会议手册<br> HANDBOOK
会议手册<br> HANDBOOK
酽。熤墕誖鞯<br>鲈。暀蠿呏戹<br>醑。=㚴㚴蠿<br>蠐。=烏抲蛵<br>J\/<br>JJ\/<br>JJJ\/<br>JW\/<br>Pwfswjfx!pg!Rvbo{ipv<br>Ebjmz!Bssbohfnfout<br>Bhfoeb<br>Jogpsnbujpo<br>12<br>16<br>1:<br>27<br>14<br>18<br>23<br>29<br>目 录<br>TABLE OF CONTENTS
01 泉州简介<br>泉州,古称刺桐城,位于福建省东南沿海,是福建省三大中心城市之一。现辖鲤城、丰<br>泽、洛江、泉港4区,石狮、晋江、南安3市,惠安、安溪、永春、德化、金门(待统一)5县<br>和泉州经济技术开发区、泉州台商投资区。2022年末常住人口888万,全市土地面积11015<br>平方公里(含金门县)。<br>泉州历史悠久、文化多元、积淀深厚,1982年入选国务院首批公布的中国“历史文化名<br>城”,2013年8月泉州当选为中国首个“东亚文化之都”,2021年7月,“泉州:宋元中国的世界<br>海洋商贸中心”列入《世界遗产名录》。泉州现有各级文物保护单位945处,国家级44处,各<br>
03 Overview of Quanzhou<br>Situated on the southeast coast of Fujian, Quanzhou, known as the city of Zayton in <br>ancient times, is one of the three major central cities in Fujian Province. Its jurisdictions <br>now include four districts, namely Licheng, Fengze, Luojiang and Quangang, three cities, <br>namely Shishi, Jinjiang and Nan’an, five counties, namely Hui’an, Anxi, Yongchun, Dehua <br>and Jinmen (to be unified), as well as Quanzhou Economic and Technological Development <br>Zone and Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone. At the end of 2022, it has a population <br>of 8.88 million permanent residents and a land area of 11,015 square kilometers (including Jinmen County). <br>Quanzhou has a long history, diverse cultures and profound heritage. It was included in the <br>first batch of “Historically and Culturally Famous Cities” by the State Council of China in <br>1982. In August 2013, it was elected as China’s first “Cultural City of East Asia”. In July <br>2021, “Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China” was inscribed onto the <br>
04<br>UNESCO World Heritage List. Quanzhou has 945 sites and monuments under various <br>levels of protection, including 44 State Priority Protected Sites. In addition, 1060 elements <br>of intangible cultural heritage are under protection at various levels, including 6 <br>world-class ones and 36 national-level ones. It is the only city in China that has UNESCO’s <br>all three categories of “intangible cultural heritage”. <br>Quanzhou has a long history of marine culture. Its marine culture can be traced back to <br>the pre-Qin period. The port of Quanzhou entered its heyday in the Song and Yuan periods, having commerce and intercourse with more than 100 countries and regions in the <br>world. Quanzhou has a marine area of 11.36 thousand square kilometers and a coastline <br>of 541 km, 28.8 km of which, stretching from Chongwu to Xiutu, has been rated one of <br>China’s top eight most beautiful coastlines by National Geographic Magazine.
05 日程安排<br>全天 报到 泉州酒店东晖楼大堂<br>11月24日(星期五)<br>18:00 欢迎晚宴 泉州酒店东晖楼287-289<br>08:40 集合乘车 泉州酒店和<br>泉州古城巷遇精品酒店大堂<br>12:10 午餐 泉州酒店南馨楼<br>一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>09:00-09:20 开幕式<br>泉州府文庙明伦堂<br>09:20-09:30 合影<br>09:30-09:40<br>09:40-11:50 学术交流<br>06:30-08:30<br>早餐<br>泉州酒店南馨楼<br>一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>07:30-08:30 泉州古城巷遇精品酒店一层<br>时 间 内 容 地 点<br>11月25日(星期六)<br>时 间 内 容 地 点<br>巡展:闽南传统<br>民居营造技艺展
06<br>14:10 集合乘车 泉州酒店和<br>泉州古城巷遇精品酒店大堂<br>12:00 午餐 泉州酒店南馨楼<br>一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>下午 赋归<br>18:10 晚餐 泉州酒店南馨楼<br>一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>14:30-17:50 学术交流<br>泉州府文庙明伦堂<br>17:50-18:00 闭幕式<br>11月25日(星期六)<br>时 间 内 容 地 点<br>11月26日(星期日)<br>时 间 内 容 地 点<br>06:30-08:30<br>早餐<br>泉州酒店南馨楼<br>一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>07:30-08:30 泉州古城巷遇精品酒店一层<br>08:30-11:50 世遗泉州精品线路<br>考察<br>酒店出发—开元寺—泉州文庙及<br>学宫—清净寺—德济门遗址、天<br>后宫——返回酒店
