济南统计年鉴 2024

发布时间:2024-11-26 | 杂志分类:其他

济南统计年鉴 2024

© 中国统计出版社有限公司 2024版权所有。未经许可,本书的任何部分不得以任何方式在世界任何地区以任何文字翻印、拷贝、仿制或转载。© 2024 China Statistics Press Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any formorby any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any informationstorage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.图书在版编目(CIP)数据济南统计年鉴. 2024 = Jinan StatisticalYearbook 2024 : 汉英对照 / 济南市统计局, 国家统计局济南调查队编. -- 北京 : 中国统计出版社, 2024.11. -- ISBN 978-7-523...
济南统计年鉴 2024
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42 NO.42


国家统计局济南调查队 编

Jinan Municipal Bureau of Statistics

NBS Survey Office in Jinan


© 中国统计出版社有限公司 2024


© 2024 China Statistics Press Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any formor

by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information

storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.


济南统计年鉴. 2024 = Jinan Statistical

Yearbook 2024 : 汉英对照 / 济南市统计局, 国家统计

局济南调查队编. -- 北京 : 中国统计出版社, 2024.

11. -- ISBN 978-7-5230-0575-0

Ⅰ. C832.521-54

中国国家版本馆 CIP 数据核字第 202462WU41 号

济南统计年鉴 2024

作 者 / 济南市统计局 国家统计局济南调查队

责任编辑 / 周小睿

执行编辑 / 刘 琛

装帧设计 / 山东麦德森文化传媒有限公司

出版发行 / 中国统计出版社有限公司

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开 本 / 890mm×1240mm 1/16

字 数 / 1500千字

印 张 / 24 彩页1.25

版 别 / 2024年11月第1版

版 次 / 2024年11月第1次印刷

定 价 / 396.00元 Price:396.00 yuan (RMB)






主 任:程 伟

副 主 任:仝 庆

委 员:(以姓氏笔画为序)

朱 牧 任振霞 刘明霞 纪 强 孙夕良 孙昭信 李 亮

李 勇 李士营 张秀玲 徐凤霞 谈友军 董法明 管大炜


总 编 辑:孙夕良


编 辑:朱 强 于志毅 缪爱斌 齐志为 梁 浩 韩 冰 刘 媛

赵 刚 姜晓燕 杨 冰 张叶红 李咏梅 徐明习 陈建卓

赵学强 房 建 杨 振 牟 刚 宋 磊 于 涛 薛立娣

杜晓鹏 杜肇鹏 郭 威 胡中华 李云龙 段桂芹 郑海燕

田泽宪 王 颖 邹 萍 胥正富 徐盛堂 王晨霞 张晓璟

高 雷 石 紫 孙 涵 孙 超 赵文君 赵丽涵 蔡宇洋

王胜雷 任 燚 张 文 张海峰 顾文娇 高少松 戴 晶

王一婷 毕建涛 朱立奥 许明智 张媛媛 赵玉栋 秦 立

隋国礼 刘 璞 杨光玉 辛长虹 周长顺 秦法忠 糜长山

温秀芬 肖春晓 郭 林 李 艳 侯小娜 李珈宁 徐 昊

李弘康 吕 牧 孙银龙 谭 欣


英文校对:王一婷 史德萍 朱立峰 徐盛堂 温秀芬


Editorial Board and Editorial Staff

Editorial Board

Chairman:Cheng Wei

Vice-chairmen:Tong Qing

Editorial Board:(In order of number of strokes of the Chinese character of the surname)

Zhu Mu Ren Zhenxia Liu Mingxia Ji Qiang Sun Xiliang

Sun Zhaoxin Li Liang Li Yong Li Shiying Zhang Xiuling

Xu Fengxia Tan Youjun Dong Faming Guan Dawei

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-chief:Sun Xiliang

Executive Editor:Zhu Lifeng

Editorial Staff:Zhu Qiang Yu Zhiyi Miao Aibin Qi Zhiwei Liang Hao Han Bing

Liu Yuan Zhao Gang Jiang Xiaoyan Yang Bing Zhang Yehong

Li Yongmei Xu Mingxi Chen Jianzhuo Zhao Xueqiang Fang Jian

Yang Zhen Mu Gang Song Lei Yu Tao Xue Lidi Du Xiaopeng

Du Zhaopeng Guo Wei Hu Zhonghua Li Yunlong Duan Guiqin

Zheng Haiyan Tian Zexian Wang Ying Zou Ping Xu Zhengfu

Xu Shengtang Wang Chenxia Zhang Xiaojing Gao Lei Shi Zi

Sun Han Sun Chao Zhao Wenjun Zhao Lihan Cai Yuyang

Wang Shenglei Ren Yi Zhang Wen Zhang Haifeng Gu Wenjiao

Gao Shaosong Dai Jing Wang Yiting Bi Jiantao Zhu Li’ao

Xu Mingzhi Zhang Yuanyuan Zhao Yudong Qin Li Sui Guoli

Liu Pu Yang Guangyu Xin Changhong Zhou Changshun

Qin Fazhong Mi Changshan Wen Xiufen Xiao Chunxiao Guo Lin

Li Yan Hou Xiaona Li Jianing Xu Hao Li Hongkang Lyu Mu

Sun Yinlong Tan Xin

English Translator:Xing Linjing

English Proofreaders:Wang Yiting Shi Deping Zhu Lifeng Xu Shengtang

Wen Xiufen


























编 者




Ⅰ. Jinan Statistical Yearbook 2024 is a statistical reference book published yearly that

comprehensively reflects the development of Jinan’s national economy and society. With a vast

amount of statistical data on various aspects of economic and social development in Jinan and the

counties and districts under its jurisdiction in 2023, as well as the main statistical data of important

historical years, the yearbook is an important reference book for people to understand and study Jinan

and its economic and social development, for government to formulate macro policies and guidance


Ⅱ. The yearbook is centered on rich and detailed statistical data with intuitive statistical charts

and special articles added, comprehensively reflecting Jinan’s economic and social development.

Statistical data of the yearbook contains 22 parts, namely:1. Division of Administrative Areas;2.

Population;3. General Survey;4. National Accounts;5. Labor and Employment;6. Investment in Fixed

Assets;7. Urban Public Utilities and Environmental Protection;8. Government Finance、Financial and

Insurance;9. Price;10. People's Livelihood;11.Agriculture;12. Industry;13. Construction;14.

Transportation, Post and Telecommunications;15. Domestic Trade;16. Foreign Trade and

International Tourism;17. Science and Technology;18. Education and Culture;19. Sports and Public

Health;20. Social Welfare Civil Administration and Justice; Special Report and Appendix. We edit

Exploratory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators at the end of every article, briefly explaining the

meaning, statistical scope, methods and historical changes of the main statistical indicators.

Ⅲ. The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally unified and standard

measurement units. The statistical caliber includes Jinan City, Pingyin County and Shanghe County

unless otherwise noted. The data in this yearbook are from the statistical reports of Jinan Municipal

Bureau of Statistics, Jinan Investigation Team of National Bureau of Statistics and relevant


Ⅳ. The statistical discrepancies caused by the unit of measurement in the total or relative

numbers of some data in this yearbook are not adjusted.

Ⅴ. Notations used in this yearbook:

“Blank Space” indicates that the statistical index data is not large enough to be measured with the

smallest unit in this table, or data are unknown or not available;

“-” means that there is no such fact;

“#” indicates the main item;

“*” or “①” means there are annotations in this table.

Since its publication, Jinan Statistical Yearbook has received the concern and support of all

sectors of society, for which we are deeply grateful. At the same time, welcome to use Jinan

Statistical Yearbook 2024 and offer valuable suggestions, so as to help us further improve the editing

of statistical yearbooks and better serve all sectors of society, thank you! (Website:



- 1 -

目 录

特 载 Special Report

特载 -1 济南概况

Overview of Jinan ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

特载 -2 2023 年济南市国民经济和社会发展统计公报

Statistical Communique of the Jinan Municipal on the 2023 National Economic and Social Development………………… 5

特载 -3 统计制图

Statistical Chart ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27

一 行政区划 Divisions of Administrative Areas

1-1 行政区划

Divisions of Administrative Areas ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 49

1-2 县区所辖镇、街道办事处 (2023 年末 )

Town and Street Communities Under the Jurisdiction(End of 2023) …………………………………………………………… 50

二 人 口 Population

2-1 主要年份总户数、总人口 ( 户籍人口 )

Total Household and Population in Major Years(registered population)………………………………………………………… 53

2-2 主要年份市区总户数、总人口 ( 户籍人口 )

Total Household and Population of Urban in Major Years(registered population)……………………………………………… 55

2-3 主要年份人口自然变动情况

Natural Change of Population in Major Years …………………………………………………………………………………… 57

2-4 分地区户数、人口数 (2023 年 )( 户籍人口 )

Household and Population by Region(2023)(registered population) …………………………………………………………… 59

2-5 分地区人口机械变动情况 (2023 年 )

Mechanical Changes of Population by Region (2023) …………………………………………………………………………… 60

2-6 分地区人口自然变动情况 (2023 年 )

Natural Changes of Population by Region (2023) ………………………………………………………………………………… 60

2-7 结婚情况

Number of Marriages ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 61

2-8 离婚情况

Number of Divorces ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 61


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 62

三 综 合 General Survey

3-1 国民经济和社会发展总量指标

Principal Aggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development ……………………………………………… 66


- 2 -

3-2 国民经济和社会发展比例和效益指标

Indicators on Proportions and Efficiency in National Economic and Social Development …………………………………… 74

3-3 平均每天主要社会经济活动

Selected Indicators on Average Daily Social and Economic Activities ………………………………………………………… 78

3-4 国民经济人均指标

Per Indicators of National Economic ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 80

3-5 国民经济主要指标及占全国、全省比重 (2023 年 )

Main Indicators of National Economy and Their Proportion in China and Shandong Province(2023) ………………………… 82


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 84

四 国民经济核算 National Accounts

4-1 各时期生产总值 ( 按当年价格计算 )

Gross Domestic Product in Each Period(Calculated at Current Prices) ………………………………………………………… 86

4-2 各时期生产总值环比指数 ( 以上年为 100)

Circle Indices of Gross Domestic Product in Each Period(preceding year=100) ……………………………………………… 88

4-3 分地区生产总值 (2023 年 )

Value of Gross Domestic Product by Region(2023) ……………………………………………………………………………… 90

4-4 生产总值 (2023 年 )( 分行业,按当年价格计算 )

Value of Gross Domestic Product(2023)(Sub Industry, Calculated at Current Prices) …………………………………………………………………91


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 92

五 劳动就业 Labor and Employment

5-1 按三次产业分就业人员及构成

Number of Employed Persons and Structure by Type of Industry ……………………………………………………………… 97

5-2 主要年份职工工资

Wage of Staff and Workers in Major Years………………………………………………………………………………………… 99

5-3 城镇非私营单位就业人员人数 (2023 年 )

Number of Employed Persons in Urban Non-Private Units(2023) ……………………………………………………………… 101

5-4 城镇非私营单位就业人员工资总额 (2023 年 )

Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons in Urban Non-Private Units(2023) ……………………………………………………… 102

5-5 城镇非私营单位就业人员平均工资 (2023 年 )

Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Non-Private Units(2023) ……………………………………………………… 103

5-6 社会保障基本情况

Basic Conditions of Social Security………………………………………………………………………………………………… 104


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 105


- 3 -

六 固定资产投资 Investment in Fixed Assets

6-1 固定资产投资

Total Investment in Fixed Assets ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 109

6-2 固定资产投资分类 (2023 年 )

Classification of Investment in Fixed Assets(2023) ……………………………………………………………………………… 110

6-3 房地产开发投资分类 (2023 年 )

Classification of Estate Development Investment(2023) ………………………………………………………………………… 112

6-4 固定资产投资资金来源 (2023 年 )

Investment by Source of Funds (2023) …………………………………………………………………………………………… 113

6-5 新增主要生产能力和效益 (2023 年 )

Newly Increased Production Capacity and Administrative(2023) ……………………………………………………………… 113

6-6 房地产开发建设情况

Basic Situations of Real Estate Development……………………………………………………………………………………… 114

6-7 房地产开发公司经营情况

Real Estate Development and Management ……………………………………………………………………………………… 115

6-8 房地产开发公司经营情况 (2023 年 )

Real Estate Development and Management(2023) ………………………………………………………………………………… 116


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 117

七 城市公用事业和环境保护

Urban Public Utilities and Environmental Protection

7-1 城市道路与公共交通

Basic Statistics on Municipal Engineering and Public Transportation ………………………………………………………… 123

7-2 水、电、气、热供应情况

Basic Statistics on Water, Electricity, Gas and Heating in Cities ……………………………………………………………… 124

7-3 环境状况及污染治理情况

Basic Statistics on Environment and Treatment of Pollution …………………………………………………………………… 125

7-4 城市园林绿化、环境卫生及其他

Basic Statistics on Parks Green Areas and Urban Sanitation in Cities ………………………………………………… 126


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 127

八 财政、金融和保险 Government Finance、Financial and Insurance

8-1 各时期地方财政收支及指数

Local Government Revenue, Expenditures and Indices in Each Period ………………………………………………………… 130

8-2 地方财政收入 (2023 年 )

Local Financial Revenue(2023) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 131


- 4 -

8-3 各区财政收入 (2023 年 )

Financial Revenue by District(2023) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 132

8-4 各县财政收入 (2023 年 )

Financial Revenue by County(2023) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 134

8-5 地方财政支出 (2023 年 )

Local Financial Expenditures (2023) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 135

8-6 各区地方财政支出 (2023 年 )

Local Financial Expenditures by District(2023) ………………………………………………………………………………… 136

8-7 各县地方财政支出 (2023 年 )

Local Financial Expenditures by County(2023) …………………………………………………………………………………… 138

8-8 金融机构本外币各项存、贷款期末余额

The Ending Balance of all Deposits and Loans in RMB and Foreign Currencies of Financial Institutions ………………… 139

8-9 金融机构人民币各项存、贷款期末余额

The Ending Balance of all Deposits and Loans in RMB of Financial Institutions ……………………………………………… 140

8-10 保险业务情况

Insurance Business ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 141

8-11 证券机构及证券交易情况

Institution and Trading Summary for Stocks ……………………………………………………………………………………… 141


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 142

九 物 价 Price

9-1 主要年份物价指数 ( 以上年为 100)

Price Indices in Major Years(Preceding Year=100) ……………………………………………………………………………… 146

9-2 主要年份物价指数 ( 以 1950 年为 100)

Price Indices in Major Years(Preceding 1950=100) ……………………………………………………………………………… 148

9-3 分月居民消费价格指数 (2023 年,以上年为 100)

Consumer Price Indices by Month(2023,Preceding Year=100) ………………………………………………………………… 150

9-4 主要年份零售商品和服务项目年平均价格

Per Retail and Services Price of Major Years …………………………………………………………………………………… 158

9-5 住宅销售价格指数 (2023 年,以上月为 100)

Sales Price Indices of Residential Buildings(2023,Preceding month=100) …………………………………………………… 160

9-6 住宅销售价格指数 (2023 年,以上年为 100)

Sales Price Indices of Residential Buildings(2023,Preceding year=100) ……………………………………………………… 161

9-7 主要年份工业生产者出厂、购进价格指数 ( 以上年为 100)

Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products and Purchasing Price Indices for Industrial Producers in Main Years(Preceding

year=100) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 162


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 167


- 5 -

十 人民生活 People's Livelihood

10-1 人民物质文化生活提高情况

Improvement in People's Material and Cultural Life …………………………………………………………………………… 166

10-2 各时期城镇居民生活情况

Basic Conditions of Urban Households in Each Period ………………………………………………………………………… 168

10-3 各时期农村居民生活情况

Basic Conditions of Rural Households in Each Period ………………………………………………………………………… 170

10-4 城镇每百户居民家庭主要耐用消费品拥有量

Main Durable Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households ……………………………………………………………………… 171

10-5 农村每百户居民家庭主要耐用消费品拥有量

Main Durable Goods Owned Per 100 Rural Households ………………………………………………………………………… 172

10-6 居民人均可支配收入和消费支出 (2023 年 )

Per Capita Disposable Income and Consumer Expenditure(2023) ……………………………………………………………… 172


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 173

十一 农 业 Agriculture

11-1 各时期农业主要经济指标

Major Economic Indicators of Agriculture in Each Period ……………………………………………………………………… 177

11-2 农村基层组织和农业基本情况

Basic Conditions of Rural Grassroots Units and Agriculture …………………………………………………………………… 179

11-3 分地区农村基层组织和农业基本情况 (2023 年 )

Basic Conditions of Rural Grassroots Units and Agriculture by Region(2023) ……………………………………………… 180

11-4 各时期农林牧渔业总产值 ( 按当年价格计算 )

Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery in Each Period(Calculated at Current Prices) …… 182

11-5 各时期农林牧渔业总产值指数 ( 以 1952 年为 100)

Gross Output Value Indices of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery in Each Period(1952=100) …………… 184

11-6 主要农作物播种面积及产量

Sown Areas and Output of Major Farm Crops …………………………………………………………………………………… 186

11-7 林、牧、渔业生产情况

Basic Statistics on Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery ………………………………………………………………… 188

11-8 分地区主要农作物播种面积及产量 (2023 年 )

Sown Areas and Output of Main Farm Crops by Region(2023) ………………………………………………………………… 190

11-9 分地区林、牧、渔业生产情况 (2023 年 )

Basic Statistics on Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery by Region(2023) ……………………………………………… 194

11-10 主要农副产品产量与上年和历史最高年份比较

Output of Major Agricultural Products in Comparision with Last Year and Maximum Year ………………………………… 196


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 197


- 6 -

十二 工 业 Industry

12-1 各时期全部工业基本情况

Basic Statistics on Total Industry in Each Period ……………………………………………………………………………… 201

12-2 各时期规模以上工业基本情况

Basic Statistics of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size in Each Period …………………………………………… 203

12-3 各时期主要工业产品产量

Output of Major Industrial Products in Each Period …………………………………………………………………………… 205

12-4 规模以上工业主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2023) ………………………………………… 207

12-5 规模以上国有及国有控股工业主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Economic Indicators of State-Owned and State-Controlled Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2023) … 210

12-6 规模以上私营工业企业主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Economic Indicators of Private Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2023) ………………………………… 213

12-7 规模以上工业资产实力 (2023 年 )

Capital Power of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2023)………………………………………………………… 216

12-8 规模以上国有及国有控股工业资产实力 (2023 年 )

Capital Power of State-Owned and State-Controlled Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2023) ……………… 220

12-9 规模以上工业损益及分配 (2023 年 )

Profit, Loss and Distribution of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2023) ……………………………………… 224

12-10 规模以上国有及国有控股工业损益及分配 (2023 年 )

Profit, Loss and Distribution of State-Owned and State-Controlled Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2023) … 228

12-11 分地区规模以上工业主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size By Region(2023) ……………………………… 232

12-12 规模以上大中型工业企业经营情况 (2023 年 )

Main Indicators of Large and Medium-Sized Enterprises(2023) ……………………………………………………………… 234

12-13 规模以上大中型工业企业一览表 (2023 年 )

Summary of Large and Medium-Sized Enterprises(2023) ……………………………………………………………………… 238

12-14 主要工业产品生产量 (2023 年 )

Output of Major Industrial Products(2023) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 244

12-15 工业企业能源购进、消费及库存 (2023 年 )

Purchases, Consumption and Inventory of Main Energy Source in Industrial Enterprises(2023) …………………………… 247

12-16 工业分行业主要能源消费量 (2023 年 )

Consumption of Main Energy Source in Industrial Enterprises by Sector (2023) …………………………………………… 248


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 250

十三 建筑业 Construction

13-1 建筑业主要指标

Main Indicators of Construction Enterprises …………………………………………………………………………………… 255


- 7 -

13-2 建筑企业资产实力 (2023 年 )

Assets of Construction Enterprises (2023) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 256

13-3 建筑业施工产值构成 (2023 年 )

Output Value of Construction Structure(2023)…………………………………………………………………………………… 258

13-4 建筑企业主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Economic Indicators of Construction Enterprises(2023) ………………………………………………………………… 259

13-5 施工工程施工面积 (2023 年 )

Number of Floor Space Under Construction(2023) ……………………………………………………………………………… 260

13-6 济南市建筑业特级、一级资质企业一览表 (2023 年 )

List of Special and First Class Qualification in the Construction Enterprises of Jinan City(2023) ………………………… 261


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 269

十四 运输与邮电 Transportation, Post and Telecommunications

14-1 邮电业务量

Business Volume of Postal Services and Telecommunication Services ……………………………………………………… 273

14-2 交通运输业基本情况

Basic Conditions of Transport …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 274

14-3 分地区公路交通 (2023 年 )

Road Transportation by Region(2023) …………………………………………………………………………………………… 275


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 275

十五 国内贸易 Domestic Trade

15-1 各时期分行业社会消费品零售

Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by Section in Each Period ……………………………………………………………… 278

15-2 限额以上批发零售业法人企业商品销售情况 (2023 年 )

Sales of Commo-dities by Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trade(2023) ……………………… 280

15-3 限额以上批发零售贸易企业资产实力 (2023 年 )

Capital Power of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trade(2023) ………………………………… 282

15-4 限额以上批发零售贸易企业损益及分配 (2023 年 )

Profit Loss and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trade(2023) ………………… 286

15-5 限额以上餐饮业主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Economic Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services (2023) ……………………………… 290

15-6 限额以上住宿业主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Economic Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels Services(2023) ………………………………… 292

15-7 限额以上住宿业和餐饮业法人企业经营情况 (2023 年 )

Main Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services(2023) ……………………………… 294

15-8 销售过亿元的商品交易市场一览表 (2023 年 )

Large Commodity Markets with Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan (2023) …………………………………………… 296


- 8 -


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 297

十六 对外贸易与国际旅游 Foreign Trade and International Tourism

16-1 海关进出口商品总额

International Trade in Goods of Customs ………………………………………………………………………………………… 300

16-2 主要国别 ( 地区 ) 海关进出口商品总额

International Trade in Goods of Customs by Country (Region) ………………………………………………………………… 301

16-3 海关进出口商品分类金额

International Trade in Goods by HS Section and Division of Customs ………………………………………………………… 303

16-4 按企业性质分海关进出口商品总额 (2023 年 )

International Trade in Goods of Customs by Type of trade(2023) ……………………………………………………………… 308

16-5 历年海关进出口总额

Total Imports and Exports of Customs in Major Years ………………………………………………………………………… 310

16-6 利用外资情况

Utilization of Foreign Capital …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 311

16-7 对外经济技术合作

Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions ……………………………………………………………………… 311

16-8 旅游住宿单位接待入境游客

Received Inbound Tourists by Hotels …………………………………………………………………………………………… 312

16-9 济南与国外结成友好城市一览表 (2023 年末 )

Friendship Cities of Jinan(End of 2023) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 313


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 314

十七 科 技 Science and Technology

17-1 科技综合情况

Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities …………………………………………………………………… 318

17-2 科技投入情况 (2022 年 )

Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Investment(2022) ………………………………………………………………… 319

17-3 规模以上工业企业科技活动情况 (2022 年 )

Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2022) …………… 320

17-4 规模以上工业企业技术改造及引进吸收 (2022 年 )

Innovation and Resorb of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2022) ……………………………………………… 322

17-5 规模以上工业企业技术资源 (2022 年 )

Technical Resources of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2022) ………………………………………………… 324

17-6 规模以上工业企业科技活动项目 (2022 年 )

Technology Project Activities of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size (2022)……………………………………… 326


- 9 -

17-7 规模以上工业企业 R&D 经费情况 (2022 年 )

R&D Funds of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2022) ………………………………………………………… 328

17-8 规模以上工业企业办科技机构情况 (2022 年 )

Science and Technology Institutions of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size (2022) ……………………………… 332

17-9 规模以上工业企业自主知识产权及相关情况 (2022 年 )

Independent Intellectual Property Rights of Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size(2022) ………………………… 336


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 340

十八 教育与文化 Education and Culture

18-1 教育事业基本情况

Basic Statistics on Education …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 344

18-2 普通高等院校一览 (2023 年 )

Basic Statistics on Institutions of Higher Education(2023) …………………………………………………………………… 346

18-3 中等专业学校一览 (2023 年 )

Basic Statistics on Specialized Secondary Schools(2023) ……………………………………………………………………… 347

18-4 分县区学前教育基本情况 (2023 年 )

Statistics in Pre-school Education Institutions by Region(2023) ……………………………………………………………… 347

18-5 文化事业机构和人员

Number of Cultural Institutions and Persons in Culture………………………………………………………………………… 348


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 349

十九 体育与卫生 Sports and Public Health

19-1 体育事业

Statistics of Sports Institutions …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 353

19-2 各时期卫生事业情况

Statistics of Health Institutions in Major Years ………………………………………………………………………………… 354

19-3 卫生事业机构及床位

Number of Health Institutions and Beds ………………………………………………………………………………………… 356

19-4 分地区卫生事业机构及床位 (2023 年 )

Number of Health Institutions and Beds by District(2023) …………………………………………………………………… 357

19-5 医疗机构年收入与支出 (2023 年 )

Revenue and Expenditure in Health Institutions(2023) ………………………………………………………………………… 358

19-6 医院卫生院工作情况

Basic Statistics on Hospitals and Health Centers ……………………………………………………………………………… 359

19-7 分地区卫生技术人员分类情况 (2023 年 )

Medical Technical Personnel by Region(2023) ………………………………………………………………………………… 359


- 10 -


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 360

二十 民政、司法和其他

Social Welfare Civil Administration and Justice

20-1 社会治安主要指标

Main Indicators of Public Order ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 365

20-2 分地区社会治安主要指标 (2023 年 )

Main Indicators of Public Order by District(2023) ……………………………………………………………………………… 366

20-3 社会保障和救济

Basic Statistics on Social Security and Receiving Relief Flinds ……………………………………………………………… 367

20-4 分地区社会保障和救济 (2023 年 )

Basic Statistics on Social Security and Receiving Relief Flinds by Region (2023)…………………………………………… 368

20-5 律师、公证、司法基本情况 (2023 年 )

Basic Statistics on Law, Notarizations and Mediation (2023)…………………………………………………………………… 370


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators ………………………………………………………………………………………… 371

附 录 Appendix

附录一 山东省十六城市主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Statistical Indicators of 16 Cities in Shandong(2023) ………………………………………………………………… 374

附录二 十五副省级城市主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Statistical Indicators of 15 Vice-provincial Cities(2023) …………………………………………………………… 376

附录三 二十六省会城市主要经济指标 (2023 年 )

Main Statistical Indicators of 26 Provincial Capitals (2023)………………………………………………………………… 378

附录四 中华人民共和国统计法

Statistical Law of The People's Republic of China …………………………………………………………………………… 380

附录五 济南市统计局 2023 年统计大事要事

Chronicle of Events of Jinan Statistical Undertaking ………………………………………………………………………… 384


- 3 -









2023 年末常住人口 943.7 万,现有汉、回、蒙古、满、

苗、壮、朝鲜等 55 个民族。

济南位于山东省中部,地理位置介于北纬 36°

02′至 37°54′、东经 116°21′至 117°93′之间,

面积 10244 平方千米。南依泰山,北跨黄河,地处鲁中














综合实力雄厚。2023 年,全市地区生产总值达到

12757.4 亿元,比上年增长 6.1%。其中,第一产业增

加值 429.5 亿元,增长 4.1%;第二产业增加值 4312.0

亿元,增长 7.8%;第三产业增加值 8015.9 亿元,增

长 5.2%,三次产业构成比为 3.4∶33.8∶62.8。一般公

共预算收入 1060.8 亿元。年末金融机构本外币各项存

款余额 27952.7 亿元,比上年增长 7.8%;金融机构本

外币各项贷款余额 28756.6 亿元,增长 10.1%。全年

社会消费品零售总额 5199.0 亿元,比上年增长

6.6%。市场主体总量达到 154.8 万户,“四上”企业

数量达到 15143 家。



南接北的区位优势。2023 年年末,公路通车里程

18356.5 公里。其中,高速公路里程 828.4 公里,增长

4.2%。公路货运量 2.5 亿吨,增长 3.1%;货运周转量

615.5 亿吨公里,增长 1.1%。公共交通旅客运输量 5.3

亿人次。济南机场全年累计完成航班起降 13.7 万架次,

旅客吞吐量 1756.1 万人次,货邮吞吐量 14.4 万吨。全

年货物进出口总额 2161.0 亿元,比上年增长 0.3%。

创新资源富集。2023 年,济南拥有山东大学等驻

济高校 52 所,全日制在校大学生 69.1 万人。新获批全

国重点实验室 6 家,新认定国家级企业技术中心 3 家,

新备案省级院士工作站 11 家。

产业活力较强。2023 年,“四新”经济增加值达到

5160.5 亿元,占 GDP 比重提高到 40.5%。现代高效农业

增加值 79.7 亿元,比上年增长 5.5%,占农林牧渔业增

加值比重 17.6%。全市规模以上高技术制造业实现增加

值增长 6.1%,拉动规模以上工业增长 1.3 个百分点。

现代服务业实现增加值 4809.1 亿元,增长 4.4%,占服

务业增加值比重 60.0%。

民生福祉增强。全年居民人均可支配收入 51757

元,比上年增长 6.0%。其中,城镇居民人均可支配收


元,增长 7.3%。年末拥有卫生机构 8136 个。城市居民

最低生活保障标准每月 1045 元;农村居民最低生活保

障标准每月 814 元。


- 4 -

Overview of Jinan

Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province, a major coastal

economic and cultural province in eastern China, and listed as a national civilized city, a central city in the Yellow River Basin and is one of China's megalopolises and deputy provincial cities.It is the

political, economic, technological innovation, financial, trade,

cultural, educational and transportation center of the whole province,

and the core city of urban agglomeration in Shandong Peninsula and

provincial economic circle. It has borders with Dezhou, Binzhou,

Zibo, Taian and Liaocheng, it has jurisdiction over 10 districts

including Lixia, Shizhong, Huaiyin, Tianqiao, Licheng, Changqing,

Zhangqiu, Jiyang, Laiwu and Gangcheng, and two counties of

Pingyin and Shanghe. By the end of 2023, the city had a permanent

resident population of about 9.437 million, with 55 ethnic groups

including Han, Hui, Mongolia, Manchu, Miao, Zhuang and Chinese

Korean, among others.

