对话全球市长Dialogue to Global Mayors 2014.01

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对话全球市长Dialogue to Global Mayors 2014.01

GREEN FOOTPRINT · 绿 色 足 迹 The first cycle also began the process of integrating FSDS goals and targets into strategic environmental assessments (SEAs), enabling the strategy to support decision makers in becoming aware of the potential impact of federal decision making on the environmental issues that matter most to the Government of Canada and to Canadians.·Key Principles that Guide Us AllThe Federal Sustainable Development Act defines sustainable development as \"developm... [收起]
对话全球市长Dialogue to Global Mayors 2014.01
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The first cycle also began the process of

integrating FSDS goals and targets into

strategic environmental assessments

(SEAs), enabling the strategy to support

decision makers in becoming aware of the

potential impact of federal decision making

on the environmental issues that matter

most to the Government of Canada and to


·Key Principles that Guide Us All

The Federal Sustainable Development

Act defines sustainable development as

\"development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of

future generations to meet their own needs\".

The Act acknowledges the foundational

importance of the precautionary principle

in achieving sustainable development.

This principle holds that where there are

threats of serious or irreversible damage,

lack of full scientific certainty shall not be

used as a reason for postponing costeffective measures to prevent environmental

d e g r a d a t i o n . T h e F S D S s u p p o r t s

and reflects the federal government's

commitment to this principle.

The Government of Canada's

S u s t a i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t


·Tr a n s p a r e n c y a n d S u s t a i n a b l e


In 2008, the Government of Canada took

an important step on the path towards a

sustainable future with the passage of the

Federal Sustainable Development Act.

The Act's purpose is \"to provide the legal

framework for developing and implementing

a Federal Sustainable Development Strategy

(FSDS) that will make environmental

decision-making more transparent and

accountable to Parliament\".

Passing the Act signalled a change in how

the Government of Canada would fulfill its

commitment to sustainable development.

The Act requires one comprehensive

FSDS representing all of government, with

Departmental Sustainable Development

Strategies (DSDSs) contributing to its

objectives. The first cycle of the FSDS

covering the period 2010–13, was tabled

in Parliament on October 6, 2010. It

provided three key improvements over

previous federal sustainable development


1. An integrated, whole-of-government

picture of actions and results to achieve

environmental sustainability;

2. A link between sustainable development

planning and reporting and the government's

core planning and reporting processes;

3. Effective measurement, monitoring and

reporting in order to track and report on

progress to Canadians.




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Much of the success to date in bringing

sustainable development issues into the

government's overall decision making

comes as a result of incorporating the FSDS

into the government's core planning and

reporting processes. During the first threeyear FSDS cycle, annual Reports on Plans

and Priorities and the websites of each

federal department and agency incorporated

elements of the FSDS. The FSDS also

integrated Clean Air Agenda (CAA) reporting

into annual DSDSs, and highlights CAA

activities in FSDS progress reporting.

To achieve the government's commitment

to effective measurement, monitoring and

reporting in order to track and report on

progress to Canadians, two FSDS progress

reports have been produced. The 2011

FSDS Progress Report focused on progress

made on setting up the systems needed

to implement the FSDS. It also laid the

foundation for future reporting by including

indicators that would be used to track

progress of the 2010–13 FSDS.

The 2012 FSDS Progress Report highlights

the progress of 27 departments and

agencies towards the goals and targets

set out in the 2010–13 FSDS. It provides

Parliamentarians and Canadians with

a whole-of-government picture of the

contributions of the federal government to

environmental sustainability. As the first

substantive report on the first cycle of the

FSDS, it establishes the starting point for

future cycles of the FSDSand progress

reports. The Canadian Environmental

Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program,

now a permanent feature of environmental

reporting, significantly expanded its scope

to provide more than 40 indicators that

measure progress towards the goals and

targets of the FSDS.

The Act also states that \"the Government

of Canada accepts the basic principle that

sustainable development is based on an

ecologically efficient use of natural, social

and economic resources.\" The government's

approach to sustainable development

therefore reflects a commitment to

minimizing the environmental impacts

of its policies and operations as well as

maximizing the efficient use of natural

resources and other goods and services.

·What We Have Done to Date

Much has been accomplished since

tabling the first FSDS in 2010. The FSDS

presents a whole-of-government view of

environmental priorities at the federal level,

with goals, targets and implementation

strategies across 33 departments and

agencies. With the tabling of the 2010–13

FSDS, Canadians had for the first time, in

one place, comprehensive information on

activities across the federal government that

contribute to environmental sustainability.

This view has helped bring coherence

both to Canada's domestic policy and to

its engagement with international partners

on sustainable development. It has also

provided departments and agencies

with policy context for their sustainable

development and other initiatives.



Products Association of Canada have their

sustainable forest management practices

certified by third-party authorities, which

benefits Canada's ecosystems as well as

the reputation of Canada's forest sector in

international markets.

The federal actions found in this FSDS also

complement initiatives by other Canadian

jurisdictions. Recognizing that responsibility

for environmental sustainability is shared

a m o n g t h e f e d e r a l , p r o v i n c i a l a n d

territorial governments, the FSDS focuses

specifically on federal actions towards

national environmental outcomes, while

acknowledging that other governments also

contribute significantly to their achievement.

Individual Canadians also have a role

to play in achieving environmental

sustainability objectives. For example,

individual choices to use lower-emission

modes of transportation more often, install

energy- and water-saving appliances,

reduce household pesticide and fertilizer

use, and enjoy protected areas responsibly

can contribute to achieving FSDS goals and





One example of an area that uses CESI

is Sustainable Forest Management. The

Sustainability of Timber Harvest indicator,

maintained by the Canadian Forest Service

and reported by CESI, portrays the annual

harvest of timber relative to the level of

harvest that is deemed to be sustainable.

The indicator provides a national context for

forest managers planning for harvest levels

that will not affect the long-term sustainability

of the forest resource. Sustainable forest

management means ensuring that forests

provide a broad range of goods and services

over the long term.

Figure 2 outlines the Government of

Canada's progress to date on sustainable

development strategies.

·Working Together

Federal actions to achieve environmental

sustainability are complemented by

private sector initiatives that are realizing

synergies between the environment and

the economy. For example, Canada's Oil

Sands Innovation Alliance brings companies

together to accelerate innovation and

improve environmental performance through

collaboration. Members of the Forest




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As wind energy continues to be deployed throughout the United Kingdom (U.K.), GE

announced it is providing two new wind farms in central England with more than 40

megawatts (MW) of installed capacity. GE has supplied the Chelveston Wind Farm with

nine GE 2.85 MW wind turbines and will deliver nine GE 1.6 MW wind turbines to the Burton

Wold wind farm extension in Kettering. Two wind farms will provide power equivalent to

the required energy needs of approximately 30,000 homes in the region. Orders highlight

GE's presence in the United Kingdom and GE's commitment to wind energy throughout the


整个英国都在继续发展风能,通用电气宣布正在为英格兰中部的两个风电场提供超过 40 兆瓦

的风电装机容量。通用电气为 Chelveston 风电场提供 9 台 2.85 兆瓦的风力涡轮机,为位于

Kettering 的 Burton Wold 风电分场提供 9 台 1.6 兆瓦的风力涡轮机。这两个风电场的发电

量可为该地区 3 万户家庭供电。这一订单彰显出通用电气在英国的地位,同时也表明了通用




wind turbines to Wykes Engineering Ltd.,

one of the leading design, engineering and

manufacturing companies. The wind farm

was commissioned in September 2013

and entered full operation in October 2013.

The Chelveston Wind Farm is part of the

Chelveston Renewable Energy Park, which

was formerly a Ministry of Defense bomber

base throughout World War II and the Cold

War and later a radio-mast transmitter site

until 2005. The renewable energy park

also consists of biomass plants, biofuel

generators and solar photovoltaic arrays,

which are currently being installed.

\"The Chelveston Renewable Energy Park

is committed to cleaner sources of energy

and we chose GE's efficient wind turbines

due to the machines' ability to capture more

energy. When you combine the power to

be generated by the wind turbines with the

energy from the biomass plant and the biofueled generators, the facility will be able to

provide an estimated annual 109,000 MWh

of renewable electricity sufficient for 27,500

households and offsetting some 47,000

tons a year of CO2 emissions from power

stations,\" said Wykes Engineering Ltd.

The Burton Wold wind farm extension will

provide 14.4 MW of power, which would be

equivalent to the required energy needs of

more than 11,000 homes in the region. John

Laing is the owner of the project, and the

plans were developed by First Renewable

Ltd. John Laing will build, own and operate

the wind farm.

