
发布时间:2023-4-06 | 杂志分类:其他


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山东翔科装饰有限公司 山东大福金属制品有限公司 潍坊良营建材科技有限公司 Shandong Xiangke Decoration Co.,Ltd Shandong Dafu Metal Products Co.,Ltd. Weifang Liangying Building Materials Technology Co.,Ltd.


品顶磊工、 做人心胸要宽广,像大海 一样能容纳无数的江河湖水, 有包容一切的胸怀才能铸就强者的风范。 产品亦是如此, 历经无数次千锤百炼, 方才触及最后的精品。 page0]


企业简个 COMPANY PROFILE 山东翔科装饰有限公司是一家从事铝单板生产、安装,室内外装饰、亮 化施工的大型工程生产施工企业。 山东大福金属制品有限公司是从事雕塑、格栅、护栏、花箱、宣传栏、旗杆、 市政设施的专业生产制造商。 潍坊良营建材科技有限公司专业从事太空舱民宿生产施工单位。 总公司位于山东临朐国际会展中心北邻,东泰路5057号、5065号,新建 铝单板基地位于临朐东城南环路以南嵩山路以西交叉路口处,占地200余亩 (建设中)。公司从德国引进瓦格纳大型喷涂生产线。十二米长激光切割线, 铝板雕刻线,数控剪折冲压几十余台。 我们拥有雄厚的人力资源可为具体的业务配备专业技术人才。 公司始终坚持“客户在我心中,质量在我手中”的宗旨,竭诚为国内外各界 朋友服务。 Shandong Xiangke Decoration Co..Ltd.is a large-scale engineering construction enterprise engaged in aluminum veneer production.indoor and outdoor decoration,and lighting construction. Shandong Dafu Metal Products Co..Ltd.is a professional manufacturer of sculptures,grilles,guardrails. flower boxes.ballboards.flagpoles.and municipal facilities. The head office is located in the north of Lingu International Convention and Exhibition Center.Shan dong Province,at 5057 and 5065 Dongtai Road.The newly built aluminum veneer base is located at the intersection of Songshan Road to the south of the South Ring Road of Lingu Dongcheng.covering an area of over 200 mu (under construction).The company has imported a large-scale painting production line from Wagner from Germany.Twelve meter long laser cutting line.aluminum plate carving line.CNC scissors Folding and stamping several dozen sets. The company alays adheres to the purpose of \"customer in my heart,quality in my hands\"and wholeheartedly serves friends from all walks of life at home and abroad page02




加工生产设备 翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 PROCESSING EOUIPMENT ■公司拥有:6米6000W激光切割机、12米3500W激光切割机;6米、12米剪板折弯机; 数控冲床;数控开平机;T24真空电镀;等离子切割机;水刀切割机;6米开槽机; 激光焊接机;自动焊接机;3D打印机。 ■主导产品:生产铝单板、雕塑、旗杆等,加工激光切割、铝板雕刻、镀钛金、天沟 折弯等。 We have:6 meters 6000w laser cutting machine,12 meters 3500w laser cutting machine;6 meters and 12 meters shear bending machine:CNC punching bed;CNC flattening machine:T24 vacuum plating: Plasma cutting machine:Water cutter:6 meters slot machine:Laser welding machine:Automatic welding machine:3D printer. Major products:aluminum veneer,sculpture,flagpole,etc.,processing laser cutting,aluminum plate engraving.titanium plating.bending,etc. 为您提供便捷、快速、优质、精准的服务 Provide you with convenient,fast,high quality and accurate service. page04