Jinan sits in the central part of Shandong province.Located

between 36°02'-37°54' northern latitude and 116°21'-117°93' east of

Greenwich, covering an area of 10,244 square kilometers. with

Mount Tai to the south and the Yellow River to the north, Jinan is

located at the junction of low hills in central and southern Shandong

and alluvial plain in northwestern Shandong, and the terrain is high

in the south and low in the north. Jinan is rich in mineral resources,

Mainly coal, oil, natural gas, iron, geothermal and building materials,


With beautiful natural scenery and numerous scenic spots and

historical sites, it is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in

China. Especially, it is famous all over the world for its pervading,

clear and sweet springs, and has the reputation of \"Jinan Spring is the

finest over the world\" and \"Spring City\". The main scenic spots are Baotu Spring, Black Tiger Spring, Pearl Spring, Five Dragons Pond

and Baimai Spring, and cultural sites such as Daming Lake, Qianfo

Mountain and Lingyan Temple.

Rich in cultural deposits, it is one of the important birthplaces

of Chinese civilization, and an important bearing place for the

inheritance and promotion of Qilu culture and Confucian culture.

Longshan culture, spring culture, poetry culture and other

characteristic cultures are intertwined. It has national key cultural

relics protection units such as Chengziya Site and Great Wall of Qi

remains, and is the permanent settlement of China Intangible

Cultural Heritage Expo.

Great comprehensive strength. In 2023, the GDP of the whole

city reached 1,275.74 billion yuan, up by 6.1 percent over the

previous year. Of this total, the value added of the primary industry was 42.95 billion yuan, up by 4.1 percent; that of the secondary

industry was 431.2 billion yuan, up by 7.8 percent; that of the

tertiary industry was 801.59 billion yuan, up by 5.2 percent. The

composition ratio of the three industries in Jinan was 3.4∶33.8∶62.8.

The general public budget revenue amounted to 106.08 billion yuan.

At the end of the year, the balance of the deposits of financial

institutions in local currency and foreign currency amountedto2,795.27 billion yuan, up by 7.8 percent over the previous year; thebalance of various deposits of financial institutions in local currencyand foreign currency amounted to 2,875.66 billion yuan, upby10.1percent. The gross amount of retail sales of consumer goods inthewhole year was 519.9 billion yuan, up by 6.6 percent over theprevious year. There were totally 1.548 million market entities, andthe number of \"four-upper\" enterprises reached 15,143.

Outstanding location advantages. Jinan is borderedbyBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in the north, the Yangtze River Deltain the south, the Bohai Economic Circle in the east and the Central

Plains Economic Zone in the west. It has the geographical

advantages of connecting the east with the west and linking the southwith the north. By the end of 2023, the mileage of highways was18,356.5 kilometers, of which the mileage of expressways was 828.4kilometers, up by 4.2 percent. The freight volume of highways was250 million tons, up by 3.1percent; the freight turnover was 61.55billion ton-kilometers, up by 1.1percent. The number of publictransport passengers was 530 million. Jinan Airport completedatotal

of 137,000 takeoffs and landings; the passenger throughput was17.561 million; the postal throughput was 144,000 tons. The grossexport-import volume of goods in 2023 was 216.1 billion yuan, upby 0.3 percent over the previous year.

Extensive and concentrated innovative resources. In 2023, therewere 52 universities in Jinan, including Shandong University, with691,000 full-time college students. There were 6 national keylaboratories newly approved, three national level enterprisetechnology centers had been newly recognized, 11 provincial

academician workstations newly filed.

Strong industry vitality. In 2023, the added value of the \"fournew\" economy was up to 516.05 billion yuan, accounting for 40.5percent of GDP. The added value of modern efficient agriculturewas7.97 billion yuan, up by 5.5 percent over the previous year,

accounting for 17.6 percent of the added value of agriculture,

forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. The added value of high-techmanufacturing industries above designated size in the wholecityincreased by 6.1 percent, driving the growth of industries abovedesignated size by 1.3 percent. The added value of modernserviceindustry was up to 480.91 billion yuan, up by 4.4 percent, accountingfor 60.0 percent of the service industry's value added.

People's livelihood and well-being have been enhanced. Thepercapita disposable income of households across the whole citywas51757 yuan, up by 6.0 percent over the previous year. Of this total,

the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 62,506yuan,

up by 5.1 percent; the per capita disposable income of rural residentsis 25,587 yuan, up by 7.3 percent. At the end of the year, therewere8,136 health institutions. The minimum living security standardforurban residents was 1,045 yuan per month; the minimumlivingsecurity standard for rural residents was 814 yuan per month.



2023 年济南市国民经济和社会发展统计公报[1]

济 南 市 统 计 局


2023 年,全市上下坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主












2023 年全市地区生产总值[2]12757.4 亿元,按不变价格计算,

比上年增长[3]6.1%,其中,第一产业增加值 429.5 亿元,增

长 4.1%;第二产业增加值 4312.0 亿元,增长 7.8%;第三产

业 增 加 值 8015.9 亿 元 , 增 长 5.2% 。 三 次 产 业 构 成 比


人口规模持续增长。年末常住人口 943.7 万人,比上年

增长 0.2%,其中,城镇常住人口 710.4 万人,占总人口比重

(常住人口城镇化率)75.3%,提高 1.0 个百分点。户籍人口

825.3 万人,增长 0.7%。全年申报出生率 7.6‰,申报死亡

率 5.7‰,人口自然增长率 1.8‰。全年人才流入 27.5 万人,

净流入 14.6 万人。

就业形势总体稳定。市场主体增至154.8 万户,比上年增长 3.3%。全年新增城镇就业17.8 万人,增长2.3%。建强创业孵化基地,全市共有市级创业孵化基地86 家,孵化总面积 366 万平方米,在孵企业 1.2 万个,发放创业担保贷款7.8亿元,落实各类创业补贴 4600 万元,累计带动就业10万人以上。成功举办首届“海右人才节”,第六届中国(济南)新动能创新创业大赛引进院士团队12 个,全市新增国家级、省级重点人才 126 人,人才资源总量达到278.2 万人,连续两年获评“中国最佳引才城市”。居民消费价格温和上涨。全年居民消费价格指数(CPI)上涨 0.6%,涨幅较上年回落 0.8 个百分点,保供稳价成效明显。从居民消费的八大类商品及服务项目价格构成看,呈“六涨一落一持平”态势。新建商品住宅销售价格同比保持增长,环比指数前高后低。

表 1 2023 年居民消费价格比上年涨跌幅度指标 比上年增长(%)居民消费价格指数 0.6

其中:食品烟酒 1.0

衣着 1.4

居住 0.0

生活用品及服务 0.3

交通和通信 -1.8

教育文化和娱乐 2.3

医疗保健 0.8

其他用品和服务 3.9


- 6 -








目 26 个、计划总投资 946 亿元。科创金融改革试验区建设成


支行 10 家、科技金融事业部(专营部门)3 家、科技金融特

色机构 9 家,科创板上市公司 6 家,上市数量居全省首位,

成功发行全省首笔 REITs(不动产投资信托基金)产品,完


金融科技创新试点,数字人民币总交易额突破 63 亿元。数字


型试点城市,连续 6 年获评中国领军智慧城市,全市算力规


与共建“一带一路”,全年中欧班列开行 1006 列,比上年增

长 25.6%,首次突破千列大关。


5160.5 亿元,占 GDP 比重 40.5%,比上年提高 1.6 个百分点。

“四新”经济投资比上年增长 27.4%,增速高于全市平均

25.3 个百分点,占全市投资比重 50.6%,提高 10.5 个百分点。

高技术产业投资增长 16.6%,占全市投资比重 9.1%,拉动全市投

资增长 1.3 个百分点。工业技改投资增长 12.4%。规模以上高

技术制造业实现增加值增长 6.1%,拉动规模以上工业[4]增长

1.3 个百分点。规模以上高技术服务业企业实现营业收入

1425.1 亿元,增长 5.9%,占规模以上服务业[5]企业营业收入

比重 33.4%。现代服务业[6]实现增加值 4809.1 亿元,增长 4.4%,

占服务业增加值比重 60.0%。


目达到 2413 个,产业项目提速强劲。招商引资成效明显,成

功举办承办第三届儒商大会、中国企业论坛、民营企业 500






资产投资项目 1767 个,比上年增加 114 个,完成投资比上年

增长 15.1%,拉动全市投资增长 8.7 个百分点,其中,五十

亿元以上项目 50 个,增加 7 个,完成投资增长 71.8%。全市


[7]单位总数首次突破 15000 家,达到 15143 家,增

长 16.0%。

二、农业、农村农林牧渔业总产值稳步增长。全年农林牧渔业总产值800.6 亿元,按不变价格计算,比上年增长4.9%,其中,农业总产值 543.9 亿元,增长 4.4%;畜牧业总产值164.0亿元,增长 5.6%。农林牧渔业增加值453.0 亿元,增长4.4%。表 2 2023 年农林牧渔业总产值指标 产值(亿元)比上年增长(%)

农林牧渔业总产值 800.6 4.9

农业 543.9 4.4

林业 32.1 3.8

畜牧业 164.0 5.6

渔业 8.9 4.4

农林牧渔服务业 51.7 9.6

农业生产再获丰收。全年粮食播种面积728.7 万亩,比上年增长 0.3%;粮食总产量 302.9 万吨,增长2.3%。全年油料总产量 6.7 万吨,增长 1.0%。林业生产再添新绿。全年完成造林面积826.7 公顷,森林抚育面积 5893.3 公顷,林业有害生物防治作业面积328.6万亩,打造市绿化示范村 100 个。持续推进林业产业升级,改造低产低效园 674 公顷。新建山体公园2 座,总数达到89座。森林覆盖率 23.7%。

畜牧业生产稳定发展。全年生猪出栏203.7 万头,比上年下降 2.8%;牛出栏 10.7 万头,下降3.2%;羊出栏130.0万只,下降 4.5%;禽出栏 6171.8 万只,增长8.6%。全年猪牛羊禽肉总产量 29.5 万吨,增长1.4%,其中,猪肉产量16.7万吨,下降 0.9%;牛肉产量 2.3 万吨,下降4.2%;羊肉产量1.9 万吨,下降 3.8%;禽肉产量8.6 万吨,增长9.3%。全年禽蛋产量 29.2 万吨,增长 8.2%;牛奶产量45.4 万吨,增长4.5%。全年水产品产量 1.5 万吨,增长4.1%。表 3 2023 年主要农产品种植面积和产量指标 单位 面积/产量比上年增长(%)粮食总播种面积 万亩 728.7 0.3棉花种植面积 万亩 4.5 1.3油料种植面积 万亩 26.5 0.5粮食总产量 万吨 302.9 2.3棉花产量 万吨 0.4 2.5油料产量 万吨 6.7 1.0生猪出栏 万头 203.7 -2.8牛出栏 万头 10.7 -3.2


-7-指标 单位 面积/产量 比上年增长


羊出栏 万只 130.0 -4.5

禽出栏 万只 6171.8 8.6

猪肉产量 万吨 16.7 -0.9

牛肉产量 万吨 2.3 -4.2

羊肉产量 万吨 1.9 -3.8

禽肉产量 万吨 8.6 9.3

禽蛋产量 万吨 29.2 8.2

牛奶产量 万吨 45.4 4.5

水产品产量 万吨 1.5 4.1

现代高效农业增势良好。全年现代高效农业增加值 79.7

亿元,比上年增长 5.5%,占农林牧渔业增加值比重 17.6%,

比上年提高 0.5 个百分点。全年新建“菜篮子”保供园区 22

个。生猪规模化养殖场达到 357 家,国家级畜禽养殖标准化

示范场达到 33 个。省级以上农业知名品牌达到 61 个,全市

“三品一标”农产品有效用标总量 513 个。

乡村振兴成绩显著。全面完成 40 个省级和美乡村示范村

创建任务,创建完成 3 个省级乡村振兴齐鲁样板示范区。新

认定市级以上示范性新型农业经营主体 118 家。市级以上农

业龙头企业发展到 525 家,家庭农场、农民合作社分别达到

8803 家、11320 家。持续巩固脱贫攻坚成果,将 4.4 万脱贫



工业强市势头强劲。全年全部工业增加值 2886.1 亿元,

比上年增长 7.9%。规模以上工业增加值增长 12.4%。工业大

类行业中,24 个行业实现增加值增长,增长面 58.5%,其中,

11 个行业增速超过全市平均水平。重点行业中,汽车制造业

增加值增长 133.3%,计算机通信和其他电子设备制造业增长

21.2%,通用设备制造业增长 19.1%,石油煤炭及其他燃料加

工业增长 6.7%,医药制造业增长 3.1%,黑色金属冶炼和压延

加工业下降 4.8%。


入 9208.1 亿元,比上年增长 10.0%,利润总额 419.7 亿元,

增长 26.8%。营业收入利润率、成本费用利润率分别比上年

提高 0.6、0.7 个百分点,亏损企业家数减少 26 家,亏损总

额下降 36.7%。大中型企业稳健发展,实现营业收入 6559.3

亿元,增长 11.2%,利润总额达到 320.3 亿元,增长 30.2%,

分别领先全市平均 1.2、3.4 个百分点。

表 4 2023 年规模以上工业重点行业营业收入增长速度

行业名称 比上年增长(%)

黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业 0.6

汽车制造业 91.2

行业名称 比上年增长(%)计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业4.6电气机械和器材制造业 27.4通用设备制造业 21.8非金属矿物制品业 -13.6石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业 -4.4医药制造业 2.1化学原料和化学制品制造业 2.4金属制品业 1.6专用设备制造业 -6.6电力、热力生产和供应业 -1.5农副食品加工业 5.9食品制造业 -1.4黑色金属矿采选业 -19.0燃气生产和供应业 4.9工业产品供应稳定。全年规模以上工业产品销售率96.7%。全市生产的 207 种工业大类产品中,有104 种产品产量实现增长,增长面 50.2%,其中,增幅超过20%的大类产品有45种,占比 21.7%。装备制造产品中,载货汽车产量比上年增长48.9%,发电机组(发电设备)、金属切削机床分别增长27.8%、26.1%。原材料产品中,石墨及碳素制品产量增长9.6%。表 5 2023 年规模以上工业企业主要产品产量及增长速度产品名称 单位产量比上年增长(%)鲜、冷藏肉 万吨19.4 17.5乳制品 万吨48.7 -3.6饮料酒 万千升26.0 -1.2合成氨(无水氨) 万吨77.7 275.6初级形态塑料 万吨91.6 17.4中成药 吨 9305.3 17.7石墨及碳素制品 万吨208.6 9.6钢材 万吨1943.6 -4.1锻件 万吨127.5 1.1粉末冶金零件 万吨1.5 17.6发动机 万千瓦2826.4 59.6数控金属切削机床 台 4983 17.8气动元件 万件1915.4 131.2工业机器人 套 3414 -16.0载货汽车 万辆23.9 48.9变压器 万千伏安15918.5 0.3太阳能电池(光伏电池) 万千瓦25.5 529.8电子计算机整机 万台68.4 -11.8服务器 万台67.9 -11.9工业控制计算机及系统 万台2.8 74.3传感器 万只1524.0 42.4


