
发布时间:2024-9-18 | 杂志分类:其他


7. NexsonIntroduction of the company (max 150 words):Located in Garchizy, Burgundy, France, Nexson Group is a heat exchanger manufacturer with over 30 years of technological accumulation. As a leader in the heat exchanger industry, Nexson's core products - spiral plate heat exchangers and fully welded heat exchangers are in a leading position in the global market. The whollyowned acquisition of Thermowave GmbH further expands the product range of Nexson Group, providing services for differen... [收起]
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7. Nexson

Introduction of the company (max 150 words):

Located in Garchizy, Burgundy, France, Nexson Group is a heat exchanger manufacturer with over 30 years of

technological accumulation. As a leader in the heat exchanger industry, Nexson's core products - spiral plate

heat exchangers and fully welded heat exchangers are in a leading position in the global market. The whollyowned acquisition of Thermowave GmbH further expands the product range of Nexson Group, providing

services for different application in more industries.

Nexson is proficient at manufacturing and is more committed to the research and innovation of more efficient

products. During past years, Nexson Group has accumulated a large number of high-end customers in key

industries, and its brand has a high level of recognition in the industry. Nexson also has many top partners in

different fields all over the world, such as refining and petrochemical, marine & offshore platforms, new energy,

food and medicine, etc.



Which category are you applying for :

- Sino-French Partnership Award

Name of the project (if there is no name, put the company's name):

Nexson (Beijing) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd.

Date of implementation:February 28th, 2023



Project presentation (max 150 words):

By leveraging the advantages of China's supply chain, manufacturing capabilities, and open market

environment, Nexson (Beijing) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd.will be established in China and the Nexson

Beijing factory will be constructed.

As the organization responsible for the heat exchanger business in China and the Asia Pacific region of the

Nexson Group, Nexson China is not only responsible for the production and sales of heat exchangers in

the region, but also for corresponding after-sales maintenance work. In addition, the Chinese factory also

serves as one of the most important production bases of Nexson Group globally, supply heat exchanger

products to the global market

Your project in one sentence (max 30 words in English):

The excellent combination of French brands、designs and Chinese manufacturing.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

Market access:By establishing production bases in China, the Nexson Group has not only optimized its global supply chain management, but also achieved

effective radiation to the Asia Pacific region. China, as the economic and geographical center of Asia, provides a strategic platform for Nexson to explore other

emerging markets in Asia. For Nexson, this means a shorter supply chain, faster market response speed, higher quality after-sales service, fewer access

restrictions, and more trust from partners.

Cost effectiveness: By combining China's strong local supply chain, excellent manufacturing technology, and the world's strongest manufacturing capabilities, the

Nexson Group can enjoy relatively low production costs, including labor costs, raw material costs, logistics costs, and other aspects. This makes Nexson Group's

products more competitive on a global scale.

Technology and knowledge transfer and sharing: By being geographically close to the Chinese market and production base, Nexson can facilitate the transfer of

technology and knowledge, promote the development of local talents and technology in China, and introduce the group's advanced technology and

management experience into China. On the other hand, the excellent experience accumulated in the manufacturing industry in China over the years has also

benefited Nexson Group greatly.

Brand and cultural integration: Nexson's entry into China is not only the implementation of business strategy, but also the beginning of cultural exchange. By

interacting with Chinese culture and society, Nexson can better adapt to and penetrate the Chinese market, create more attractive products and services, and

achieve a deep integration of brand and culture.

Win & win cooperation: Nexson's investment brings advanced technology and management experience, helping industrial upgrading and technological

progress; Created employment opportunities for the local area; Promoting China's foreign trade growth and enhancing international economic exchanges.

This cooperation model is a microcosm of China's manufacturing industry's transformation and upgrading, achieving high-quality development, and

demonstrating China's continuously rising position in the global industrial chain.



Please use the following 3 slides to present your project, including a descriptions of first results, observations, impact on

company or next steps of the project and other additional elements to help the jury in its analysis of your application.

Additionally, upload photos of your project


The 5000 m2 Beijing manufacturing

factory officially put into use


Nexson (Beijing) Industrial

Technology Co., Ltd. is

established in Beijing.


The Beijing GLP office is put

into use in Shunyi District.


Nexson China Passes ISO

System Certification


Nexson China Passes ASME U



Nexson China debuts at



has been certified by BV

classification society



 An important sales and after-sales service

network was quickly established and immediately

put into effect.(Including: China (Mainland),

Taiwan District, Japan, South Korea, Singapore,

Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and


 As the most important component of Nexson

Group's global strategy, the rapid completion of

the Chinese company and Beijing factory has

enabled Nexson to quickly expand its brand

influence and move from the process industry

sector to the civilian sector.

 The heat exchangers from the Beijing factory

have been sold to the global market, which

increases Nexson Group's competitiveness.