\"GE's 1.6-100 wind turbines are the right

machines for the Burton Wold wind farm

extension due to their ability to enhance

energy efficiency. This latest project is an

exciting addition to the John Laing portfolio

of investments in the onshore wind sector


energy continues to be deployed throughout

the United Kingdom (U.K.), GE (NYSE:

GE) today announced it is providing two

new wind farms in central England with

more than 40 megawatts (MW) of installed

capacity. GE has supplied the Chelveston

Wind Farm with nine GE 2.85 MW wind

turbines and will deliver nine GE 1.6 MW

wind turbines to the Burton Wold wind farm

extension in Kettering.

As a member of the European Union (EU),

the U.K. is required to meet the EU 20/20

target of having 20 percent renewable

energy generation by the year 2020. The

Chelveston Wind Farm and the Burton Wold

wind farm extension are located within 15

miles of each other and together, the more

than 40 MW would be equivalent to the

required energy needs of approximately

30,000 homes in the region. To date, GE

has supplied or is under contract to supply

more than 163.10 MWs of wind turbines to

the U.K.

The Chelveston Wind Farm will provide

25.65 MW of power to the grid, which would

be equivalent to the required energy needs

of more than 18,000 homes in the region.

GE already has supplied the nine 2.85-MW




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operations with those of its chosen partners

and the project supply chain, it has built

an enviable reputation as a market leader

in privately financed infrastructure. John

Laing's key target sectors include renewable

energy, waste, accommodation, health and

transport, focusing on markets in the U.K.,

Continental Europe, North America and the

Asia Pacific region.http://www.laing.com.

About GE

GE (NYSE: GE) works on things that matter.

The best people and the best technologies

taking on the toughest challenges. Finding

solutions in energy, health and home,

and is part of our commitment to deliver

cleaner, renewable electricity to communities

across the United Kingdom,\" said Ross

McArthur, managing director of renewable

energy, John Laing.

The developers and owners of both the

Chelveston Wind Farm and the Burton Wold

wind farm extension worked closely with

local authorities and interested parties to

ensure that the most efficient equipment

solutions could be deployed and to bring the

projects to fruition.

\"The orders for wind turbines for both the

Chelveston Wind Farm and Burton Wold

wind farm extension not only underscore

the rapid growth of wind energy in the

United Kingdom, but also are indicative of

GE's commitment to providing renewable

energy in the region and throughout Europe.

Today's announcements highlighted GE's

expanding presence in the United Kingdom,\"

said Cliff Harris, general manager for GE's

European renewable energy business.

GE also will support the Chelveston Wind

Farm and the Burton Wold wind farm

extension's long-term availability through

service and maintenance agreements, which

include remote monitoring and local support.

GE's wind service solutions increase

turbine reliability and availability, reducing

down turbine time and improving lifetime


About John Laing

John Laing plc is a specialist investor in,

and manager of, infrastructure assets in

the U.K. and internationally, principally for

the public sector. By combining its skill

in the management of development risk,

project financing, asset management and



and nuclear energy. The business also

develops advanced technologies to help

solve the world's most complex challenges

related to water availability and quality.

Power & Water's six business units include

Distributed Power, Nuclear Energy, Power

Generation Products, Power Generation

Services, Renewable Energy and Water &

Process Technologies. Headquartered in

Schenectady, N.Y., Power & Water is GE's

largest industrial business.




transportation and finance. Building,

powering, moving and curing the world. Not

just imagining. Doing. GE works. For more

information, visit the company's website


About GE Power & Water

GE Power & Water provides customers with

a broad array of power generation, energy

delivery and water process technologies

to solve their challenges locally. Power

& Water works in all areas of the energy

industry including renewable resources

such as wind and solar; biogas and

alternative fuels; and coal, oil, natural gas




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By Chris Topham, Abtec Group.

作者:Chris Topham,,Abtec Group

Covering over 6,300 square metres, The Crystal is a unique, all-electric building in the

heart of London’s Green Enterprise District. The building is both an exhibition centre and a

working office for Siemens. It represents Siemens’ expertise in building the technology for

sustainable cities and communities for the future. Using solar power and ground source heat

pumps to generate its own energy, it has set the benchmark for sustainability. The building

is the first to achieve the highest sustainable building accolades from the world’s two leading

accreditation bodies, LEED and BREEAM.

The Crystal 坐落在伦敦绿色企业商区,是一个总面积达 6300 平方米、独特的的全电子建筑物。


设领域的技术专长。通过使用太阳能和底下供热系统来提供能量,The Crystal 已经为建筑的

可持续性树立了标杆。此建筑已经率先获得 LEED 和 BREEAM 国际两大可持续建筑认证机




the technology for sustainable cities and

communities for the future. Using solar

power and ground source heat pumps

to generate its own energy, it has set the

benchmark for sustainability. The building is

the first to achieve the highest sustainable

building accolades from the world’s two

leading accreditation bodies, LEED and


A b t e c B u i l d i n g Te c h n o l o g i e s w a s

commissioned to manage the KNX

infrastructure by Building Automation

Solutions Ltd (BAS) in February 2012.

The Brief

B u i l d i n g m a n a g e m e n t a n d c o n t r o l

technologies were to play a vital part in

reducing the building’s energy consumption.

The Crystal has over 2,500 individual

building control devices including window

and blind actuators, HVAC controls, and

lighting devices.

Dave Watkins, Commercial Director, Abtec

Building Technologies, explains “The Crystal

project was a very ambitious build. There

are very few projects with this volume of

connected building control devices.”

Dave Watkins, Commercial Director of Abtec

Building Technologies.

The building is both and exhibition centre and a

working office for Siemens.

The project presented Abtec with several

challenges. “We had three main challenges,”

explains Watkins, “First, managing the

deployment of KNX devices; second,

converging the KNX and corporate IP

network; and third, device interoperability.

Covering over 6,300 square metres, The

Crystal, a sustainable cities initiative by

Siemens, is a unique, all-electric building

in the heart of London’s Green Enterprise


The building is both an exhibition centre

and a working office for Siemens. It

represents Siemens’ expertise in building




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• Weather station

• Comfort sensors

Even though KNX operates using a

decentralised infrastructure as each KNX

device is embedded with intelligence, there

was a need for the devices to integrate with

a Building Management System (BMS).

Devices would need to broadcast their state

to, and receive commands from, the BMS,

such as dimming the current lighting state

by 20%.

Dimming of The Crystal’s lighting is controlled by

the BMS.

Challenge One: Controlling the


As with most large-build projects, there

were many mechanical and electrical

(M&E) subcontractors working on individual

elements of the project. Watkins quickly

realised that the traditional way of working,

with each contractor installing their devices

and then leaving the project, would cause

problems. “The building controls and KNX

infrastructure were at the centre of the M&E

elements of the project. We needed to coordinate and manage how contractors

connected to the KNX database, otherwise

major delays could have occurred.”

Watkins and his team worked closely with

the individual subcontractors. He got them

These devices create the highest levels

of energy efficiency when connected and

working together, but managing such a large

number of devices would take expert IT and

KNX knowledge, as well as good project

management skills.

The Challenges

The project presented Abtec with several

challenges. “We had three main challenges,”

explains Watkins, “First, managing the

deployment of KNX devices; second,

converging the KNX and corporate IP

network; and third, device interoperability.”

The Crystal contains over 2,500 KNX building

control devices.

The database of connected devices


• DALI lighting controllers

• HVAC controllers




• Actuators

- Blinds

- Windows

- Roof vents

- Trench heating

• Wall switches

• Setpoint adjusters

• Exhibition lighting

• AV system interfaces

• Fire alarm interfaces

• Occupancy detectors



to send their devices to Abtec’s laboratories

in Leicestershire, before installation. Liaising

with the subcontractors, the team preconfigured each device and allocated a KNX

address. These devices were then sent to

The Crystal, ready for installation.

“There was a bit of reticence from the

contractors to start with,” Watkins continue,

“but once we’d explained that this method

would save time and repeat visits to The

Crystal they quickly bought into the idea.”

Abtec’s project management skills ensured

that there was an industrious production

line of activity. Phil Peer, Project Manager,

Abtec Building Technologies, comments “We

used ETS4 to configure and download the

application program into each device. It was

a huge task – by the launch we were on the

25th iteration of the project plan.”

This plan was executed effectively, and the

devices were installed and commissioned on

time. Andy Chandler, Technology Manager

at Siemens UK, notes, “I was impressed with

the way the team put the KNX database at

the heart of the project. This saved precious

time and resource.”

Challenge Two: Networking


Another unusual aspect of the project

was the connection between the KNX

devices and the BMS. In a traditional KNX

environment, the building would have a

hardwired KNX network that would connect

to a discrete, dedicated IP network. In this

project, the KNX infrastructure would share

Siemens’ corporate IP network.

