合肥不错 养人之城

发布时间:2024-9-05 | 杂志分类:其他

合肥不错 养人之城

2 Hefei is a beautiful city, and its beauty exists in its connotation.<br>Hefei has a history of over 2,000 years since it was granted <br>county status in the Qin Dynasty; Hefei is full of youthful vigor <br>as it is only 70 years since the city was designated as the <br>capital of Anhui Province in 1952. Located between the Yangtze <br>and Huaihe rivers and in the center of the province, the city <br>is developing rapidly based on its accumulated strength. I... [收起]
合肥不错 养人之城
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2 Hefei is a beautiful city, and its beauty exists in its connotation.<br>Hefei has a history of over 2,000 years since it was granted <br>county status in the Qin Dynasty; Hefei is full of youthful vigor <br>as it is only 70 years since the city was designated as the <br>capital of Anhui Province in 1952. Located between the Yangtze <br>and Huaihe rivers and in the center of the province, the city <br>is developing rapidly based on its accumulated strength. It is <br>now a national science center city, a national comprehensive <br>transportation hub city, a sub-center of the world-class city <br>cluster in the Yangtze River Delta, and a node city in both <br>the Belt and Road Initiative and the National Yangtze River <br>Economic Belt Strategy. The total area of the city is 11,400 <br>square kilometers, with an actual population of 12.53 million, <br>and its total GDP reached 1.27 trillion yuan in 2023.<br>The beauty of Hefei lies in its natural landscape. It has <br>successively been awarded the titles of National Garden City, <br>National Forest City, National Model City of Civilization, and <br>International Wetland City.<br>The beauty of Hefei resides in its history and culture. With 4,000 <br>years of written history and 3,000 years of urban construction, <br>it has long been known as \"a prominent battlefield in the Three <br>Kingdoms period, the hometown of Lord Bao and the homeland <br>of the Huai Army\".<br>The beauty of Hefei exists in its science, technology and <br>innovation. “Emergency response sector, intelligent terminals, <br>biomedicine and big-health, and intelligent speech and AI” and <br>“chips, display panels, vehicles and synthetic materials” are the <br>phenomenal industrial landmarks of the city.<br>The beauty of Hefei is in the discovery and development. “Hefei <br>ideally sits in the center of Anhui”, “Hefei is a city that nurtures <br>talents and people”, and Hefei is livable and suitable for business. <br>Hefei, guided by the goal of becoming the \"provincial cultural <br>and tourism pivot\", aims to discover more of the city to manifest <br>its appeal in natural endowment, ecology, history, culture, and <br>sci-tech innovation, and to develop new forms of rural tourism, <br>study tours, science-, education- and industry-related tours by <br>leveraging the charm of the province.<br>The scenery in Hefei is distinctively outstanding.<br>Come to Hefei and discover its beauty.<br>Come and discover <br>the beauty of Hefei<br>


