
发布时间:2021-11-25 | 杂志分类:其他


朝醒水疗中心 WELLNESS SPA 酒店水疗中心精心设计的高效国际疗愈疗法,运用大自然馈赠的礼物——精油、草药和香料 来诠释古法疗法,带你回归大自然的感官之旅,沉溺于陶醉的身心洗礼,沦陷在静谧的山川 绿林,帮助您恢复身心灵平衡,回归宁静平和。 * SPA所有疗程均赠送30分钟静心茶点时间 Wellness SPA provide elaborate efficient international healing, it utilize using essential oils, Herbs and spices whose gifts from nature to interpret ancient remedies, take you back to nature's sensory journey, indulge in intoxicating physical and mental baptism, and fall into the quiet mountains and green forests to help you res... [收起]
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朝醒水疗中心 WE L L N E S S S PA


朝醒水疗中心 WELLNESS SPA 酒店水疗中心精心设计的高效国际疗愈疗法,运用大自然馈赠的礼物——精油、草药和香料 来诠释古法疗法,带你回归大自然的感官之旅,沉溺于陶醉的身心洗礼,沦陷在静谧的山川 绿林,帮助您恢复身心灵平衡,回归宁静平和。 * SPA所有疗程均赠送30分钟静心茶点时间 Wellness SPA provide elaborate efficient international healing, it utilize using essential oils, Herbs and spices whose gifts from nature to interpret ancient remedies, take you back to nature's sensory journey, indulge in intoxicating physical and mental baptism, and fall into the quiet mountains and green forests to help you restore your balance of mind and returnto peace and quiet.  * All SPA treatments includes 30minutes Meditation tea. 服务项目 SERVICE ITEMS * 特色套餐SIGNATURE PACKAGE * 按摩疗法MASSAGE THERAPIES * 面部护理FACIAL THERAPIES * 热浴 HOT BATH * 身体磨砂 BODY SCRUBS * 身体裹肤 BODY WRAPS live up to more 恣 意 假 期


Wellness SPA 朝醒


特 色 套 餐 SIGNATURE PACKAGE 水元素 90 minutes/分钟 RMB 1,080 调整平衡及舒缓紧张情绪,透过迷你面部护理的保湿 功效, 滋润肌肤,免除俗世烦嚣,有助于精神焕发,恢 复活力。 *静心及芳香御足礼 / 15分钟 *地表精华按摩 / 60分钟 *迷你纯氧面部 / 30分钟 *养生茶点 / 15分钟 Water Elements Restoring mental balance and reducing tension with our signature massage then nourish the skin with the hydrating benefits of our mini facial care. A way out from real world issues and soothe the soul and revive vitality. * Meditation and Foot Ritual/15minutes * Earth surface essence massage/60minutes * Mini oxygen facial massage/30minutes * Restorative tea/15minutes live up to more 恣 意 假 期


回归自然 150 minutes/分钟 RMB 1,680 纯天然草本精华的草药包会产生令人愉悦且具有治疗作用 的香味。当芳香分子刺激大脑的边缘系统时会调节您的情 绪和幸福感。同时通过深化冥想来帮助您恢复身心灵平衡。 *静心及芳香御足礼 / 15分钟 *排毒焕活磨砂 / 30分钟 *草本精华草药 / 60分钟 *Sports按摩 / 60分钟 *养生茶点 / 15分钟 Back to Nature The synergy of naturel aromatic herbal balls and essential oils produce a pleasant and therapeutic fragrance when aromatic molecules stimulate the brain's limbic system, which is responsible for influencing your mood and feeling of well being, deepening meditation to align and recover the balance of your body and soul. * Meditation and Foot Ritual/15minutes * Detox & Recharge Scrub/30minutes * Herbal essence/60minutes * Sports massage/60minutes * Restorative tea/15minutes