铝单板个绍 ALUMINUM VENEER STRUCTURE OF ALUMINUM VENEER 铝单板的构造 氟碳涂层 颜色面漆 底层漆 铝板铬化预处理层 铝合金面板 ADVANTAGES OF ALUMINUM VENEER 铝单板的特点 铝单板采用优质铝板加工而成,表层采用氟碳喷涂,不受紫外线、温度、气温和大气侵蚀,更具有良好的抗弯曲 及优良的抗风压性能,并且能够发挥其特点,二次开发使用。铝单板可加工成各种弧形及异形,表面可做真铜漆 拉丝效果或喷涂成各种颜色,在墙面形成各种美丽的图案;并且可以和玻璃幕墙等组合成不同外观形体,使建筑物 更具高贵典雅的风格。 Auminum panel of high quality aluminum machining.surface with fluorocarbon spraying.from ultaviolet igh,temperature.air temperature and atmospheric erosion.but also has a good degree and excellent anti-bending performance of wind pressure,and can play its characteristics,usage of secondary development.Aluminum can be processed into a variety of curved aluminum and shaped,The surface can be made of real copper paint Drawing effect or spray into various colors,forming various beautiful patterns on the wall:and glass curtain wall can be combined into different physical appearance,making the building more noble and elegant. THE SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF ALUMINUM VENEER 铝单板的应用范围 铝单板适用于各种建筑内外墙、大堂门面、雨篷、柱饰、高架走廊、人行天桥、电梯包边、阳台、广告指示牌、 室内异形吊顶等装饰。 The curtain wall aluminum veneer is suitable for all kinds of interior and exterior walls,lobby facade,awning,column decoration,elevated corridor,pedestrian overpass,elevator binding,balcony,advertising signs,indoor special-shaped ceiling and other decorations. page05


翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 铝单板工艺流程图 PROCESS FLOW CHART OF ALUMINUM VENEER 画线 下料 图纸 原料采购 下料单 Line drawing blanking drawings 外形尺寸 打孔工艺 质量定点检 冲角 外形尺寸 质量巡检 抛光 1挂板 2预脱脂 3脱脂 4水洗 5酸洗 polishing hanging pane Pre skim skim Pickling dimension 开槽 加强筋 6水洗 grooving reinforcing rib washing 拆边 焊接 打磨 挂耳 7铬化 Down the side welding polishing trunnion Chromium 铬化模质 量定点检 8水洗 washing 11强冷 10烘干 9纯水洗 Sorong cold Drying 产品质量 漆膜质量 最终检查 定点检 上线 喷底漆 流平 Spot inspection Final inspection Online Spray primer Flow flat of pain film qua的 of product quality 成品入库 贴保护膜 下线 自然冷 烘干 流平 喷罩光漆 烘干 喷面漆 protectvim Offline Natural cold Drying Flow flat Drying Spray paint 交付 Delivery page06


喷涂介绍 SPRAYING INTRODUCTION 氟碳涂层 PVDF氟碳图层是迄今为止已被证明的最优异的金属建筑 罩面烤漆,能使建筑物长久抗紫外光的分解和严酷自然 环境的侵蚀,具有很强的保洁、易清洗性能,可以保持 建筑物几十年颜色如新,是高档金属建筑物的必选。 氟碳涂料使用含量70%的PVDF树脂和30%的高级丙烯酸 树脂作为涂料树脂,配以高级无机陶瓷颜料制备而成。 耐候 清漆 氟碳涂料含量高 颜色面漆 底层漆 铝板铬化预处理层 铝合金面板 粉末喷涂 粉末喷涂技术今年来发展异常迅速,并被广泛应用于工 业和现代建筑上。粉末喷涂具有更好的抗腐蚀性,以及 更好的附着力,柔韧性和硬度。能更大限度地降低涂装 成本。 粉末喷涂主要分为高压静电法(电晕充电),静电湿漆喷 涂,粉末摩擦静电法以及接触充电法。 抗腐 粉末层 更好的附着力 铝板铬化预处理层 铝合金面板 page07


翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 4 大工艺 滚涂 辊涂涂装工艺就是将卷钢板和卷铝板进行涂装后,再 将预涂板在使用前进行成型加工,目前大量使用的彩 钢板和铝塑复合板都是辊涂的产品。喷涂涂装主要用 于无法涂装以后进行加工的铝单板和铝型材产品。 刚韧结合,板面强度高。高韧结合,可随意切割,分 条,弯弧,衡压、钻孔,连接固定及边部压缩成型。 耐温 清漆 色泽均匀 颜色面漆 底层漆 铝板铬化预处理层 铝板层 水性涂料 水性涂料是当今金属建材表面处理最先进,环保无毒、 效果逼真的喷涂加工工艺,状态完全水性化,主要有天 然碎石漆、液态花岗岩两大种,被广泛应用于酒店宾馆、 写字楼、商务大厦、高档别墅等建筑外墙。 水性涂料具有优异的抗碱、防霉、流平性好、不易变色 等特点,只需传统石材的施工成本一半,并且仿真效果 好,正常环境下使用寿命15年以上。 无毒 环保无毒 透光罩光漆 多彩涂面 有色中涂 铝板铬化预处理层 铝板层 page08


