
发布时间:2023-10-08 | 杂志分类:其他


Size : 120mm × 125mmExtent : 24ppFormat : board bookAge : 0-3Price : 25.00 RMB/title彩虹洞洞书(全 6 册)Peep Inside Books (6 titles)本书是适合 0 ~ 3 岁儿童的认知启蒙洞洞纸板书,含动物、恐龙、交通工具、颜色形状、数字和日常用品六大主题。65 个创意满满的彩色洞洞,76 组中英双语启蒙认知词汇,83 幅视觉激发创意插图,带宝宝快乐探索缤纷世界,促进宝宝视觉发育、语言启蒙、动作发展和思维启蒙!This set is a peep inside book for children aged 0 ~ 3 years, which contains six themes: animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, colors and shapes, numbers and daily necessities. Colorful hollow caved pages, 76 English-Chinese bilingual vocabularies and... [收起]
粉丝: {{bookData.followerCount}}

Size : 120mm × 125mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : board book

Age : 0-3

Price : 25.00 RMB/title

彩虹洞洞书(全 6 册)

Peep Inside Books (6 titles)

本书是适合 0 ~ 3 岁儿童的认知启蒙洞洞纸板书,含动物、恐龙、交通工具、

颜色形状、数字和日常用品六大主题。65 个创意满满的彩色洞洞,76 组中英双语启

蒙认知词汇,83 幅视觉激发创意插图,带宝宝快乐探索缤纷世界,促进宝宝视觉发育、


This set is a peep inside book for children aged 0 ~ 3 years, which contains six themes:

animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, colors and shapes, numbers and daily necessities. Colorful hollow

caved pages, 76 English-Chinese bilingual vocabularies and 83 creative illustrations bring

the baby to explore the colorful world happily and develop the baby's visual development,

language acquisition, action development and logical thinking development.

数学启蒙贴纸书(全 6 册)

Mathematics Sticker Book (6 titles)

本书是专为 2 ~ 5 岁儿童设计的益智贴纸游戏书,共 6 册,根据儿童思维发展特点,由易到难编排,




This set is a sticker book specially designed for children aged 2 ~ 5 years, which contains basic mathematical

knowledge.It is arranged from easy to difficult according to children's cognitive development. The set integrates

mathematics and puzzle games. With vivid illustrations and interesting themes, it develop children’s interest in

mathematics and logical thinking.

Size : 210mm × 285mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback with stickers

Age : 2-5

Price : 18.00 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 49


这套书集涂色、创意画、自由涂色于一体,每册 20 张配有迷你示范图的涂色花、6 张创意涂鸦画、

3 张可以自由发挥的场景涂色画,三级进阶,开启艺术启蒙之路。

This set of books integrates coloring, creative painting, and free coloring. Each title is matched with 20

coloring flowers as mini demonstrations, 6 creative graffiti paintings, and 3 scene paintings for free coloring.

Three levels lead children embark on their journey to artistic enlightenment.

Size : 215mm × 215mm

Extent : 32pp

Format : paperback

Age : 2-5

Price : 12.00 RMB/title

天才小画家(全 8 册)

Talented Little Artist (8 titles)

全书包含剪纸、折纸、涂色和印章画四款手工,共 400 个互动游戏,涵盖颜色、形状、食物、



The book introduces paper-cutting, paper folding, coloring, and seal with 400 interactive games,

covering multiple themes such as color, shape, food, and means of transport to practice the head-hand

coordination ability of children and inspire their innovative thinking. Every box is matched with a

creative handmade game instruction and safe and environment-friendly handcraft material, providing

one-stop solution to material preparation so that children can enjoy themselves free.

Size : 245mm × 175mm

Extent : 200pp

Format : paperback

超级手工宝盒(全 4 盒)

Super Hand-made Treasure Box (4 boxes)

Age : 2-5

Price : 45.00 RMB/box


50 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


一套针对 3 ~ 6 岁幼儿设计的立体模型手工书。孩子通过剪、折、贴,完成立体手工,不仅能



This is a set of 3D model handicraft book designed for children aged 3 ~ 6. By cutting, folding and pasting, it

can not only develop children’s hand-brain coordination, concentration, imagination and spatial intelligence, but

also promote interaction between parents and children.

惊险刺激的游戏加上生动曲折的探险故事,全面调动孩子的感官和思维,激发孩子的想象力。96 个迷宫构

思精妙有趣、极富创意,让充满求知欲和探索欲的孩子爱不释手。每册图书均设有 12 个迷宫,必须顺利通过上


Adventurous and thrilling games together with vivid and tortuous adventuring stories can fully motivate children’s senses

and thought and inspire their imagination. 96 mazes are intricately conceived with fantastic innovation so that children

with full of thirst for knowledge and discovery can not help to refuse them. Every volume is equipped with 12 mazes.

Only when one level is passed can the clue to the next maze be obtained as the clues are interlinked.