 The integrated supply chain resources of Nexson

China have greatly benefited the Nexson Group,

even factories located in Europe have been

positively affected.


 The establishment of Nexson China and the

opening of its Beijing factory will bring multiple

benefits to the Nexson Group, including

improving production capacity, expanding

market coverage, optimizing supply chain,

enhancing research and development

capabilities, increasing brand influence,

ensuring compliance and certification,

enhancing customer trust, and promoting

cultural exchange. These benefits will not only

contribute to the deep development of the

Nexson Group in the Chinese market, but also

provide a solid foundation for its global

business expansion.

 With the official opening of the Nexson Beijing

factory and the continuous increase in

production capacity, it is expected that Nexson

Group will continue to maintain its leading

position in the global heat exchanger market,

providing customers with more high-quality

products and services.


8. Servier

Project presentation (max 150 words):

Early April, Servier China rolled out a CSR campaign with claim of “Low Carbon, Net-Zero Plastic” to minimize carbon

footprint and take actions helping protect biodiversity. The employees are encouraged to take eco-friendly commune tools

such as walking, cycling and subways, as well as to recycle plastic products such as shopping bags, water bottles and

containers. At the end of April, a total of 1010 check-ins of participation with 95,687 kilometers has been achieved, resulting

in a reduction of carbon emissions equivalent to 11,482 trees planting.

Your project in one sentence (max 30 words in English):

In April, Servier China launched a CSR campaign promoting eco-friendly commuting, achieving 1,010 check-ins and reducing

carbon emissions equivalent to planting 11,482 trees.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

1. Commitment to Sustainability

The \"Low Carbon, Net-Zero Plastic\" campaign highlights Servier China's dedication to environmental sustainability. By focusing

on reducing carbon footprints and minimizing plastic use, the initiative aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and

protect biodiversity. This commitment enhances Servier's reputation as a responsible and forward-thinking organization.

2. Employee Engagement and Empowerment

The campaign actively engages employees by encouraging eco-friendly commuting methods such as walking, cycling, and

public transportation. This fosters a culture of environmental awareness and empowers staff to take personal responsibility for

their ecological impact. The impressive participation, with 1,010 check-ins and nearly 96,000 kilometers traveled, demonstrates

the effectiveness of this strategy in building a sense of community and shared purpose.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

3. Measurable Impact

The campaign’s quantifiable outcomes provide clear evidence of its success. The reduction in carbon emissions equivalent to

planting 11,482 trees showcases a significant environmental benefit. Measurable goals enable the company to track progress and

communicate results effectively, reinforcing the campaign's credibility and inspiring further participation. Such metrics can

motivate employees and encourage similar initiatives across the organization.

4. Promotion of Recycling and Resource Conservation

The initiative addresses critical issues of plastic waste and resource conservation. By encouraging employees to recycle items like

shopping bags, water bottles, and containers, Servier China takes concrete steps to reduce plastic pollution. This not only supports

environmental sustainability but also fosters a recycling culture within the organization. Promoting resource conservation becomes

a shared value among employees, leading to long-term changes in their behaviors and consumption patterns.



Please use the following 3 slides to present your project, including a descriptions of first results, observations, impact on

company or next steps of the project and other additional elements to help the jury in its analysis of your application.

Additionally, upload photos of your project



 Reach out to all employees (online & offline)

 Low Carbon: Encourage the use of eco-friendly commuting such as walking, cycling or public transport. A total of 1010

check-ins of participation with 95,687 kilometers has been achieved, resulting in a reduction of carbon emissions equivalent

to 11,482 trees planting

 Net Plastic: Target to recycle at least 500 discarded plastic bottles and coffee cups and make at least 80 eco-bottles

Project objectives and deliverable


 Responding to global environmental initiatives and reducing carbon emissions and plastic pollution through practical actions

 Enhance employee’s environmental awareness and participation

 Demonstrate Servier China positive attitude and determination in sustainable development


Ob s e rva t ions a nd Im p a c t on t he Com p a ny


 Increased Engagement:

Throughout the project, we observed a significant increase in

employee engagement towards sustainability initiatives.

 Awareness and Education:

There was a notable increase in awareness and knowledge

regarding environmental issues among staff.


 Cost Savings:

Initial analyses indicate significant cost savings attributed to

reduced plastic usage and waste management expenses.

 Foundation for Future Initiatives:

The momentum generated from this project serves as a

strong foundation for future sustainability initiatives.


Next Steps and Future Engagement

 Next Steps:

Continuous Employee Involvement:

Launch ongoing employee engagement programs that promote sustainability.