- 8 -


的有工作量的建筑业企业 1492 家,比上年增加 121 家。全年

签订合同额 14885.9 亿元,比上年增长 12.6%,其中,新签

合同额 7177.3 亿元,增长 10.4%。实现建筑业总产值 4772.9

亿元,增长 7.0%,其中,国有及国有控股企业产值 3897.8

亿元,增长 13.6%。房屋施工面积 20516.6 万平方米,增长



服务业发展提质增效。全年服务业增加值 8015.9 亿元,

比上年增长 5.2%。规模以上服务业企业实现营业收入 4264.0

亿元,增长 14.4%。重点行业加力提速,规模以上交通运输、


技术服务业企业营业收入分别增长 25.3%、12.1%、6.6%。

表 6 2023 年规模以上服务业分门类营业收入

门类 营业收入




合 计 4264.0 14.4

交通运输、仓储和邮政业 1851.5 25.3

信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业 864.6 6.6

房地产业(不包含房地产开发经营) 206.3 8.1

租赁和商务服务业 547.8 12.1

科学研究和技术服务业 546.7 6.1

水利、环境和公共设施管理业 32.6 -39.9

居民服务、修理和其他服务业 25.7 9.1

教育 32.1 21.9

卫生和社会工作 67.4 12.0

文化、体育和娱乐业 89.2 12.0

交通运输稳健运行。全市年末公路通车里程 18356.5 公

里,比上年增长 0.3%,其中,境内高速公路里程 828.4 公里,

增长 4.2%。公路客运量 2137.0 万人,增长 48.6%,旅客周转

量 46.2 亿人公里,增长 56.2%。公路货运量 2.5 亿吨,增长

3.1%;货运周转量 615.5 亿吨公里,增长 1.1%。年末拥有民

用机动车 389.8 万辆,其中,民用汽车 338.7 万辆,增长 5.7%。

全市新能源汽车保有量 17.1 万辆,获批全国首批公共领域车

辆全面电动化先行区试点城市。公交线路 779 条,比上年增

加 23 条,线路总长度 15671.8 公里,增加 48.5 公里,旅客

运输量 5.3 亿人次,增加 1.4 亿人次。轨道交通运营线路 3

条,长度 84.1 公里,年客运量 9621.0 万人次,增长 76.4%。

全年累计完成航班起降 13.7 万架次,增长 73.6%,旅客吞吐

量 1756.1 万人次,增长 113.1%,货邮吞吐量 14.4 万吨,增

长 4.6%。

邮政业、电信业健康发展。全年邮政行业业务收入(不包括邮政储蓄银行直接营业收入)121.0 亿元,比上年增长14.9%;邮政行业寄递业务量 10.8 亿件,增长8.0%。快递业务收入 92.3 亿元,增长 12.5%;业务量(不包含邮政公司包裹业务)8.5 亿件,增长 10.0%。年末移动电话用户1287.9万户,增长 1.7%,其中,5G 移动电话用户922.2 万户,增长34.6%。固定互联网宽带接入用户522.6 万户,增长4.2%。旅游业、会展业持续升温。全年接待国内游客10631.1万人次,比上年增长 61.9%。实现国内旅游收入1132.9亿元,增长 65.5%。A 级旅游景区 89 家,其中,5A 级旅游景区1家,4A 级旅游景区 19 家。省级旅游度假区2 家。全市星级酒店新增 12 家,总数达到 52 家,其中,五星级酒店新增2家,总数达到 7 家。明水古城开业试运营,“二安”文化旅游节、“济南城市美丽季”系列活动、“涌动泉城”济南游泉打卡系列活动、书博会、文旅博览会、韩美林艺术展等重大文旅活动成功举办,超然楼、起凤桥、老商埠等景点成为网红打卡地,印象济南·泉世界获评国家级旅游休闲街区,济南荣获“2023 年度活力城市”。全年举办展会活动125 场,增长64.5%,展览面积 230 万平方米,增长64.3%,获评“中国会展品牌城市”。

五、固定资产投资固定资产投资保持增长。全年固定资产投资比上年增长2.1%。第一产业投资下降 16.5%,第二产业投资增长25.3%,第三产业投资下降 2.2%。基础设施投资增长49.1%。高技术服务业投资增长 23.5%。工业投资增长25.4%,其中,制造业投资增长 7.2%。

房地产市场低位运行。全年房地产开发完成投资1399.7亿元,比上年下降 19.7%,其中,住宅完成投资994.8亿元,下降 18.4%。房屋施工面积 8143.6 万平方米,下降5.4%,其中,住宅施工面积 4985.6 万平方米,下降6.6%。房屋竣工面积 970.9 万平方米,增长 35.8%,其中,住宅竣工面积679.0万平方米,增长 39.1%。商品房销售面积1170.2 万平方米,下降 5.8%,其中,住宅销售面积825.5 万平方米,下降9.0%。商品房销售额 1553.2 亿元,增长2.6%,其中,住宅销售额1218.0 亿元,下降 0.3%。

六、国内贸易消费品市场稳步恢复。全市社会消费品零售总额5199.0亿元,比上年增长 6.6%。按经营单位所在地分,全市城镇消


-9-费品零售额 4561.6 亿元,增长 6.5%;全市乡村消费品零售

额 637.4 亿元,增长 7.5%。按消费类型分,全市商品零售

4436.7 亿元,增长 5.8%;餐饮收入 762.3 亿元,增长 11.5%。


通过公共网络实现的零售额 429.2 亿元,比上年增长 24.3%,

占全市限额以上单位零售额比重 22.1%,比上年提高 4.0 个



石油及制品类商品零售额分别比上年增长 10.5%、18.8%,分

别拉动全市限额以上单位零售额增长 3.4、1.9 个百分点。新

能源汽车表现亮眼,新能源汽车零售额增长 83.3%,占全市

限额以上单位零售额比重 10.9%,比上年提高 4.9 个百分点。


品零售额分别比上年增长 4.9%、10.8%,分别拉动全市限额

以上单位零售额增长 0.7、0.6 个百分点。限额以上单位金银

珠宝类、通讯器材类商品零售额分别增长 12.8%、11.6%。

表 7 2023 年限额以上批发和零售业单位主要商品零售额


商品类别 零售额




粮油、食品类 194.1 3.6

饮料类 19.9 4.3

烟酒类 49.6 10.5

服装、鞋帽、针纺织品类 113.6 10.8

化妆品类 56.8 -16.0

金银珠宝类 48.7 12.8

日用品类 35.7 1.4

书报杂志类 96.3 -0.9

家用电器和音像器材类 107.3 -14.6

中西药品类 84.3 11.9

通讯器材类 67.0 11.6

石油及制品类 208.4 18.8

汽车类 662.4 10.5

其中:新能源汽车 211.4 83.3


进出口保持平稳增长。全年货物进出口总额 2161.0 亿元

人民币,比上年增长 0.3%。其中,出口 1373.4 亿元,下降

1.1%;进口 787.6 亿元,增长 2.8%。一般贸易进出口 1927.6

亿元,增长 2.9%,占比提高 2.3 个百分点。对欧盟和非洲进

出口分别增长 10.3%、12.3%;对中亚五国进出口增长 63.4%。

出口商品中,机电产品出口 834.9 亿元,增长 2.4%;锂电池、

新能源汽车分别增长 16.6%、15.3%。进口商品中,成品油进

口 29.5 亿元,增长 792.7%;煤及褐煤进口27.4 亿元,增长122.5%;原油进口 11.4 亿元,增长75.5%。利用外资结构实现优化。全市实际使用外资24.8亿美元,其中,高技术产业实际使用外资6.4 亿美元,占比25.7%,比上年提高 13.1 个百分点;第三产业使用外资17.3亿美元,占比达到 69.8%。全年实现合同外资58.7 亿美元。新设外商投资企业家数 267 家。总投资过亿美元项目17 个,总投资过亿美元项目合同外资 16.6 亿美元。对外合作纵深推进。全年对外承包工程新签合同额38.0亿美元,完成营业额 42.9 亿美元,比上年增长4.7%。备案设立境外企业(机构)78 家,增长73.3%;实际完成投资22.3亿美元,增长 27.6%。派出各类劳务人员7302 人,增长62.7%。八、财政和金融财政保障坚实有力。全市地域税收收入1506.6 亿元,比上年增长 11.5%。一般公共预算收入1060.8 亿元,增长6.0%,其中,税收收入 797.9 亿元,增长15.1%,税收比重75.2%,比上年提高 6.0 个百分点。一般公共预算支出1365.3亿元,增长 11.4%,其中,科学技术支出46.5 亿元,增长64.8%;农林水支出 77.0 亿元,增长12.7%;社会保障和就业支出223.5 亿元,增长 13.7%,重点事务保障有力。表 8 2023 年一般公共预算收入和支出情况指标 总量(亿元)增速(%)一般公共预算收入 1060.8 6.0其中:税收收入 797.9 15.1增值税 274.9 38.3企业所得税 115.2 -0.2一般公共预算支出 1365.3 11.4其中:科学技术支出 46.5 64.8农林水支出 77.0 12.7社会保障和就业支出 223.5 13.7存、贷款余额稳定增长。年末金融机构本外币各项存款余额 27952.7 亿元,比上年增长7.8%;金融机构本外币各项贷款余额 28756.6 亿元,增长10.1%。科创金融发展向好。全市科创企业贷款余额1747.1亿元,比上年增长 40.6%;科创企业有贷户数3608 家,增长26.0%;贷款加权平均利率 3.5%,下降37 个基点。“济南市创新科创金融服务体系”入选“中国改革2023 年度地方全面深化改革典型案例”。

保险业保持健康发展。全市保险业实现保费收入694.8亿元,比上年增长 9.9%,较上年同期提高3.7 个百分点,其中,财产险保费收入 129 亿元,增长1.4%;人身险保费收入565.8 亿元,增长 12.0%。


- 10 -


192.4 亿元,较年初减少 41.8 亿元;不良贷款率 0.7%,较年

初下降 0.2 个百分点。

资本市场更加活跃。全市新增直接融资规模 4108.0 亿元,

比上年增长 31.2%,其中,股权融资 61.9 亿元,增长 2.0%;

债券融资 4046.1 亿元,增长 31.7%。全市新增首发上市企业

5 家,上市公司总数达到 60 家、股票 62 只。



[9]346.8 亿元,比上年增长 13.1%,其中,基础研究 29.9

亿元,增长 11.9%;应用研究 44.4 亿元,增长 14.9%;试验

发展 272.5 亿元,增长 12.9%。R&D 经费投入占 GDP 比重 2.9%,

比上年提高 0.2 个百分点。规模以上工业企业研发人员 51599

人,增长 19.9%;规模以上工业企业设立研发机构 841 个,

增长 66.2%。新认定国家级企业技术中心 3 家,总数达到 32

家。新认定省级企业技术中心 15 家,总数达到 249 家。

创新能力提质升级。全年万人有效发明专利拥有量 61.9

件,比上年增长 26.5%。发明专利授权量 13693件,增长 15.5%。

技术合同实现交易额 806.5 亿元,增长 31.4%。获得省级科

技进步一等奖 18 项,二等奖 66 项;获得省级自然科学一等

奖 2 项,二等奖 25 项。新获批全国重点实验室 6 家,总数达

到 11 家;新增省级工程研究中心 48 家,总数达到 237 家;

新备案省级院士工作站 11 家,总数达到 73 家。国家科技型

中小企业达到 8323 家,增长 9.3%。

教育事业成绩斐然。全市普惠性幼儿园覆盖率达到 94%,

公办幼儿园在园幼儿占比超过 60%。开工新建、改扩建中小

学校、幼儿园 60 所,新增学位 4 万余个。全国职业院校技能

大赛获奖总数 44 项,其中一等奖 16 项。立项市校融合发展

战略工程项目 125 个。

表 9 2023 年教育事业基本情况

学校类别 学校数






驻济高等学校 52 69.1 4.0

中等职业学校(不含技工学校) 32 6.1 0.4

技工学校 31 9.0 0.4

普通中学 332 43.7 3.6

小学 574 70.6 4.1

特殊教育学校 13 0.2 0.1

幼儿园 2117 30.9 2.6

文化事业繁荣稳定。年末拥有国有艺术表演团体 11 个,

文化馆(站)174 个,公共图书馆 13 个,公共博物馆 13 个,

档案馆 13 个。市级以上文物保护单位 437 处,其中,国家级

30 处。城市可统计票房数字影院73 家,观众1107.6万人次,票房收入 4.8 亿元。电视人口混合覆盖率100%,广播人口混合覆盖率 99.7%。建成泉城书房52 处,基层综合性文化服务中心覆盖率 100%。规模以上文化及相关产业企业营业收入比上年增长 15.3%,其中,文化制造业增长28.5%,文化批发和零售业增长 13.2%,文化服务业增长14.8%。医疗卫生服务水平持续提升。年末共有医疗卫生机构8136 个,其中医院 320 个,在医院中有公立医院98个,民营医院 222 个;基层医疗卫生机构7704 个,其中,卫生院48 个,社区卫生服务中心(站)423 个,门诊部214个,诊所(卫生所、医务室)3528 个,村卫生室3491 个;专业公共卫生机构 55 个,其中,疾病预防控制中心16 个,卫生监督所(中心)12 个。年末卫生技术人员12.2 万人,其中,执业医师和执业助理医师 4.7 万人,注册护士5.6 万人。医疗卫生机构床位 8.2 万张,其中,医院7.1 万张,镇卫生院0.4 万张。全年总诊疗人次 9091.2 万人次,出院人数293.2万人。建成社区医院 13 家,人口育儿托位数4.3 万个。入选建设国家儿童友好城市名单,“泉心托”成为全国首个托育城市品牌。广安门医院济南医院、宣武医院济南医院获批国家区域医疗中心。

群众体育事业蓬勃发展。全年新成立体育社会组织7个,培训社会体育指导员 4089 人。组织各类全民健身活动(赛事)3431 次,参与人数 500 万人次(含线上活动)。获省级及以上金牌 286 枚,银牌 191 枚,铜牌218 枚。十、能源、环境、城市建设和安全生产绿色低碳转型成效显著。能源消费结构不断优化,煤炭消费控制在合理区间,天然气保障能力增强。规模以上工业煤炭消费 2800.3 万吨,比上年下降1.7%;焦炭消费774.5万吨,下降 4.7%;天然气消费10.6 亿立方米,增长5.3%。新能源发电稳步提升,规模以上企业风力发电量25.0亿千瓦时,增长 7.9%;太阳能发电量3.5 亿千瓦时,增长15.7%;垃圾焚烧发电量 10.3 亿千瓦时,增长6.9%;生物质发电量7.4 亿千瓦时,增长 11.5%。

表 10 2023 年规模以上工业能源消费情况指标 累计比上年增长(%)煤炭(万吨) 2800.3 -1.7天然气消费量(亿立方米) 10.6 5.3焦炭(万吨) 774.5 -4.7汽油(万吨) 0.4 15.0柴油(万吨) 4.7 30.2


-11-表 11 2023 年规模以上企业能源生产情况

指标 累计 比上年增长


原煤(万吨) 59.0 20.6

发电量(亿千瓦时) 323.0 1.0

火力发电量(亿千瓦时) 294.4 0.3

垃圾焚烧发电量(亿千瓦时) 10.3 6.9

生物质发电量(亿千瓦时) 7.4 11.5

风力发电量(亿千瓦时) 25.0 7.9

太阳能发电量(亿千瓦时) 3.5 15.7

全社会用电量稳步增长。全社会用电量 540.9 亿千瓦时,

比上年增长 8.2%,其中,居民生活用电量 104.3 亿千瓦时,

增长 6.8%。分产业看,第一产业用电量 4.1 亿千瓦时,增长

15.2%;第二产业用电量 291.6 亿千瓦时,增长 6.5%;第三

产业用电量 140.9 亿千瓦时,增长 13.0%。工业用电量 280.7

亿千瓦时,占全社会用电量比重 51.9%,增长 6.7%。

表 12 2023 年全市用电量情况

指标 累计




全社会用电 540.9 8.2

城乡居民生活用电 104.3 6.8

第一产业 4.1 15.2

第二产业 291.6 6.5

工 业 280.7 6.7

第三产业 140.9 13.0

生态环境质量加力改善。空气质量综合指数 4.59,市区

空气质量良好以上天数 204 天,优良天数比率 62.6%。细颗

粒物(PM2.5)浓度 38 微克/立方米,可吸入颗粒物(PM10)