3<br>发现合肥之美<br>  美好合肥,美在合肥。<br>  合肥,自秦置县,历史逾两千年;1952 年成为新<br>中国安徽省省会,合肥,正青春。合肥,处江淮之间,<br>居皖之中,厚积薄发,发展飞速。合肥,已成为国家科<br>学中心城市,全国性综合交通枢纽城市,长三角世界级<br>城市群副中心,“一带一路”倡议和长江经济带战略双<br>节点城市。合肥,市域总面积 1.14 万平方公里,实有<br>人口 1253 万人,2023 年 GDP 总量 1.27 万亿元。<br>  合肥之美,美在山水自然。八百里巢湖气象万千,<br>水中绿洲姥山岛,傲然独立;环湖十二镇星罗棋布,串<br>珠成链;十大湿地鸥鹭翔集,生态和谐;半汤、汤池温泉,<br>休闲养生;三河千年古镇,小桥流水,流光溢彩;大蜀山、<br>冶父山、银屏山、紫蓬山、四顶山……群山滴翠。大别<br>山余脉绵延,长江淮河牵手,造就山水自然之美。合肥,<br>先后荣膺国家园林城市、国家森林城市、全国文明城市、<br>国际湿地城市。<br>  合肥之美,美在历史人文。4000 年文字史、3000<br>年建城史,银山智人、有巢氏的史前文明,让合肥成为<br>中华文明发祥地之一;“三国故地、包公故里、淮军故乡”<br>是合肥的历史名片;三国周瑜、北宋包拯、晚清李鸿章、<br>“传奇将军”李克农、诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁陆续走进<br>合肥名人档案。合肥三国遗址公园、包公园、李鸿章故<br>居陈列馆、安徽名人馆和渡江战役纪念馆,荟萃合肥历<br>史人文精华。<br>  合肥之美,美在科技创新。中国科学技术大学、中<br>国科学院合肥物质研究院(科学岛)、科大讯飞、中国<br>声谷,汇聚合肥优势创新资源;新能源汽车、先进光伏<br>及新型储能、生物医药、智能家电(居)等新兴产业增<br>势强劲;量子信息、空天技术、通用智能、低空经济等<br>布局未来产业;“芯屏汽合”“急终生智”成为合肥特<br>色的现象级产业地标。<br>  合肥之美,美在创造发展。“合肥不错,为皖之中”。<br>“养人之城”,宜居宜业。合肥,正以成为“全省文旅<br>总枢纽”目标为引领,创造更多合肥之美,彰显自然生<br>态、历史人文、科技创新之美,在徽风皖韵中,发展乡<br>村、研学、科教、工业等旅游新业态。<br>  合肥,风景独好。<br>  来合肥,发现合肥之美。<br> Front Page |卷首


4 CONTENTS |目录<br>01<br>02<br>游<br>宿<br>Touring in Hefei<br>Staying in Hefei<br>在合肥<br>在合肥<br>


5<br>04<br>Shopping in Hefei<br>03 食<br>Dining in Hefei<br>在合肥<br>05 服务<br>Service Information<br>资讯<br>购在合肥


6 01 Hefei, a lake city of innovation, is also rich in tourism resources in China. <br>In the city, there are vast lakes with misty waves, green mountains, classic <br>gardens with more than one thousand years of history, and ancient towns and <br>water towns that show the charm of Anhui, as well as scientific, educational <br>achievements and advances in innovation that are known at home and abroad. <br>It is here that natural and human landscapes complement each other, and <br>culture and tourism blend together!<br>Hefei is a must-go destination that you are strongly recommended to visit.<br>Touring in Hefei


7<br>游在<br>合<br>肥<br>  合肥——大湖名城,创新高地,是中国旅游资源丰富的<br>城市。在合肥,有烟波浩渺的湖光山色,有传承千年的历史<br>名园,有徽风皖韵的古镇水乡,有蜚声中外的科教创新,自<br>然景观与人文景观交相辉映,文化与旅游彼此交融!<br>  合肥,是一座必定要去旅游的城市。<br>


8 合肥骆岗公园<br>Luogang Park<br>合肥骆岗公园依托原骆岗机场及其周边区域新建,总面<br>积 12.7 平方公里,目前全世界最大的城市中央公园,<br>是集生态、科技、人文于一体的人民公园。<br>The world's largest urban central park built on the original Luogang Airport <br>and its surrounding areas, covering 12.7k㎡ , featuring eco-environment, <br>technologies, and culture. <br>合肥市<br>骆岗街道<br>包河大道<br>0551-65252000<br>0551-66199900<br>地铁1号线到骆<br>岗站转乘 M107 路<br>公交,或地铁 5 号<br>线到盛大站转乘<br>M504 路 公 交;52<br>路、60 路、70 路、<br>509 路、517 路、<br>547 路、B7 路、T7<br>路公交到骆岗公园t<br>8<br>


