
发布时间:2021-11-22 | 杂志分类:其他


极光,穿越未来,无远弗届, 它是一种召唤, 有如理想之光, 点亮在三雄极光每个人的心中, 正因如此, 探索、超越, 成为每个三雄极光人永无止境的追求。 The aurora will pass through the future, it is a call, like the light of ideal, ligthening the heart of every member of PAK. Because of this, exploation and surpass become the endless pursuit of every me... [收起]
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极光,穿越未来,无远弗届, 它是一种召唤, 有如理想之光, 点亮在三雄极光每个人的心中, 正因如此, 探索、超越, 成为每个三雄极光人永无止境的追求。 The aurora will pass through the future, it is a call, like the light of ideal, ligthening the heart of every member of PAK. Because of this, exploation and surpass become the endless pursuit of every member of PAK.


SPECIALTY AND CONCENTRATION 专业专注 从远古的自然照明到日新月异的现代照明,照明技术经历无数变迁。时至今日,无论是家 居照明还是商业照明,人们已不再满足于简单的光线明亮,更追求光与空间的视觉和谐与审美 内涵,期望一个安全、舒适、充满情趣与品味的照明世界。 三雄极光在国内最早专注于照明技术的研究与应用,节能、环保、品质、审美甚至健康, 一直是我们关注的焦点。自 1991 年来,三雄极光研发、生产了逾千种高效节能照明产品,悄 然改变着人们的生活。 Until recently, regardless of household lighting or commercial lighting, people are no longer only satisfied with simple bright light,but also pursue cultural and esthetic connotation of environment, expecting a safe and comfortable lighting world full of interest and good taste. PAK has been devoting itself to research and application of lighting technology. We focus on energy-saving, environment protection, quality, esthetic and even health. Since 1991, PAK has developed over 1, 000 types of high efficient energy-saving lighting products, changing people's life quietly.


ENTRY Guangdong PAK Corporation Co. Ltd. INTO PAK Guangdong PAK Corporation Co. Ltd. is a major supplier of 走进三雄极光 energy efficient lighting products and solutions to the world's most diverse markets. Founded in 1991, PAK has since become 深圳证券交易所正式挂牌上市 one of the top market leaders for delivering high quality indoor and outdoor lighting products with excellent energy 三雄极光自成立以来一直致力于研发、生产、推广高品质的绿色照 conservation. 明产品,为客户提供全方位的照明解决方案和专业服务,是中国极具综 合竞争实力的照明品牌之一。 The journey began from extensive research and development of electronic ballasts 29 years ago. Today, PAK has grown into a 公司于 2017 年 3 月 17 日成功登陆深圳证券交易所正式挂牌上市。 worldwide electrical and lighting supplier, manufacturing over 股票简称“三雄极光”,股票代码 300625。 2000 categories of products in 5 production bases. PAK's production bases occupy over 300,000 sqm and employs over 公司总部位于广州市番禺区,在广州、肇庆、重庆等地拥有 5 大生 4000 people. 产基地,年生产 LED、荧光灯等照明产品上亿套,涉及商业照明、办公 照明、工业照明、户外照明、家居照明等领域。   On the date March 17, 2017, PAK has successfully listed on SHENZHEN STOCK EXCHANGE with stock abbreviation \"PAK\" and 多年来,三雄极光始终实行严谨的质量管控体系,通过 ISO14001: stock code 300625. 2004 环境管理体系认证、ISO9001 国际质量体系认证、节能认证、3C 认证、CE、VDE、TUV 等认证。 PAK Lighting Solutions PAK provides an extensive range of products in indoor lighting, 三雄极光拥有健全的销售网络和服务体系。在中国 60 多个大中城 市设立了常驻办事机构,设有专卖店 3000 多家,销售服务网点遍布全 outdoor lighting, industrial lighting, electronic control gears, 国各地。同时,公司积极拓展新兴电商业务。在产品选型、照明设计、 switches and sockets. Our team of R&D engineers stresses the 技术咨询、安装维护、产品售后服务等方面,客户都能享受到专业的服 importance of only using top grade materials and continuous 务和支持。  innovation for better fixture designs. We have worked and used components from many known brands worldwide such as Philips 在国家力倡节能减排的今天,三雄极光积极响应国家号召,在行业 Lumileds for LEDs and ALANOD® for their purity in aluminium 内率先发起以“光健康”为主题的推广活动,提倡更加科学的照明方式, reflectivity. 构造和谐健康的照明空间。如今三雄极光的产品走进千家万户,广泛应 用于大型商场、星级酒店、高档写字楼、学校、医院、工厂、机场、高 PAK Projects 铁、地铁等场所,并参与到国家体育场(鸟巢)、国家会议中心等 15 个 PAK is proud to have worked with many prestigious lighting 奥运场馆,上海世博会的十多个场馆(“一轴四馆”、世博洲际酒店等) 以及广州亚运会等著名工程。近年来,三雄极光全面推广更加节能、环 partners around the world for the development of highly 保、高效、耐用的 LED 照明产品,深受客户的认可和信赖。   innovative lighting products as showcased in numerous international events including the 2010 Asia Games, 2010 在 LED 照明时代,三雄极光将继续沿着节能环保之路,与您携手演 Shanghai World Expo and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 绎“光与空间”的完美结合,共创美好未来。 During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, PAK's lighting products were widely used in the National Stadium, the \"Bird's Nest\", the National Conference Centre and the remaining 15 Olympic Stadiums and Gymnasiums. Our Commitment to Quality At PAK, quality is defined in everything that we do. Our ongoing pursuit for superior quality is developed in accordance to international guidelines in all areas of business from scientific management, quality efficiency and creating excellent branding to satisfying our customers' needs. The series of products produced by PAK has certificated by ISO14001:2004 Environment Management System, CCC, EMC, CE, VDE, TUV, ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System. Our Commitment to Customers Understanding customers' needs is our number one priority. We believe in creating exceptional value through innovating superior lighting products and fixtures that exceed expectations. We prove our commitment to customers further with our professional team of experienced technicians that are competent in undertaking continual innovation on our existing product lines to meet their demands. 03/04