年均浓度 73 微克/立方米,二氧化硫 9 微克/立方米,二氧化

氮 33 微克/立方米。国控断面好Ⅲ类水体比例达到 100%,小

清河出境断面辛丰庄化学需氧量和氨氮浓度分别为 13.8 毫

克/升、0.37 毫克/升,指标浓度达到地表水环境质量标准


53.8 分贝,市区道路交通噪声昼间平均等效声级 67.2 分贝。

城市建设水平全面提升。年末城市建成区面积 860.0 平

方公里,比上年增加 6.1 平方公里。新建各类公园 100 处、

绿道 111 公里、森林步道 100 公里。建成区绿地率 40.2%,

人均公园绿地面积 14.4 平方米。全年天然气供气量 18.7 亿

立方米。液化石油气供气量 4.6 万吨,比上年增长 19.1%。

集中供热面积 3.6 亿平方米,增长 8.8%。自来水供水量 5.5

亿吨,增长 8.5%。持续推动市民泉水直饮工程,累计建设 118

处市民泉水直饮工程,覆盖人口达到 38 万人。生活垃圾无害

化处理率 100%。充电基础设施保有量 7.9 万个,其中,公共

充换电站共 735 座,车桩比达到2.14:1,建成区内公共充换电站平均服务半径 0.6 公里。公共充电设施日均充电量82.2万度,日均充电次数 2.7 万次,全年公共充电设施电力消费量 3.1 亿度。

社会治安保持良好。全年共破获刑事案件25418起,命案现案破案率保持 100%,连续13 年实现命案全破,获评首批全国社会治安防控体系建设示范城市。八类严重暴力案件破现案率 100%,“两盗”案件现案破案率58.5%,抓获各类逃犯 3075 人;打掉恶势力犯罪集团11 个、恶势力团伙8个。安全生产形势稳定。全市发生各类生产安全事故104起,比上年下降 25.2%,死亡 87 人,下降20.9%。未发生重大及以上生产安全事故。

十一、居民生活和社会保障城乡居民收入差距进一步缩小。全市居民人均可支配收入 51757 元,比上年增长 6.0%。分城乡看,城镇居民人均可支配收入 62506 元,增长 5.1%;农村居民人均可支配收入25587 元,增长 7.3%。城乡居民收入比由上年同期的2.49:1下降至 2.44:1。城镇居民恩格尔系数[10]23.6%,农村居民恩格尔系数 30.3%。

表 13 2023 年居民人均可支配收入及增长速度指标

全体居民 城镇居民农村居民2023 年





2023 年(元)


2023 年(元)

比上年增长(%)可支配收入 51757 6.0 62506 5.1 25587 7.3工资性收入 29676 5.0 36150 4.2 13913 5.9经营净收入 5453 11.5 3810 17.2 9455 8.1财产净收入 7629 5.7 10523 4.4 584 15.6转移净收入 8999 6.4 12023 5.1 1635 12.4表 14 2023 年末每百户居民家庭主要耐用消费品拥有量[11]指标 单位 城镇居民农村居民家用汽车 辆 67 49电冰箱(柜) 台 102 99洗衣机 台 99 95热水器 台 100 91空调 台 179 97彩色电视机 台 100 101计算机 台 77 38移动电话 部 243 240社会保障体系更加健全。年末城镇职工基本养老保险参保人数 456.6 万人;职工医疗保险参保人数367.3 万人,比


- 12 -

上年增加 14.4 万人;失业保险参保人数 239.7 万人,增加

4.3 万人;工伤保险参保人数 310.6 万人,增加 3.2 万人;

生育保险参保人数 254.0 万人,增加 8.4 万人。居民养老保

险和医疗保险参保人数分别达到 312.1 万人和 499.8 万人。


1045 元/月,保障城镇居民 7951 户、10548 人,发放保障金

及各类补贴 1.2 亿元;农村居民最低生活保障标准 814 元/

月,保障农村居民 60342 户、85340 人,发放保障金及各类

补贴 6.6 亿元。城市特困人员基本生活标准 1492 元/月,农

村特困人员基本生活标准 1356 元/月。照料护理标准按照自

理、半自理和完全不能自理分别为 281 元/月、466 元/月、

932 元/月,城市特困保障 910 人,农村特困保障 14422 人,

共发放特困供养救助金及补贴 3.4 亿元。

救助帮扶更有温度。全市共有社会救助综合服务机构 14

处,其中,救助管理站 1 处,未成年人救助保护中心 16 处。

培训残疾人 4711 人次,安置残疾人员就业 2788 人,帮扶救

助残疾人投入资金 3.3 亿元。

民生福祉显著改善。全市建成各类养老服务设施 4142 处,

社区养老服务设施配建达标率 100%,长者食堂等各类助餐场

所达到 2590 处、累计服务 3000 万人次,城乡居民基础养老

金月标准提高至 178 元。居民医保财政补助标准提高至 730

元,职工门诊统筹年度支付限额由 3000 元提高到 4500 元。

发放育儿补贴 1.1 亿元,惠及家庭 2.5 万个。


[1]2023 年统计数据为统计快报数或初步核算数,正式

数据以出版的《济南统计年鉴 2024》为准。部分数据因四舍








[4]规模以上工业企业指年主营业务收入 2000 万元及以









[8]限额以上单位是指年主营业务收入2000 万元及以上的批发业单位、500 万元及以上的零售业单位、200 万元及以上的住宿和餐饮业单位。单位包括法人企业、产业活动单位和个体户。

[9]研究与试验发展(R&D)经费投入相关指标错年使用2022 年数据。




Jinan Municipal Bureau of Statistics

NBS Survey Office in Jinan

In 2023, the whole city adhered to the guidance of Xi

Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply studied and implemented the spirit of the 20th

National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the

second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the

Communist Party of China, resolutely implemented the

important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi

Jinping on the governance work of the governments of Shandong

Province and Jinan City, anchored \"leading the way and

embedding on a new stage all around\", focused and concentrated

on \"the year of major project breakthrough\". The municipal

economy witnessed the momentum of recovery with adherence

to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining

stability, by fully and accurately implementing the new

development concept, actively serving and integrating into the new development pattern, following the general principle of

pursuing progress while ensuring stability, and comprehensively

deepening reform and opening up, seized the major strategic

opportunities, promoted high-quality development of the green,

low-carbon and circular economy development concept, deepen

the transition from old to new kinetic energy,and improve the

living standards of the masses, both quantitative and qualitative

progress across the whole city's economic and social

development had been achieved, with all citizens witnessing new

great progress in building a powerful socialist modern provincial

capital with the advantages of \"strong, new, excellent, rich,

beautiful, and high-level\" in the new era. Ⅰ. General Outlook

The economic aggregate was steadily increasing.

According to the unified accounting results of the municipal

gross domestic product (GDP), the city's regional GDP in 2023 was [2]1275.74 billion yuan, up by [3]6.1 percent over 2022 at

constant prices. Of this total, the added value of the primaryindustry was 42.95 billion yuan, up by 4.1 percent,and that of thesecondary industry was 431.2 billion yuan, up by 7.8 percent,andthat of the tertiary industry was 801.59 billion yuan, upby5.2percent. The composition ratio of the three industries inJinanwas 3.4:33.8:62.8.

The population size was consistently increasing. Bytheend of 2023, the permanent population of Jinan reached9.437million, up by 0.2 percent over that of the previous year. Of thistotal, the urban permanent population amounted to 7.104million,

accounting for 75.3 percent of the total population (urbanizationrate of the permanent population), up by 1.0 percent. Theregistered population amounted to 8.253 million, upby0.7percent. The declared birth rate for the whole year was 7.6perthousand, the declared death rate was 5.7 per thousand, andthenatural population growth rate was 1.8 per thousand. The annual

inflow of talent amounted to 0.275 million, with a net inflowof0.146 million.

The overall employment situation was generallystable.

The number of market entities reached 1.548 million, upby3.3percent over that of the previous year. Throughout 2023, thenewly added employed population amounted to 0.178 million, upby 2.3 percent. For the establishment of entrepreneurshipincubation bases, there were 86 municipal level entrepreneurshipincubation bases across the whole city, with a total incubation


- 14 -

area of 3.66 million square meters and 12000 incubating

enterprises. The city granted entrepreneurship guarantee loans of

780 million yuan, carried out various entrepreneurship subsidies

of 46 million yuan, and created more than 0.1 million job

opportunities cumulatively. The city successfully held the 1st

\"Haiyou Talent Festival\" and the sixth China (Jinan) New Energy

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, which imported

12 academician teams. There were newly added 126 national and

provincial key talents across the whole city, making the total

talent size of 2.782 million, and Jinan was well deserved for the

\"China's Best Talent Introduction City\" for two consecutive

years.The consumer prices increased moderately. The annual consumer price index (CPI) went up by 0.6 percent, down by 0.8

percent than that of the previous year, indicating a significant

effect in ensuring market supply and stable prices. From the

price composition of the eight major categories of goods and

services consumed by residents, it showed a trend of \"six

increases, one decrease, and one balanced\". The selling prices of

newly-built residential properties continuously grew

year-on-year, with the month-on-month index fluctuating from

growth to reduction. Table 1 Changes of Consumer Prices in 2023

Item Increase over 2022


Consumer Price Index 0.6

Of which:Food,Tobacco and Liquor 1.0

Clothing 1.4

Residence 0.0

Household facilities, articles and services 0.3

Transportation and telecommunication -1.8

Education, culture and recreation 2.3

Health care and medical services 0.8

Miscellaneous goods and services 3.9

Seized and made good use of major strategicopportunities. In depth implementation of the ecological

protection and high-quality development strategy in the YellowRiver Basin, key projects such as the protection of BaiyunLakewetland, the reinforcement of Queshan Reservoir, andtheconnection of the four reservoirs in the eastern urban areawerecompleted basically. The level of security for the YellowRiverhad been significantly improved, and the constructionof awater-saving society had reached full coverage of districts andcounties. The construction of the starting area for thetransformation of old and new kinetic energy in Jinanwasaccelerated, the Jinan Yellow River International ConventionandExhibition Center had been put into use, and the agglomerationeffect of industrial carriers such as the Zhongke NewEconomyScience and Technology Innovation Park enhanced significantly.

The construction of landmark buildings such as the TVtower inthe demonstration zone and the new museumacross the wholecity was initiated, and 26 high-end and high-quality projects hadbeen newly introduced with a planned total investment of 94.6billion yuan. The construction of the Sci Tech InnovationFinancial Reform Pilot Zone had reached remarkable results. It

had taken the lead in organizing evaluations of scienceandtechnology financial institutions nationwide, recognizing10science and technology branches, 3 science and technologyfinance business units (specialized departments), 9 scienceandtechnology finance characteristic institutions, and 6 companieslisted on the Sci Tech Innovation Board, ranking first intheprovince in terms of the number of listings. It had successfullyissued the first REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust Funds)product in the province, completed the first supply chainfinancecompany ticket issuance and discounting business in the country,

and was approved as a pilot for financial technology innovationin the national capital market. The total transaction volumeofdigital RMB had exceeded 6.3 billion yuan. Breakthroughs hadbeen made in the construction of Digital Jinan, makingthecityselected as one of the first pilot cities for digital transformationof small and medium-sized enterprises in China. It hadbeenawarded the title of China's leading smart city for six consecutiveyears, and its computing power scale ranks first in the province.

It had successfully entered the top ten of the national digital

ecosystem index. Deeply participated in the joint constructionofthe \"the Belt and Road\", and 1006 China EUtrains werelaunched throughout 2023, up by 25.6 percent over that of theprevious year, breaking the 1000 train mark for the first time.

Accelerated the transition fromold to newkinetic


-15-energy. The value added of the \"Four New\" economy reached

516.05 billion yuan, accounting for 40.5 percent of the whole

city’s GDP, up by 1.6 percent over that of the previous year. The

investment in the \"Four New\" economy went up by 27.4 percent

compared with that of the previous year, up by 25.3 percent

higher than the average investment growth rates across the city, accounting for 50.6 percent of the city's total investment amount,

up by 10.5 percent. The investment amount in high-tech

industries went up by 16.6 percent, accounting for 9.1 percent of

the city's total investment amount, and advancing the city's

investment growth by 1.3 percent. Industrial technological

transformation investment went up by 12.4 percent. The value

added of high-tech manufacturing industry above designated size

went up by 6.1 percent, driving the growth of industries[4] above

designated size by 1.3 percent. High tech service industry

enterprises above designated size reached a revenue of 142.51

billion yuan, up by 5.9 percent, accounting for 33.4 percent of

the revenue of service industry[5] enterprises above designated

size. The modern service industry [6]reached an added value of

480.91 billion yuan, up by 4.4 percent, accounting for 60.0

percent of the service industry's added value.

The “year of major project breakthrough” had yielded

fruitful progress. The number of major projects for green,

low-carbon, and high-quality development had reached 2413,

and industrial projects were with a strong growth momentum. The investment promotion attained outstanding progress,

successfully hosting major events such as the 3rd Confucian

Business Conference, China Enterprise Forum, Top 500 Private

Enterprises Summit, China Japan Industrial Innovation and

Development Exchange Conference, and China Germany

(Europe) Small and Medium sized Enterprise Cooperation and

Exchange Conference. New international investment promotion

liaison stations had been established in Germany and Japan. The

first \"Zero-Carbon Factory\" in the province had been completed,

the second phase of the FinDreams Battery Project was completed and put into operation, the \"Transporting electrical

energy from Tai'an Shiheng Power Plant to Jinan\" project had

been put into operation, the Bodor Laser global headquarters had

started construction, and the AIKO solar cell project had been

successfully landed. There were 1767 fixed assets investment

projects worth more than 100 million yuan across the whole city,

up by 114 over that of the previous year, and the completed

investment went up by 15.1 percent over that of the previous

year, driving the city's investment growth by 8.7 percent. Of this

total, there were 50 projects worth more than 5 billion yuan, up

by 7, and the completed investment went up by 71.8 percent. Thetotal number of [7]\"enterprises in four industries with operatingincome above designated size\" across the city had exceeded15000 for the first time, reaching 15143, up by 16.0 percent. Ⅱ. Agriculture and Rural Area

The Gross Output Value of agriculture, forestry, animal

husbandry, and fishery increased steadily. The Gross Output

Value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheryin2023 amounted to 80.06 billion yuan, up by 4.9 percent over that

of the previous year at constant prices. Of this total, theGrossOutput Value of agriculture reached 54.39 billion yuan, upby4.4 percent, and that of animal husbandry reached 16.4billionyuan, up by 5.6 percent. The value added of agriculture, forestry,

animal husbandry, and fishery amounted to 45.3 billionyuan, upby 4.4 percent. Table 2 Gross Output Value of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal

Husbandry and Fishery In 2023


Output value

(100 million


Increaseover 2022(%)

Gross output value of agriculture,

forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 800.6 4.9Agriculture 543.9 4.4Forestry 32.1 3.8Animal husbandry 164.0 5.6Fishery 8.9 4.4Agriculture,forestry, animal

husbandry and fishery services 51.7 9.6Agricultural production secured another bumperharvest. The annual grain sowing area amounted to7.287million mu, up by 0.3 percent over that of the previous year, andthe total annual grain output reached 3.029 million tons, upby2.3 percent. The total annual oil production reached 67000tons, up by 1.0 percent. New achievements in forestry production were created.

