
发布时间:2023-12-25 | 杂志分类:其他


第 1 页公司简介东莞市世研精密仪器有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、维护、技术支持等立体式全套服务为一体的精密仪器制造商。东莞市世研精密仪器有限公司是高分子材料成型试验设备,检测设备的专业开发制造商和相关技术方案的支持者。长期致力于为科研院所、大专院校、企业自主研发的科研成果转换提供配套设备及技术解决方案。成立以来,已经与多家著名高校、研究院所以及国内外知名企业建立了良好的长期合作关系。东莞市世研精密仪器有限公司产品广泛应用于橡胶、塑胶、化工、颜料等各大领域,适应航空航天、国防、石化、海洋、电子、光电通讯、建筑材料、包装、电器、汽车及交通、农业和轻工业等各大行业。高分子材料成型试验设备是材料研发,配方研发,成果转换,性能优化等一系列闭环工作必不可少的硬件之一,是为材料研发和产品的实现提供服务的。为了更好地服务客户,东莞世研设立了材料成型研发制备体验中心与实验室,同时配备了优秀的专业技术人员提供技术建议与方案,使客户能够在购买之前充分了解相关设备的原理、结构、用途和性能。完善的售前、售后服务让您放心地购买产品,遇到疑难问题时,我们将全力为您排忧解难。多年来世研对材料行业的高度专注、积极... [收起]
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第 2 页

产品目录SY-6210-A 电动压片机..................................................................................................................................3SY-6210-B PLC 程序控制压片机................................................................................................................4SY-6210-BZ 真空压片机...............................................................................................................................5SY-6210-BW 程序控温压片机......................................................................................................................6SY-6210-BG 程序控温真空压片机...............................................................................................................7SY-6210-D 平板硫化机.................................................................................................................................8SY-6212-B 实验室翻转式密炼机..................................................................................................................9SY-6212-KZ 实验室自动开合式密炼机.....................................................................................................10SY-6212-KS 实验室手动开合式密炼机.....................................................................................................11SY-6215-A 双辊开炼机/电热型..................................................................................................................12SY-6215-AL 双辊开炼机/加热冷却型.......................................................................................................13SY-6215-D 自动调距双辊开炼机................................................................................................................14SY-6216 实验室单螺杆挤出机....................................................................................................................15SY-6216-BG 压滤值测试机(FPV 值、DF 值).........................................................................................16SY-6216-G 实验室塑料管挤出机................................................................................................................17SY-6217 实验室双螺杆挤出机....................................................................................................................18SY-6217-KZ 微型双螺杆挤出机.................................................................................................................19SY-6217-ZB 实验室双螺杆挤出造粒线.....................................................................................................20SY-6218-B 实验室吹膜机............................................................................................................................21SY-6218-Z 实验室微型吹膜机....................................................................................................................22SY-6219 实验室流延膜机............................................................................................................................23SY-6219-B 实验室双层共挤流延膜机........................................................................................................24


第 3 页

用途说明Descriptionfor use原料放于铸模内,夹于本机电热平板间加以压力及温度,使原料成型,以供试验,做为工厂大量生产配料之依据。The material is placedinthecasting mould and clamped betweentheelectric-heating flat plates to apply pressureandtemperature, making the material shape, testingandserving as the basis for the ingredient of massproduction.典型应用Typical Application■ 原料的凝胶(鱼眼)、黑点、污迹等检测Detection of material gel (fish eyes), blackspotand stain ■ 原料压片、制样、颜料分散性、色差比对Rawmaterial tabletting, sample preparation, pigmentdispersion, color difference comparison■ 物性试验 Physical properties test

■ 材料研发 Material R &DSY-6210-A 电动压片机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

公称合模力 Total pressure 20/30/50 吨(可选) 20/30/50 tons(optional)

温度范围 Temperature range标准机型:常温-300℃,可选常温-400℃/500℃

Room temperature-300℃ or Room temperature-400℃/500℃温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电加热 Electric heating

升温时间 Heating-up time 常温升至 200℃,约需 30 分钟 Room temperature rises to 200℃,about 30min压板尺寸 Size of the pressing plate 标准机型:300×300×40mm,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

压板距离 Distance of pressing plate 标准机型:80mm ,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

工作区域 Working area标准机型:两个工作区域,上层加热,下层冷却;其它机型可定制Two working area, upper layer heating, lower layer cooling;Other models can be customized冷却方式 Cooling method 自来水或循环水冷却 Tap water or circulating water cooling.排气次数 Exhaust times 可设置 Settable油压系统 Oil pressure system具有压力自动补偿和油泵延时停机功能 Automatic pressure compensation anddelayedshutdown of oil pump

体 积 Volume About 920×470×1475 (L×W×H) mm电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

重 量 Weight About 700 kg


第 4 页

用途说明 Description for use


以供试验,做为工厂大量生产配料之依据。本机装有 PLC 程序控制彩


硫化过程实时显示和监视,所设模压程序全数自动完成。The material is placed in the casting mould and clamped between the electric-heating flat

plates to apply pressure and temperature, making the material shape, testing and serving as the basis for the ingredient of mass production. This machine is equipped with PLC program control color touch screen. The human-machine interface operating system can set pressure, temperature, time and exhausting frequency. The vulcanization process is instantly

displayed and monitored. The mould pressing procedure is set to be

completed fully automatically.典型应用 Typical Application

■ 原料的凝胶(鱼眼)、黑点、污迹等检测 Detection of material gel

(fish eyes), black spot and stain ■ 原料压片、制样、颜料分散性、色差比对 Raw material tabletting, sample preparation, pigment dispersion, color difference comparison ■ 物性试验 Physical properties test

■ 材料研发 Material R & D

SY-6210-B PLC 程序控制压片机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

公称合模力 Total pressure 20/30/50 吨(可选) 20/30/50 tons(optional)

温度范围 Temperature range标准机型:常温-300℃,可选常温-400℃/500℃

Room temperature-300℃ or Room temperature-400℃/500℃

温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电加热 Electric heating

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制,10 寸彩色触摸屏显示 PLC control, 10-inch color touch screen display

压板尺寸 Size of the pressing plate 标准机型:300×300mm,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

压板距离 Distance of pressing plate 标准机型:80mm ,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

工作区域 Working area标准机型:两个工作区域,上层区域同时具有加热和冷却功能,下层区域冷却;其它功能可定制。Two working areas, the upper area has heating and cooling functions at the sametime, andthe lower area is cooling.冷却方式 Cooling method 自来水或循环水冷却 Tap water or circulating water cooling.排气次数 Exhaust times 可设置 Settable油压系统 Oil pressure system双速功能,快速合模慢速锁模;具有压力自动保压补偿和油泵延时停机功能Dual speedfunction, fast mold closing and slow mold locking; It has the functions of automaticpressuremaintaining compensation and delayed shutdown of oil pump.安全保护 Security protection自锁安全可视门罩,打开钢化玻璃门罩即可切断电控系统所有正在运行的指令或动作Self-locking the safe and visible door. All the operating instructions or actions of electroniccontrolsystem will be cut off instantly when opening toughened glass door.体 积 Volume About 920×470×1500 (L×W×H) mm电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