PIONEER OF 绿色、节能运动风起云涌 GREEN LIGHTING 人与自然的和谐成为全球焦点 国际照明产业正朝着节能和环保两个方面发展 绿色照明的先行者 1996 年,中央政府正式启动“中国绿色照明工程” 2009 年,《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方第 15 次会议一哥本 哈根世界气候大会,在丹麦首都哥本哈根召开。来自 192 个国家的谈判 代表召开峰会,这是一次被喻为“拯救人类的最后一次机会”的会议。 The green and energy-saving movement goes one after another. The harmony between human and nature has become a global focus. The international lighting industry is developing towards energy-saving and environment protection. In 1996,the central government commenced formally \"the Project of China Green Lighting\" In 2009, The 15th Conference of the Parties of \"United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change\"- the World Climate Conference was hold in Copenhagen, the Danish capital, Negotiators from 192 countries convene the summit, which is reputed as the meeting \"last chance to save humanity\". 三雄极光早于九十年代初,已致力于绿色节能产品的研发制造,是 In early 2012s, PAK had already been working on the research, 我国最早进入绿色照明技术领域的企业之一。凭借高素质的专业技术队 development and manufacture of green energy-saving products, 伍、精良的科研设备及制造设备、专注的探索精神,源源不断地推出各 therefore became one of the several enterprises earliest involving 类新型、高效照明产品,见证并参与开创了中国的绿色照明时代。 green lighting technology area. By a professional technician team, precise research and manufacture equipment in addition to 光线品质直接影响着人们的视觉环境和视力健康,选择高品质的照 dedicated exploration spirit, PAK keeps presenting new high-efficient 明产品是保障视力健康的首要条件。 products, witnessing and participating in initiation of China's green lighting era. 2005 年 8 月,三雄极光在行业内发起了以“光健康”为主题的战 略研讨活动。“光健康”探索一种更科学、更富人性化的照明方式,以照 Rays quality affects directly people's visual environment and vision 明场所的功能、照明环境与心理作用关系为核心,强调对光源和照明设 health. It comes first choosing quality lighting products to protect 备的科学配置。 vision health. 为构造和谐健康的光照空间,三雄极光联合同济大学建筑与城市规 In August 2005, PAK initiated the strategy seminar named \"Light 划学院、上海市和平医院,于 2005 年开始进行“上海市中小学视力健 Health\" exploring a more scientific and humanized lighting style, 康与光照环境”课题分析研究。2007 年 6 月,三方共同举办《上海市中 concentrated on function of lighting locations, relationship between 小学视力健康与光照环境分析研究》课题研究成果发布会,获得中国照 lighting environment and mentality, emphasizing scientific 明学会、中国照明电器协会、清华大学建筑学院、北京大学儿童青少年 collocation of lamps and lighting equipment. 生研究所等机构以及诸多新闻媒体的大力支持。 In order to construct a harmonic and healthy lighting space, in 2003 年起,三雄极光积极推动协助全国相关院校建立专业照明应用 2005 PAK associated with Institute of Architecture and Town Planning 实验室,解决各大院校在环境设计领域照明专业教育缺失的问题,促进 from Tongji University and Shanghai Heping Hospital to start the 人才培育、教学进步与产业发展的“多赢”。 subject study of \"Vision Health of Shanghai Primary and Secondary School Children and Lighting Environment\". And in June 2007, the 2012 年联合剑桥大学、清华大学共同发起并实施了中国首个零售业 above three parties jointly organized the achievement release 商业建筑节能照明调研项目,有助于帮助零售企业进行科学合理的照明 conference of the subject study, which was supported by China 节能改造,为我国节能照明相关的政策、设计规范的制订提供数据支撑。 Illuminating Engineering Society, China Illuminating Electrical Appliance Society, Architecture Institute of Tsinghua University, 2015 年照明学院成立,全面推动并提升照明设计的应用。 Institute of Health for Children and Adolescents of Peking University and many news media. 作为“光健康”推行者,三雄极光正身体力行地改变着人们的照明 意识,与广大消费者一同走进“光健康”时代。 As promoter of Light Health, PAK has been reforming people's lighting consciousness by earnestly practicing what it advocates, stepping into the \"Light Health\" era together with numerous consumers.


