合肥不错 养人之城

发布时间:2024-9-05 | 杂志分类:其他

合肥不错 养人之城

51<br>合肥市蜀山区<br>长江西路与玉兰<br>大道交口西南角<br>801 路公交或地<br>铁 2 号线可到<br>半边街<br>One-sided Street<br>半边街依靠大蜀山,半边成街,环境优美,汇聚合肥众<br>多美食,是一个具有当地特色的美食街。<br>Flanked on one side by Mt. Dashu and in a beautiful environment, this onesided street is a featured gourmet cluster providing various delicious local <br>foods unique to Hefei. <br>3A<br>罍街<br>Leijie Street<br>街区以复合业态为主,突出社会性、公益性和多样性,以老<br>字号和特色餐饮为主,打造合肥市夜间旅游消费场景。... [收起]
合肥不错 养人之城
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51<br>合肥市蜀山区<br>长江西路与玉兰<br>大道交口西南角<br>801 路公交或地<br>铁 2 号线可到<br>半边街<br>One-sided Street<br>半边街依靠大蜀山,半边成街,环境优美,汇聚合肥众<br>多美食,是一个具有当地特色的美食街。<br>Flanked on one side by Mt. Dashu and in a beautiful environment, this onesided street is a featured gourmet cluster providing various delicious local <br>foods unique to Hefei. <br>3A<br>罍街<br>Leijie Street<br>街区以复合业态为主,突出社会性、公益性和多样性,以老<br>字号和特色餐饮为主,打造合肥市夜间旅游消费场景。<br>A scenario of nighttime tourist consumption in Hefei, featuring time-honored <br>restaurants and chefs’ signature foods, with many integrated business forms.


52 科大讯飞股份有限公司<br>合肥市智能机器人研究院<br>iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. <br>亚太地区知名的智能语音和人工智能上市企业,致力于让<br>机器能听会说、能理解会思考,用人工智能建设美好世界。<br>  地址:合肥市高新区长宁大道 1888 号<br>安徽省首批校外少先队实践教育基地,依托合肥市智能<br>机器人研究院建设,打造以“智能机器人”为主题的科<br>普研学及创客教育基地。 <br>  地址:合肥市经开区宿松路 3963 号智能科技园<br>Hefei Municipal Study Tour Base<br>A prominent publicly traded intelligent speech and AI <br>company in the Asia-Pacific region, dedicated to enabling <br>machines to hear, speak, understand, and think, and using <br>its AI technologies to make the world a better place.<br>National Science Popularization Education Base<br>A first batch of off-campus Young Pioneers practice training <br>center in Anhui based on Hefei Intelligent Robot Research <br>Institute, and a smart robot-themed science popularization <br>study tour and maker-oriented training base.<br>【合肥市级研学旅行基地】<br>【国家级科普教育基地】<br>人工智能研学旅游基地<br>52 Artificial Intelligence study tour base<br> Hefei Intelligent Robot Research Institute


53<br>科大国盾量子技术股份有限公司<br>QuantumCTek Co., Ltd. <br>公司有一个产业化成果展厅,主要展品有“九章一号”“祖<br>冲之二号”“墨子号”,以及合肥量子城域网总控中心<br>等。此外还建设了量子体验馆、开设了量子科普讲座课<br>堂,参观者可以亲身体验奇妙的量子世界。  <br>   地址:合肥市高新区华佗巷 777 号<br>Hefei Science Popularization Education Base<br>Its achievement exhibition hall features replicas of Quantum <br>Computer Jiuzhang I, Micius Satellite, and the real Quantum <br>Computer Zu Chongzhi II. It also houses the Hefei InterCity Quantum Communication Network Control Center. In <br>its Quantum Experience Hall, lectures are arranged to help <br>visitors better understand the fascinating quantum science.<br>【合肥市科普教育基地】<br>量子世界研学旅游基地<br>53<br>Quantum Science study tour base<br>


54 中国科学院等离子体物理研究所<br>Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences<br>中国重要的核聚变研究基地之一,也是世界实验室在中国设<br>立的核聚变研究中心。该所拥有世界首台全超导非圆形截面<br>托卡马克核聚变实验装置 EAST,在磁约束核聚变研究领域<br>处于国际先进水平。<br>   地址:合肥市蜀山区蜀山湖路 350 号<br>National science popularization education base<br>A national nuclear fusion research base serving as the nuclear fusion research <br>center in China established by the World Laboratory, boasting the world's first <br>\"non-circular cross section\" Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak <br>(EAST), and standing at the advanced international forefront in the field of <br>magnetic confinement fusion research.<br>【国家级科普教育基地】<br>“人造太阳”研学旅游基地<br>54 “Man-made Sun” study tour base<br>


55<br>工业旅游<br>示范基地<br>清华大学合肥公共安全研究院<br>Hefei Institute for Public Safety Research, Tsinghua University<br>清华大学与安徽省合肥市共建的新型产学研用一体化科技<br>创新平台和成果转化基地。在这里,可以与公共安全实验<br>装置亲密接触,观摩安全科学实验,让“最强大脑”在趣<br>味学习体验中飞速运转,探索巨灾防控的无限可能……<br>   地址:合肥市经开区习友路 5999 号<br>National Science Popularization Education Base<br>A new type of \"industry, university, research and application\" <br>integrated technology innovation platform and research <br>outcome commercialization base jointly established by <br>Tsinghua University and Hefei City, where visitors can have <br>contact with the experimental facilities at close proximity, <br>observe safety-related experiments and explore the <br>unlimited possibility of catastrophe prevention and control <br>through the intriguing tour.<br>【国家级科普教育基地】<br>公共安全研学旅游基地<br>55<br>Public Safety study tour base