重 量 Weight About 720 kg


第 5 页

SY-6210-BZ 真空压片机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

公称合模力 Total pressure 20/30/50 吨(可选) 20/30/50 tons(optional)

温度范围 Temperature range 常温-300℃,Room temperature-300℃

温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电加热 Electric heating

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制,10 寸彩色触摸屏显示 PLC control, 10-inch color touch screen display

压板尺寸 Size of the pressing plate 标准机型:300×300mm,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

压板距离 Distance of pressing plate 标准机型:100mm ,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

工作区域 Working area单个真空工作区域,上下压板同时具有加热和冷却功能。With only two vacuumworkingareas,the upper and lower platens have heating and cooling functions at the same time.冷却方式 Cooling method 自来水或循环水冷却 Tap water or circulating water cooling.排气方式 Exhaust method 真空排气 Vacuum exhaust

油压系统 Oil pressure system双速功能,快速合模慢速锁模;具有压力自动保压补偿和油泵延时停机功能Dual speedfunction, fast mold closing and slow mold locking; It has the functions of automaticpressuremaintaining compensation and delayed shutdown of oil pump.安全保护 Security protection自锁安全可视门罩,打开钢化玻璃门罩即可切断电控系统所有正在运行的指令或动作Self-locking the safe and visible door. All the operating instructions or actions of electroniccontrolsystem will be cut off instantly when opening toughened glass door.体 积 Volume About 950×480×1750 (L×W×H) mm电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

重 量 Weight About 700 kg

用途说明 Description for use

原料放于铸模内,夹于本机电热平板间加以压力及温度,使原料成型,以供试验,做为工厂大量生产配料之依据。本机采用PLC程序控制器及彩色触摸屏,人机作业系统,可设定压力、温度、时间和真空排气,硫化过程可动态曲线显示和监视,所设模压程序全数自动完成。The material is placed in the castingmouldandclamped between the electric-heating flat plates to apply pressureandtemperature, making the material shape, testing and servingasthebasis for the ingredient of mass production.This machine adoptsPLCprogram controller, color touch screen and human-machineinterfaceoperation system, which can set pressure, temperature, timeandvacuum exhaust. The vulcanization process can be displayedandmonitored by dynamic curve, and the set molding process canbecompleted automatically.典型应用 Typical Application

■ 原料的凝胶(鱼眼)、黑点、污迹等检测Detectionof materialgel (fish eyes), black spot and stain ■ 原料压片、制样、颜料分散性、色差比对Rawmaterialtabletting, sample preparation, pigment dispersion, colordifference comparison ■ 物性试验 Physical properties test

■ 材料研发 Material R & D


第 6 页

SY-6210-BW 程序控温压片机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

公称合模力 Total pressure 20/30/50 吨(可选) 20/30/50 tons(optional)

温度范围 Temperature range标准机型:常温-300℃,可选常温-400℃/500℃

Room temperature-300℃ or Room temperature-400℃/500℃

温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

升温方式 Heating mode全功率升温、斜率升温、梯度升温共三种模式 Three modes of full-power heating, slopeheatingand gradient heating

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制,10 寸彩色触摸屏显示 PLC control, 10-inch color touch screen display

压板尺寸 Size of the pressing plate 标准机型:300×300mm,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

压板距离 Distance of pressing plate 标准机型:80mm ,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

工作区域 Working area标准机型:两个工作区域,上层区域同时具有加热和冷却功能,下层区域冷却;其它功能可定制。Two working areas, the upper area has heating and cooling functions at the sametime, andthe lower area is cooling.冷却方式 Cooling method 自来水或循环水冷却 Tap water or circulating water cooling.排气次数 Exhaust times 可设置 Settable油压系统 Oil pressure system比例液压系统,速度可调,可设置 10 段梯度增压,具有自动保压功能Proportional hydraulicsystem, adjustable speed, 10-stage gradient pressurization can be set, with automaticpressuremaintaining function.安全保护 Security protection自锁安全可视门罩,打开钢化玻璃门罩即可切断电控系统所有正在运行的指令或动作Self-locking the safe and visible door. All the operating instructions or actions of electroniccontrolsystem will be cut off instantly when opening toughened glass door.体 积 Volume About 920×470×1500 (L×W×H) mm电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

重 量 Weight About 720 kg

用途说明 Description for use

原料放于铸模内,夹于本机电热平板间加以压力及温度,使原料成型,以供试验,做为工厂大量生产配料之依据。本机采用PLC程序控制器及彩色触摸屏,人机界面作业系统,可设定多段压力、多种升温模式、压制时间及排气次数,硫化过程可曲线显示和监视,所设模压程序全数自动完成;可导出压制过程所有数据以供实验分析。The material is placed in the casting mould and clamped betweentheelectric-heating flat plates to apply pressure and temperature, makingthematerial shape, testing and serving as the basis for the ingredient of massproduction.This machine adopts PLC programcontroller, color touchscreen and human-machine interface operation system. It cansetmulti-section pressure, multiple heating modes, pressingtimeandexhaust times. The curing process can be displayed and monitoredbycurve, and the set molding process can be completed automatically; Alldata of pressing process can be exported for experimental analysis.典型应用 Typical Application

■ 原料的凝胶(鱼眼)、黑点、污迹等检测Detection of material gel(fish eyes), black spot and stain ■ 原料压片、制样、颜料分散性、色差比对Rawmaterial tabletting,sample preparation, pigment dispersion, color differencecomparison ■ 物性试验 Physical properties test

■ 材料研发 Material R & D


第 7 页

SY-6210-BG 程序控温真空压片机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

公称合模力 Total pressure 20/30/50 吨(可选) 20/30/50 tons(optional)

温度范围 Temperature range 常温-300℃ Room temperature-300℃

温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

升温方式 Heating mode全功率升温、斜率升温、梯度升温共三种模式 Three modes of full-power heating, slopeheatingand gradient heating

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制,10 寸彩色触摸屏显示 PLC control, 10-inch color touch screen display

压板尺寸 Size of the pressing plate 标准机型:300×300mm,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

压板距离 Distance of pressing plate 标准机型:100mm ,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

工作区域 Working area单个真空工作区域,上下压板同时具有加热和冷却功能。With only two vacuumworkingareas,the upper and lower platens have heating and cooling functions at the same time.冷却方式 Cooling method 自来水或循环水冷却 Tap water or circulating water cooling.排气方式 Exhaust times 真空排气 Vacuum exhaust

油压系统 Oil pressure system比例液压系统,速度可调,可设置 10 段梯度增压,具有自动保压功能Proportional hydraulicsystem, adjustable speed, 10-stage gradient pressurization can be set, with automaticpressuremaintaining function.安全保护 Security protection自锁安全可视门罩,打开钢化玻璃门罩即可切断电控系统所有正在运行的指令或动作Self-locking the safe and visible door. All the operating instructions or actions of electroniccontrolsystem will be cut off instantly when opening toughened glass door.体 积 Volume About 950×480×1750 (L×W×H) mm电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