ILLUMINATION DESIGN CONCEPT 产品设计理念 LU娜系列首席设计师 Erna Corbetta 柯爱华女士,1987 年获得米兰综合理工学院建筑学学位,师从世界著名的建筑美学大师 Marco Zanuso。毕业后服务于米兰市政厅, 参与世界闻名的斯福尔扎城堡的拓展建设设计工作。1992 年 Erna 开始进入时尚界,现如今为意大利家居界和时尚界炙手可热的领军人物。 -135° -105° 90° 105° 135° No matter commercial lighting or household lighting, lighting possesses the power to change a delinquent to a solid citizen for 无论是商业照明或是家居照明,照明对空间渲染都具有化腐朽为神 space rendering, and it is dimensional and profound in shaping 奇的力量!照明对空间环境的塑造是立体而深刻的,情境、调性、层次、 the special environment such as the situation, mode, levels, 节奏、联想、印象 ... 照明本身就像一个创意魔方,让人惊叹无比! association, and impression... Lighting itself is just like an amazing creative magic cube. 源于对“光与空间”照明应用的深刻理解,三雄极光将光效塑造、 空间建构、气氛渲染、色彩演绎、情境再现等要素融入产品设计,源源 Originating form profound understanding of modem space 不断地带给各界以新的惊喜。 environment, PAK integrates shaping of luminous effect, constructing of space rendering of atmosphere, interpretation of 三雄极光在致力于专业灯具研发的同时,更着眼于为用户提供整体 colors, as well as reproduction of situation into product design, 照明解决方案,为用户提供了更加完善的产品配套选择。 endlessly leading all social sectors to a new pleasant surprise. 在照明设计⸺光与空间的应用方面,三雄极光早于 2004 年在同 While devoting itself to developing professional lighting 行业中首家推出专业照明设计软件,为设计师提供了更加专业高效的应 fixtures, PAK has attached greater importance to offering 用平台。 integrative illumination solution for the customer. In order to meet the demands from different walks of life, furthermore. 2014 年,三雄极光成立照明学院,坚持定期举办专业设计沙龙, 多次与各大国内外知名院校教授合作,成功举办多个专业照明设计教学 In the application of light and space in illumination design, 实践活动。 PAK also initiated lighting design software in lighting industry in 2004, providing a more professional and effective application 2017 年与 UCL(伦敦大学简称)初次合作,在 Peter Raynham platform for designers. 教授的鼎力支持下,成功举办了首个中英照明设计沙龙,并确立更深层 次的合作意向。 In 2014, PAK established the Lighting Institute, regularly holding professional lighting design salons and successfully 在产品设计方面,三雄极光更是潜心经营、厚积薄发,功能强大、 carrying out teaching activities together with professors from 款式新颖的产品不断推陈出新。2017-2018 年度全新推出的铂刻系列酒 well-known universities at home and abroad on the field of 店专用灯具深受广大用户的喜爱。2018 年公司更是与意大利知名设计 professional lighting design. 师柯爱华女士联合设计开发了 Lu 娜系列月亮灯和 K.A.H 系列扇子灯, 这两款设计都站在潮流尖端的产品,为三雄极光的产品家族注入了新鲜 In 2017, PAK first cooperated with UCL (University College 的血液。 London). With the support of Professor Peter Raynham, PAK successfully held the first China-Britain Lighting Design Salon and achieved intent of cooperation in a deeper level with UCL. In product design, PAK has been organizing and managing with great concentration, and after years of accumulation, constantly developing powerful and fashionable lighting products, of which, PAK Hotel Series were grandly launched in 2017-2018 and have been well received by users. And farther more, in the year of 2018, together with the famous Italian architect-MS Erna Corbetta, PAK designed and developed the Luna Series Moon Light and K.A.H Series Flabellate Light, both of which are standing a leading role in the lighting field and injecting the fresh blood into the product series of PAK. 05/06


我们的力量 OUR STRENGTH 研发 ... 制造 ... 品质 ... 市场 ... 用心感受每一个过程, 凝聚过程的点滴,为客户创造更多价值 ! 融汇优势资源,展现技术精华, 源源不断地超越客户期望。 R&D...manufacturing...quality...market... Feel every process by heart, Agglomerate every drop of the process to creat more additional value for clients! Integrate dominant resources and present technical essence, exceeding clients' expectation continuously. 07/08


