
发布时间:2021-10-15 | 杂志分类:其他


海鲜 P ��-�� SEAFOODS Indexes 珍 宝 蟹(肉饼蒸,姜葱炒) 象 拔 蚌(刺身,龙虾汤过桥) 冷菜 P ��-�� Dungeness crab (Steam with minced Geoduck (sashimi, blanch in lobste... [收起]
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海鲜 P ��-�� SEAFOODS Indexes 珍 宝 蟹(肉饼蒸,姜葱炒) 象 拔 蚌(刺身,龙虾汤过桥) 冷菜 P ��-�� Dungeness crab (Steam with minced Geoduck (sashimi, blanch in lobster soup) pork, stir fry with onion and leak) APPETIZERS 帝 王 蟹(太雕酒蒸/花雕蛋白蒸 + 油盐焗爪 + 蟹盖炒饭) 白水鱼 鲜辣汁花螺 藤椒拌鲜核桃仁 King Crab (Steam with rice wine/rice wine with egg white + roasted leg + stir-fried rice) Whitewater fish Babylon seashell in spicy sauce Walnut with fresh Sichuan pepper 红 毛 蟹(太雕酒蒸,肉饼蒸) 东 星 斑(清蒸,翅汤浸,荷塘清宫蒸) 开胃杭茄 蔬菜色拉 Horsehair crab (Steam with rice wine, steam with minced pork) Coral trout (Steam, with shark fin soup, steam with Marinated Hangzhou eggplant Vegetable salad mushroom and Chinese yam in soy sauce) 小鲍鱼 脆皮咸鸡 香辣去骨鸭掌 大 黄 鱼(葱油蒸,鸡油蒸,家烧) Fresh abalone Cripsy skin brined chicken Spicy deboned duck feet Croaker (Scallion oil, chicken lard, soy sauce) 膏蟹 干煎带鱼 蜜汁南瓜 酒香蒸鲥鱼 Mud crab Fried hairtail Honey pumpkin Steamed Shad with fermented rice 波 士 顿 龙 虾(风范汁焗,香草芝士焗,三葱爆) 香辣三宝 普陀素娥 鲳 鱼(葱油蒸,家烧) Boston lobster (bake with cream sauce, bake with herbal cheese sauce, stir fry with three types of onions) Spicy three treasures Vegetarian rolls Pomfret (Scallion oil, soy sauce) 小 青 龙(三葱爆,风范汁焗) 酸辣裙带菜 爽口西芹 笋 壳 鱼(清蒸,油浸,青花椒蒸) Lobster(stir fry with three types of onions, Sour and spicy seeweeds Crispy celery Blue cod (Steam, confit, steam with fresh Sichuan pepper) bake with herbal cheese sauce) 老 虎 斑(清蒸) 澳 龙(刺身,香草芝士焗,三葱爆) Tiger grouper (Steam) Australian lobster(sashimi, bake with herbal cheese, stir fry with three types of onions) 燕鲍翅 P ��-�� BIRD’S NEST ABALONE SHARK FIN 烧味 P ��-�� 葱香野米辽参 燕麦淮山煮大连鲍 SUI MEI Scallion sea cucumber with wild rice Abalone from Dalian with oat and Chinese yam 脆皮妙龄乳鸽 蜜汁叉烧 黄焖花胶趴 浓汤鸡煲翅 Crispy roasted pigeon Honey glazed Char Siu Braised fish maw in seafood sauce Shark fin in chicken soup 果木烧鹅 脆皮芝麻鸡 酸辣鱼翅 燕麦淮山煮大连鲍 Fruitwood charcoal roasted goose Crispy sesame chicken Sour and spicy shark fin Abalone from Dalian with oat and Chinese yam 红烧鱼翅 浓汤鸡煲翅 Shark fin in soy sauce Shark fin in chicken soup