平板类铝单板 Flat aluminum veneer 采用优质防铝强度高,且由于开口处采用焊接工艺, 大大提高了铝板的钢度,确保了幕墙的抗风、防震、 防雨水渗漏、防空气渗透、防雷、抗冲击效果。钣 金成形后,经过表面处理,可进行氟碳喷涂、丙烯 酸喷涂、粉末喷涂及仿铜拉丝效果,色彩可任意选 定,高端大气上档次,广泛用于室内外装饰装修。 The high-quaity aluminum-proof strength is adopted,and the welding process is adopted at the opening.which greatly improves the steehess of the aluminum plate,and ensures the wind-proof,shock-proof,rain-proof leakage.anti-air penetration,lightning protection and impact resistance effects of the curtain wall.The aluminum veneer can be processed into various complex shapes such asflat plates,double curved panels,and specal-shaped plates.After the sheet metal is formed,the surface treatment can be carried out by fluorocorbon spraying.aayic spraying and powder coating,and the color can be arbitrarly selected.Widely used in indoor and outdoor decoration.


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双曲铝单板Hyperbolic aluminum veneer 双曲面板是采用进口万能成型机配合专用数控双曲面软件在短时间内生产出成品。 双曲面板给设计师带来宝贵的想法和视觉盛宴。 双曲面板效果比常见的通过分割焊接生产的双曲板平整度好,安装效果比所谓的“以直带曲”等假双曲 的弧线圆滑。充分展示双曲面铝单板在金属幕墙上无可替代的独特魅力。 Dual curved panel use the imported Germany universal molding machine with CNC hypoid software endogenous output fnished in a short time. Dual curved panel brings designers valuable ideas and visual feast. Dual curved panel effect than the common good flatness,by splitting the welding production hyperbolic board itstallation effect than the so-called straigh\"with music such as false hyperbolic curve smooth,fully shows the hyperboloid aluminum veneer on the metal curtain wall irreplaceable unique charm 89R page]]


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冲孔异形铝单板 Punching special-shaped aluminum veneer 冲孔天花是采用电脑数控冲压设备,精选优质的金属材料, 以不同规格或花款的冲孔工艺来美化金属板面,能舒缓由于 6 封闭所造成的压抑感,若隐若现,开阔视野空间感官性。其 外观优雅,优异的抗腐蚀性能,防火防潮,经久耐用,不受 正负压影响,有利于通风口或其他设备的散热和投光照明。 Perforated ceiling is made of computer numerical control stamping equipment, selected high-quality metal materials,beautifying the metal surface with different specifications or flower punching process,can relieve the feeling of depression caused by the closure,looming.open the visual space sense Its elegant appearance,excellent corrosion resistance,fire and moisture resistance.durable,not affected by positive and negative pressure,is conducive to heat dissipation and floodlighting of vents or other equipment. 营销接待中心 page]]


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艺术镂空铝单板 Artistic hollow aluminum veneer 适用于建筑物的天花板、内外墙、高速公路、铁路、地铁站,机场等设施中的环境噪音治理屏障,发电机房、 工厂及其它需要降噪的场所。 Applicable to environmental noise control barriers in ceilings,interior and exterior walls,highways,railways,subway stations. airports and other facillities,generator houses,factories and other places where noise reduction is required. A米的 环不 A page15


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造型铝单板 modellng aluminum veneer 造型铝板结合了多种成型工艺,是铝单板中难度最大的一种异型板。 我们制造的造型板精确度高,表面平滑,合缝精准而且可来图来样 订制等特点。 造型铝板以独特的造型给建筑带来耳目一新的视觉享受。从瓷砖、 铝单板、造型铝板,一路的传承与演变无不体现了对产品的创新与 追求;造型铝板的设计开发为建筑设计师提供了宝贵的设计创意和视觉 盛宴,它的诞生将成为装饰材料中的宠儿,是对传统工艺的一种挑战 与突破!它更是高档商住建筑常用的新型材料! Page]7


翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 MODELLNG ALUMINUM VENEER Hyperbolic boards product which is made by universal CNC machine with proprietary double-curved software and finish production during short time.It is high accuracy.smooth surface and accurate seam.It can also customized according to your sample. Hyperbolic boards bring new visual enjoyment for buildings by its unique shape.From the changes of tiles.aluminum single plate,aluminum hyperbolic boards.products,they incarnate the spirit of innovation with a persistent quest of company.The design and development of hyperbolic boards are provide valued ideas for construction designer.Hyperbolic boards is a favourite of decoration materials.It is challenge and breakthrough for tranditional technology.It is also new concepts of high-grade residential and commercial buildings.