56 原力谱能超导实验室<br>Yuanlipuneng Superconducting Science Laboratory <br>全国第一家基于大科学装置技术而延伸的原创科普内容基地,<br>不仅作为合肥综合性国家科学中心能源研究院科普基地面向全<br>社会承担科普职能,还能帮助孩子们从课堂走进科研现场,与<br>科学家面对面交流,真正了解科学家的工作故事,以及当下核<br>心科技的发展趋势。<br>   地址:合肥市三国城路合肥综合性国家科学中心能源研究院学术<br>报告厅二楼<br>Anhui Province Science Popularization Demonstration Unit<br>The first practice base in China with original science popularization content utilizing <br>the technologies of big-science facilities; it not only serves as a science popularization <br>venue of the Institute of Energy Research of Hefei Comprehensive National Science <br>Center for the whole society, but also enables children to communicate face-to-face <br>with scientists at real research sites, get to know them better, and understand the <br>current development trends of core science and technology.<br>【安徽省科普示范单位】<br>超导研学旅游基地<br>Superconductivity Science study tour base<br>


57<br>蔚来合肥先进制造基地<br>NIO Hefei Advanced Manufacturing Base <br>一座具有“高度自动化、网络化、智能化以及先进制<br>造工艺水平”特点的“中国制造 2025 安徽样板工厂”。<br>在这里,你可以参观汽车生产车间,目睹智能电动汽<br>车的诞生过程;与汽车专家面对面,了解更多与智能<br>电动汽车发展趋势相关的前沿信息。<br>   地址:合肥市经开区宿松路 9766 号<br>Hefei Industrial Tourism Demonstration Base<br>An Anhui model factory of \"Made in China 2025\", characterized <br>by highly networked and intelligent automation and advanced <br>manufacturing technology, where you can visit the automobile <br>production workshop and witness the birth process of <br>an intelligent electric vehicle, as well as learn about the <br>development trends of smart electric vehicles directly from <br>automobile experts.<br>【合肥市工业旅游示范基地】<br>新能源汽车研学旅游基地<br>New Energy Vehicle study tour base<br>57


58 合肥国轩高科动力能源有限公司<br>Hefei Gotion High-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. <br>不仅致力于开发能驱动汽车跑得更远更快的动力电池,还积极向<br>社会推广电力储存与安全输电的先进技术。公司面向青少年推出<br>多项体验活动,让青少年零距离见证新能源电池的创新技术。<br>   地址:合肥市新站区岱河路 599 号<br>Anhui Science and Technology Popularization Base<br>Engaged not only in developing new energy batteries that can drive cars farther and <br>faster, but also in promoting the advanced technologies for energy storage and safe <br>transmission to the general public; it has launched some experiential activities for <br>teenagers, allowing them to experience the innovative technology of new energy <br>batteries up close.<br>【安徽省科学技术普及基地】<br>新能源电池研学旅游基地<br>58 New Energy Battery study tour base<br>


59<br>合肥航空科普馆<br>零重力飞机工业(合肥)有限公司<br>Hefei Aviation Science Popularization Museum<br>Zero Gravity Aircraft Industry (Hefei) Co., Ltd. <br>合肥航空科普馆的布展面积约 3000 平方米,集<br>科普教育、展览、研学、互动体验和科技创新等<br>功能于一体,致力于打造合肥航空科普新地标。<br>   地址:合肥市包河区庐州大道 1 号<br>始终坚持以“未来、绿色、创新”为总体发<br>展理念,以“构建地球上第三种交通生态”<br>为愿景,以载人 eVTOL 为核心,布局多元<br>化新能源航空器,推动绿色航空产业发展。<br>   地址:合肥市高新区樱花路 10 号<br>Anhui Province Science Popularization Demonstration Unit<br>A highlight of aviation science popularization in Hefei, covering an <br>exhibition area of about 3,000 square meters, with integrated functions <br>of science popularization, education, exhibition, study tour service, <br>interactive experience, and technological innovation.<br>Excellent Collective for Promoting Higher Quality Integrated <br>Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region<br>Always adhering to the overall development concept of \"future, green and <br>innovation\", with the vision of \"building the third transport ecology on earth\", <br>and with the manned eVTOL as its focus, this company is pushing forward the <br>development of the green aviation industry with its diversified new energy aircraft.<br>【安徽省科普示范单位】<br>【推动长三角地区更高质量一体化发展优秀集体】<br>低空交通研学旅游基地<br>59<br>Low Altitude Traffic study tour base


60 合肥太古可口可乐饮料有限公司<br>Hefei Taikoo Coca Cola Beverage Co., Ltd<br>合肥太古可口可乐博物馆位于合肥太古可口可乐莲花厂内,占地<br>面积约 500 平方米,馆内详细介绍了可口可乐的发展史,也可以<br>近距离观看一瓶可口可乐饮料的诞生。<br> 地址:合肥市经开区莲花路 1370 号<br>Hefei Taikoo Coca Cola Museum is located in the <br>Hefei Taikoo Coca Cola Lotus Factory, covering <br>an area of approximately 500 square meters. The <br>museum provides a detailed introduction to the <br>history of Coca Cola in its development and offers a <br>close-up view of the birth of a bottle of Coca Cola.<br>工业研学旅游基地<br>Industrial Tour study tour base


61<br>安徽新华印刷股份有限公司<br>Anhui Xinhua Printing Co., Ltd<br>基地以近代印刷史为主线,以“印刷让文明更灿烂”为<br>主题,通过历史照片、实物展览展示,参观印装车间、<br>印刷历史馆 , 观看视频等活动形式展现印刷的魅力。<br> 地址:合肥市庐阳区砀山路 10 号<br>The tour route is arranged along the history line of printing industry with the <br>theme \"printing makes civilization more brilliant\". It shows the charm of printing <br>through historical photos, exhibition of physical objects, visits to printing and <br>bookbinding workshops, and the Museum of Printing History, and through <br>watching videos.<br>61<br>