“It’s a configuration that is becoming

increasingly popular,” Watkins explains,

“We are seeing more KNX projects utilise

the client’s IP network. It’s definitely the

way forward as it cuts costs for both the

contractor and end user.”

Abtec converged its KNX network with Siemen’s

corporate IP network.

Converging those networks would create

considerable challenges for many KNX

integrators, but Abtec has a unique

advantage in that the company’s sister

organisation, Abtec Network Systems, is an

IP networking specialist and often works with

KNX integrators. Its recent projects include

deploying the IT infrastructure for National

Grid’s new, award-winning offices.

“The biggest risk in using the corporate

network was KNX itself. We didn’t want it

multicasting telegrams over the IP network

as this would clog up the IP network,

causing chaos” says Watkins.

Detailed network control was required, so,

using its Cisco expertise, the Abtec Network

Systems’ team devised a way of partitioning

Siemens’ corporate LAN. Segmenting

the LAN, using the Cisco VLAN Trunking

Protocol, would mean that both sets of

data, KNX and corporate, would travel over

the network without interference. It’s as if

the virtual LANs (VLANs) were physically

separate networks.




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“This presented some interesting issues,”

explains Greene, “The touchscreen and

smartphones are IP devices, the blinds

are KNX and the lighting is DALI over

KNX. I had to make sure that they could

communicate with each other. The second

issue was that the boardroom is one room

in a sophisticated infrastructure. I needed

absolute control of the network as I didn’t

want to overload the KNX bus.”

To add to this complexity the touchscreen

would display outdoor temperature and

humidity levels. This information would be

supplied to the device through a BACnet

network. The potential security risk here is

that both the corporate and BMS network

could be open to abuse, if configured


Greene instigated a workshop with

Andreas Schirm of Siemens Switzerland

Ltd, and BAS. Together they could test

the interoperability between Schirm’s

touchscreen, BAS’ BACnet IP network

and Abtec’s KNX IP network. At Abtec’s

laboratories, Greene built a series of VLAN

networks, replicating the infrastructure at

The Crystal. After rigorously testing several

ideas, Greene was satisfied that he had

found an acceptable solution.

“The start of this solution was installing

two virtual network interface points into

the touchscreen,” says Greene. Creating

several VLANs for KNX and BACnet,

using Cisco routers, would enable traffic

to connect with the touchscreen securely.

The touchscreen could interact with each

protocol independently, mitigating some of

the security risks. “I tested the networks,

checking for penetration opportunities and

points of failure, paying close attention to

wireless access points. With appropriate

Abtec Network Systems worked closely with

Atos UK & Ireland, which manages Siemens’

data network. Giving Atos the necessary

configuration details, it directed Atos to

create the VLANs, as creating VLANs was

the most secure way to tackle this issue.

The exhibition centre’s DALI dimmed according

to daylight levels.

Challenge Three: Device and

Network Interoperability

The final challenge was the large amount

of data that was required to flow from one

protocol to another. Ensuring that these

discrete protocols communicate with each

other was a challenge that Duncan Greene,

Abtec KNX Project Engineer, tackled.

The device interoperability challenge is best

exemplified with The Crystal’s boardroom.

The 150m2 room contains 117 DALI LED

and fluorescent light fittings, and five floorascending blinds. The KNX database for this

room alone was more complex than many

typical projects. The real challenge came

when Abtec learnt how the client wanted

to control the room’s lighting and blinds.

First, via an IP touchscreen situated in the

boardroom, and second, via a smartphonecompatible website that would be accessible

wirelessly from the corporate network.



network security measures, I managed to

harden the networks, locking them down

with no detrimental effect to the traffic on the


Greene’s testing enabled Abtec to create a

blueprint for the IP and KNX network design,

which Atos duly implemented. Siemens’

employees now have full control over the

environment in the boardroom, which should

lead to more productive meetings.

The auditorium’s lighting scenes can be

configured by tablet.

“The Crystal is a showcase for new

technologies,” comments Andreas Schirm.

“I was impressed with the way that Abtec

tackled the challenges that these new

technologies produced. My expertise is in

KNX, not IP devices. I was really impressed

with Duncan’s KNX and IP knowledge and

the way he broke the issue down into the

component parts and communicated this

effectively. Duncan helped us solve the

problem faster.”


The team completed its KNX integration

work successfully for the opening on 19th

September 2012. The building has since

gone on to win numerous awards, including

the prized British Council of Offices National

Innovation Award. It has also achieved

the highest international sustainability

credentials for a building, LEED Platinum

and BREEAM Outstanding. This makes

The Crystal one of the most sustainable

buildings in the world.

In this project Abtec demonstrated broad

skills in several protocol areas, namely KNX,

IP and DALI. These skills, and the team’s

tenacity, helped it overcome considerable

challenges. Abtec also clearly demonstrated

that it can work on large-scale projects with

many subcontractors.

As Andy Chandler, Technology Manager

Siemens UK, comments, “Abtec’s KNX,

DALI and IT skills made the deployment

much smoother. The team demonstrated

great leadership qualities, overcoming a

number of difficult challenges throughout

the project. Working with Abtec has been a

pleasure. The team’s project management

skills and significant KNX, DALI and IP

networking expertise make Abtec easy to

recommend for other projects.”

Copyright KNXtoday 2013. Re-published with

kind permission. KNXtoday (http://KNXtoday.com)

is a trade magazine for KNX home and building

control comprising an online magazine and email

newsletter. You are invited to register for a free

subscription at http://knxtoday.com/newsletter/

newsletter-subscription, and follow us on Twitter,

LinkedIn, Google+ and Facebook.






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The City of Greater Geelong, Australia, is fortunate to have a natural environment rich in

diversity, including rare and unique flora and fauna, major waterways, large coastal areas

and complex freshwater and marine wetlands. Protecting the native plants and animal

habitats, limiting pollution, greening the city and using natural resources wisely is very

important for Geelong. Geelong has demonstrated its commitment to sound environmental

management, strives to ensure that the quality of the environment is protected and

enhanced for future generations. Geelong Council ensures that all decisions they make

have a positive impact on the natural environment.







MODEL CITY · 典 范 城 市

Strategies and Master Plans

Below is a selection of the key strategies,

master plans and initiatives that will assist

in delivering Sustainable Built and Natural

Environment priorities:

• Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

• Future Proofing Geelong / Low Carbon

Growth Plan

• Environment Management Strategy

• Greenhouse Reduction Strategy and Local

Action Plan

• Biodiversity Management Strategy

• Sustainable Water Use Plan

• Water Futures Strategy

• Domestic Waste Water Strategy

• Barwon Region Waste Management Plan

• Municipal Strategic Statement

• G21 Regional Growth Plan

• G21 Public Transport Strategy

• Township Structure Plans

• Armstrong Creek Urban Growth Plan

• Storm Water Quality Management Plan

(including Healthy Waterways)

• Rural Land Use Strategy

• Greater Geelong Cycling Strategy

The City of Greater Geelong is fortunate to

have a natural environment rich in diversity,

including rare and unique flora and fauna,

major waterways, large coastal areas and

complex freshwater and marine wetlands.

One of Geelong’s greatest challenges is

for Council, business and the community to

ensure that the quality of our environment

is protected and enhanced for future

generations. The protection of our

environment in its widest application is

central to our ongoing habitation and that

of other species. Sound environmental

management for both the natural and

built form must remain at the heart of our

decision making and actions.

Council will ensure that all decisions we

make, big or small, take the sustainability of

our environment into account. We will do this

by minimising our impacts, being efficient

in our use of resources and advocating

for and being a leader in environmental

management within the community.

It is up to all of us to create an environment

in which we not only want to live, but also

want to leave to our future generations.




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Everyday we are faced with challenges,

both global and regional. These challenges

impact on our decision making in the

immediate and long term. It is important we

remain flexible so we can respond to the

changing needs of our community as well

as making the most of the opportunities that


Some of the challenges facing us in the

pursuit of a sustainable built and natural

environment include:

• The need to implement plans to protect

biodiversity, arrest erosion and halt the

intrusion of animal and plant pests, coastal

erosion, inundation and intrusion of saltwater

into estuarine areas.

• T h e p e r c e p t i o n t h a t a d d r e s s i n g

• Road Management Plan

• Geelong Wetlands Strategy

• Eastern Park and Geelong Botanic

Gardens Strategic Plan

• Various conservation and environment

reserve management plans

• Geelong Saleyards Conservation

Management Plan

• Street Tree Policy

• Municipal Emergency Management Plan

• Sustainable Communities – Infrastructure

Development Guidelines

• Various drainage and flood management

strategies and plans


MODEL CITY · 典 范 城 市

as parklands and waterways could also

result from the rise in the EPA levy.

• Extreme weather conditions and the impact

on council facilities and the community.

• Implementing affordable and sustainable

building practices resulting in reduced

demand on natural resources and a

decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

• Competing needs for land within Geelong

due to population change.