EXCELLENT MANUFACTURE 精锐制造 公司在硬件制造设备上坚决执行高标准,引入大量代表国际领先水平的制造设备,如:波 峰焊机、高速冲床、大型数控弯板机及数控冲床等等。 各项配套工艺坚守高品质路线,建立全套数控喷涂设备,使灯具配件的喷涂、上光工序实 现全自动操作。整个制造体系严格按照 IS09001: 2000 标准制订的作业指导书进行作业,每一 个生产步骤都采取严格的品质控制,由质检人员严格把关。 三雄极光以精锐的制造技术、严密的制造流程、高端的制造设备,以超越国际品质的高标 准要求打造自主品牌平台。在公司的整个制造体系,包括基层管理人员在内,要求全部具备对 口专业技术背景,在组织内部有效地保证了工作对接的流畅传递。 PAK strictly carries out high standard policy on hardware manufacture equipments and introduces a large number of international-advanced equipments like crest welder, high velocity ram machine, large-scale numerical-controlled bending press, and numerical-controlled press, etc.. Every supporting process sticks to the high-quality line, building a whole set of numerical-controlled spraying machine so as to make the varnishing and spraying process of fittings automatic. The whole manufacture system strictly carries on ISO9001: 2000 standard, and each production step is adopted with strict quality control by QC staff. By right of excellent manufacture technology, rigorous manufacture flow, and top-class manufacture equipment, PAK has built a standard platform for international lighting product manufacturers. The whole PAK manufacture system, including the primary administrative personnel, possesses a counterpart technical background, effectively ensuring smooth transferring of professional interface within the organization.


SUPREME QUALITY 品质至上 “我们不能抓住任何一束光,但我们可以抓住每一束光线的品质”, 三雄极光的工程师用特有的幽默表达自己的品质信念。 三雄极光的技术队伍分布于产品研发、原料采购、生产控制、品质控 制、工艺改善等作业环节,从各个方面实践着品质承诺:原材料进仓后, 必须经过严格的检测程序;关键制造工序实现数字化操作,以保证生产控 制的准确性与精密度,将制造过程中的技术误差降至最低点。 公司以近乎苛刻的标准控制每一个环节,以确保每一项产品的完美性 能,正因如此,三雄极光在业界享有良好的声誉。 2008 年,公司正式通过 ISO14001:2004 环境管理体系认证,生产 品质管理跨上更高的起点。 \"We cannot seize every beam, but we can seize the quality of every beam\". PAK's engineers expressed their quality concept in humor. PAK's technical team involves all the work links of product development, raw material procurement, production control, and process improvement and practices high quality promise in all aspects. For example, after entry into warehouse, the raw material must go through strict examination and testing procedures; realizing digitalization operation of key manufacture procedures, so as to ensure accuracy and precision of production control and reduce technical manufacture errors to the minimum. PAK controls every link by rigorous standards to ensure perfect performance of every product. For this, PAK enjoys high reputation in the lighting industry. In 2008, the company got ISO14001:2004 environmental management system certification, production and quality control management step onto a higher starting point. 11/12


GLOBALIZATION 三雄极光发展到今天,销售网络已经遍及中国大地,并远销欧 STRATEGY 美等数十个海外国家与地区,面对国际市场需求的不断增长与变化, 公司海外市场部与全球各大专业贸易商始终保持紧密协作。在不断 全球化战略 开拓海外贸易伙伴的同时,更重视品牌的战略推进,有计划的在中 东、欧美市场逐步建立自己的品牌展示厅,销售终端网络延伸到全 球的每一个角落。 So far, PAK has established a sales network all over China and sells successfully to dozens of overseas countries and regions like U.S. and Europe, etc... In front of the continuously increasing and changing international market demand, the Export Department keeps close collaboration with large professional traders in the world. As developing trading partners abroad, PAK focuses on brand construction, and builds brand showrooms in U.S., Europe and Middle East step by step, extending sales terminal network to eveny corner of the world. SALES NETWORK 在国内市场,三雄极光的销售网络已经覆盖全国各地,建立了 IN CHINA 超过 4000 家品牌专卖店,并在全国 60 多个城市设立了常驻办事机 构,在客户端需求支持方面发挥重要作用。 中国销售网络 如今,营销网络的广度已非我们追求的主要目标,我们的着眼 点在于如何利用强大的营销网络支持使产品分销过程中的物流、信 息流、资金流获得高效整合,从产业价值链的运作层面打造品牌竞 争力。 In domestic market, PAK's sales network covers the whole country with more than 4000 brand exclusive stores and branch offices in over sixty cities, playing an important role in supporting customer demands. Nowadays, we do not treat the scope of sales network as our major target but focus on obtaining high-efficient integration of logistics, information flow and capital flow in the product distribution process by making use of strong sales network support, also on building competitiveness on operation level of the industrial value chain.