重 量 Weight About 720 kg

用途说明 Description for use

原料放于铸模内,夹于本机电热平板间加以压力及温度,使原料成型,以供试验,做为工厂大量生产配料之依据。本机采用PLC程序控制器及彩色触摸屏,人机界面作业系统,可设定多段压力、多种升温模式、压制时间及真空排气,硫化过程可曲线显示和监视,所设模压程序全数自动完成;可导出压制过程所有数据以供实验分析。The material is placedinthe casting mould and clamped between the electric-heating flat platestoapply pressure and temperature, making the material shape, testingandserving as the basis for the ingredient of mass production.This machineadopts PLC program controller, color touch screen and human-machineinterface operation system, which can set multi-section pressure, multipleheating modes, pressing time and vacuum exhaust, and the curingprocesscan be displayed and monitored by curve, and the set molding processcanbecompleted automatically; All data of pressing process can be exportedforexperimental analysis.典型应用 Typical Application

■ 原料的凝胶(鱼眼)、黑点、污迹等检测Detection of material gel (fisheyes), black spot and stain ■ 原料压片、制样、颜料分散性、色差比对Rawmaterial tabletting,sample preparation, pigment dispersion, color difference comparison■ 物性试验 Physical properties test

■ 材料研发 Material R & D


第 8 页

SY-6210-D 平板硫化机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

公称合模力 Total pressure 50/80/100 吨(可选) 50/80/100 tons(optional)

温度范围 Temperature range标准机型:常温-300℃,可选常温-400℃/500℃

Room temperature-300℃ or Room temperature-400℃/500℃温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电加热 Electric heating

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制,10 寸彩色触摸屏显示 PLC control, 10-inch color touch screen display压板尺寸 Pressing plate size 400×400/450×450/500×500

压板间距 Distance of pressing plate 标准机型 100mm,其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

工作区域 Cooling method

两个工作区域,下中下模板可同时加热 Two working areas, the upper, the middle andlowertemplates at the same time heating

排气次数 Exhaust times 可设置 Settable油压系统 Oil pressure system双速功能,快速合模慢速锁模;具有压力自动保压补偿和油泵延时停机功能Dual speedfunction, fast mold closing and slow mold locking; It has the functions of automaticpressuremaintaining compensation and delayed shutdown of oil pump.体 积 Volume About 1200×900×1500 (L×W×H) mm电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

重 量 Weight About 1800 kg

用途说明 Description for use





效。This machine is applicable to the pressing and molding of

rubber, plastic, resin and other polymer materials. The machine

is equipped with a programmable liquid crystal display, which

can set the pressure, temperature, time and exhaust times and

seconds. The man-machine interface operating system can

dynamically display and monitor the curing process in real time, and the molding process is automatically completed. The machine has simple structure, wide application and high

efficiency..典型应用 Typical Application

■ 原料的凝胶(鱼眼)、黑点、污迹等检测 Detection of material gel (fish eyes), black spot and stain ■ 原料压片、制样、颜料分散性、色差比对 Raw material

tabletting, sample preparation, pigment dispersion, color difference comparison ■ 物性试验 Physical properties test

■ 材料研发 Material R & D


第 9 页

SY-6212-B 实验室翻转式密炼机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

混炼室容量 Mixing chamber volume 1 升 - 5 升 (可选) 1L~5L (optional)

温度范围 Temperature range 常温~300℃ Normal temperature~300℃

温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电加热 Electro-thermal tube冷却方式 Cooling method 自来水或循环水冷却 Tap water or circulating water cooling.翻转角度 Rotation angle 110°倒料方式 Refuel method 电机翻转仓体倒料 Turn the mixing chamber to pour out materials转子速比 Rotor speed ratio 1:1.27 ~ 1:1.4 可选

转子转速 Rotor speed 0-70 rpm 变频器调速 0-70rpm interver regulates the speed

控 制 器 Controller PLC 可编程控制器,10 寸彩色触摸屏显示,所有运行动作均可设定和控制,实时监测扭矩变 化 PLC control, color touch screen display. All running action can be arbitrarilyset andcontrol

气源压力 Air source pressure 0.5~0.8Mpa主 电 机 Main motor 4KW~11.5KW

翻转电机 Rotation motor 0.75KW-1.5KW

体 积 Volume 最小 950×650×1500(L×W×H)mm电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

重 量 Weight Min: 600 kg

用途说明 Description for use


粘度物料的混炼。本机采用 PLC 可编程控制器,彩色触摸屏,人机界面



和生产工艺的确定。This machine is mainly used for mixing rubber, plastic

and chemical raw materials. It is also suitable for mixing all kinds of high and

low viscosity materials. This machine adopts PLC programmable controller, color touch screen, human-machine interface operating system, which can

display the close relationship of temperature, time and torque in curves, and

the mixing process is automatically completed, with simple operation, energy

saving and efficiency. It is suitable for scientific research institutions or major manufacturers to determine the development and production process of new materials..典型应用 Typical Application

■ 配方研发 Formula R & D

■ 原料检验 Testing of raw materials ■ PVC 熔融特性测试 PVC melting feature testing

■ PVC 干混料的塑化剂吸收测试 PVC plasticizer absorption testing of

dry blend

■ 聚合物的热、剪切稳定性测试 Thermal and shear stability testing of

polymer ■ XLPE 材料的交联特性测定 Cross-linking feature testing of XLPE material

■ 其 他 交 联 性 聚 合 物 的 流 动 和 固 化 行 为 研 究 The flow of other cross-linked polymers and curing behavioral research


第 10 页


规格参数 Specification Parameters

混炼室容量 Mixing chamber volume 0.5 升~5 升(可选) 0.5L~5L (optional)

温度范围 Temperature range 常温~300℃ Normal temperature~300℃

温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电加热 Electro-thermal tube冷却方式 Cooling method 自来水或循环水冷却 Tap water or circulating water cooling.卸料方式 Method of Reclaimer 仓体自动开合卸料 Automatic opening and closing of bin.转子速比 Rotor speed ratio 1:1.27 ~ 1:1.4 可选

转子转速 Rotor speed 0-70 rpm 变频器调速 0-70rpm interver regulates the speed

控 制 器 Controller PLC 可编程控制器,10 寸彩色触摸屏显示,所有运行动作均可设定和控制PLCcontrol,color touch screen display. All running action can be arbitrarily set and control.气源压力 Air source pressure 0.5~0.8Mpa主 电 机 Main motor 2.2-11.5KW

电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply体 积 Volume Min: 910×800×1660(L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight 约 300kg

用途说明 Description for use

本机主要用于各种高分子材料的混合密炼。本机采用 PLC 可编程控制器,



This machine is mainly used for mixing various polymer materials. This machine adopts PLC programmable controller, color touch screen, human-machine interface operating system, automatic mixing process, simple operation, energy-saving and efficient, suitable for scientific research

institutions or major manufacturers to determine the development of new materials and production process.典型应用 Typical Application