07 Daily Arrangements<br>November 24th (Friday)<br>November 25th (Saturday)<br>08:40 Assemble and<br> take a bus<br>Lobby of Quanzhou Hotel<br>and Xiangyu Boutique Hotel<br>in Quanzhou Ancient Town<br>Visit the Exhibition on<br>Minnan Traditional<br>ResidentialArchitecture<br>Craftsmanship<br>12:10 Lunch<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>09:00-09:30 Opening Ceremony<br>Minglun Hall, <br>Confucius Temple of <br>Quanzhou<br>09:20-09:30 Group Photo<br>09:30-09:40<br>09:40-11:50 Symposium<br>06:30-08:30<br>Breakfast<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>07:30-08:30 1st floor of Xiangyu Boutique<br>Hotel in Quanzhou Ancient Town<br>Whole Day Registration Lobby of Donghui Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>18:00 Welcome Banquet Room 287-289, Donghui Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>Time Content Venue<br>Time Content Venue<br>
08<br>Assemble and<br> take a bus<br>Lobby of Quanzhou Hotel<br>and Xiangyu Boutique Hotel<br>in Quanzhou Ancient Town<br>14:10<br>18:10 Dinner<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>14:30-17:50 Symposium Minglun Hall, <br>Confucius Temple of Quanzhou 17:50-18:00 Closing Ceremony<br>November 25th (Saturday)<br>Time Content Venue<br>Time Content Venue<br>November 26th (Sunday)<br>12:00 Lunch<br>Afternoon Departure<br>1st floor of Xiangyu Boutique<br>Hotel in Quanzhou Ancient Town<br>06:30-08:30<br>Breakfast<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br> Quanzhou Hotel<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br> Quanzhou Hotel<br>07:30-08:30<br>08:30-11:50<br>Investigating World <br>Heritage Sites of<br>Quanzhou<br>Hotel—Kaiyuan Temple—<br>Confucius Temple and School—<br>Qingjing Mosque—<br>Site of Deji Gate and Tianhou <br>Temple—Hotel
09 09:00-09:20<br>09:20-09:30<br>开幕式<br>主持人:吕秀家<br>泉州市人民政府副市长<br>蔡天守<br>福建省文化和旅游厅副厅长、福建省文物局局长<br>傅柒生<br>联合国教科文组织东亚多部门地区办事处代表<br>夏泽翰<br>合影<br>09:30-09:40 巡展:闽南传统民居营造技艺展<br>09:40-10:10<br>学术研讨(第一场)<br>主持人:何蓓洁<br>10:10-10:40<br>题目:福建的早期建筑与特征<br>福建博物院副院长、福建闽越王城博物馆馆长,研究馆员<br>楼建龙<br>10:40-11:10 <br>题目:日本木构建筑遗产保护理论与记录<br>日本东京大学工程研究生院建筑系副教授 <br>海野聡 <br>题目:发展中的遗产:新旧融合<br>新加坡国立大学设计与工程学院副院长(科研与创新)、教务长教授<br>王才强 <br>会议议程
10<br>11:40-11:50 提问交流<br>12:00-14:30 午餐、午休<br>11:10–11:40 <br>题目:佛国寺保存工事在韩国建筑遗产保护史上的意义<br>韩国汉阳大学安山校区建筑系研究教授 <br>李贞娥 <br>15:50-16:00 提问交流<br>16:00-16:10 茶歇<br>14:30-14:50<br>学术研讨(第二场)<br>主持人:林源<br>14:50-15:10<br>题目:山西太原崇善寺大悲殿明早期木构及彩塑多学科交叉保护研究<br>山西省古建筑与壁画彩塑研究院院长 <br>路 易 <br>15:10-15:30 <br>题目:古建筑木材残损常见类型、成因及形成机制<br>中国林科院木材工业国家工程研究所研究员 <br>周海宾 <br>15:30-15:50 <br>题目:历史文化街区保护修缮的技术体系探讨——以常州青果巷为例<br>东南大学建筑设计研究院有限公司正高级建筑师,<br>传统木构建筑营造技艺研究国家文物局重点科研基地<br>(东南大学)研究员<br>高 琛<br>题目:中国木结构古建筑的结构特点<br>中国文化遗产研究院研究馆员<br>永昕群 <br>
11 17:50-18:00<br>联合国教科文组织东亚多部门地区办事处文化项目主管<br>杨碧幸 <br>泉州市文化广电和旅游局局长<br>吕秀家<br>16:10-16:30<br>学术研讨(第三场)<br>主持人:路易<br>16:30-16:50<br>题目:对景如真,摘妙抉微——香山帮古建筑模型研究<br>西安建筑科技大学教授 <br>林 源 <br>闭幕式<br>主持人:出宝阳<br>16:50-17:10 <br>题目:“微观技术”——建立传统匠作与科学体系的桥梁<br>昆明理工大学副教授 <br>刘 妍 <br>题目:清宫木装修:基于实物、图纸和匠作则例的考察<br>天津大学建筑学院副教授<br>何蓓洁 <br>17:10-17:30<br>17:30-17:50 <br>题目:故宫木构建筑保护的成绩与困境——从材料与结构谈起<br>故宫博物院古建部副主任<br>赵 鹏 <br>题目:四川传统木构营造技艺与当代建筑遗产保护(录屏播放)<br>成都市文物考古工作队馆员<br>赵 芸 <br>