PROFESSIONAL 售前服务 SERVICES 专业服务中心由销售工程师组成,向销售商提供专业技术支持,包 括专业咨询、技术操作指导,配合经销商制作专业的投标文件,提 专业服务 高工程成功率。对于用户,可根据使用场所的具体环境,通过专业 照明软件的辅助,设计出最佳配光效果,然后选择恰当的产品组合, 只要在三雄极光产品覆盖的地方, 达到甚至超出用户预期效果。 就有触手可及的服务。 Where PAK's products are, 售中服务 there are PAK's services. 主要提供业务咨询、订单安排、货物跟踪等方面的服务。从客户需 求确认、内部资源协调 ( 计划、生产、技术等资源系统的协调 ) 并 快速形成指令,以高效率地满足客户需求为最终目标。这种高效性 是顺延的,它同样在客户方的价值交付体系中发挥作用,最大程度 地减少了客户方货物交期中的时间压力。 售后服务 售后服务中心在全国每个销售区域的办事机构都配备了售后人员及 技术服务人员,针对代理商及用户提供技术指导及质量跟踪服务。 Pre-Sales Service The Professional Service Center, which is made up of sales engineers, provides distributors with professional technology support, including special consultancy and technical operation guidance, making professional tender files co-operated with distributors to increase project success ratio. With the help of professional illumination software, we can design the optimum light distribution effect for users according to specific environment and choose appropriate product combination to achieve or even exceed users expected effect. Sales Service We mainly offer services of business consultancy, order arrangement and cargo tracking, etc.. We make it our final object to satisfy customer's needs high-efficiently by confirmation of customers' demand, harmony of internal resources (planning, production and technology, etc.) and quick order forming. This high efficiency is extensible, playing a part in the customers' value delivery system in the same time thus reducing time pressure of customers' cargo delivery in the maximum. After-Sales Service The After-Sales Service Center assigned after-sales and technical service people in every branch office in the country to provide distributors and users with technical guidance and quality tracking services. 13/14


INTEGRATIVE SOLUTION SCHEME 一体化解决方案 让专业解决之道在您面前简单明了地呈现 ! 色温、光通量、光照度、维护系数、配光曲线这些晦涩的专业字眼不是您需要面对的事 情,您只需要最直观的照明效果 ; 2003 年,三雄极光照明设计软件在行业内浮出水面,并迅速推出以此项设计技术为核心 的专业照明解决方案,令各界纷份惊叹 ; 三雄极光照明设计系统以第五代虚拟现实技术为基础,采用全球领先的光能传递、光线跟 踪、全息渲染三大渲染引擎,操作简易,效果逼真,面向工程开发商、专业装饰设计机构及商 业合作伙伴输出产品分析、整体产品配置、安装辅助及光效设计等一体化增值服务 ; 2006 年,公司投入巨资与国外软件开发商合作,推出更新版三雄极光照明设计软件 ; 2009 年,三雄极光照明设计软件再次升级应用功能,如今,此设计技术已经在各类应用 领域与客户广泛共享,在照明设计、照度分析、工程投标等方面,向商业伙伴提供高效支持。 What you see is a professional solution scheme, simple and apparent! You do not have to understand obscure professional words like color temperature, luminous flux, illuminance, maintenance factor and light distribution curve, etc.. What you need is the most visual lighting effect. In 2003, PAK developed illumination design software, then worked out quickly the amazing professional illumination solution scheme with the core of such a design technology. PAK illumination design system, based on the fifth generation virtual reality technology, uses three global-advanced rendering engines of light energy transferring, rays tracking and holographic rendering of easy operation and real effect, outputting product analysis, whole product configuration, installation assistance, luminous effect and other integrative value-added services to project developers, professional decoration design institutions and business partners. In 2006,PAK made a huge investment again in cooperation with software developers abroad, presenting new version of PAK illumination design software; In 2009, the application function of PAK illumination design software was upgraded again, nowadays, such a technology has already been widely shared with clients from all application circles, offering our business partners high-efficient support in illumination design, luminance analysis and project tender, etc.


Major Function of PAK Illumination Design Software 三雄极光照明设计软件主要功能 1.DIALux evo 首席光环境模拟软件,照明设计师能用它解决所有的问题:从标准化的室内、户 外或街道的照明计算,到形象逼真的视觉立体化,它满足目前所有照明设计及计算要求; 2.DIALux evo 能在许多不同的模式下工作,形成了建筑物的概念,使得灯光规划的流程更加有 效率,是全球最具功效的免费照明规划软件,而且,DIALux evo 的作用和优点并不是制作效 果图,而是“进行简单、有效率且专业的照明设计”; 3. 使用 DIALux Mobile,用户可以在现场大致规划照明系统,仅需几个步骤,就可以输入房间 的尺寸并从利用率配置文件中选择照明要求,例如照度和维护系数; 4. 它支持许多开放接口和文件格式,例如 IFC,STF,DWG,DXF,IES 或 LDT; 5. 通过光度法,产品功能,尺寸草图和应用领域对产品进行详细描述。 1.Dialux Evo is the chief lighting environment simulation software, which can be used by lighting designers to solve all problems: from standardized indoor, outdoor or street lighting calculation to lifelike visual stereo, it meets all current lighting design and calculation requirements. 2.Dialux Evo can work in many different modes, forming the concept of buildings, making the lighting planning process more efficient. It is the most effective free lighting planning software in the world. Moreover, the role and advantage of Dialux Evo is not to make renderings, but to \"carry out simple, effective and professional lighting design\". 3.With DIALux Mobile the user can plan a lighting system roughly on site. In just a few steps it is possible to enter the room dimensions and select the lighting requirements such as illuminance and maintenance factor from the utilization profiles. 4. It supports many open interfaces and file formats such as IFC, STF, DWG, DXF, IES, or LDT. 5.The products are described in detail with photometry, products features, dimensional sketches and fields of application. 15/16


