清代工匠善于观物取义,仿明技艺鬼斧神工,此于雍正仿製中 Craftsmen in the Qing Dynasty were expert at observing things and taking 体现淋漓。雍正青花选料精细,工艺严格,『参古今之式,汇 righteousness, and imitated the craftsmanship of the Ming Dynasty, which was 以新意,备储巧妙』,有『明看成化、清看雍正之说』。永宣 vividly reflected in the imitation of Yongzheng. The blue and white porcelain 青花『苍妍雄浑』之品格最得雍正青睐。据《清档》记载,雍 of Yongzheng period are fine and the making process is strict. Blue and white 正帝曾不止一次遣送清宫所藏瓷珍至景德镇以资效仿,为了达 cangyan vigorous character is most favored by the emperor Yongzheng. 到与永乐本朝一致,通常无款。本器即为其中之佳作,造型源 According to the records in the Qing Archives, The emperor Yongzheng sent 自阿拉伯铜器。 porcelain treasures stored in the Qing palace to Jingdezhen several times to reproduce. In order to be consistent with the Yongle Dynasty, the porcelains 台北故宫博物院及英国大维德中国艺术馆均藏有明初青花花 usually without marks. its shape effected from Arabic bronze. 鸟纹宝月瓶,尺寸较大,但与拍品于形製、风格及装饰纹样 上似有异曲同工之妙,从中可见此式清宫御作对永宣器之效 There are blue and white ‘birds‘ moonflask vases holds in Taipei Palace 仿及创新,佳作难得。两例分别著录于《故宫藏瓷—明青花 Museum and Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, with the same design 瓷[一]·洪武永乐》图版 9、9a;及苏玫瑰编著《Imperial but in larger size, which shows the imitation and creation for Yongle and Taste - Chinese Ceramics from the Percival David Foundation》, Xuande porcelains by Qing courts. One of them illustrated in Porcelain of 伦敦,1989 年,页 59,编号 30。更耐人寻味的是,赫拉特 the National Palace Museum, Blue - and - White Ware of the Ming Dynasty 现存一幅公元 1488 年的画作中也有一例相同的瓷瓶,图见 Book I, Hong Kong, 1963, pl.9, 9a; an other published in Imperial Taste, Sultan-Alial-Katib 于公元 1488 年 6 月以萨迪《果园》诗集为 Chinese Ceramics from the Percival David Foundation, London, 1989, p.59, 题材创作的《苏丹侯赛因宫廷宴客图》。由此可见,这类作品 no.30. What is more interesting is that there is also a same vase in an existing 在近东宫廷亦大受欢迎,而画中瓷瓶很可能是永乐年间流入赫 painting of Herat in 1488. See Sultan alias katib's picture of Sultan Hussein's 拉特[当时为帖木儿商业重镇,现位于阿富汗境内]的外交礼 Palace Banquet with the theme of sadi's orchard poems in June 1488. It can 物。 be seen that such works are also very popular in the Near East courts, and the porcelain vase in the painting is likely to be a diplomatic gift flowing into herat 本品造型优雅隽秀,圆润饱满,直口短颈,颈侧附饰双云耳, (an important commercial town of Timur at that time and now located in 扁圆腹,椭圆形圈足。外壁满以青花绘饰,颈饰竹叶纹,肩及 Afghanistan) during the reign of Yongle. 足胫处皆饰如意蕉叶纹,遥相呼应,层次清晰,腹部一面画一 对鹊鸲登梅树相互对唱;另一面绘一对白头鸟栖息于杏花树 The compressed spherical body convex on the front and back sides, resting 上,一鸟回首仰望其同伴。两面画面有别,各自枝头皆登双鸟, on a very low oval foot, rising to a slender bulbous neck, flanked on the sides 对视顾盼,登枝报喜,别富佳趣。全器形製规整,小器大样, with strap handles with raised central ribs and a leaf-shaped terminal enclosing 玲珑别致,构图舒朗清逸,画工严谨沉稳,青花明快凝练,透 peony and camellia sprays, painted to the main sides with a formal lotus spray 出皇家独有的尊贵典雅气派。 with four blooms, the narrow sides left plain, the neck collared by bands of ‘classic‘ scroll, chevrons and key-fret. 拍品所绘纹饰构图格局清朗舒逸,从中可见院体绘画之风貌, 花鸟画向来为历代皇室宫廷所推崇,是中国绘画的重要艺术题 There is an other Yongzheng blue and white moonflask vase of Qing dynasty 材之一,《宣和画谱》中所收录宫廷藏画中阐述花鸟画题材及 in Beijing Palace Museum, illustrated in The Palace Museum's Collection of 其重要性的篇幅便有五卷之多,崔白等众多画家皆留有花鸟名 Blue and White Porcelains from Yongzheng Period of Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 作著称于世,长于细笔勾勒,作品生动传神,这不仅进一步完 2017, p.205, pl.123, and other Yongzheng period blue and white ‘flower and 善了写生技法,亦使绢本和纸本花鸟画的发展攀上了新的高 birds‘ moonflask vase was sold Chirstie‘s Hong Kong, 3rd June 2015, Lot.3126 峰。精于画艺的北宋徽宗即对花鸟题材颇为钟爱,用笔细腻, at HKD. 17,440,00. 画境生动,纽约大都会艺术博物馆藏《竹禽图》,画中小鸟立 于枝叶掩映的翠竹枝头 , 画意与拍品相近,且都采用了双鸟对 The decoration on two sides of the body is improved to two birds. This 望的方式,与拍品所饰不谋而合。本品所绘将中国花鸟画流行 composition inherited from the painting of the Northern Song Dynasty, and 题材及经典构图集于一体,可谓用心,精雅非凡。 the aforementioned flower and bird album of the emperor Huizong is the best proof of it. From a comprehensive view, the pattern of this vase is more 与拍品尺寸相若者,参见故宫博物院清宫旧藏清雍正青花花鸟 complex than that of the version in the early 15th century, but its painting is 纹宝月瓶[录于《故宫博物院藏清雍正青花瓷器》,故宫博物 more delicate. 院,编号 123];及原属乐山堂旧藏一件清雍正青花花鸟图双 耳抱月瓶,后售于 2015 年香港佳士得春拍,编号 3126,当时 PROVENANCE: 成交价为 17,440,000 港币。 Xu Zhantang's Collection 值得注意的是,拍品此件前后瓶腹的纹饰题材增至双鸟,非常 Christie's Hong Kong, 27th May 2008, Lot 1828 见之单鸟而立,此构图方式与北宋绘画一脉相承,前述徽宗的 花鸟册页便是最佳证明。综而观之,本拍品的纹饰格局要比 PUBLICATION: 十五世纪初的版本复杂,但其画工却愈加细腻。与此同时,疏 影横斜的虬枝与娇美的梅花对比鲜明,而叶繁枝柔的杏树也与 The Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1995, No.62 饱满妩媚的杏花相映成趣,笔法意趣均深得丹青之妙。 LITERATURE: Porcelain of the National Palace Museum, Blue - and - White Ware of the Ming Dynasty Book I, Hong Kong, 1963, pl.9, 9a Imperial Taste, Chinese Ceramics from the Percival David Foundation, London, 1989, p.59, no.30 The Palace Museum's Collection of Blue and White Porcelains from Yongzheng Period of Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2017, p.205, pl.123 Chirstie‘s Hong Kong, 3rd June 2015, Lot.3126