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Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Total Population refers to the total number of people alive at
a certain point of time within a given area.The annual statistics on
total population is taken at midnight, the 3lst of December.
Birth Rate (or Crude Birth Rate) refers to the ratio of the
number of births to the average population (or mid-year population)
during a certain period of time (usually a year), expressed in ‰.
Birth rate in the chapter refers to annual birth rate. The following
formula is used:
Birth rate = number of births/annual average population
Number of births in the formula refers to live births, i.e. when
a baby has breathed or showed any vital phenomena regardless of
the length of pregnancy.Annual average population is the average
of the number of population at the beginning of the year and that at
the end of the year. Sometimes it is substituted by the mid-year
Death Rate (or Crude Death Rate) refers to the ratio of the
number of deaths to the average population (or mid-year
population) during a certain period of time (usually a year),
expressed in ‰. Death rate in the chapter refers to annual death
rate. The following formula is used:
Death rate = number of deaths/annual average population
Natural Growth Rate of Population refers to the ratio of
natural increase in population (number of births minus number of
deaths) in a certain period of time (usually a year) to the average
population (or mid-year population) of the same period, expressed
in ‰. The following formula is applied:
Natural Growth Rate of Population=(number of births -
number of deaths)/ annual average population * 1000‰
Natural Growth Rate of Population=Birth Rate-Death Rate
Mechanical Growth Rate of Population is a relative
indicator that reflects changes in the population migration. It shows
the ratio of the balance (between the people count moving in and
out of a given area) to total population during a certain period of
time, expressed in ‰. The following formula is used:
Mechanical growth rate = the balance between people count
moving in and out of a given area during a certain period of
time/average population * 1000‰
Population Density refers to the ratio of total population in a
given area at a certain point of time to the area at this point of time,
namely total population per area of land at a certain point of time,
expressed in number of residents per square kilometers:
Population density= Total population in the region/Land area
in the region*100%
Sex ratio refers to the ratio of male to female population in
total population or age groups, male population to per 100 female
populations. The following formula is used:
Sex ratio= Male population/Female population*100%