 Future Engagement:

Community Engagement Programs:

Initiate community-based projects focused on environmental stewardship, such as local clean-up events, tree planting drives, or

educational outreach programs in schools. This not only fosters a positive social impact but also strengthens our community



9. TotalEnergies

Project presentation (max 150 words):

TotalEnergies developed an innovation cooling solution to support safe and reliable E mobility.

TotalEnergies and Tsinghua University’s collaboration has led to the development of “Cell-Shield,” a dielectric fluid for

battery thermal management. This innovative fluid is designed to enhance battery performance by effectively managing

temperature increases during ultra-fast charging. “Cell-Shield” also offers protection against external short circuits and, in

the event of internal shorts, serves as a uniform heat distributor to manage thermal release. Its high autoignition temperature

ensures it does not ignite easily, which is instrumental in preventing thermal runaway.

“Cell-Shield” has been rigorously tested through abuse testing, which subjects it to extreme conditions to evaluate its safety

credentials. Compared to traditional cooling methods like air cooling and PAO, “Cell-Shield” has exhibited remarkable

performance, indicating its potential as a superior solution in battery thermal management. These tests confirm its ability to

maintain stability and safety under challenging scenarios, making it a promising advancement in battery technology.



Your project in one sentence (max 30 words in English):

New generation fluid cooling system: higher efficiency, less consumption and lower-carbon emission, to safeguard green and

sustainable e-mobility.




The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

1. Demonstrated the superior cooling performance of TotalEnergies’ dielectric fluids in high-density power


These fluids, known for their excellent heat transfer properties, have shown remarkable results in maintaining optimal

operating temperatures in power modules, even under extreme load conditions. This has not only enhanced the

performance and reliability of these modules but also extended their lifespan, thereby reducing maintenance costs and

downtime. Furthermore, the use of these dielectric fluids has opened up new possibilities for the design and

development of compact, high-power electronic devices, paving the way for the next generation of energy-efficient

technologies. The success of this demonstration underscores TotalEnergies' commitment to innovation and

sustainability, reinforcing its position as a leader in low-carbon energy solution for e mobility.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

2. Implemented a series of thermal safety tests that have established more robust safety standards for the use of

these fluids in cooling applications.

The cooling fluid has been developed by TotalEnergies. The further tests, designed to simulate a variety of operating

conditions and potential failure scenarios, have provided valuable insights into the thermal stability and safety margins

of these fluids. The results have shown that these fluids can withstand high temperatures without degradation, reducing

the risk of thermal runaway and ensuring safe operation even under extreme conditions. Moreover, these tests have led

to the development of new safety protocols and guidelines for the use of these fluids, contributing to safer and more

reliable cooling solutions. This initiative reflects our commitment to safety and our continuous efforts to improve the

performance and reliability of our cooling technologies.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

3. Designed a battery module that did not catch fire during a 5-minute needle puncture test and did not experience

heat spread within 1 hour.

The innovative battery module, engineered with a focus on safety and reliability, showcased remarkable resilience during

rigorous testing. The 5-minute needle puncture test, a critical evaluation for thermal runaway prevention, was a significant

hurdle that many battery designs fail to overcome. However, this module maintained its integrity without ignition, a

testament to its robust thermal management system. Additionally, the absence of heat spread within the first hour

indicates an exceptional level of thermal isolation and control, ensuring that even in the event of a breach, the risk of

collateral damage to adjacent cells and modules is minimized. This design sets a new standard for battery safety in

applications where failure is not an option and marking a pivotal step forward in energy storage solutions.



The strengths of your project (four or five key arguments) – Max 500 words:

4. The experimental module is nearing the functionality of an actual battery module, aiding designers in enhancing

battery safety.

The progress of this experimental module is an important milestone in the quest for safer battery technology. As its

functionality approaches that of a commercial battery module, it provides valuable insights into the mechanisms that

prevent catastrophic failures. Designers can use these findings in the future to integrate new materials and structural

designs that can control and manage thermal events within the battery. This not only improves battery safety, but also

increases consumer confidence in battery-powered devices.



Please use the following 3 slides to present your project, including a descriptions of first results, observations, impact on

company or next steps of the project and other additional elements to help the jury in its analysis of your application.

Additionally, upload photos of your project


Descriptions of First


 Immersion cooling is beneficial for safety,

as no propagation occurred with dielectric

fluids. Fluid choice significantly impacts

safety, and selecting the right fluid can

prevent fires. High-temperature resistance

is crucial for safety during thermal

runaway scenarios.


 In abuse testing, the temperature

of the penetrated battery was

above 400°C, but there was no

thermal runaway spread and no

fire was detected. This highlights

the importance of using fluids

with better heat resistance to

ensure passenger safety during

thermal runaway events.



Next Steps

Experimental Results:

TotalEnergies experiments

show that direct cooling can

ensure battery pack safety.

Research Directions:

Further research on the connection

between thermal management and

safety is needed to improve the

safety of battery packs.