• Competition for water resources between

the environment and domestic, agricultural

and industrial users.

• Competing demands for land use

(infrastructure vs. productive agricultural


• Absence of adequate public transport

networks and services resulting in higher

car dependency, and associated traffic and

parking implications.

environmental issues is less important than

growing the economy - which may result

in a push for cheaper developments and

decreasing building and environmental


• Being prepared to respond to government

f u n d i n g p r o g r a m s t h a t b e n e f i t o u r


• Major industries lobbying to get the most

out of existing infrastructure rather than

seeking to become greener.

• Climate change impacts on services and

infrastructure projects.

• Continued reduction in our carbon footprint.

Carbon pricing will hopefully encourage

more efficient energy use, resulting in a

positive effect on the natural environment.

• With the increase in the EPA levy, the

City will need to promote alternative means

of disposing of unwanted items, such

as recycling and other waste initiatives.

Increased dumping of waste in areas such




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Priority: Enhance and protect Progress Indicators: natural areas and ecosystem


We have a natural environment rich in

diversity. Protecting our native plants and

animal habitats, limiting pollution, greening

the city and using our natural resources

wisely is important and demonstrates

our commitment to sound environmental


We will continue to enhance our natural

areas by:

• Protecting and restoring our biodiversity.

• Engaging the community in protecting our

natural areas.

• Limiting the loss of native species and

natural areas and continuing indigenous


• Protecting our coast, waterways and


• Continuing the development and

implementation of reserve master plans in

order to improve the quality of public open


• B u i l d i n g c o m m u n i t y a n d a g e n c y



MODEL CITY · 典 范 城 市

Priority: Minimise our

environmental footprint

We want to make sure that all decisions

made by staff and Council have a positive

impact on our natural environment.

We will:

• Continue to seek methods of reducing

energy, water and waste consumption.

• Consider environmental impacts when

designing and delivering capital projects and

providing services.

• Demonstrate leadership and share and

embed our skills and knowledge within

the community and surrounding local





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Progress Indicators:


MODEL CITY · 典 范 城 市

• Park and Ride service and Summer Circuit

Bus in Central Geelong.

• Maintaining a healthy built and natural

environment through pest control and

cleaning of street/public facilities.

• Conservation of historic assets, through

heritage studies to identify and document

buildings and areas of historical and cultural

significance, including management of

heritage overlays.

• Free Heritage Advisory Service to assist

owners of properties (with a heritage

overlay) in making informed decisions about

restoration, maintenance, alterations and

additions to their buildings.




Ongoing sustainable built and

natural environment services and

activities for the community

• Environmental protection and management

programs including:

- Flora and fauna

- Biodiversity conservation

- Weed and vermin control

- Bush land regeneration

- Coastal, wetland and conservation reserve

protection and management

- Education and awareness publications

and activities

- Land use plans to provide direction on

permissible uses and management of crown

and council owned land.

• Commercial and residential garbage,

recycling and green waste collection.

• Planning and processing of planning

s c h e m e a m e n d m e n t s t o f a c i l i t a t e

sustainable land use and development and

ensure sustainable urban design of our

natural and built environment.

• Assessment and processing of planning

and building applications and permits.

• Management and regeneration of public

parks and reserves.

• Design, construction, maintenance and

repairs of local roads, footpaths, and storm

water drains.

• Provision and maintenance of on and offroad bicycle and walking tracks.

• A d v o c a t i n g f o r p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t

improvements and supporting and promoting

its use.




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Barcelona is a Spanish city, capital of the autonomous community of Catalonia and the

second largest city in the country, with a population of 1,620,900. Barcelona is recognized

as a sustainable tourism destination committed to developing responsible tourism by

including sustainable economic, socio-cultural and environmental criteria. Turisme de

Barcelona promotes the city as a cultural, gastronomic and shopping destination based on

the attractions that make it unique. Furthermore, Turisme de Barcelona pays attention to and

calculates the carbon footprint of its activities. For instance, Barcelona uses 100% recycled

paper to produce its tourist brochures and leaflets.

巴塞罗那是西班牙加泰罗尼亚自治区的首府,全国第二大城市,人口数为 1,620,900。巴塞罗




生的碳足迹量。比如,巴塞罗那均使用 100% 的环保纸来制作其旅游手册及宣传单。


MODEL CITY · 典 范 城 市

• It joined Barcelona Agenda 21:

» Agenda 21 is a work plan that aims to

direct government policy and management

towards sustainable development.

Sustainable Management

The Turisme de Barcelona consortium

is responsible for promoting the Catalan

capital as a tourist destination. It was set

up in 1993 with the participation of local

government and the business sector in an

equal management model.

• Work in association with the city’s business

network. Turisme de Barcelona has over 700

associate members. They are businesses

from the tourism sector and most of them

have expressed a desire to move forward

by making improvements to sustainability


• Turisme de Barcelona was commissioned

by Barcelona City Council to draw up the

2015 City Tourism Strategic Plan.


Barcelona Sustainable Tourism brings

together the initiatives of Turisme de

Barcelona related to Corporate Social

Responsibility and Sustainability with

the aim of assessing and reducing the

environmental impact of business and the

city, and to put itself forward as a more

sustainable enterprise.

In 2011, Turisme de Barcelona focused on

the following areas in particular:

• It promoted, together with Barcelona

City Council, the Biosphere World Class

Destination certification awarded to


» Barcelona is the first city in the world to be

awarded Biosphere certification.

» The certification is awarded by the

Institute of Responsible Tourism (ITR), an

organization supported by Unesco and the

World Tourism Organisation (WTO), and

member of the Global Sustainable Tourism

Council (GSTC).

» The award recognizes the city as a

sustainable tourism destination committed

to developing responsible tourism and

including sustainable economic, sociocultural and environmental criteria.

• It became a member of the Global

Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC):

» The GSTC is the only body that is officially

authorised to award sustainable tourism

certifications worldwide.

» The GSTC is supported by the United

Nations Foundation.




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* The Columbus Monument is the first

Catalan landmark to have a geothermal

heating and cooling system, meaning that

it can harness the heat from the ground to

generate heat as well as to cool down the


* It has built a second entrance improving

services for visitors with mobility problems.

Socio-Economic Aspect


• The Turisme de Barcelona website, www.

barcelonaturisme.cat has been awarded

the AAA Website Accessibility Certification

which assesses the accessibility of websites.

• Turisme de Barcelona has launched the

website www.barcelona-access.cat, for

disabled people.

• Turisme de Barcelona has published the

brochure Easy Barcelona which is aimed

at people with disabilities. It is available in

English and in Braille.

Cultural Aspects

Turisme de Barcelona promotes the city

as a cultural, gastronomic and shopping

destination based on the attractions that

make it unique. Turisme de Barcelona’s

programmes are:

• B a r c e l o n a G a s t r o n o m y i n c l u d e s

Barceloneta Cuina, a group that brings

together restaurants and members of the

fishing community from the seafront district

of Barceloneta and promotes the use of

fresh and locally sourced produce.

• The Barcelona Shopping Line includes the

Top 10 window displays in Barcelona.

• Barcelona Culture promotes traditions,

festivals, museums, etc. in its cultural

agenda In Bcn .

• Turisme de Barcelona has contributed to

preserving the city’s cultural heritage by

refurbishing and improving access to the

Columbus Monument:


MODEL CITY · 典 范 城 市

Turisme de Barcelona’s Barcelona

Convention Bureau (BCB), in association

with Barcelona City Council, collaborated

on the publications More Sustainable Hotels

and More Sustainable Congresses geared

to making the city’s hotels and congresses

more environmentally friendly.

Turisme de Barcelona disseminates the

environmental certifications of the city’s

tourism offering.

Turisme de Barcelona includes the

Barcelona Sustainable Tourism logo on

city tours that use sustainable means of


Turisme de Barcelona uses 100% recycled

paper to produce its tourist brochures and

leaflets and is gradually introducing FSC

certification to its promotional material on





Barcelona Opportunity Week


Turisme de Barcelona will be organising the

second BCNOW from 27th January to 5th

February 2012. The initiative offers major

discounts at the city’s hotels, restaurants

and cultural attractions. BCNOW achieves

several objectives:

• The main beneficiaries are the local

community, although the event is also aimed

at tourists. It reconciles tourism and the local


• Deseasonalisation: the initiative promotes

the city’s establishments at a time when

visitor numbers are small. It also triggers a

financial upturn in the city’s social fabric.

• Donation of proceeds to charitable projects:

Intermón, Obra Social de Sant Joan de Déu

and the Banc d’Aliments (2011).

• Barometer about the perception of tourism

by Barcelona residents and tourists

• Satisfaction surveys are carried out to

monitor the local population’s perception

of tourist activity in the city, as well as the

experience of tourists in Barcelona.