侦探保罗奇境冒险大迷宫(全 8 册)

Detective Paul’s Adventure

in a Wonderland Maze (8 titles)

Size : 285mm × 212mm

Extent : 32pp

Format : paperback

Age : 4-6

Price : 12.00 RMB/title

手工小达人(全 5 册)

Handicraft Book (5titles)

Size : 254mm × 254mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 17.80 RMB/title



This is a series of coloring books for fun. Through the easy and happy coloring training, children’s ability to

communicate and hand-eye coordination can be exercised. Their basic painting ability and color perception

ability can get cultivated, and their right brain art potential can be aroused.

Size : 150mm × 150mm

Extent : 120pp

Format : paperback

Age : 2-5

Price : 12.00 RMB/title

快乐小画本(全 10 册)

Jolly Little Coloring Books (10 titles)

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 51





This set of books is designed with D-finders, network games, mazes, classification, reasoning and other

types of games to develop the top 10 intelligence of children including cognitive, observational, living,

mathematical, comparative, linguistic, analytical, calligraphic, associative, and spatial capabilities.

Size : 225mm × 210mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 2-5

Price : 12.90 RMB/title


思维训练 101 图(全 6 册)

101 Pictures for the Concentration

and Thinking Training of

Pre-school Children (6 titles)

本套书含 200 多张游戏贴纸、超多经典儿歌,让宝宝在玩乐中掌握生活技能。每册书含

38 个主题,共 228 个学习场景,专家支招解决 90% 在园期普遍性问题。

This set of books contains more than 200 game stickers, large quantities of classic nursery rhymes,

enabling children to master life skills in fun. The 38 themes and 228 learning scenes altogether in each

book contain the methods expert present to preschool children in solving 90% of the common problems

they will encounter in the kindergarten.

Size : 190mm × 208mm

Extent : 40pp

Format : paperback

Age : 2-4

Price : 15.90 RMB/title


一本通(全 6 册)

All-in-one for

the Kindergarten Entry of

Preschool Children (6 titles)


Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 52


这是一套提升 3 ~ 6 岁宝宝专注力的科普游戏书。书中有 1000 多个待搜索物品,更蕴含

了 400 个科普知识以及数字、分类等数学学习。全书从视觉、听觉、思维三个方面对孩子进行


This is a set of science popularization game books aimed to promote the concentration of preschool

children aged 3 to 6. There are over 1000 items in the book, and it also contains 400 of science

popularization knowledge and mathematic knowledge such as numbers and classifications learning. The

whole set conducts concentration game training for children from three aspects: visual, auditory and

thinking, so that children can be more focused.

Size : 250mm × 260mm

Extent : 26pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 15.00 RMB/title


培养大书(全 4 册)

Concentration Training for

Kids (4 titles)




This set of books consists of four kinds of manuals, including collage, color clay, paper-cutting, and paper

folding, a perfect assistant for parent-child games. The steps in the book are clear, the text is explained in

detail, and the handcraft activities are designed from easy to difficult, so that the children can easily learn

to do the manual. Ingenious handicraft design together with adorable illustrations make the craftsmanship


Size : 210mm × 250mm

Extent : 72pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 22.80 RMB/title

创意手工天天玩(全 4 册)

Creative Handicrafts (4 titles)

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 53



他们的想象力。424 个造型各异、美轮美奂的公主形象,缤纷多彩的公主华服、配饰,能让小女孩


Coloring can promote the development of children’s image thinking, benefit the cultivation of their ability to

concentrate, observe and match color, and enhance their imagination. The 424 beautiful and splendid princess

images of different shapes and styles decorated with colorful costumes and accessories can attract the little

girls to linger in the world of the princess.

Size : 210mm × 285mm

Extent : 56pp

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 19.80 RMB/title


玩美涂画(全 8 册)

Colored Books of

little Princess (8 titles)

这是一套送给小女孩的公主涂色大礼包。书中汇集了 132 个形象各异、精致优雅的公主造型,



This is a series of princess coloring gift package for little girls. The books collect 132 princesses of different

images and delicate elegance. Little girls can let their imagination run wild and be creative to color out the

beautiful princess in their mind. Attached with the books is a series of shining rhinestone stickers to better

glamorize the colored work.

Size : 185mm × 260mm

Extent : 24pp

Format : paperback

Age : 2-5

Price : 19.90 RMB/title


涂色书(全 6 册)

Coloring Books of

Star Diamond

Princess (6 titles)

ACTIVITY BOOKS 游戏益智 54 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023




过生动的 3D 幼儿英语教学动画,带幼儿浸入式地


This is a series of systematic, thematic, and cascading

English curriculum for preschool children. Based on the

vivid and funny English picture book stories, the series

can lead children to be immersed in learning English

with 3D English teaching animations specially developed

for preschool children.

