L型橱柜 45 46
L型橱柜 45 46
格 芮 系 列 质 颜 新 生 ,精 致 人 生 多样化的材质拼接, 优雅的色彩搭配, 细腻的触感, 点亮家的优雅气场, 照亮每一个精致瞬间 Diversified material splicing, Elegant color matching, Delicate touch, Light up the elegant atmosphere of the home, Illuminate every exquisite moment.
0417 0428
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格芮系列 丰简由人 丰富的板材工艺可选, 多样化的内嵌拉手搭配组合, 满足对于精致家的一切幻想 CHOOSE EXPENSIVE OR CHEAP Rich plate process options, A variety of built-in handle combinations, Satisfy all the fantasies about exquisite home. 短拉手 长拉手 长短组合拉手
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格芮系列 琉金紫与轻奢灰柔纱碰撞,优雅高贵感扑面而来,辅之以水洗橡木, 整个空间更显层次变化 Gold Purple and light luxury grey soft yarn collide, with a sense of elegance and nobility. Supplemented by washed oak, the whole space shows more hierarchical changes.
轻奢灰-柔纱 琉金紫 水洗橡木 53 54
考究细节的微小,注重视觉的谦和, 融合在居室中,自然不显做作 传递精简的洁净,平添干净的秀气 Pay attention to the minuteness of details, pay attention to visual humility, Blend in the room, naturally without affectation Deliver simple cleanliness and add clean elegance. 55 56
梵 境 系 列 曼妙空间 唤醒生活艺术 将空间的秩序美, 材料的自然美 与艺术的感性美, 合而为一 以极简的线条语言, 刻画先锋艺术 The order and beauty of space, Natural beauty of materials And the perceptual beauty of art, be made one In a minimalist line language, Depicting avant-garde art.
57 58
59 60
梵境系列 突破融合 大胆撞色, 达成材质、空间、色彩的高度凝练统一, 彰显独特的艺术品位 BREAKTHROUGH INTEGRATION Bold color contrast, Achieve a highly concise and unified material, space and color, Highlight unique artistic taste. 61 62
梵境系列 星耀灰柔纱与轻奢灰柔纱,木质与玻璃的搭配,将材质融合的瑰丽简美充分体现 The combination of Xingyao grey soft yarn and light luxury grey soft yarn, wood and glass fully reflects the magnificent and simple beauty of material integration. 星耀灰柔纱
轻奢灰柔纱 63 64
L型衣帽间, 玻璃掩门+封闭掩门相间设计, 营造空间轻盈感, 一门到顶不压抑 The L-shaped cloakroom is alternately designed with glass doors and closed doors to create a sense of lightness in the space without depression from one door to the top. 65 66
梵境系列 COLORFUL COLORS 缤 纷 色 彩 ,唯 快 乐 主 义 以灰度色为主色调,搭配玻璃、皮革、喷绘等材质, 营造个性艺术的空间氛围感 Gray color is the main tone, with glass, leather, spray painting and other materials, Create a sense of space atmosphere of personalized art.
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广州诗尼曼家居股份有限公司 服务热线:400-112-0990 官方网站:http://www.snimay.com 地址:广州市番禺区石碁镇亚运大道1003号番山总部E谷