荣誉 HONOUR 多年来,三雄极光重视各项产品研发和投入, 累计投入研发数亿元, 获得国家级各项专利达 148 项, 分别获得国家科学技术进步二等奖、 广东科学技术奖一等奖。 Over the years, PAK has attached great importance to the research and development of various products, with accumulated investment of several hundred million yuan. It has obtained 148 national patents, and won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, also the first prize of Guangdong Science and Technology Award.


国家科学技术进步奖 National Science and Technology Progress Award 广东科学技术奖一等奖 The first prize of Guangdong Science and Technology Award 17/18


物流配送 LOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION 在物流配送方面, 广州、常州、郑州、沈阳设立四大物流配送中心 , 现代化仓储物流, 更加快捷、高效。 With logistic centers in Guangzhou, Changzhou, Zhengzhou and Shenyang; Modern warehousing and logistics, faster and more efficient.




品牌建设 BRAND CONSTRUCTION 在公司成立之初, 三雄极光就明确提出“专业专注”的品牌发展方向, 在国内同行业中, 三雄极光是最早实施品牌战略管理的企业之一, 公司建立专业品牌管理团队, 对品牌战略及市场运作系统规划。 通过 CIS 导入、品牌代言人、媒体广告、公关活动、 终端建设等品牌传播方式的整合, 树立了品牌在业内的广泛知名度, 2017 年“悦享高端照明”品牌战略全面升级。 At the beginning of establishment, PAK made Specialization and Concentration as brand development direction definitely. Among the industry, PAK is one of the earliest enterprises which carry out brand strategy management. The company set up a professional brand management team, making systematic plans on brand strategy and marketing operation. Through integration of CIS introduction, brand image speaker, media advertisement, public relation activities, terminal construction and other brand communication methods, PAK has established brand popularity in the industry, In 2017, the brand strategy of \"Enjoy High-end Lighting\" will be upgraded in an all-round way.