■ 配方研发 Formula R & D

■ 原料检验 Testing of raw materials ■ PVC 熔融特性测试 PVC melting feature testing

■ PVC 干混料的塑化剂吸收测试 PVC plasticizer absorption testing of

dry blend

■ 聚合物的热、剪切稳定性测试 Thermal and shear stability testing of

polymer ■ XLPE 材料的交联特性测定 Cross-linking feature testing of XLPE material

■ 其 他 交 联 性 聚 合 物 的 流 动 和 固 化 行 为 研 究 The flow of other cross-linked polymers and curing behavioral research


第 11 页


规格参数 Specification Parameters

混炼室容量 Mixing chamber volume 0.05 升~0.5 升(可选) 0.05L~0.5L (optional)

温度范围 Temperature range 常温~300℃ Normal temperature~300℃

温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电加热 Electro-thermal tube冷却方式 Cooling method 水冷或气冷 Water-cooled or air-cooled

卸料方式 Method of Reclaimer 手动拆卸仓体及转子并取出物料 Manual. Remove chamber and rotor and remove material.转子速比 Rotor speed ratio 1:1.27 ~ 1:1.4 可选

转子转速 Rotor speed 0-70 rpm 变频器调速 0-70rpm interver regulates the speed

控 制 器 Controller PLC 可编程控制器,10 寸彩色触摸屏显示,所有运行动作均可设定和控制,实时监测扭矩变化 PLC control, color touch screen display. All running action can be arbitrarilyset andcontrol

主 电 机 Main motor 1.5-3KW

电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply体 积 Volume Min: 550×620×1450(L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight 约 265kg

用途说明 Description for use


且流动性好的物料。本机采用 PLC 可编程控制器,彩色触摸屏,人机界



材料的开发和生产工艺的确定。This machine is mainly used for mixing

polymer materials.Suitable for materials with low viscosity and good fluidity

at high temperature.This machine adopts PLC programmable controller, color

touch screen, man-machine interface operating system, curve display

temperature, time, torque of the close relationship, the process of mixing

automatic completion, simple operation, energy saving and efficient. This machine is applicable to the teaching research of scientific research

institutions or the development of new materials and the production process of the major manufacturers.典型应用 Typical Application

■ 配方研发 Formula R & D

■ 原料检验 Testing of raw materials ■ PVC 熔融特性测试 PVC melting feature testing

■ PVC 干混料的塑化剂吸收测试 PVC plasticizer absorption testing of

dry blend

■ 聚合物的热、剪切稳定性测试 Th---ermal and shear stability testing of

polymer ■ XLPE 材料的交联特性测定 Cross-linking feature testing of XLPE material

■ 其 他 交 联 性 聚 合 物 的 流 动 和 固 化 行 为 研 究 The flow of other cross-linked polymers and curing behavioral research


第 12 页

SY-6215-A 双辊开炼机/电热型


规格参数 Specification Parameters

温度范围 Temperature range 常温~300℃ RT~300℃

控 制 器 Controller仪表控制或 PLC 控制

Instrument control type or PLC controller type温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电加热 Electro-thermal tube升温时间 Heating-up time 常温~200℃约需 25min Normal temperature~200℃, about 25min转 速 比 Rotation ratio 1:1.27或其它 1:1.27orothers转 速 Rotation speed 定速/调速(可选)Constant speed/speed governing (optional)

辊筒尺寸 Roller size Ø101× L320mm(4 寸)、Ø127× L320mm (5 寸)、 Ø150× L320mm(6 寸)其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

辊筒间距 Roller gap 0.1~10mm 可调 0.1~10mm is adjustable辊筒表面 Surface of roller HRC 60 镜面镀铬 HRC60 chromium plating

安全保护 Security protection拉杆停车或防护罩、多处急停按钮、膝顶反转,上中下立体式安保装置Pull rod stop, emergency stop button, knee top reverse, upper and lower stereo type securitydevice电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

体 积 Volume 最小 970×480×1150 (L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight About 385 kg

用途说明Description for use

本实验型开炼机适用于通用塑料、工程塑料、颜料、色母粒料、化工助剂等高分子材料的小批量混合分散。辊筒采用电加热专用模具,辊面温度均匀,辊距间隙可均匀调整,上中下立体的保护装置,安全可靠,先进实用。Thisexperimental open mixer is suitable for small batchmixingand dispersion of polymer materials such as general plastics,engineering plastics, pigments, color masterbatchandchemical additives. The roller adopts the special mouldforelectric heating, the temperature of the roller surfaceisuniform, the gap between the rollers can be adjustedevenly,and the upper, middle and lower three-dimensionalprotection device is safe, reliable, advanced andpractical.典型应用Typical Application■ 原料混合、试色、压片Material mixing, color tryingandperforming

■ 配色试验 Color matching test

■ 软硬度试验 Hardness test

■ 试安定剂 Stabilizer test

■ 物理试验 Physical test

■ 化学试验 Chemical test

■ 各种特殊配料 All kinds of special ingredients ■ 小量生产作业 Small production operations


第 13 页


规格参数 Specification Parameters

温度范围 Temperature range 常温~300℃ RT~300℃

控 制 器 Controller仪表控制或PLC控制

InstrumentcontroltypeorPLCcontrollertype温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电加热或油加热 Electric heating or oil heating

冷却方式 Cooling method 自来水或循环水冷却 Tap water or circulating water cooling

升温时间 Heating-up time 常温~200℃约需 25min Normal temperature~200℃, about 25min转 数 比 Rotation ratio 1:1.35~1:1.4 可选 1:1.35~1:1.4 (optional)

转 速 Rotation speed 定速/调速(可选)Constant speed/speed governing (optional)

辊筒尺寸 Roller size Ø150× L320mm(6 寸)其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

辊筒间距 Roller gap 0.1~10mm 可调 0.1~10mm is adjustable辊筒表面 Surface of roller HRC 60 镜面镀铬 HRC60 chromium plating

安全保护 Security protection拉杆停车或防护罩、多处急停按钮、膝顶反转,上中下立体式安保装置Pull rod stop, emergency stop button, knee top reverse, upper and lower stereo type securitydevice电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

体 积 Volume 最小 1150×650×1460 (L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight About 500 kg

用途说明Description for use

本实验型开炼机适合于橡胶和塑料等聚合物的塑化分散,本机采用了加热和冷却双重系统,辊筒加热温度均匀,且降温迅速。本机型可谓一机二用,启动加热系统可用来混炼塑料,打开水冷系统可用来开炼橡胶。This experimentalopen mill is suitable for the plasticization and dispersionofpolymers such as rubber and plastics. It adopts twosystems,heating and cooling, with uniformroller heatingtemperatureand rapid cooling. This model can be describedasonemachine with two functions. Starting the heatingsystemcanbe used to mix plastics, and opening the water coolingsystem can be used to open rubber.典型应用Typical Application■ 原料混合、试色、压片Material mixing, color tryingandperforming