特 色 套 餐 SIGNATURE PACKAGE 焕活身心 180 minutes/分钟 RMB 1,880 该疗程包括一次热浴、晶体能量仪式、身体按摩、磨 砂 、 裹 肤 以 及 全 身 护 理(包 含 脸 部 护 理)。 改 善 身 体 循 环和免疫系统,增强酸性有毒废弃物的排出,改善水 肿,蜕变。 *静心及芳香御足礼 / 15分钟 *保湿修复磨砂 / 30分钟 *柑橘甘露身体裹肤 / 30分钟 *瑞典式按摩 / 60分钟 *焕龄紧致面部 / 60分钟 *养生茶点 / 15分钟 Awakening Mind This therapy includes a Hot Bath, Crystal Energy ritual, Body Brush, Scrub, body wrap and full body lymphatic Massage (include facial care), in order to boost your body fluid circulation and immune system to improve elimination of acidic toxic waste and reduce fluid retention. *Meditation and Foot Ritua / 15minutes *Hydrate & Restore Scrub / 30minutes *Citrus Drench Body Wrap / 30minutes *Sweden Massage / 60minutes *Rejuvenation and tightens facial skin / 60minutes *Restorative tea / 15minutes live up to more 恣 意 假 期


古 典 泰 式 按 摩 ANCIENT THAI WISDOM 60 minutes/分钟 RMB 780 90 minutes/分钟 RMB 1,080 深度镇静神经系统,平衡左脑与右脑,缓解长期 应激症状,使隐藏的张力和控制机制得到深度释 放。提高身体能动性、灵活性。 *静心及芳香御足礼 /15分钟 *泰式按摩 / 60分钟 / 90分钟 *养生茶点 / 15分钟 Deeply sedate the nervous system and balance the left brain and right brain. Relieve long-term stress symptoms, and release the hidden tension, improve habitual exercise patterns, change old operating habits, and improve physical activity and flexibility. *Meditation and Foot Ritual / 15minutes *Thai massage / 60minutes/90 minutes *Restorative tea / 15minutes


按 摩 疗 法 THERAPIES MASSAGE 朝醒能量疗法 60 minutes/分钟 RMB 780 90 minutes/分钟 RMB 1,080 将有效的紧张释放训练与身心相结合的深层全身按摩, 有助于缓解受阻滞的能量,并获得重返年轻的愉悦感。 * 静心及芳香御足礼 / 15分钟 * 地表精华按摩 / 60分钟 / 90分钟 * 养生茶点 / 15分钟 Signature Energy Healing Full-body massage for deeper release of blocked energy and a rewarding sense of rejuvenation, it releases deep muscular and mental tension, improves circulation and brings a sense of well being. * Meditation and Foot Ritual / 15minutes * Earth surface essence massage / 60minutes / 90minutes * Restorative tea / 15minutes live up to more 恣 意 假 期


热冷石按摩 60 minutes/分钟 RMB 780 90 minutes/分钟 RMB 1,080 缓解关节炎和风湿病疼痛,释放深层张力,改善血液 循环。冷石可以收缩皮肤毛孔,提高免疫力和生命活 力。热石可帮助排出杂质,以促进排毒功效。 *静心及芳香御足礼 / 15分钟 *火山热石 / 60分钟 / 90分钟 *养生茶点 / 15分钟 Hot and Cold Stone Massage Reducing arthritic and rheumatic pains to release deep tensions and improve circulation. Cold stones close the pores of the skin boosting immunity and vital energy. Hot stones help to draw out impurities, supporting detox programs. *Meditation and Foot Ritual / 15minutes *Volcano heat stone / 60minutes / 90 minutes *Restorative tea / 15minutes Wellness SPA