炖汤 P �� 热菜 P ��-�� SOUP HOT DISHES 清汤羊肚菌炖花胶 花胶老鸡汤 文火焖小牛肉 龙虾烩麻婆豆腐 乡村手撕豆腐 Morel and fish maw in consommé Fish maw in chicken soup Slow braised beef Lobster with mapo tofu Tofu country style 一品响螺汤 鲜人参炖水鸭汤 黑蒜炒牛肉粒 风范汁焗大明虾 花生芽炒咸肉条 Fish maw in chicken soup Fresh Gingsen duck soup Marble beef cubes with black garlic Prawns in cream sauce Peanuts sprouts with bacon strips 主食 P ��-�� 葱爆�A雪花牛肉粒 肉饼蒸膏蟹 Xo酱小瓜炒猪颈肉 STAPLES �A Marble beef cubes with leak Mud crab steamed with minced pork Pork neck with zucchini in XO sauce 雪花牛肉生菜炒饭 龙虾汤泡饭 椒麻牛三件 酸汤面疙瘩煮膏蟹 番茄焖有机花菜 Stir fried rice with marble beef Lobster porridge Spicy tendon, trippa and beef Mud crab in sour soup with gnocchi Tomato with organic cauliflower 三虾面 雪菜肉丝面 新派红烧肉 海瓜子烧豆面 生炒广东菜心 Noodle with shrimp and its roe Noodle with perserved mustard New style braised pork in soy sauce Short-neck clam with sweet potato noodle Stir fried Cantonese choy sum green and pork strips 一品鲍鱼焖饭 美味石鸡 羊肚菌炒元贝 咸鱼丝瓜煲 晶禧一品炒饭 Abalone rice Delicious chicken Morel fried with scallop Salted fish stewed with loofah Signature stir fried rice 大连鲍焖鸡 香煎鹅肝酱藕饼 清炒时蔬 点心&甜品 P ��-�� Abalone from Dalian braised with chicken Lotus root stuffed with foie gras Stir fried seasonal vegetable DESSERTS 石锅银鳕鱼 蘑菇爆花螺 白灼芥兰 Cod in pot Babylon seashell with mushroom Blanched Chinese broccoli 浓汤手打鱼丸煲 豌豆三丁 辣椒小炒肉 Hand-made fish balls in thick broth Peas with diced ham and Pork shreds with paparika banboo shoots 上素生煎包 豆沙方糕 香 煎 雪 花 牛 排(��g) 辣炒蛏子 Vegetarian buns Red bean cake Marble steak Spicy razor clam 天鹅蛋杨枝甘露 提拉米苏 橙香仔排 素食荟 Mango pomelo sago egg Tiramisu Orange flavored pork ribs All types of vegetables 天 鹅 酥(榴莲/烧鹅) 杨枝甘露 Swan crisp (Durian/roasted goose) Mango pomelo sago 金橙椰蛋 橙香金瓜露 Orange coconut egg Orange golden melon sago 百香果布丁 Passion fruit pudding 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object


菜巧冷 醒拌 · 味唤 蕾 APPETIZERS 鲜辣汁花螺 Babylon seashell in spicy sauce ¥ ��� | 例 螺肉肥美,香辣鲜嫩、唇齿留香、回味无穷。


�� * 冷 菜 APPETIZERS 开胃杭茄 ��¥ | 例 脆皮咸鸡 ��¥ | 例 Marinated Hangzhou eggplant Cripsy skin brined chicken 干煎带鱼 主推 荐厨Chef's recommendation Fried hairtail ¥ ��� | 例 香酥诱人,口感细腻,营养丰富。 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 冷 菜 S热招peci牌卖alty APPETIZERS 香辣三宝 Spicy three treasures ��¥ | 例 酸辣裙带菜 Sour and spicy seeweeds ��¥ | 例 藤椒拌鲜核桃仁 蔬菜色拉 ��¥ | 例 Walnut with fresh Sichuan pepper Vegetable salad ��¥ | 例 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 冷 菜 香辣去骨鸭掌 S招热peci牌卖alty APPETIZERS Spicy deboned duck feet ��¥ | 例 香辣可口,劲道爽弹。 蜜汁南瓜 普陀素娥 爽口西芹 Honey pumpkin Vegetarian rolls Crispy celery ��¥ | 例 ��¥ | 例 ��¥ | 例 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


主推 荐厨Chef's recommendation 炙 烤 · 纯 粹 诱 SUI MEI 惑 脆皮妙龄乳鸽 Crispy roasted pigeon ��¥ | 只 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� SUI MEI * 果木烧鹅 烧 味 Fruitwood charcoal roasted goose 脆皮芝麻鸡 ¥ ��� | 例 ���¥ | 半只 Crispy sesame chicken 蜜汁叉烧 ��¥ | 半只 ¥ ��� | 只 Honey glazed Char Siu 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object! ��¥ | 例