Environmental Aspect

Turisme de Barcelona calculates the carbon

footprint of its activities (483 promotional

events every year, 21 tourist information

points and 125 members of staff ).

In 2007, the Breakfast with Turisme de

Barcelona initiative hosted a workshop for

the city’s tourism sector devoted to tourism

and climate change.




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By Sean Rosner

作者:Sean Rosner

These days, it’s more of a win-win than ever to save on energy. Less energy consumption

means less harmful emissions released into our environment and lower energy bills. In fact,

there are many easy, effective things that you can do to save energy at home. This passage

will give you 10 ideas to get you started.



我们在家中操作,来节省能源。这篇文章会教你 10 个点子来开始你的绿色节能生活。


GREEN LIFE · 绿 色 生 活

electronics is consumed while the products

are turned off.” A report from the University

of California Berkeley says that phantom

loads account for about 6 percent of all

national residential electricity consumption.

You can eliminate phantom loads by

unplugging appliances and electronics when

you are not using them, or by plugging them

into a power strip, and turning the strip off

when they are not in use

2. Use More Energy-efficient


If you are shopping for new appliances,

make sure to look for the Environmental

Protection Agency’s Energy Star label

before making a purchase. Energy Star

appliances use between 10 and 50

percent less energy and water than their

conventional counterparts. They may cost

more than appliances without the Energy

Star designation, but in most cases they

will more than make up that additional cost

through energy savings.

3. Change Your Light Bulbs

One of the least expensive and most

effective changes you can make in your

home is replacing your light bulbs. According

to Energy Star, one of its qualified compact

fluorescent light bulbs (CFL), which cost just

a few dollars, “will save about $30 over its

lifetime and pay for itself in about 6 months.

It uses 75 percent less energy and lasts

about 10 times longer than an incandescent

bulb.” Although some people are concerned

because CFLs contain mercury, Energy Star

says that CFLs do not release any mercury

when in use, and actually reduce mercury

emissions because they lessen the need

for electricity from power plants that emit


These days, it’s more of a win-win than ever

to save on energy. Every time you lower

your utility bills, you put more money back

in your bank account. And lower energy bills

also means less energy consumed, which

means less harmful emissions released

into our environment. And what makes this

an even better deal is you don’t have to

overhaul your home (or buy a new one) to

make it more energy efficient. There are

many easy, effective things that you can

do, with little investment and little or no DIY

experience, to save energy at home. Here’s

a list of 10 ideas to get you started.

1. Minimize Phantom Loads

The term “phantom load” refers to the

energy that an appliance or electronic device

consumes when it is not actually turned on.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy

(DOE), “In the average home, 75 percent

of the electricity used to power home




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home. Energy Star says that between

improving insulation and sealing leaks,

homeowners could potentially save 10

percent on their annual energy bill. The

article Leak-proof Your House and Save

suggests that the first step in sealing a

house is to tackle windows and doors. If

searching for leaks sounds like a daunting

task, you can hire an energy auditor to

assess your house and find problem areas.

7. Make Windows More Efficient

Even if you seal windows well, window

glass is a thin barrier against outside

temperatures. If you can afford it, install new

storm windows in your home. How to Make

Your Home Energy Efficient explains that

storm windows reduce temperature loss by

sealing leaks and creating a dead airspace

between window panes. Though installation

is expensive ($8,000 to $10,000 or more,

depending on a variety of factors), storm

windows have a relatively short return on

investment (about 10 years).

If you can’t install new storm windows,

there are other simple and inexpensive

ways to improve the energy efficiency of

your windows. You can cover windows with

transparent material to improve insulation.

Energy guru Gary Reysa recommends using

bubble wrap for this, and estimates that it

can reduce heat loss from a window by half.

8. Improve Insulation

The Energy Star program estimates that

more than 50 percent of a home’s energy

use goes toward heating and cooling.

Beefing up the insulation in your house’s

attic, walls, floors and ceilings slows the flow

of air between inside and outside, making it

easier to control your home’s temperature.

4. Install a Programmable


Programmable thermostats work by

automatically adjusting your home’s

temperature to your schedule, keeping it

comfortable only when you need it to be.

If you don’t already adjust your thermostat

throughout the day, a programmable

thermostat could save you as much as 15

percent on heating and cooling costs.

5. Use Fans for Cooling

In the summer, use stationary, ceiling

and whole-house fans to cool your home,

reducing the need for air conditioning.

Simple Ways to Cool Your Home and Save

Big explains that for every degree you raise

your thermostat, you reduce your cooling

costs between 7 and 10 percent.

6. Seal Air Leaks

In addition to thinking about whether your

home has enough insulation, you should

also look for any small cracks and gaps

where air is leaking into and out of your


GREEN LIFE · 绿 色 生 活

10. Plant Trees and Shrubs

Planting shade trees around your home can

lower your summer energy bill by reducing

your home’s exposure to the sun. The

Sacramento Municipal Utility District, which

operates a program that gives free trees

to its customers, says that properly placed

tress can cut your summer electric bill by up

to 40 percent. Energy savings from a tree

varies greatly depending on its size and

location in relation to your house. Planting

shrubs and bushes around your home

can improve insulation in the summer and

winter. DOE says that if they are planted 1

foot away from your home, they create a

dead airspace that shields against cold or

hot outdoor temperatures.





The easiest place to add insulation in your

home is the attic.

9. Conserve Water

Using less water will lower your water bill.

And when you use less hot water, you’ll also

see savings in your gas bill, or your electric

bill if you have an electric water heater.

According to DOE, water heating is the

third most energy consuming function in the

home. To cut down on water use, take faster

showers and be conscious of the water you

use when washing dishes and clothes and

preparing food. You can also save energy

by lowering your hot water temperature.

According to DOE, a water thermostat

setting of 120 degrees is sufficient for

most uses. If you want more water-efficient

fixtures and appliances, refer to the EPA’s

WaterSense program when buying a new

faucet or showerhead.




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33 个环保的饮食习惯

By Laura Newcomer

作者: Laura Newcomer

The Sustainable Food Movement is sweeping the country. Farmer’s markets, organic

produce, cage-free eggs— they’re all becoming part of the cultural lingo. While a lot of this

conversation focuses around whether organic foods are better for people’s health, it turns

out these trends are also good for the planet. Learn about these 33 environmentally friendly

eating habits that will be making a difference for our bodies and our earth.

可持续食品运动现在正在席卷全国。农贸市场,有机产品,散养鸡蛋 ------- 它们都已成为文化


表明这一趋势其实对我们的地球也是有益的。 学习这 33 个环保的饮食习惯,会让你的身体



GREEN LIFE · 绿 色 生 活

contributes to waste that ends up in landfills.

Perhaps the worst culprit is polystyrene (alias

Styrofoam), which is a suspected carcinogen

and is manufactured through an energyintensive process that creates hazardous

waste and greenhouse gases.

3. Don’t buy the bottle. Millions of tons of

plastic are used to produce billions of plastic

water bottles each year. Save money and

lessen waste by drinking tap water from a

reusable water bottle. Worried about your

health? Try a water filter, or take courage

from the fact that a lot of bottled water is

likely no better than what’s on tap.

4. Shop different. Choose to give your

money to stores that demonstrate care for

the planet, both in their company practices

and in the food selections they provide. Look

for a selection of local and organic foods

as well as store practices that limit waste

(think: doors on the refrigerated sections

so that energy isn’t wasted, minimal and/

or recyclable packaging, and a store-wide

recycling program).

Sustainable eating doesn’t have to be hard,

and it also doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing:

Adopting just a few of the items on this

list can make a big impact. For instance, if

one person chose to use reusable bags for

the rest of their life, beginning at the age

of 25, they could save more than 21,000

plastic bags. Point being: You can make a


At The Store

1. Reuse it. Bring a reusable bag on your

next shopping trip, and you’ve already

helped out the planet. The United States

alone uses about 100 billion new plastic

bags each year, and (brace yourself) this

massive production costs 12 million barrels

of oil. Worldwide, only about 1 percent of

plastic bags are recycled — which means

that the rest end up in landfills, oceans, or

elsewhere in the environment. Why does it

matter? There are several reasons: Plastic

bags don’t biodegrade, but light exposure

can degrade them enough to release toxic

polymer particles — most of which end up in

the ocean. Approximately one million birds

and 100,000 turtles and other sea animals

die of starvation each year after ingesting

discarded plastics and other trash debris,

which block their digestive tracks. And

public agencies spend millions of dollars

on litter clean-up each year. (In case you’re

wondering, paper bags aren’t much better.

Each year, 14 million trees are cut down to

make paper shopping bags via a process

that requires even more energy than the

making of plastic bags.)