12<br>09:00-09:20<br>09:20-09:30<br>Opening Ceremony<br>Moderator: LV Xiujia<br>Deputy Mayor,Quanzhou Municipal People’s Government <br>CAI Tianshou<br>Deputy Director of Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and <br>Tourism, Derector of Fujian Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau<br>FU Qisheng<br>Director & Representative, <br>UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for East Asia<br>Shahbaz Khan<br>Group Photo<br>09:30-09:40 Visit the Exhibition on Minnan Traditional Residential<br>Architecture Craftsmanship<br>09:40-10:10<br>Symposium Session I<br>Moderator: HE Beijie<br>Topic: Early Buildings and the Architectural Feature <br>of Fujian<br>Research Librarian, Vice President of Fujian Museum, <br>Director of Fujian Minyue Wangcheng Museum<br>LOU Jianlong<br>10:10-10:40<br>Topic: Developing Heritage: Integrating Old and New<br>Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation), Provost’s Professor, <br>College of Design and Engineering, <br>National University of Singapore<br>HENG Chye Kiang<br>Agenda
13 11:40-11:50 Q&A<br>12:00-14:30 Lunch break<br>14:30-14:50<br>Symposium Session II<br>Moderator: LIN Yuan<br>Topic: Multidisciplinary cross conservation study on the <br>timber structure and painted sculpture in the early Ming <br>Dynasty of The Great Compassion Hall of Chongshan <br>Temple in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province<br>Director, Shanxi Province Ancient Architecture, <br>Mural Painting and Colored Sculpture Research Institute<br>LU Yi<br>10:40-11:10<br>Topic: Philosophy and Record of Wooden Architectural <br>Heritage Conservation in Japan<br>Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, <br>Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo <br>Satoshi UNNO<br>11:10-11:40<br>Topic: The significance of the repairs to Bulguksa Temple <br>in the history of Korean heritage conservation <br>Research Professor, Department of Architecture, <br>Hanyang University EIRCA, Korea<br>LEE Joung Ah<br>14:50-15:10<br>Topic: The Structural Characteristics of Ancient Chinese <br>Wooden Architecture<br>Research Librarian, China Academy of Cultural Heritage<br>YONG Xinqun <br>15:10-15:30<br>Topic: Types, Causes and Development Mechanism of <br>Common Damages of Wood in Traditional Construction<br>Researcher, Research Institute of Wood Industry, <br>Chinese Academy of Forestry <br>ZHOU Haibin
14<br>15:50-16:00 Q&A<br>16:00-16:10 Tea Break<br>Symposium Session III<br>Moderator: LU Yi<br>15:30-15:50<br>Topic: Discussion on the Technical System of Protection <br>and Restoration of Historic District——Taking Qingguo <br>Lane Historic District in Changzhou as an Example<br>Architects and Engineers of Architectural Design& Research <br>Institute of Southeast University Co., Ltd., Researcher of <br>Traditional Wooden Architecture Research Base of the State <br>Administration of Cultural Heritage(Southeast University )<br>GAO Chen<br>16:30-16:50<br>Topic: Qing Royal Wooden Decoration: An Investigation <br>Based on Physical Objects, Drawings and Artisan Instructions<br>Associate Professor, <br>School of Architecture, Tianjin University<br>HE Beijie<br>16:50-17:10<br>Topic: \"Microscopic Technology\" - Establishing a bridge <br>between traditional craftsmanship and scientific system<br>Associate Professor, <br>Kunming University of Science and Technology <br>LIU Yan <br>16:10-16:30<br>Topic: Message in a Model: Rediscovering the <br>Building Models Left by Xiang-Shan Guild<br>Professor, College of Architecture, <br>Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology<br>LIN Yuan<br>