热 浴 HOT BATH 令人沉醉的温润完美沐浴,用于磨砂或按摩护理之前 的放松,也可单独体验。 Luxuriate in a blissful bath as a perfect pre-treatment add-on or initiation before a scrub or massage and as a stand-alone rewarding hot Bath. 排毒浴 30 minutes/分钟 RMB 480 杜松、柠檬、橙叶油 改善淋巴引流,排出毒素,改善水肿,增强肝脏功能。 Detox Bath Juniper, Lemon, Pettigrain Oilsimproves lymphatic drainage, draws out toxins, fluid retention and benefiting liver function. 舒静浴 30 minutes/分钟 RMB 480 依兰、薰衣草、快乐鼠尾草精油 释放压力,静心 ,缓解疲劳肢体、肌肉、关节及放松 心境。 Soothe Soak Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Clary Sage Oils Let go of stress and calm the heart. Draws out tensions, soothes tired limbs, muscles and joints, unwinds the mind. live up to more 恣 意 假 期


焕活浴 30 minutes/分钟 RMB 480 姜汁精油、花朵和枸杞 恢复活力,增强能量、促进生活激情和生殖功能。 Recharge Bath Ginger oils, flowers and Goji Berries.Rejuvenating and life affirming experience. Boost your Ojas, zest for life and virility. 甜蜜浴 30 minutes/分钟 RMB 480 茉莉花、月季花精油和花朵 纯粹的灵感来源,振奋身体、思想和灵魂。唤醒身体感 受性。 Sweetest Jasmine, China Rose oils and flowers For pure inspiration, uplifting body, mind and spirit. Invokes receptivity and acceptance. Be with the Way.


ABYANGHA疗法 90 minutes/分钟 RMB 1,280 深层组织的按摩,高强度的按摩,以手肘为着力点, 加入部分拉升动作,舒展紧张的肌肉,有效的缓解 肌肉紧张带来的疼痛。 * 静心及芳香御足礼 / 15分钟 * Lomi Lomi 按摩 / 90分钟 * 养生茶点 / 15分钟 Deep tissue massage, high intensity massage, elbow as the point of focus, adding part of the pull up action, stretch the tense muscles, effectively relieve the pain caused by muscle tension.  * Meditation and Foot Ritua /15minutes * Lomi Lomi massage/90 minutes * Restorative tea/15minutes live up to more 恣 意 假 期


面 部 护 理 FACIAL THERAPIES 焕龄紧致 90 minutes/分钟 RMB 1,280 焕龄紧致系列是结合了多种抗衰老功效的全面护肤 理念。该系列专为急需呵护的熟龄肌设计,给予肌 肤活力与生机。多效的生物活性抗衰老复合物蕴含 摩洛哥坚果干细胞、苹果干细胞以及生物活性多肽, 完美融合创新技术有效地支持皮肤更新,能显著改 善肌肤紧密度,减少细纹和干纹,并且促进肌肤干 细胞自我再生,使肌肤重现昔日柔滑质感与活力。 ANTI-AGE CELL FORMULA ANTI-AGE CELL FORMULA is a holistic skin care concept combining a variety of anti-aging effects. It starts its action there where the chronological skin aging begins and imparts activity and vitality to skin. The BIOACTIVITY ANTI-AGE COMPLEX ( argan stem cells and biopeptides ) an dapple stem cells, harmoniously melted with innovative technological substances provide for firm skin, diminish fine lines and wrinkles and support the ability of skin's own stem cells to renew themselv.es


面 部 护 理 FACIAL THERAPIES 肌肤净化 60 minutes/分钟 RMB 880 肌肤净化系列提供有效的肌肤净肤护理和抗菌成 分对抗肌肤瑕疵。该配方能重塑肌肤平衡和肌肤 菌群保护。改善肌肤炎症,抑制细菌生长,减少 粉刺,可提升肌肤的抵抗力。 PURAN FORMULA PURAN FORMULA offers efficient care with skin -active and antibacterial ingredients against skin impurities. It sup-ports the normalization of the sebum production and skin flora. The proliferation of bacteria causing acne is inhibited, skin's resistance is improved. live up to more 恣 意 假 期