2. Strip down. Look for products with

minimal packaging (like unwrapped produce

or meat straight from the deli counter

or butcher). Excess packaging is often

made out of unsustainable materials and




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10. Preserve it. Want to eat more locally,

but love to eat strawberries year-round?

Learn how to preserve fruits and vegetables

so you can eat locally grown produce all

year long (it’s bound to impress Grandma,


11. Grow it. You don’t need to live in the wild

to grow your own fruits and veggies. Join a

community garden, or, if you’re cramped for

space, create a vertical garden right inside

your window.

12. Get some community support. Not

into the idea of growing your own? Consider

joining a CSA (short for Community

Supported Agriculture), which allows you to

reap the benefits of locally grown produce

without getting your hands dirty.


13. Eat less of it. Industrially farmed meat

has the highest impact of any other food


5. Go local. Eating locally grown and

processed foods is possibly the best way to

lower your carbon footprint when it comes to

what you eat. Bonus: Eating locally means

that food will be fresher — and therefore

taste better and perhaps retain more

nutrients — than food shipped across the


6. Eat more of it. Eat more produce than

any other food category, and you’ve already

made an impact for the planet (not to

mention your body!).

7. Go organic. The definition of organic

can be a little confusing, but food labels

can help. Certified organic foods are grown

and processed using farming methods that

recycle resources and promote biodiversity

and without the use of synthetic pesticides,

bioengineered genes, and petroleum- or

sewage-sludge-based fertilizers. (Weird.

Who wouldn’t want their food grown in

sewage sludge?) Though their benefits to

the environment have a long-term payoff,

organic foods can be pricier — if you’re on

a budget, find out which foods are most

worth buying organic, and limit your organic

purchases to the ones that make the biggest


8. Eat it raw. Chomp down on a raw carrot

instead of boiling or sautéing it, and save

energy that would otherwise have been

used to power cooking appliances.

9. Eat in season. Seasonal nomming allows

you to eat locally — and we’ve already

covered how important local purchasing

is for the environment. Check out what’s

growing nearby right now.


GREEN LIFE · 绿 色 生 活

16. Be anti-antibiotics. It’s common

practice these days to feed growthproducing antibiotics to animals raised for

meat, but this results in health risks for the

animals — and, by extension, the people

who eat them.

17. Go out to pasture. Pasture-raised

l i v e s t o c k m a k e l e s s o f a n e g a t i v e

environmental impact. They’re also treated

more humanely than their industrially raised


For more sustainable eating tips for seafood, dairy

and at a restaurant, please visit


product on the environment. In addition to

the tips outlined below, consider making

meat less of a staple in your diet. Can’t give

up the stuff? Try going meat free for just

one day per week (or one meal per week if

you’re really attached).

14. You guessed it: Buy local. We’ve said

it before and we’re saying it again: Buying

local is a great way to cut down on the

environmental impact of your food. Just

imagine how much energy it would take

to haul a cow from, say, New Zealand, in

comparison to transporting it from the local

butcher shop.

15. Go organic. Wait, what? When it comes

to meat, the definition of “organic” changes a

little. Obviously, chickens aren’t grown in the

soil, nor are they (we hope!) conventionally

grown with pesticides. Rather, organic

livestock must have access to the outdoors

and cannot be supplemented with antibiotics

or growth hormones.




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Co-founder & President, Sustainable Travel International


主席兼创办者 Brian Mullis 先生

Brian Mullis is the co-founder and president of Sustainable Travel International, an NGO that

is dedicated to promoting responsible travel and facilitating the travel and tourism industry's

move toward sustainability. In the interview with Mr. Mullis, he addresses whether Carbon

Offsetting works in actually reducing carbon emissions or it is just a convenient means

of generating donations from travelers. Regarding whether Sustainable Tourism a onesize concept that fits all destinations, cultures and regimes or is more suitable to \"western\"

countries, he notes that we define “Sustainable Tourism” as a level of tourism activity that

can be maintained over the long term because it results in a net benefit for the sociocultural, economic, and natural environments of the area in which it takes place. Moreover,

Brian Mullis emphasized we can all make changes in our behavior and lighten our footprints,

which in turn can improve rather than diminish our quality of life, and make the world a better


Brian Mullis 先生是国际永续旅行协会主席兼创办者,此协会致力于推广生态旅行,促进旅

行和旅游业向更可持续的方向发展。在采访中,Brian Mullis 先生回答了碳补偿是否真正对



Brian Mullis 先生指出生态旅游的定义是指一项须长期坚持的旅游活动,它可以为旅游地本

身在社会文化、经济及自然环境方面均带来直接好处。Brian Mullis 在采访中还强调,我们





sustainable development and responsible

travel by providing programs that enable

consumers, businesses and travelrelated organizations to contribute to the

environmental, socio-cultural and economic

values of the places they visit, and the

planet at large.

The Interview follows:

ECOCLUB.com: Which country or

countries in your view has been more

successful in implementing a sustainable

tourism policy framework and why?

Brian Mullis: I think it’s a bit too early to

determine which countries are going to

be successful and which ones are not.

Although Costa Rica is often cited as

exemplifying ecotourism, the country has

become a victim of its own success given

the pressure for new development that isn’t

necessarily sustainable. It’s now focused on

becoming the first carbon neutral company,

which would set a new precedent globally.

Other countries that are actively engaging

in sustainable tourism at a national level

include Dominica, Bhutan, Ecuador, and

Jordan, whereas the success of tourism

certification in the United Kingdom, South

Africa, New Zealand, and Australia is


ECOCLUB.com: You have extensive

experience of both for-profit and nonprofit tourism organizations. Are there

any significant differences (advantages,

disadvantages) or are the two types

gradually merging, through CSR, tax

cuts, and an increasingly competitive

NGO horizon in relation to donor funds?

Brian Mullis: Having a background in the

private sector - I was an international tour

Brian T. Mullis is the co-founder and

president of Sustainable Travel International

(STI), a non-profit organization with offices

in the US and EU. STI is dedicated to

promoting responsible travel and facilitate

the travel and tourism industry's move

toward sustainability by providing programs

that help travelers and travel companies

protect the environmental, socio-cultural and

economic values of the places they visit.

Mullis has over 20 years of experience in

the travel and tourism industry. He began

his career working in national parks in

Wyoming, Montana and Utah. More recently,

Mullis was the president and owner of The

World Outdoors, an international travel

company specializing in active holidays and


Sustainable Travel International (STI) is

a global leader in sustainable tourism

development. The 501(c)(3) non-profit

organization’s mission is to promote




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cash flow, yet their financials are publicly

disclosed so supporters can determine

how much is going to their actual projects

versus their overhead. In addition, nonprofits don’t have much of an incentive to

capture as much money as possible to be

distributed to owners or shareholders, since

by law in the U.S. all the money has to stay

within the organization and dedicated to the

organization’s mission oriented activities.

ECOCLUB.com: Though there are

strong doubts and criticism from both

mainstream and green commentators

about the ethics and effects of Carbon

Offsetting, STI has enthusiastically

embraced it. Do you believe that it works

in actually reducing carbon emissions,

or is it a convenient means of generating

donations from travellers and channelling

them to good causes?

Brian Mullis: I think that the perception of

our enthusiastically embracing offsetting

may stem partly from our success and

brand awareness in this arena. Globally

there is an awareness that addressing the

operator for the better part of a decade -

has given us a strong entrepreneurial focus.

We also understand what businesses in

this sector and other sectors need. For

example, we ensure that we deliver a

variety of benefits to our business clients in

an effort to provide them with a solid return

on investment. A significant part of our

success stems from our ability to seamlessly

integrate the programs and solutions we’ve

developed into a company’s operations.

Having a first hand understanding of how

our client’s internal operations and their

sales and marketing systems work makes

this process much easier and increases the

likelihood of success.

The public (non-profit) and private sectors

are similar in some respects and different in

others. In my opinion, there’s a great deal

of competition for limited donor funding and

not enough collaboration in the public (nonprofit) sector. This hinders the ability of

many non-profit organizations to actualize

their full potential. Another shortcoming is

the lack of focus on becoming financially

self-reliant – too many non-profits are

dependent on donors and foundations,

though this is starting to change as more

for-profits are starting non-profits and vice

versa. Regardless, there is still a mindset

of equating non-profits with wanting, if not

needing, “hand outs”, so some companies

would prefer to work with other for-profit


One of the primary differences between

public and private companies is their

bottom line focus. For-profit companies

inherently focus on making a profit, many

without public financial disclosure and some

at the expense of the environment and

human rights. Non-profits, on the other

hand, should focus on maintaining positive



addition, the contentiousness of the topic

has helped to catalyze other first best


Our position at STI is that we don’t want

people to stop travelling; we just want

them to be aware. Companies engaged

in sustainable tourism economically

benefit the destinations they visit – many

of which are dependent on tourism. If

people stop travelling, many tourism

dependent countries’s economies would

collapse forcing many people to exploit

their environmental resources, which isn’t in

anyone’s best interest. At the same time, it

is mandatory that negative impacts are not

undervalued and addressed.