9<br>合肥市<br>怀宁路 87 号<br>0551-63736658<br>129 路、166 路公<br>交到合肥体育中<br>心站下<br>国家首批一级博物馆,现有 31 万余件藏品,包括铸客<br>大鼎、鄂君启金节、冯仁镜住宅等镇馆之宝。<br>安徽博物院<br>A national Class I museum, with a collection of over 310,000 articles, <br>top treasures including unearthed Zhuke Tripod and Ejun Qi Jinjie’s cast <br>passport, and Feng Renjing’s Residence . <br>Anhui Museum<br>4A<br>9


10 安徽省美术馆<br>Anhui Art Museum<br>建筑面积 5 万平方米,能同时举办多个高质量、高规格<br>的国内外大型美术展览。艺术 MALL 设有咖啡馆、阅读<br>空间、乐陶工坊、文创商店等。<br>Covering a floorage of 50,000 square meters and capable of hosting several <br>exhibitions at the same time from within and outside of China; the facilities <br>of its Art MALL include a cafe, a reading space, a pottery workshop, and a <br>souvenir shop.<br>合肥市<br>滨湖新区<br>成都路 1 号<br>0551-62806800<br>地铁 5 号线至渡<br>江战役纪念馆站<br>下;526 路公交<br>至渡江战役纪念<br>馆站下<br>周二到周日<br>9:00~17:00<br>(16:00停止入馆)


11<br>11<br>全国爱国主义教育示范基地,陈列有一千余件珍贵的<br>革命文物,全面展示了闻名中外的渡江战役。<br>渡江战役纪念馆<br>A National Patriotic Education Demonstration Base, displaying over <br>1,000 precious revolutionary cultural relics and showcasing the worldrenowned Yangtze-crossing Campaign.<br>Yangtze-crossing Campaign Memorial Museum<br>4A<br>合肥市<br>滨湖新区<br>云谷路 299 号<br>0551-62635757<br>526 路公交到渡江<br>战役纪念馆下;地<br>铁 5 号线至“渡江<br>纪念馆”站 3 号<br>口出<br>11


12 合肥市<br>滨湖新区<br>云谷路 303 号<br>0551-62552828<br>526 路公交到渡江战<br>役纪念馆下;地铁 5<br>号线至“渡江纪念馆”<br>站 3 号口出<br>安徽省爱国主义教育基地,全面展示中国古代与近<br>代历史上的安徽名人,弘扬中华文化。<br>安徽名人馆<br>Anhui Provincial Patriotic Education Base, displaying Anhui’s <br>historical figures to promote Chinese culture. <br>Anhui Museum of Historical Notables<br>4A<br>


13<br>合肥市赖少其艺术馆<br>Lai Shaoqi Art Museum<br>以书画大师赖少其、徽文化和安徽地域美术为学术定位,<br>发挥典藏研究、展览陈列、社会教育、文化交流等功能。<br>With the academic focus on Lai Shaoqi (1915-2000, a calligraphy and painting <br>master), Huizhou culture, and Anhui regional fine arts, this museum plays <br>the role of research on collected art works, exhibition, social education and <br>cultural exchanges. <br>合肥市<br>政务区石台路<br>艺术公园内<br>0551-63521390<br>地铁 3 号线到市<br>政务中心站下;<br>103 路公交到海<br>阳站下t<br>周二到周日<br>9:00~17:00<br>(16:30停止入馆)<br>13


14 合肥市<br>政务文化新区<br>天鹅湖路 516 号<br>13 路、41 路公<br>交到合肥大剧院<br>站下;地铁 3 号<br>线到合肥大剧院<br>站下<br>合肥大剧院<br>Hefei Grand Theatre<br>立足安徽文化市场,汇集国内外众多名剧、名家、名团,<br>以精彩的演出营造高雅的艺术氛围,奉献优质的精神享<br>受,领略舞台艺术的魅力。<br>An important venue in the Anhui cultural marketplace, where many classic <br>dramas, celebrated performers, acclaimed troupes from both home and <br>abroad have been staged; it aims to create an elegant artistic atmosphere, <br>display stage charm and offer cultural enjoyment to audience.<br>14