Complete set : 3 titles of teachers' book,

3 boxes of teaching aids,

and 3 boxes of children's care products

Age : 3-6

Price : teachers' book 30.00 RMB/title,

teaching guides 338.00 RMB/set,

children's activity books 128.00 RMB/set

美语时光 Time for English



松掌握“道奇”高频词汇表上 100 个初级常用词,帮助孩子更轻松地过渡到自主


This is a set of sight words readers designed for children at the first stage of English

learning. The children can listen to native speaker's reading of the whole book with the

QR code. Young learners are more likely to master the 100 sight words in the Dodge highfrequency vocabulary list by reading interesting stories, listening to authentic audio and

doing follow-up exercises. The set can help them naturally move on to independent reading



(36 本故事书+ 1 本练习册)

Sight Words 100 (36 titles of story books

and 1 title of workbook)

Size : 150mm×150mm

Extent : 8pp (story books), 36pp (workbook)

Format : paperback

Age : 3-6

Price : 148.00 RMB/set


Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 55


本书以学习 26 个英文字母为主线,每一个单页包含一个英文字母以及含有这


在帮助 0~5 岁幼儿掌握:1)26 个英文字母的字母名;2)26 个英文字母的字母音;3)

26 个英文字母的大小写认读及书写顺序 ;4)78 个自然拼读词汇 ;5)26 首韵律诗 ;

6)26 首经典童谣。

This book focuses on 26 alphabets learning, and each page contains spelling words, rhythmic

poems and classic nursery rhymes. This book aims to help children aged 0~5 master the

following capabilities:1) letter names; 2) letter sounds; 3) capitalization and letter writing; 4)

letter sounds and 78 spelling words; 5) 26 rhythms; 6)26 classic nursery rhymes.

I Love Phonics


ABC Phonics Sound Book

Size : 260mm × 190mm

Extent : 27pp

Format : hardback

Age : 0-5

Price : 138.00 RMB/set

一本为 2 ~ 6 岁幼儿定制的有声互动英语单词书。1 本有声英语单词书 =25

个日常生活主题 +750+ 基础单词 +850+ 发声按键。丰富的单词内容搭配充满童趣



This is a English Dictionary sound book for kids aged 2-6. It contains 25 daily life themes,

750 vocabularies and 850 sound buttons. Words with interesting illustrations make children

fall in love with English learning. Children learn English while playing with four sensory

experiences of seeing, listening, touching and speaking.


English Dictionary Sound Book

Size : 243mm × 285mm

Extent : 28pp

Format : hardback

Age : 2-6

Price : 180.00 RMB/title


56 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


《思维导图 1500 词速记》《思维导图 1500 词速记》全六册,利用有趣又高效的思维导图联想记忆

法,搭配丰富的闯关练习题和科学的艾宾浩斯循环记忆法,帮助 5 ~ 12 岁孩子轻松掌握 1500 个核心

单词。46 张思维导图充分挖掘孩子天马行空的联想天赋,帮助他们打开记忆的大门。9 大练习题型,


Thinking Map Words 1500 series are designed with the interesting and efficient mind map memory method.

Combined with exercises and scientific Ebbinghaus circular memory method, the set helps children master 1500

core words easily.

This set extends 1500 core words from 46 themes and 46 full-color hand-painted mind maps, fully exploiting

children's imaginative talents and helping them remember words. 9 types of exercises and Ebbinghaus

memorizing methodscientifically improve the efficiency of English vocabulary learning.


1500 词速记(6 册)

Thinking Map

Words 1500 (6 titles)

Size : 210mm × 280mm

Extent : 84pp

Format : paperback

Age : 5-12

Price : 228.00 RMB/set



适合母语非英语的 3 ~ 6 岁儿童入门英语阅读的分级绘

本。该系列共三辑共 36 本,包括四大故事类型:生活故事、


English Leveled Reading is a set of graded picture books for

ESL children aged 3-6 , which are jointly created by English

parenting education expert Zhao Xiaohua and the international

children's book illustrator team. The series consist of three

volumes and 36 titles, including four story types: life stories,

animal stories, funny tales and classic stories.



English Leveled

Reading (3 series)

Size : 188mm × 188mm

Extent : 12 p (level one),

16 p (level two),

20 p (level three)

Age : 3-6

Price : 432.00 RMB/set

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 57


这是一套轻量化学习自然拼读的产品,全套包含 128 张拼读卡片,分为六个级别 ;

囊括自然拼读规则 ;6 册练习册,即学即练,巩固提高 ;一份家庭指导,贴心指导,贴

心指导亲子共学 ;外教录制纯正音频,专业准确 ;配备点读拓展资源,趣味满满。同时

还覆盖 80% 高频词,让孩子学好自然拼读,为独立阅读打下基础。

This is a set of cards for learning phonics, containing 128 cards, covering all the rules of

phonics, and divided the rules into six levels,there are six work books to help children practice

and consolidate; and a family guide to guide parents and children to learn together; there is

professional and accurate audio read by American teacher; This set equipped with point reading

function. It also covers 80% of 220 sight words, helping children to learn phonics and laying the

foundation for independent reading.

以备受 3 ~ 6 岁孩子喜欢的汽车交通工具为主题,包含挖掘机、消防车、警车、救



The book focuses on four types of cars that children ages 3 to 6 like, including digger, fire engine,

police car and school bus. It combines simple and repetitive rhyming language with interesting

designs to provide a fun reading experience for young children and to enhance their language

skills, hands-on skills and thinking skills!