E C O C L U B . c o m : I s S u s t a i n a b l e

Tourism a one-size concept that fits all

destinations, cultures and regimes, or is

\"sustainability\" a more or less \"western\"

construct to counteract the effects of

other western models such as industrial

capitalism? And, as such more suitable

to \"western\" countries?

Brian Mullis: No. We define “Sustainable

Tourism” as a level of tourism activity that

can be maintained over the long term

because it results in a net benefit for the

socio-cultural, economic, and natural

challenge of global climate change will

require a sustained effort for many years to

come. Supporting legislation that requires

mandatory greenhouse gas reductions is

the first best solution; our policies have

to operate on the same timeframe even if

our politics run on election cycles. And,

reducing CO2 emissions is the second

best solution. But, some emissions are

unavoidable, and that’s when carbon offsets

become part of the solution and that is how

we’ve always positioned the opportunity.

To address global climate change, we need

access to energy sources that are reliable

and reasonably affordable, that can be

deployed quickly and easily, yet are also

safe and politically and environmentally

sustainable. We also need to prime the

economy for a surge in energy efficiency

that will cut waste and improve energy

productivity. And, we need to put a price on

greenhouse gas emissions by implanting

cap-and-trade programs or taxing carbon. In

other words, we need to take a more holistic

approach. Carbon offsets are part of this

equation because ideally they help to fund

renewable energy and energy efficiency

projects that otherwise wouldn’t exist.

There is also a significant educational benefit

to offsetting. Carbon footprint calculators

have enabled everyone from the average

consumer to multi-national corporations to

internalize their personal climate impact

through measurable quantification, as well

as through utilizing conceptual equivalents.

For example, measuring your carbon

footprint and offsetting that amount can

be equated to taking a certain amount of

vehicles off the road, whereas not offsetting

or eliminating those activities is related to

being personally responsible for putting

that same amount of cars on the road. In




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application through measurement, as well as

credibility through verified self assessment

and possible third party audits. Yet, with

many programs out there, the launch of

the (Global) Sustainable Tourism Criteria

initiative and global accreditation through

the Sustainable Tourism Stewardship

Council (STSC) will help to harmonize all

of this and increase demand through brand

awareness. This has been the case with

other regional and global labels such as Fair

Trade products, Certified Organic food, etc.

in helping to catalyze industry shifts, and it

will happen within tourism as well.

ECOCLUB.com: You have extensive

outdoors experience in the US, what

would be your favorite US destination,

and why? And how could that destination

be affected by the outcome of this

year's elections? Is there a meaningful

sustainable tourism lobby?

Brian Mullis: Although I’ve spent time in

more than 30 countries, it was my goal

to know my own country before travelling

abroad. I’ve lived in 11 states and spent

time in all but one of the rest. And, I can

honestly say that I don’t have a favourite

environments of the area in which it takes

place. In order for this to happen, local

stakeholders, particularly community

leaders, need to have some control over -

or stake in - tourism development. Travel

providers need to actively support financial

sustainability in the destinations they serve

and give back to them through the donation

of financial resources, time, talent and

economic patronage with a focus on the

facilitation of self-reliance. And, politicians

need to implement legislation that favours

sustainable development over short-sighted

development with little to no environmental


ECOCLUB.com: Should Sustainable

Tourism Certification limit itself to

measuring environmental impact,

or should it also incorporate sociopolitical criteria? And what are the major

obstacles preventing demand and supply

of tourism certification, which after all

still covers a tiny share of the tourism


Brian Mullis: Sustainable Tourism

Certification should take a triple bottom

line approach, since environmental,

socio-cultural and economic impacts are

interconnected. The major obstacles

preventing demand and supply for tourism

certification revolves around the fact that

most tourism companies and consumers

are defining what “green” means to them

because until recently there weren’t any

global baseline criteria for sustainable

tourism. The industry has been searching

for practical applications of the definitions,

and consumers, the industry and media

have become sceptical of green claims.

Certifications through programs such as

our Sustainable Tourism Eco-certification

Program address the need for practical



destination though I do have an affinity for

the Pacific Northwest where I currently live.

Policies here and in the rest of the U.S.

have an impact. For example, the famous

Salmon runs on the Columbia have all but

disappeared, forcing leaders in multiple

states to place a moratorium on fishing for

certain species in the Pacific. Agricultural

legislation will continue to favour industrial

producers unless changes are implemented

to level the playing field and encourage

local processing. New renewable energy

development is going to slow down unless

political leaders demand the extension of

federal tax credits and other incentives

beyond 2008. Ethanol is clearly not the

answer; we need a real, comprehensive

solution to the energy crisis inside and

outside of America.



ECOCLUB.com: Finally, what is your

biggest aspiration?

Brian Mullis: My greatest aspiration is a

first-hand understanding of the power of

one – that if we’re not part of the solution,

we’re likely to be part of the problem. We

can all make changes in our behaviour

and lighten our footprints, which in turn can

improve rather than diminish our quality of

life. Millions of people around the world

are waking up to this simple fact. At the

same time, the environmental and social

justice movements are merging into a single

movement that many characterize as the

largest movement in the world. It’s organic,

self-organized and is made up of the millions

of us who want to make the world a better

place. This is all very inspiring, is great

cause for optimism, and is reinforcing our

efforts and strengthening our cause.

Article first published in ECOCLUB.com -

International Ecotourism Club (Web: http://

ecoclub.com) a mutual aid network for an

ecological & socially just tourism established in


Original article posted at http://ecoclub.com/



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By Axel Kronholm

作者:Axel Kronholm

According to the interview of Aldo Bumçi, who is the Albanian Minister of Tourism and

Culture, he mentioned there is no doubt that tourism is important to Albania. Meanwhile,

he admited there is always risk of exploitation, but he assures that this issue is Albanian

highest priority. However, in another part of the city, Axel Kronholm met Artan Lame, director

of the Albanian Heritage Center. He and his staff are trying to make people aware of what

is happening to the country’s cultural heritage. In fact, the cultural heritage is now crumbling

away, either through natural deterioration or due to construction of various kinds. He

emphasized, there is a lack of political will to preserve the cultural heritage and they need

politicians who act responsibly. Otherwise, the future of Albania is bleak.

在对阿尔巴尼亚旅游和文化部长 Aldo Bumçi 的采访中,他提到旅游业对阿尔巴尼亚毋庸置疑


政府会把这个问题作为头等大事来对待。然而,在城市的另一处,作者 Axel Kronholm 还会

见了阿尔巴尼亚遗产中心的主任 Artan Lame。他和他的员工们正在努力让民众意识到国家的






Missed Chances

In another part of the city, I meet Artan

Lame, director of the Albanian Heritage

Center. From his office, he and his small

staff are trying to make people aware of

what is happening to the country’s cultural


Artan Lame says that after the fall of

communism, there were opportunities to

coordinate and plan the development of

tourism while instituting strong protection of

the cultural heritage.

“The politicians missed those chances.

Every government since, left-wing and rightwing alike, has been incapable of controlling


With his own political background — Artan

Lame has served as director of cultural

heritage at the Ministry of Culture and as

deputy minister of territory and tourism with

previous governments and is an active

member of the Socialist Party — he has

first-hand knowledge of the state’s inability

to deal with the country’s deteriorating

cultural treasures.

Albania’s cultural heritage consists of relics

of the Illyrians, Greeks, Romans, and the

later periods of the Byzantine and Ottoman

empires. Over the centuries, the country has

been a cultural melting pot, a confluence of

east and west.

This cultural heritage is now crumbling away,

either through natural deterioration or due to

construction of various kinds. As an outside

observer, one should be wary of judging the

Albanians. Considering the poverty, it makes

perfect sense that people in places like

Gjirokastër would rather put new and cheap

Unique medieval castles are being turned

into resorts with tennis courts to attract more

tourists to Albania. With poverty widespread

in the country, most Albanians have bigger

problems to think about, and the political

leadership seems unwilling to act.

“We are the last secret in Europe,” says

Albanian Minister of Tourism and Culture

Aldo Bumçi, when he meets with me in his

office in central Tirana.

He reports that 2.7 million foreign nationals

visit Albania every year — about as many as

the number who live in the country. There is

no doubt that tourism is important to Albania,

one of the poorest countries in Europe.

Agriculture is still the most important sector

in the economy and employs more than half

the population, but tourism now accounts

for 4.6 percent of GDP, and 140,000 people

work in the industry.