15<br>合肥市图书馆<br>Hefei Library<br>馆舍面积 1.5 万平方米,现有藏书 224 万册,品牌<br>活动有趣味国学、夕阳红公益培训、家庭古诗词大赛、<br>中华美文诵读比赛等。<br>Covering a floor area of 15,000 square meters, with a collection of 2.24 <br>million books, this library also organizes activities such as Fun Chinese <br>Studies, Senior Residents Training, Family Ancient Poems Reciting <br>Competitions, and Classic Chinese Articles Reciting Competitions.<br>合肥市蜀山区<br>琥珀山庄<br>北口一号<br>0551-65623230<br>48 路、85 路、<br>106 路公交可到达<br>每天 8:30~18:00<br>


16 合肥市长丰县<br>岗集镇<br>北部卧龙山<br>0551-66736005<br>在市府广场乘坐免<br>费旅游大巴至中国<br>非物质文化遗产园<br>非遗园以中国传统文化为主题,开展各种展示、演<br>绎、旅游等文化体验项目。<br>中国(合肥)非物质文化遗产园<br>A traditional Chinese culture-themed venue that provides cultureexperiencing programs, such as exhibitions, presentations, and <br>tours.<br> China (Hefei) Intangible Cultural Heritage Park<br>4A<br>16


17<br>合肥市<br>经济技术开发区<br>繁华大道 276 号<br>0551-63822004<br>0551-63822866<br>20 路、80 路公<br>交到徽园站下<br>4A<br>园内的建筑是具有安徽浓郁地方特色的仿古式建筑,<br>涵盖了安徽省各个地市的自然和人文景观,是一座集<br>省情教育和旅游观光于一体的综合性纪念观光园。<br>安徽徽园<br>A large garden with replica buildings and landscaping pieces from <br>different localities of Anhui, functioning for promoting Anhui awareness <br>and tourism.<br>Anhui Huiyuan<br>17


18 4A<br>以生态园林风貌与植物文化相融合而著称,是集植物种植、<br>资源保育、科研科普、旅游休憩于一体的综合性植物园。<br>合肥植物园<br>Known for its ecological landscaping and horticultural characteristics, a place <br>featuring plant cultivation, resource conservation, scientific research and <br>knowledge dissemination, tourism and leisure activities.<br>Hefei Botanical Garden<br>合肥市<br>蜀山区<br>环湖东路 123 号<br>0551-65313803<br>8 路、108 路公交<br>到市苗圃站下t<br>18


19<br>4A<br>园内现有动物 120 余种、1000<br>余 头( 只)。 以“ 地 球⸺<br>人类与动物共享的空间”为设<br>计理念。<br>合肥野生动物园<br>Designed with the concept of \"Earth - a <br>space shared by humans and animals\", <br>this wildlife park currently has more than <br>1,000 animals covering over 120 species. <br>Hefei Wildlife Park<br>合肥市<br>蜀山区<br>望江西路 600 号<br>0551-65395595<br>102 路、651 路公<br>交或 B2 路、高新<br>区专 1 线到警察学<br>院站下<br>19


20 景区号称“湖天第一胜境”,湖光山色与历史文<br>化交相辉映。<br>巢湖姥山岛景区<br>This scenic area is known as the \"number one lakescape\", where <br>the scenery and historical and cultural heritage complement each <br>other. <br>Chaohu Mushan Island Scenic Area<br>4A 20




