Hotel Product Knowledge

发布时间:2021-11-19 | 杂志分类:其他

Hotel Product Knowledge

SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 32、酒店员工下班有采取查包程序吗? 确认,出闸部门要将双联再次拿至部门总监签字 Is there the procedure about checking the staff’s bag 后交于保安部。 when he\\she off duty? The gate pass must be drew and used on one day, before used it must be signed by the department 33、向消控中心或服务中心报告的三个要点是什 director. There are two piece... [收起]
Hotel Product Knowledge
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SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 32、酒店员工下班有采取查包程序吗? 确认,出闸部门要将双联再次拿至部门总监签字 Is there the procedure about checking the staff’s bag 后交于保安部。 when he\\she off duty? The gate pass must be drew and used on one day, before used it must be signed by the department 33、向消控中心或服务中心报告的三个要点是什 director. There are two piece ,the red page and the 么? white page .when the staff take items out the hotel and Which three points when report to FCC or Service will return ,he \\she must sign the return date, then the Center? white page is kept in the security department ,the other one is kept in the department ,when the items 34、消控中心在酒店的什么位置? return ,they must be confirmed by the guard , dept. Where does FCC locate? should take two pieces for singed by dept director again, then submit to SEC. 35、外来人员进入酒店后区需要办理什么手续? Which procedure should do when non-hotel 有。员工必须配合保安部,主动开包检查。 personnel enter back of house? Yes, the staff should cooperate with the guard, open the bag for checking initiatively. 36、如员工要把自行车停在员工自行车场,应出 示什么证件? 1.姓名和部门 2. 紧急情况和确切位置 3. 描述紧 What should show when staff wants to park his/her 急情况 bicycle in parking lot? 1. Name and Department; 2. Emergent situation and specific location; 3. describe the emergent situation 37、火警的代码是什么? What’s the emergency code of fire alarm? 员工通道打卡机旁。 Beside ID card swiping machine in staff entrance. 38、如在酒店发现可疑人员应通知哪个部门? Which department should be informed when find 必须持有 50 元人民币作为押金并由被访部门人员 suspicious person? 到员工通道带入酒店。 Should bring cash RMB 50 as deposit and picked up 39、如发生紧急情况或火警时应做什么事情? by the interviewed department at staff entrance. What should do when there is emergency / fire alarm? 停车牌。 Parking Tag. Code 1 ,Code 2 and Code 3 保安部,电话 6799/6798。 Security, Tel: 6799/6798. 应立刻拨打“0”通知总机,或是拨打“6799/6798”通 知保安部,告知他们您的部门,姓名及准确位 置。 Should dial 0 to inform service center or dial 6799/6798 to inform Security and tell them your name, dept. and specific location. 50


SLFZ HOTEL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 40、什么是职业小偷? 保安员在巡逻时发现各部门仓库及办公区域门未 What’s professional theft? 上锁,并且无人看管的情况下,保安员拿走物品 并拍照,并在职业小偷记录本上登记,在第二天 41、在处理紧急事件中的 6C 原则是什么? 晨会上通报。 What are \"6C\" principles in handling emergencies? Patrolman will take items and take photos if store / office door is unlock / open and unattended and make professional theft record. Security manager will report it in tomorrow’s briefing. Confirm 确认-Clear 清场-Cordon 封锁-Control 控制- Clarify 证明-Communicate 沟通 51