Throughout 2023, the completed afforestation area acrossthecity amounted to 826.7 hectares, forest tending area amountedto5893.3 hectares, forestry pest control operation area amountedto3.286 million mu, and with 100 demonstration villages for urbangreening. The city continuously improved the forestryindustryand transformed 674 hectares of greening trees with lowyieldand efficiency. The city finished construction of 2 mountainparks with a total number of 89, making the forest coverageratereach 23.7 percent.


- 16 -

The animal husbandry output developed steadily. The

annual output of live pigs amounted to 2.037 million, up by 2.8

percent over that of the previous year, and that of cattle

amounted to 0.107 million, down by 3.2 percent, and that of

sheep amounted to 1.30 million, down by 4.5 percent, and that of

poultry amounted to 61.718 million, up by 8.6 percent. The total

output of pork, beef, mutton, and poultry meat for 2023 reached

0.295 million tons, up by 1.4 percent. Of this total, pork output was 0.167 million tons, down by 0.9 percent, and beef output was 0.023 million tons, down by 4.2 percent, and mutton output was 0.019 million tons, down by 3.8 percent, and poultry meat

output was 0.086 million tons, up by 9.3 percent. The annual

Poultry-egg output amounted to 0.292 million tons, up by 8.2

percent, and milk output was 0.454 million tons, up by 4.5

percent, and the annual output of Aquatic products reached 0.015

million tons, up by 4.1 percent. Table 3 Main Agricultural Product Planting Area and Output

In 2023

Item Unit Area/


Increase over 2022 (%)

Total sown area of grain 10,000 mu 728.7 0.3

Cotton planting area 10,000 mu 4.5 1.3

Oil planting area 10,000 mu 26.5 0.5

Total grain output 10,000 tons 302.9 2.3

Cotton yield 10,000 tons 0.4 2.5

Oil yield 10,000 tons 6.7 1.0

Slaughtered Pigs 10 000 heads 203.7 -2.8

Slaughtered Cattle 10 000 heads 10.7 -3.2

Slaughtered Sheep 10 000 heads 130.0 -4.5

Slaughtered Poultry 10 000 heads 6171.8 8.6

Output of Pork 10,000 tons 16.7 -0.9

Output of Beef 10,000 tons 2.3 -4.2

Output of Mutton 10,000 tons 1.9 -3.8

Output of Poultry Meat 10,000 tons 8.6 9.3

Output of Poultry & Eggs 10,000 tons 29.2 8.2

Output of Cow Milk 10,000 tons 45.4 4.5

Output of Aquatic Products 10,000 tons 1.5 4.1

The scale of modern and efficient agricultural

production maintained good growth momentum. The value

added of modern and efficient agriculture for the whole year

amounted to 7.97 billion yuan, up by 5.5 percent over that of theprevious year, accounting for 17.6 percent of the value addedofagriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industries, upby 0.5 percent over that of the previous year. The city created22annual new parks(vegetable basket project) for vegetables supplyand guarantee, 357 large-scale live pig breeding farms and33state-level standardized demonstration farms for livestockandpoultry breeding. 61 well-known agricultural brands reachedorbeyond the provincial level, and the green, organic, geographical

indication and compliant agricultural products (ThreeCertificates Plus One Registration) amounted to 513 acrossthewhole city. Great achievements had been made inrural

revitalization cause. The city successfully accomplishedthetask of creating 40 provincial-level and beautiful rural

demonstration villages, and created 3 provincial-level model

demonstration zones for rural revitalization in ShandongProvince. The city newly affirmed 118 demonstrationnewagricultural business entities at or beyond the city level. Thenumber of leading agricultural enterprises at or above thecitylevel amounted to 525, with 8803 family farms and 11320farmercooperatives respectively. The city continuously expandedthescope of poverty alleviation, incorporated 44000 gettingridofpoverty residents into the scope of rural subsistence allowancesand support for rural extremely poor people across the wholecity. Ⅲ. Industry and Construction

The industrial production scale expanded stronger. Theannual total industrial value added amounted to 288.61billionyuan, up by 7.9 percent over that of the previous year. Theaddedvalue of industrial companies above designated size went upby12.4 percent. Among the major industrial sectors, 24 industriesreached value-added growth, up by 58.5 percent. Of this total, 11industries had growth rates exceeding the city's averagelevel.

Among the key industries, the value added of automobilemanufacturing went up by 133.3 percent, computercommunication and other electronic equipment manufacturingwent up by 21.2 percent, general equipment manufacturingwent

up by 19.1 percent, petroleum, coal and other fuel processingindustry went up by 6.7 percent, pharmaceutical manufacturingindustry went up by 3.1 percent, and smelting and pressingofferrous metals industry down by 4.8 percent. The profitability improved significantly. The annual


-17-industrial enterprises above designated size reached a revenue of

920.81 billion yuan, up by 10.0 percent over that of the previous

year, with a total profit of 41.97 billion yuan, up by 26.8 percent. The operating income profit margin and cost profit margin went

up by 0.6 and 0.7 percent respectively over that of the previous

year, while the number of loss making entrepreneurs down by 26

and the total loss amount down by 36.7 percent. Large and

medium-sized enterprises developed steadily in achieving a

revenue of 655.93 billion yuan, up by 11.2 percent, with a total

profit of 32.03 billion yuan, up by 30.2 percent, higher than the

city average by 1.2 and 3.4 percent respectively.

Table 4 Growth Rate of Operating Revenue of Key

Industries Above Designated Size In 2023

Industry Increase over 2022 (%)

Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 0.6

Manufacture of Automobiles 91.2

Manufacture of Computers, Communication and

Other Electronic Equipment 4.6

Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and

Apparatus 27.4

Manufacture of General Purpose Machinery 21.8

Manufacture of Non-metallic Mineral Products -13.6

Processing of Petroleum, Coal and Other Fuels -4.4

Manufacture of Medicines 2.1

Manufacture of Raw Chemical Materials and

Chemical Products 2.4

Manufacture of Metal Products 1.6

Manufacture of Special Purpose Machinery -6.6

Production and Supply of Electric Power and

Heat Power -1.5

Processing of Food from Agricultural Products 5.9

Manufacture of Foods -1.4

Mining and Processing of Ferrous Metal Ores -19.0

Production and Supply of Gas 4.9

The supply of industrial products was stable. The sales

rate of industrial products above designated size for the whole

year was 96.7 percent. Among the 207 industrial products

produced by the whole city, the output of 104 types of products

increased with a growth rate of 50.2 percent. Of this total, 45

products were with an increase rate of over 20 percent accounted

for 21.7 percent. For equipment manufacturing products, theoutput of trucks went up by 48.9 percent over that of theprevious year, while the output of generator sets (powergeneration equipment) and metal cutting machine tools went upby 27.8 percent and 26.1 percent respectively. For rawmaterial

products, the production of graphite and carbon products went upby 9.6 percent. Table 5 Output and Growth Rate of Main Productsof

Industrial Enterprises Above Designated Size In2023Product Designation Unit Output

Increaseover 2022(%)

Frozen,Fresh Meat 10,000

tons 19.4 17.5Milk Products 10,000

tons 48.7 -3.6Liquor 10,000

kiloliter 26.0 -1.2Synthetic Ammonia 10,000

tons 77.7 275.6Primary Plastic 10,000

tons 91.6 17.4Traditional Chemical Medicine ton 9305.3 17.7Graphite and Carbon Products 10,000

tons 208.6 9.6Rolled Steel 10,000

tons 1943.6 -4.1Forge Piece 10,000

tons 127.5 1.1Sintered Metal Products 10,000

tons 1.5 17.6Engine 10,000

kW 2826.4 59.6CNC Metal Cutting Machine

Tools Unit 4983 17.8Pneumatic Components 10,000

unit 1915.4 131.2Industrial Robot Unit 3414 -16.0Trucks 10,000

units 23.9 48.9Transformers 10,000

KVA 15918.5 0.3Solar Cells (Photovoltaic Cells) 10,000

kW 25.5 529.8Computers 10,000

units 68.4 -11.8Servers 10,000

units 67.9 -11.9Industrial control computer and



units 2.8 74.3Transducer 10,000

units 1524.0 42.4


- 18 -

The construction industry grew steadily. There were 1492

construction enterprises across the whole city with general

contracting and professional contracting qualifications and

workload, up by 121 over that of the previous year. The total

amount of signed contracts for 2023 was 1.48859 trillion yuan, up by 12.6 percent over that of the previous year. Of this total,

the amount of newly signed contracts was 717.73 billion yuan, up by 10.4 percent. The total output value of the construction

industry reached 477.29 billion yuan, up by 7.0 percent. Of this

total, the output value of state-owned and state-controlled

enterprises was 389.78 billion yuan, up by 13.6 percent. The

construction area of the house was 205.166 million square meters, up by 2.7 percent. Ⅳ. Service Sector The service industry had seen improvements in both

quality and efficiency. The added value of the service industry

for the whole year was 801.59 billion yuan, up by 5.2 percent over that of the previous year. Service industry enterprises above

designated size reached a revenue of 426.4 billion yuan, up by

14.4 percent. Key industries are accelerating their efforts, with

the operating income of large-scale transportation, warehousing,

and postal services, leasing and business services, and

information transmission, software, and information technology

services went up by 25.3 percent, 12.1 percent, and 6.6 percent


Table 6 Operating Revenue of Service Enterprises Above

Designated Size by Sector In 2023




(100 Million



over 2022


Total 4264.0 14.4

Transport, Storage and Post 1851.5 25.3

Information Transmission, Software and

Information Technology 864.6 6.6

Real Estate (Excluding Real Estate

Development and Operation) 206.3 8.1

Leasing and Business Services 547.8 12.1

Scientific Research,Technical Services 546.7 6.1

Management of Water Conservancy,

Environment and Public Facilities 32.6 -39.9

Services to Households, Repair and Other

Services 25.7 9.1




(100 Million


Increaseover 2022(%)

Education 32.1 21.9Health and Social Work 67.4 12.0Culture, Sports and Recreation 89.2 12.0The transportation developed steadily. The annual total

traffic mileage of highways across the whole cityreached18356.5 kilometers, up by 0.3 percent over that of the previousyear. Of this total, the traffic mileage of domestic expresswayswas 828.4 kilometers, up by 4.2 percent, and the highwaypassenger transportation volume was 21.37 million, upby48.6percent, and the passenger turnover was 4.62billionperson-kilometers, up by 56.2 percent. The road freight volumewas 250 million tons, up by 3.1 percent; The freight turnoverwas 61.55 billion ton-kilometers, up by 1.1 percent. Annual

civilian vehicles amounted to 3.898 million , of which3.387million were civilian cars, up by 5.7 percent. The total number ofnew energy vehicles across the whole city reached 0.171million, and the city had been approved as one of the first batchof pilot

cities for comprehensive electrification of public sector vehiclesin China. The number of bus routes amounted to 779, upby23over that of the previous year, with a total traffic mileageof15671.8 kilometers, up by 48.5 kilometers. The passengertransportation volume was 530 million, up by 140 million. Therewere 3 operating rail transit lines with a traffic mileage of 84.1kilometers and an annual passenger transportation volumeof96.21 million, up by 76.4 percent. Annually, a total of 0.137million flights taking off and landing, up by 73.6 percent. Thepassenger throughput was 17.561 million, up by 113.1percent, and the cargo and mail transportation handling volume was 0.144million tons, up by 4.6 percent. The postal and telecommunications industries developedhealthily. The annual business revenue of the postal industry(excluding direct operating revenue of Postal Savings BankofChina Co., Ltd.) reached 12.1 billion yuan, up by 14.9percent over that of the previous year; The delivery volume inpostal

industry reached 1.08 billion items, up by 8.0 percent. Therevenue of express delivery business reached 9.23 billionyuan, up by 12.5 percent; The business volume (excludingpostal

company parcel business) reached 850 million, up by10.0percent. At the end of 2023, there were 12.879 millionmobilephone users in total, up by 1.7 percent, of which 9.222millionwere 5G mobile phone users, up by 34.6 percent, and the volume


-19-of fixed Internet broadband users reached 5.226 million, up 4.2

percent. The tourism and exhibition industries developed

flourishing. The tourism and exhibition industries market serviced 106.311 million domestic tourists annually, up by 61.9

percent over that of the previous year. Domestic tourism revenue

amounted to 113.29 billion yuan, up by 65.5 percent. There were

eighty-nine of A-level tourist attractions, including one of

5A-level tourist attraction and nineteen of 4A-level tourist

attractions, and two of provincial-level tourist resorts. 12 new

star rated hotels had been added to the city, bringing the total to

52. Of this total, two of new 5-star hotels had been added, with

the total of 7. Mingshui Ancient City Shuangquan Resort opened

for trial operation, and major cultural and tourism events such as

the Double An Cultural Tourism Festival, the \"Jinan City

Beautiful Season\", the \"Rushes on Spring City\" Jinan Spring

Tour, the Book Expo, the Cultural and Tourism Expo, and the

Han Meilin Art Exhibition were successfully held. Scenic spots

such as Chaoran Tower, Qifeng Bridge, and the former trading

port became popular check-in attractions, and the Impression

Jinan Spring World was awarded the state-level tourism and

leisure street, Jinan was also awarded the title of \"Most Dynamic

City 2023\". Annually, 125 exhibition events were held, up by

64.5 percent, with an exhibition area of 2.3 million square meters, up by 64.3 percent, and Jinan also be involved into the list of

\"China Exhibition Brand City\".

V. Investment in Fixed Assets

Fixed assets investment size grew steadily. Fixed assets

investment went up by 2.1 percent over that of the previous year. The investment in the primary industry down by 16.5 percent, and that in the secondary industry went up by 25.3 percent, and

that in the tertiary industry down by 2.2 percent. Infrastructure

investment went up by 49.1 percent, and the investment in

high-tech service industry went up by 23.5 percent. Industrial

investment went up by 25.4 percent, with manufacturing

investment went up by 7.2 percent. The development of the real estate market was still in a

stagnant state. The total investment in real estate development

for 2023 reached 139.97 billion yuan, down by 19.7 percent over

that of the previous year. Of this total, the investment in

residential development was 99.48 billion yuan, down by 18.4

percent. The construction area of houses was 81.436 million

square meters, down by 5.4 percent. Of this total, the

construction area of residential buildings was 49.856millionsquare meters, down by 6.6 percent. The completedareaofhouses was 9.709 million square meters, up by 35.8 percent. Ofthis total, the completed area of residential buildings was 6.79million square meters, up by 39.1 percent. The sales areaofcommercial housing amounted to 11.702 million square meters, down by 5.8 percent, of which the sales area of residential

housing was 8.255 million square meters, down by 9.0percent. The sales revenue of commercial housing was 155.32billionyuan, up by 2.6 percent, of which the sales revenue of residential

housing was 121.8 billion yuan, down by 0.3 percent. VI. Domestic Trade

The consumer goods market was steadily recovering.