22 环城公园是在原旧城墙基础上建设形<br>成的带状敞开式公园,全长 8.7 公里,<br>面积 137.6 公顷,串联逍遥津公园、<br>包河公园、西山景区、杏花公园。城<br>中有园,园中有城,合肥人视其为“翡<br>翠项链”。<br>环城公园<br>Huancheng Park is a ring-shaped open park built along <br>the base of the original 8.7-kilometer-long old city wall, <br>covering an area of 137.6 hectares and connecting <br>Xiaoyaojin Park, Baohe Park, the Xishan Scenic Area <br>and Xinghua Park, thus forming a distinctive feature of <br>Hefei: “parks in the downtown area, which is surrounded <br>by a ring park”. The people of Hefei cherish Huancheng <br>Park as an \"emerald necklace\" of the city.<br>Huancheng Park<br>合肥市<br>蜀山区<br>环城南路 29 号<br>地铁 2 号线<br>三孝口站 E 口出<br>22


23<br>全国廉政教育基地,由包公祠、包公墓、清风阁、浮庄等景<br>点组成,是为纪念北宋清官包拯而建。<br>合肥包公园<br>A national anti-corruption education base; this park is dedicated to Bao Zheng (999-<br>1062), consisting of a memorial temple, a family cemetery, Qingfeng (or Integrity) <br>Pavilion, and Fuzhuang Village.<br>Hefei Lord Bao Park<br>4A<br>合肥市包河区<br>芜湖路 72 号<br>0551-62884490<br>0551-62887011<br>4 路、14 路公交至大<br>钟楼站下;6 路、11<br>路公交至包公园站<br>下;109 路公交至宁<br>国路菜场站下;地铁<br>1 号线至包公园站下<br>23<br>23


24 24<br>4A<br>安徽省内唯一融合水网、城市、文化<br>于一体的万亩森林公园,中国首个退<br>耕还林并经生态修复建成的国家级森<br>林公园。<br>合肥滨湖国家森林公园<br>The only 10,000 mu water network forest, urban <br>forest, and cultural forest in Anhui and the first <br>national forest park in China restored from <br>farmland. <br>Hefei Binhu National Forest Park


25<br>合肥市<br>庐阳区<br>寿春路 16 号<br>0551-62654575<br>2 路、15 路公交<br>到逍遥津站下<br>逍遥津公园t<br>Xiaoyaojin park<br>合肥的名胜古迹之一,三国时张辽威震逍遥津就<br>在此地,被国家列为名胜古迹之一,园名被标在<br>国家赠给联合国的地图之上。<br>A nationally-listed historical site in Hefei, where General Zhang Liao <br>(169-222) won his fame in the Three Kingdoms period; the name of <br>the park was marked on the map gifted to the UN.<br>合肥市<br>包河区<br>环湖北路<br>0551-62776688<br>0551-62776600<br>地铁 1 号线换乘<br>526 路公交、旅游<br>观光巴士到滨湖国<br>家森林公园站下<br>


26 冶父山森林公园<br>Mt. Yefu Forest Park<br>4A<br>公园有“江北小九华”之称,与皖南旅游<br>区相衔接,是环巢湖旅游圈上的重要景区<br>景点。<br>Known as a small Mt. Jiuhua north of the Yangtze, and <br>well connected to the southern Anhui tourism area, this <br>park is an important scenic area in the Chaohu Lake <br>tourism circle. <br>合肥市<br>庐江县<br>冶父山镇<br>0551-81412009<br>2 路公交到庐江县<br>冶父山森林公园下<br>


27<br>合肥市<br>肥西县<br>紫蓬镇森林大道 2 号<br>0551-68582166<br>80 路公交直达紫<br>蓬山森林公园<br>4A<br>紫蓬山已知植物多达 470 余种,百年以上的古树<br>千余株,植被覆盖率 96.3%以上。<br>合肥紫蓬山国家森林公园<br>The park boasts over 470 known plant species and more than <br>1,000 centenary trees, with a vegetation coverage rate of 96.3%. <br>Hefei Mt. Zipeng National Forest Park<br>27