纯氧修复 60 minutes/分钟 RMB 880 \"沁红妍\"意思是为疲惫的肌肤提供\"新的生命\",去退晦暗, 减少肌肤疲惫感,为肌肤提供青春光彩。配方是再生素 和生物肽而组成。主要功能是氧气交换!让皮肤细胞之 间的氧气交换得到改善,让苍白和 晦暗的肌肤获得新能 量,使肌肤红润有光泽。 OXYGEN FORMULA The new OXYGEN FORMULA with BIOACTIVITY NUTRI COMPLEX (Revitalin and biopeptides ). Before fine lines and wrinkles become visible, the complexion often looks pale and dull - the first signs of skin aging. The innovative formulation with the bioactive ingredients biopeptides and almond oil improves the oxygen exchange between the skin cells and supports a balanced moisture and lipid level of skin. Pale and dull skin can breathe again and gains back its fresh and rosy look.


身 体 磨 砂 BODY SCRUBS 保湿修复磨砂 30 minutes/分钟 RMB 480 以具有治愈效果的摩洛哥坚果油和具有保湿效果的乳 木果油混合纯砂糖进行保湿去角质,并加入檀香精油 与玫瑰精油以平衡滋养。温和去除角质,充盈肌肤纹 理,预防妊娠纹、皮肤干燥和老化。 Moisturizing scrub with healing Moroccan Argal Oil and hydrating Shea butter blended with pure sugar granules, balancing Sandalwood and Rose Essential oils. Gently exfoliate dead skin cells to enrich the texture of skin, as prevention from stretch marks, dehydration and aging. live up to more 恣 意 假 期


排毒焕活磨砂 30 minutes/分钟 RMB 480 以纯净的喜马拉雅山粉红盐、具有滋养效果的椰子油和 扁桃仁油、及具有收敛效果的杜松子油和纯西柚精油进 行排毒去角质。减轻水肿,分解脂肪,疏通阻塞的毛孔。 Detoxifying scrub with purifying Himalayan Pink Salt; nourishing Coconut and Almond oil; astringent Juniper Berry and Grapefruit pure essential oils. Helps reduce fluid retention, breaks down cellulite and unblocks clogged pores.


身 体 裹 肤 BODY WRAPS 神秘自然身体裹肤 45 minutes/分钟 RMB 480 一种安全天然并适用于任何肤质的抗衰老治疗方法, 特别敏感的肤质也适用。以令人愉悦且包容性强的手 法排毒、滋养并保护肌肤。 Sacred Nature Body Wrap A natural treatment indicated for all skin types, inclu -ding even the most sensitive, It detoxifies, nourishes and protects the skin in a pleasant and embracing ritual. live up to more 恣 意 假 期


柑橘甘露身体裹肤 45 minutes/分钟 RMB 480 柑 橘 身 体 裹 肤 使 皮 肤 享 受 抗 氧 化 剂 和 纯 维 他 命C带 来 的 呵 护 。保 持 肌 肤 的 水 分 和 弹 性 ,预 防 衰 老 ,呈 现粉嫩紧致的肌肤。 Citrus Drench Body Wrap Citrus body wrap primes the skin to receive the benefitsof an antioxidant and firming concentrate packed with pure vitamin C. Provides intense hydration and elasticity,protects from premature aging, wlith a rejuvenated and firm appearance.


服务须知 SPA INFORMATION 请提前60分钟到达水疗中心进行登记。并享受水 年龄限制 疗及温泉设施,迟到客人的理疗体验时间将缩短。 预约时,需提供有效信用卡信息和电话号码。 水疗及温泉中心为成人设施,针对 16 周岁以上的 SPA INFORMATION 成人开放。16 周岁以下的儿童需在一名同性别成 Please arrive at least 60 minutes before your 年监护人的陪同下进入更衣室。16 周岁及以下儿 scheduled appointment time to check in and 童需在监护人陪同下进入游泳池并保持安静,不 enjoy our luxurious facilities. We would like 得进入仅限成年人使用区域。 to remind you that late arrivals may shorten MINIMUM AGE your treatment time.A valid credit card and The Spa and Hotspring is an adult facility and telephone number are required to reserve all open to both men and women from aged 16 treatments and packages. and above. Children Below the age of 16 years must be accom panied by a same gender 水疗礼仪 guardian to enter the changing rooms. Children 16 and under must be accompanied 请勿在温泉湿区设施和理疗室使用手机。在其他 by a guardian witness at the swimming pool. 区域使用手机时,请将手机调至静音或会议模式, Non-adultly guests must stay quiet and kept 以免影响他人。严禁在水疗及温泉中吸烟。 away from the designated adult-only zone. SPA ETIQUETTE Mobile phones and other handheld devices 参观水疗及温泉 are not permitted in any of our Spa and Hot spring facilities and treatment rooms. In all 中心客人需在指定员工的陪同下参观水疗及温泉 other areas, please be considerate of other 中心,建议提前预约。 guests and switch them to quiet/meeting SPA AND HOTSPRING TOURS mode. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the All Spa and Hotspring tours are to be accom Spa and Hot spring. -panied by designated Spa employees where prior appointments are highly recommended. live up to more 恣 意 假 期