Easy Phonics


Easy Phonics-Phonics

Learning Cards

Size : 120mm × 170mm

Extent : 128cards +

6 workbooks +1 reading guide

Format : paperback

Age : 3-8

Price : 248.00 RMB/box


I Love Cars •

Bilingual Toy Book

Size : 160mm × 160mm

Extent : 30pp

Format : push-and-pull book

Age : 3-6

Price : 300.00 RMB/set


58 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


图书内含 400 种小朋友日常生活中的常见事物,全方位满足宝宝的多元认知需求。图书还搭配了


The book contains 400 common things in children's daily life to meet the multi-cognitive needs of babies in all

aspects. The book also comes with colorful, childlike illustrations that babies can read aloud while looking at the

pictures to establish a one-to-one relationship between the text and the pictures in their minds.

这是一套 4 册精装纸板触摸发声英文童谣合集,精选 24 首世界经典童谣,按照 4 个主题分为 4 册,

每册 6 首,是幼儿磨耳朵、习韵律的最佳工具,在愉快的学唱过程中,可帮助孩子培养良好的英语语感,

温馨可爱的动物形象,指尖轻点触控面就能唱歌的发声设计,圆角厚纸板工艺,再搭配每首一个共 24


This is a set of 4 hardcover hardboard English nursery rhymes collection, a selection of 24 world class nursery

rhymes, divided into 4 volumes according to 4 themes, 6 rhymes per volume. It is the best tool for young children

to sharpen their ears, practice rhyme and develop a good sense of English language in the pleasant singing process.

Warm and cute animal image, the vocal design of tapping the touch surface, rounded corners with thick cardboard,

and a total of 24 nursery rhymes teaching videos, the book is very suitable for parents to use for young children's

English enlightenment.

这是一套 4 册精装纸板书发声书系列,分别以洗澡、刷牙、睡觉上厕所这四个与孩子日常生活息




This is a series of 4 hardcover cardboard sound books, featuring four topics that are closely related to children's

daily lives,this set is beautifully drawn. The language in the books is carefully worded, and the point trigger sound

design and thick cardboard rounded corners process make this set the best choice for children to develop a good

sense of English language. The book comes with audio and also video instructions, allowing children to learn

English happily and develop a sense of language during parent-child interaction.

0-3 岁双语启蒙小百科(全 4 册)

Bilingual Encyclopedia

for 0-3 Years (4 titles)

Size : 120mm × 150mm

Extent : 48 pp

Format : board book

Age : 0-3

Price : 120.00 RMB/set



(全 4 册)

Audible English Nursery

Rhymes for Babies

(4 titles)

Easy Speaking


发声书(全 4 册)

Easy SpeakingEnlightment Voice Book

for Babies (4 titles)

Size : 160mm × 160mm

Extent : 24 pp

Format : paperback

Age : 0-6

Price : 220.00 RMB/set

Size : 160mm × 160mm

Extent : 24 pp

Format : paperback

Age : 0-6

Price : 220.00 RMB/set

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 59






The series of book is created from the dialogues of IVYDAD and

Famous Masters.IVYDAD gratuates from Yale Universtiy and he is the

founder of WeChat official account IVYDAD which has over 1,000,000

fans.The series consist of literature,mathematics, piano, painting, reading

and writing.It presents professional methods for the most important

problems concerned by parents.

Size : 45mm × 208mm/170mm × 195mm

Extent : 200pp

Format : paperback

Price : 45.00-49.00 RMB/title

常青藤爸爸对话名师系列(全 6 册)

Dialogue Series between Ivy League Dad and

Renowned Master (6 titles)







Every child can learn math well

Every child can learn language well

Every child can learn piano well

Every child can learn painting well

Every child can learn to read well

Every child can learn to write well




Graduated from the Yale University,

former CEO of Goldman Sachs, now

in pursuit of an Master’s degree in

Pedagogy in the Harvard University.

The author’s educational concepts for young

learners are widely accepted and welcomed

in China. He now has millions of followers on

the internet, and is quite active on learning and

interactive platforms among parents.






Size : 170mm × 230

Extent : 248pp/360pp/288pp

Format : paperback

Price : 158.00 RMB/set

常青藤爸爸对话名师系列 · 每个孩子都能爱上幼儿园

Dialogue Series between Ivy League Dad and Renowned Master•Every Child

Can Love Kindergarten




This is a parenting book guiding parents and early childhood educators. Selecting various problems children

meet in the kindergarten, IVYDAD, the founder of Wechat official account IVYDAD which has over

1,000,000 fans, invites Liu Leqiong, the senior director of Chinese Academy of Sciences kindergarten, to

give thorough solutions to help children to pass through the kindergarten stage smoothly.

常青藤爸爸对话名师系列 · 一学就会的作文课(全 3 册)

Dialogue Series between Ivy League Dad and Renowned Master•Easy to Learn

Writing Class (3 titles)




作素材 ;征集一至六年级学生的作文,特级教师亲自诊断作文病因,呈现真实问题,展示如何运

用妙招 ;提供丰富范文,展现多样化写作风格,启发不一样的写作思路。这套书有效地解决孩子


Easy to Learn Writing Class is a set of books helping junior school students from grade 1 to 6 to start the

happy journey of writing. It is designed by IVYDAD,the founder of Wechat official account IVYDAD which

has over 1,000,000 fans, and Li Huaiyuan, a senior special teacher.Based on common themes junior students

wrote, the book gives tips to writing by analyzing classical writing types and helps children to accumulate

writing materials through the explanation of writing tips. Collecting writings of students from grade 1 to 6,

the senior special teacher personally analyzes the problems of writing and explain how to use the tips. The

book provides rich model writings to present various writing styles and to enlighten their writing. This set

of books can effectively solve the problems in writing and make every child to fall in love with writing and

master the way of writing.