28 东庵森林公园<br>Dong'an Forest Park 东庵森林公园“三面青山一面湖”,是巢<br>湖唯一一个省级森林公园景区,总占地<br>1000 亩,植被资源丰富,森林覆盖率达<br>98%,公园内负氧离子含量高达 11000<br>个 \/cm³,是名副其实的天然森林氧吧。<br>The only provincial forest park in Chaohu City, the park is surrounded by <br>mountains on three sides and a lake on the remaining side. Covering 1,000 <br>mu and rich in vegetation resources, it has a forest coverage rate of 98%, <br>and known as a true natural forest oxygen bar as the negative oxygen ion <br>content there is as high as 11,000\/cm³.<br>合肥市<br>巢湖市南畔<br>0551-82601199<br>建议自驾<br>


29<br>合肥市<br>蜀山区<br>玉兰大道 8 号<br>0551-65312979<br>118 路、48 路、<br>651 路公交或地<br>铁 2 号线可到<br>大蜀山国家森林公园<br>Mt. Dashu National Forest Park<br>江淮地区不可多见的典型火山地貌,主要成分为基性岩浆,<br>海拔 284 米,是合肥近郊难得一见的大山。<br>The only mountain in the suburb of Hefei, featuring a typical volcanic landform <br>in the Jianghuai region, mainly composed of basic magma, with an altitude of <br>284 meters. <br>29


30 合肥市<br>巢湖经济开发区<br>0551-82356367<br>建议自驾或乘<br>坐公共汽车<br>半汤温泉养生国家旅游度假区<br>Bantang Hot Spring Regimen and Holiday Resort<br>安徽省首家“国家级旅游度假区”,拥有四大古<br>温泉之一的“半汤温泉”,打造主客共享、生活<br>化的旅游养生度假新场景。<br>The first national tourist resort in Anhui, a renewed life-like and <br>shared scenario for holidaymakers, boasting one of the top 4 <br>ancient hot springs in China.<br>30


31<br>以花卉为主题,构筑“一湖八园”景观,将生态<br>花海和城市街区有机相融。<br>祥源花世界<br>With flowers as a dominant attraction, and consisting of \"one lake <br>and eight gardens\", this place has integrated the flower sea with <br>urban street blocks. <br> Xiangyuan Flower World<br>4A<br>合肥市<br>肥西县<br>金寨南路 8 号<br>400-850-8000<br>地铁 3 号线 -32<br>路 -693 路 \/693<br>路东线公交;地<br>铁 2 号线 \/154<br>路 -30 路 -693 路<br>\/693 路西线公交<br>


32 三河古镇以古河、古桥、古街、古巷、古民居、古楼、<br>古庙台、古战场而闻名,是中国历史文化名镇。<br>三河古镇<br>A historical and cultural town featuring ancient bridges, streets, and <br>dwellings, an aged temple and a preserved performance stage, it is <br>also known as an ancient battlefield. <br>Sanhe Ancient Town<br>5A




34 故居始建于清光绪年间,是晚清名臣李鸿章的家宅,<br>典型的晚清江淮地区居民建筑。<br>李鸿章故居陈列馆<br>Home of Li Hongzhang (1823-1901) built in the reign of Emperor <br>Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, a typical residential compound <br>popular in the Jianghuai region at that time.<br>Li Hongzhang's Former Residence Museum<br>合肥市<br>庐阳区淮河路<br>步行街 208 号<br>0551-62616772<br>快速公交 1 号线、<br>3 号线等至市府广<br>场站下<br>34 <br>4A<br>34


35<br>总前委旧址群均为清末徽派建筑,青砖小瓦,风火<br>高墙,集人文景观、纪念教育基地于一体。<br>渡江战役总前委旧址纪念馆<br>A group of Huizhou-style buildings from the late Qing Dynasty, <br>featuring gray bricks, small tiles, and fire-protecting walls, it is also <br>an education base for the revolutionary tradition.<br>Site Memorial of the General Front Committee <br>of the PLA for the Yangtze-crossing Campaign<br>4A<br>合肥市<br>肥东县撮镇镇<br>瑶岗社区<br>0551-67363135<br>355 路公交到瑶岗<br>纪念馆下<br>