15 17:50-18:00<br>Closing Ceremony<br>Moderator: CHU Baoyang <br>Programme Specialist for Culture, <br>UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for East Asia<br>Duong Bich Hanh<br>Director, Quanzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, <br>Broadcasting, Television and Tourism<br>LV Xiujia<br>17:30-17:50<br>Topic: Achievements and difficulties in the conservation <br>of wood buildings in the Forbidden City — starting from <br>materials and structure<br>Deputy Director of the Ancient Architecture Department, <br>Palace Museum<br>ZHAO Peng<br>17:10-17:30<br>Topic: Traditional Wood Construction Techniques in <br>Sichuan and Contemporary Architectural Heritage <br>Conservation (pre-recorded video speech)<br>Researcher, Ancient Architecture Research Institute, <br>Chengdu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology<br>ZHAO Yun <br>
16<br>11月24日<br>11月25日<br>11月26日<br>晴<br>多云<br>多云<br>14°C-21°C<br>14°C-22°C<br>15°C-25°C<br>日 期 天气状况 温 度<br>11月24日 欢迎晚宴<br>早餐<br>泉州酒店东晖楼287-289<br>泉州酒店南馨楼一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>日 期 餐 次<br>18:00<br>06:30-08:30<br>11月25日<br>午餐 12:00 泉州酒店南馨楼一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>晚餐 18:00 泉州酒店南馨楼一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>07:30-08:30 泉州古城巷遇精品酒店一层<br>时 间 地 点<br>会务提示<br>欢迎您来泉州参加东亚木结构建筑保护与利用国际学术交流会,会议期间请您了解<br>以下事项:<br>一、天气提示<br>据气象部门预报,会议期间泉州地区的天气以多云到晴天气为主,气温<br>14°C-25°C。会议期间,泉州天气预报:<br>三、会议期间,统一安排膳食,用餐时间和地点如下:<br>二、本次会议地点设在泉州府文庙明伦堂,住宿地点设在泉州酒店(地址:庄府巷<br>22号)及泉州古城巷遇精品酒店(地址:通政巷1号),请嘉宾按照会议的日程安<br>排准时参加各项活动。
17 日 期 餐 次<br>11月26日<br>早餐<br>06:30-08:30 泉州酒店南馨楼一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>午餐 12:00 泉州酒店南馨楼一层巴黎城西餐厅<br>07:30-08:30 泉州古城巷遇精品酒店一层<br>时 间 地 点<br>四、为了保证会场的安静,会议期间请嘉宾将手机关闭或调至振动状态。<br>五、会议当天嘉宾可于酒店门口集中乘车前往会场,<br> 集合的时间为:11月25日上午08:40,下午14:10。<br>六、11月26日上午参加考察的各位嘉宾请准时在酒店门口集合,<br> 集合的时间为上午08:20。<br>
18<br>Nov. 24 Welcome <br>Banquet<br>Breakfast<br>Room 287-289, Donghui Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>1st floor of Xiangyu Boutique Hotel<br>in Quanzhou Ancient Town<br>Date Meal<br>18:00<br>06:30-08:30<br>Nov. 25<br>07:30-08:30<br>Time Venue<br>November 24<br>November 25<br>November 26<br>Sunny<br>Cloudy<br>Cloudy<br>14°C-21°C<br>14°C-22°C<br>15°C-25°C<br>Date Weather Temperature<br>Information<br>Welcome to Quanzhou to participate in the International Symposium on Conservation and Utilization of Timber-framed Structures in East Asia. During the symposium, please be informed of the information below:<br>I. Weather in Quanzhou<br>According to the weather forecast, during the symposium, it will be cloudy sunny <br>in Quanzhou, temperature being 14°C-25°C.<br>Weather in Quanzhou during the Symposium:<br>II. Venue: Minglun Hall, Confucius Temple of Quanzhou.<br> Accommodation: Xiangyu Boutique Hotel in Quanzhou Ancient Town <br> (Address: No.1 Tongzheng Lane)<br> Quanzhou Hotel (Address: No. 22 Zhuangfu Lane)<br> You are expected to take part in the activities according to the agenda.<br>III. During the symposium, meals will be provided by the organizer. <br> Please find time and venue below:
19<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>Lunch 12:00<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>Nov. 25<br>Dinner 18:00<br>Breakfast<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>Paris Western Restaurant, <br>1st floor of Nanxin Building, <br>Quanzhou Hotel<br>1st floor of Xiangyu Boutique Hotel<br>in Quanzhou Ancient Town<br>06:30-08:30<br>Nov. 26<br>Lunch 12:00<br>07:30-08:30<br>V. Please switch off your mobile phone and other sound-emitting device or set <br>them to the silent or vibration mode during the symposium.<br>VI. On November 25th, there are community buses to shuttle from the hotel to the <br>venue, please assemble at the gate of your hotel at 8:40 am and 14:10 pm.<br>VII. Guests participating in the investigation activity on the morning of November <br>26th are expected to assemble at the gate of their hotel at 8:20 am.<br>Date Meal Time Venue