仿木纹铝单板 Imitation wood grain aluminum veneer 木纹铝单板采用优质高强度合金铝板,国际先进新型图纹装饰材料,图案高档华丽、色泽纹理逼真、图纹牢固耐磨, 不含甲醛、无毒、无有害气体释放,使您不必再为装饰后油漆和胶类物质带来的异味及身体伤害而担忧,品质卓越, 是高档建筑装饰的首选材料,木纹色凸显绿色环保的生活理念,体现出一种高档奢华的建筑风格,缓解都市人紧张 工作之余的压力。很多像咖啡馆,休闲会所等地方都使用木纹板。木纹板价格适中,耐用,防潮防水,可塑性高, 利用各种地方进行装修设计,成为很多设计师的宠儿。 Wood grain aluminum veneers are made of high-quality high-strength alloy aluminum panels,and are made of internationally advanced new pattern decorative materials.The patterns are high-end and gorgeous,the colors and textures are lifelike,and the patterns are firm and wear-resistant.Free of formaldehyde.non-toxic.and harmful gas emissions.it eliminates the need for you to worry about the odor and physical harm caused by paint andglue materials after de coration,with excellent quality,It is the preferred material for high-end architectural decoration.Wood grain color highlights the green and environmentally friendly lifestyle concept,reflecting a high-end and luxurious architectural style,and easing tension among urban residents Pressure after work.Many places such as coffee shops and leisure clubs use wood grain boards.Wood grain board is moderately priced,durable. moisture-proof and waterproof.and has high plasticity.Using various places for decoration design has be come the favorite of many designers. 围 图 page]9


翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 ◆防水 ◆Pieces of waterproof ◆防潮 ◆Mixer moistureproof ◆防火 Pieces of fire prevention ◆防酸雨 In pieces the acid rain ◆极易安装 ◆Mixer is installed ◆多变造型 ◆changeful modelling page20


仿石纹铝单板 Imitation stone grain aluminum veneer 石纹图案贴近自然,美观大方,打破传统纯色风格的装饰。清新时尚,高雅秀气,打造 出独特的装修风格。石纹铝单板是以高等级铝合金为主要材料,按工程现场设计的尺寸、 形状和构造形式经过数控折弯等技术成型,并在其表面氟碳喷涂的基础上采用意大利 石纹膜,经抽真空处理,将石纹膜移印到铝单板的氟碳涂层上的一种高档建筑装饰材料。 The stone pattern is close to nature,beautiful and generous,breaking the traditional solid color style of decoration.Fresh and fashionable,elegant and delicate,creating a unique decoration style. Stone grain aluminum veneer is mainly made of high-grade aluminum alloy The shape and structural form are formed through technologies such as numerical control bending.and on the basis of fluorocarbon spraying on its surface.Italian stone pattern film is used.After vacuum treatment,the stone pattern film is transferred and printed onto the fluorocarbon coating of aluminum veneer. This is a high-end architectural decoration material. page2]


翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 ◆石材图案丰富,效果逼真 ◆氟碳涂层漆层均匀,牢固耐磨 ◆形状、厚度可按需定制 ◆安装维护简单,节约施工成本 ◆质量保障,经久耐用 ◆绿色环保,可100%回收利用 Rich stone patterns with realistic effects The fluorocarbon coating paint layer is uniform,firm and wear-resistant Shape and thickness can be customized as required Simple installation and maintenance. saving construction costs Quality assurance and durability Green and environmentally friendly 100%recyclable page22


仿铜拉丝铝单板 Imitation copper wire drawing aluminum veneer 仿铜拉丝铝单板应用于各种金属幕墙板和金属吊顶板。 适用于多种生活工作场所,如:室内、室外、机场、 地铁、轻轨、车站、展馆、行政办公大楼,商业楼等 名种场所,符合环保要求。 1外观精致,图案丰富,效果逼真纹理清晰。 2防火性、防腐性、防潮性、硬度和强度都是实木漂染 无法相比的。 3.防锈、防破损、防紫外线。 4.可塑性强,可加工成各种复杂的造型,其背而可填充 保温、隔音、吸音等材料,使其功能更加丰富。 5.环保,保护生态环境,减少材料资源的浪费。 page23


翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 aau过18888a日uu日日口H■上DBs■BwBw 朗悦·公丽府 Imitation copper brushed aluminum veneer is applied to various metal curtain wall panels and metal ceilling panels.Suitable for various living and working places,such as indoor,outdoor,airport Subway. light rail,station,exhibition hall,administrative office building,commercial building,etc Famous sites meet environmental requirements. 1.Delicate appearance,rich patterns,realistic effects,and clear textures. 2.Fire resistance,corrosion resistance,moisture resistance,hardness,and strength are all solid wood bleaching and dyeing Incomparable. 3.Rust prevention,damage prevention,and UV protection. 4.Strong plasticity,can be processed into various complex shapes,and its back can be filled Materials such as thermal insulation,sound insulation,and sound absorption enrich their functions. 5.Environmental protection,protecting the ecological environment,and reducing the waste of material resources. page24


勾搭板类铝单板 THE HOOK BOARD CLASS M8吊杆 住龙骨吊杆 ALUMINUM VENEER 住龙到 餐 结构简单:结构为单向平行龙骨勾搭式结构。 龙带船 密拼性强:板与板之间的拼接是通过龙骨有次序搭折在一起的,板边独特 勾搭式龙骨 的搭勾设计,能很好的控制板与板之间的活动性,从而确保了板与板之 间的缝隙更严密平整。 便于维修:此结构针对维修保养配套有独特的检修口设计,而不影响外观 美,确保天花整体统一美观。 用材灵活:与暗骨式方板结构相比,此结构板材的厚度为1.2至3.0mm尺 寸规格可根据现场设计作选择,大大弥补了暗骨式结构的局限性。 冲孔样式灵活:可提供任意孔径,孔距进行自由设计。组合搭配,配以吸 音纸,以满足不同的吸音效果设计要求。 The structure is simple:the structure is a one-way parallel keel hook-and-loop structure. Strong stitching:the splicing between the board and the board is repeated by the keel in a sequence.The unique hook design of the board edge can control the mobility between the board and the board,thus ensuring the board and the board.The gap between the plates is tighter and flatter. Easy to repair:This structure has a unique inspection port design for maintenance and repair,without affecting the appearance and ensuring the overall uniformity and beauty of the ceilling. Flexible material:Compared with the dark bone square plate structure,the thickness of the structural plate is 1.2 to 3.Omm.The size can be selected according to the site design,which greatly compensates for the limitations of the dark bone structure. The punching style is flexible:it can be supplied with any aperture and the pitch is freely designed.Combination and matching,with sound-absorbing paper to meet different sound-absorbing effects design requirements. page25


翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 0111111II1 7 火连回 page26


景观亮化系列 Landscape lighting series 》》 币d 水平心 明 ii1311 同四日但可 月图aaa司 为您提供便捷、快速、优质、精准的服务 Provide you with convenient,fast,high quality and accurate service. page27


雕塑系列 翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 Sculpture series 在一个追求享受的时代,我们不能因为繁忙,而占用了我们品位生活的时间,让我们重新梳理我们的日子,感受那 一草一木,微风飘逸的生活情怀。 In an age of pursuing enjoyment,we can't take the time of tasted life due to busy,let us sort our life and feel each trees and bushes to enjoy the life. page28


护栏系列 Guardrail series 馋嘴 page29


翔科装饰·大福金属制品·良营建材科技 护烂系列 Guardrail series 山味奥初 page30


携/手/并/进 共/创/辉/煌 良营·太空舵民宿 厂址一:山东临朐国际会展中心北邻,东泰路5057号、5065号 Add:North of Lingu International Convention and Exhibition Center,Shan dong,5057 and 5065 Dongtai Road 厂址二:山东临朐南环路以南与嵩山以西交叉路口 Add:Intersection between the south of Dong cheng South Ring Road and the west of Songshan Mountain 电话Tel:0536-31508883150666 可口 业务Business:①15306368988②18265368688 ③13864663688④13864663666 ⑤15505360097 请用手机扫描二维码 本资料所清及的所有信息,均以发行日为准。公可保留更改产品设计与规格的权利,屈时想不另行酒知,所有资料经过小心核对,以求准确 如有任何印刷楼漏成在题译中产生之墙误,本公可不承塑因此产生之后果。印刷过程可能令资料的产品限实物有细微分别,解释权属本公可。