■ 配色试验 Color matching test

■ 软硬度试验 Hardness test

■ 试安定剂 Stabilizer test

■ 物理试验 Physical test

■ 化学试验 Chemical test

■ 各种特殊配料 All kinds of special ingredients ■ 小量生产作业 Small production operations


第 14 页

SY-6215-D 自动调距双辊开炼机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

温度范围 Temperature range 常温~300℃ RT~300℃

温度精度 Temperature accuracy ±2℃

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制 PLC controller type加热方式 Heating method 电加热或油加热 Electric heating or oil heating

升温时间 Heating-up time 常温~200℃约需 30min Normal temperature~200℃, about 40min冷却系统 Cooling system 自来水或循环水冷却 Tap water or circulating water cooling

辊筒尺寸 Roller size Ø150× L350mm(6 寸)其它尺寸可定制 Other sizes can be customized

转 数 比 Rotation ratio 自由调节 Arbitrary adjustment

转 速 Rotation speed 0-18±1rpm 双变频器调速 Dual frequency converter speed regulation辊筒间距 Roller gap 0.1~10mm 自动调节距离 0.1~10mm automatic distance adjustment

辊筒表面 Surface of roller HRC 60 镜面镀铬 HRC60 chromium plating

安全保护 Security protection拉杆停车或防护罩、急停按钮、膝顶反转,上中下立体式安保装置Pull rod stop or Protectioncover,emergency stop button, knee top reverse, upper and lower stereo type security device电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50HZ 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

体 积 Volume ≧1260×700×1480 (L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight ≧550 kg

用途说明 Description for use

本实验型开炼机适用于橡胶、硅胶、通用塑料、工程塑料、颜料、化工助剂等高分子材料的小批量混合分散。辊筒安装加热专用通道,加热速度快,辊面温度均匀,同时具有冷却系统,控温更精确,适用物料范围更广。辊距间隙可自动均匀调整,无需人工转动,双辊速度独立可调,上中下立体的保护装置及精密的程序控制系统,安全可靠,先进实用。This experimental mixer is suitable for mixing and dispersingpolymermaterials such as rubber, silica gel, general plastics, engineeringplastics,pigments, chemical additives, etc. in small batches. The roller is equippedwitha dedicated heating channel, with fast heating speed and uniformtemperatureon the roller surface. At the same time, it has a cooling system, whichmakestemperature control more accurate and applies to a wider range of materials.The roller pitch gap can be adjusted automatically and evenly without manualrotation. The speed of the two rollers can be adjusted independently. Thethree-dimensional protection device and precise programcontrol systemaresafe, reliable, advanced and practical.典型应用 Typical Application

■ 原料混合、试色、压片 Material mixing, color trying andperforming■ 配色试验 Color matching test

■ 软硬度试验 Hardness test

■ 试安定剂 Stabilizer test

■ 物理试验 Physical test

■ 化学试验 Chemical test

■ 各种特殊配料 All kinds of special ingredients ■ 小量生产作业 Small production operations


第 15 页

SY-6216 实验室单螺杆挤出机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

螺杆直径 Screw diameter 16-35mm(可选) 16-35mm (optional)

转速调整 Speed adjustment 变频器控制 Frequency converter control

长 径 比 Length ratio 28:1,其他长径比(10~33 倍)可选 28:1, other length ratios(10 to 33 times) are optional

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制 PLC controller type温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

控温精度 control accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电热圈 Electric heating coil

加热分区 Heating zone 多段分区,精准控温 Multi section zoning, precise temperature control


Screw & Barrel material

38CrMoAl 高级氮化钢或其它定制材料

38CrMoAl advanced nitrided steel or other customized materials冷却装置 Cooling device 多翼式风机超静强制风冷 Multi-wing fan super static forced air cooling

机 头 Handpiece法兰接口,可连接模具做吹膜、流延、管材、片材、型材等挤出试验Flange interface, which can be connected to the mold for extrusion tests such as filmblowing,casting, pipes, sheets, profiles, etc驱动方式 Driving power 精密减速电机 Precision reduction motor电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

体 积 Volume ≧900×450×1400 (L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight ≧200 kg

用途说明Description for use

本机适合通用塑料、工程塑料、改性塑料等高分子聚合物的熔融塑化挤出,具有塑化均匀、操作方便、运转平稳等特点。可任意连接模头及辅机单元,做造粒、吹膜、流延、片材、管材、异型材等小型挤出线。适用于教学研究、新材料及配方开发、品质管控和小规模生产。This machine canbeappliedto the mixing, plasticizing and extrusion of engineeringplastics,modified plastics, masterbatch and other high polymers withthefeatures of uniformly dispersed, plastics coloring andfillingtomodify. It can be used in laboratory tests, qualitycontrol,teaching research and small-scale production.典型应用Typical Application■ 表观/真实黏度曲线测定Surface appearance/determinationof real viscosity curve ■ 挤 出 膨 胀 行 为 研 究Research on extrusionexpansionbehavior ■ 新产品、新配方的研发R&D of newproducts andnewformulations ■ 生产工艺优化 Process optimization ■ 生产质量控制 Production quality control

■ 小型管材、型材、薄膜或片材的小规模生产Small-scaleproduction of small pipes, sections, filmor sheet


第 16 页

典型应用 Typical Application

■ 压滤值(FPV 值)测试 Pressure filtration value

(FPV value) test

■ 压滤差(DF 值)测试 Pressure filtration difference

(DF value) test

■ 挤出膨胀行为研究 Research of extrusion swelling

■ 新产品、新配方的研发 R&D of new products and

new formulas ■ 生产工艺优化 Optimization of production process ■ 生产质量控制 Production quality control

■ 小型管材、型材、薄膜或片材的小规模生产

Small-scale production of small pipes, proximate matters, thin films or sheet


用途说明 Description for use

本机用于测试挤出和熔融纺丝工艺使用的热塑性聚合物中色母料形式的着色剂扩散程度。本机可以自动演算压滤值(FPV)或DF值,人机界面操作系统可轻易的设置和显示所有的工艺参数,界面直观,数据准确,使色母粒或者是复合材料的共混质量更加精确和标准。This machine is used to test the dispersion of colorants in the form of masterbatches in thermoplastic polymers used in extrusionandmeltspinning processes. This machine can automatically calculate the pressure filtration value (FPV) or DF value. The man-machineinterfaceoperating system can easily set and display all process parameters. The interface is intuitive and the data is accurate, making the blendingqualityof color masterbatches or composite materials more accurate and standard.

