Size : 120mm × 125mm
Extent : 24pp
Format : board book
Age : 0-3
Price : 25.00 RMB/title
彩虹洞洞书(全 6 册)
Peep Inside Books (6 titles)
本书是适合 0 ~ 3 岁儿童的认知启蒙洞洞纸板书,含动物、恐龙、交通工具、
颜色形状、数字和日常用品六大主题。65 个创意满满的彩色洞洞,76 组中英双语启
蒙认知词汇,83 幅视觉激发创意插图,带宝宝快乐探索缤纷世界,促进宝宝视觉发育、
This set is a peep inside book for children aged 0 ~ 3 years, which contains six themes:
animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, colors and shapes, numbers and daily necessities. Colorful hollow
caved pages, 76 English-Chinese bilingual vocabularies and 83 creative illustrations bring
the baby to explore the colorful world happily and develop the baby's visual development,
language acquisition, action development and logical thinking development.
数学启蒙贴纸书(全 6 册)
Mathematics Sticker Book (6 titles)
本书是专为 2 ~ 5 岁儿童设计的益智贴纸游戏书,共 6 册,根据儿童思维发展特点,由易到难编排,
This set is a sticker book specially designed for children aged 2 ~ 5 years, which contains basic mathematical
knowledge.It is arranged from easy to difficult according to children's cognitive development. The set integrates
mathematics and puzzle games. With vivid illustrations and interesting themes, it develop children’s interest in
mathematics and logical thinking.
Size : 210mm × 285mm
Extent : 24pp
Format : paperback with stickers
Age : 2-5
Price : 18.00 RMB/title
Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 49