Size : 145mm × 208mm

Extent : 256pp

Format : paperback

Price : 49.00 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 61



科学养育 :


Dialogue Series between Ivy

League Dad and Renowned

Master•Scientific Parenting:

Developing Children’s Brain

英语高效学习法 :


Don’t Waste Money on English

Don’t Waste Time on English



科学专家刘丽教授深度解答,共同梳理一份让孩子潜力充分发挥的路线图。内容涵盖 :脑科学常

识及误区 ;分阶段(胎儿期、婴幼儿期、学前期、学龄期)详解孩子大脑的发展特征 ;就家长会



This is a parenting book guiding parents and educators to inspire children’s potential through scientific

methods. Selecting problems related with brain science in educating children, IVYDAD,the founder of

Wechat official account IVYDAD which has over 1,000,000 fans, cooperates with Professor Liu Li, a brain

science expert, to explore ways to develop children’s potential. The contents include the general knowledge

and misunderstanding in brain science,the explanation of characteristics of children’s brain development in

different stages(fetal stage, infant stage, preschool stage, school stage), and scientific instructions according

to the situations.This book aims to help parents understand their children's brain development patterns and

develop their children's brain potential in a scientific way.

在孩子的英语学习过程中,常常面临一些难题 :启蒙阶段的课程昂贵,但效率不高 ;唱唱跳

跳几节外教课,孩子学会的东西并不多 ;上小学后一定要补英语语法吗?读了很多章节数,孩子



语零基础到听力自由再到英语阅读自由 ;从“听说读写”四大板块入手,引导孩子能读会写,读


Children will always meet difficulties in the learning of English. The enlightenment classes are expensive

but inefficient since the foreign teachers only teach some singing and dancing. Is it necessary for children

to learn English grammar after entering junior school? Are you confused that why don’t children’s English

improve after reading so many chapters? Combining the author’s own experiences of tutoring 2 kids in

learning English, the book concludes the common problems in learning English, renews the ideas of English

learning and guides parents to help children to realize the change from zero-base of English to listening and

reading freedom through highly practical ways. Starting from listening, speaking, reading and writing, the

book teaches children to find out effective ways of learning English, which improves their English learning

ability and helps them to pass English exams both in and out of school.

Size : 145mm × 208mm

Extent : 248pp

Format : paperback

Price : 49.00 RMB/title

Size : 170mm × 230mm

Extent : 168pp/204pp

Format : paperback

Price : 98.00 RMB/set


62 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023





A easy and humorous book about parenting, which is full of meaningful parenting methods and recommended

by psychologist Zeng Qifeng.The author Wu Gang presents characteristics of children’s development at different

stages.It analyses the psychological theory to help parents dealing with parenting problems.


Challenge in Parenting : Mom, I Want You To Love Me This Way

Size : 170mm × 230mm

Extent : 256pp

Format : paperback

Price : 49.80 RMB/title

百万粉丝公号创始人吉米妈,阅读量过千万的公号好文合集 ;“雨果奖”获得者郝景芳倾情推荐 ;


The title is created by Jimi Mum, the founder of a WeChat official account which has over 1,000,000 fans.

Recommended by Hao Jingfang, the winner of the Hugo Award,the book tells parenting stories in humorous style

and presents lots of incisive viewpoints.

Size : 170mm × 230mm

Extent : 230pp


Parenting Stories

Format : paperback

Price : 48.00 RMB/title

这是一本常春藤盟校学子家庭的访谈录。前央视著名主持人、“有养”创始人兼 CEO 周洲与 11

个藤校学子家庭深度对话,听父母亲述孩子成长故事,与孩子畅谈父母的影响,从而揭秘 11 种不同



This book is a series of interviews with families whose children get Ivy League School’s offer. Zhou Zhou,

former famous CCTV host and the founder of YouYang, tells the stories of parenting by interviewing with 11

families. 11 families share their children’s growth stories and practical parenting methods.At the end of each

story, the host Zhou Zhou and experts analyse the educational theory and practical parenting methods for readers.


Seven Parenting Abilities for Elite School

Size : 170mm × 230mm

Extent : 230pp

Format : paperback

Price : 68.00 RMB/title

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 63



Dolphin Children's

Digital Media


这是一套针对 0 ~ 5 岁宝宝,以真人视频 +AI 交互的形式,用 TPR 和手工游戏的方法来精

学童谣的线上课程。童谣涵盖 8 大主题,满足宝宝的好奇心和探索欲望,美轮美奂的画面和趣味

横生的教学环节让宝宝轻松积累 500+ 词汇。课程教学包含 4 个环节 :看(整体感知)、学(动作



This is a set of online courses for babies aged 0-5 to learn nursery rhymes through TPR and handmade

games in the form of real people videos and AI interactive. Covering 8 themes, the nursery rhymes satisfy

babies’ curiosity and exploration desire. The beautiful pictures and the interesting teaching sections help

baby to master more than 500 words easily.The teaching course contains 4 sections, look(global perception),

learn(gestures correspond with words), play(handmade games), sing(sing loudly).The learning starts from

simple to deep and form a complete closed loop from input to output, letting the baby unconsciously fall in

love with English.