62 合肥市包河区<br>云谷路与环湖北路<br>交叉口<br>每天 9:30~17:00<br>(16:30停止入馆)<br>0551-65909008<br>地铁 5 号线至<br>渡江战役纪念<br>馆下;526 路<br>公交至安徽创<br>新馆站下<br>安徽创新馆<br>Anhui Innovation Center<br>由 3 个场馆组成,分别体现展示窗口功能、成<br>果转化交易功能和对接服务功能,建有多功能<br>的安徽科技大市场。<br>Composed of three venues that embody the functions of a <br>display window, commercialization of innovation outcomes, and <br>targeted technology transfer services respectively; there is also a <br>multi-functional Anhui Tech Mart within the center. <br>62


63<br>合肥市<br>高新区<br>彩虹路 899 号<br>0551-65192300<br>地铁 2 号线到桂庄<br>站下,或地铁 4 号线 到科大先研院站<br>下;658 路公交至<br>市科技馆新馆站下<br>合肥市科技馆(新馆)<br>Hefei Science Museum (New Building)<br>合肥市重点公益性科普设施,是一座自然科<br>学类博物馆,含 11 个常设展厅,展览涵盖<br>物质科学、生命科学、公共安全、工程与技术、<br>自然与生态等领域。<br>An important public-interest science popularization facility <br>in Hefei and a natural science museum with 11 permanent <br>exhibition halls, featuring exhibits in the fields of material <br>science, life science, public safety, engineering and <br>technology, and nature and ecology.<br>周四到周日<br>9:00~16:30<br>


64 合肥市<br>瑶海区大兴镇<br>钟油坊社区<br>0551-64692016<br>15 路公交到天和<br>路口站下车;地<br>铁 2 号线到龙岗<br>站下,步行约 2<br>公里到达<br>合肥东部新中心青年创意田园<br>Hefei East New Center Youth Creative Field Park<br>园区建有全民健身运动大环线、二十埠河中游湿地景<br>观带、青年广场、五色林、七彩花谷等七个功能区及<br>众多景点。<br>Featuring 7 functional areas and many attractions, including a long ring <br>road for fitness exercises, a wetland scenic belt, a youth square, a 5-colored <br>forest, and a 7-colored flower valley. <br>64


65<br>磨滩旅游度假区<br>Motan Tourist Resort<br>4A<br>区域内拥有良田三万亩,水网交错、路网<br>纵横、林木成行,水乡田园气质浑然天成。<br>A picturesque and idyllic rural area covering 30,000 mu <br>of fertile land, featuring well developed water system, <br>road network and rows of aligned trees.<br>合肥市<br>包河区大圩镇<br>花园大道 1 号<br>0551-64857916<br>建议自驾t<br>


66 合肥融创乐园<br>Hefei Rongchuang Park <br>4A<br>乐园占地 40 万平方米,将徽派优秀文<br>化精髓与现代尖端科技相结合,是安徽<br>省最大的主题乐园之一。<br>A largest amusement-themed park in Anhui, covering <br>400,000 square meters and featuring excellent <br>Huizhou cultural essence and modern cutting-edge <br>technologies.<br>合肥市<br>滨湖新区<br>庐州大道 778 号<br>400-992-0088<br>地铁 1 号线到<br>万年埠站下<br>


67<br>合肥市<br>经济技术开发区<br>繁华大道 321 号<br>0551-63821928<br>226 路、20 路、<br>150 路公交到合<br>肥海洋世界站下<br>合肥海洋世界<br>Hefei Ocean World<br>3A<br>合肥唯一一家集海洋动物展览、表演、科普、<br>研学教育为一体的综合性海洋场馆,可同时容<br>纳近 1500 人观看表演。<br>The only aquarium in Hefei for marine animal exhibition, <br>performance, science popularization, study tours and education, <br>with an audience capacity of 1,500 people. <br>67


68 庐剧<br>Luju Opera<br>原名倒七戏,又称小倒戏、小戏,别称<br>花篮戏、采茶戏、灯戏等,在大别山一<br>带山歌、淮河一带花灯歌舞的基础上吸<br>收了锣鼓书 ( 门歌 )、端公戏、嗨子戏的<br>唱腔发展而成。<br>周二到周日 9:00~17:00<br>(16:30停止入馆)<br>国家级非物质文化遗产项目<br>非遗类别<br>传统戏剧<br>流传地区<br>流行于安徽省的江淮之间、皖中、皖西大别<br>山区、沿江的大片地区和江南的部分地区。<br> 传承人<br>丁玉兰、黄冰<br>68


69<br>A national intangible cultural <br>heritage project<br>It was developed on the basis of folk songs popular in <br>the Dabie Mountains and lantern songs and dances <br>popular in the Huaihe River area, and by absorbing <br>the essence of the singing styles of the Drum- and <br>Gong-Accompanied Storytelling, Duangong Opera, <br>and Haizi Opera.<br>69


70 洋蛇灯<br>纸笺加工技艺<br>Yangshe Lantern Dance<br>Paper Processing Techniques<br>有六百多年的历史,据传说发展而来。按照习俗,<br>每十八年才玩一次,每次增加一节,每节约 1.6 米,<br>如今已经增加到 100 多米。<br>纸笺加工技艺是用传统手法对书画用宣纸进行加工<br>的技术,恢复并发展了历史上的金银印花笺、泥金笺、<br>朱砂笺、绢本宣、流沙笺、刻画笺等加工技艺。<br>A national intangible cultural heritage project<br>With a history of over 600 years and initiated based on a legend; <br>according to tradition, it is only played once every eighteen years, <br>with an additional section (about 1.6 meters long) added to the snakeshaped lantern each time. Nowadays, the lantern has grown to over <br>100 meters. <br>A national intangible cultural heritage project<br>Traditional techniques for processing Xuan paper for calligraphy and <br>painting; the historical techniques restored include those for making gold <br>and silver printed paper, golden paper, cinnabar paper, silk-based Xuan <br>paper, \"flowing sand\" patterned and \"engraved\" paper.<br>国家级非物质文化遗产项目<br>国家级非物质文化遗产项目<br>70 巢湖民歌<br>Chaohu Folk Songs<br>流传于巢湖流域的民歌,旋律优美,歌词生动,是<br>优秀的传统音乐。古往今来,巢湖民歌以身传口教<br>而绵延不息,伴随人们生产、生活而发展。体裁有<br>号子、山歌、秧歌、小调,也有歌舞、器乐曲等。<br>A national intangible cultural heritage project<br>Excellent traditional folk music popular in the Chaohu River <br>Basin, featuring sweet melodies and dynamic lyrics reflecting <br>local people’s daily work and life, the genre is demonstrated by <br>haozi (group singing to synchronize work movement with one <br>leading the tone), mountain songs, yangko, popular ballads, as <br>well as instrumental music, etc. <br>国家级非物质文化遗产项目<br>非遗类别<br> 传承人 <br>传统技艺 巢湖<br>刘靖<br>流传地区<br>非遗类别<br> 传承人 <br>传统音乐 巢湖流域<br>李家莲<br>流传地区<br>非遗类别<br> 传承人 <br>传统舞蹈 肥东县解集乡大邵村<br>邵传福<br>流传地区