规格参数 Specification Parameters

螺杆直径 Screw diameter 20-25mm(可选) 20-25mm (optional)

转速调整 Speed adjustment 变频器控制 Frequency converter control

长 径 比 Length diameter ratio 25~28:1

温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

控温精度 control accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电热圈 Electric heating coil

加热分区 Heating zone 多段分区,精准控温 Multi section zoning, precise temperature control

控 制 器 Controller PLC 可编程控制器,熔体温度和压力曲线显示,自动计算压滤值、自动生成测试报告,可打印印测试结果。PLC programmable controller, melt temperature and pressure curve display, automaticcalculation of pressure filtration values, automatic generation of test reports, and printingoftestresults.螺杆及料筒材质

Screw & Barrel material

38CrMoAl 高级氮化钢,经热处理、镀铬、抛光和超精衍磨等工艺,硬度HRC55~60、粗糙度Ra≤0.4μm,氮化层深度达到≥0.6mm

38CrMoAl advanced nitrided steel, subjected to heat treatment, chromiumplating, polishing, andultra-fine grinding processes, has a hardness of HRC55-60, and a roughness of Ra ≤0.4μm,Nitriding layer depth reaches≥0.6mm.冷却装置 Cooling device 多翼式风机超静强制风冷 Multi-wing fan super static forced air cooling

驱动方式 Driving power 精密减速电机 Precision reduction motor电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 Three-phase and five-line power supply

体 积 Volume ≧1350×450×1480 (L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight ≧200 kg


第 17 页

SY-6216-G 实验室塑料管挤出机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

单螺杆主机单元 Single screw extruder unit

螺杆直径 Screw diameter 20-35mm(可选) 20-35mm (optional)

转速调整 Speed adjustment 变频器控制 Frequency converter control

长 径 比 Length ratio 28:1,其他长径比(10~33 倍)可选 28:1, other length ratios(10 to 33 times) are optional

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制 PLC controller type温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

控温精度 control accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电热圈 Electric heating coil

加热分区 Heating zone 多段分区,精准控温 Multi section zoning, precise temperature control


Screw & Barrel material

38CrMoAl 高级氮化钢或其它定制材料

38CrMoAl advanced nitrided steel or other customized materials冷却装置 Cooling device 多翼式风机超静强制风冷 Multi-wing fan super static forced air cooling

驱动方式 Driving power 精密减速电机 Precision reduction motor辅助单元 Auxiliary unit

定 径 套 Fixed diameter sleeve 3-10mm冷却水槽 Cooling tank

304 不锈钢水槽/真空泵/水位控制器 304 stainless steel water tank/vacuumpump/water levelcontroller牵 引 机 Traction equipment PU 牵引带/牵引速度可调 PU traction belt / traction speed adjustable电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 3∮,AC380V, 50Hz three-phase & five-wire整机尺寸 Overall equipment size ≧2200×450×1460 (L×W×H)mm整机重量 Total equipment weight ≧350 kg

用途说明 Description for use

本机主要用于常用热塑性材料如 PE,PP 的细管挤出,该设备运行稳定,挤管尺寸精密。适用于科研院校或工厂实验室使用。This machineis mainly used for extrusion of commonly used thermoplastic materials such as PE and PP.The equipment runs stably and the size of extrudingpipe is precise.It is suitable for scientific research institutions or factory laboratories.典型应用 Typical Application

■ 新产品、新配方的研发 R&D of new products and new formulations ■ 生产工艺优化 Process optimization ■ 生产质量控制 Production quality control

■ 小型管材、型材、薄膜或片材的小规模生产 Small-scale production of small pipes, sections, film or sheet


第 18 页

SY-6217 实验室双螺杆挤出机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

螺杆直径 Screw diameter 20--35mm(可选) 20-35mm (optional)

长 径 比 Length diameter ratio 40:1,其他长径比(10~52 倍)可选 40:1, other length diameter ratio (10~52 times) optional

螺杆形式 Screw form 积木式平行同向双螺杆 Parallel and rotating in the same direction, modular twin screw转速调整 Speed adjustment 变频器控制 Frequency converter control

温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

控温精度 Control accuracy ±2℃

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制 PLC controller type螺杆材质 Screw material

40CrNiMo 高强度合金结构钢或其它定制材料

40CrNiMo high-strength alloy structural steel or other customized materials组合方式 Compound mode螺杆套件为积木式螺旋组合,机筒多段组合式

The compound mode of the screw suite is building block spiral and that of the machinebarrel ismulti-section加热分区 Heating zone料筒及机头多区控温,安装不锈钢安全罩

Multi zone temperature control for material barrel and machine head, and installation of stainlesssteelsafety cover冷却装置 Cooling facility 料筒全段采用风机冷却或软水冷却 Fan cooling or water cooling

机 头 Handpiece法兰接口,可连接模具做吹膜、流延、管材、片材、型材等挤出试验Flange interface, which can be connected to the mold for extrusion tests such as filmblowing, casting,pipes, sheets, profiles, etc驱动功率 Driving power 2.2~18.5KW

电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 3∮,AC380V, 50Hz three-phase & five-wire体 积 Volume ≧2000×450×1460 (L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight ≧480 kg

用途说明Description for use

本机适用于通用塑料、工程塑料、颜料、化工助剂等热塑性高分子材料的熔融混合挤出试验。具有塑化均质、着色打样、填充改性等功能。This machine is suitableformelting, mixing and extrusion tests of thermoplasticpolymer materials such as general plastics, engineeringplastics, pigments, chemical additives, etc. It hasthefunctions of plasticizing and homogenizing, coloringandproofing, filling and modifying, etc.典型应用Typical Application■ 填充改性 Filling modification ■ 共 混 改 性 ( 橡 胶共混、塑胶合金)Blendingmodification (rubber blending, plastic alloy)

■ 排 气 脱 挥 后 处 理Processing after exhaust anddevolatilization ■ 反应挤出 Reactive extrusion ■ 功能母性 Function of maternal

■ 玻纤(碳纤)增强 Glass fiber (carbon fiber) reinforced■ 金 属 、 陶 瓷 粉 末母粒Metal, ceramicpowdermasterbatch


第 19 页

SY-6217-KZ 微型双螺杆挤出机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

螺杆直径 Screw diameter 16、18(可选)

长 径 比 Length diameter ratio 25:1,其他长径比(10~30 倍)可选 25:1, other length diameter ratio (10~30 times) optional

螺杆形式 Screw form 积木式平行同向双螺杆 Parallel and rotating in the same direction, modular twin screw温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

控温精度 Control accuracy ±2℃

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制 PLC controller type螺杆材质 Screw material

40CrNiMo 高强度合金结构钢或其它定制材料

40CrNiMo high-strength alloy structural steel or other customized materials组合方式 Compound mode螺杆套件为积木式螺旋组合,机筒多段组合,可上下开合

The compound mode of the screw suite is building block spiral.The material barrel is a multistagecombination, which can be opened and closed.加热分区 Heating zone料筒及机头多区控温,安装不锈钢安全罩

Multi zone temperature control for material barrel and machine head, and installation of stainlesssteelsafety cover冷却装置 Cooling facility 料筒全段采用风机冷却或软水冷却 Fan cooling or water cooling

机 头 Handpiece法兰接口,可连接模具做吹膜、流延、管材、片材、型材等挤出试验Flange interface, which can be connected to the mold for extrusion tests such as filmblowing, casting,pipes, sheets, profiles, etc驱动功率 Driving power 1-2.2KW

电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 3∮,AC380V, 50Hz three-phase & five-wire体 积 Volume ≧800×550×600 (L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight ≧150 kg