Joyful English Enlightenment Nursery Rhymes

这是一套面向 5 ~ 10 岁儿童,以趣味动画 +AI 交互的形式,帮助孩子系统掌握自然拼读规则

的线上课程。整个课程包含 6 个阶段,分别从 L1 字母音、L2 短元音、L3 长元音、L4 字母组合辅

音、L5 字母组合元音和 L6 棘手发音 6 个维度,帮助孩子掌握单词的音、形、义和相应的拼读规则,

培养孩子见词能读,听音能写的能力。课程整体框架由专业教研团队严格把关,基于 L1~L6 科学


要采用了 15 种趣味游戏、AI 跟读和趣味动画等交互方式,让孩子在学习的过程中获得更加沉浸


This is a set of online courses for children aged 5-10 to systematically master phonics rules in the form of

interesting cartoons and AI interactive.The course is composed of 6 stages,L1 letter phonic, L2 short vowel,

L3 long vowel, L4 combined-letter consonant, L5 combined-letter vowel and L6 tricky phonic, which help

children to master the pronunciation, form and corresponding phonics rules and thus cultivate their ability

to read the word when seeing it and spell the word when listening it. The overall framework of the course is

designed by the professional teaching and research team. Based on the scientific grading system of L1~L6,

it is mainly divided into two modules: basic and review courses.In terms of the design of the course sections,

15 kinds of fun games, AI reading and fun animations are used to ensure professionalism, so that children

can have a more immersive experience in the learning process!

Easy Phonics 自然拼读世界

Easy Phonics World

Product line :


Type :

Real people video + AI interactive

Episode : 50

Time for each episode :

3-10 minutes

Age : 0-5

List price : 199 RMB

Product line :


Type :

Cartoons + AI interactive

Episode : 171

Time for each episode :

10-15 minutes

Age : 5-10

List price : 1794 RMB


66 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


Product line :


Type :

Video(real people) + 1V1 comments

Episode : 360

Time for each episode :

4-6 minutes

Age : 6-8

List price : 1480 RMB

Product line : Science

Type :

Pictures and text + audio and video

+ AI interactive + cartoons

Episode : 20

Time for each episode : 20 minutes

Age : 5-10

List price : 299 RMB

这是这一套面向 5 ~ 10 岁儿童,以“水”为主题,通过 AI 场景化学习 + 动手

科学实验,助力孩子全面提升科学素养的线上课程。课程主要包含魔法卡片、AI 课

堂、闯关游戏、我当小老师和课程报告 5 个环节。整体涵盖 200+ 科学知识点,每

堂课由专业老师进行真人 AI 场景化互动教学,并配套 20+ 精选科学探究实验,可以




With “water” as the theme, this is a set of online courses for children aged 5-10 to advance

their scientific literacy through AI learning scenes and handmade experiments.The course

contains 5 sections, magic cards, AI classes, invented games, I am the little teacher and

course report. The whole courses cover more than 200 scientific knowledge points. Each

class is taught by professional teacher who applies AI interactive teaching and equipped with

more than 20 selected scientific experiments, which can fully cultivate children’s scientific

mind.The overall design of the course follows Feynman's teaching philosophy and combines

the standards of elementary school science classes with an interdisciplinary integration

of teaching methods to guide children to explore in experiments, thus enhancing reading,

thinking, exploring and creativity in a comprehensive manner.

海豚科学 AI 课 - 水的世界

Dolphin Science AI Course — The World of Water

这是一套面向 6 ~ 8 岁儿童,专注于少儿硬笔书法教学,致力于帮助书写期的


常用 800 字,由专业教研老师精心研发,科学编排,课程设计重点突出、内容丰富、



Focusing on the hard pen writing, this is a set of online courses for children aged 6-8 to learn

how to write Chinese characters correctly and to help them develop reasonable sitting and

pen-holding postures.

The whole course contains 800 words commonly used in the lower elementary grades.

Carefully developed by professional teaching and research teachers and arranged in a

scientific way, the course has a focused, content-rich, short and high-frequency curriculum.

Starting from easy to difficult, the course stimulates children’s interest in writing and helps

them learn to write correctly through daily practice, so as to develop independent learning

ability and good writing habit.


PIYO Writing Course

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 67


这是一套基于部编版语文教材(一 ~ 三年级)编写的线上写字课程,通过每日一练,由专业



一年级同步写字课包含 75 个视频,同步语文教材写字表中的汉字 300 个 ;

二年级同步写字课包含 100 个视频,同步语文教材写字表中的汉字 500 个 ;

三年级同步写字课包含 100 个视频,同步语文教材写字表中的汉字 500 个 ;

This is a set of online writing course based on the Ministry of Education Chinese textbook (grades 1 to 3).