71<br>包公故事<br>Lord Bao’s Stories<br>合肥素称“包拯故乡”。自古以来,关于包公<br>的民间故事在合肥地区广为流传。合肥至今仍<br>保留有多处与包公有关的景点,如包氏宗祠、<br>包公墓、清风阁等。包公故事代代传播、经久<br>不衰。<br>A national intangible cultural heritage project<br>Hefei is the hometown of Bao Zheng and the stories about him <br>have been popular since ancient times. In the city, there are still <br>many places of historical interest about him, such as the Baos <br>Ancestral Temple, Lord Bao Tomb, and Qingfeng (integrity) <br>Pavilion, which is dedicated to the upright and honest Lord Bao.<br>国家级非物质文化遗产项目<br>71<br>非遗类别 民间文学<br>


72 02 When you visit Hefei, you may choose to have a short <br>or longer stay here to experience the emotions of the <br>city and understand its pure and entrancing character. <br>Visitors from near and far afield will be able to feel the <br>charm, warmth and passion the city has to offer. <br>The hospitality facilities in Hefei have both the <br>exquisite and cozy style of southern Anhui and the <br>high-quality and spacious impression of northern <br>Anhui. Some of them are built on a site with a <br>mountain view and surrounded by leafy trees; others <br>in special styles with different appearances and <br>characterized by the inherited cultural elements unique <br>to the central region of Anhui between the Yangtze and <br>Huaihe rivers. When you stay in Hefei, you will surely <br>experience the considerate hospitality culture of this <br>people-nourishing city.<br>Staying in Hefei


73<br>宿<br>在<br>合<br>肥<br>  游合肥而住,体验合肥的情怀之美,感受合肥的纯美气质,<br>让游客在旅游的同时,领略合肥风情、感受合肥的热情与服务。<br>  住在合肥,既有皖南的小而精致,又有皖北的高端大气,面<br>山而建,临水而成,绿柳环绕,风居一格,气质万千。汇聚了江<br>淮大地的特色和内涵,驻足合肥,感受养人之城的精致好客文化。<br>


74 云里安凹利用乡土和新型建筑材料,让<br>老房子华丽变身,使青山绿水与高端民<br>宿完美融合。现有客房及功能房能同时<br>满足 60 人住宿、100 人餐饮及会务,是<br>一个集民宿、餐饮、休闲、会务于一体<br>的田园综合体。<br>云里安凹<br>Yunli An'ao makes good use of local and new building <br>materials to beautifully transform old dwellings and <br>seamlessly integrate its charming landscape of green <br>mountains and clear waters with high-end homestay <br>facilities. The existing guest and function rooms can <br>accommodate 60 people overnight and 100 people <br>for meals and conferences at the same time. It is a <br>rural complex offering accommodation, food, leisure <br>entertainment and conference services.<br>Yunli An'ao<br>【全国甲级旅游民宿 \/ 皖美金牌民宿】<br>合肥市<br>庐江县<br>万山镇长冲村<br>0551-82550858<br>26 间客房<br>National Grade A Tourist Homestay and<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>


75<br>山居与四顶山融为一体,为徽派建筑风<br>格,吸收园林的设计元素,白墙青瓦与青<br>山绿水勾勒出诗情画意的田园气息。可接<br>待 60 人以内的会议、团建,园区还有果<br>蔬采摘、登山攀岩、垂钓、篝火晚会、烧烤、<br>游园等文体休闲项目。<br>四顶山居<br>Situated harmoniously on Mt. Siding with garden <br>design elements, this guesthouse is a Huizhoustyle building, its white walls and gray tiles blend <br>well with the green mountains and clear waters, <br>outlining a poetic and picturesque pastoral scene. <br>The homestay can accommodate 60 people and <br>provides conference and team building services. <br>Guests can experience fruit and vegetable picking, <br>mountain hiking, rock climbing, and fishing. Facilities <br>for campfires and barbecues are available.<br>Siding Shanju<br>【全国乙级旅游民宿 \/ 皖美金牌民宿】<br>合肥市<br>肥东长临河镇<br>四顶社区小欧组<br>0551-67388077<br>14 间客房<br>75<br>National Grade B Tourist Homestay and<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay


76 西庐印象有屋舍、房车、星空房、帐篷露营<br>等多种特色住宿。建筑古色古香,四周树木<br>葱郁,与山间风景融为一体。<br>西庐印象<br>There are various characteristic accommodations such as <br>guest rooms, RV campsite, star houses and tent campsite. <br>Surrounded by lush trees, the building has an antique charm <br>that blends perfectly with the mountain scenery.<br>Xilu Yinxiang<br>【全国丙级旅游民宿 \/ 皖美金牌民宿】<br>合肥市<br>肥西县<br>凤凰村<br>13855188856<br>15 间客房<br>76<br>National Grade C Tourist Homestay and<br> \"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>