Bumçi talks happily and passionately about

the country’s potential, about the majestic

mountains in the north and the olive

groves in the south. When I bring up the

sustainability aspect of the tourism industry

and the risk that Albania’s cultural heritage

will be neglected, the mood changes. His

answers and tone become more abrupt.

“There is always risk of exploitation. But I

assure you, this issue is our highest priority,”

he says.




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Artan Lame is happy that he managed to

stop the project, at least temporarily, but it

was a small victory in the overall scheme of

things. He brings out pictures of castles in

Shkodra, Preza, Durrës, Kruja, Elbasan, and

Bashtova — castles that have already been

destroyed or are endangered.

“The government speaks a lot of pretty

words about how we must protect our

cultural heritage, but at the end of the day,

they are the ones who grant permits for

construction projects like the one at Lezhë


Bleak Future

It has been almost three years since Artan

Lame founded the Albanian Heritage Center.

Much of its work since has been devoted to

metal roofs on their houses than restore

the slate roofs using traditional and costly

artisan methods. This is their country and

not a museum.

A Political Issue

But above all, there is a lack of political will

to preserve the cultural heritage. Artan Lame

leaves the office and comes back with a


“Look at this. This is what they want to do

with the castle,” he says with anger in his


The banner depicts Lezhë Castle

in northwestern Albania. Built by the

Illyrians, this was the place where General

Skanderbeg gathered all the warring

Albanian tribes to an assembly in 1444 and

managed to unite them in joint opposition to

the Ottomans. Skanderbeg is now a national

hero and the 1444 assembly in Lezhë is

commonly described as the occasion when

the first seeds of a movement towards

Albanian nationhood were sown.

In addition to the castle ruins, the banner

shows the construction plans for a resort

hotel that a southern Italian investment

company wants to build. Inside the walls of

the castle, they have drawn up a hotel with

a large tennis court. The project has been

given a green light by the government, but

was recently put on hold after the public

criticism following a campaign mounted by

Artan Lame and his colleagues.

“The castle in Lezhë is very meaningful to us

Albanians. The government claims the hotel

would double tourism in the region, but we

don’t think that is reason enough to destroy

the castle.”



besieged by Italian troops. The partisan

moves from window to window to fool the

Italians into believing he is not alone. Artan

Lame says his organization has learned a

lot from this partisan.

If you ask Artan Lame, the future is bleak.

In the film, the Albanian partisan is exposed

in the end and meets his death. Things

hardly need go quite so badly for Lame, but

he is fighting an uphill battle and reforms

are slow in coming. He gives me a pamphlet

published by his organization. It lists fifty

cultural heritage monuments — everything

from bridges to houses and castles —

destroyed in just the last few years.



informing the public.

“We need politicians who act responsibly.

But if the voters don’t care about their

cultural heritage, the politicians won’t either.”

The lack of public interest in these issues

is evident in the Heritage Center’s budget

— virtually all donations come from abroad.

The organization has a total staff of about

ten people.

“We are not big, but we can make a lot

of noise,” says Lame, and asks whether I

am familiar with the Albanian film Tokë e


I am not, but I decide to check it out after the

interview. The film was made in 1979 and

is called Bloody Land in English. It tells the

story of a lone partisan hiding in a building




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pesticides and fertilizers developed artificially for agricultural use

small, often microscopic, aquatic plants in a water body

artificial cultivation or growth of fish, crayfish and other organisms for use

as food, particularly in fishpondsand similar structures

the combination of physical, chemical, and biological conditions present

in lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, rivers and oceans

one of the five kingdoms of living beings. Bacteria are structurally simple

single cells with no nucleus.

a water catchment area, including rivers, streams, lakes, estuaries, etc.

life, of living beings, biological

a substance, such as an enzyme or hormone that activates or speeds up

a biochemical reaction

a community of biologically integrated and interdependent plants and













the branch of chemistry that deals with plant and animals and their life


a poisonous chemical substance that can kill living organisms

the science that deals with the effects of climate on living matter

capable of being decomposed by biological means

variability among living organisms and the ecosystems of which they are

a part

the science that deals with the interrelations of communities of animals

and plants with their environment

the application of engineering science and technology to problems of

biology and medicine

the cycle in which nitrogen, carbon and other inorganic elements of the

soil, water and atmosphere are converted into the organic composition of

animals and plants and then released back into the environment




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The GMF Sustainable Urban Development Awards were designed

by the Secretariat of the GMF Council after a three-year investigation

into the various achievements of governments and private and civil

society organizations in sustainable development, with the aim to

bring these achievements to a wider audience so others can learn

from them. These awards, based on the 10 Melbourne Principles,

recognize urban managers, enterprises, associations and individuals

for their contributions to sustainable development.






1. In order to promote global urban sustainable development, it requires objectively

assessing the implementation of sustainable development projects, the recognition

of institutional and individual contributions to sustainable development and the

promotion of awareness of sustainability principles. Therefore, in accordance

with the “10 Melbourne Principles” the Global Mayors Forum established the

“Sustainable Urban Development Awards” and the SUDA Judging Committee.

2. The Global Mayors’ Forum “Sustainable Urban Development Awards” Judging

Committee is established by the Council of the Global Mayors Forum Secretariat.

It has overall responsibility for awarding the Global Mayors’ Forum “Sustainable

Urban Development Awards” and is composed of renowned experts in urban

sustainable development.

3. The Global Mayors’ Forum “Sustainable Urban Development Awards” are based

on the “10 Melbourne Principles”. Each award corresponds to one of the principles.

In addition, there is one extra comprehensive award for a total of 11 awards.

4. The Global Mayors’ Forum “Sustainable Urban Development Awards” follows

the Global Mayors Forum《Sustainable Urban Development Award Selection

Criteria》for judging. Judgment adheres to principles of objectivity, fairness,

openness, independence, ensures the seriousness and authority of the judging

process, and the credibility of the selection results.

5. The Global Mayors’ Forum “Sustainable Urban Development Awards” will be

awarded to projects that have made outstanding contributions to urban sustainable


6. The Global Mayors’ Forum “Sustainable Urban Development Awards” is

bestowed once every four years. Each Judging Committee member serves for

four years, and elects new members to the Judging Committee prior to each of the

Judging Committee meetings.


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Selection Criterion

Overall Criteria (to be considered for every nomination)

1. Does the project demonstrate a formal commitment to sustainability (e.g. through

the passing of a resolution adopting sustainability principles, a Sustainability Charter,

Local Action 21 etc)?

2. Does the project demonstrate a strong degree of integration of social, economic,

environmental and cultural well-being in its planning, policies, programs and actions?

3. Does the project demonstrate a commitment to equity and to advancing the wellbeing of vulnerable groups?

4. Does project demonstrate a strong degree of collaboration in partnerships?

5. Does the project demonstrate a focus on implementation and action?

6. Does the project demonstrate innovation?

In addition to the above overall criteria, projects will chose one or more of the following

categories in which it wishes to be considered. Please note: the number of categories

is not important. Judges will be looking for the depth and quality of the evidence

presented by the organization about how it is meeting the criteria. Category 11

recognizes cities that are achieving success in a majority of the other categories.





Melbourne Principles

The Ten Melbourne Principles for Sustainable Cities

1.Provide a long-term vision for cities based on: sustainability; intergenerational,

social, economic and political equity; and their individuality.

2. Achieve long-term economic and social security.

3. Recognize the intrinsic value of biodiversity and natural ecosystems, and protect

and restore them.

4. Enable communities to minimize their ecological footprint.

5. Build on the characteristics of ecosystems in the development and nurturing of

healthy and sustainable cities.

6. Recognize and build on the distinctive characteristics of cities, including their

human and cultural values, history and natural systems.

7. Empower people and foster participation.

8. Expand and enable cooperative networks to work towards a common,

sustainable future.

9. Promote sustainable production and consumption, through appropriate use of

environmentally sound technologies and effective demand management.

10. Enable continual improvement, based on accountability, transparency and good


Note: The Ten Melbourne Principles, referring to the Melbourne Principles for

Sustainable Cities, were made by over 40 experts and scholars sponsored by the

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Environment Protection

Authority of Victoria, Australia during 2002-2006. It is regarded as a reference to

the Awards of Sustainable Urban Development of GMF.








By Katrinka Ebbe

作者: Katrinka Ebbe

Cultural endowments such as traditional architecture, unique streetscapes, and historic

sites are increasingly recognized as important economic resources in both developed and

developing countries. Improving the conservation and management of urban heritage is not

only important for preserving its historic significance, but also for its potential to increase

income-earning opportunities, city livability, and competitiveness.

By preserving their heritage, cities can create a unique sense of place and singular urban

landscapes, developing strong branding to attract investors. This is especially true for

investors in tourism, which is one of the largest industries in the world today.