36 景区内有台湾首任巡抚刘铭传的故居、刘<br>铭传墓园、刘铭传纪念馆等景点,以“铭<br>传文化”和“两岸情缘”为主题定位。<br>铭传故里景区<br>Main attractions include a former residence, a tomb yard <br>and a memorial for Taiwan's first governor Liu Mingchuan <br>(1836 -1896), themed for improving the Cross-Strait <br>relationship.<br>Mingchuan Hometown Scenic Area<br>4A<br>合肥市<br>肥西县铭传乡<br>启明社区<br>0551-62062561<br>X212 路公交到铭<br>传故居站下<br>36


37<br>冯玉祥旧居<br>Feng Yuxiang's Former Residence<br>3A<br>旧居内陈列大量实物,介绍冯玉祥将军的生平事迹。现为<br>全国重点文物保护单位、安徽省第四届爱国主义教育基地。<br>An important heritage site under state protection and a provincial patriotic <br>education base, with many exhibits illustrating the life stories of General Feng <br>Yuxiang (1882-1948) .<br>合肥市巢湖市<br>居巢区夏阁镇<br>竹柯村<br>0551-88360269<br>7 路公交到小<br>圩村站下<br>37


38 合肥市巢湖市<br>黄麓镇<br>洪家疃村<br>13966323926<br>建议自驾<br>张治中故居<br>Zhang Zhizhong’s Former Residence<br>3A<br>建于 1927 年,由客厅、卧室、侍卫室、<br>库房、厨房等组成。现为安徽省级文物<br>保护单位、安徽省爱国主义教育基地。<br>A heritage site under provincial protection and a <br>patriotic education base in Anhui built in 1927, with a <br>living room, bedrooms, a guard room, a storage room, <br>and a kitchen .<br>38


39<br>李克农故居<br>Li Kenong's Former Residence<br>3A<br>包括李克农少时旧居、生平事迹展览馆、铜像和照壁三<br>部分。现为安徽省级文物保护单位、安徽省十大红色旅<br>游景点。<br>A heritage site under provincial protection and a top 10 red tour spot in <br>Anhui, featuring a former residence, a museum, a bronze statue and a <br>screen wall for Li Kenong (899-1962) .<br>合肥市巢湖市<br>烔炀镇<br>中李村<br>0551-88511272<br>10 路公交到月亮<br>湾湿地公园站下<br>39


40 合肥市<br>庐江县汤池镇<br>迎宾东路与滨河西<br>路交口南 200 米<br>18756596388<br>建议自驾<br>新四军江北指挥部纪念馆<br>New Fourth Army Jiangbei Headquarters <br>Memorial Museum<br>陈列多幅珍贵照片和文献史料,系统地介绍了<br>新四军江北指挥部的建立、发展和壮大的革命<br>历程,入选《全国红色旅游景点景区名录》。<br>A nationally listed red tour spot with many precious photos and <br>historical documents, telling systematically the establishment, <br>development, and growth of the headquarters.<br>


41<br>合肥市<br>长丰县<br>造甲乡<br>0551-66861001<br>公共汽车 D118 路<br>到造甲乡公交站,<br>转乘 C136 路到双<br>河社区下,步行<br>600 米到达<br>中共合肥北乡支部纪念馆<br>Memorial Museum of the CPC Hefei Beixiang Branch<br>陈列介绍崔筱斋在此成立的合肥地区第一个党组<br>织——中共合肥北乡支部。该馆现为合肥市爱国主<br>义教育基地和廉政教育基地。<br>A patriotic and anti-corruption education base in Hefei, introducing the <br>first CPC organization established by Cui Xiaozhai (1896-1932) in the <br>Hefei area.<br>41


42 合肥市淮河路步行街<br>Huaihe Lu Pedestrian Street<br>首批国家级夜间文化和旅游消费集聚区,合肥老城<br>的中心地带,曾是合肥最繁华的地方,也是人文荟<br>萃的老街,集聚众多历史古迹。<br>A national nighttime cultural-tourism concentrated consumption area <br>in the center of the old city proper, once the busiest street with many <br>historical relics and rich cultural heritage. <br>42


