
发布时间:2024-1-22 | 杂志分类:其他


49Ouhai, Hangzhou Asian Games Dragon Boat Competition Venue, Drawing Visitors from All Corners□ by Zhou Jian and Huang Lili, China NewsOuhai District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, got its name from the statement “Ou lies in the midst of the sea” in Classic of Mountains and Seas, an ancient Chinese book.From October 4 to 6, the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games dragon boat event will unfold at the Wenzhou Dragon Boat Sports Center in this district. Under the theme “Hosting an event, enhancing a city,” Ouhai is foc... [收起]
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Ouhai, Hangzhou Asian Games Dragon

Boat Competition Venue, Drawing Visitors

from All Corners

□ by Zhou Jian and Huang Lili, China News

Ouhai District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, got its name from the statement “Ou lies in the midst of the sea” in Classic of

Mountains and Seas, an ancient Chinese book.

From October 4 to 6, the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games dragon boat event will unfold at the Wenzhou Dragon

Boat Sports Center in this district. Under the theme “Hosting an event, enhancing a city,” Ouhai is focusing

on event venue and infrastructure construction, as well as the surrounding environmental improvements and

operational support for businesses. The district is consolidating its efforts to enhance its quality, governance, and

civilization comprehensively, aiming to elevate its capacity and core competitiveness. It aspires to embrace the

Asian Games with the most vibrant appearance and the most graceful posture.




Covering a total land area of 354,667

square meters with a total investment of

approximately 1.6 billion yuan, the Wenzhou

Dragon Boat Sports Center is the top-notch

dragon boat racing venue in China and

even across Asia. The Dragon Boat Culture

Museum located on the underground floor of

the center has become a significant gateway

for promoting dragon boat culture and

narrating compelling dragon boat stories.

Functioning as a large-scale,

multifaceted sports park with both openness

and aesthetics, the Ouhai Olympic Sports

Center Stadium seamlessly integrates

competitive sports, community fitness

initiatives, cultural and entertainment

activities, tourism and leisure facilities, and

trade and exhibition functions into a unified


These key venues not only provide

robust support for the smooth execution of

the Asian Games but also significantly elevate

the image and quality of Ouhai District. They

have transformed into prominent landmarks

and sought-after destinations. “I didn’t expect

the venues to be so aesthetically pleasing

and grand. Driving here, I’ve seen beautiful

cityscapes and smooth roads, which raises

my anticipation for the upcoming dragon

boat competition,” commented Ms. Chen,

who made a deliberate trip from Rui’an,

Wenzhou, to purchase dragon boat tickets

upon learning that the physical version was

available for sale.

In today’s Ouhai what catch one’s eyes

is a lively atmosphere filled with high-rise

buildings and colorful blossoms. Because

of the thoughtfully planned hardware

construction and software operational

enhancements, Ouhai is gaining more and

more international appeal. For instance, the

Project 339 stands tall as Wenzhou’s premier

skyscraper, reshaping the city’s skyline. The

Central Business District’s “20-building

complex,” the Global Commodity Trading

Hub and the Hilton Hotel Banquet Center

collectively act as commercial landmarks,

setting the fashion trend and attracting

huge foot-traffic. Developments like

Intime Department Store and Zhonggeng

POPC optimize the quality of their mixeduse formats, creating a commercial

landscape defined by “skyscrapers setting

the trend, business district collaboration,

and neighborhood connection.” Along the

elevated Ouhai Avenue, landmarks such

as the “Ferris Wheel” of Overseas Chinese

Town and Wutian Old Street capture

attention as popular and Instagram-worthy


“The changes are truly remarkable. In

the past, this area was filled with dilapidated

houses and extensive farmland. Now,

it’s all high-rise buildings—modern and

vibrant,” remarked Mr. Wang, a witness to

the transformation of Ouhai District into

the Asian Games New City. “I am looking

forward to the Asian Games taking place

right at my doorstep. I welcome visitors

from all over the country and the world to

watch the games, explore, experience Ouyue

culture, and delve into the stories of Ouhai.”

Ouhai is captivating visitors from all corners

with a profound urban transformation.

Officials from Louqiao Subdistrict

of Ouhai District stated, “Our goal is to

welcome the Asian Games with a completely

refreshed urban image, a vibrant Asian

Games ambiance, and an excellent event

organization by cultivating a distinctive

architectural culture in line with the Asian

Games, focusing on the key points such as

the facades of buildings around the Asian

Games venues, the main routes for the

competition, and the sub-village.”




传承龙舟文化 彰显深厚底蕴

□ 云南网特派记者 娄莹 周灿










塔“龙塔”高约 56 米,从侧面看它



桨,其 56 米的高度象征着中国 56



设固定座席,4 个站席观赛区域可

容纳约 1 万名观众。观赛区绿草茵





占地面积 2250 平方米的展馆内,



免费开放,暑期每天都有超过 1000











Wenzhou Dragon Boat Sports Center

Inheriting Rich Dragon Boat Culture

□ by Special Correspondents Lou Ying and Zhou Can, Yunnan.cn

Entering the Wenzhou Dragon Boat

Sports Center, one is greeted by distinctive

and large-scale architecture, designed with

the principle of “Dragon Leaping in Dong’ou

(Wenzhou) and Paddle Dancing on the Silk

Road.” Constructed in the image of dragons,

it is composed of the “Dragon Tower”

and the “Dragon Building.” The latter, a

multifunctional structure, resembles a dragon

emerging from the water when viewed from

afar. It undulates and meanders along the

bank of the dragon lake, showcasing Ouhai’s

profound cultural heritage as the “hometown

of Chinese dragon boat culture.” The highrise “Dragon Tower,” approximately 56

meters high, looks like a majestic dragon

boat when seen from the side, and from the

front, it appears as a massive paddling oar.

Its 56-meter height symbolizes the unity

of China’s 56 ethnic groups, embodying a

strong modern style.

The venue observes the traditional

spectator experience of dragon boat races by

omitting fixed seating arrangements. Instead,

there are four standing areas, accommodating

around 10,000 viewers. These spectator

zones are surrounded by lush green lawns,

providing a picturesque setting where

many spectators can revel in camping and

picnicking while enjoying the races.

The basement of the Dragon Boat

Sports Center houses China’s largest

single-area Dragon Boat Culture Museum.

Spanning an area of 2,250 square meters,

the exhibition hall allows visitors to delve

into the history and diversity of dragon boats

from different regions. The museum is open

to the public free of charge, attracting over

1,000 children daily during the summer for

educational exploration. As the venue for

the Asian Games Dragon Boat competition,

Ouhai District in Wenzhou has integrated

dragon boat courses into local schools.

Children created various artworks themed

around the Asian Games and dragon boats,

showcasing them to the media and athletes

during the Asian Games. These creations

embodied the children’s understanding of

traditional dragon boat culture and served as

gifts for both local and international friends.

Ouhai in Non-local Media



Siliandui Paper-making Workshop in Zeya Town, Ouhai District


54 外媒看瓯海



罗山雪景 陈辉 / 摄

Snowy Daluo Mountain by Chen Hui

Future-oriented, Wenzhou's on a New Journey