77<br>共有 30 间全智能化客房,可容纳 40<br>人的会议室;建有亲子、娱乐、研学<br>综合区。园区结合乡村自然,打造以<br>艺术、音乐、科技为主题的生活智慧<br>美学空间,融合沉浸式体验,突出百<br>花菜、茶叶等当地特色产品优势,实<br>现产农结合。<br>少间·王圩里<br>There are 30 \"fully intelligent\" guest rooms and a <br>conference room that can accommodate 40 people. <br>In addition, there is also a dedicated area for family <br>activities, recreation and study. This homestay, set <br>in the rural natural beauty, creates a smart aesthetic <br>space with art, music and technology as the theme to <br>provide immersive experiences. By promoting local <br>specialty products such as loosestrife and tea, this <br>facility combines agriculture with tourism. <br>Shaojian Wangweili<br>【全国丙级旅游民宿 \/ 皖美金牌民宿】<br>合肥市<br>庐江县<br>汤池镇百花村<br>13277798029<br>30 间客房<br>National Grade C Tourist Homestay and<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay


78 合肥市<br>肥东县<br>长临河镇六家畈<br>400 876 6688 转 2<br>胡学树<br>18856938945<br>18 间客房<br>民宿为昔日旧舍改建,设有阁楼、复式、榻榻米、家庭套<br>间等主题客房,配套有餐厅、咖啡厅、休闲吧、茶吧、<br>2000 ㎡阳光草坪、传统玩具博物馆、多功能会议室等功能<br>区,满足亲子、情侣、家庭、商务、团建等多样化住房需求。<br>畈塘·拾吾舍<br>This homestay is a renovated old mansion with themed guest rooms such as <br>attics, duplex, tatami, and family suites, complemented by a restaurant, a coffee <br>shop, a leisure bar, and a tea bar. In addition, there are a 2,000-square-meter <br>sunny lawn, a traditional toy museum, and multi-functional conference rooms. <br>This hospitable facility can satisfy various living needs for families, couples, <br>businessmen and team building members.<br>Fantang Shiwushe<br>【全国丙级旅游民宿 \/ 皖美金牌民宿】<br>National Class C Tourist Homestay and<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>78


79<br>合肥市<br>肥东县<br>长临河镇六家畈<br>0551-67388817<br>22 间客房<br>民宿内有五栋彼此独立的徽州民居,外观体现江<br>淮特色风貌,结合江淮侨乡六家畈的发展史,以<br>耕读、文昌、侨里设计的三个不同主题风格院落。<br>内设接待厅、品茶吧、会议室、餐饮包厢及户外<br>烧烤区等。<br>花田·侨乡里<br>National Class C Tourist Homestay and<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>There are five separate Huizhou-style dwellings in the homestay, <br>reflecting the unique style of the Jianghuai region (the central part <br>of Anhui between the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers). Considering the <br>history of Liujiafan, a hometown of overseas Chinese in Jianghuai <br>region, the designer has developed three different courtyards <br>with the themes of Gengdu (agriculture and reading), Wenchang <br>(culture and prosperity) and Qiaoli (hometown of overseas <br>Chinese). The homestay facilities include a reception hall, a <br>tea tasting bar, conference rooms, private dining rooms, and an <br>outdoor barbecue area.<br>Huatian Qiaoxiangli<br>【全国丙级旅游民宿 \/ 皖美金牌民宿】<br>


80 揽月观塘为独栋院落,有豪华套房、阳光厨房、观景阳台、院内露营地、<br>瑜伽空间、会客茶室、会议室、茶吧、共享厨房、书吧、KTV、棋<br>牌室、电竞游戏室和超大观景露台,院内还设有游泳池、户外酒吧、<br>自助烧烤区等功能区。<br>创客村·揽月观塘<br>Chuangkecun Lanyue Guantang<br>合肥市 【全国丙级旅游民宿 \/ 皖美金牌民宿】<br>肥东县<br>长临河镇六家畈<br>4008766688-2<br>10 间客房<br>National Class C Tourist Homestay and<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>Lanyue Guantang is a standalone courtyard with luxurious suites, sunny kitchens, and a <br>balcony with a view. In the courtyard, there are an indoor campsite, a yoga room, a reception <br>tearoom, conference rooms, a tea bar, a shared kitchen, a book bar, a KTV room, a chess and <br>card room, an e-sports game room, and a large terrace with a panoramic view. Other function <br>facilities include a swimming pool, an outdoor bar, and a self-service barbecue area.<br>


81<br>藏匿于山水之中,生态旅游资源丰富,将现代舒适与<br>古老建筑融为一体,结合当地特色塑造景观与建筑,<br>打造迎曦、入境、鹊起、归荑四进院落。现有 20 间客房、<br>数套独立小院和公共空间,让客人有独特的休闲体验。<br>花筑奢·兰庭<br>Huazhushe Lanting<br>【皖美金牌民宿】 合肥市<br>庐江县<br>汤池镇三冲村<br>15375468032<br>20 间客房<br>81<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>Secluded in the mountains and waters, with abundant ecological tourism <br>resources, this homestay represents a harmonious integration of modern <br>comfort and architecture with ancient charm. The landscaping and <br>buildings are designed with full consideration of local features. This B&B is <br>arranged in a four-row pattern, each row having a unique name, i.e. Yingyi <br>(welcoming the dawn), Rujing (entering the landscape), Queqi (rising of <br>the early birds), and Guiyi (returning of the buds). At present, there are <br>20 guest rooms, several individual courtyards and some common areas, <br>providing travelers with a unique leisure experience.