The total retail sales of consumer goods across the wholecityreached 519.9 billion yuan, up by 6.6 percent over that of theprevious year. According to the location of the operatingunits,

the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas of thecityreached 456.16 billion yuan, up by 6.5 percent; The retail salesof consumer goods in rural areas of the city reached 63.74billionyuan, up by 7.5 percent. By consumption type, the wholecity'sretail sales of goods reached 443.67 billion yuan, upby5.8percent, and the catering revenue reached 76.23 billionyuan, upby 11.5 percent. Online consumption grew rapidly. The retail salesofwholesale and retail units [8]above designated size across thewhole city through public networks reached 42.92 billionyuan,

up by 24.3 percent over that of the previous year, accountingfor22.1 percent of the total retail sales of units above designatedsize across the whole city, up by 4.0 percent over that of theprevious year. The sales of travel related products had goodgrowth.

The retail sales of automobiles, petroleumand products byunitsabove designated size across the whole city went upby10.5percent and 18.8 percent respectively over that of the previousyear, advancing the retail sales of enterprises above designatedsize across the whole city to go up by 3.4 and 1.9percent, respectively. The performance of new energy vehiclesisimpressive, with retail sales of new energy vehicles went upby83.3 percent, accounting for 10.9 percent of the total retail salesof units above designated size across the whole city, upby4.9percent over that of the previous year. Life related consumption size remained stable. Theretail

sales of food and clothing products by enterprise above


- 20 -

designated size across the whole city went up by 4.9 percent and

10.8 percent respectively over that of the previous year, advancing the retail sales of units above designated size across

the whole city went up by 0.7 and 0.6 percent, respectively. The

retail sales of gold, silver and jewelry, and communication

equipment by enterprises above designated size went up by 12.8

percent and 11.6 percent respectively.

Table 7 Retail Sales Amount and Growth Rate of Main

commodities of wholesale and retail units In 2023

Commodity Category

Retail sales

(100 million


Increase over 2022 (%)

Grain and Oil, Food 194.1 3.6

Beverages 19.9 4.3

Tobacco and Liquor 49.6 10.5

Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Textiles 113.6 10.8

Cosmetics 56.8 -16.0

Gold, Silver and Jewellery 48.7 12.8

Articles for Daily Use 35.7 1.4

Newspapers and Magazines 96.3 -0.9

Household Appliances and Audio-Visual

Equipment 107.3 -14.6

Traditional Chinese and Western

Medicine 84.3 11.9

Communication Appliances 67.0 11.6

Petroleum and Related Products 208.4 18.8

Motor Vehicles 662.4 10.5

Of which: New energy vehicles 211.4 83.3

VII. Foreign Economic Relations

Imports and exports maintained steady growth. The total

import and export volume of goods for 2023 amounted to 216.1

billion yuan, up by 0.3 percent over that of the previous year. Of

this total, exports amounted to 137.34 billion yuan, down by 1.1

percent; Imports amounted to 78.76 billion yuan, up by 2.8

percent. The imports and exports of general trade amounted to

192.76 billion yuan, up by 2.9 percent, representing went up by

2.3 percent in proportion. Imports and exports to the European

Union and Africa markets went up by 10.3 percent and 12.3

percent respectively, and that to the Central Asia region (CA)

market went up by 63.4 percent. Among the exported goods, theexport of mechanical and electrical products reached83.49billion yuan, up by 2.4 percent, and lithium-ion batteries andnewenergy vehicles went up by 16.6 percent and 15.3percent

respectively. For imported goods, refined oil imports amountedto 2.95 billion yuan, up by 792.7 percent, and coal andligniteimports amounted to 2.74 billion yuan, up by 122.5 percent, andcrude oil imports amounted to 1.14 billion yuan, upby75.5percent. Utilized foreign investment structure optimizated. Theactual use of foreign investment across the whole city amountedto 2.48 billion US dollars, of which the actual use of foreigninvestment in high-tech industries was 640 million USdollars,

accounting for 25.7 percent, up by 13.1 percents over that of theprevious year; The tertiary industry’s utilized foreign investment

amounted to 1.73 billion US dollars, accounting for 69.8percent. The total contracted foreign investment for 2023 reached5.87billion US dollars. 267 foreign-invested entrepreneurs newlyestablished. There were 17 projects with a total investment ofover 100 million US dollars, and the contractedforeigninvestment for these projects amounted to 1.66 billionUSdollars.

External cooperation deepened. The newlysignedcontracts for foreign contracted projects for the wholeyearamounted to 3.8 billion US dollars, with the completedrevenueof 4.29 billion US dollars, up by 4.7 percent over that of theprevious year. 78 overseas enterprises (institutions) wereregistered and established, up by 73.3 percent; The actual

completed investment amounted to 2.23 billion US dollars, upby27.6 percent, and there were 7302 laborers in various types went

global, up by 62.7 percent. VIII. Finance and Financial IntermediationThe financial guarantee was solid and powerful. Thewhole city's regional tax revenue amounted to 150.66billionyuan, up by 11.5 percent over that of the previous year. Thegeneral public budget revenue was 106.08 billion yuan, upby6.0percent, of which the tax revenue was 79.79 billion yuan, upby15.1 percent, and the tax proportion was 75.2 percent, upby6.0percent over that of the previous year. The general public budget

expenditure was 136.53 billion yuan, up by 11.4 percent, ofwhich science and technology expenditure was 4.65 billionyuan,

up by 64.8 percent, and that on agriculture, forestry, andwaterconservancy was 7.70 billion yuan, up by 12.7 percent, and


-21-social security and employment expenditures amounted to 22.35

billion yuan, up by 13.7 percent, with strong support for key


Table 8 General Public Budget Revenue and Expenditure

In 2023



(100 Million


Increase over 2022(%)

General Public Budget Revenue 1060.8 6.0

Of which: Tax Revenue 797.9 15.1

Value-added Tax 274.9 38.3

Enterprise Income Tax 115.2 -0.2

General Public Budget Expenditure 1365.3 11.4

Of which: Science and Technology 46.5 64.8

Farming、Forestry and Irrigation Affairs 77.0 12.7

Social Security and Employment 223.5 13.7

The balance of deposits and loans increased steadily. By

the end of 2023, the balance of deposits in domestic and foreign

currencies for financial institutions amounted to 2795.27 billion

yuan, up by 7.8 percent over that of the previous year; The

balance of loans in domestic and foreign currencies for financial

institutions amounted to 2875.66 billion yuan, up by 10.1

percent. The development of science and technology innovation

finance sector improved flourishing. The balance of loans for

science and technology innovation enterprises across the whole

city was 174.71 billion yuan, up by 40.6 percent over that of the

previous year; There were 3608 loan accounts for science and

technology innovation enterprises, up by 26.0 percent; The

weighted average interest rate for loans was 3.5 percent, down by

37 basis points. The \"Jinan Innovative Science and Technology

Innovation Financial Service System\" has been selected as a

\"Typical Case of Local Comprehensive Deepening Reform in

China 2023 \".

The insurance industry developed healthy. The insurance

industry across the whole city reached premium income of 69.48

billion yuan, up by 9.9 percent over that of the previous year and

3.7 percent higher than the same period last year. Of this total,

property insurance premium income was 12.9 billion yuan, up by

1.4 percent; The premium income of personal insurance was 56.58 billion yuan, up by 12.0 percent. Credit quality continues to improve. The balance of

non-performing loans of banking and financial institutions across

the whole city amounted to 19.24 billion yuan, downby4.18billion yuan from the beginning of 2023; The non-performingloan ratio was 0.7 percent, down by 0.2 percent fromthebeginning of 2023. The capital market was more active. The city's newlyadded direct financing scale was 410.8 billion yuan, upby31.2percent over that of the previous year, of which 6.19 billionyuanwas equity financing, up by 2.0 percent; Bond financingreached404.61 billion yuan, up by 31.7 percent. There were 5newlylisted companies across the whole city, with a total of 60listedcompanies and 62 stocks.

IX. Technology, education, culture, public health, andsportsenterprises

R&D investment continues to increase. The annual

research and experimental development (R&D) expenditurewas[9]34.68 billion yuan, up by 13.1 percent over that of the previousyear, of which 2.99 billion yuan was for basic research, upby11.9 percent; Applied research amounted to 4.44 billionyuan, upby 14.9 percent; The experimental development amountedto27.25 billion yuan, up by 12.9 percent. R&Dexpenditureaccounted for 2.9 percent of GDP, up by 0.2 percent over that ofthe previous year. R&D personnel in industrial enterprises abovedesignated size reached 51599, up by 19.9 percent; Industrial

enterprises above designated size established 841R&Dinstitutions, up by 66.2 percent. Three national level enterprisetechnology centers had been newly recognized, bringingthetotal

number to 32. The provincial-level enterprise technologycentersthat had been newly recognized reached 15, with thetotal

number of 249.

The quality of innovation capability upgraded. Thetotal

number of valid invention patents held by 10000peoplethroughout 2023 was 61.9, up by 26.5 percent over that of theprevious year. The number of authorized invention patents was13693, up by 15.5 percent. The technology contract reachedatransaction volume of 80.65 billion yuan, up by 31.4percent. Received 18 first prizes and 66 second prizes for provincial-level

scientific and technological progress; Received 2 first prizes and25 second prizes in provincial natural sciences. 6 newnational

key laboratories had been approved, bringing the total number to11; 48 provincial-level engineering research centers hadbeenadded, bringing the total to 237; There were 11 newly registeredprovincial-level academician workstations, bringing thetotal

number to 73. The number of national technology-basedsmall


- 22 -

and medium-sized enterprises reached 8323, up by 9.3 percent. The education industry reached remarkable results. The

coverage rate of universal kindergartens across the whole city

had reached 94 percent, and the proportion of children in public

kindergartens exceeds 60 percent. We have started construction,

renovation, and expansion of 60 primary and secondary schools,

kindergartens, and more than 40000 new school places. The total

number of awards in the National Vocational College Skills

Competition was 44, including 16 first prizes. 125 strategic

engineering projects for the integration of city and school had

been approved.

Table 9 Basic Situation of Education In 2023

School Categories

Number Of



Students At


(10 000




(10 000


Colleges and Universities

Stationed in Ji’nan 52 69.1 4.0

Secondary Vocational Schools

(excluding technical schools) 32 6.1 0.4

Vestibule School 31 9.0 0.4

Ordinary Middle School 332 43.7 3.6

Elementary School 574 70.6 4.1

Special Education School 13 0.2 0.1

Kindergartens 2117 30.9 2.6

The cultural industry was prosperous and stable. At the

end of 2023, there were 11 state-owned art performance groups,

174 cultural centers (stations), 13 public libraries, 13 public

museums, and 13 archives. There were 437 cultural relics

protection units at or above the city level, including 30 at the

national level. There were 73 digital cinemas across the whole

city with a total of 11.076 million viewers and a box office

revenue of 480 million yuan. The TV population mixed coverage

rate was 100 percent, and the broadcasting population mixed

coverage rate was 99.7 percent. 52 study rooms had been built in

Quancheng, and the coverage rate of grassroots comprehensive

cultural service centers was 100 percent. The operating income

of cultural and related industry enterprises above designated size

went up by 15.3 percent over that of the previous year, of which

the cultural manufacturing industry went up by 28.5 percent, the

cultural wholesale and retail industry went up by 13.2 percent,

and the cultural service industry went up by 14.8 percent.

The level of medical and health services continues to

improve. At the end of 2023, there were 8136 medical and

health institutions, including 320 hospitals, of which 98 were public hospitals and 222 were private hospitals; There were 7704

primary healthcare institutions, including 48 health centers, 423community health service centers (stations), 214 outpatient

departments, 3528 clinics (health centers, medical rooms), and3491 village clinics; There were 55 professional public healthinstitutions, including 16 disease prevention and control centersand 12 health supervision centers. At the end of 2023, therewere0.122 million health technicians, including 47000 practicingdoctors and assistant practicing doctors, and 56000 registerednurses. There were 82000 beds in medical and health institutions,

including 71000 in hospitals and 4000 in town healthcenters.

The total number of diagnosed and treated patients throughout

2023 was 90.912 million, and the number of dischargedpatientswas 2.932 million. Thirteen community hospitals werebuilt,

with 43000 childcare centers for the population. Selectedfor thelist of national child friendly cities, \"Quanxintuo\" has becomethe first childcare city brand in China. Guang'anmen Hospital

Jinan Hospital and Xuanwu Hospital Jinan Hospital hadbeenapproved as national regional medical centers.

The mass sports industry developed flourishing. Sevennew sports social organizations were established throughout

2023, and 4089 social sports instructors were trained. Organize3431 national fitness activities (competitions) with 5millionparticipants (including online activities). Obtained 286 provincial

and above gold medals, 191 silver medals, and 218bronzemedals.

X. Energy, Environment, Urban Construction, andSafetyProduction

The green and low-carbon transformation hadreachedsignificant results. The energy consumption structurewascontinuously optimized, coal consumption was controlledwithina reasonable range, and the ability to guarantee natural gas wasenhanced. Industrial coal consumption above designatedsizewas28.003 million tons, down by 1.7 percent over that of theprevious year; The consumption of coke was 7.745 milliontons,

down by 4.7 percent; Natural gas consumption reached1.06billion cubic meters, up by 5.3 percent. Newenergypowergeneration had steadily increased, with wind power generationof2.5 billion kilowatt hours by enterprises above designatedsize,

up by 7.9 percent; Solar power generation reached 350millionkilowatt hours, up by 15.7 percent; The power generationfromgarbage incineration reached 1.03 billion kilowatt hours, upby6.9 percent; The biomass power generation reached 740millionkilowatt hours, up by 11.5 percent.


-23-Table 10 Energy Consumption of Industrial Enterprises

Above Designated Size In 2023

Item Consumption


over 2022 (%)

Coal (10,000tons) 2800.3 -1.7

Natural Gas (100 million cu.m) 10.6 5.3

Coke (10,000 tons) 774.5 -4.7

Gasoline (10,000 tons) 0.4 15.0

Diesel Oil (10,000 tons) 4.7 30.2

Table 11 Energy Production of Enterprises Above

Designated Size In 2023

Item Production


over 2022


Coal(10,000 tons) 59.0 20.6

Electricity Generation(100 million kWh) 323.0 1.0

Thermal Power(100 million kWh) 294.4 0.3

Garbage Incineration(100 million kWh) 10.3 6.9

Biomass(100 million kWh) 7.4 11.5

Wind Power(100 million kWh) 25.0 7.9

Solar Power(100 million kWh) 3.5 15.7

The electricity consumption of the whole society

increased steadily. The total electricity consumption of the

whole society was 54.09 billion kilowatt hours, up by 8.2 percent over that of the previous year, of which the residential electricity

consumption was 10.43 billion kilowatt hours, up by 6.8 percent.

From the perspective of different industries, the electricity

consumption of the primary industry was 410 million kilowatt

hours, up by 15.2 percent; The electricity consumption of the

secondary industry reached 29.16 billion kilowatt hours, up by

6.5 percent; The electricity consumption of the tertiary industry

reached 14.09 billion kilowatt hours, up by 13.0 percent. The

industrial electricity consumption was 28.07 billion kilowatt

hours, accounting for 51.9 percent of the total electricity

consumption in society, up by 6.7 percent.