The course aims to help children to master methods of writing through daily practice and demonstration of

writing by professional teachers, which can stimulate children’s desire to writing and cultivate their selflearning ability and good writing habit.

Course for the first grade contains 75 videos and 300 Chinese characters that correspond with the first grade

Chinese textbook.

Course for the second grade contains 100 videos and 500 Chinese characters that correspond with the second

grade Chinese textbook.

Course for the third grade contains 100 videos and 500 Chinese characters that correspond with the third

grade Chinese textbook.


PIYO Writing Course for Primary School

这是一堂送给 0 ~ 18 岁孩子父母的成长课,旨在通过科学的理念和方法,探求自我成长、


更好的父母”三大板块入手,细分为 12 个子主题,用 365 条音频陪伴父母内在生长。

This is a set of courses for parents of 0-18 children to explore the secret of self growth, couple relationship

and family relationship and seek the true happy life through scientific concepts and methods.Starting from 3

sections, “Being a better self”, “Being a better couple”, “Being better parents”, the course is subdivided into

12 themes and accompanies the growth of parents with 365 audio videos.


Wise Parents Workshop Column

Product line : Writing

Type : Video (real people)

Episode : 275

Time for each episode :

5-8 minutes

Age : 6-8

List price : 398 RMB/per grade

Product line :


Type :

Audio and videos

Episode : 365

Time for each episode :

6-8 minutes

Age : Parents

List price : 899 RMB


68 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023


这是一堂主要解决家长选书难、讲书难和用书难的课程。由专业绘本专家亲自讲解 + 真人亲

子共读示范,给家长沉浸式的视听氛围。课程围绕 0 ~ 3 岁和 3 ~ 6 岁孩子如何选书,如何从阅


This is a course to solve parents’ difficulties in selecting, explaining and using books. Through the explaining

of professional picture book experts and real parent-child reading demonstration, the course reproduces

the real parent-child reading scene to create immersive audio-visual atmosphere for parents.Containing

3 sections, the course focuses on how children aged 0-3 and 3-6 to choose book, how to read a book in a

good way through the environment, scenes and techniques of reading, and how to explain clearly by a book.

Through scientific and systematic explanations by picture book experts, parents are guided to develop their

children's four major abilities of fine motor, language development, perceptual development and emotional



Parent-Child Reading Instructor Training Camp




用得清楚 !

This is a set of professional picture book reading instruction online courses created by industry experts and

teaching management team, mainly for professionals in early education industry as well as parents who value

family education.

The course content includes children's reading theory, age-specific reading and book selection skills, etc. It

adopts a flipped classroom format, integrating case sharing, interactive games, practical exercises and roleplaying, so that parents can learn to understand and use it clearly!


Picture Book Reading Instructor Training Camp (Middle level)

Product line : Parenting

Type : Videos (real people)

Episode : 20

Time for each episode :

30 minutes

Age : Parents

List price : 2680 RMB

Product line : Parenting

Type : Videos (real people)

Episode : 20

Time for each episode :

30 minutes

Age : Parents

List price : 2680 RMB




用得清楚 !

This is a set of professional picture book reading instruction online courses created by industry experts and

teaching management team, mainly for professionals in early education industry as well as parents who value

family education.

The course content includes children's reading theory, age-specific reading and book selection skills, etc. It

adopts a flipped classroom format, integrating case sharing, interactive games, practical exercises and roleplaying, so that parents can learn to understand and use it clearly!


Picture Book Reading Instructor Training Camp (Senior level)

Product line : Parenting

Type : Videos (real people)

Episode : 20

Time for each episode :


Age : Parents

List price : 3088 RMB

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 69



专业人员,以及重视家庭教育的家长。课程聚焦家庭育儿过程中各种难题,通过 30+ 经典案例,



This is a set of online courses created by professionals in Pedagogy and Child Educational Psychology,

mainly for professionals in early education industry as well as parents who value family education.

Focusing on various difficulties in the process of family parenting, the course will teach you hand in hand

how to apply professional knowledge to real-life scenarios through 30+ classical cases, so that parents can

learn to use the simplest methods to raise children easily and live a high quality life.


Family Education Instructor Training Camp (Middle level)


专业人员,以及重视家庭教育的家长。课程聚焦家庭育儿过程中各种难题,通过 30+ 经典案例,



This is a set of online courses created by professionals in Pedagogy and Child Educational Psychology,

mainly for professionals in early education industry as well as parents who value family education.

Focusing on various difficulties in the process of family parenting, the course will teach you hand in hand

how to apply professional knowledge to real-life scenarios through 30+ classical cases, so that parents can

learn to use the simplest methods to raise children easily and live a high quality life.


Family Education Instructor Training Camp (Senior level)

这是一套专注于引导孩子自律生活、自觉学习的时间管理线上课程,主要面向 5 ~ 12 岁孩

子的家长。整套课程融合科学训练原理,包含 3 节家长课堂和 17 节亲子课堂。家长课堂注重理



This is a set of time management online courses focused on guiding children to live and learn with selfdiscipline, mainly for parents of children aged 5-12.The whole courses integrate the principles of scientific

training, including 3 parents classes and 17 parent-child classes.Parents class focuses on theoretical output,

parent-child class on hands-on training. Each class is accompanied by a training explanation video that fits

the characteristics of children, turning the boring time training into a wonderful game that can be operated,

truly achieving the practice and growth!