取消政策 取消或修改预约需提前2个小时。晚于2个小时,将 收取一半理疗费用。如果客人放弃理疗,将收取全 额费用。所有套餐和产品一经出售,不得退换。 CANCELLATION POLICY 2 hours notice in advance is required to cancel or amend any reserved treatment. If less than 2 hours, 50% of the full treatment fee will be levied. In case of NO SHOW, a 100% full treatment Fee will apply. All packages and products sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. 适宜人群 普通水疗客人消费满 680 元即可享受温泉及儿童 俱乐部设施。未预约理疗项目的客人支付198元, 即可享受温泉设施。酒店客人可凭房卡全天免费 享受健身房设施。 WHO CAN USE THE SPA Day spa users with a minimum spend of RMB680 treatment, can enjoy the use of the extensive Hotspring facilities and Kids Club, non -reserved guests need to pay a daily fee of RMB198 for access. Hotel guests can enjoy 24 hours free access to the facilities of fitness center by using room key.


服务须知 理疗区 SPA INFORMATION 我们专业的理疗师将带给您最佳理疗体验。但理 疗过程中如有任何不适和需求,如按摩力度、理 存放贵重物品 疗室温度,请及时告知理疗师。 YOUR TREATMENT 建议客人将贵重物品放在客房或家中。水疗及温 Our therapists are fully trained to ensure your 泉中心对客人遗失和错放的物品不承担任何责任。 treatments are the best experience you ever STORING YOUR VALUABLES had. However, please inform the therapists at any time if you are uncomfortable or require We recommend that you leave all your valuables anything else during your treatment massage pressure, room temperature…etc. in your hotel room or at home as we do not 家庭护理 response to any liability for any valuables lost 为了客人在家里也能体验水疗护理,建议客人前往 or misplaced within the Spa and Hot spring. 精品店选购理疗中使用的产品及其他奢华生活用品。 HOME CARE 礼券 To continue with your spa experience at home, we encourage you to visit our Lifestyle Boutique GIFT CERTIFICATES for the products used in the treatment as well 适用于所有场合的完美礼品。礼券适用于所有理 as other luxury lifestyle items. 疗和套餐。礼券分不同面值,可用于部分支付水 疗服务。 选择理疗和项目 Gift certificates are available for any of our treatments, packages and the perfect gift for 选择理疗项目时,我们经验丰富的健康顾问可随 all occasions. The certificate can also be set 时为您定制理疗项目,并解答疑问。 to any value redeemable as part-payment for SELECTING YOUR TREATMENTS AND any spa services. PROGRAMS When selecting your treatments, our experienced 支付与账单 Wellness Advisors will be happy to plan your treatments or programs and answer to any of 水疗中心接受现金和信用卡支付。所有价格均为 your queries you may have. 人民币标价,含增值税和服务费。打印单据时, 请注意核对价格。水疗中心有权对价格进行变更 调整。 PAYMENT AND BILLING The Spa accepts cash and all major credit cards. All prices quoted are in CNY, VAT and service charge are included. Please note that prices quoted are correct at the time of printing and are subject to change without any prior notice.


