州区西集镇国防路 43 号 A 座




Beijing Jiayesifan Exhibition Display Co., Ltd. was established on March 12, 2014, with its registered

address at Building A, No.43, Defang Road, Xiji Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing. Its business scope includes

professional contracting, organizing and displaying exhibitions, conference services, design, production,

agency, advertising release, technology promotion, and sales of building materials, electronic products,

machinery and equipment.




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Langfang Fengshang Exhibition Services Co.,Ltd







Langfang Fengshang Exhibition Services Co., Ltd. is a professional exhibition factory engaged in the

construction of large-scale commercial exhibitions, conference event planning, and exhibition hall services.

Since its establishment, the factory has been committed to exploring domestic and international markets

with professional design concepts and a \"one-stop\" service spirit, Our business scope involves various

fields and industries such as communication, security, energy storage, electronics, finance, food, film and

television, tourism, etc. We provide comprehensive, multi-dimensional, and high standard professional

services to numerous enterprises, and have excellent reputation in the industry.


华毅东方成立于 1997 年,总部设在北京中心商务区;海外展辐射欧洲全境、南北美洲、中东、东南亚,足迹遍及 60




Oriental Expo Services Limited (OES), with a worldwide presence, has always been providing the customers

with an extraordinary expertise in full-service, including activity planning, visual design, installation, and on–

site operation.

ORIENTAL EXPO SERVICES LIMITED, established in 1997 and headquartered in the center of Beijing’s CBD

area. Business covering more than 60 countries mainly in Europe, North& South America, Middle East, and

Southeast Asia, our business spread all around the world.




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Hangzhou Guhe Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd


Shenzhen Sipai Brand Service Co., Ltd.


杭州古合文化创意 ( 科技 ) 有限公司成立于 2015 年,是国家级省级科技型中小企业,荣获浙江省杰出创意设计、中



Cultural and creative multi-dimensional design fusion cross-border, green paper-basedmaterials

digitalcreative application Hangzhou Guhe Cultural Creativity (Science and Technology) CoLtd.isastate-level

andprovincial-level small and medium-sized enterprise of science and technology, and has won the awardsof

Zhejiang Province Outstanding Creative Design, China Exhibition Industry Leader and ChinaExhibition

0utstanding Person. For many years. the team has taken cultural creative thinking, digitatechnology

derivative and environmental protection material application as the source and core pathand is committed

to the innovation and research and development of cultural creativity, digital technologyand environmental

protection materials.

深圳思派品牌服务有限公司成立于 2015 年,是一家具有整合国际设计资源背景,以展会服务、活动策划、数媒互动、

品牌设计、企业展厅 & 博物馆设计规划施工为主要战略方向。思派有着创新且完善的运作模式,严谨周全的服务体系,


Shenzhen Sipai Brand Service Co., Ltd. was established in 2015. It is a company with a background of

integrating international design resources, with exhibition services, event planning, digital media interaction,

brand design, corporate exhibition hall & museum design, planning and construction as its main strategic

directions. Sipai has an innovative and complete operating model, a rigorous and comprehensive service

system, rich and high-level promotional content, and business resources as support. We hope to bring a

surprising service experience to corporate brand activities.