82 聚星粮驿 1953 包含莫上隐、大乐之野、未迟三大品牌民宿,<br>内有鹿鸣剧场、星空营地、小型音乐厅、阅读空间等业态,设<br>有温泉、泳池、游乐园等娱乐设施,为您提供一个高品位的乡<br>村旅游体验区。<br>聚星粮驿 1953<br>Fexi County Juxing Liangyi 1953<br>合肥市<br>肥西县<br>铭传乡<br>19314111953<br>58 间客房<br>【皖美金牌民宿】<br>82 \"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>This complex boasts three major brands of homestay facilities: Moshangyin, Dalezhiye <br>and Weichi. It has multiple business operations, such as a theater called Luming <br>(Deer Bleat), a star-gazing campsite, a small music hall, and a reading room. Other <br>recreational facilities include spa rooms, a swimming pool, and an amusement park. <br>This is truly a high-quality rural tourism experience area for you to enjoy.<br>


83<br>农场里有 100 多亩的浆果园和菜地、数十亩牧场、花园民宿、<br>露营地、游乐园,是都市人亲近自然、回归田园的治愈之所,<br>让您暂别人世纷扰,走入梦幻般的童话世界,享受诗意、<br>放松、爱与欢乐。<br>风之谷自然农场<br>Fengzhigu Farm <br>【皖美金牌民宿】 合肥市<br>肥西县<br>紫蓬山管委会<br>0551-68351027<br>8 间客房<br>83<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>This farm has over 100 mu of berry and vegetable fields and several dozen mu <br>of pastures. It also has a garden-style B&B, a campground, and an amusement <br>park. This is a relaxing place for city people to experience an idyllic life close to <br>nature, allowing them to temporarily escape from the fast rhythm of big cities and <br>enter a dreamlike wonderland to enjoy the poetic atmosphere, relaxation, love <br>and joy.


84 民宿利用村里闲置资产打造以体育社交<br>为主题的乡村振兴项目,民宿内围炉煮<br>茶、烧烤篝火、户外 K 歌、露天电影、<br>田野露营、手工研学、乡村采摘等娱乐<br>项目一应俱全,提供“吃、住、行、游、<br>娱、购”一条龙服务。<br>凤栖梧<br>Fengqiwu<br>【皖美金牌民宿】<br>合肥市<br>巢湖市<br>烔炀镇凤凰村<br>19942413437<br>43 间客房<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>After leveraging the value of some vacant houses and construction land, and <br>drawing on local resources of tourism, agriculture and the “red” tradition, this <br>homestay is developing facilities and amenities for Party history awareness <br>training, corporate team building, family study tours, outdoor sports events, <br>sport-themed networking activities, theater performances, local produce <br>sales, live-streaming e-commerce and other items of agricultural cultural <br>tourism. In addition to conference and sports facilities, it can provide 50-<br>80 people with services of catering, accommodation, travel arrangement, <br>education, and sports events.<br>


85<br>合肥市<br>长丰县杜集镇<br>杜集社区<br>18556351578<br>14 间客房<br>庄园总面积 122 亩,建有民宿、小型展馆、休闲书吧、小型餐<br>厅等。附近有五七干校、生态鸟岛、万亩桃园及水库。庄园致<br>力于为宾客提供健康养生、文化交流、户外休闲的体验平台。<br>我的庄园<br>Wode Zhuangyuan<br>【皖美金牌民宿】<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>This manor covers a total area of 122 mu and has a homestay facility, a small museum, <br>a recreational book bar, and a small restaurant. Nearby, there is a May Seventh Cadre <br>School (official training school), an eco-friendly bird island, a peach garden covering <br>10,000 mu, and a reservoir. This manor is committed to providing a platform for tourists <br>to experience health preservation, cultural exchange, and outdoor leisure.


86 小岭南静卧于蜀山之下,以商务休闲、餐饮、培<br>训、康养、传统农耕文化为主题,通过返租部分<br>村镇老宅,保留原生态乡村风貌,打造特色休闲<br>康养区及创新创业地,复兴“合肥之源”和古运<br>河遗址的文化脉络。<br>小岭南<br>Xiaolingnan<br>【皖美金牌民宿】<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>Xiaolingnan quietly nestles at the foot of Mt. Shushan and provides <br>a leisure atmosphere for business, catering, education, health <br>preservation, and traditional agriculture-themed culture study. In <br>order to preserve the original rural appearance, and by renting out <br>part of its historic village dwellings, this homestay has created a <br>characteristic area for leisure activities and health improvement; <br>it has also become a venue for innovation and entrepreneurship, <br>having revived the cultural heritage of the \"Source of Hefei\" and <br>the ancient canal site.<br>


87<br>合肥市<br>蜀山区小庙镇<br>小岭南<br>19314046960<br>13 间客房<br>合肥市<br>包河区<br>滨投有限公司<br>0551-64217777<br>128 间客房<br>圩美宿集东临南淝河,南望巢湖,利用磨滩的村庄<br>机理和自然资源,充分挖掘大圩的文化特点,打造<br>保留当地特色的“渔舟、泊樵、归耕、悦读、茶言”<br>文化生态旅游民宿集群。同时提供市集、美术馆、<br>图书馆、音乐草地、泳池、露营地等完善配套。<br>圩美宿集<br>Weimei Suji<br>【皖美金牌民宿】<br>\"Perfection of Anhui\" Gold Medal Homestay<br>Facing the Nanfei River to the east and Chaohu Lake to the south, Weimei <br>Suji takes advantage of the geographic fabric of Motan Village and natural <br>resources, and fully explores the cultural characteristics of Dawei Township <br>to create a homestay cluster for cultural and ecological tourism that <br>preserves local features such as fishing boats, log rafts, returning farmers, <br>happy reading people, and tea drinking. At the same time, it also provides <br>amicable supporting facilities such as a market, an art gallery, a library, a <br>music lawn, a swimming pool, and a campground.