Table 12 Electricity Consumption of the Whole City In 2023




(100 million kWh)


over 2022


Total Electricity Consumption 540.9 8.2

Household Electricity Consumption 104.3 6.8

Primary industry 4.1 15.2

Secondary industry 291.6 6.5




(100 million kWh)

Increaseover 2022(%)

Industrial Electricity Consumption 280.7 6.7Tertiary industry 140.9 13.0Strive to improve the quality of the ecological

environment. The comprehensive air quality index was 4.59,

with 204 days of good or above air quality in the urban area, anda 62.6 percent rate of excellent days. The concentrationof fineparticulate matter (PM2.5) was 38 micrograms per cubic meter,

the annual average concentration of inhalable particulate matter(PM10) was 73 micrograms per cubic meter, sulfur dioxidewas9micrograms per cubic meter, and nitrogen dioxide was33micrograms per cubic meter. The proportion of Class III waterbodies in the national control section reached 100 percent. Thechemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen concentrationinXinfengzhuang, the exit section of Xiaoqing River, were13.8mg/L and 0.37 mg/L respectively, and the indicator concentrationmeets the Class II water body environmental quality standard(GB3838-2002) for surface water. The average equivalent soundlevel of regional environmental noise during the day was 53.8decibels, and the average equivalent sound level of urbanroadtraffic noise during the day was 67.2 decibels.

The level of urban construction comprehensivelyimproved. At the end of 2023, the built-up area of the citywas860.0 square kilometers, up by 6.1 square kilometers over that ofthe previous year. Construct 100 new parks, 111 kilometersofgreenways, and 100 kilometers of forest trails. The greenspaceratio of the built-up area was 40.2 percent, and the per capitapark green area was 14.4 square meters. The annual natural gassupply was 1.87 billion cubic meters. The supply of liquefiedpetroleum gas was 46000 tons, up by 19.1 percent over that ofthe previous year. The area of centralized heating was 360million square meters, up by 8.8 percent. The tap water supplyreached 550 million tons, up by 8.5 percent. Continuouslypromote the construction of direct drinking spring water projectsfor citizens, with a total of 118 projects built, coveringapopulation of 0.38 million people. The harmless treatment rateofhousehold waste was 100 percent. The number of charginginfrastructure is 79000, including 735 public chargingandswapping stations, with a vehicle to pile ratio of 2.14:1. Theaverage service radius of public charging and swappingstationswithin the built-up area was 0.6 kilometers. The dailyaveragecharging capacity of public charging facilities was 0.822millionkWh, with a daily charging frequency of 27000 times. The


- 24 -

annual electricity consumption of public charging facilities was 310 million kWh.

Good social security situation. A total of 25418 criminal cases were solved throughout 2023, with a 100 percent success

rate in solving homicide cases. For 13 consecutive years, all

homicide cases had been solved, and it was awarded as one of

the first demonstration cities for the construction of the national

social security prevention and control system. The rate of solving

eight types of serious violent cases was 100 percent, the rate of

solving \"Two-Thefts\" cases was 58.5 percent, and 3075 fugitives

of various types arrested, and 11 criminal groups and 8 evil

gangs were dismantled.

A stable safety production situation. There were 104

production safety accidents of various types across the whole city, down by 25.2 percent over that of the previous year, with 87

deaths, down by 20.9 percent. No major or above production

safety accidents have occurred.

Ⅺ. Households’ Livelihood and Social Security

The income gap between urban and rural households

had further narrowed. The per capita disposable income of

households across the whole city was 51757 yuan, up by 6.0

percent over that of the previous year. Looking at urban and rural

areas, the per capita disposable income of urban households was 62506 yuan, up by 5.1 percent; The per capita disposable income

of rural households was 25587 yuan, up by 7.3 percent. The

income ratio of urban and rural households decreased from

2.49:1 in the same period last year to 2.44:1. The Engel

coefficient for urban households was [10]23.6 percent, while for

rural households it was 30.3 percent.

Table 13 Per Capita Disposable Income and Growth Rates

of Urban and Rural Households In 2023


All Households Urban







over 2022





over 2022





over 2022



Income 51757 6.0 62506 5.1 25587 7.3

Income of

Wages and


29676 5.0 36150 4.2 13913 5.9

Net Business

Income 5453 11.5 3810 17.2 9455 8.1

Net Income

from Property 7629 5.7 10523 4.4 584 15.6

Net Income

from Transfer 8999 6.4 12023 5.1 1635 12.4

Table 14 At the End of 2023, Number of Major DurableConsumer Goods Owned Per 100 Households[11]

Item Unit Urban



ResidentsAutomobile Unit 67 49Refrigerator (cabinet) Set 102 99Washing Machine Set 99 95Water Heater Set 100 91Air Conditioner Set 179 97Colour Television Set Set 100 101Computer Set 77 38Mobile Phone Set 243 240The social security system was more sound. At the endof2023, 4.566 million people participated in the basic old-ageinsurance for urban employees; The number of employeesparticipating in medical insurance was 3.673 million, upby144000 over that of the previous year; The number of peopleparticipating in unemployment insurance was 2.397 million, upby 43000; The number of people participating in work-relatedinjury insurance was 3.106 million, up by 32000; The number ofpeople participating in maternity insurance was 2.54 million, upby 84000. The number of people participating in households' pension insurance and medical insurance reached 3.121millionand 4.998 million respectively.

The minimum living allowance continues to increase.

The minimum living guarantee standard for urban householdswas 1045 yuan/month, which guarantees 7951 households and10548 urban households, and distributes 120 millionyuaninsecurity funds and various subsidies; The minimumlivingguarantee standard for rural households was 814 yuan/month,

which guarantees 60342 households and 85340 people inrural

areas, and distributes 660 million yuan in security funds andvarious subsidies. The basic living standard for urban extremelypoor people was 1492 yuan/month, and for rural extremelypoorpeople it was 1356 yuan/month. The nursing standards forself-care, semi self-care, and complete inability to self-careare281 yuan/month, 466 yuan/month, and 932 yuan/month,

respectively. 910 people in urban areas and 14422 people inrural areas are covered by the special hardship allowance, withatotal

of 340 million yuan in special hardship support and subsidies.

Rescue and assistance were more warm. There werea


-25-total of 14 comprehensive social assistance service institutions across the whole city, including 1 assistance management station

and 16 juvenile assistance and protection centers. Trained 4711

disabled people, provided employment for 2788 disabled people,

and invested 330 million yuan in assisting and aiding disabled


The well-being of the people significantly improved.

4142 various types of elderly care service facilities had been

built across the whole city, and the compliance rate of

community elderly care service facilities was 100 percent. There

are 2590 elderly canteens and other types of meal assistance

places, serving a total of 30 million people. The monthly

standard for basic pension for urban and rural households had

been raised to 178 yuan. The financial subsidy standard for

resident medical insurance had been raised to 730 yuan, and the

annual payment limit for employee outpatient pooling had been

increased from 3000 yuan to 4500 yuan. A childcare subsidy of

110 million yuan was distributed, benefiting 25000 families.


[1] The statistical data for 2023 is based on statistical

reports or preliminary calculations, and the official data is

subject to the published Jinan Statistical Yearbook 2024. Due to

rounding, some data may have discrepancies between the total

and sub total.

[2] The absolute figures of the city's gross domestic product

and the added value of various industries are calculated at current

prices, and the Growth Rates is calculated at constant prices. The

data for that year is a preliminary calculation. Based on annual

accounting, the historical data of relevant indicators such as GDP

and added value of various industries had been revised.

[3] The growth mentioned in this bulletin, unless otherwise

stated, refers to the Growth Rates of this period's data compared

to the same period last year.

[4] Industrial enterprises above designated size refer to

industrial legal entities with an annual main business income of

20 million yuan or more. [5] The service industries above designated size include:

transportation, warehousing, and postal services, information

transmission, software, and information technology services, real

estate (excluding real estate development and operation), leasing

and business services, scientific research and technology services,

water conservancy, environmental, and public facility

management, resident services, repairs, and other services,

education, health, and social work, culture, sports, and


[6] Modern service industries include: informationtransmission, software and information technology services,

finance, real estate, leasing and business services, scientificresearch and technology services, water conservancy,

environmental and public facility management, resident services,

repairs and other services, education, health and social work,

culture, sports and entertainment.

[7] The \"four above\" units refer to industries abovedesignated size, qualified construction industry, wholesaleandretail industry above designated size, accommodationandcatering industry above designated size, real estate development

and operation, and service industry above designated size.

[8] Units above designated size refer to wholesaleenterprises with an annual main business income of 20millionyuan or more, retail enterprises with an annual main businessincome of 5 million yuan or more, and accommodationandcatering enterprises with an annual main business incomeof 2million yuan or more. Units include legal entities, industrial

activity units, and individual businesses.

[9] The indicators related to research and experimental

development (R&D) funding investment uses the data of 2022.

[10] The Engel coefficient refers to the proportionof foodexpenditure in consumer expenditure.

[11] The data comes from a survey on householdincome,

expenditure, and living conditions.

Data source: The ecological protection and high-qualitydevelopment strategy, enterprise technology center, andcharginginfrastructure data in the Yellow River Basin in this bulletinarefrom the development and reform department; Educationdatacomes from the education department; Technology data comesfrom the technology department; Telecommunications relateddata comes from the industrial and information technologydepartments; The data of registered residence, social securityandcivil motor vehicles are from the public security department; Thedata related to the minimum living guarantee for urban andrural

areas, assistance and support for extremely poor people, andelderly care service facilities comes fromthe civil affairsdepartment; Regional tax data comes fromthe tax department;

Financial data comes from the finance department; The dataonnew urban employment, urban employee insurance participation,

and technical schools comes from the human resources andsocial security departments; Environmental protectionrelateddata comes from the ecological environment department; The


- 26 -

data related to urban construction comes from the housing and

urban-rural development departments; The garbage disposal data

comes from the urban management department; Transportation

data comes from the transportation department; The civil

aviation data comes from Jinan International Airport; The

construction data for the Spring Water Direct Drinking Project comes from the urban and rural water department; The

production of Aquatic product and agricultural data come from

the agricultural and rural sectors; Forestry data comes from the

landscaping and forestry departments; Import and export,

exhibitions, newly established overseas enterprises, and

dispatched labor personnel data come from the commerce department; Tourism and cultural data come from the cultural

and tourism sector; The archival data comes from the Municipal

Archives; The data on health and childcare subsidies comes from

the health department; Production safety data comes from the

emergency management department; Intellectual property data

comes from market regulatory authorities; Sports data comes

from the sports department; Medical insurance data comes fromthe medical security department; Financial data comes fromlocal

financial supervision and management departments; The dataoninvestment attraction and foreign investment comes fromtheinvestment promotion department; Market entity data comesfrom administrative approval service departments; The logisticsdata comes from the port logistics department; Data on disabilityprotection comes from the Disabled Persons' Federation; Postal

and express data come from the postal management department;

The data on households' income and expenditure, Engel

coefficient, price index, grain and livestock data, andtheownership of major durable consumer goods by urban andrural

households are from the Jinan survey teamof the National

Bureau of Statistics; The data for the Jinan Newand OldKineticEnergy Conversion Starting Zone comes fromthe Jinan NewandOld Kinetic Energy Conversion Starting Zone Management

Committee; All other data comes from the Municipal BureauofStatistics.


2023 年的济南

Jinan in 2023

特载 - 3

Special Report-3

12757.4 62.8










地区生产总值 ( 亿元 )

Gross Domestic Product

(100 million yuan)

第三产业比重 (%)

Proportion of Tertiary


常住人口 ( 万人)

Permanent Population

(10 000 persons)

全社会固定资产投资增长幅度 (%)

Growth Rate Total Investment in

Fixed Assets(%)

一般公共预算收入 ( 亿元 )

General Public Budget

Revenue(100 million yuan)

海关进出口总额 ( 亿美元 )

International Trade in Goods of

Customs(100 million USD)


Consumer Price Index

社会消费品零售总额 ( 亿元 )

Total Retail Sale of Consumer

Goods(100 million yuan)

农村居民人均可支配收入 ( 元 )

Per Capita Disposable Income of

Rural Households(yuan)

城镇居民人均可支配收入 ( 元 )

Per Capita Disposable Income of

Urban Households(yuan)

人均地区生产总值 ( 元 )

Per Capita Gross Domestic


- 27 -



A Day in Jinan


Daily Production





第一产业 ( 万元 / 天 )

Primary Industry(10 000 yuan/day)

第二产业 ( 万元 / 天 )

Secondary Industry(10 000 yuan/day)

地区生产总值 ( 万元 / 天 )

Gross Domestic Product (10 000 yuan/day)

第三产业 ( 万元 / 天 )

Tertiary Industry(10 000 yuan/day)


(台 / 天)

Server Manufacturing





Output of Grain Crops





Output of Vegetables




(万千瓦时 / 天)

Electricity Generation

(10 000 kWh/day)



(辆 / 天)

Automobile Manufacturing





Civil Aviation Passenger Traffic





Highways Passenger Traffic




( 万美元 / 天 )

International Trade in

Goods of Customs

(10 000 USD/day)



( 万元 / 天 )

General Public Budget


(10 000 yuan/day)



( 万元 / 天 )

General Public Budget


(10 000 yuan/day)


- 28 -



Daily Life


社会消费品零售总额 (万元/天)

Total Retail Sale of Consumer


(10 000 yuan/day)





( 万元 / 天 )

住宿业零售额 ( 万元 / 天 )

餐饮业零售额 ( 万元 / 天 )

Total Retail Sale of Wholesale and

Retail Trades (10 000 yuan/day)

Total Retail Sale of Accommodation 

(10 000 yuan/day)

Total Retail Sale of Catering Industry   

(10 000 yuan/day)



Population of Birth




( 万千瓦时 / 天 )

Household Electricity Consumption of

Urban and Rural Residents

(10 000 kWh/day)



( 对 / 天 )

Registered Marriages





Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban




( 万立方米 / 天 )

Total Natural Gas Supply

(10 000 cu.m/day)




Population of Death





Average Wages of Staff and Workers in

Urban Non Private Units(yuan/day)









Per Capita Consumer Expenditure of

Urban Households(yuan/day)



( 吨 / 天 )

Volume of Domestic Garbage Collected

and Transported(ton/day)



( 万吨 / 天 )

Volume of Water Supply

(10 000 tons/day)




Per Capita Disposable Income of Rural





Per Capita Consumer Expenditure of

Rural Households(yuan/day)


- 29 -



- 30 -

综 合



Per Capita Gross Domestic Product (yuan)


Gross Domestic Product (100 million yuan)




2010 2023










1980 1990 2000 2010 2015 2020 2023










Jinan Statistical Yearbook 2024

- 31 -


人 口


Registered Population Year-end (10 000 persons)


Natural Changes of Population (‰)













Birth Rate


Death Rate


Natural Growth Rate








2.78 8.35 11.13

5.09 6.73 11.82

3.14 7.31 10.45

1.83 5.74 7.57

4.03 7.05 11.08

8.53 7.00 15.53



- 32 -


就 业


Total Employed Persons (10 000 persons)


Average Wage of Staff and Workers (yuan)

注:1.2006 年以后为法人单位在岗职工口径; 2.2019 年以后为城镇非私营单位在岗职工口径。

Notes: 1.The data after 2006 are based on the caliber of Staff and Workers of legal entities.

2.The data after 2019 are based on the caliber of Staff and Workers in Urban Non Private Units.





















1952 1978 1990 2000 2020 2023