用途说明Description for use

本机适用于通用塑料、工程塑料、颜料、化工助剂等热塑性高分子材料的熔融混合挤出试验。具有塑化均质、着色打样、填充改性等功能。This machine is suitableformelting, mixing and extrusion tests of thermoplasticpolymer materials such as general plastics, engineeringplastics, pigments, chemical additives, etc. It hasthefunctions of plasticizing and homogenizing, coloringandproofing, filling and modifying, etc.典型应用Typical Application■ 填充改性 Filling modification ■ 共 混 改 性 ( 橡 胶共混、塑胶合金)Blendingmodification (rubber blending, plastic alloy)

■ 排 气 脱 挥 后 处 理Processing after exhaust anddevolatilization ■ 反应挤出 Reactive extrusion ■ 功能母性 Function of maternal

■ 玻纤(碳纤)增强 Glass fiber (carbon fiber) reinforced■ 金 属 、 陶 瓷 粉 末母粒Metal, ceramicpowdermasterbatch


第 20 页


规格参数 Specification Parameters

螺杆直径 Screw diameter 20--35mm(可选) 20-35mm (optional)

长 径 比 Length diameter ratio 40:1,其他长径比(10~52 倍)可选 40:1, other length diameter ratio (10~52 times) optional

螺杆形式 Screw form 积木式平行同向双螺杆 Parallel and rotating in the same direction, modular twin screw温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制 PLC controller type螺杆材质 Screw material

40CrNiMo 高强度合金结构钢或其它定制材料

40CrNiMo high-strength alloy structural steel or other customized materials组合方式 Compound mode螺杆套件为积木式螺旋组合,机筒多段组合式

The compound mode of the screw suite is building block spiral and that of the machinebarrel ismulti-section加热分区 Heating zone料筒及机头多区控温,安装不锈钢安全罩

Multi zone temperature control for material barrel and machine head, and installation of stainlesssteelsafety cover冷却装置 Cooling facility 料筒全段采用风机冷却或软水冷却 Fan cooling or water cooling

真空装置 Vacuum device 可选配 Optional

过滤装置 Filtering device 可安装过滤网 Filter screen can be installed

挤出模头 Extrusion dies 快换机头,圆柱状模口 Quick change head, cylindrical die opening

冷却配置 Cooling method 304#不锈钢可移动水槽或履带式风机冷却 304# removable tank of stainless steel or fancooling切粒装置 Diced device 切削速度可调 Cutting speed is adjustable电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 3∮,AC380V, 50Hz three-phase & five-wire体 积 Volume ≧3600×450×1460 (L×W×H)mm重 量 Weight ≧550 kg

用途说明 Description for use

本机用于通用塑料、工程塑料、颜料、化工助剂等热塑性高分子材料的熔融混合挤出造粒试验。具有塑化均质、着色打样、填充改性等功能。适用于各大科研院校、工厂实验室配方研发或小批量生产。This machine is used for melting, mixing, extruding, andgranulatingtests of thermoplastic polymer materials such as general plastics, engineering plastics, pigments, and chemical additives. It has the functionsofplasticizing and homogenizing, coloring and proofing, filling and modifying, etc. It is suitable for formulation research and development orsmall batch production in major scientific research institutions, factories and laboratories.典型应用Typical Application■ 填充改性 Filling modification ■ 共混改性(橡胶共混、塑胶合金)Blending modification(rubber blending, plastic alloy)

■ 排 气 脱 挥 后 处 理Processing after exhaust anddevolatilization ■ 反应挤出 Reactive extrusion ■ 功能母性 Function of maternal

■ 玻纤(碳纤)增强 Glass fiber (carbon fiber) reinforced■ 金 属 、 陶 瓷 粉 末母粒Metal, ceramicpowdermasterbatch


第 21 页

SY-6218-B 实验室吹膜机


规格参数 Specification Parameters --

用途说明Description for use

挤出吹膜是指在一定温度、一定剪切力的作用下使塑胶熔体连续的通过口模被挤出,由压缩空气吹胀,风环冷却和变频牵引而获得的双折塑胶薄膜的工艺过程。本机主要用于检测聚合物材料的吹膜可行性和材料内的胶质状况,以及有色分散物、控制混合物、挤出物的分散性。Extrusion filmblowingrefers to the technological process that the double-foldedplastic film made by compressed air huffing, vane coolingandfrequency conversion traction and the plastic melt beingextruded through dies at a certain temperature andcertaincutting force. This machine is mainly used for testingthefilmblowing feasibility of polymer materials and the colloidstatuscontained in the materials, as well as the dispersibilityofcolored dispersion,controlled mixture and extrudate.典型应用Typical Application■ 凝胶 Gelatin ■ 颜色分布 Color distribution ■ 测试色母料的分散性能Test the dispersive propertyofcolor masterbatch

■ 材料的加工特性 Material processing properties ■ 质量控制 Quality control

单螺杆挤出机 Single Screw Extrusion Machine挤出机类型 Extruder type 单螺杆挤出机或双螺杆挤出机 Single screw extruder or twin screw extruder螺杆直径 Screw diameter 20-35mm(可选) 20-35mm (optional)

长 径 比 Length ratio 28:1,其他长径比(10~52 倍)可选 28:1, other length ratios(10 to 52 times) are optional

转速调整 Speed adjustment 变频器控制 Frequency converter control

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制 PLC controller type温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

控温精度 control accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电热圈 Electric heating coil

加热分区 Heating zone 多段分区,精准控温 Multi section zoning, precise temperature control


Screw & Barrel material

38CrMoAl 高级氮化钢或其它定制材料

38CrMoAl advanced nitrided steel or other customized materials冷却装置 Cooling device 多翼式风机超静强制风冷 Multi-wing fan super static forced air cooling

驱动方式 Driving power 精密减速电机 Precision reduction motor吹膜辅机 Film Blowing Auxiliary Machine模口直径 Diameter of dies 20-30mm吹胀气体 Huffing air 压缩空气 0~6bar Compressed air 0~6 bar冷却气体 Cooling air 鼓风机流量 30L/min Blower flow 30L/min牵引辊尺寸 Dimension of the carry-over pinch roll Ø80×L350mm牵引线速度 Traction line speed 0.5~5m/min 可调 0.5~5m/min is adjustable薄膜折径 The maximum folded diameter of the thin film 150-200mm 视材料特性而定 Depending on material properties收卷方式 Winding method 恒力矩收卷 Constant torque winding

电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 3∮,AC380V, 50Hz three-phase &five-wire整机尺寸 Overall equipment size ≧2000×700×1900 (L×W×H)mm整机重量 Total equipment weight ≧350 kg


