上將 A. 康格 ‧ 固特異 (A. Conger Goodyear) (1877 年 -1964 年 ) 為紐約現代藝術博物
館的聯合創始人和第一任館長。他早於 1895 年開始個人的現代藝術收藏,於 1912 年接
替其父親擔任布法羅美術學院 (Buffalo Academy of Fine Arts) 院長,將學院從收藏學
1929 年,他應艾比.奧爾德里奇.洛克菲勒 (Abby Aldrich Rockefeller)、路易斯.沙
利文 (Louise Sullivan) 和莉莉.P. 布利斯 (Lillie P. Bliss) 的邀請,擔任紐約現代藝術
博物館的委員會主席。他欣然接受並擔任博物館館長,並一直出任至 1939 年。其間一直
是博物館的受託人,直到他於 1964 年去世。
Goodyear 位於紐約長島韋斯特伯里家中的主客廳,其設計贏得了紐約建築聯盟頒發的建
築師 Edward durrell Stone 榮譽銀質獎章。其中一件唐三彩駱駝放置於由野口勇設計的
賴特 - 諾克斯美術館 (Buffalo Museum of Fine Arts) 的 Albright-Knox Art Gallery。
此外,他熱衷於收藏 19 世紀晚期至 20 世紀早期的藝術作品,包括塞尚、梵高和尚 - 巴蒂
General A. Conger Goodyear June 20th, 1877-April 23rd, 1964)
Born on June 20th, 1877, the industrialist and art collector Anson Conger Goodyear
joined his family business in Buffalo, New York after graduating from Yale. Over the
years, the original lumber manufacturing business expanded to related industries
such as railroads, and he assumed an active role in almost all its phases.
He began collecting modern art as early as 1895 and in 1912, he succeeded his
father as director of the Buffalo Academy of Fine Arts, changing the academy from a
collection of academic works to one of the nation's premier modern-art museums. In
1929, he was invited by Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, Louise Sullivan and Lillie P. Bliss
to serve as chairman of the committee to form the Museum of Modern Art in New
York. He readily accepted the innte and was the museum's president until 1939. He
remained a trustee of the museum until his death.
Goodyear was a collector of spectacular taste. His residence in Westbury, Long
Island, New York houses a medley of art pieces made in the hands of virtuoso artists,
including a Sancai-glazed pottery figure of a camel that was placed on a wooden table
designed by Isamu Noguchi (1904-1988). As well as Vincent Van Gogh’s painting
La Maison de la Crau (The Old Mill), 1888 that is now in the collection of AlbrightKnox Art Gallery in the Buffalo Museum of Fine Arts.