电⼦胶⽔宣传册<br>厦 ⻔ 万 伟 新 材 料 有 限 公 司<br>电 ⼦ 胶 ⽔ 专 家<br>专 业 ⾼ 质 量 产 品<br>2 0 1 5 年 ⾄ 今<br>EEle ct ro ni c Adhesive B rochure<br>X IAM E N WAN WE I NEW MAT ER IA L S C O . , LT D<br>NEW
电⼦胶⽔宣传册<br>厦 ⻔ 万 伟 新 材 料 有 限 公 司<br>电 ⼦ 胶 ⽔ 专 家<br>专 业 ⾼ 质 量 产 品<br>2 0 1 5 年 ⾄ 今<br>EEle ct ro ni c Adhesive B rochure<br>X IAM E N WAN WE I NEW MAT ER IA L S C O . , LT D<br>NEW
COMPANY<br>INDUCTION<br>图⽚ 源于 ⽹ 络, 禁 ⽌商 业⽤ 途<br>Xiamen Wanwei New Material Co., Ltd. is a professional trading<br>company of various kinds of ins tant drying glue, screw locking glue,<br>epoxy glue, structural glue and other products, with a complete and<br>scientific quality management system. Wanwei New Ma terial Co., Ltd.<br>in tegri ty, streng th and product quali ty to ob tain th e majori ty of<br>custom ers rec ogn itio n.<br>For many customers to solve the subs tantial bonding problem,<br>improve the p roductio n e ffi ciency and product beauty, save labor<br>co sts and p rocurement c osts, co st-e ffective. Welc ome fri en ds f rom all<br>walks o f life to v isi t our company, g uidanc e and business nego tia tion.<br>Founded in 2015, we are a p ro fessio nal p re-sal es and a fte r-sales<br>team. We will m ee t the needs of our custom ers with reliable qualit y<br>an d excell ent se rvic e. <br> We acti vel y parti cipa te in custom er design, manufa cturing,<br>maintenanc e p rocess. Provide adhesives suitable for various products<br>of customers, for customers to improve product quality, cost<br>reduction, improve product market competition efforts. At the same<br>tim e our company in the c ontinuo us innovation, h ope the majo rity of<br>custom ers and fri ends support. Le t us work tog eth er, suppo rt ea ch<br>oth er, and jointly open up our own pi ec e of hea ven and earth!<br>A BO U T U S
电⼦胶⽔宣传册<br>厦 ⻔ 万 伟 新 材 料 有 限 公 司<br>电 ⼦ 胶 ⽔ 专 家<br>专 业 ⾼ 质 量 产 品<br>2 0 1 5 年 ⾄ 今<br>EEle ct ro ni c Adhesive B rochure<br>X IAM E N WAN WE I NEW MAT ER IA L S C O . , LT D<br>NEW
COMPANY<br>INDUCTION<br>图⽚ 源于 ⽹ 络, 禁 ⽌商 业⽤ 途<br>Xiamen Wanwei New Material Co., Ltd. is a professional trading<br>company of various kinds of ins tant drying glue, screw locking glue,<br>epoxy glue, structural glue and other products, with a complete and<br>scientific quality management system. Wanwei New Ma terial Co., Ltd.<br>in tegri ty, streng th and product quali ty to ob tain th e majori ty of<br>custom ers rec ogn itio n.<br>For many customers to solve the subs tantial bonding problem,<br>improve the p roductio n e ffi ciency and product beauty, save labor<br>co sts and p rocurement c osts, co st-e ffective. Welc ome fri en ds f rom all<br>walks o f life to v isi t our company, g uidanc e and business nego tia tion.<br>Founded in 2015, we are a p ro fessio nal p re-sal es and a fte r-sales<br>team. We will m ee t the needs of our custom ers with reliable qualit y<br>an d excell ent se rvic e. <br> We acti vel y parti cipa te in custom er design, manufa cturing,<br>maintenanc e p rocess. Provide adhesives suitable for various products<br>of customers, for customers to improve product quality, cost<br>reduction, improve product market competition efforts. At the same<br>tim e our company in the c ontinuo us innovation, h ope the majo rity of<br>custom ers and fri ends support. Le t us work tog eth er, suppo rt ea ch<br>oth er, and jointly open up our own pi ec e of hea ven and earth!<br>A BO U T U S
公司名称:厦门万伟新材料有限公司<br>公司官⽹:h tt p s: \/ \/ cnj ord a n .e n. alib a b a. com<br>公司地址:<br>路 2 1号银盛大厦 4 J室之二<br>中国(福建) 自由贸易试验区厦门片区象兴四<br>联系⽅式:购买会员请拨打 0 0 8 6 -5 9 2 -5 1 2 4 6 3 8<br>*⽂ 字\/ 图⽚源 于⽹ 络 , 仅供学 习参 考, 不做任 何商 业⽤ 途