88 酒店名称 地址 电话<br>1 合肥古井假日酒店 ★★★★★ 合肥市长江东路 1104 号 0551-62206666<br>2 合肥恒悦国际外商俱乐部酒店有限公司 ★★★★★ 合肥市高新区科学大道 83 号 0551-62229888<br>3 天鹅湖大酒店 ★★★★★ 合肥市政务区东流路 888 号 0551-63536666<br>4 安徽元一大酒店有限公司 ★★★★★ 合肥市胜利路 198 号 0551-62808888<br>5 合肥泓瑞金陵大酒店 ★★★★★ 合肥市政务新区祁门路 1799 号 0551-62266666<br>6 合肥两淮天鹅湖大酒店有限公司 ★★★★★ 合肥市高新区科学大道 6 号 0551-65848888<br>7 安徽省世纪金源大饭店管理有限公司 ★★★★★ 合肥市滨湖新区徽州大道 5558 号 0551-66868888<br>8 合肥富力威斯汀酒店 ★★★★★ 合肥市马鞍山路 150 号 0551-62989888<br>9 合肥港荣酒店管理有限公司新站利港喜来登酒店 <br>★★★★★ 合肥市铜陵北路 1666 号 0551-62969999<br>10 安徽高速开元国际大酒店 ★★★★★ 合肥市蜀山区合作化南路 88 号 0551-65189888<br>11 合肥辰茂和平酒店有限公司 ★★★★ 合肥市徽州大道 239 号 0551-62282503<br>12 安徽饭店 ★★★★ 合肥市梅山路 18 号 0551-62218175<br>13 安徽金环大酒店有限公司 ★★★★ 合肥市包河区屯溪路 528 号 0551-62210888<br>14 安徽安港大酒店有限责任公司良苑酒店分公司 <br>★★★★ 合肥市芜湖路 319 号 0551-62288888<br>15 安徽金孔雀温泉旅游度假村有限公司 ★★★★ 合肥市庐江县汤池镇滨河路 0551-87085622<br>16 安徽明生电力发展集团有限公司<br>康源综合服务分公司 ★★★★ 合肥市淝河路 800 号 0551-63604888-<br>8688<br>17 安徽银瑞林国际大酒店 ★★★★ 合肥市阜阳北路 16 号 0551-65669999<br>18 合肥海汇假日酒店有限公司 ★★★★ 合肥市明光路 6 号 0551-62268888<br>19 安徽黄山大厦酒店投资发展有限公司<br>黄山大厦城市酒店 ★★★★ 合肥市长江中路 111 号 0551-62220888<br>20 安徽安港大酒店有限责任公司徽苑酒店分公司 <br>★★★★ 合肥市蜀山区潜山北路 432 号 0551-62806399<br>21 安徽鸿福置业有限公司鸿福大酒店 ★★★★ 安徽省合肥市庐江县<br>文昌西路 199 号 0551-87388888<br>22 安徽栢景假日酒店 ★★★★ 合肥市濉溪路 118 号 0551-62299999<br>23 安徽省皖能大厦有限责任公司 ★★★★ 合肥市马鞍山路 99 号 0551-62225588<br>24 安徽麦肯希酒店投资管理有限公司 ★★★★ 安徽省合肥市金寨南路 88 号 0551-68328888<br>25 安徽安港大酒店有限责任公司 ★★★★ 合肥市芜湖路 273 号 0551-62288999<br>26 合肥凯悦逸扉酒店 ★★★★ 合肥市经开区丹霞路 2668 号 0551-62957777<br>合肥市星级饭店一览表<br>List of star hotels in Hefei<br>88<br>(Part)<br>(部分)


89<br>Hotel name address Telephone <br>number<br>1 Hefei Gujing Holiday Inn ★★★★★ 1104 Changjiang East Road, Hefei City 0551-62206666<br>2 Grand Hotel Overseas Traders Club Hefei<br>★★★★★ 83 Kexue Dadao, High-tech Zone, Hefei 0551-62229888<br>3 Swan Lake Hotel ★★★★★ 888 Dongliu Lu, Hefei Zhengwu New Area 0551-63536666<br>4 Hilton Hefei ★★★★★ 198 Shengli Lu, Hefei 0551-62808888<br>5 Hongrui Jinling Hotel Hefei ★★★★★ 1799 Qimen Lu, Hefei Zhengwu New Area 0551-62266666<br>6 Lianghuai Swan Lake Hotel Hefei ★★★★★ 6 Kexue Dadao, High-tech Zone, Hefei 0551-65848888<br>7 Empark Grand Hote ★★★★★ 5558 Huizhou Dadao, Binhu New Area, Hefei 0551-66868888<br>8 The Westin Hefei ★★★★★ 150 Ma'anshan Lu, Hefei 0551-62989888<br>9 Sheraton Hefei Xinzhan Hotel ★★★★★ 1666 Tongling Beilu, Hefei 0551-62969999<br>10 Gaosu New Century International Hotel Anhui <br>★★★★★ 88 Hezuohua Nanlu, Shushan District 0551-65189888<br>11 Excemon Hefei Peace Hotel ★★★★ 239 Huizhou Dadao, Hefei 0551-62282503<br>12 Anhui Hotel ★★★★ 18 Meishan Lu, Hefei 0551-62218175<br>13 Anhui Jinhuan Hotel ★★★★ 528 Tunxi Lu, Baohe District 0551-62210888<br>14 An Gang Liang Yuan Hotel ★★★★ 319 Wuhu Lu, Hefei 0551-62288888<br>15 Anhui Golden Peacock Hot Spring Resort ★★★★ Binhe Lu, Tangchi Town, Lujiang County 0551-87085622<br>16 Kang Yuan Hotel ★★★★ 800 Feihe Lu, Hefei 0551-63604888-<br>8688<br>17 Anhui Yinruilin International Hotel ★★★★ 16 Fuyang Beilu, Hefei 0551-65669999<br>18 Haihui Hotel ★★★★ 6 Mingguang Lu, Hefei 0551-62268888<br>19 Huangshan Hotel ★★★★ 111 Changjiang Zhonglu, Hefei 0551-62220888<br>20 An Gang Hui Yuan Hotel ★★★★ 432 Qianshan Beilu, Shushan District 0551-62806399<br>21 Hongfu Hotel ★★★★ 199 Wenchang Xilu, Lujiang County 0551-87388888<br>22 Parkview Hotel ★★★★ 118 Suixi Lu, Hefei 0551-62299999<br>23 Wanneng Hotel ★★★★ 99 Ma'anshan Lu, Hefei 0551-62225588<br>24 Macrosea Hotel ★★★★ 88 Jinzhai Nanlu, Hefei 0551-68328888<br>25 An Gang Hotel ★★★★ 273 Wuhu Lu, Hefei 0551-62288999<br>26 Ur Cove by Hyatt ★★★★ 2668 Danxia Lu, Hefei Economic and <br>Technological Development Area 0551-62957777<br>