健康咨询 欲了解更多其它疗程信息,请详询水疗中心前台。 For more information on any of these treatments, 在接受理疗之前,客人需填写一份机密健康医疗 please consult our Spa reception. 问卷调查,以了解客人是否适合特定理疗。如是 否有高血压、心脏病,是否怀孕等。在理疗开始 前及开展中,建议客人不要饮酒,同时也不建议 客人在理疗结束后立即饮酒。 HEALTH AND WELLNESS CONSULTATION Prior to your treatment, guests will be required to completea confidential medical-history questionnaire to access your suitability for any treatment carrying any contradictions (e.g., High blood pressure, heart conditions, pregnancy,etc.). Consumption of alcohol before, during or directly after spa treatments or programs is not recommended. 退款政策 未开封的零售产品可在购买后十天内凭购物小票 进行更换。不接受现金或信用卡退款。 REFUND POLICY Unsealed retail products can be exchanged in ten days of purchase, within the original receipt. No cash or credit card refunds will be processed. 小费 客人可自行决定给服务员小费。 GRATUITIES Gratuities for good service are at the guest’s discretion.


价目表 PRICE 项目用时 1,080 面部护理 项目用时 1,280 Duration 1,680 Duration 880 特色套餐 1,880 FACIAL THERAPIES 880 1 hour 30 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes SIGNATURE PACKAGE 1小时30分钟 780 焕龄紧致 1小时30分钟 1,080 水元素 2 hour 30 minutes 780 ANTI-AGE CELL FORMULA 1 hour 2小时30分钟 1,080 1小时 Water Elements 780 纯氧修复 3 hour 1,080 1 hour 回归自然 3小时 1,280 OXYGEN FORMULA 1小时 Back to Nature 项目用时 肌肤净化 Duration 焕活身心 PURAN FORMULA 1 hour Awakening Mind 1小时 热浴及身体护理 项目用时 按摩疗法 1 hour 30 minutes BATH AND BODY THERAPIES Duration 1 小时30分钟 MASSAGE THERAPIES 热浴 30 minutes 380 1小时 30分钟 朝醒能量疗法 1 hour HOT BATH Signature Energy Healing 1小时30分钟 身体磨砂 45 minutes 480 1 hour 30 minutes 45分钟 热冷石按摩 BODY SCRUBS 1 hour Hot and cold Stone Massage 1小时 身体裹肤 45 minutes 480 45分钟 古典泰式按摩 1 hour 30 minutes BODY WRAPS 1 小时30分钟 Ancient Thai Wisdom *服务价格均为人民币,另加10.66%服务费和税费 1 hour 30 minutes All prices quoted are in CNY, plus VAT and service charge. Abyangha疗法 1 小时30分钟 live up to more 恣 意 假 期


酒 店 简 介 ABOUT US 广州合汇巴塞罗温泉酒店,位于广州市增城区,由广东合汇集团有限公司投资兴建,由香 港郑中设计事务所(CCD) 主笔室内设计,是西班牙巴塞罗酒店品牌落户中国的首家奢华度 假酒店。酒店拥有209间不同风格及景观的精致客房,面积从41平方米至60平方米不等。 所有房间配置天然温泉泡池,足不出户,随心享受。 Barceló Guangzhou Hotspring Resort, located in Zengcheng District Guangzhou city, it has been invested and built by Hehui Group Co., Ltd., and the interior designis the elaboration of Cheng Chung Design (HK) Co., Ltd. (CCD). It is the first luxury Hispanic Barceló hotel nestling in Guangdong Province . The hotel has 209 exquisite guest rooms with different styles and views, ranging from 41 to 60 square meters. All rooms are equipped with natural hot spring baths, so you can enjoy yourself without leaving the room.




总机/TEL:+86 20 82908888 传真/FAX:+86 20 82827789 地址:中国广东省广州市增城区派潭镇北山路20号 Hotel Address:No.20 Beishan Road, Paitan Town, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P. R. China. PRC 511385