2001年 签约奥运冠军熊倪做品牌形象代言人,品牌建设 2014年 冠名 CBA 重庆三雄极光队 跨上全新台阶 荣获“设计师优选十大照明品牌” In 2001, Signed Mr. Xiong Ni, the diving champion Naming CBA Chongqing Sanxiongjiguang team. of the Olympic Games, brand-building stepped Won the \"designers preferred 10 lighting brands\". onto a new level. 2008年 中标奥运场馆建设 15 个项目,“ 奥运营销推广” 2015年 三雄极光照明学院成立 效应在行业刮起旋风 荣获“2015 年度中国 LED 照明应用百强企业” 签约“CBA 篮球职业联赛”官方合作伙伴,继续 荣获“中国房地产部品供应商十大采购首选品牌” “体育营销推广 - 健康与活力”的专业影响力 荣获“中国建材家居行业最具影响力民族品牌” 及“中国建材家居行业百强品牌” In 2008, PAK successfully won 15 bids of olympic venues lighting projects, Olympic Marketing and PAK Lighting Academy was established. Promotion effect created a stir in the industry. Won the 2015 Top Hundred Enterprise in China LED Pak became the official business partner of CBA, Application. continued to spread the influence of \"Sports Won the China Top Ten Real Estate Products Marketing ‒ Health and Vitality\". Suppliers Procurement Preferred Brand. Won the China Most Influential National Brand of 2009年 中标政府补贴“高效照明产品推广项目”,持续推 Household Building Material Industrial and the Top 2010年 进“节能环保、健康照明”的品牌理念 Hundred Brand of China Household Building Material Industry. In 2009-2010, win the bid of \"high efficient lighting products promotion project\" with government 2016年 荣获国家科学技术进步奖 subsidies, continues to promote the brand concept 成为 2016/2020 赛季曼城足球俱乐部中国区官方 of \"energy saving and environmental protection, 合作伙伴 health lighting\". Won National Science and Technology Progress 2010年 系列 LED 产品广泛应用于上海世博会一轴四馆 10 Award. 多个场馆,成为中标世博园区最多的照明品牌 ; Became a 2016/2020 official partner of Manchester 产品中标并广泛应用于广州亚运会。 City Football Club in China. Series of LED products were widely applied in more 2017年 深交所挂牌上市,股票代码:300625 than 10 venues including \"one axis and four 新 LOGO 发布,品牌全面升级 pavilions\" in the World Expo, becoming the most 签约知名艺人李晨代言人 tenders of the World Expo program among the lighting brands. Listed on SHENZHEN STOCK EXCHANGE with stock Products won the bid and widely applied in the code 300625. Guangzhou Asian Games. Officially announced its new brand logo to the public. And signed Li Chen-the famous artist as PAK's brand spokesperson. 2011年 荣获“房地产 500 强建材采购首选品牌” 2018年 荣获广东省科学技术一等奖 “2011 建筑装饰行业推荐使用品牌” 最佳酒店及商业空间灯饰品牌 中国房地产部品绿色采购十大首选品牌 Won the \"top 500 real estate building materials Won the First Prize of Guangdong Science and procurement preferred brand\". Technology Award. Won the \"2011 architectural decoration industry Won the Best Lighting Brands for Hotel and recommended brand\". Commercial Space Award. Won the Top 10 Preferred Brands of Green 2012年 荣获“中国轻工业照明电器行业十强企业” Products for Chinese Real Estate Award. Won the \"China light industry lighting electric appliance industry top 10 enterprises\". 2013年 荣获“年度优秀 LED 商照品牌” 2019年 LED 封装项目投产 第 12 届辽宁全国运动会照明供应商 金品系列发布会成功召开,全面进军五金渠道 登陆 CCTV 见证恒大亚冠登顶、远征世俱杯 LED packaging project put into production. In 2013, PAK won \"The Annual Best LED The press conference of products of Jinpin Commercial Lighting Brand\". series was successfully held, and the hardware \"The 12th Liaoning National Games Lighting channel was fully expanded. Supplier\". Land on CCTV along with Guangzhou Evergrande winning of the AFC Champions League and the expedition to Club World Cup. 21/22


多年来,三雄极光以专业知识及一体化解决方案的输出为品牌推广主线,以 行业口碑建立品牌。 公司面向建筑设计机构、室内装饰设计机构、建筑工程商、各行业品牌等专 业客户终端,频繁组织“节能照明⸺技术应用研讨会”、“光与空间一一照明设 计应用研讨会”、“ 更省更耐用 -LED 照明技术应用研讨会”、“光语空间”等各类 专业交流活动,并定期组织各销售商进行专业的培训交流活动,将行业前沿资讯 以及照明整体解决方案与业界广泛共享。 每年定期参与国内外各类大型照明电器专业展览会,以高度的行业责任感引 领技术革新与产品外观创新,得到行业领导与专家的一致赞誉。 Over years, PAK has been focusing brand propaganda on professional knowledge and integrative solution scheme, establishing brand by recognition in the line. For architecture design institutions, indoor decoration design institutions, architecture contractors, brands from all circles and other professional client terminals, PAK organizes frequently various special seminars and communication activities like Application of Energy-Saving Lighting Technology, Application of Light and Space Illumination Design,etc, also organizes routine professional training and communication for distributors, widely sharing advanced industry information and special lighting knowledge with the line. PAK attends large professional lighting fairs at home and abroad routinely every year, enjoying high reputation in the line by its strong industrial responsibility for technology innovation and product outlook creation.


2019 澳大利亚国际建筑展 2018 风暖产品星梦游轮推广会 Design Build 2019 , Australia 2018 Bathroom Master Dream Cruises Promotion 2018 全国经销商大会 2018 PAK's Agents Conference 2019 印尼国际照明展 中英设计沙龙 Indonesia International Lighting Exhibition 2019 Sino-British Design Salon 2019 全国店长会议(家居) 2019 PAK Store Managers Meeting (Home lighting) 23/24


产品集群 PRODUCT CATEGORY 三雄极光的照明产品包括光源电器、商业照明、 工程照明、家居照明、户外照明、 电工产品六大类上千个品种, 几乎覆盖了照明领域的各种应用空间。 PAK has developed 6 categories of light source, commercial, industrial, residential, outdoor and electric products, including a wide variety of lighting products totally over 1000 sorts.