亲子教育互动课 - 时间管理

Parent-child Education Interactive Course----Time Management

Product line : Parenting

Type : Videos (real people)

Episode : 20

Time for each episode : 30 minutes

Age : Parents

List price : 3088 RMB

Product line : Parenting

Type : Videos (real people)

Episode : 20

Time for each episode : 10 minutes

Age : Parents

List price : 599 RMB

Product line : Parenting

Type : Videos (real people)

Episode : 20

Time for each episode : 30 minutes

Age : Parents

List price : 3088 RMB


70 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023



面向 5 ~ 12 岁孩子的家长。课程包含 3 节家长课堂和 27 节亲子互动课,涵盖 4 大学习系统,

18 种实用技巧。课程设置紧密结合小学教材,把能力渗透到学科中,让孩子学会巧解题、妙应用,


This is an elaborate online course that combines child psychology and academic skills to improve children's

learning ability, mainly for parents of children aged 5-12.The course includes 3 parent classes and 27

interactive parent-child classes, covering 4 major learning systems and 18 practical skills.The curriculum

is closely integrated with the elementary school textbook, and integrates abilities into subjects, so that

children can learn to solve problems skillfully and apply them well, and thus fall in love with learning!

亲子教育互动课 - 唤醒孩子的学习力

Parent-child Education Interactive Course—Awakening Children's Learning Power

《小鼠乒乒》是一部以 6 ~ 9 岁少年儿童为主体受众群的三维娱乐系列动画片,由海豚传







Little Mouse Ping Ping is a 3D cartoon series with children aged 6-9 as the main audiences, originally

created by Dolphin Media.

It is composed of 2 series, Little Mouse Ping Ping—Idioms and Little Mouse Ping Ping—Infinite Joy.

Each episode of Little Mouse Ping Ping—Idioms is based on the logic of a Chinese idiom. The episode

takes children on an adventure of imagination and creativity through suspenseful twists and turns and

whimsical highlights.

Each episode of Little Mouse Ping Ping—Infinite Joy tells a separate story, showing the audience the

joyful daily life of a sunny, cheerful, adventurous mouse.

亲子教育互动课 - 唤醒孩子的学习力

Parent-child Education Interactive Course—Awakening Children's Learning Power

Product line : Parenting

Type : Videos (real people)

Episode : 10

Time for each episode : 10 minutes

Age : Parents

List price : 3088 RMB

Product line : Cartoon

Type : Video cartoons

Episode : 78

Time for each episode : 10-15 minutes

Age : 6-9

Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 71


Product line : Documentary

Type : Real people videos

Episode : 18

Time for each episode :

20-30 minutes

Age : 7+

《我是中国的孩子》是一部民族题材的儿童系列专题纪录片,主要面向 7 ~ 14 岁少年儿童。







Chinese Children is a children documentary series about ethnic mainly for children aged 7-14.

The documentary tells the real stories of children of various ethnic groups growing up. They are either funny,

touching or thought-provoking. Different regional and humanistic environments have nurtured a vivid life

of individual children, who are not only themselves, but also the epitome of all children of the same age in

this era and nation. They are the epitome of themselves and all the children of their age in this era and nation.

They are bravely pursuing their dreams in the collision of traditional culture and modern civilization, and the

joy and sorrow they experience in their growth will make every audience empathize with them.

Following the footsteps of these children, viewers can not only see the beautiful natural and humanistic

landscape of each ethnic group, but also trace the long history of their ethnic groups and understand the

splendid culture of each ethnic group. It is a high-quality feature documentary that combines fun, education,

artistry and thoughtfulness, and is especially suitable for parents to watch with their children.


Chinese Children

72 Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023






Taking “Establishing the belief of quality life and transmitting the energy of warmth and love” as core

value, Leo& Coco Magical Dolphin Island is the first animation product that systematically shows the

theme of life education in China, and is one of the few educational animations in China that can truly be

educational and entertaining.

The work is based on a wide range of materials, covering all aspects of children's lives. Each episode is

centered on a theme of life education and tells a story related to children's growth.


Leo & Coco Magical Dolphin Island



节目甄选 12 册经典绘本,通过与大家进行话题分享,著名专家与嘉宾进行深入探讨和辩论,


Have Parents Mastered It is a parent-child talk show program about picture book reading, which is

produced by Dolphin Media, the Chinese Society of Education and Beijing Guangnian Yixiang Culture


Selecting 12 classic picture books, the program helps parents learn how to build the world of their

children's spirits by sharing topics with everyone and having in-depth discussions and debates between

famous experts and guests.


Have Parents Mastered It?

Product line : Cartoon

Type : Video cartoons

Product line : Variety show

Type : Real people videos

Episode : 80

Time for each episode : 10-15 minutes

Episode : 12

Time for each episode : 35 minutes

Age : 3-6

Age : 7+


Dolphin Media Rights Guide 2023 73







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