第 22 页

SY-6218-Z 实验室微型吹膜机


规格参数 Specification Parameters --

用途说明Description for use

本机主要用于检测聚合物材料的吹膜可行性和材料内的胶质状况,以及有色分散物、控制混合物、挤出物的分散性。本机结构紧凑,可放在实验台上操作,占地面积小,适合大专院校、科研院校及工厂实验室使用。This machine is mainlyused to detect the feasibility of blowing filmof polymermaterials and the colloidal state within the material, as well asthe dispersion of colored dispersions, control mixtures, andextrudates. This machine has a compact structure andcanbeoperated on an experimental platform, with a small floor area. It is suitable for use in universities, scientific researchinstitutions, and factory laboratories.典型应用Typical Application■ 凝胶 Gelatin ■ 颜色分布 Color distribution ■ 测试色母料的分散性能Test the dispersive propertyofcolor masterbatch

■ 材料的加工特性 Material processing properties ■ 质量控制 Quality control

单螺杆挤出机 Single Screw Extrusion Machine螺杆直径 Screw diameter 16-25mm(可选) 16-25mm (optional)

长 径 比 Length ratio 28:1,其他长径比(10~33 倍)可选 28:1, other length ratios(10 to 33 times) are optional

转速调整 Speed adjustment 变频器控制 Frequency converter control

控 制 器 Controller 仪表控制 Instrument control

温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

控温精度 control accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电热圈 Electric heating coil

加热分区 Heating zone 多段分区,精准控温 Multi section zoning, precise temperature control


Screw & Barrel material

38CrMoAl 高级氮化钢或其它定制材料

38CrMoAl advanced nitrided steel or other customized materials冷却装置 Cooling device 多翼式风机超静强制风冷 Multi-wing fan super static forced air cooling

驱动方式 Driving power 精密减速电机 Precision reduction motor吹膜辅机 Film Blowing Auxiliary Machine模口直径 Diameter of dies 20-30mm吹胀气体 Huffing air 压缩空气 Compressed air冷却气体 Cooling air 静音风机 Silent fan牵引辊尺寸 Dimension of the carry-over pinch roll Ø80×L350mm牵引线速度 Traction line speed 0.5~5m/min 可调 0.5~5m/min is adjustable薄膜折径 The maximum folded diameter of the thin film 150-200mm 视材料特性而定 Depending on material properties牵引电机 Traction electric machine 90W

收卷方式 Winding method 恒力矩收卷 Constant torque winding

电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 3∮,AC380V, 50Hz three-phase &five-wire整机尺寸 Overall equipment size ≧1000×500×1400 (L×W×H)mm整机重量 Total equipment weight ≧180 kg


第 23 页

SY-6219 实验室流延膜机


规格参数 Specification Parameters

用途说明Description for use本机为单层流延和薄片挤出设备。适用于聚合物材料的流延性能测试与评价、新产品配方研发等。是各大厂商及科研院校的首选设备。This machineisasingle casting and sheet extrusion equipment.. Thisequipment is suitable for testing and evaluationofcasting properties of polymer materials, newproductformulation development etc.. Is themajormanufacturers and research institutions preferredequipment.典型应用Typical Application■ 聚合物材料的流延性能测试与评价Thecastingperformance test and evaluation of polymermaterials. ■ 新产品配方研发New product development. ■ 生产工艺参数优化Optimization of productionprocess parameters. ■ 窄幅薄膜小规模生产Narrowfilmsmall scaleproduction. ■ 质量控制 Quality control.挤出机 Extruder挤出机类型 Extruder type 单螺杆挤出机或双螺杆挤出机 Single screw extruder or twin screw extruder螺杆直径 Screw diameter 20-35mm(可选) 20-35mm (optional)

长 径 比 Length ratio 28:1,其他长径比(10~52 倍)可选 28:1, other length ratios(10 to 52 times) are optional

转速调整 Speed adjustment 变频器控制 Frequency converter control

控 制 器 Controller PLC 控制 PLC controller type温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

控温精度 control accuracy ±2℃

加热方式 Heating method 电热圈 Electric heating coil

加热分区 Heating zone 多段分区,精准控温 Multi section zoning, precise temperature control


Screw & Barrel material

38CrMoAl 高级氮化钢或其它定制材料

38CrMoAl advanced nitrided steel or other customized materials冷却装置 Cooling device 多翼式风机超静强制风冷 Multi-wing fan super static forced air cooling

驱动方式 Driving power 精密减速电机 Precision reduction motor流延冷辊单元及收卷系统 Cast cold roll unit and winding system模 具 Die T 型衣架式 T hanger type模唇宽度 Die-lip width 300mm 或定制其它尺寸 300mm or other customized sizes制品厚度 Product thickness 0.01-1mm冷辊尺寸 Cold roll size Φ200×L320mm牵引线速度 Traction line speed 0-10m/min收卷方式 Winding method 恒力矩收卷 Constant torque winding

电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 3∮,AC380V, 50Hz three-phase & five-wire整机尺寸 Overall equipment size ≧2500×700×1460 (L×W×H)mm整机重量 Total equipment weight ≧450 kg


第 24 页


规格参数 Specification Parameters

用途说明 Description for use

本机为双层流延和薄片挤出设备。适用于聚合物材料的流延性能测试与评价、新产品配方研发等。是各大厂商及科研院校的首选设备。The machine is double-layer tape casting and sheet extrusion equipment. This equipment is suitable for testing and evaluation of castingproperties of polymer materials, new product formulation development etc.. Is the major manufacturers and research institutions preferredequipment.典型应用 Typical Application

■ 聚合物材料的流延性能测试与评价 The casting performance test and evaluation of polymer materials. ■ 新产品配方研发 New product development. ■ 生产工艺参数优化 Optimization of production process parameters. ■ 窄幅薄膜小规模生产 Narrow film small scale production.

挤出机 Extruder挤出机类型 Extruder type 单螺杆挤出机或双螺杆挤出机 Single screw extruder or twin screw extruder挤出机数量 Number of extruders 2 台(可定制多台) 2 sets (multiple sets can be customized)

螺杆直径 Screw diameter 20-35mm(可选) 20-35mm (optional)

长 径 比 Length ratio 28:1,其他长径比(10~52 倍)可选 28:1, other length ratios(10 to 52 times) are optional

温度范围 Temperature range 室温~300℃或定制 Room temperature~300 ℃ or customized

加热分区 Heating zone 多段分区,精准控温 Multi section zoning, precise temperature control


Screw & Barrel material

38CrMoAl 高级氮化钢或其它定制材料

38CrMoAl advanced nitrided steel or other customized materials驱动方式 Driving power 精密减速电机 Precision reduction motor流延冷辊单元及收卷系统 Cast cold roll unit and winding system模 具 Die T 型衣架式 T hanger type模唇宽度 Die-lip width 300mm 或定制其它尺寸 300mm or other customized sizes制品厚度 Product thickness 0.01-1mm冷辊尺寸 Cold roll size Φ200×L320mm牵引线速度 Traction line speed 0-10m/min收卷方式 Winding method 恒力矩收卷 Constant torque winding

电 源 Power supply 3∮,AC380V,50Hz 三相五线 3∮,AC380V, 50Hz three-phase & five-wire整机尺寸 Overall equipment size ≧2500×700×1460 (L×W×H)mm整机重量 Total equipment weight ≧500 kg