Engineering lighting光商 工 Commercial lighting源 灯泡业 灯箱灯条 程 灯盘 Light source LED bulb Lighht box/Light bar Luminaire 电 T8 直管 照 筒灯 照 支架 器 T8 Tube 明 Down light 明 Batten T5 直管 天花射灯 吸顶灯 T5 Tube Ceiling spotlight Ceiling-mounted light 灯杯 T5 支架 应急产品 Lamp cup T5 batten Emergency lighting fixture 软灯带 展柜灯 悬挂灯 LED strip light Showcase light High bay light LED 电源 导轨射灯 防爆灯 LED driver Track spotlight Explosion-proof lamp 格栅射灯 开 关 A8 臻品系列 Grille spotlight A8 series 吸顶射灯 插 A9 臻爱系列 Ceiling-mounted spotlight 座 A9 series / K20 优雅系列 家 Switch&socket/Bath Heater户风 K20 series 居 客厅灯 Outdoor lighting外 投光灯 暖 A3/K8/A5/A6 金品系列 Homing lighting Living room light Projector A3/K8/A5/A6 series 照 餐吊灯 照 泛光灯 VX 系列 明 Pendant light 明 Floodlight VX series 卧室灯 线条灯 凤凰臻品 Bedroom light Linear light Phoenix Z series 儿童灯 埋地灯 凤凰尚品 Children light Ground-embedded light Phoenix S series 厨卫灯 壁灯 悦系列 Kitchen and bathroom light Wallpack Yue series 镜前灯 草坪灯 星月系列 Mirror light Lawn light Aster series 阳台灯 庭院灯 www.pak.com.cn Balcony light Courtyard light 更多新产品请登录 壁灯 路灯 For more products please visit Wall light Road light 25/26 台灯 / 落地灯 隧道灯 Desk light/Floor light Tunnel light 家用筒射灯 罩棚灯 Home down light and spotlight Canopy light 智能产品 Intellectual product


办公场所 Office 庭院景观 Courtyard landscape 城市亮化 City brightening 商业系统 Commerce 教育系统 Education 酒店服务 Hotel 广告照明 Advertisement 医疗系统 Hospital


厂矿企业 Factory&mine 家居照明 Home 金融系统 Financial system 展览展示 Exhibition 通讯系统 Communication system 家具家饰 Furniture 能源资源 Energy resources 交通运输 Traffic and transportation 27/28


我们的足迹 OUR TRACKS 经过一个又一个见证历史的里程碑, 我们已经习惯于超越自我的进取, 把成就视为起点, 一切才刚刚开始 ...... We have been used to self-surpassing aggression after experiencing milestones one by another. We treat our achievement as our starting point. All that is just at the beginning... 29/30


辉映广厦千万间 REFERENCE PROJECTS 如今,三雄极光的产品已经应用于我们日常生活的每一个空间。 从学校运动场到奥运会主会场“鸟巢”, 从人民大会堂到国际 F1 赛车场 ...... 三雄极光向您展现一个个异彩纷呈的照明世界。 Nowadays, PAK's products have already been used in every space of our daily life. From the school playground to the Olympic Stadium \" Nest\", from the People's Great Hall to the International F1 Autodrome... PAK shows you a variety of wonderful lighting world.


世博洲际酒店 Intercontinental Shanghai EXPO 上海 F1 赛车场 Shanghai F1 Autodrome 人民大会堂 The People's Great Hall 北京钓台宾馆 Bejing Diaoyutai Hotel 31/32






三雄极光以高品质的产品、专业的照明设计技术和完善的售后服务体系成 为 2008 北京奥运工程项目的推荐品牌,系列产品广泛应用在国家体育场 ( 鸟 巢 )、国家会议中心、奥林匹克公园曲棍球场、奥林匹克公园射箭场、北京科技 大学体育馆、北京工业大学体育馆、北京大学体育馆、奥运媒体村、老山自行 车馆、青岛奥林匹克帆船中心、北京市海淀体育馆、北京市朝阳体育馆、北京 市地坛体育馆、北京市石景山体育馆、奥体足球训练场等十多个奥运场馆,成 为中标奥运场馆建设项目最多的国内照明品牌。 百年奥运,让中华民族有了一次零距离接触世界的机会,三雄极光作为民 族品牌的代表,势将与绿色奥运一起走向世界,共同演绎“光与空间” 的完美结合 ...... With its high quality products, professional lighting design technical ability and perfect after-sale service network, PAK has become the recommended lighting brand of Beijing Olympic Games Projects and its series products has been widely used in more than ten Olympic Games stadiums and gymnasiums such as National Stadium (Nest),National Convention Center, Being Olympic Green Hockey Stadium, Bejing Olympic Green Archery Field, Beiing Science and Technology University Gymnasium, Beijing University of Technology Gymnasium, Peking University Gymnasium, Olympic Media Village, Laoshan Velodrome,Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center, Haidian Gymnasium, Chaoyang Gymnasium, Ditan Gymnasium, Shijingshan Gymnasium,Olympic Sports Football Training Field, consequently becomes the domestic lighting brand wining the most bids of Olympic Games stadiums and gymnasiums projects. Centennial Olympic gives the Chinese nation a chance to contact the world in zero-distance, as a representative of national brand, PAK will move toward the world together with Green Olympic and perform the perfect combination of light and space with you hand in hand...


光与空间完美结合 她,是 2008 举世瞩目的 她,是黑夜比白天更伟大的 她,是三雄极光照明引以为豪的 灯光调试现场图 35/36