90 03 Dining in Hefei


91<br>食在合肥<br>  合肥,承载着味蕾记忆,延续着美食文化。汇聚<br>江淮饮食风味,各地老字号名吃品种繁多,形成了丰<br>富多彩、风味独特的庐州美食文化。<br>  合肥人爱吃,合肥人更会吃。在这里,每一道美<br>食都是对合肥这座城市的独特诠释。合肥小龙虾、庐<br>州烤鸭、肥西老母鸡汤 ...... 每样尝一点,欣喜地领略<br>庐州美食文化的博大精深。一方美食成就一方“文化<br>传承”,这就是地道的美味合肥。<br>Hefei carries the memories of your taste buds and extends our <br>gastronomical traditions. It has gathered a variety of flavors from <br>the Jianghuai region in Anhui and boasts a wide range of famous <br>dishes conjured up in many time-honored restaurants. As a result, <br>Hefei has developed a rich and unique gourmet culture.<br>Hefei people love food and are good at enjoying delicacies. Here, <br>every dish is a unique interpretation of the city. There are Hefei <br>crayfish, Luzhou roast duck, Feixi rural chicken soup and more. Try <br>a small bite of each to experience the city's rich and deep culinary <br>culture. As the saying goes, the food of a town is its integral part <br>of the cultural heritage. During your visit, you can surely find the \"authentic and delicious Hefei\".


92 Sanhe Mijiao<br>(rice dumplings)三河米饺<br>


93吴山贡鹅<br>Wushan Gong’e <br>(pot-stewed goose used as a <br>tribute to emperors in history)<br>Feidong Loach <br>Noodles<br>肥东泥鳅挂面<br>Feixi Country <br>Chicken Soup<br>肥西老母鸡汤<br>Shitang Lyuba <br>(chunk donkey meat)<br>石塘驴巴<br>93


94 下塘烧饼Xiatang Shaobing<br>(baked cake in stove)<br>庄王贡圆(庄墓圆子)<br>Zhuangwang Gongyuan<br>also known as Zhuangmu Yuanz <br>(meat-stuffed ball)<br>


95合肥小龙虾<br>Hefei crayfish<br> Luzhou Duck<br>Oil Shaobing<br> (baked cake in griddle)<br>庐州鸭油烧饼<br>Li Hongzhang<br>Hodgepodge 李鸿章大杂烩


96 淮军大渣肉包公无私藕圆96 Lord Bao Wusi Ouyuan<br>(the main ingredient of this ball is lotus <br>root with less filament, which is used <br>to honor Lord Bao for his selflessness. <br>In Chinese, “without filament” and <br>“selflessness” are homophones)<br>Huai Army's Steamed <br>Pork with Rice


97三河小炒<br>97巢湖虾糊<br>Sanhe Xiaochao<br> (assorted stir-fried dish)<br>Chaohu Shrimp Congee<br>


98 04 The souvenirs here embody thousands of years of folk customs of Hefei – ideal <br>to enrich your travel experience and jog up your memories afterwards.<br>Souvenirs from Hefei are the emotional links between tourists and the city, and <br>they represent Hefei's warmth and dedication to you. Excellent souvenirs reflect <br>the local culture and help enhance the visibility of tourist destinations and <br>promote the overall development of local tourism industry.<br>Hefei is a millennium city with flourishing cultural heritage. Merchandise from <br>the city will not only help you better understand its charm here and now but also <br>serve as a long-lasting reminder of your tour later.<br>Shopping in Hefei


99<br>购<br>在<br>合<br>肥<br>  合肥礼物浓缩着合肥最地道的民俗风情,沉淀着一次旅游的记忆。<br>  合肥礼物是牵动游客和合肥之间的情感联系,表达合肥对游客最深的<br>心意。优秀的礼品不仅反映当地的文化,还有助于扩大旅游地知名度,推<br>动当地旅游产业的整体发展。<br>  合肥,千年名城,文韵鼎盛。精致创意的文化旅游礼品,让游客在合<br>肥游玩之时,感受合肥的记忆和魅力。<br>


100 “合肥有礼”商城<br>“合肥有礼”商城作为合肥市推广特色地产品消费场景<br>的重要项目,是充分展现“合肥产”“合肥造”的重要<br>载体、提高合肥品牌影响力的重要手段。“合肥有礼”<br>商城依托“和悦游”微信小程序,目前商城已入驻洽洽<br>食品、荣电集团、华米科技、老乡鸡等本地优秀企业;<br>近期还上线了文创雪糕、新四大名点 mini 包、“HE 包<br>鼓鼓”文创帆布包、“合肥地标幸运数字”手机壳等一<br>批具有合肥元素的本土旅游文创产品。<br>The online mall \"Souvenirs of Hefei\" is a key project to promote the <br>consumption of Hefei's characteristic products, an important carrier to fully <br>showcase Hefei's products and specialties, and an important means to <br>enhance the image of Hefei's product brands. The online mall, based on the <br>WeChat mini-program Heyueyou (Happy Tour), has successfully introduced <br>such excellent local enterprises as Qiaqia Food Co Ltd, Rong Dian Group, <br>Huami Technology and Laoxiangji (a country chicken company). Recently, a <br>number of local tourism cultural and creative products with distinctive Hefei <br>elements have been launched online, including \"cultural and creative\" ice <br>cream, four famous Hefei snacks in mini packages, \"HE Baogugu\" brand <br>canvas bags, and mobile phone cases with \"Hefei landmark lucky numbers\".<br>Online Mall “Souvenirs of Hefei”<br>合肥有礼商城<br>100