推主 厨荐Chef's recommendation 珍宝蟹 ( 肉 饼 蒸 ,姜 葱 炒 ) 妙 鲜 Dungeness crab (Steam with minced · pork, stir fry with onion and leak) 愉 悦 SEAFOODS ¥ 时价 的 旋 律 白水鱼 Whitewater fish ¥ 时价 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


东星斑 �� * (清蒸,翅汤浸,荷塘清宫蒸) 海 鲜 Coral trout (Steam, with shark fin soup, steam with mushroom and Chinese yam in soy sauce) SEAFOODS ¥ 时价 大黄鱼 ¥ 时价 (葱油蒸,鸡油蒸,家烧) Croaker (Scallion oil, chicken lard, soy sauce) 酒香蒸鲥鱼 ¥ 时价 Steamed Shad with fermented rice 鲳 鱼(葱油蒸,家烧) ¥ 时价 Pomfret (Scallion oil, soy sauce) 笋壳鱼 ¥ 时价 (清蒸,油浸,青花椒蒸) Blue cod (Steam, confit, steam with fresh Sichuan pepper) 老虎斑 ¥ 时价 (清蒸) Tiger grouper (Steam) 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 海 鲜 象拔蚌 SEAFOODS (刺身,龙虾汤过桥) Geoduck (sashimi, blanch in lobster soup) ¥ 时价 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


帝王蟹 �� SEAFOODS * (太雕酒蒸/花雕蛋白蒸 + 油盐焗爪 + 蟹盖炒饭) 海 鲜 King Crab (Steam with rice wine/rice wine with egg white + roasted leg + stir-fried rice) 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object! ¥ 时价 红毛蟹 ¥ 时价 ¥ 时价 (太雕酒蒸,肉饼蒸) ¥ 时价 Horsehair crab (Steam with rice wine, steam with minced pork) 小鲍鱼 Fresh abalone 膏蟹 Mud crab


波士顿龙虾 �� * (风范汁焗,香草芝士焗,三葱爆) 海 鲜 Boston lobster (bake with cream sauce, bake with herbal cheese sauce, stir fry with three types of onions) SEAFOODS ¥ 时价 小青龙 ¥ 时价 ( 三 葱 爆 ,风 范 汁 焗 ) Lobster(stir fry with three types of onions, bake with herbal cheese sauce) 澳龙 ¥ 时价 (刺身,香草芝士焗,三葱爆) Australian lobster(sashimi, bake with herbal cheese, stir fry with three types of onions) 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


推主 荐厨Chef's recommendation 甄 葱香野米辽参 选 Scallion sea cucumber with wild rice · ¥ ��� | 位 非 BIRD’S NEST ABALONE 葱香浓 郁,营养滋补。 凡 SHARK FIN 之 味 黄焖花胶趴 Braised fish maw in seafood sauce ¥ ��� | 位 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 燕 鲍 翅 BIRD’S NEST ABALONE SHARK FIN 燕麦淮山煮大连鲍 ��¥ | 位 Abalone from Dalian with oat and Chinese yam 酸辣鱼翅 ¥ ��� | 位 Sour and spicy shark fin 红烧鱼翅 ¥ ��� | 位 浓汤鸡煲翅 ��¥ | 位 Shark fin in soy sauce Shark fin in chicken soup 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


花胶老鸡汤 慢 Fish maw in chicken soup 炖 ¥ ��� | 鼎 · 滋 养 SOUP 入 味 清汤羊肚菌炖花胶 鲜人参炖水鸭汤 Morel and fish maw in consommé Fresh Gingsen duck soup ��¥ | 位 ¥ ��� | 鼎 一品响螺汤 Fish maw in chicken soup ¥ ��� | 鼎 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