43<br>合肥市<br>庐阳区<br>淮河路<br>地铁 1 号线大东<br>门站下;123 路、<br>132 路公交到市府<br>广场下<br>43<br>


44 合肥市<br>蜀山区<br>黄山路与怀宁路交口<br>108 路、10 路、<br>158 路、118 路公<br>交到五爪塘站下<br>金大地东西街<br>Jindadidong Xijie<br>3A<br>中国特色美食街区,合肥首个以文化创意<br>为命题,集休闲、娱乐、餐饮、居住、旅游、<br>观光为一体的大型特色商业街区。<br>A Chinese characteristic food court and the first largescale, creativity-themed commercial block featuring <br>leisure, entertainment, catering, residence, tourism, and <br>sightseeing.<br>


45<br>合肥市<br>包河区金寨路与<br>天堂寨路交口<br>148 路公交到十五<br>里河站下<br>合柴·1972<br>Hechai 1972<br>国内第一个由监狱旧址改造的文创园,基于工业遗存的结构<br>特征和建筑文化进行设计和改造,旨在打造成先锋艺术的梦<br>工厂、文艺青年的理想家园。<br>The first cultural and creative park transformed from a former prison in China, <br>designed and renovated based on the old factory structure, aiming to create a <br>DreamWorks for avant-garde arts and an ideal paradise for artistic youth. <br>45


46 文一津门水街<br>Wenyi Jinmen Water Street<br>古韵和时尚碰撞,历史与科技共生,打造皖<br>人历史文化旅游商业街区聚集地、环巢湖旅<br>游新名片、合肥城市会客厅。<br>Featuring ancient charm, modern fashion, historic <br>elements and technology application, it is a highlight of <br>the tourism around Chaohu Lake and a reception room <br>of the city of Hefei.<br>合肥市<br>包河区包河大道<br>与杭州路交口<br>乘坐滨湖旅游巴士<br>到文一塘溪津门水<br>街站下;526 路、<br>553 路公交到沈湾<br>站下;地铁 5 号线<br>到沈湾站下<br>


47<br>47<br>长江 180 艺术街区<br>Changjiang 180 Art Street Block<br>安徽省第一个老工业基地搬迁改造试点项<br>目,利用工业厂房改造的文化创意产业园区。<br>The first pilot project for the relocation and renovation of old <br>industrial bases in Anhui, and a cultural and creative industry <br>park transformed from factory houses.<br>合肥市<br>瑶海区<br>长江东路 180 号<br>地铁 2 号线到漕<br>冲站下


48 明珠广场风情街<br>Mingzhu Square Fengqing Street<br>复古的欧式建筑群街区,汇聚欧风市集、文化<br>艺术、餐饮美食、商业购物等。<br>A retro European architectural complex block that gathers <br>a European-style market, culture and arts, restaurants and <br>gourmet foods, shopping, and more. <br>合肥市<br>经开区金寨路<br>明珠广场北侧<br>150 路、148 路、<br>64 路、52 路、<br>57 路、608 路、<br>80 路公交至明珠<br>广场东站下<br>


49<br>新粮仓·文化商业合集<br>New Granary<br>新粮仓由原安徽省机械化粮库改造而成,是集餐<br>饮、潮玩、运动、艺术众创等诸多业态为一体的<br>多元融合空间。<br>Renovated on a former mechanized grain warehouse in Anhui, this <br>is a place of gourmet foods, art toys, sports, and artistic innovation. <br>合肥市<br>蜀山区<br>望江西路 388 号<br>20 路、113 路、<br>543 路公交到洪岗<br>村北站下<br>0551-65656663<br>49


50 合肥市包河区<br>宁国南路和<br>水阳江路交叉口<br>146 路、111 路、<br>515 路公交到公交<br>三公司站下<br>