文火焖小牛肉 热热 Slow braised beef 烹 · ¥ ��� | 例 味 软嫩多汁,味道浓郁鲜香。 菜遇 主推 厨荐Chef's recommendation 狂 HOT 欢 DISHES 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 热 菜 HOT DISHES S热招peci牌卖alty 黑蒜炒牛肉粒 Marble beef cubes with black garlic ¥ ��� | 例 葱爆�A雪花牛肉粒 �A Marble beef cubes with leak ¥ ��� | 例 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 热 菜 新派红烧肉 HOT DISHES New style braised pork in soy sauce ¥ ��� | 例 椒麻牛三件 主推 厨荐Chef's recommendation Spicy tendon, trippa and beef ¥ ��� | 例 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� HOT DISHES * S招热peci卖牌alty 热 菜 大连鲍焖鸡 美味石鸡 Abalone from Dalian braised with chicken Delicious chicken ¥ ��� | 例 ��¥ | 例 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 热 菜 HOT DISHES 石锅银鳕鱼 S招热peci卖牌alty Cod in pot 浓汤手打鱼丸煲 ¥ ��� | 例 Hand-made fish balls in thick broth ��¥ | 例 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 热 菜 HOT DISHES 香 煎 雪 花 牛 排(��g) Marble steak ¥ ��� | 位 橙香仔排 Orange flavored pork ribs ��¥ | 例 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


龙虾烩麻婆豆腐 �� * Lobster with mapo tofu 热 菜 ¥ ��� | 例 S招热peci卖牌alty HOT DISHES 风范汁焗大明虾 Prawns in cream sauce ��¥ | 只 肉饼蒸膏蟹 Mud crab steamed with minced pork ¥ ��� | 例 酸汤面疙瘩煮膏蟹 Mud crab in sour soup with gnocchi ¥ ��� | 例 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� HOT DISHES * 羊肚菌炒元贝 热 菜 Morel fried with scallop 海瓜子烧豆面 ¥ ��� | 例 Short-neck clam with sweet potato noodle ��¥ | 例 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 热 菜 HOT DISHES 香煎鹅肝酱藕饼 ��¥ | 例 Lotus root stuffed with foie gras 豌豆三丁 ¥ ��� | 例 Peas with diced ham and banboo shoots 蘑菇爆花螺 ¥ ��� | 例 Babylon seashell with mushroom 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 热 菜 辣炒蛏子 HOT DISHES Spicy razor clam 花生芽炒咸肉条 ��¥ | 例 ��¥ | 例 Peanuts sprouts with bacon strips 素食荟 All types of vegetables ��¥ | 例 乡村手撕豆腐 Tofu country style ��¥ | 例 Xo酱小瓜炒猪颈肉 ��¥ | 例 Pork neck with zucchini in XO sauce 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


�� * 热 菜 HOT DISHES 番茄焖有机花菜 ��¥ | 例 咸鱼丝瓜煲 Tomato with organic cauliflower Salted fish stewed with loofah ��¥ | 例 清炒时蔬 Stir fried seasonal vegetable ��¥ | 例 白灼芥兰 Blanched Chinese broccoli ��¥ | 例 辣椒小炒肉 Pork shreds with paparika ��¥ | 例 生炒广东菜心 ��¥ | 例 Stir fried Cantonese choy sum 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


雪花牛肉生菜炒饭 精 练 Stir fried rice with marble beef · 化 ��¥ | 例 繁 STAPLES 而 三虾面 简 Noodle with shrimp and its roe 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object! ¥ ��� | 例


�� * 主 食 一品鲍鱼焖饭 STAPLES Abalone rice ��¥ | 位 推主 厨荐Chef's recommendation 龙虾汤泡饭 ¥ ��� | 例 ��¥ | 例 Lobster porridge ��¥ | 例 雪菜肉丝面 Noodle with perserved mustard green and pork strips 晶禧一品炒饭 Signature stir fried rice 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


灵 上素生煎包 动 Vegetarian buns · ��¥ | 半打(�件) 意 DESSERTS 犹 未 尽 推主 厨荐Chef's recommendation 天鹅蛋杨枝甘露 Mango pomelo sago egg ��¥ | 位 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!


推主 荐厨Chef's recommendation �� DESSERTS * 天 鹅 酥(榴莲/烧鹅) 点 心 Swan crisp (Durian/roasted goose) & 甜 ��¥ | 半打 品 ��¥ | 件 豆沙方糕 金橙椰蛋 Red bean cake Orange coconut egg ��¥ | 半打(�件) ��¥ | 位 提拉米苏 百香果布丁 Tiramisu Passion fruit pudding ��¥ | 位 ��¥ | 位 杨枝甘露 Mango pomelo sago ��¥ | 位 橙香金瓜露 Orange golden melon sago ��¥ | 位 图 片 仅 供 参 考 ,出 品 以 实 物 为 准 ! The picture is for reference only, and the product shall be subject to the real object!
